Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024

Title 12 - Banks and Banking last revised: Oct 01, 2024
§ 208.30 - Authority, purpose, and scope.

(a) Authority. Subpart C of Regulation H (12 CFR part 208, subpart C) is issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System under 12 U.S.C. 24,92a,93a; sections 1818 and 1831p-1(a)(2) of the FDI Act (12 U.S.C. 1818,1831p; and sections 78b, 78l(b), 78l(g), 78l(i), 78o-4(c)(5), 78o-5, 78q, 78q-1, and 78w of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78b,78l,78l,78l,78o,78o,78q,78q-1,78w.

(b) Purpose and scope. This subpart C describes the requirements imposed upon member banks acting as transfer agents, registered clearing agencies, or sellers of securities under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. This subpart C also describes the reporting requirements imposed on member banks whose securities are subject to registration under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

§ 208.31 - State member banks as transfer agents.

(a) The rules adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) pursuant to section 17A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78q-l) prescribing procedures for registration of transfer agents for which the SEC is the appropriate regulatory agency (17 CFR 240.17Ac2-1) apply to member bank transfer agents. References to the “Commission” are deemed to refer to the Board.

(b) The rules adopted by the SEC pursuant to section 17A prescribing operational and reporting requirements for transfer agents (17 CFR 240.17Ac2-2 and 240.17Ad-1 through 240.17Ad-16) apply to member bank transfer agents.

§ 208.32 - Notice of disciplinary sanctions imposed by registered clearing agency.

(a) Notice requirement. Any member bank or any of its subsidiaries that is a registered clearing agency pursuant to section 17A(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the Act), and that:

(1) Imposes any final disciplinary sanction on any participant therein;

(2) Denies participation to any applicant; or

(3) Prohibits or limits any person in respect to access to services offered by the clearing agency, shall file with the Board (and the appropriate regulatory agency, if other than the Board, for a participant or applicant) notice thereof in the manner prescribed in this section.

(b) Notice of final disciplinary actions. (1) Any registered clearing agency for which the Board is the appropriate regulatory agency that takes any final disciplinary action with respect to any participant shall promptly file a notice thereof with the Board in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section. For the purposes of this paragraph (b), final disciplinary action means the imposition of any disciplinary sanction pursuant to section 17A(b)(3)(G) of the Act, or other action of a registered clearing agency which, after notice and opportunity for hearing, results in final disposition of charges of:

(i) One or more violations of the rules of the registered clearing agency; or

(ii) Acts or practices constituting a statutory disqualification of a type defined in paragraph (iv) or (v) (except prior convictions) of section 3(a)(39) of the Act.

(2) However, if a registered clearing agency fee schedule specifies certain charges for errors made by its participants in giving instructions to the registered clearing agency which are de minimis on a per error basis, and whose purpose is, in part, to provide revenues to the clearing agency to compensate it for effort expended in beginning to process an erroneous instruction, such error charges shall not be considered a final disciplinary action for purposes of this paragraph (b).

(c) Contents of final disciplinary action notice. Any notice filed pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section shall consist of the following, as appropriate:

(1) The name of the respondent and the respondent's last known address, as reflected on the records of the clearing agency, and the name of the person, committee, or other organizational unit that brought the charges. However, identifying information as to any respondent found not to have violated a provision covered by a charge may be deleted insofar as the notice reports the disposition of that charge and, prior to the filing of the notice, the respondent does not request that identifying information be included in the notice;

(2) A statement describing the investigative or other origin of the action;

(3) As charged in the proceeding, the specific provision or provisions of the rules of the clearing agency violated by the respondent, or the statutory disqualification referred to in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, and a statement describing the answer of the respondent to the charges;

(4) A statement setting forth findings of fact with respect to any act or practice in which the respondent was charged with having engaged in or omitted; the conclusion of the clearing agency as to whether the respondent violated any rule or was subject to a statutory disqualification as charged; and a statement of the clearing agency in support of its resolution of the principal issues raised in the proceedings;

(5) A statement describing any sanction imposed, the reasons therefor, and the date upon which the sanction became or will become effective; and

(6) Such other matters as the clearing agency may deem relevant.

