Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 11 - Federal Elections last revised: Sep 25, 2024
§ 104.1 - Scope (52 U.S.C. 30104(a)).

(a) Who must report. Each treasurer of a political committee required to register under 11 CFR part 102 shall report in accordance with 11 CFR part 104.

(b) Who may report. An individual seeking federal office who has not attained candidate status under 11 CFR 100.3, the committee of such an individual or any other committee may voluntarily register and report in accordance with 11 CFR parts 102 and 104. An individual shall not become a candidate solely by voluntarily filing a report, nor shall such individual, the individual's committee, nor any other committee be required to file all reports under 11 CFR 104.5, unless the individual becomes a candidate under 11 CFR 100.3 or unless the committee becomes a political committee under 11 CFR 100.5.

§ 104.2 - Forms.

(a) Each report filed by a political committee under 11 CFR part 104 shall be filed on the appropriate FEC form as set forth below at 11 CFR 104.2(e).

(b) Forms may be obtained from the Federal Election Commission at

(c) A committee may reproduce FEC forms for its own use provided they are not reduced in size.

(d) With prior approval of the Commission a committee may use, for reporting purposes, computer produced schedules of itemized receipts and disbursements provided they are reduced to the size of FEC forms. The committee shall submit a sample of the proposed format with its request for approval.

(e) The following forms shall be used by the indicated type of reporting committee:

(1) Presidential committees. The authorized committees of a candidate for President or Vice President shall file on FEC Form 3-P.

(2) Congressional candidate committees. The authorized committees of a candidate for the Senate or the House of Representatives shall file on FEC Form 3.

(3) Political Committees Other than Authorized Committees. Political committees other than authorized committees shall file reports on FEC Form 3-X.

[45 FR 15108, Mar. 7, 1980, as amended at 45 FR 21209, Apr. 1, 1980; 50 FR 50778, Dec. 12, 1985; 82 FR 60853, Dec. 26, 2017; 86 FR 72784, Dec. 23, 2021; 89 FR 216, Jan. 2, 2024]
§ 104.3 - Contents of reports (52 U.S.C. 30104(b), 30114).

(a) Reporting of receipts. Each report filed under § 104.1 shall disclose the total amount of receipts for the reporting period and for the calendar year (or for the election cycle, in the case of an authorized committee) and shall disclose the information set forth at paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(4) of this section. The first report filed by a political committee shall also include all amounts received prior to becoming a political committee under § 100.5 of this chapter, even if such amounts were not received during the current reporting period.

(1) Cash on hand. The amount of cash on hand at the beginning of the reporting period, including: currency; balance on deposit in banks, savings and loan institutions, and other depository institutions; traveler's checks owned by the committee; certificates of deposit, treasury bills and any other committee investments valued at cost.

(2) Categories of receipts for all political committees other than authorized committees. All committees other than authorized committees shall report the total amount of receipts received during the reporting period and, except for itemized and unitemized breakdowns, during the calendar year for each of the following categories:

(i) Contributions from persons other than any committees;

(A) Itemized contributions from persons, other than any committees, including contributions from individuals;

(B) Unitemized contributions from persons, other than any committees, including contributions from individuals;

(C) Total contributions from persons other than any committees, including contributions from individuals;

(ii) Contributions from political party committees, including contributions from party committees which are not political committees under the Act;

(iii) Contributions from political committees, including contributions from committees which are not political committees under the Act but excluding contributions from any party committees;

(iv) Total contributions;

(v) Transfers from affiliated committees or organizations and, where the reporting committee is a political party committee, transfers from other party committees of the same party, regardless of whether such committees are affiliated;

(vi) All loans;

(vii) Offsets to operating expenditures;

(A) Itemized offsets to operating expenditures (such as rebates and refunds);

(B) Unitemized offsets to operating expenditures (such as rebates and refunds);

(C) Total offsets to operating expenditures;

(viii) Other receipts:

(A) Itemized other receipts (such as dividends and interest);

(B) Unitemized other receipts (such as dividends and interest);

(C) The total sum of all other receipts.

(ix) The total sum of all receipts.

(3) Categories of receipts for authorized committees. An authorized committee of a candidate for Federal office shall report the total amount of receipts received during the reporting period and, except for itemized and unitemized breakdowns, during the election cycle in each of the following categories:

(i) Contributions from persons other than any committees;

(A) Itemized contributions from persons, other than any committees, including contributions from individuals, but excluding contributions from a candidate to his or her authorized committees;

(B) Unitemized contributions from persons, other than any committees, including contributions from individuals, but excluding contributions from a candidate to his or her authorized committees;

(C) Total contributions from persons other than any committees, including contributions from individuals, but excluding contributions from a candidate to his or her authorized committees;

(ii) Contributions from the candidate, excluding loans which are reported under 11 CFR 104.3(a)(3)(vii));

(iii) Contributions from political party committees, including party committees which are not political committees under the Act, except that expenditures made under 11 CFR part 109, subpart D (52 U.S.C. 30116(d)),by a party committee shall not be reported as contributions by the authorized committee on whose behalf they are made;

(iv) Contributions from committees, including contributions from committees which are not political committees under the Act, but excluding contributions from any party committees;

(v) Total contributions;

(vi) Transfers from other authorized committee(s) of the same candidate, regardless of amount;

(vii) Loans;

(A) All loans to the committee, except loans made, guaranteed, or endorsed by a candidate to his or her authorized committee;

(B) Loans made, guaranteed, or endorsed by a candidate to his or her authorized committee including loans derived from a bank loan to the candidate or from an advance on a candidate's brokerage account, credit card, home equity line of credit, or other lines of credit described in 11 CFR 100.83 and 100.143; and

(C) Total loans;

(viii) For authorized committee(s) of Presidential candidates, federal funds received under chapters 95 and 96 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (Title 26, United States Code);

(ix) Offsets to operating expenditures;

(A) Itemized offsets to operating expenditures (such as refunds and rebates);

(B) Unitemized offsets to operating expenditures (such as refunds and rebates);

(C) Total offsets to operating expenditures;

(x) Other receipts;

(A) Itemized other receipts (such as dividends and interest);

(B) Unitemized other receipts (such as dividends and interest);

(C) Total other receipts;

(xi) Total receipts.

(4) Itemization of receipts for all political committees including authorized and unauthorized committees. The identification (as defined at § 100.12 of this chapter) of each contributor and the aggregate year-to-date (or aggregate election-cycle-to-date, in the case of an authorized committee) total for such contributor in each of the following categories shall be reported.

(i) Each person, other than any political committee, who makes a contribution to the reporting political committee during the reporting period, whose contribution or contributions aggregate in excess of $200 per calendar year (or per election cycle in the case of an authorized committee), together with the date of receipt and amount of any such contributions, except that the reporting political committee may elect to report such information for contributors of lesser amount(s) on a separate schedule;

(ii) All committees (including political committees and committees which do not qualify as political committees under the Act) which make contributions to the reporting committee during the reporting period, together with the date of receipt and amount of any such contribution;

(iii) Transfers;

(A) For authorized committees of a candidate for Federal office, each authorized committee which makes a transfer to the reporting committee, together with the date and amount of such transfer;

(B) For committees which are not authorized by a candidate for Federal office, each affiliated committee or organization which makes a transfer to the reporting committee during the reporting period and, where the reporting committee is a political party committee, each transfer of funds to the reporting committee from another party committee regardless of whether such committees are affiliated, together with the date and amount of such transfer;

(iv) Each person who makes a loan to the reporting committee or to the candidate acting as an agent of the committee, during the reporting period, together with the identification of any endorser or guarantor of such loan, the date such loan was made and the amount or value of such loan;

(v) Each person who provides a rebate, refund or other offset to operating expenditures to the reporting political committee in an aggregate amount or value in excess of $200 within the calendar year (or within the election cycle, in the case of an authorized committee), together with the date and amount of any such receipt; and

(vi) Each person who provides any dividend, interest, or other receipt to the reporting political committee in an aggregate value or amount in excess of $200 within the calendar year (or within the election cycle, in the case of an authorized committee), together with the date and amount of any such receipt.

(b) Reporting of disbursements. Each report filed under § 104.1 shall disclose the total amount of all disbursements for the reporting period and for the calendar year (or for the election cycle, in the case of an authorized committees) and shall disclose the information set forth at paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(4) of this section. The first report filed by a political committee shall also include all amounts disbursed prior to becoming a political committee under § 100.5 of this chapter, even if such amounts were not disbursed during the current reporting period.

(1) Categories of disbursements for political committees other than authorized committees. All political committees other than authorized committees shall report the total amount of disbursements made during the reporting period and, except for itemized and unitemized breakdowns, during the calendar year in each of the following categories:

(i) Operating expenditures;

(A) Itemized operating expenditures;

(B) Unitemized operating expenditures;

(C) Total operating expenditures;

(ii) Transfers to affiliated committees or organizations and, where the reporting committee is a political party committee, transfers to other political party committees regardless of whether they are affiliated;

(iii) Repayment of all loans;

(iv) Offsets;

(A) Itemized offsets to contributions (including contribution refunds);

(B) Unitemized offsets to contributions (including contribution refunds);

(C) Total offsets to contributions;

(v) Contributions made to other political committees;

(vi) Loans made by the reporting committee;

(vii) Independent expenditures made by the reporting committee;

(viii) Expenditures made under 11 CFR part 109, subpart D (52 U.S.C. 30116(d)), See 11 CFR 104.3(a)(3)(iii);

(ix) Other disbursements;

(A) Itemized other disbursements;

(B) Unitemized other disbursements;

(C) Total other disbursements;

(x) Total disbursements.

(2) Categories of disbursements for authorized committees. An authorized committee of a candidate for Federal office shall report the total amount of disbursements made during the reporting period and, except for itemized and unitemized breakdowns, during the election cycle in each of the following categories:

(i) Operating expenditures;

(A) Itemized operating expenditures;

(B) Unitemized operating expenditures;

(C) Total operating expenditures;

(ii) Transfers to other committees authorized by the same candidate;

(iii) Repayment of loans;

(A) Repayment of loans made, guaranteed, or endorsed by the candidate to his or her authorized committee including loans derived from a bank loan to the candidate or from an advance on a candidate's brokerage account, credit card, home equity line of credit, or other lines of credit described in 11 CFR 100.83 and 100.143;

(B) Repayment of all other loans;

(C) Total loan repayments;

(iv) For an authorized committee of a candidate for the office of President, disbursements not subject to the limitations of 11 CFR 110.8 (52 U.S.C. 30116(b));

(v) Offsets;

(A) Itemized offsets to contributions (including contribution refunds);

(B) Unitemized offsets to contributions (including contribution refunds);

(C) Total offsets to contributions;

(vi) Other disbursements;

(A) Itemized other disbursements;

(B) Unitemized other disbursements;

(C) Total other disbursements;

(vii) Total disbursements.

(3) Itemization of disbursements by political committees other than authorized committees. Each political committee, other than an authorized committee, shall report the full name and address of each person in each of the following categories, as well as the information required by each category;

(i) Each person to whom an expenditure in an aggregate amount or value in excess of $200 within the calendar year is made by the reporting committee to meet the committee's operating expenses, together with the date, amount, and purpose of such operating expenditure;

(A) As used in 11 CFR 104.3(b)(3), purpose means a brief statement or description of why the disbursement was made.

(B) Examples of statements or descriptions which meet the requirements of 11 CFR 104.3(b)(3) include the following: dinner expenses, media, salary, polling, travel, party fees, phone banks, travel expenses, travel expense reimbursement, and catering costs. However, statements or descriptions such as advance, election day expenses, other expenses, expenses, expense reimbursement, miscellaneous, outside services, get-out-the-vote and voter registration would not meet the requirements of 11 CFR 104.3(b)(3) for reporting the purpose of an expenditure.

