Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 11 - Federal Elections last revised: Sep 25, 2024
§ 9002.1 - Authorized committee.

(a) Notwithstanding the definition at 11 CFR 100.5, authorized committee means with respect to a candidate (as defined at 11 CFR 9002.2) of a political party for President and Vice President, any political committee that is authorized by a candidate to incur expenses on behalf of such candidate. The term “authorized committee” includes the candidate's principal campaign committee designated in accordance with 11 CFR 102.12, any political committee authorized in writing by the candidate in accordance with 11 CFR 102.13, and any political committee not disavowed by the candidate pursuant to 11 CFR 100.3(a)(3). If a party has nominated a Presidential and a Vice Presidential candidate, all political committees authorized by that party's Presidential candidate shall also be authorized committees of the Vice Presidential candidate and all political committees authorized by the Vice Presidential candidate shall also be authorized committees of the Presidential candidate.

(b) Any withdrawal of an authorization shall be in writing and shall be addressed and filed in the same manner provided for at 11 CFR 102.12 or 102.13.

(c) Any candidate nominated by a political party may designate the national committee of that political party as that candidate's authorized committee in accordance with 11 CFR 102.12(c).

(d) For purposes of this subchapter, references to the “candidate” and his or her responsibilities under this subchapter shall also be deemed to refer to the candidate's authorized committee(s).

§ 9002.2 - Candidate.

(a) For the purposes of this subchapter, candidate means with respect to any presidential election, an individual who—

(1) Has been nominated by a major party for election to the office of President of the United States or the office of Vice President of the United States; or

(2) Has qualified or consented to have his or her name appear on the general election ballot (or to have the names of electors pledged to him or her on such ballot) as the candidate of a political party for election to either such office in 10 or more States. For the purposes of this section, political party shall be defined in accordance with 11 CFR 9002.15.

(b) An individual who is no longer actively conducting campaigns in more than one State pursuant to 11 CFR 9004.8 shall cease to be a candidate for the purpose of this subchapter.

§ 9002.3 - Commission.

Commission means the Federal Election Commission.

[56 FR 35911, July 29, 1991, as amended at 82 FR 60854, Dec. 26, 2017]
§ 9002.4 - Eligible candidates.

Eligible candidates means those Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates who have met all applicable conditions for eligibility to receive payments from the Fund under 11 CFR part 9003.

§ 9002.5 - Fund.

Fund means the Presidential Election Campaign Fund established by 26 U.S.C. 9006(a).

§ 9002.6 - Major party.

Major party means a political party whose candidate for the office of President in the preceding Presidential election received, as a candidate of such party, 25 percent or more of the total number of popular votes received by all candidates for such office. For the purposes of 11 CFR 9002.6, candidate means, with respect to any preceding Presidential election, an individual who received popular votes for the office of President in such election.

§ 9002.7 - Minor party.

Minor party means a political party whose candidate for the office of President in the preceding Presidential election received, as a candidate of such party, 5 percent or more, but less than 25 percent, of the total number of popular votes received by all candidates for such office. For the purposes of 11 CFR 9002.7, candidate means with respect to any preceding Presidential election, an individual who received popular votes for the office of President in such election.

§ 9002.8 - New party.

New party means a political party which is neither a major party nor a minor party.

§ 9002.9 - Political committee.

For purposes of this subchapter, political committee means any committee, club, association, organization or other group of persons (whether or not incorporated) which accepts contributions or makes expenditures for the purpose of influencing, or attempting to influence, the election of any candidate to the office of President or Vice President of the United States.

§ 9002.10 - Presidential election.

Presidential election means the election of Presidential and Vice Presidential electors.

§ 9002.11 - Qualified campaign expense.

(a) Qualified campaign expense means any expenditure, including a purchase, payment, distribution, loan, advance, deposit, or gift of money or anything of value—

(1) Incurred to further a candidate's campaign for election to the office of President or Vice President of the United States;

(2) Incurred within the expenditure report period, as defined under 11 CFR 9002.12, or incurred before the beginning of such period in accordance with 11 CFR 9003.4 to the extent such expenditure is for property, services or facilities to be used during such period; and

(3) Neither the incurrence nor the payment of such expenditure constitutes a violation of any law of the United States, any law of the State in which such expense is incurred or paid, or any regulation prescribed under such Federal or State law, except that any State law which has been pre-empted by the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended, shall not be considered a State law for purposes of this subchapter. An expenditure which constitutes such a violation shall nevertheless count against the candidate's expenditure limitation if the expenditure meets the conditions set forth at 11 CFR 9002.11(a) (1) and (2).