(d) Notice of final denial, prohibition, termination or limitation based on qualification or administrative rules. (1) Any registered clearing agency, for which the Board is the appropriate regulatory agency, that takes any final action that denies or conditions the participation of any person, or prohibits or limits access, to services offered by the clearing agency, shall promptly file notice thereof with the Board (and the appropriate regulatory agency, if other than the Board, for the affected person) in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section; but such action shall not be considered a final disciplinary action for purposes of paragraph (b) of this section where the action is based on an alleged failure of such person to:

(i) Comply with the qualification standards prescribed by the rules of the registered clearing agency pursuant to section 17A(b)(4)(B) of the Act; or

(ii) Comply with any administrative requirements of the registered clearing agency (including failure to pay entry or other dues or fees, or to file prescribed forms or reports) not involving charges of violations that may lead to a disciplinary sanction.

(2) However, no such action shall be considered final pursuant to this paragraph (d) that results merely from a notice of such failure to comply to the person affected, if such person has not sought an adjudication of the matter, including a hearing, or otherwise exhausted the administrative remedies within the registered clearing agency with respect to such a matter.

(e) Contents of notice required by paragraph (d) of this section. Any notice filed pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section shall consist of the following, as appropriate:

(1) The name of each person concerned and each person's last known address, as reflected in the records of the clearing agency;

(2) The specific grounds upon which the action of the clearing agency was based, and a statement describing the answer of the person concerned;

(3) A statement setting forth findings of fact and conclusions as to each alleged failure of the person to comply with qualification standards or administrative obligations, and a statement of the clearing agency in support of its resolution of the principal issues raised in the proceeding;

(4) The date upon which such action became or will become effective; and

(5) Such other matters as the clearing agency deems relevant.

(f) Notice of final action based on prior adjudicated statutory disqualifications. Any registered clearing agency for which the Board is the appropriate regulatory agency that takes any final action shall promptly file notice thereof with the Board (and the appropriate regulatory agency, if other than the Board, for the affected person) in accordance with paragraph (g) of this section, where the final action:

(1) Denies or conditions participation to any person, or prohibits or limits access to services offered by the clearing agency; and

(2) Is based upon a statutory disqualification of a type defined in paragraph (A), (B) or (C) of section 3(a)(39) of the Act, consisting of a prior conviction, as described in subparagraph (E) of section 3(a)(39) of the Act. However, no such action shall be considered final pursuant to this paragraph (f) that results merely from a notice of such disqualification to the person affected, if such person has not sought an adjudication of the matter, including a hearing, or otherwise exhausted the administrative remedies within the clearing agency with respect to such a matter.

(g) Contents of notice required by paragraph (f) of this section. Any notice filed pursuant to paragraph (f) of this section shall consist of the following, as appropriate:

(1) The name of each person concerned and each person's last known address, as reflected in the records of the clearing agency;

(2) A statement setting forth the principal issues raised, the answer of any person concerned, and a statement of the clearing agency in support of its resolution of the principal issues raised in the proceeding;

(3) Any description furnished by or on behalf of the person concerned of the activities engaged in by the person since the adjudication upon which the disqualification is based;

(4) A copy of the order or decision of the court, appropriate regulatory agency, or self-regulatory organization that adjudicated the matter giving rise to the statutory disqualification;

(5) The nature of the action taken and the date upon which such action is to be made effective; and

(6) Such other matters as the clearing agency deems relevant.

(h) Notice of summary suspension of participation. Any registered clearing agency for which the Board is the appropriate regulatory agency that summarily suspends or closes the accounts of a participant pursuant to the provisions of section 17A(b)(5)(C) of the Act shall, within one business day after such action becomes effective, file notice thereof with the Board and the appropriate regulatory agency for the participant, if other than the Board, of such action in accordance with paragraph (i) of this section.

(i) Contents of notice of summary suspension. Any notice pursuant to paragraph (h) of this section shall contain at least the following information, as appropriate:

(1) The name of the participant concerned and the participant's last known address, as reflected in the records of the clearing agency;

(2) The date upon which the summary action became or will become effective;

(3) If the summary action is based upon the provisions of section 17A(b)(5)(C)(i) of the Act, a copy of the relevant order or decision of the self-regulatory organization, if available to the clearing agency;

(4) If the summary action is based upon the provisions of section 17A(b)(5)(C)(ii) of the Act, a statement describing the default of any delivery of funds or securities to the clearing agency;

(5) If the summary action is based upon the provisions of section 17A(b)(5)(C)(iii) of the Act, a statement describing the financial or operating difficulty of the participant based upon which the clearing agency determined that the suspension and closing of accounts was necessary for the protection of the clearing agency, its participants, creditors, or investors;

(6) The nature and effective date of the suspension; and

(7) Such other matters as the clearing agency deems relevant.