(ii) Each affiliated committee to which a transfer is made by the reporting committee during the reporting period and, where the reporting committee is a political party committee, each transfer of funds by the reporting committee to another political party committee, regardless of whether such committees are affiliated, together with the date and amount of such transfer;

(iii) Each person who receives a loan repayment from the reporting committee during the reporting period, together with the date and amount of such loan repayment;

(iv) Each person who receives a contribution refund or other offset to contributions from the reporting committee where such contribution refund was reported under 11 CFR 104.3(b)(1)(iv), together with the date and amount of such refund or offset;

(v) Each political committee which has received a contribution from the reporting committee during the reporting period, together with the date and amount of any such contribution, and, in the case of a contribution to an authorized committee, the candidate's name and office sought (including State and Congressional district, if applicable);

(vi) Each person who has received a loan from the reporting committee during the reporting period, together with the date and amount or value of such loan;

(vii)(A) Each person who receives any disbursement during the reporting period in an aggregate amount or value in excess of $200 within the calendar year in connection with an independent expenditure by the reporting committee, together with the date, amount, and purpose of any such independent expenditure(s);

(B) For each independent expenditure reported, the committee must also provide a statement which indicates whether such independent expenditure is in support of, or in opposition to a particular candidate, as well as the name of the candidate and the office sought by such candidate (including State and Congressional district, when applicable), and a certification, under penalty of perjury, as to whether such independent expenditure is made in cooperation, consultation or concert with, or at the request or suggestion of, any candidate or authorized committee or agent of such committee; and

(C) For an independent expenditure that is made in support of or opposition to a presidential primary candidate and is publicly distributed or otherwise publicly disseminated in six or more states but does not refer to any particular state, the political committee must report the independent expenditure as a single expenditure—i.e., without allocating it among states—and must indicate the state with the next upcoming presidential primary among those states where the independent expenditure is distributed, as specified in § 104.4(f)(2). The political committee must use memo text to indicate the states in which the communication is distributed.

(D) The information required by paragraphs (b)(3)(vii)(A) through (C) of this section shall be reported on Schedule E as part of a report covering the reporting period in which the aggregate disbursements for any independent expenditure to any person exceed $200 per calendar year. Schedule E shall also include the total of all such expenditures of $200 or less made during the reporting period.

(viii) Each person who receives any expenditure from the reporting committee during the reporting period in connection with an expenditure under 11 CFR part 109, subpart D (52 U.S.C. 30116(d)),together with the date, amount, and purpose of any such expenditure as well as the name of, and office sought by (including State and Congressional district, when applicable), the candidate on whose behalf the expenditure is made; and

(ix) Each person who has received any disbursement within the reporting period not otherwise disclosed in accordance with 11 CFR 104.3(b)(3) to whom the aggregate amount or value of disbursements made by the reporting committee exceeds $200 within the calendar year, together with the date, amount and purpose of any such disbursement.

(4) Itemization of disbursements by authorized committees. Each authorized committee shall report the full name and address of each person in each of the following categories, as well as the information required by each category.

(i) Each person to whom an expenditure in an aggregate amount or value in excess of $200 within the election cycle is made by the reporting authorized committee to meet the authorized committee's operating expenses, together with the date, amount and purpose of each expenditure.

(A) As used in this paragraph, purpose means a brief statement or description of why the disbursement was made. Examples of statements or descriptions which meet the requirements of this paragraph include the following: dinner expenses, media, salary, polling, travel, party fees, phone banks, travel expenses, travel expense reimbursement, and catering costs. However, statements or descriptions such as advance, election day expenses, other expenses, expenses, expense reimbursement, miscellaneous, outside services, get-out-the-vote and voter registration would not meet the requirements of this paragraph for reporting the purpose of an expenditure.

(B) In addition to reporting the purpose described in paragraph (b)(4)(i)(A) of this section, whenever an authorized committee itemizes a disbursement that is partially or entirely a personal use for which reimbursement is required under 11 CFR 113.1(g)(1)(ii)(C) or (D), it shall provide a brief explanation of the activity for which reimbursement is required.

(ii) Each authorized committee of the same candidate to which a transfer is made by the reporting committee during the reporting period, together with the date and amount of such transfer;

(iii) Each person who receives a loan repayment, including a repayment of a loan of money derived from an advance on a candidate's brokerage account, credit card, home equity line of credit, or other lines of credit described in 11 CFR 100.83 and 100.143, from the reporting committee during the reporting period, together with the date and amount of such loan repayment;

(iv) [Reserved]

(v) Each person who receives a contribution refund or other offset to contributions from the reporting committee where such contribution refund was reported under 11 CFR 104.3(b)(2)(v), together with the date and amount of such refund or offset.

(vi) Each person who has received any disbursement(s) not otherwise disclosed under paragraph (b)(4) of this section to whom the aggregate amount or value of such disbursements exceeds $200 within the election cycle, together with the date, amount, and purpose of any such disbursement.

(c) Summary of contributions and operating expenditures. Each report filed pursuant to § 104.1 shall disclose for both the reporting period and the calendar year (or the election cycle, in the case of the authorized committee):

(1)(i) The total contributions to the reporting committee;

(ii) The total offsets to contributions;

(iii) The net contributions (subtract total offsets from total contributions);

(2)(i) The reporting committee's total operating expenditures;

(ii) The total offsets to operating expenditures;

(iii) The net operating expenditures (subtract total offsets from total operating expenditures).

(d) Reporting debts and obligations. Each report filed under 11 CFR 104.1 shall, on Schedule C or D, as appropriate, disclose the amount and nature of outstanding debts and obligations owed by or to the reporting committee. Loans, including a loan of money derived from an advance on a candidate's brokerage account, credit card, home equity line of credit, or other lines of credit described in 11 CFR 100.83, obtained by an individual prior to becoming a candidate for use in connection with that individual's campaign shall be reported as an outstanding loan owed to the lender by the candidate's principal campaign committee, if such loans are outstanding at the time the individual becomes a candidate. Where such debts and obligations are settled for less than their reported amount or value, each report filed under 11 CFR 104.1 shall contain a statement as to the circumstances and conditions under which such debts or obligations were extinguished and the amount paid. See 11 CFR 116.7.

(1) In addition, when a political committee obtains a loan from, or establishes a line of credit at, a lending institution as described in 11 CFR 100.82(a) through (d) and 100.142(a) through (d), it shall disclose in the report covering the period when the loan was obtained, the following information on schedule C-1 or C-P-1:

(i) The date and amount of the loan or line of credit;

(ii) The interest rate and repayment schedule of the loan, or of each draw on the line of credit;

(iii) The types and value of traditional collateral or other sources of repayment that secure the loan or the line of credit, and whether that security interest is perfected;

(iv) An explanation of the basis upon which the loan was made or the line of credit established, if not made on the basis of either traditional collateral or the other sources of repayment described in 11 CFR 100.82(e)(1) and (2) and 100.142(e)(1) and (2); and

(v) A certification from the lending institution that the borrower's responses to paragraphs (d)(1)(i)-(iv) of this section are accurate, to the best of the lending institution's knowledge; that the loan was made or the line of credit established on terms and conditions (including interest rate) no more favorable at the time than those imposed for similar extensions of credit to other borrowers of comparable credit worthiness; and that the lending institution is aware of the requirement that a loan or a line of credit must be made on a basis which assures repayment and that the lending institution has complied with Commission regulations at 11 CFR 100.82(a) through (d) and 100.142(a) through (d).

(2) The political committee shall submit a copy of the loan or line of credit agreement which describes the terms and conditions of the loan or line of credit when it files Schedule C-1 or C-P-1. This paragraph (d)(2) shall not apply to any Schedule C-1 or C-P-1 that is filed pursuant to paragraph (d)(4) of this section.

(3) The political committee shall file in the next due report a Schedule C-1 or C-P-1 each time a draw is made on a line of credit, and each time a loan or line of credit is restructured to change the terms of repayment. This paragraph (d)(3) shall not apply to any Schedule C-1 or C-P-1 that is filed pursuant to paragraph (d)(4) of this section.

(4) When a candidate obtains a bank loan or loan of money derived from an advance on the candidate's brokerage account, credit card, home equity line of credit, or other line of credit described in 11 CFR 100.83 and 100.143 for use in connection with the candidate's campaign, the candidate's principal campaign committee shall disclose in the report covering the period when the loan was obtained, the following information on Schedule C-1 or C-P-1:

(i) The date, amount, and interest rate of the loan, advance, or line of credit;

(ii) The name and address of the lending institution; and

(iii) The types and value of collateral or other sources of repayment that secure the loan, advance, or line of credit, if any.

(e) Use of pseudonyms. (1) To determine whether the names and addresses of its contributors are being used in violation of 11 CFR 104.15 to solicit contributions or for commercial purposes, a political committee may submit up to ten (10) pseudonyms on each report filed.

(2) For purposes of this section, a pseudonym is a wholly fictitious name which does not represent the name of an actual contributor to a committee.

(3) If a committee uses pseudonyms it shall subtract the total dollar amount of the fictitious contributions from the total amount listed as a memo entry on line 11(a) of the Detailed Summary page, Unitemized contributions from individual persons other than political committees. Thus, the committee will, for this purpose only, be overstating the amount of itemized contributions received and understating the amount of unitemized contributions received.

(4) No authorized committee of a candidate shall attribute more than $1,000 in contributions to the same pseudonym for each election and no other political committee shall attribute more than $5,000 in contributions to the same pseudonym in any calendar year.

(5) A committee using pseudonyms shall send a list of such pseudonyms under separate cover directly to the Reports Analysis Division, Federal Election Commission, on or before the date on which any report containing such pseudonyms is filed with the Commission. The Commission shall maintain the list, but shall exclude it from the public record. A committee shall not send any list of pseudonyms to any Secretary of State or equivalent state officer.

(6) A political committee shall not use pseudonyms for the purpose of circumventing the reporting requirements or the limitations and prohibitions of the Act.

(f) Consolidated reports. Each principal campaign committee shall consolidate in each report those reports required to be filed with it. Such consolidated reports shall include: (1) Reports submitted to it by any authorized committees and (2) the principal campaign committee's own report. Such consolidation shall be made on FEC Form 3-Z and shall be submitted with the reports of the principal campaign committee and with the reports, or applicable portions thereof, of the committees shown on the consolidation.

(g) Building funds. (1) A political party committee must report gifts, subscriptions, loans, advances, deposits of money, or anything of value that are used by the political party committee's Federal accounts to defray the costs of construction or purchase of the committee's office building. See 11 CFR 300.35. Such a receipt is a contribution subject to the limitations and prohibitions of the Act and reportable as a contribution, regardless of whether the contributor has designated the funds or things of value for such purpose and regardless of whether such funds are deposited in a separate Federal account dedicated to that purpose.

(2) Gifts, subscriptions, loans, advances, deposits of money, or anything of value that are donated to a non-Federal account of a State or local party committee and are used by that party committee for the purchase or construction of its office building are not contributions subject to the reporting requirements of the Act. The reporting of such funds or things of value is subject to State law.

(3) Gifts, subscriptions, loans, advances, deposits of money, or anything of value that are used by a national committee of a political party to defray the costs of construction or purchase of the national committee's office building are contributions subject to the requirements of paragraph (g)(1) of this section.

(h) Legal and accounting services. A committee which receives legal or accounting services pursuant to 11 CFR 100.85 and 100.86 shall report as a memo entry, on Schedule A, the amounts paid for these services by the regular employer of the person(s) providing such services; the date(s) such services were performed; and the name of each person performing such services.

(i) Cumulative reports. The reports required to be filed under § 104.5 shall be cumulative for the calendar year (or for the election cycle, in the case of an authorized committee) to which they relate, but if there has been no change in a category reported in a previous report during that year (or during that election cycle, in the case of an authorized committee), only the amount thereof need be carried forward.

(j) Earmarked contributions. Earmarked contributions shall be reported in accordance with 11 CFR 110.6. See also 11 CFR 102.8(c).

(k) Reporting Election Cycle Activity Occurring Prior to January 1, 2001. The aggregate of each category of receipt listed in paragraph (a)(3) of this section, except those in paragraphs (a)(3)(i)(A) and (B) of this section, and for each category of disbursement listed in paragraph (b)(2) of this section shall include amounts received or disbursed on or after the day after the last general election for the seat or office for which the candidate is running through December 31, 2000.

[45 FR 15108, Mar. 7, 1980] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 104.3, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 104.4 - Independent expenditures by political committees (52 U.S.C. 30104(b), (d), and (g)).

(a) Regularly scheduled reporting. Every political committee that makes independent expenditures must report all such independent expenditures on Schedule E in accordance with 11 CFR 104.3(b)(3)(vii). Every person that is not a political committee must report independent expenditures in accordance with paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section and 11 CFR 109.10.

(b) Reports of independent expenditures made at any time up to and including the 20th day before an election—(1) Independent expenditures aggregating less than $10,000 in a calendar year. For each election in which a political committee makes independent expenditures, the political committee shall aggregate its independent expenditures made in each calendar year to determine its reporting obligation. When a committee makes independent expenditures aggregating less than $10,000 for an election in any calendar year, up to and including the 20th day before an election, the committee must report those independent expenditures on Schedule E of the applicable FEC Form, at the time of its regular reports in accordance with 11 CFR 104.3, 104.5, and 104.9.