(b)(1) An expenditure is made to further a Presidential or Vice Presidential candidate's campaign if it is incurred by or on behalf of such candidate or his or her authorized committee. For purposes of 11 CFR 9002.11(b)(1), any expenditure incurred by or on behalf of a Presidential candidate of a political party will also be considered an expenditure to further the campaign of the Vice Presidential candidate of that party. Any expenditure incurred by or on behalf of the Vice Presidential candidate will also be considered an expenditure to further the campaign of the Presidential candidate of that party.

(2) An expenditure is made on behalf of a candidate if it is made by—

(i) Any authorized committee or any other agent of the candidate for the purpose of making an expenditure; or

(ii) Any person authorized or requested by the candidate, by the candidate's authorized committee(s), or by an agent of the candidate or his or her authorized committee(s) to make an expenditure; or

(iii) A committee which has been requested by the candidate, the candidate's authorized committee(s), or an agent thereof to make the expenditure, even though such committee is not authorized in writing.

(3) Expenditures that further the election of other candidates for any public office shall be allocated in accordance with 11 CFR 106.1(a) and will be considered qualified campaign expenses only to the extent that they specifically further the election of the candidate for President or Vice President. A candidate may make expenditures under this section in conjunction with other candidates for any public office, but each candidate shall pay his or her proportionate share of the cost in accordance with 11 CFR 106.1(a).

(4) Expenditures by a candidate's authorized committee(s) pursuant to 11 CFR 9004.6 for the travel and related ground service costs of media shall be qualified campaign expenses. Any reimbursement for travel and related services costs received by a candidate's authorized committee shall be subject to the provisions of 11 CFR 9004.6.

(5) Legal and accounting services which are provided solely to ensure compliance with 52 U.S.C. 30101 et seq. or 26 U.S.C. 9001, et seq. shall be qualified campaign expenses which may be paid from payments received from the Fund. If federal funds are used to pay for such services, the payments will count against the candidate's expenditure limitation. Payments for such services may also be made from an account established in accordance with 11 CFR 9003.3 or may be provided to the committee in accordance with 11 CFR 100.86 and 100.146. If payments for such services are made from an account established in accordance with 11 CFR 9003.3, the payments do not count against the candidate's expenditure limitation. If payments for such services are made by a minor or new party candidate from an account containing private contributions, the payments do not count against that candidate's expenditure limitation. The amount paid by the committee shall be reported in accordance with 11 CFR part 9006. Amounts paid by the regular employer of the person providing such services pursuant to 11 CFR 100.86 and 100.146 shall be reported by the recipient committee in accordance with 11 CFR 104.3(h).

(c) Except as provided in 11 CFR 9034.4(e), expenditures incurred either before the beginning of the expenditure report period or after the last day of a candidate's eligibility will be considered qualified campaign expenses if they meet the provisions of 11 CFR 9004.4(a). Expenditures described under 11 CFR 9004.4(b) will not be considered qualified campaign expenses.

[56 FR 35911, July 29, 1991, as amended at 60 FR 31872, June 16, 1995; 67 FR 78682, Dec. 26, 2002; 79 FR 77850, Dec. 29, 2014]
§ 9002.12 - Expenditure report period.

Expenditure report period means, with respect to any Presidential election, the period of time described in either paragraph (a) or (b) of this section, as appropriate.

(a) In the case of a major party, the expenditure report period begins on September 1 before the election or on the date on which the major party's presidential nominee is chosen, whichever is earlier; and the period ends 30 days after the Presidential election.

(b) In the case of a minor or new party, the period will be the same as that of the major party with the shortest expenditure report period for that Presidential election as determined under paragraph (a) of this section.

§ 9002.13 - Contribution.

Contribution has the same meaning given the term under 52 U.S.C. 30101(8), 30118, and 30119, and under 11 CFR part 100, subparts B and C, and 11 CFR parts 114 and 115.

[56 FR 35911, July 29, 1991, as amended at 67 FR 78682, Dec. 26, 2002; 79 FR 77850, Dec. 29, 2014]
§ 9002.14 - Secretary.

Secretary means the Secretary of the Treasury.

§ 9002.15 - Political party.

Political party means an association, committee, or organization which nominates or selects an individual for election to any Federal office, including the office of President or Vice President of the United States, whose name appears on the general election ballot as the candidate of such association, committee, or organization.

authority: 26 U.S.C. 9002 and 9009(b)
source: 56 FR 35911, July 29, 1991, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 11 CFR 9002.1