§ 208.33 - Application for stay or review of disciplinary sanctions imposed by registered clearing agency.

(a) Stays. The rules adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) pursuant to section 19 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78s) regarding applications by persons for whom the SEC is the appropriate regulatory agency for stays of disciplinary sanctions or summary suspensions imposed by registered clearing agencies (17 CFR 240.19d-2) apply to applications by member banks. References to the “Commission” are deemed to refer to the Board.

(b) Reviews. The regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to section 19 of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78s) regarding applications by persons for whom the SEC is the appropriate regulatory agency for reviews of final disciplinary sanctions, denials of participation, or prohibitions or limitations of access to services imposed by registered clearing agencies (17 CFR 240.19d-3(a)-(f)) apply to applications by member banks. References to the “Commission” are deemed to refer to the Board. The Board's Uniform Rules of Practice and Procedure (12 CFR part 263) apply to review proceedings under this § 208.33 to the extent not inconsistent with this § 208.33.

§ 208.34 - Recordkeeping and confirmation of certain securities transactions effected by State member banks.

(a) Exceptions and safe and sound operations. (1) A State member bank may be excepted from one or more of the requirements of this section if it meets one of the following conditions of paragraphs (a)(1)(i) through (a)(1)(iv) of this section:

(i) De minimis transactions. The requirements of paragraphs (c)(2) through (c)(4) and paragraphs (e)(1) through (e)(3) of this section shall not apply to banks having an average of less than 200 securities transactions per year for customers over the prior three calendar year period, exclusive of transactions in government securities;

(ii) Government securities. The recordkeeping requirements of paragraph (c) of this section shall not apply to banks effecting fewer than 500 government securities brokerage transactions per year; provided that this exception shall not apply to government securities transactions by a State member bank that has filed a written notice, or is required to file notice, with the Federal Reserve Board that it acts as a government securities broker or a government securities dealer;

(iii) Municipal securities. The municipal securities activities of a State member bank that are subject to regulations promulgated by the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board shall not be subject to the requirements of this section; and

(iv) Foreign branches. The requirements of this section shall not apply to the activities of foreign branches of a State member bank.

(2) Every State member bank qualifying for an exemption under paragraph (a)(1) of this section that conducts securities transactions for customers shall, to ensure safe and sound operations, maintain effective systems of records and controls regarding its customer securities transactions that clearly and accurately reflect appropriate information and provide an adequate basis for an audit of the information.

(b) Definitions. For purposes of this section:

(1) Asset-backed security shall mean a security that is serviced primarily by the cash flows of a discrete pool of receivables or other financial assets, either fixed or revolving, that by their terms convert into cash within a finite time period plus any rights or other assets designed to assure the servicing or timely distribution of proceeds to the security holders.

(2) Collective investment fund shall mean funds held by a State member bank as fiduciary and, consistent with local law, invested collectively as follows:

(i) In a common trust fund maintained by such bank exclusively for the collective investment and reinvestment of monies contributed thereto by the bank in its capacity as trustee, executor, administrator, guardian, or custodian under the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act; or

(ii) In a fund consisting solely of assets of retirement, pension, profit sharing, stock bonus or similar trusts which are exempt from Federal income taxation under the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C.).

(3) Completion of the transaction effected by or through a state member bank shall mean:

(i) For purchase transactions, the time when the customer pays the bank any part of the purchase price (or the time when the bank makes the book-entry for any part of the purchase price if applicable); however, if the customer pays for the security prior to the time payment is requested or becomes due, then the transaction shall be completed when the bank transfers the security into the account of the customer; and

(ii) For sale transactions, the time when the bank transfers the security out of the account of the customer or, if the security is not in the bank's custody, then the time when the security is delivered to the bank; however, if the customer delivers the security to the bank prior to the time delivery is requested or becomes due then the transaction shall be completed when the banks makes payment into the account of the customer.

(4) Crossing of buy and sell orders shall mean a security transaction in which the same bank acts as agent for both the buyer and the seller.

(5) Customer shall mean any person or account, including any agency, trust, estate, guardianship, or other fiduciary account, for which a State member bank effects or participates in effecting the purchase or sale of securities, but shall not include a broker, dealer, bank acting as a broker or dealer, municipal securities broker or dealer, or issuer of the securities which are the subject of the transactions.