(2) Independent expenditures aggregating $10,000 or more in a calendar year. For each election in which a political committee makes independent expenditures, the political committee shall aggregate its independent expenditures made in each calendar year to determine its reporting obligation. When a committee makes independent expenditures aggregating $10,000 or more for an election in any calendar year, up to and including the 20th day before an election, it must report those independent expenditures on Schedule E of the applicable FEC Form. Political committees must ensure that the Commission receives these reports by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard/Daylight Time on the second day following the date on which a communication that constitutes an independent expenditure is publicly distributed or otherwise publicly disseminated. Each time subsequent independent expenditures relating to the same election aggregate an additional $10,000 or more, the political committee must ensure that the Commission receives a new 48-hour report of the subsequent independent expenditures by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard/Daylight Time on the second day following the date on which the communication is publicly distributed or otherwise publicly disseminated. (See paragraph (f) of this section for aggregation.) Each 48-hour report must contain the information required by 11 CFR 104.3(b)(3)(vii) indicating whether the independent expenditure is made in support of, or in opposition to, the candidate involved. In addition to other permissible means of filing, a political committee may file the 48-hour reports under this section by any of the means permissible under 11 CFR 100.19(d)(3).

(c) Reports of independent expenditures made less than 20 days, but more than 24 hours before the day of an election. Political committees must ensure that the Commission receives reports of independent expenditures aggregating $1,000 or more with respect to a given election, after the 20th day, but more than 24 hours before 12:01 a.m. of the day of the election, by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard/Daylight Time on the day following the date on which a communication is publicly distributed or otherwise publicly disseminated. Each time subsequent independent expenditures relating to the same election aggregate an additional $1,000 or more, the political committee must ensure that the Commission receives a new 24-hour report of the subsequent independent expenditures by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard/Daylight Time on the day following the date on which a communication that constitutes an independent expenditure is publicly distributed or otherwise publicly disseminated. (See paragraph (f) of this section for aggregation.) Each 24-hour report shall contain the information required by 11 CFR 104.3(b)(3)(vii) indicating whether the independent expenditure is made in support of, or in opposition to, the candidate involved. Political committees may file reports under this section by any of the means permissible under 11 CFR 100.19(d)(3).

(d) Verification. Political committees must verify reports of independent expenditures filed under paragraph (b) or (c) of this section by one of the methods stated in paragraph (d)(1) or (2) of this section. Any report verified under either of these methods shall be treated for all purposes (including penalties for perjury) in the same manner as a document verified by signature.

(1) For reports filed on paper (e.g., by hand-delivery, U.S. Mail or facsimile machine), the treasurer of the political committee that made the independent expenditure must certify, under penalty of perjury, the independence of the expenditure by handwritten signature immediately following the certification required by 11 CFR 104.3(b)(3)(vii).

(2) For reports filed by electronic mail, the treasurer of the political committee that made the independent expenditure shall certify, under penalty of perjury, the independence of the expenditure by electronic signature immediately following the certification required by 11 CFR 104.3(b)(3)(vii).

(e) Where to file. Reports of independent expenditures under this section and 11 CFR 109.10(b) shall be filed as follows:

(1) For independent expenditures in support of, or in opposition to, a candidate for President or Vice President: with the Commission and the Secretary of State for the State in which the expenditure is made.

(2) For independent expenditures in support of, or in opposition to, a candidate for the U.S. Senate or the House of Representatives: With the Commission and the Secretary of State for the State in which the candidate is seeking election.

(3) Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraphs (e)(1) and (2) of this section, political committees and other persons shall not be required to file reports of independent expenditures with the Secretary of State if that State has obtained a waiver under 11 CFR 108.1(b).

(f) Aggregating independent expenditures for reporting purposes. (1) For purposes of determining whether 24-hour and 48-hour reports must be filed in accordance with paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section and 11 CFR 109.10(c) and (d), aggregations of independent expenditures must be calculated as of the first date on which a communication that constitutes an independent expenditure is publicly distributed or otherwise publicly disseminated, and as of the date that any such communication with respect to the same election is subsequently publicly distributed or otherwise publicly disseminated. Every person must include in the aggregate total all disbursements during the calendar year for independent expenditures, and all enforceable contracts, either oral or written, obligating funds for disbursements during the calendar year for independent expenditures, where those independent expenditures are made with respect to the same election for Federal office.

(2) For purposes of determining whether 24-hour or 48-hour reports must be filed in accordance with paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section and 11 CFR 109.10(c) and (d), if the independent expenditure is made in support of or opposition to a candidate in a presidential primary election and is publicly distributed or otherwise publicly disseminated in six or more states but does not refer to any particular state, the date of the election is the date of the next upcoming presidential primary election among the presidential primary elections to be held in the states in which the independent expenditure is publicly distributed or disseminated.

[68 FR 417, Jan. 3, 2003, as amended at 81 FR 34863, June 1, 2016; 83 FR 66595, Dec. 27, 2018; 84 FR 18699, May 2, 2019; 89 FR 216, Jan. 2, 2024]
§ 104.5 - Filing dates (52 U.S.C. 30104(a)(2)).

(a) Principal campaign committee of House of Representatives or Senate candidate. Each treasurer of a principal campaign committee of a candidate for the House of Representatives or for the Senate must file quarterly reports on the dates specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section in both election years and non-election years, and must file additional reports on the dates specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section in election years.

(1) Quarterly reports. (i) Quarterly reports must be filed no later than the 15th day following the close of the immediately preceding calendar quarter (on April 15, July 15, and October 15), except that the report for the final calendar quarter of the year must be filed no later than January 31 of the following calendar year.

(ii) The report must be complete as of the last day of each calendar quarter.

(iii) The requirement for a quarterly report shall be waived if, under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, a pre-election report is required to be filed during the period beginning on the 5th day after the close of the calendar quarter and ending on the 15th day after the close of the calendar quarter.

(2) Additional reports in the election year. (i) Pre-election reports. (A) Pre-election reports for the primary and general election must be filed no later than 12 days before any primary or general election in which the candidate seeks election. If sent by registered or certified mail, Priority Mail or Express Mail with a delivery confirmation, or with an overnight delivery service and scheduled to be delivered the next business day after the date of deposit and recorded in the overnight delivery service's on-line tracking system, the postmark on the report must be dated no later than the 15th day before any election.

(B) The pre-election report must disclose all receipts and disbursements as of the 20th day before a primary or general election.

(ii) Post-general election report. (A) The post-general election report must be filed no later than 30 days after any general election in which the candidate seeks election.

(B) The post-general election report must be complete as of the 20th day after the general election.

(b) Principal campaign committee of Presidential candidate. Each treasurer of a principal campaign committee of a candidate for President shall file reports on the dates specified at 11 CFR 104.5(b) (1) and (2).

(1) Election year reports. (i) If on January 1 of the election year, the committee has received or anticipates receiving contributions aggregating $100,000 or more, or has made or anticipates making expenditures aggregating $100,000 or more, it shall file monthly reports.

(A) Each report shall be filed no later than the 20th day after the last day of each month.

(B) The report shall be complete as of the last day of each month.

(C) In lieu of the monthly reports due in November and December, a pre-election report shall be filed as prescribed at paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section, a post-general election report shall be filed as prescribed at paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section, and a year-end report shall be filed no later than January 31 of the following calendar year.

(ii) If on January 1 of the election year, the committee does not anticipate receiving and has not received contributions aggregating $100,000 and does not anticipate making and has not made expenditures aggregating $100,000, the committee shall file a preelection report or reports, a post general election report, and quarterly reports, as prescribed in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section.

(iii) If during the election year, a committee filing under 11 CFR 104.5(b)(1)(ii) receives contributions aggregating $100,000 or makes expenditures aggregating $100,000, the treasurer shall begin filing monthly reports at the next reporting period.

(2) Non-election year reports. During a non-election year, the treasurer shall file either monthly reports as prescribed by paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section or quarterly reports as prescribed by paragraph (a)(1) of this section. A principal campaign committee of a Presidential candidate may elect to change the frequency of its reporting from monthly to quarterly or vice versa during a non-election year only after notifying the Commission in writing of its intention at the time it files a required report under its pre-existing filing frequency. The committee will then be required to file the next required report under its new filing frequency. The committee may change its filing frequency no more than once per calendar year.

(c) Political committees that are not authorized committees of candidates. Except as provided in paragraph (c)(4) of this section, each political committee that is not the authorized committee of a candidate must file either: Election year and non-election year reports in accordance with paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section; or monthly reports in accordance with paragraph (c)(3) of this section. A political committee reporting under paragraph (c) of this section may elect to change the frequency of its reporting from monthly to quarterly and semi-annually or vice versa. A political committee reporting under this paragraph (c) may change the frequency of its reporting only after notifying the Commission in writing of its intention at the time it files a required report under its current filing frequency. Such political committee will then be required to file the next required report under its new filing frequency. A political committee may change its filing frequency no more than once per calendar year.

(1) Election year reports—(i) Quarterly reports. (A) Quarterly reports shall be filed no later than the 15th day following the close of the immediately preceding calendar quarter, (on April 15, July 15, and October 15), except that the report for the final calendar quarter of the year shall be filed on January 31 of the following calendar year.

(B) The reports shall be complete as of the last day of the calendar quarter for which the report is filed.

(C) The requirement for a quarterly report shall be waived if under 11 CFR 104.5(c)(1)(ii) a pre-election report is required to be filed during the period beginning on the fifth day after the close of the calendar quarter and ending on the fifteenth day after the close of the calendar quarter.

(ii) Pre-election reports. (A) Pre-election reports for the primary and general election shall be filed by a political committee which makes contributions or expenditures in connection with any such election if such disbursements have not been previously disclosed. Pre-election reports shall be filed no later than 12 days before any primary or general election. If sent by registered or certified mail, Priority Mail or Express Mail with a delivery confirmation, or with an overnight delivery service and scheduled to be delivered the next business day after the date of deposit and recorded in the overnight delivery service's on-line tracking system, the postmark on the report shall be dated no later than the 15th day before any election.

(B) The report shall disclose all receipts and disbursements as of the 20th day before a primary or general election.

(iii) Post-general election reports. (A) A post-general election report shall be filed no later than 30 days after any general election.

(B) The report shall be complete as of the 20th day after the general election.

(2) Non-election year reports—(i) Semi-annual reports. (A) The first report shall cover January 1 through June 30, and shall be filed no later than July 31.

(B) The second report shall cover July 1 through December 31, and shall be filed no later than January 31 of the following year.

(3) Monthly reports. (i) Except as provided at 11 CFR 104.5(c)(3)(ii), monthly reports shall be filed no later than 20 days after the last day of the month.

(ii) In lieu of the monthly reports due in November and December, in any year in which a regularly scheduled general election is held, a pre-election report shall be filed as prescribed at 11 CFR 104.5(a)(2)(i), a post general election report shall be filed as prescribed at 11 CFR 104.5(a)(2)(ii), and a year-end report shall be filed no later than January 31 of the following calendar year.

(4) National party committee reporting. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this paragraph, a national committee of a political party, including a national Congressional campaign committee, must report monthly in accordance with paragraph (c)(3) of this section in both election and non-election years.

(d) Committees supporting Vice Presidential candidates. The treasurer of a committee supporting a candidate for the office of Vice President (other than a nominee of a political party) shall file reports on the same basis that the principal campaign committee of a Presidential candidate must file reports under 11 CFR 104.5(b).

(e) Date of filing. A designation, report or statement, other than those addressed in paragraphs (f), (g), and (j) of this section, sent by registered or certified mail, Priority Mail or Express Mail with a delivery confirmation, or with an overnight delivery service and scheduled to be delivered the next business day after the date of deposit and recorded in the overnight delivery service's on-line tracking system, shall be considered filed on the date of the postmark except that a twelve day pre-election report sent by such mail or overnight delivery service must have a postmark dated no later than the 15th day before any election. Designations, reports or statements, other than those addressed in paragraphs (f), (g), and (j) of this section, sent by first class mail, or by any means other than those listed in this paragraph (e), must be received by the close of business on the prescribed filing date to be timely filed. Designations, reports or statements electronically filed must be received and validated at or before 11:59 p.m., eastern standard/daylight time on the prescribed filing date to be timely filed.

(f) 48-hour notification of contributions. If any contribution of $1,000 or more is received by any authorized committee of a candidate after the 20th day, but more than 48 hours, before 12:01 a.m. of the day of the election, the principal campaign committee of that candidate shall notify the Commission and the Secretary of State, as appropriate, within 48 hours of receipt of the contribution. The notification shall be in writing and shall include the name of the candidate and office sought by the candidate, the identification of the contributor, and the date of receipt and amount of the contribution. The notification shall be filed in accordance with 11 CFR 100.19. The notification shall be in addition to the reporting of these contributions on the post-election report.

