Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 12 - Banks and Banking last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 252.50 - [Reserved]
§ 252.51 - Authority and purpose.

(a) Authority. 12 U.S.C. 321-338a,1818,1831p,1844,1844,5361,5365,5366.

(b) Purpose. This subpart establishes the requirement for a covered company to conduct stress tests. This subpart also establishes definitions of stress test and related terms, methodologies for conducting stress tests, and reporting and disclosure requirements.

[84 FR 59107, Nov. 1, 2019]
§ 252.52 - Definitions.

For purposes of this subpart, the following definitions apply:

Advanced approaches means the risk-weighted assets calculation methodologies at 12 CFR part 217, subpart E, as applicable, and any successor regulation.

Baseline scenario means a set of conditions that affect the U.S. economy or the financial condition of a covered company and that reflect the consensus views of the economic and financial outlook.

Capital action has the same meaning as in 12 CFR 225.8(d).

Covered company means:

(1) A global systemically important BHC;

(2) A Category II bank holding company;

(3) A Category III bank holding company;

(4) A Category II U.S. intermediate holding company subject to this section pursuant to § 252.153;

(5) A Category III U.S. intermediate holding company subject to this section pursuant to § 252.153; and

(6) A nonbank financial company supervised by the Board that is made subject to this section pursuant to a rule or order of the Board.

Foreign banking organization has the same meaning as in 12 CFR 211.21(o).

Planning horizon means the period of at least nine consecutive quarters, beginning on the first day of a stress test cycle over which the relevant projections extend.

Pre-provision net revenue means the sum of net interest income and non-interest income less expenses before adjusting for loss provisions.

Provision for credit losses means:

(1) With respect to a covered company that has adopted the current expected credit losses methodology under GAAP, the provision for credit losses, as would be reported by the covered company on the FR Y-9C in the current stress test cycle; and

(2) With respect to a covered company that has not adopted the current expected credit losses methodology under GAAP, the provision for loan and lease losses as would be reported by the covered company on the FR Y-9C in the current stress test cycle.

Regulatory capital ratio means a capital ratio for which the Board has established minimum requirements for the company by regulation or order, including, as applicable, the company's regulatory capital ratios calculated under 12 CFR part 217 and the deductions required under 12 CFR 248.12; except that the company shall not use the advanced approaches to calculate its regulatory capital ratios.

Scenarios are those sets of conditions that affect the U.S. economy or the financial condition of a covered company that the Board determines are appropriate for use in the company-run stress tests, including, but not limited to, baseline and severely adverse scenarios.

Severely adverse scenario means a set of conditions that affect the U.S. economy or the financial condition of a covered company and that overall are significantly more severe than those associated with the baseline scenario and may include trading or other additional components.

Stress test means a process to assess the potential impact of scenarios on the consolidated earnings, losses, and capital of a covered company over the planning horizon, taking into account its current condition, risks, exposures, strategies, and activities.

Stress test cycle means the period beginning on January 1 of a calendar year and ending on December 31 of that year.

Subsidiary has the same meaning as in 12 CFR 225.2.

[84 FR 59107, Nov. 1, 2019]
§ 252.53 - Applicability.

(a) Scope—(1) Applicability. Except as provided in paragraphs (a)(3) and (b) of this section, this subpart applies to any covered company, which includes:

(i) Any global systemically important BHC;

(ii) Any Category II bank holding company;

(iii) Any Category III bank holding company;

(iv) Any Category II U.S. intermediate holding company subject to this section pursuant to § 252.153;

(v) Any Category III U.S. intermediate holding company subject to this section pursuant to § 252.153; and

(vi) Any nonbank financial company supervised by the Board that is made subject to this section pursuant to a rule or order of the Board.

(2) Ongoing applicability. (i) A bank holding company (including any successor company) that is subject to any requirement in this subpart shall remain subject to any such requirement unless and until the bank holding company:

(A) Is not a global systemically important BHC;

(B) Is not a Category II bank holding company; and

(C) Is not a Category III bank holding company.