(6) Debt security as used in paragraph (c) of this section shall mean any security, such as a bond, debenture, note or any other similar instrument which evidences a liability of the issuer (including any security of this type that is convertible into stock or similar security) and fractional or participation interests in one or more of any of the foregoing; provided, however, that securities issued by an investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, 15 U.S.C. 80a-1 et seq., shall not be included in this definition.

(7) Government security shall mean:

(i) A security that is a direct obligation of, or obligation guaranteed as to principal and interest by, the United States;

(ii) A security that is issued or guaranteed by a corporation in which the United States has a direct or indirect interest and which is designated by the Secretary of the Treasury for exemption as necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of investors;

(iii) A security issued or guaranteed as to principal and interest by any corporation whose securities are designated, by statute specifically naming the corporation, to constitute exempt securities within the meaning of the laws administered by the Securities and Exchange Commission; or

(iv) Any put, call, straddle, option, or privilege on a security as described in paragraphs (b)(7) (i), (ii), or (iii) of this section other than a put, call, straddle, option, or privilege that is traded on one or more national securities exchanges, or for which quotations are disseminated though an automated quotation system operated by a registered securities association.

(8) Investment discretion with respect to an account shall mean if the State member bank, directly or indirectly, is authorized to determine what securities or other property shall be purchased or sold by or for the account, or makes decisions as to what securities or other property shall be purchased or sold by or for the account even though some other person may have responsibility for such investment decisions.

(9) Municipal security shall mean a security which is a direct obligation of, or obligation guaranteed as to principal or interest by, a State or any political subdivision thereof, or any agency or instrumentality of a State or any political subdivision thereof, or any municipal corporate instrumentality of one or more States, or any security which is an industrial development bond (as defined in 26 U.S.C. 103(c)(2) the interest on which is excludable from gross income under 26 U.S.C. 103(a)(1), by reason of the application of paragraph (4) or (6) of 26 U.S.C. 103(c) (determined as if paragraphs (4)(A), (5) and (7) were not included in 26 U.S.C. 103(c)), paragraph (1) of 26 U.S.C. 103(c) does not apply to such security.

(10) Periodic plan shall mean:

(i) A written authorization for a State member bank to act as agent to purchase or sell for a customer a specific security or securities, in a specific amount (calculated in security units or dollars) or to the extent of dividends and funds available, at specific time intervals, and setting forth the commission or charges to be paid by the customer or the manner of calculating them (including dividend reinvestment plans, automatic investment plans, and employee stock purchase plans); or

(ii) Any prearranged, automatic transfer or sweep of funds from a deposit account to purchase a security, or any prearranged, automatic redemption or sale of a security with the funds being transferred into a deposit account (including cash management sweep services).

(11) Security shall mean:

(i) Any note, stock, treasury stock, bond, debenture, certificate of interest or participation in any profit-sharing agreement or in any oil, gas, or other mineral royalty or lease, any collateral-trust certificate, preorganization certificate or subscription, transferable share, investment contract, voting-trust certificate, for a security, any put, call, straddle, option, or privilege on any security, or group or index of securities (including any interest therein or based on the value thereof), any instrument commonly known as a “security”; or any certificate of interest or participation in, temporary or interim certificate for, receipt for, or warrant or right to subscribe to or purchase, any of the foregoing.

(ii) But does not include a deposit or share account in a federally or state insured depository institution, a loan participation, a letter of credit or other form of bank indebtedness incurred in the ordinary course of business, currency, any note, draft, bill of exchange, or bankers acceptance which has a maturity at the time of issuance of not exceeding nine months, exclusive of days of grace, or any renewal thereof the maturity of which is likewise limited, units of a collective investment fund, interests in a variable amount (master) note of a borrower of prime credit, or U.S. Savings Bonds.

(c) Recordkeeping. Except as provided in paragraph (a) of this section, every State member bank effecting securities transactions for customers, including transactions in government securities, and municipal securities transactions by banks not subject to registration as municipal securities dealers, shall maintain the following records with respect to such transactions for at least three years. Nothing contained in this section shall require a bank to maintain the records required by this paragraph in any given manner, provided that the information required to be shown is clearly and accurately reflected and provides an adequate basis for the audit of such information. Records may be maintained in hard copy, automated, or electronic form provided the records are easily retrievable, readily available for inspection, and capable of being reproduced in a hard copy. A bank may contract with third party service providers, including broker/dealers, to maintain records required under this part.