(g) Reports of independent expenditures—(1) 48-hour reports of independent expenditures. Every person that must file a 48-hour report under 11 CFR 104.4(b) must ensure the Commission receives the report by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard/Daylight Time on the second day following the date on which a communication that constitutes an independent expenditure is publicly distributed or otherwise publicly disseminated. Each time subsequent independent expenditures by that person relating to the same election as that to which the previous report relates aggregate $10,000 or more, that person must ensure that the Commission receives a new 48-hour report of the subsequent independent expenditures by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard/Daylight Time on the second day following the date on which the $10,000 threshold is reached or exceeded. (See 11 CFR 104.4(f) for aggregation.)

(2) 24-hour reports of independent expenditures. Every person that must file a 24-hour report under 11 CFR 104.4(c) must ensure that the Commission receives the report by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard/Daylight Time on the day following the date on which a communication that constitutes an independent expenditure is publicly distributed or otherwise publicly disseminated. Each time subsequent independent expenditures by that person relating to the same election as that to which the previous report relates aggregate $1,000 or more, that person must ensure that the Commission receives a 24-hour report of the subsequent independent expenditures by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard/Daylight Time on the day following the date on which the $1,000 threshold is reached or exceeded. (See 11 CFR 104.4(f) for aggregation.)

(3) Each 24-hour or 48-hour report of independent expenditures filed under this section shall contain the information required by 11 CFR 104.3(b)(3)(vii) indicating whether the independent expenditure is made in support of, or in opposition to, the candidate involved.

(4) For purposes of this part and 11 CFR part 109, a communication that is mailed to its intended audience is publicly disseminated when it is relinquished to the U.S. Postal Service.

(h) Special election reports. (1) Within 5 days of the setting of a special election, the Commission shall set filing dates for reports to be filed by principal campaign committees of candidates seeking election, or nomination for election, in special elections and for political committees, other than authorized committees, which make contributions to or expenditures on behalf of a candidate or candidates in special elections. The Commission shall publish such reporting dates in the Federal Register and shall notify the principal campaign committees of all candidates in such election of the reporting dates. The Commission shall not require such committees to file more than one pre-election report for each election and one post-election report for the election which fills the vacancy.

(2) Reports required to be filed under 11 CFR 104.5(a) or (c) may be waived by the Commission for committees filing special election reports if a report under 11 CFR 104.5(a) or (c) is due within 10 days of the date a special election report is due. The Commission shall notify all appropriate committees of reports so waived.

(i) Committees should retain proof of mailing or other means of transmittal of the reports to the Commission.

(j) 24-hour statements of electioneering communications. Every person who has made a disbursement or who has executed a contract to make a disbursement for the direct costs of producing or airing electioneering communications as defined in 11 CFR 100.29 aggregating in excess of $10,000 during any calendar year shall file a statement with the Commission by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard/Daylight Time on the day following the disclosure date. The statement shall be filed under penalty of perjury and in accordance with 11 CFR 104.20.

[45 FR 15108, Mar. 7, 1980, as amended at 61 FR 3549, Feb. 1, 1996; 65 FR 31794, May 19, 2000; 65 FR 38423, June 21, 2000; 67 FR 12839, Mar. 20, 2002; 68 FR 418, Jan. 3, 2003; 68 FR 47414, Aug. 8, 2003; 69 FR 68238, Nov. 24, 2004; 70 FR 13091, Mar. 18, 2005; 79 FR 16663, Mar. 26, 2014; 84 FR 18699, May 2, 2019]
§ 104.6 - Form and content of internal communications reports (52 U.S.C. 30101(9)(B)(iii)).

(a) Form. Every membership organization or corporation which makes disbursements for communications pursuant to 11 CFR 100.134(a) and 114.3 shall report to the Commission on FEC Form 7 such costs which are directly attributable to any communication expressly advocating the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate (other than a communication primarily devoted to subjects other than the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate), if such costs exceed $2,000 for any election.

(1) For the purposes of 11 CFR 104.6(a), election means two separate processes in a calendar year, to each of which the $2,000 threshold described above applies separately. The first process is comprised of all primary elections for federal office, wherever and whenever held; the second process is comprised of all general elections for federal office, wherever and whenever held.

(2) The term election shall also include each special election held to fill a vacancy in a Federal office (11 CFR 100.2(f)) or each runoff election (11 CFR 100.2(d)).

(b) Filing dates. Organizations required to report under 11 CFR 104.6(a) shall file such reports during a calendar year in which a regularly scheduled general election is held. Such reports shall be filed quarterly in accordance with 11 CFR 104.5(a)(1) and, with respect to any general election, in accordance with 11 CFR 104.5(a)(2)(i). The organization shall be required to file reports beginning with the first reporting period during which the aggregate cost for such communications exceeds $2,000 per election as defined in 11 CFR 104.6(a)(1), and for each quarter thereafter in which the organization makes additional disbursements in connection with the same election.

(c) Each report filed under 11 CFR 104.6 shall include, for each communication:

(1) The type of communication (such as direct mail or telephone);

(2) The date(s) of the communication;

(3) The name of the candidate, the office sought (and the district and state of the office, if applicable), and whether the communication was for the primary or general election;

(4) Whether the communication was in support of or in opposition to, a particular candidate; and

(5) The cost of the communication.

[45 FR 15108, Mar. 7, 1980, as amended at 67 FR 78680, Dec. 26, 2002; 79 FR 16663, Mar. 26, 2014; 89 FR 216, Jan. 2, 2024]
§ 104.7 - Best efforts (52 U.S.C. 30102(i)).

(a) When the treasurer of a political committee shows that best efforts have been used to obtain, maintain and submit the information required by the Act for the political committee, any report of such committee shall be considered in compliance with the Act.

(b) With regard to reporting the identification as defined at 11 CFR 100.12 of each person whose contribution(s) to the political committee and its affiliated political committees aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year (or in an election cycle in the case of an authorized committee) (pursuant to 11 CFR 104.3(a)(4)), the treasurer and the political committee will only be deemed to have exercised best efforts to obtain, maintain and report the required information if:

(1)(i) All written solicitations for contributions include a clear request for the contributor's full name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer, and include an accurate statement of Federal law regarding the collection and reporting of individual contributor identifications.

(A) The following are examples of acceptable statements for unauthorized committees, but are not the only allowable statements: “Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year;” and “To comply with Federal law, we must use best efforts to obtain, maintain, and submit the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 per calendar year.”

(B) The following are examples of acceptable statements for authorized committees, but are not the only allowable statements: “Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle;” and “To comply with Federal law, we must use best efforts to obtain, maintain, and submit the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 per election cycle.”

(ii) The request and statement shall appear in a clear and conspicuous manner on any response material included in a solicitation. The request and statement are not clear and conspicuous if they are in small type in comparison to the solicitation and response materials, or if the printing is difficult to read or if the placement is easily overlooked.

(2) For each contribution received aggregating in excess of $200 per calendar year (or per election cycle, in the case of an authorized committee) which lacks required contributor information, such as the contributor's full name, mailing address, occupation or name of employer, the treasurer makes at least one effort after the receipt of the contribution to obtain the missing information. Such effort shall consist of either a written request sent to the contributor or an oral request to the contributor documented in writing. The written or oral request must be made no later than thirty (30) days after receipt of the contribution. The written or oral request shall not include material on any other subject or any additional solicitation, except that it may include language solely thanking the contributor for the contribution. The request must clearly ask for the missing information, and must include the statement set forth in paragraph (b)(1) of this section. Written requests must include this statement in a clear and conspicuous manner. If the request is written, it shall be accompanied by a pre-addressed return post card or envelope for the response material;

(3) The treasurer reports all contributor information not provided by the contributor, but in the political committee's possession, or in its connected organization's possession, regarding contributor identifications, including information in contributor records, fundraising records and previously filed reports, in the same two-year election cycle in accordance with 11 CFR 104.3; and

(4)(i) If any of the contributor information is received after the contribution has been disclosed on a regularly scheduled report, the political committee shall either:

(A) File with its next regularly scheduled report, an amended memo Schedule A listing all contributions for which contributor identifications have been received during the reporting period covered by the next regularly scheduled report together with the dates and amounts of the contribution(s) and an indication of the previous report(s) to which the memo Schedule A relates; or

(B) File on or before its next regularly scheduled reporting date, amendments to the report(s) originally disclosing the contribution(s), which include the contributor identifications together with the dates and amounts of the contribution(s).

(ii) Amendments must be filed for all reports that cover the two-year election cycle in which the contribution was received and that disclose itemizable contributions from the same contributor. However, political committees are not required to file amendments to reports covering previous election cycles.

[45 FR 15108, Mar. 7, 1980, as amended at 58 FR 57729, Oct. 27, 1993; 62 FR 23336, Apr. 30, 1997; 65 FR 42624, July 11, 2000]
§ 104.8 - Uniform reporting of receipts.

(a) A reporting political committee shall disclose the identification of each individual who contributes an amount in excess of $200 to the political committee's federal account(s). This identification shall include the individual's name, mailing address, occupation, the name of his or her employer, if any, and the date of receipt and amount of any such contribution. If an individual contributor's name is known to have changed since an earlier contribution reported during the calendar year (or during the election cycle, in the case of an authorized committee), the exact name or address previously used shall be noted with the first reported contribution from that contributor subsequent to the name change.

(b) In each case where a contribution received from an individual in a reporting period is added to previously unitemized contributions from the same individual and the aggregate exceeds $200 in a calendar year (or in an election cycle, in the case of an authorized committee) the reporting political committee shall disclose the identification of such individual along with the date of receipt and amount of any such contribution. Except for contributions by payroll deduction, each additional contribution from the individual shall be separately itemized. In the case of a political committee other than an authorized committee which receives contributions through a payroll deduction plan, such committee is not required to separately itemize each additional contribution received from the contributor during the reporting period. In lieu of separate itemization, such committee may report: the aggregate amount of contributions received from the contributor through the payroll deduction plan during the reporting period; the identification of the individual; and a statement of the amount deducted per pay period.

(c) Absent evidence to the contrary, any contribution made by check, money order, or other written instrument shall be reported as a contribution by the last person signing the instrument prior to delivery to the candidate or committee.

(d)(1) If an itemized contribution is made by more than one person in a single written instrument, the treasurer shall report the amount to be attributed to each contributor.

(2)(i) If a contribution is redesignated by a contributor, in accordance with 11 CFR 110.1(b) or 110.2(b), the treasurer of the authorized political committee receiving the contribution shall report the redesignation in a memo entry on Schedule A of the report covering the reporting period in which the redesignation is received. The memo entry for each redesignated contribution shall be reported in the following manner—

(A) The first part of the memo entry shall disclose all of the information for the contribution as it was originally reported on Schedule A;

(B) The second part of the memo entry shall disclose all of the information for the contribution as it was redesignated by the contributor, including the election for which the contribution was redesignated and the date on which the redesignation was received.

(ii) If a contribution from a political committee is redesignated by the contributing political committee in accordance with 11 CFR 110.1(b) or 110.2(b), the treasurer of such political committee shall report the redesignation in a memo entry on Schedule B of the report covering the reporting period in which the redesignation is made. The memo entry for each redesignated contribution shall be reported in the following manner—

(A) The first part of the memo entry shall disclose all of the information for the contribution as it was originally reported on Schedule B;

(B) The second part of the memo entry shall disclose all of the information for the contribution as it was redesignated by the contributing political committee, including the election for which the contribution was redesignated and the date on which the redesignation was made.

(3) If an itemized contribution is reattributed by the contributor(s) in accordance with 11 CFR 110.1(k), the treasurer shall report the reattribution in a memo entry on Schedule A of the report covering the reporting period in which the reattribution is received. The memo entry for each reattributed contribution shall be reported in the following manner—

(i) The first part of the memo entry shall disclose all of the information for the contribution as it was originally reported on Schedule A;

(ii) The second part of the memo entry shall disclose all of the information for the contribution as it was reattributed by the contributors, including the date on which the reattribution was received.

(4) If a contribution is refunded to the contributor, the treasurer of the political committee making the refund shall report the refund on Schedule B of the report covering the reporting period in which the refund is made, in accordance with 11 CFR 103.3(b)(5) and 104.3(b). If a contribution is refunded to a political committee, the treasurer of the political committee receiving the refund shall report the refund on Schedule A of the report covering the reporting period in which the refund is received, in accordance with 11 CFR 104.3(a).