(ii) A U.S. intermediate holding company (including any successor company) that is subject to any requirement in this subpart shall remain subject to any such requirement unless and until the U.S. intermediate holding company:

(A) Is not a Category II U.S. intermediate holding company; and

(B) Is not a Category III U.S. intermediate holding company.

(3) Insurance bank holding companies. Notwithstanding any other provision of this paragraph (a), this subpart does not apply to a covered company that is a bank holding company that is subject to part 217, subpart J, of this chapter.

(b) Transitional arrangements. (1) A company that becomes a covered company on or before September 30 of a calendar year must comply with the requirements of this subpart beginning on January 1 of the second calendar year after the company becomes a covered company, unless that time is extended by the Board in writing.

(2) A company that becomes a covered company after September 30 of a calendar year must comply with the requirements of this subpart beginning on January 1 of the third calendar year after the company becomes a covered company, unless that time is extended by the Board in writing.

[84 FR 59107, Nov. 1, 2019, as amended at 88 FR 82980, Nov. 27, 2023]
§ 252.54 - Stress test.

(a) Stress test—(1) In general. A covered company must conduct a stress test as required under this subpart.

(2) Frequency—(i) General. Except as provided in paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section, a covered company must conduct a stress test according to the frequency in Table 1 to § 252.54(a)(2)(i).

Table 1 to § 252.54(a)(2)(i)

If the covered company is a Then the stress test must be conducted
Global systemically important BHCAnnually, by April 5 of each calendar year based on data as of December 31 of the preceding calendar year, unless the time or the as-of date is extended by the Board in writing.
Category II bank holding companyAnnually, by April 5 of each calendar year based on data as of December 31 of the preceding calendar year, unless the time or the as-of date is extended by the Board in writing.
Category II U.S. intermediate holding companyAnnually, by April 5 of each calendar year based on data as of December 31 of the preceding calendar year, unless the time or the as-of date is extended by the Board in writing.
Category III bank holding companyBiennially, by April 5 of each calendar year ending in an even number, based on data as of December 31 of the preceding calendar year, unless the time or the as-of date is extended by the Board in writing.
Category III U.S. intermediate holding companyBiennially, by April 5 of each calendar year ending in an even number, based on data as of December 31 of the preceding calendar year, unless the time or the as-of date is extended by the Board in writing.
Nonbank financial company supervised by the BoardPeriodically, as determined by rule or order.

(ii) Change in frequency. The Board may require a covered company to conduct a stress test on a more or less frequent basis than would be required under paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section based on the company's financial condition, size, complexity, risk profile, scope of operations, or activities, or risks to the U.S. economy.

(3) Notice and response—(i) Notification of change in frequency. If the Board requires a covered company to change the frequency of the stress test under paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section, the Board will notify the company in writing and provide a discussion of the basis for its determination.

(ii) Request for reconsideration and Board response. Within 14 calendar days of receipt of a notification under paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section, a covered company may request in writing that the Board reconsider the requirement to conduct a stress test on a more or less frequent basis than would be required under paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section. A covered company's request for reconsideration must include an explanation as to why the request for reconsideration should be granted. The Board will respond in writing within 14 calendar days of receipt of the company's request.

(b) Scenarios provided by the Board—(1) In general. In conducting a stress test under this section, a covered company must, at a minimum, use the scenarios provided by the Board. Except as provided in paragraphs (b)(2) and (3) of this section, the Board will provide a description of the scenarios to each covered company no later than February 15 of the calendar year in which the stress test is performed pursuant to this section.

(2) Additional components. (i) The Board may require a covered company with significant trading activity to include a trading and counterparty component in its severely adverse scenario in the stress test required by this section. The data used in this component must be as of a date selected by the Board between October 1 of the previous calendar year and March 1 of the calendar year in which the stress test is performed pursuant to this section, and the Board will communicate the as-of date and a description of the component to the company no later than March 1 of the calendar year in which the stress test is performed pursuant to this section. A covered company has significant trading activity if it has:

(A) Aggregate trading assets and liabilities of $50 billion or more, or aggregate trading assets and liabilities equal to 10 percent or more of total consolidated assets;

(B) Is not a Category IV bank holding company.