(1) Chronological records of original entry containing an itemized daily record of all purchases and sales of securities. The records of original entry shall show the account or customer for which each such transaction was effected, the description of the securities, the unit and aggregate purchase or sale price (if any), the trade date and the name or other designation of the broker/dealer or other person from whom purchased or to whom sold;

(2) Account records for each customer which shall reflect all purchases and sales of securities, all receipts and deliveries of securities, and all receipts and disbursements of cash with respect to transactions in securities for such account and all other debits and credits pertaining to transactions in securities;

(3) A separate memorandum (order ticket) of each order to purchase or sell securities (whether executed or canceled), which shall include:

(i) The account(s) for which the transaction was effected;

(ii) Whether the transaction was a market order, limit order, or subject to special instructions;

(iii) The time the order was received by the trader or other bank employee responsible for effecting the transaction;

(iv) The time the order was placed with the broker/dealer, or if there was no broker/dealer, the time the order was executed or canceled;

(v) The price at which the order was executed; and

(vi) The broker/dealer utilized;

(4) A record of all broker/dealers selected by the bank to effect securities transactions and the amount of commissions paid or allocated to each such broker during the calendar year; and

(5) A copy of the written notification required by paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section.

(d) Content and time of notification. Every State member bank effecting a securities transaction for a customer shall give or send to such customer either of the following types of notifications at or before completion of the transaction or; if the bank uses a broker/dealer's confirmation, within one business day from the bank's receipt of the broker/dealer's confirmation:

(1) A copy of the confirmation of a broker/dealer relating to the securities transaction; and if the bank is to receive remuneration from the customer or any other source in connection with the transaction, and the remuneration is not determined pursuant to a prior written agreement between the bank and the customer, a statement of the source and the amount of any remuneration to be received; or

(2) A written notification disclosing:

(i) The name of the bank;

(ii) The name of the customer;

(iii) Whether the bank is acting as agent for such customer, as agent for both such customer and some other person, as principal for its own account, or in any other capacity;

(iv) The date of execution and a statement that the time of execution will be furnished within a reasonable time upon written request of such customer specifying the identity, price and number of shares or units (or principal amount in the case of debt securities) of such security purchased or sold by such customer;

(v) The amount of any remuneration received or to be received, directly or indirectly, by any broker/dealer from such customer in connection with the transaction;

(vi) The amount of any remuneration received or to be received by the bank from the customer and the source and amount of any other remuneration to be received by the bank in connection with the transaction, unless remuneration is determined pursuant to a written agreement between the bank and the customer, provided, however, in the case of Government securities and municipal securities, this paragraph (d)(2)(vi) shall apply only with respect to remuneration received by the bank in an agency transaction. If the bank elects not to disclose the source and amount of remuneration it has or will receive from a party other than the customer pursuant to this paragraph (d)(2)(vi), the written notification must disclose whether the bank has received or will receive remuneration from a party other than the customer, and that the bank will furnish within a reasonable time the source and amount of this remuneration upon written request of the customer. This election is not available, however, if, with respect to a purchase, the bank was participating in a distribution of that security; or with respect to a sale, the bank was participating in a tender offer for that security;

(vii) The name of the broker/dealer utilized; or, where there is no broker/dealer, the name of the person from whom the security was purchased or to whom it was sold, or the fact that such information will be furnished within a reasonable time upon written request;

(viii) In the case of a transaction in a debt security subject to redemption before maturity, a statement to the effect that the debt security may be redeemed in whole or in part before maturity, that the redemption could affect the yield represented and that additional information is available on request;

(ix) In the case of a transaction in a debt security effected exclusively on the basis of a dollar price:

(A) The dollar price at which the transaction was effected;

(B) The yield to maturity calculated from the dollar price; provided, however, that this paragraph (c)(2)(ix)(B) shall not apply to a transaction in a debt security that either has a maturity date that may be extended by the issuer with a variable interest payable thereon, or is an asset-backed security that represents an interest in or is secured by a pool of receivables or other financial assets that are subject to continuous prepayment;

(x) In the case of a transaction in a debt security effected on the basis of yield:

(A) The yield at which the transaction was effected, including the percentage amount and its characterization (e.g., current yield, yield to maturity, or yield to call) and if effected at yield to call, the type of call, the call date, and the call price; and

(B) The dollar price calculated from the yield at which the transaction was effected; and

(C) If effected on a basis other than yield to maturity and the yield to maturity is lower than the represented yield, the yield to maturity as well as the represented yield; provided, however, that this paragraph (c)(2)(x)(C) shall not apply to a transaction in a debt security that either has a maturity date that may be extended by the issuer with a variable interest rate payable thereon, or is an asset-backed security that represents an interest in or is secured by a pool of receivables or other financial assets that are subject to continuous prepayment;