(e) For reports covering activity on or before December 31, 2002, national party committees shall disclose in a memo Schedule A information about each individual, committee, corporation, labor organization, or other entity that donates an aggregate amount in excess of $200 in a calendar year to the committee's non-Federal account(s). This information shall include the donating individual's or entity's name, mailing address, occupation or type of business, and the date of receipt and amount of any such donation. If a donor's name is known to have changed since an earlier donation reported during the calendar year, the exact name or address previously used shall be noted with the first reported donation from that donor subsequent to the name change. The memo entry shall also include, where applicable, the information required by paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section.

(f) For reports covering activity on or before December 31, 2002, national party committees shall also disclose in a memo Schedule A information about each individual, committee, corporation, labor organization, or other entity that donates an aggregate amount in excess of $200 in a calendar year to the committee's building fund account(s). This information shall include the donating individual's or entity's name, mailing address, occupation or type of business, and the date of receipt and amount of any such donation. If a donor's name is known to have changed since an earlier donation reported during the calendar year, the exact name or address previously used shall be noted with the first reported donation from that donor subsequent to the name change. The memo entry shall also include, where applicable, the information required by paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section.

(g) The principal campaign committee of the candidate shall report the receipt of any bank loan obtained by the candidate or loan of money derived from an advance on a candidate's brokerage account, credit card, home equity line of credit, or other lines of credit described in 11 CFR 100.83 and 100.143, as an itemized entry of Schedule A as follows:

(1) The amount of the loan that is used in connection with the candidate's campaign shall be reported as an itemized entry on Schedule A.

(2) See 11 CFR 100.83(c) for special reporting rules regarding certain loans used for a candidate's routine living expenses.

[45 FR 15108, Mar. 7, 1980, as amended at 52 FR 774, Jan. 9, 1987; 55 FR 26067, June 26, 1990; 65 FR 42624, July 11, 2000; 67 FR 38360, June 4, 2002; 67 FR 49112, July 29, 2002; 75 FR 31, Jan. 4, 2010]
§ 104.9 - Uniform reporting of disbursements.

(a) Political committees shall report the full name and mailing address of each person to whom an expenditure in an aggregate amount or value in excess of $200 within the calendar year (or within the election cycle, in the case of an authorized committee) is made from the reporting political committee's federal account(s), together with the date, amount and purpose of such expenditure, in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section. As used in this section, purpose means a brief statement or description as to the reasons for the expenditure. See 11 CFR 104.3(b)(3)(i)(A).

(b) In each case when an expenditure made to a recipient in a reporting period is added to previously unitemized expenditures to the same recipient and the total exceeds $200 for the calendar year (or for the election cycle, in the case of an authorized committee), the reporting political committee shall disclose the recipient's full name and mailing address on the prescribed reporting forms, together with the date, amount and purpose of such expenditure. As used in this section, purpose means a brief statement or description as to the reason for the disbursement as defined at 11 CFR 104.3(b)(3)(i)(A).

(c) For reports covering activity on or before March 31, 2003, national party committees shall report in a memo Schedule B the full name and mailing address of each person to whom a disbursement in an aggregate amount or value in excess of $200 within the calendar year is made from the committee's non-Federal account(s), together with the date, amount, and purpose of such disbursement, in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section. As used in this section, purpose means a brief statement or description as to the reasons for the disbursement. See 11 CFR 104.3(b)(3)(i)(A).

(d) For reports covering activity on or before March 31, 2003, national party committees shall report in a memo Schedule B the full name and mailing address of each person to whom a disbursement in an aggregate amount or value in excess of $200 within the calendar year is made from the committee's building fund account(s), together with the date, amount, and purpose of such disbursement, in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section. As used in this section, purpose means a brief statement or description as to the reasons for the disbursement. See 11 CFR 104.3(b)(3)(i)(A).

(e) For reports covering activity on or before December 31, 2002, national party committees shall report in a memo Schedule B each transfer from their non-Federal account(s) to the non-Federal accounts of a State or local party committee.

(f) The principal campaign committee of the candidate shall report its repayment to the candidate or lending institution of any bank loan obtained by the candidate or loan of money derived from an advance on a candidate's brokerage account, credit card, home equity line of credit, or other lines of credit described in 11 CFR 100.83 and 100.143 as an itemized entry on Schedule B.

[45 FR 15108, Mar. 7, 1980, as amended at 55 FR 26067, June 26, 1990; 65 FR 42624, July 11, 2000; 67 FR 38361, June 4, 2002; 67 FR 49113, July 29, 2002; 79 FR 16663, Mar. 26, 2014]
§ 104.10 - Reporting by separate segregated funds and nonconnected committees of expenses allocated among candidates and activities.

(a) Expenses allocated among candidates. A political committee that is a separate segregated fund or a nonconnected committee making an expenditure on behalf of more than one clearly identified candidate for Federal office shall allocate the expenditure among the candidates pursuant to 11 CFR part 106. Payments involving both expenditures on behalf of one or more clearly identified Federal candidates and disbursements on behalf of one or more clearly identified non-Federal candidates shall also be allocated pursuant to 11 CFR part 106. For allocated expenditures, the committee shall report the amount of each in-kind contribution, independent expenditure, or coordinated expenditure attributed to each Federal candidate. If a payment also includes amounts attributable to one or more non-Federal candidates, and is made by a political committee with separate Federal and non-Federal accounts, then the payment shall be made according to the procedures set forth in 11 CFR 106.6(e), but shall be reported pursuant to paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(4) of this section, as follows:

(1) Reporting of allocation of expenses attributable to specific Federal and non-Federal candidates. In each report disclosing a payment that includes both expenditures on behalf of one or more Federal candidates and disbursements on behalf of one or more non-Federal candidates, the committee shall assign a unique identifying title or code to each program or activity conducted on behalf of such candidates, shall state the allocation ratio calculated for the program or activity, and shall explain the manner in which the ratio was derived. The committee shall also summarize the total amounts attributed to each candidate, to date, for each joint program or activity.

(2) Reporting of transfers between accounts for the purpose of paying expenses attributable to specific Federal and non-Federal candidates. A political committee that pays allocable expenses in accordance with 11 CFR 106.6(e) shall report each transfer of funds from its non-Federal account to its Federal account or to its separate allocation account for the purpose of paying such expenses. In the report covering the period in which each transfer occurred, the committee shall explain in a memo entry the allocable expenses to which the transfer relates and the date on which the transfer was made. If the transfer includes funds for the allocable costs of more than one program or activity, the committee shall itemize the transfer, showing the amounts designated for each program or activity conducted on behalf of one or more clearly identified Federal candidates and one or more clearly identified non-Federal candidates.

(3) Reporting of allocated disbursements attributable to specific Federal and non-Federal candidates. A political committee that pays allocable expenses in accordance with 11 CFR 106.6(e) shall also report each disbursement from its Federal account or its separate allocation account in payment for a program or activity conducted on behalf of one or more clearly identified Federal candidates and one or more clearly identified non-Federal candidates. In the report covering the period in which the disbursement occurred, the committee shall state the full name and address of each person to whom the disbursement was made, and the date, amount, and purpose of each such disbursement. If the disbursement includes payment for the allocable costs of more than one program or activity, the committee shall itemize the disbursement, showing the amounts designated for payment of each program or activity conducted on behalf of one or more clearly identified Federal candidates and one or more clearly identified non-Federal candidates. The committee shall also report the amount of each in-kind contribution, independent expenditure, or coordinated expenditure attributed to each Federal candidate, and the total amount attributed to the non-Federal candidate(s). In addition, the committee shall report the total amount expended by the committee that year, to date, for each joint program or activity.

(4) Recordkeeping. The treasurer shall retain all records supporting the committee's allocation on behalf of specific Federal and non-Federal candidates, in accordance with 11 CFR 104.14.

(b) Expenses allocated among activities. A political committee that is a separate segregated fund or a nonconnected committee and that has established separate Federal and non-Federal accounts under 11 CFR 102.5(a)(1)(i) shall allocate between those accounts its administrative expenses and its costs for fundraising, generic voter drives, and certain public communications according to 11 CFR 106.6, and shall report those allocations according to paragraphs (b)(1) through (5) of this section, as follows:

(1) Reporting of allocation of administrative expenses and costs of generic voter drives and public communications that refer to any political party. In each report disclosing a disbursement for administrative expenses, generic voter drives, or public communications that refer to any political party, but do not refer to any clearly identified candidates, as described in 11 CFR 106.6(b)(1)(i), (b)(1)(iii) and (b)(1)(iv), as applicable, the committee shall state the allocation ratio to be applied to each category of activity according to 11 CFR 106.6(c).

(2) Reporting of allocation of the direct costs of fundraising. In each report disclosing a disbursement for the direct costs of a fundraising program, as described in 11 CFR 106.6(b), the committee shall assign a unique identifying title or code to each such program or activity, shall state the allocation ratio calculated for the program or activity according to 11 CFR 106.6(d), and shall explain the manner in which the ratio was derived. The committee shall also summarize the total amounts spent by the Federal and non-Federal accounts that year, to date, for each such program or activity.

(3) Reporting of transfers between accounts for the purpose of paying allocable expenses. A political committee that pays allocable expenses in accordance with 11 CFR 106.6(e) shall report each transfer of funds from its non-Federal account to its Federal account or to its separate allocation account for the purpose of paying such expenses. In the report covering the period in which each transfer occurred, the committee shall explain in a memo entry the allocable expenses to which the transfer relates and the date on which the transfer was made. If the transfer includes funds for the allocable costs of more than one activity, the committee shall itemize the transfer, showing the amounts designated for administrative expenses and generic voter drives, and for each fundraising program, as described in 11 CFR 106.6(b).

(4) Reporting of allocated disbursements. A political committee that pays allocable expenses in accordance with 11 CFR 106.6(e) shall also report each disbursement from its Federal account or its separate allocation account in payment for a joint Federal and non-Federal expense or activity. In the report covering the period in which the disbursement occurred, the committee shall state the full name and address of each person to whom the disbursement was made, and the date, amount, and purpose of each such disbursement. If the disbursement includes payment for the allocable costs of more than one activity, the committee shall itemize the disbursement, showing the amounts designated for payment of administrative expenses and generic voter drives, and for each fundraising program, as described in 11 CFR 106.6(b). The committee shall also report the total amount expended by the committee that year, to date, for each category of activity.

(5) Recordkeeping. The treasurer shall retain all records supporting the committee's allocated disbursements for three years, in accordance with 11 CFR 104.14.

[67 FR 49113, July 29, 2002, as amended at 69 FR 68067, Nov. 23, 2004; 89 FR 216, Jan. 2, 2024]
§ 104.11 - Continuous reporting of debts and obligations.

(a) Debts and obligations owed by or to a political committee which remain outstanding shall be continuously reported until extinguished. See 11 CFR 104.3(d). These debts and obligations shall be reported on separate schedules together with a statement explaining the circumstances and conditions under which each debt and obligation was incurred or extinguished. Where such debts and obligations are settled for less than their reported amount or value, the reporting committee shall include a statement as to the circumstances and conditions under which the debt or obligation was extinguished and the amount paid.

(b) A debt or obligation, including a loan, written contract, written promise or written agreement to make an expenditure, the amount of which is $500 or less, shall be reported as of the time payment is made or not later than 60 days after such obligation is incurred, whichever comes first. A debt or obligation, including a loan, written contract, written promise or written agreement to make an expenditure, the amount of which is over $500 shall be reported as of the date on which the debt or obligation is incurred, except that any obligation incurred for rent, salary or other regularly reoccurring administrative expense shall not be reported as a debt before the payment due date. See 11 CFR 116.6. If the exact amount of a debt or obligation is not known, the report shall state that the amount reported is an estimate. Once the exact amount is determined, the political committee shall either amend the report(s) containing the estimate or indicate the correct amount on the report for the reporting period in which such amount is determined.

[45 FR 15108, Mar. 7, 1980, as amended at 55 FR 26386, June 27, 1990]
§ 104.12 - Beginning cash on hand for political committees.

Political committees which have cash on hand at the time of registration shall disclose on their first report the source(s) of such funds, including the information required by 11 CFR 104.3(a)(1). The cash on hand balance is assumed to be composed of those contributions most recently received by the committee. The committee shall exclude from funds to be used for Federal elections any contributions not permissible under the Act. See 11 CFR parts 110, 114, and 115.

§ 104.13 - Disclosure of receipt and consumption of in-kind contributions.

(a)(1) The amount of an in-kind contribution shall be equal to the usual and normal value on the date received. Each in-kind contribution shall be reported as a contribution in accordance with 11 CFR 104.3(a).