(ii) The Board may require a covered company to include one or more additional components in its severely adverse scenario in the stress test required by this section based on the company's financial condition, size, complexity, risk profile, scope of operations, or activities, or risks to the U.S. economy.

(3) Additional scenarios. The Board may require a covered company to use one or more additional scenarios in the stress test required by this section based on the company's financial condition, size, complexity, risk profile, scope of operations, or activities, or risks to the U.S. economy.

(4) Notice and response—(i) Notification of additional component. If the Board requires a covered company to include one or more additional components in its adverse and severely adverse scenarios under paragraph (b)(2) of this section or to use one or more additional scenarios under paragraph (b)(3) of this section, the Board will notify the company in writing. The Board will provide such notification no later than December 31 of the preceding calendar year. The notification will include a general description of the additional component(s) or additional scenario(s) and the basis for requiring the company to include the additional component(s) or additional scenario(s).

(ii) Request for reconsideration and Board response. Within 14 calendar days of receipt of a notification under this paragraph, the covered company may request in writing that the Board reconsider the requirement that the company include the additional component(s) or additional scenario(s), including an explanation as to why the request for reconsideration should be granted. The Board will respond in writing within 14 calendar days of receipt of the company's request.

(iii) Description of component. The Board will provide the covered company with a description of any additional component(s) or additional scenario(s) by March 1 of the calendar year in which the stress test is performed pursuant to this section.

[Reg. YY, 79 FR 64051, Oct. 27, 2014, as amended at 82 FR 9330, Feb. 3, 2017; 84 FR 59108, Nov. 1, 2019; 85 FR 15605, Mar. 18, 2020; 86 FR 7949, Feb. 3, 2021; 86 FR 22844, Apr. 30, 2021]
§ 252.55 - [Reserved]
§ 252.56 - Methodologies and practices.

(a) Potential impact on capital. In conducting a stress test under § 252.54, for each quarter of the planning horizon, a covered company must estimate the following for each scenario required to be used:

(1) Losses, pre-provision net revenue, provision for credit losses, and net income; and

(2) The potential impact on the regulatory capital levels and ratios applicable to the covered bank, and any other capital ratios specified by the Board, and in doing so must:

(i) Incorporate the effects of any capital action over the planning horizon and maintenance of an allowance for loan losses or adjusted allowance for credit losses, as appropriate, for credit exposures throughout the planning horizon; and

(ii) Exclude the impacts of changes to a firm's business plan that are likely to have a material impact on the covered company's capital adequacy and funding profile.

(b) Assumptions regarding capital actions. In conducting a stress test under § 252.54, a covered company is required to make the following assumptions regarding its capital actions over the planning horizon:

(1) The covered company will not pay any dividends on any instruments that qualify as common equity tier 1 capital;

(2) The covered company will make payments on instruments that qualify as additional tier 1 capital or tier 2 capital equal to the stated dividend, interest, or principal due on such instrument;

(3) The covered company will not make a redemption or repurchase of any capital instrument that is eligible for inclusion in the numerator of a regulatory capital ratio; and

(4) The covered company will not make any issuances of common stock or preferred stock.

(c) Controls and oversight of stress testing processes—(1) In general. The senior management of a covered company must establish and maintain a system of controls, oversight, and documentation, including policies and procedures, that are designed to ensure that its stress testing processes are effective in meeting the requirements in this subpart. These policies and procedures must, at a minimum, describe the covered company's stress testing practices and methodologies, and processes for validating and updating the company's stress test practices and methodologies consistent with applicable laws and regulations.

(2) Oversight of stress testing processes. The board of directors, or a committee thereof, of a covered company must review and approve the policies and procedures of the stress testing processes as frequently as economic conditions or the condition of the covered company may warrant, but no less than each year a stress test is conducted. The board of directors and senior management of the covered company must receive a summary of the results of any stress test conducted under this subpart.

(3) Role of stress testing results. The board of directors and senior management of each covered company must consider the results of the analysis it conducts under this subpart, as appropriate:

(i) As part of the covered company's capital plan and capital planning process, including when making changes to the covered company's capital structure (including the level and composition of capital);

(ii) When assessing the covered company's exposures, concentrations, and risk positions; and

(iii) In the development or implementation of any plans of the covered company for recovery or resolution.