(xi) In the case of a transaction in a debt security that is an asset-backed security which represents an interest in or is secured by a pool of receivables or other financial assets that are subject continuously to prepayment, a statement indicating that the actual yield of such asset-backed security may vary according to the rate at which the underlying receivables or other financial assets are prepaid and a statement of the fact that information concerning the factors that affect yield (including at a minimum, the estimated yield, weighted average life, and the prepayment assumptions underlying yield) will be furnished upon written request of such customer; and

(xii) In the case of a transaction in a debt security, other than a government security, that the security is unrated by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization, if that is the case.

(e) Notification by agreement; alternative forms and times of notification. A State member bank may elect to use the following alternative procedures if a transaction is effected for:

(1) Accounts (except periodic plans) where the bank does not exercise investment discretion and the bank and the customer agree in writing to a different arrangement as to the time and content of the notification; provided, however, that such agreement makes clear the customer's right to receive the written notification pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section at no additional cost to the customer;

(2) Accounts (except collective investment funds) where the bank exercises investment discretion in other than an agency capacity, in which instance the bank shall, upon request of the person having the power to terminate the account or, if there is no such person, upon the request of any person holding a vested beneficial interest in such account, give or send to such person the written notification within a reasonable time. The bank may charge such person a reasonable fee for providing this information;

(3) Accounts, where the bank exercises investment discretion in an agency capacity, in which instance:

(i) The bank shall give or send to each customer not less frequently than once every three months an itemized statement which shall specify the funds and securities in the custody or possession of the bank at the end of such period and all debits, credits and transactions in the customer's accounts during such period; and

(ii) If requested by the customer, the bank shall give or send to each customer within a reasonable time the written notification described in paragraph (c) of this section. The bank may charge a reasonable fee for providing the information described in paragraph (c) of this section;

(4) A collective investment fund, in which instance the bank shall at least annually furnish a copy of a financial report of the fund, or provide notice that a copy of such report is available and will be furnished upon request, to each person to whom a regular periodic accounting would ordinarily be rendered with respect to each participating account. This report shall be based upon an audit made by independent public accountants or internal auditors responsible only to the board of directors of the bank;

(5) A periodic plan, in which instance the bank:

(i) Shall (except for a cash management sweep service) give or send to the customer a written statement not less than every three months if there are no securities transactions in the account, showing the customer's funds and securities in the custody or possession of the bank; all service charges and commissions paid by the customer in connection with the transaction; and all other debits and credits of the customer's account involved in the transaction; or

(ii) Shall for a cash management sweep service or similar periodic plan as defined in § 208.34(b)(10)(ii) give or send its customer a written statement in the same form as prescribed in paragraph (e)(3) above for each month in which a purchase or sale of a security takes place in a deposit account and not less than once every three months if there are no securities transactions in the account subject to any other applicable laws or regulations;

(6) Upon the written request of the customer the bank shall furnish the information described in paragraph (d) of this section, except that any such information relating to remuneration paid in connection with the transaction need not be provided to the customer when paid by a source other than the customer. The bank may charge a reasonable fee for providing the information described in paragraph (d) of this section.

(f) Settlement of securities transactions. All contracts for the purchase or sale of a security shall provide for completion of the transaction within the number of business days in the standard settlement cycle for the security followed by registered broker dealers in the United States unless otherwise agreed to by the parties at the time of the transaction.

(g) Securities trading policies and procedures. Every State member bank effecting securities transactions for customers shall establish written policies and procedures providing:

(1) Assignment of responsibility for supervision of all officers or employees who:

(i) Transmit orders to or place orders with broker/dealers;

(ii) Execute transactions in securities for customers; or

(iii) Process orders for notification and/or settlement purposes, or perform other back office functions with respect to securities transactions effected for customers; provided that procedures established under this paragraph (g)(1)(iii) should provide for supervision and reporting lines that are separate from supervision of personnel under paragraphs (g)(1)(i) and (g)(1)(ii) of this section;

(2) For the fair and equitable allocation of securities and prices to accounts when orders for the same security are received at approximately the same time and are placed for execution either individually or in combination;

(3) Where applicable and where permissible under local law, for the crossing of buy and sell orders on a fair and equitable basis to the parties to the transaction; and