(2) Except for items noted in 11 CFR 104.13(b), each in-kind contribution shall also be reported as an expenditure at the same usual and normal value and reported on the appropriate expenditure schedule, in accordance with 11 CFR 104.3(b).

(b) Contributions of stocks, bonds, art objects, and other similar items to be liquidated shall be reported as follows:

(1) If the item has not been liquidated at the close of a reporting period, the committee shall record as a memo entry (not as cash) the item's fair market value on the date received, including the name and mailing address (and, where in excess of $200, the occupation and name of employer) of the contributor.

(2) When the item is sold, the committee shall record the proceeds. It shall also report the (i) name and mailing address (and, where in excess of $200, the occupation and name of employer) of the purchaser, if purchased directly from the candidate or committee (as the purchaser shall be considered to have made a contribution to the committee), and (ii) the identification of the original contributor.

§ 104.14 - Formal requirements regarding reports and statements.

(a) Each individual having the responsibility to file a designation, report or statement required under this subchapter shall sign the original designation, report or statement except that:

(1) Reports or statements of independent expenditures filed by facsimile machine or electronic mail under 11 CFR 104.4(b) or 11 CFR 109.10 must be verified in accordance with those sections; and

(2) Reports, designations, or statements filed electronically under 11 CFR 104.18 must follow the signature requirements of 11 CFR 104.18(g).

(b) Each political committee or other person required to file any report or statement under this subchapter shall maintain all records as follows:

(1) Maintain records, including bank records, with respect to the matters required to be reported, including vouchers, worksheets, receipts, bills and accounts, which shall provide in sufficient detail the necessary information and data from which the filed reports and statements may be verified, explained, clarified, and checked for accuracy and completeness;

(2) Preserve a copy of each report or statement required to be filed under 11 CFR parts 102 and 104, and all records relevant to such reports or statements;

(3) Keep all reports required to be preserved under this section available for audit, inspection, or examination by the Commission or its authorized representative(s) for a period of not less that 3 years after the report or statement is filed (See 11 CFR 102.9(c) for requirements relating to preservation of records and accounts); and

(4) Candidates, who obtain bank loans or loans derived from an advance from the candidate's brokerage account, credit card, home equity line of credit, or other lines of credit available to the candidate, must preserve the following records for three years after the date of the election for which they were a candidate:

(i) Records to demonstrate the ownership of the accounts or assets securing the loans;

(ii) Copies of the executed loan agreements and all security and guarantee statements;

(iii) Statements of account for all accounts used to secure any loan for the period the loan is outstanding such as brokerage accounts or credit card accounts, and statements on any line of credit account that was used for the purpose of influencing the candidate's election for Federal office;

(iv) For brokerage loans or other loans secured by financial assets, records to establish the source of the funds in the account at the time of the loan; and

(v) Records of all payments made on the loan by any person.

(c) Acknowledgements by the Commission of the receipt of Statements of Organization, reports or other statements filed under 11 CFR parts 101, 102, and 104 are intended solely to inform the person filing the report of its receipt and neither the acknowledgement nor the acceptance of a report or statement shall constitute express or implied approval, or in any manner indicate that the contents of any report or statement fulfill the filing or other requirements of the Act or of these regulations.

(d) Each treasurer of a political committee, and any other person required to file any report or statement under these regulations and under the Act, shall be personally responsible for the timely and complete filing of the report or statement and for the accuracy of any information or statement contained in it.

[45 FR 15108, Mar. 7, 1980, as amended at 61 FR 3549, Feb. 1, 1996; 67 FR 12840, Mar. 20, 2002; 67 FR 38361, June 4, 2002; 79 FR 16663, Mar. 26, 2014; 84 FR 18700, May 2, 2019; 89 FR 216, Jan. 2, 2024]
§ 104.15 - Sale or use restriction (52 U.S.C. 30111(a)(4)).

(a) Any information copied, or otherwise obtained, from any report or statement, or any copy, reproduction, or publication thereof, filed under the Act, shall not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose, except that the name and address of any political committee may be used to solicit contributions from such committee.

(b) For purposes of 11 CFR 104.15, soliciting contributions includes soliciting any type of contribution or donation, such as political or charitable contributions.

(c) The use of information, which is copied or otherwise obtained from reports filed under 11 CFR part 104, in newspapers, magazines, books or other similar communications is permissible as long as the principal purpose of such communications is not to communicate any contributor information listed on such reports for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for other commercial purposes.

[45 FR 15108, Mar. 7, 1980, as amended at 61 FR 3549, Feb. 1, 1996]
§ 104.16 - Audits (52 U.S.C. 30111(b)).

(a) The Commission may conduct audits of any political committee required to register under 11 CFR part 102 and to report under 11 CFR part 104. Prior to conducting any such audit or investigation, the Commission shall conduct an internal review of reports filed by selected committees to determine whether reports filed by a particular committee meet thresholds established by the Commission for substantial compliance with the Act. Such thresholds may vary according to the type of political committee being reviewed.

(b) The Commission may, upon affirmative vote of four members, conduct an audit and field investigation of any committee which meets the thresholds established pursuant to 11 CFR 104.16(a). All such audits and investigations shall commence within 30 days of such vote except that any audit or investigation of an authorized committee of a candidate shall be commenced within 6 months of the election for which such committee was authorized.

(c) The Commission may, upon affirmative vote of four members, conduct an audit and field investigation of any committee pursuant to 11 CFR 111.10.

(d) All audits and field investigations concerning the verification for and the receipt and use of payments under chapters 95 and 96 of title 26 shall be given priority over any audit or investigation of committees not receiving such payments.

§ 104.17 - Reporting of allocable expenses by party committees.

(a) Expenses allocated among candidates. A national party committee making an expenditure on behalf of more than one clearly identified candidate for Federal office must report the allocation between or among the named candidates. A national party committee making expenditures and disbursements on behalf of one or more clearly identified Federal candidates and on behalf of one or more clearly identified non-Federal candidates must report the allocation among all named candidates. These payments shall be allocated among candidates pursuant to 11 CFR part 106, but only Federal funds may be used for such payments. A State, district, or local party committee making expenditures and disbursements for Federal election activity as defined at 11 CFR 100.24 on behalf of one or more clearly identified Federal and one or more clearly identified non-Federal candidates must make the payments from its Federal account and must report the allocation among all named candidates. A State, district, or local party committee making expenditures and disbursements on behalf of one or more clearly identified Federal and one or more clearly identified non-Federal candidates where the activity is not a Federal election activity may allocate the payments between its Federal and non-Federal account and must report the allocation among all named candidates. For allocated expenditures, the committee must report the amount of each in-kind contribution, independent expenditure, or coordinated expenditure attributed to each candidate. If a payment also includes amounts attributable to one or more non-Federal candidates, and is made by a State, district, or local party committee with separate Federal and non-Federal accounts, and is not for a Federal election activity, then the payment shall be made according to the procedures set forth in 11 CFR 106.7(f), but shall be reported pursuant to paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(4) of this section, as follows:

(1) Reporting of allocation of expenses attributable to specific Federal and non-Federal candidates. In each report disclosing a payment that includes both expenditures on behalf of one or more Federal candidates and disbursements on behalf of one or more non-Federal candidates, the committee must assign a unique identifying title or code to each program or activity conducted on behalf of such candidates, state the allocation ratio calculated for the program or activity, and explain the manner in which the ratio applied to each candidate was derived. The committee must also summarize the total amounts attributed to each candidate, to date, for each program or activity.

(2) Reporting of transfers between accounts for the purpose of paying expenses attributable to specific Federal and non-Federal candidates. A State, district, or local party committee that pays allocable expenses in accordance with 11 CFR 106.7(f) shall report each transfer of funds from its non-Federal account to its Federal account or to its separate allocation account for the purpose of paying such expenses. In the report covering the period in which each transfer occurred, the State, district, or local party committee shall explain in a memo entry the allocable expenses to which the transfer relates and the date on which the transfer was made. If the transfer includes funds for the allocable costs of more than one program or activity, the State, district, or local party committee must itemize the transfer, showing the amounts designated for each program or activity conducted on behalf of one or more clearly identified Federal candidates and one or more clearly identified non-Federal candidates.

(3) Reporting of allocated disbursements attributable to specific Federal and non-Federal candidates. A State, district, or local committee that pays allocable expenses in accordance with 11 CFR 106.7(f) shall also report each disbursement from its Federal account or its separate allocation account in payment for a program or activity conducted on behalf of one or more clearly identified Federal candidates and one or more clearly identified non-Federal candidates. In the report covering the period in which the disbursement occurred, the State, district, or local party committee shall state the full name and address of each person to whom the disbursement was made, and the date, amount, and purpose of each such disbursement. If the disbursement includes payment for the allocable costs of more than one program or activity, the committee shall itemize the disbursement, showing the amounts designated for payment of each program or activity conducted on behalf of one or more clearly identified Federal candidates and one or more clearly identified non-Federal candidates. The State, district, or local party committee must also report the amount of each in-kind contribution, independent expenditure, or coordinated expenditure attributed to each Federal candidate, and the total amount attributed to the non-Federal candidate(s). In addition, the State, district, or local party committee must report the total amount expended by the committee that year, to date, for each joint program or activity.

(4) Recordkeeping. The treasurer of a State, district, or local party committee must retain all records supporting the committee's allocations on behalf of specific Federal and non-Federal candidates, in accordance with 11 CFR 104.14.

(b) Allocation of activities that are not Federal election activities. A State, district, or local committee of a political party that has established separate Federal and non-Federal accounts, including related allocation accounts, under 11 CFR 102.5 must report all payments that are allocable between these accounts pursuant to the allocation rules in 11 CFR 106.7. Disbursements for activities that are allocable between Federal and Levin accounts, including related allocation accounts, must be reported pursuant to 11 CFR 300.36.

(1) Reporting of allocations of expenses for activities that are not Federal election activities. (i) In the first report in a calendar year disclosing a disbursement allocable pursuant to 11 CFR 106.7, a State, district, or local committee shall state and explain the allocation percentages to be applied to each category of allocable activity (e.g., 36% Federal/64% non-Federal in Presidential and Senate election years) pursuant to 11 CFR 106.7(d).

(ii) In each subsequent report in the calendar year itemizing an allocated disbursement, the State, district, or local party committee shall state the category of activity for which each allocated disbursement was made, and shall summarize the total amounts expended from Federal and non-Federal accounts, or from allocation accounts, that year to date for each such category.

(iii) In each report disclosing disbursements for allocable activities as described in 11 CFR 106.7, the State, district, or local party committee shall assign a unique identifying title or code to each such program or activity, and shall state the applicable Federal/non-Federal percentage for any direct costs of fundraising. Unique identifying titles or codes are not required for salaries and wages pursuant to 11 CFR 106.7(c)(1), or for other administrative costs allocated pursuant to 11 CFR 106.7(c)(2).

(2) Reporting of transfers between the accounts of State, district, and local party committees and into allocation accounts for allocable expenses. A State, district, or local committee of a political party that pays allocable expenses in accordance with 11 CFR 106.7 shall report each transfer of funds from its non-Federal account to its Federal account, or each transfer from its Federal account and its non-Federal account into an allocation account, for the purpose of payment of such expenses. In the report covering the period in which each transfer occurred, the State, district, or local party committee must explain in a memo entry the allocable expenses to which the transfer relates and the date on which the transfer was made. If the transfer includes funds for the allocable costs of more than one activity, the State, district, or local party committee must itemize the transfer, showing the amounts designated for each category of expense as described in 11 CFR 106.7.

(3) Reporting of allocated disbursements for certain allocable activity that is not Federal election activity. (i) A State, district, or local committee of a political party that pays allocable expenses in accordance with 11 CFR 106.7 shall report each disbursement from its Federal account for allocable expenses, or each payment from an allocation account for such activity. In the report covering the period in which the disbursement occurred, the State, district, or local committee shall state the full name and address of each individual or vendor to which the disbursement was made, the date, amount, and purpose of each such disbursement, and the amounts allocated to Federal and non-Federal portions of the allocable activity. If the disbursement includes payment for the allocable costs of more than one activity, the State, district, or local party committee must itemize the disbursement, showing the amounts designated for payments of particular categories of activity as described in 11 CFR 106.7. The State, district, or local party committee must also report the total amount paid that calendar year to date for each category of allocable activity.

(ii) A State, district, or local committee of a political party that pays allocable expenses from a Federal account and a Levin account in accordance with 11 CFR 300.33 shall report disbursements from those accounts according to the requirements of 11 CFR 300.36.