[Reg. YY, 79 FR 64051, Oct. 27, 2014, as amended at 80 FR 75426, Dec. 2, 2015; 84 FR 4246, Feb. 14, 2019; 84 FR 59109, Nov. 1, 2019; 85 FR 15605, Mar. 18, 2020; 86 FR 7949, Feb. 3, 2021]
§ 252.57 - Reports of stress test results.

(a) Reports to the Board of stress test results. A covered company must report the results of the stress test required under § 252.54 to the Board in the manner and form prescribed by the Board. Such results must be submitted by April 5 of the calendar year in which the stress test is conducted pursuant to § 252.54, unless that time is extended by the Board in writing.

(b) Confidential treatment of information submitted. The confidentiality of information submitted to the Board under this subpart and related materials shall be determined in accordance with applicable exemptions under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552(b)) and the Board's Rules Regarding Availability of Information (12 CFR part 261).

[Reg. YY, 79 FR 64051, Oct. 27, 2014, as amended at 82 FR 9330, Feb. 3, 2017; 84 FR 59109, Nov. 1, 2019]
§ 252.58 - Disclosure of stress test results.

(a) Public disclosure of results—(1) In general. A covered company must publicly disclose a summary of the results of the stress test required under § 252.54 within the period that is 15 calendar days after the Board publicly discloses the results of its supervisory stress test of the covered company pursuant to § 252.46(b), unless that time is extended by the Board in writing.

(2) Disclosure method. The summary required under this section may be disclosed on the Web site of a covered company, or in any other forum that is reasonably accessible to the public.

(b) Summary of results. The summary results must, at a minimum, contain the following information regarding the severely adverse scenario:

(1) A description of the types of risks included in the stress test;

(2) A general description of the methodologies used in the stress test, including those employed to estimate losses, revenues, provision for credit losses, and changes in capital positions over the planning horizon.

(3) Estimates of—

(i) Pre-provision net revenue and other revenue;

(ii) Provision for credit losses, realized losses or gains on available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities, trading and counterparty losses or gains;

(iii) Net income before taxes;

(iv) Loan losses (dollar amount and as a percentage of average portfolio balance) in the aggregate and by subportfolio, including: Domestic closed-end first-lien mortgages; domestic junior lien mortgages and home equity lines of credit; commercial and industrial loans; commercial real estate loans; credit card exposures; other consumer loans; and all other loans; and

(v) Pro forma regulatory capital ratios and any other capital ratios specified by the Board;

(4) An explanation of the most significant causes for the changes in regulatory capital ratios; and

(5) With respect to any depository institution subsidiary that is subject to stress testing requirements pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 5365(i)(2), as implemented by subpart B of this part, 12 CFR part 46 (OCC), or 12 CFR part 325, subpart C (FDIC), changes over the planning horizon in regulatory capital ratios and any other capital ratios specified by the Board and an explanation of the most significant causes for the changes in regulatory capital ratios.

(c) Content of results. (1) The following disclosures required under paragraph (b) of this section must be on a cumulative basis over the planning horizon:

(i) Pre-provision net revenue and other revenue;

(ii) Provision for credit losses, realized losses/gains on available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities, trading and counterparty losses, and other losses or gain;

(iii) Net income before taxes; and

(iv) Loan losses in the aggregate and by subportfolio.

(2) The disclosure of pro forma regulatory capital ratios and any other capital ratios specified by the Board that is required under paragraph (b) of this section must include the beginning value, ending value, and minimum value of each ratio over the planning horizon.

[Reg. YY, 79 FR 64051, Oct. 27, 2014, as amended at 80 FR 75426, Dec. 2, 2015; 82 FR 9330, Feb. 3, 2017; 84 FR 4246, Feb. 14, 2019; 84 FR 59109, Nov. 1, 2019; 86 FR 7949, Feb. 3, 2021]
source: 77 FR 62391, Oct. 12, 2012, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 12 CFR 252.52