(4) That bank officers and employees who make investment recommendations or decisions for the accounts of customers, who participate in the determination of such recommendations or decisions, or who, in connection with their duties, obtain information concerning which securities are being purchased or sold or recommended for such action, must report to the bank, within ten days after the end of the calendar quarter, all transactions in securities made by them or on their behalf, either at the bank or elsewhere in which they have a beneficial interest. The report shall identify the securities purchased or sold and indicate the dates of the transactions and whether the transactions were purchases or sales. Excluded from this requirement are transactions for the benefit of the officer or employee over which the officer or employee has no direct or indirect influence or control, transactions in mutual fund shares, and all transactions involving in the aggregate $10,000 or less during the calendar quarter. For purposes of this paragraph (g)(4), the term securities does not include government securities.

§ 208.35 - Qualification requirements for transactions in certain securities. [Reserved]
§ 208.36 - Reporting requirements for State member banks subject to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

(a) Filing, disclosure and other requirements—(1) General. Except as otherwise provided in this section, a member bank whose securities are subject to registration pursuant to section 12(b) or section 12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the 1934 Act) (15 U.S.C. 78l(b) and (g)) shall comply with the rules, regulations and forms adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (Commission) pursuant to—

(i) Sections 10A(m), 12, 13, 14(a), 14(c), 14(d), 14(f) and 16 of the 1934 Act (15 U.S.C. 78f(m), 78l, 78m, 78n(a), (c), (d) and (f), and 78p); and

(ii) Sections 302, 303, 304, 306, 401(b), 404, 406 and 407 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (codified at 15 U.S.C. 7241,7242,7243,7244,7261,7262,7264.

(2) References to the Commission. Any references to the “Securities and Exchange Commission” or the “Commission” in the rules, regulations and forms described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section shall with respect to securities issued by member banks be deemed to refer to the Board unless the context otherwise requires.

(b) Elections permitted for member banks with total assets of $150 million or less. (1) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section or the rules and regulations promulgated by the Commission pursuant to the 1934 Act a member bank that has total assets of $150 million or less as of the end of its most recent fiscal year, and no foreign offices, may elect to substitute for the financial statements required by the Commission's Form 10-Q, the balance sheet and income statement from the quarterly report of condition required to be filed by the bank with the Board under section 9 of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 324) (Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Form 033 or 034).

(2) A member bank qualifying for and electing to file financial statements from its quarterly report of condition pursuant to paragraph (b)(1) of this section in its form 10-Q shall include earnings per share or net loss per share data prepared in accordance with GAAP and disclose any material contingencies, as required by Article 10 of the Commission's Regulation S-X (17 CFR 210.10-01), in the Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations section of Form 10-Q.

(3) Notwithstanding paragraph (b)(1) of this section, a member bank may, from December 2, 2020, through December 31, 2021, make the election described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section if it has no foreign offices and had total assets of $150 million or less, determined based on the lesser of total assets as of December 31, 2019, and total assets as of the end of the bank's most recent fiscal year. The relief provided under this paragraph (b)(3) of this section does not apply to a member bank if the Board determines that permitting the member bank to determine its assets in accordance with that paragraph would not be commensurate with the risk profile of the member bank. When making this determination, the Board will consider all relevant factors, including the extent of asset growth of the member bank since December 31, 2019; the causes of such growth, including whether growth occurred as a result of mergers or acquisitions; whether such growth is likely to be temporary or permanent; whether the member bank has become involved in any additional activities since December 31, 2019; the asset size of any parent companies; and the type of assets held by the member bank. In making a determination pursuant to this paragraph (b)(3), the Board will apply notice and response procedures in the same manner and to the same extent as the notice and response procedures in 12 CFR 263.202.

(c) Required filings—(1) Place and timing of filing. All papers required to be filed with the Board, pursuant to the 1934 Act or regulations thereunder, shall be submitted to the Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 20th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20551. Material may be filed by delivery to the Board, through the mails, or otherwise. The date on which papers are actually received by the Board shall be the date of filing thereof if all of the requirements with respect to the filing have been complied with.

(2) Filing fees. No filing fees specified by the Commission's rules shall be paid to the Board.

(3) Public inspection. Copies of the registration statement, definitive proxy solicitation materials, reports, and annual reports to shareholders required by this section (exclusive of exhibits) shall be available for public inspection at the Board's offices in Washington, DC, as well as at the Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Chicago, and San Francisco and at the Reserve Bank in the district in which the reporting bank is located.