(4) Recordkeeping. The treasurer of a State, district, or local party committee must retain all records supporting the committee's allocations of expenditures and disbursements for the costs and activities cited at paragraph (b) of this section, in accordance with 11 CFR 104.14.

[67 FR 49114, July 29, 2002, as amended at 89 FR 216, Jan. 2, 2024]
§ 104.18 - Electronic filing of reports (52 U.S.C. 30102(d) and 30104(a)(11)).

(a) Mandatory. (1) Political committees and other persons required by the Act to file reports with the Commission, as provided in 11 CFR parts 101, 102, 104, 105, 107, and 109, must do so in an electronic format that meets the requirements of this section if—

(i) The political committee or other person has received contributions or has reason to expect to receive contributions aggregating in excess of $50,000 in any calendar year; or

(ii) The political committee or other person has made expenditures or has reason to expect to make expenditures aggregating in excess of $50,000 in any calendar year.

(2) Once any political committee or other person described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section exceeds or has reason to expect to exceed the appropriate threshold, the political committee or person must file electronically all subsequent reports covering financial activity for the remainder of the calendar year. All electronically filed reports must pass the Commission's validation program in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section. Reports filed on paper do not satisfy a political committee's or other person's filing obligations.

(3) Have reason to expect to exceed. (i) A political committee or other person shall have reason to expect to exceed the threshold stated in paragraph (a)(1) of this section for two calendar years following the calendar year in which the political committee or other person exceeds the threshold unless—

(A) The committee is an authorized committee, and has $50,000 or less in net debts outstanding on January 1 of the year following the general election, and anticipates terminating prior to January 1 of the next election year; and

(B) The candidate has not qualified as a candidate for the next election and does not intend to become a candidate for federal office in the next election.

(ii) New political committees or other persons with no history of campaign finance activity shall have reason to expect to exceed the threshold stated in paragraph (a)(1) of this section within the calendar year if—

(A) It receives contributions or makes expenditures that exceed one quarter of the threshold amount in the first calendar quarter of the calendar year; or

(B) It receives contributions or makes expenditures that exceed one-half of the threshold amount in the first half of the calendar year.

(b) Voluntary. A political committee or other person who files reports with the Commission and who is not required to file electronically under paragraph (a) of this section, may choose to file its reports in an electronic format that meets the requirements of this section (internet forms included). If a political committee or other person chooses to file its reports electronically, all electronically filed reports must pass the Commission's validation program in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section. The committee or other person must continue to file in an electronic format all reports covering financial activity for that calendar year, unless the Commission determines that extraordinary and unforeseeable circumstances have made it impracticable for the political committee or other person to continue filing electronically.

(c) Definition of report. For purposes of this section, report means any statement, designation or report required by the Act to be filed with the Commission.

(d) Format specifications. Reports filed electronically shall conform to the technical specifications described in the Federal Election Commission's Electronic Filing Specifications Requirements. The data contained in the computerized magnetic media provided to the Commission shall be organized in the order specified by the Electronic Filing Specifications Requirements.

(e) Acceptance of reports filed in electronic format; validation program. (1) Each political committee or other person who submits an electronic report shall check the report against the Commission's validation program before it is submitted, to ensure that the files submitted meet the Commission's format specifications and can be read by the Commission's computer system. Each report submitted in an electronic format under this section shall also be checked upon receipt against the Commission's validation program. The Commission's validation program and the Electronic Filing Specification Requirement are available on request and at no charge.

(2) A report that does not pass the validation program will not be accepted by the Commission and will not be considered filed. If a political committee or other person submits a report that does not pass the validation program, the Commission will notify the political committee or other person that the report has not been accepted.

(f) Amended reports. If a political committee or other person files an amendment to a report that was filed electronically, the political committee or other person shall also submit the amendment in an electronic format. The political committee or other person shall submit a complete version of the report as amended, rather than just those portions of the report that are being amended. In addition, amendments must be filed in accordance with the Electronic Filing Specification Requirements.

(g) Signature requirements. The political committee's treasurer, or any other person having the responsibility to file a designation, report or statement under this subchapter, shall verify the report in one of the following ways: by submitting a signed certification on paper that is submitted with the computerized media; or by submitting a digitized copy of the signed certification as a separate file in the electronic submission; or by submitting a signed certification on a Commission internet form. Each verification submitted under this section shall certify that the treasurer or other signatory has examined the report or statement and, to the best of the signatory's knowledge and belief, it is true, correct and complete. Any verification under this section shall be treated for all purposes (including penalties for perjury) in the same manner as a verification by signature on a report submitted in a paper format.

(h) Schedules and forms with special requirements. (1) The following are schedules and forms that require the filing of additional documents and that have special signature requirements:

(i) Schedules C-1 and C-P-1, Loans and Lines of Credit From Lending Institutions (see 11 CFR 104.3(d)); and

(ii) Form 8, Debt Settlement Plan (see 11 CFR 116.7(e)).

(2) If a person files a report electronically by submitting a diskette to the Commission and is required to file any of the schedules or forms listed in paragraph (h)(1) of this section, the person shall file a paper copy of the required schedule or form with the electronic submission, or a digitized version as a separate file in the electronic submission, by the close of business on the prescribed filing date.

(3) If a person files a report electronically by uploading the data to the Commission's electronic filing system and is required to file any schedules or forms listed in paragraph (h)(1) of this section, the person shall file a paper copy or a digitized version of the required schedule or form by the close of business on the prescribed filing date.

(i) Preservation of reports. For any report filed in electronic format under this section, the treasurer or other person required to file any report under the Act shall retain a machine-readable copy of the report as the copy preserved under 11 CFR 104.14(b)(2). In addition, the treasurer or other person required to file any report under the Act shall retain the original signed version of any documents submitted in a digitized format under paragraphs (g) and (h) of this section.

[65 FR 38423, June 21, 2000, as amended at 67 FR 12840, Mar. 20, 2002; 81 FR 34863, June 1, 2016; 84 FR 18700, May 2, 2019]
§ 104.19 - [Reserved]
§ 104.20 - Reporting electioneering communications (52 U.S.C. 30104 (f)).

(a) Definitions—(1) Disclosure date means:

(i) The first date on which an electioneering communication is publicly distributed provided that the person making the electioneering communication has made one or more disbursements, or has executed one or more contracts to make disbursements, for the direct costs of producing or airing one or more electioneering communications aggregating in excess of $10,000; or

(ii) Any other date during the same calendar year on which an electioneering communication is publicly distributed provided that the person making the electioneering communication has made one or more disbursements, or has executed one or more contracts to make disbursements, for the direct costs of producing or airing one or more electioneering communications aggregating in excess of $10,000 since the most recent disclosure date during such calendar year.

(2) Direct costs of producing or airing electioneering communications means the following:

(i) Costs charged by a vendor, such as studio rental time, staff salaries, costs of video or audio recording media, and talent; or

(ii) The cost of airtime on broadcast, cable or satellite radio and television stations, studio time, material costs, and the charges for a broker to purchase the airtime.

(3) Persons sharing or exercising direction or control means officers, directors, executive directors or their equivalent, partners, and in the case of unincorporated organizations, owners, of the entity or person making the disbursement for the electioneering communication.

(4) Identification has the same meaning as in 11 CFR 100.12.

(5) Publicly distributed has the same meaning as in 11 CFR 100.29(b)(3).

(b) Who must report and when. Every person who has made an electioneering communication, as defined in 11 CFR 100.29, aggregating in excess of $10,000 during any calendar year shall file a statement with the Commission by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard/Daylight Time on the day following the disclosure date. The statement shall be filed under penalty of perjury, shall contain the information set forth in paragraph (c) of this section, and shall be filed on FEC Form 9. Political committees that make communications that are described in 11 CFR 100.29(a) must report such communications as expenditures or independent expenditures under 11 CFR 104.3 and 104.4, and not under this section.

(c) Contents of statement. Statements of electioneering communications filed under paragraph (b) of this section shall disclose the following information:

(1) The identification of the person who made the disbursement, or who executed a contract to make a disbursement, and, if the person is not an individual, the person's principal place of business;

(2) The identification of any person sharing or exercising direction or control over the activities of the person who made the disbursement or who executed a contract to make a disbursement;

(3) The identification of the custodian of the books and accounts from which the disbursements were made;

(4) The amount of each disbursement, or amount obligated, of more than $200 during the period covered by the statement, the date the disbursement was made, or the contract was executed, and the identification of the person to whom that disbursement was made;

(5) All clearly identified candidates referred to in the electioneering communication and the elections in which they are candidates; and

(6) The disclosure date, as defined in paragraph (a) of this section.

(7) If the election identified pursuant to paragraph (c)(5) of this section is a presidential primary election and the electioneering communication is publicly distributed or otherwise disseminated in six or more states but does not refer to any particular state, the electioneering communication shall be reported as a single communication, indicating the state with the next upcoming presidential primary among those states where the electioneering communication is distributed, and the states in which it constitutes an electioneering communication (as defined in 11 CFR 100.29(a)) shall be indicated in memo text.

(8) If the disbursements were paid exclusively from a segregated bank account consisting of funds provided solely by persons other than national banks, corporations organized by authority of any law of Congress, or foreign nationals as defined in 11 CFR 110.20(a)(3), the name and address of each donor who donated an amount aggregating $1,000 or more to the segregated bank account, aggregating since the first day of the preceding calendar year.

(9) If the disbursements were not paid exclusively from a segregated bank account described in paragraph (c)(7) of this section and were not made by a corporation or labor organization, the name and address of each donor who donated an amount aggregating $1,000 or more to the person making the disbursement, aggregating since the first day of the preceding calendar year.

(10) If the disbursements were made by a corporation or labor organization and were not paid exclusively from a segregated bank account described in paragraph (c)(7) of this section, the name and address of each person who made a donation aggregating $1,000 or more to the corporation or labor organization, aggregating since the first day of the preceding calendar year, which was made for the purpose of furthering electioneering communications.

(d) Recordkeeping. All persons who make electioneering communications or who accept donations for the purpose of making electioneering communications must maintain records in accordance with 11 CFR 104.14.

(e) State waivers. Statements of electioneering communications that must be filed with the Commission must also be filed with the Secretary of State of the appropriate State if the State has not obtained a waiver under 11 CFR 108.1(b).

[68 FR 419, Jan. 3, 2003; 68 FR 5075, Jan. 31, 2003, as amended at 72 FR 72913, Dec. 26, 2007; 80 FR 62816, Oct. 21, 2014; 83 FR 66595, Dec. 27, 2018]
§ 104.21 - Reporting by inaugural committees.

(a) Definitions—(1) Inaugural committee. Inaugural committee means the committee appointed by the President-elect to be in charge of the Presidential inaugural ceremony and functions and activities connected with the inaugural ceremony.

(2) Donation. For purposes of this section, donation has the same meaning as in 11 CFR 300.2(e).

(b) Initial letter-filing by inaugural committees. (1) In order to be considered the inaugural committee under 36 U.S.C. Chapter 5, within 15 days of appointment by the President-elect, the appointed committee must file a signed letter with the Commission containing the following:

(i) The name and address of the inaugural committee;

(ii) The name of the chairperson, or the name and title of another officer who will serve as the point of contact; and

(iii) A statement agreeing to comply with paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section and with 11 CFR 110.20(j).

(2) Upon receipt of the letter filed under this paragraph (b), the Commission will assign a FEC committee identification number to the inaugural committee. The inaugural committee must include this FEC committee identification number on all reports and supplements thereto required under paragraph (c) of this section, as well as on all communications with the Commission concerning the letter filed under this paragraph (b).

(c) Reporting requirements for inaugural committees—(1) Who must report. The chairperson or other officer identified in the letter-filing required by paragraph (b) of this section must file a report and any supplements thereto as required by this paragraph (c). Such person must sign the report and any supplements thereto in accordance with 11 CFR 104.14(a). The signature on the report and any supplements thereto certifies that the contents are true, correct, and complete, to the best of knowledge of the chairperson or other officer identified in the letter-filing required by paragraph (b) of this section.

(2) When to file. A report, and any supplements thereto, must be timely filed in accordance with 11 CFR 100.19 as follows:

(i) Report. An inaugural committee must file a report with the Commission no later than the 90th day following the date on which the Presidential inaugural ceremony is held.

(ii) Supplements to the report. (A) An inaugural committee must file a supplement to its report if it accepts a reportable donation, or makes a refund during the 90 days following the end of the covering period of its original report or its most recent supplement.

(B) Any supplement must be filed no later than the 90th day following the filing date of an original report, or if a supplement has already been filed, the filing date of the most recent supplement.

(3) Where to file. All letters, reports, and any supplements thereto, as required under this section, shall be filed with the Federal Election Commission.

(4) How to file. An inaugural committee must file its letter, report, and any supplements thereto, in original form; however, an inaugural committee may choose to file its reports in an electronic format that meets the requirements of 11 CFR 104.18.

(5) Form. An inaugural committee must file the report required by this paragraph on FEC Form 13.

(6) Content of report. Each report, and any supplements thereto, filed with the Commission under this section must contain the following:

(i) Covering period beginning and ending dates, as follows:

(A) The covering period of a report means the period of time beginning on the date of the inaugural committee's appointment by the President-elect and ending no earlier than 15 days before the day on which the inaugural committee files its report with the Commission.

(B) The covering period of a supplement to the report means the period of time beginning on the day after the ending date of the covering period of the original report, or the most recent supplement thereto, and ending no earlier than 15 days before the day on which the inaugural committee files such supplement with the Commission.

(ii) Cumulative totals from the date of the inaugural committee's appointment by the President-elect for all:

(A) Donations reported under paragraph (c)(6)(iii) of this section;

(B) Refunds reported under paragraph (c)(6)(iv) of this section; and

(C) Net reported donations;

(iii) Itemization of previously unreported donations of $200 or more, and donations that aggregate $200 or more, including:

(A) The full name of each person who made such a donation, including first name, middle name or initial, if available, and last name, in the case of an individual;

(B) The address of each such person;

(C) The amount of each such donation; and

(D) The date of receipt of each such donation; and

(iv) Itemization of previously unreported refunds of previously, or contemporaneously, reported donations, including:

(A) The full name of each person to whom such a refund was made, including first name, middle name or initial, if available, and last name, in the case of an individual;

(B) The address of each such person;

(C) The amount of each such refund; and

(D) The date of each such refund.

(d) Recordkeeping. All inaugural committees must maintain records in accordance with 11 CFR 104.14.

[69 FR 59779, Oct. 6, 2004, as amended at 82 FR 60853, Dec. 26, 2017; 89 FR 216, Jan. 2, 2024]
§ 104.22 - Disclosure of bundling by Lobbyist/Registrants and Lobbyist/Registrant PACs (52 U.S.C. 30104(i)).

(a) Definitions. (1) Reporting Committee. Reporting committee means:

(i) An authorized committee of a Federal candidate as defined at 11 CFR 100.5(f)(1);

(ii) A leadership PAC as defined at 11 CFR 100.5(e)(6); or

(iii) A party committee as defined at 11 CFR 100.5(e)(4).

(2) Lobbyist/Registrant. Lobbyist/registrant means a person who, at the time a contribution is forwarded to, or is received by, a reporting committee, is:

(i) A current registrant under Section 4(a) of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1603(a)); or

(ii) An individual who is named on a current registration or current report filed under Section 4(b)(6) or 5(b)(2)(C) of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1603(b)(6) or 1604(b)(2)(C)).

(3) Lobbyist/Registrant PAC. Lobbyist/registrant PAC means any political committee that a lobbyist/registrant “established or controls,” as defined in paragraph (a)(4) of this section.

(4) Established or Controls. (i) For purposes of this section only, a lobbyist/registrant established or controls any political committee that the lobbyist/registrant is required to disclose to the Secretary of the U. S. Senate or Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives as being established or controlled by that lobbyist/registrant under Section 203 of the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007, amending the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1604(d)(1)(C)).

(ii) If, after consulting guidance from the offices of the Secretary of the Senate or Clerk of the U.S House of Representatives, or communicating with such offices, a political committee is unable to ascertain whether it is established or controlled by a lobbyist/registrant, a lobbyist/registrant will be deemed to have established or to control a political committee if:

(A) The political committee is a separate segregated fund with a current registrant under Section 4(a) of the Lobbying Disclosure Act (2 U.S.C. 1603(a)) as its connected organization; or

(B) The political committee meets either of the following criteria:

(1) A lobbyist/registrant had a primary role in the establishment of the political committee, excluding the provision of legal or compliance services or advice; or

(2) A lobbyist/registrant directs the governance or operations of the political committee, excluding the provision of legal or compliance services or advice.

(5) Covered Period. Covered period means:

(i) Semi-annually. The semi-annual periods of January 1 through June 30, and July 1 through December 31; and the period described in paragraph (a)(5)(ii), (iii) or (iv), below, that applies to the reporting committee.

(ii) Quarterly. For reporting committees that file campaign finance reports under 11 CFR 104.5 on a quarterly basis, the covered period also includes the quarters beginning on January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1 of each calendar year and the applicable pre- and post-election reporting periods in election years; in a nonelection year, reporting committees not authorized by a candidate need only observe the semi-annual period described in paragraph (a)(5)(i) above; or

(iii) Monthly. For reporting committees that file monthly campaign finance reports under 11 CFR 104.5, the covered period also includes each month in the calendar year, except that in election years the pre- and post-general election reporting periods shall constitute the covered period in lieu of the monthly November and December reporting periods.

(iv) Alternative for monthly filers. Any reporting committee that files monthly campaign finance reports under 11 CFR 104.5 may choose to file reports pursuant to the quarterly covered period in paragraph (a)(5)(ii) of this section instead of the monthly covered period in paragraph (a)(5)(iii) of this section. It shall do so by notifying the Commission in writing of its intention to do so at the time the reporting committee files a monthly report under paragraph (a)(5)(iii) of this section. The reporting committee will be required to file its next report under the new filing frequency. The reporting committee may change its filing frequency no more than once per calendar year.

(v) Runoffs and Special Elections. For special elections and runoff elections set by State law, the covered period shall be the same as the reporting periods set under 11 CFR 104.5(h).

(6) Bundled Contribution. Bundled contribution means any contribution that meets the definition set forth in either paragraph (i) or (ii) below:

(i) Forwarded contribution means a contribution delivered or transmitted, by physical or electronic means, to the reporting committee by a lobbyist/registrant or lobbyist/registrant PAC, or by any person that the reporting committee knows to be forwarding such contribution on behalf of a lobbyist/registrant or lobbyist/registrant PAC.

(ii) Received and credited contribution means a contribution received by the reporting committee from the contributor or contributors, and credited by the reporting committee or candidate involved to a lobbyist/registrant or lobbyist/registrant PAC through records, designations, or other means of recognizing that a certain amount of money has been raised by the lobbyist/registrant or lobbyist/registrant PAC.

(A) Records, designations, or other means of recognizing. Records means written evidence (including writings, charts, computer files, tables, spreadsheets, databases, or other data or data compilations stored in any medium from which information can be obtained) that the reporting committee or candidate involved attributes to a lobbyist/registrant or lobbyist/registrant PAC contributions raised by that person or entity and received by the reporting committee.

Designations or other means of recognizing bundled contributions means benefits given by the reporting committee to persons for raising a certain amount of contributions, including but not limited to:

(1) Titles that the reporting committee assigns to persons who have raised a certain amount of contributions;

(2) Tracking identifiers that the reporting committee assigns and that are included on contributions or contributions-related materials (for example, contributor response devices, cover letters, or website solicitation pages) for the purpose of maintaining information about the amounts of contributions that a person raises;

(3) Access (including offers or attendance) to events or activities given to the lobbyist/registrant or lobbyist/registrant PAC by the reporting committee as a result of raising a certain amount of contributions; and

(4) Mementos, such as photographs with the candidate or autographed copies of books authored by the candidate, given by the reporting committee to persons who have raised a certain amount of contributions.

(B) The candidate involved. The candidate involved means the candidate by whom the authorized committee is authorized; the candidate or individual holding Federal office who directly or indirectly established, finances, maintains or controls the leadership PAC; or the chairman of the committee in the case of a political party committee.

(iii) Bundled contributions do not include contributions made by the lobbyist/registrant PAC or from the personal funds of the lobbyist/registrant that forwards or is credited with raising the contributions or the personal funds of that person's spouse.

(b) Reporting requirement for reporting committees—(1) FEC Form 3L. Each reporting committee must file FEC Form 3L (Report of Contributions Bundled by Lobbyist/Registrants and Lobbyist/Registrant PACs) if it has received two or more bundled contributions (see paragraph (a)(6)) forwarded by or received and credited to a person reasonably known by the reporting committee to be a lobbyist/registrant or lobbyist/registrant PAC aggregating in excess of $15,000 during the covered period. The form shall set forth:

(i) The name of each lobbyist/registrant or lobbyist/registrant PAC;

(ii) The address of each lobbyist/registrant or lobbyist/registrant PAC;

(iii) The employer of each lobbyist/registrant; and

(iv) The aggregate amount of bundled contributions forwarded by or received and credited to each lobbyist/registrant or lobbyist/registrant PAC by the reporting committee during the covered period.

(2) Determining whether a person is reasonably known to be a lobbyist/registrant or lobbyist/registrant PAC. (i) In order to comply with paragraph (b)(1) of this section, a reporting committee must consult, in a manner reasonably calculated to find the name of each person who is a lobbyist/registrant or lobbyist/registrant PAC, the websites maintained by the Clerk of the House of Representatives, the Secretary of the Senate, and the Federal Election Commission to determine whether, at the time a contribution was forwarded to, or received by, the reporting committee:

(A) The person was listed as a current registrant under Section 4(a) of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1603(a));

(B) The person was an individual listed on a current registration filed under Section 4(b)(6) or a current report filed under Section 5(b)(2)(C) of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1603 or 1604);

(C) The person identified itself as a lobbyist/registrant PAC on its Statement of Organization, FEC Form 1, filed with the Commission; or

(D) The person was listed as a political committee established or controlled by a lobbyist or registrant on a report filed under Sec. 203(a) of the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007, amending the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1604).

(ii) A manner reasonably calculated to find the name of each person who is a lobbyist/registrant or lobbyist/registrant PAC may be demonstrated by the reporting committee producing a computer printout or screen capture from a Web browser indicating that the name of the person sought was not listed in the results of the website consultations performed in accordance with paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section. Such a computer printout or screen capture shall constitute conclusive evidence that the reporting committee has consulted such websites and not found the name of the person sought, but shall not be the exclusive means by which the reporting committee may provide evidence that it has consulted such websites and not found the name of the person sought.

(iii) A reporting committee shall be subject to the reporting requirement under paragraph (b)(1) of this section if it had actual knowledge that, at the time a contribution was forwarded or received, the person whose name is sought was required to be listed on any registration or report described in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section.

(c) Lobbyist/Registrant PAC reporting requirements. Any political committee that is a lobbyist/registrant PAC as defined in paragraph (a)(3) of this section must identify itself as such on FEC Form 1 either upon registration with the Commission if it is a new political committee, or by amendment in accordance with 11 CFR 102.2(a)(2) if it is a political committee registered with the Commission.

(d) Where to file. Reporting committees shall file with the Federal Election Commission.

(e) When to file. Reporting committees must file the forms required under this section with the first report that they file under 11 CFR 104.5 following the end of each covered period.

(f) Recordkeeping. In addition to any requirements to maintain records and accounts under 11 CFR 102.8, 102.9 and 110.6, each reporting committee must maintain for three years after the filing of the report to which the information relates a record of any bundled contributions (see 11 CFR 104.22(a)(6)) provided by a lobbyist/registrant or lobbyist/registrant PAC that aggregate in excess of $15,000 for any covered period. The information required to be maintained is:

(1) The name and address of the lobbyist/registrant or lobbyist/registrant PAC;

(2) The employer of the lobbyist/registrant; and

(3) The aggregate amount of bundled contributions forwarded by or received and credited to each lobbyist/registrant or lobbyist/registrant PAC by the reporting committee during the covered period.

(g) Price index increase. (1) The threshold for reporting bundled contributions established in paragraph (b)(1) of this section shall be increased by the percent difference between the price index as defined at 11 CFR 110.17(d), as certified to the Commission by the Secretary of Labor, for the 12 months preceding the beginning of the calendar year and the price index for the base period.

(2) Each contribution bundling threshold so increased shall be the threshold in effect for that calendar year.

(3) For purposes of this paragraph (g), the term base period means calendar year 2006.

(4) If any amount after the increases under this paragraph (g) is not a multiple of $100, such amount shall be rounded to the nearest multiple of $100.

[74 FR 7302, Feb. 17, 2009, as amended at 84 FR 18700, May 2, 2019; 89 FR 216, Jan. 2, 2024]
authority: 52 U.S.C. 30101(1), 30101(8), 30101(9), 30102(g) and (i), 30104, 30111(a)(8) and (b), 30114, 30116, 36 U.S.C. 510.
source: 45 FR 15108, Mar. 7, 1980, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 11 CFR 104.3