(d) Confidentiality of filing. Any person filing any statement, report, or document under the 1934 Act may make written objection to the public disclosure of any information contained therein in accordance with the following procedure:

(1) The person shall omit from the statement, report, or document, when it is filed, the portion thereof that the person desires to keep undisclosed (hereinafter called the confidential portion). The person shall indicate at the appropriate place in the statement, report, or document that the confidential portion has been omitted and filed separately with the Board.

(2) The person shall file the following with the copies of the statement, report, or document filed with the Board:

(i) As many copies of the confidential portion, each clearly marked “CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT,” as there are copies of the statement, report, or document filed with the Board. Each copy of the confidential portion shall contain the complete text of the item and, notwithstanding that the confidential portion does not constitute the whole of the answer, the entire answer thereto; except that in case the confidential portion is part of a financial statement or schedule, only the particular financial statement or schedule need be included. All copies of the confidential portion shall be in the same form as the remainder of the statement, report, or document; and

(ii) An application making objection to the disclosure of the confidential portion. The application shall be on a sheet or sheets separate from the confidential portion, and shall:

(A) Identify the portion of the statement, report, or document that has been omitted;

(B) Include a statement of the grounds of objection; and

(C) Include the name of each exchange, if any, with which the statement, report, or document is filed.

(3) The copies of the confidential portion and the application filed in accordance with this paragraph shall be enclosed in a separate envelope marked “CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT,” and addressed to Secretary, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, DC 20551.

(4) Pending determination by the Board on the objection filed in accordance with this paragraph, the confidential portion shall not be disclosed by the Board.

(5) If the Board determines to sustain the objection, a notation to that effect shall be made at the appropriate place in the statement, report, or document.

(6) If the Board determines not to sustain the objection because disclosure of the confidential portion is in the public interest, a finding and determination to that effect shall be entered and notice of the finding and determination sent by registered or certified mail to the person.

(7) If the Board determines not to sustain the objection, pursuant to paragraph (d)(6) of this section, the confidential portion shall be made available to the public:

(i) 15 days after notice of the Board's determination not to sustain the objection has been given, as required by paragraph (d)(6) of this section, provided that the person filing the objection has not previously filed with the Board a written statement that he intends, in good faith, to seek judicial review of the finding and determination; or

(ii) 60 days after notice of the Board's determination not to sustain the objection has been given as required by paragraph (d)(6) of this section and the person filing the objection has filed with the Board a written statement of intent to seek judicial review of the finding and determination, but has failed to file a petition for judicial review of the Board's determination; or

(iii) Upon final judicial determination, if adverse to the party filing the objection.

(8) If the confidential portion is made available to the public, a copy thereof shall be attached to each copy of the statement, report, or document filed with the Board.

[63 FR 37646, July 13, 1998, as amended at 67 FR 57941, Sept. 13, 2002; 68 FR 4096, Jan. 28, 2003; 85 FR 77360, Dec. 2, 2020]
§ 208.37 - Government securities sales practices.

(a) Scope. This subpart is applicable to state member banks that have filed notice as, or are required to file notice as, government securities brokers or dealers pursuant to section 15C of the Securities Exchange Act (15 U.S.C. 78o-5) and Department of the Treasury rules under section 15C (17 CFR 400.1(d) and part 401).

(b) Definitions. For purposes of this section:

(1) Bank that is a government securities broker or dealer means a state member bank that has filed notice, or is required to file notice, as a government securities broker or dealer pursuant to section 15C of the Securities Exchange Act (15 U.S.C. 78o-5) and Department of the Treasury rules under section 15C (17 CFR 400.1(d) and Part 401).

(2) Customer does not include a broker or dealer or a government securities broker or dealer.

(3) Government security has the same meaning as this term has in section 3(a)(42) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78c(a)(42)).

(4) Non-institutional customer means any customer other than:

(i) A bank, savings association, insurance company, or registered investment company;

(ii) An investment adviser registered under section 203 of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80b-3); or

(iii) Any entity (whether a natural person, corporation, partnership, trust, or otherwise) with total assets of at least $50 million.

(c) Business conduct. A bank that is a government securities broker or dealer shall observe high standards of commercial honor and just and equitable principles of trade in the conduct of its business as a government securities broker or dealer.

(d) Recommendations to customers. In recommending to a customer the purchase, sale or exchange of a government security, a bank that is a government securities broker or dealer shall have reasonable grounds for believing that the recommendation is suitable for the customer upon the basis of the facts, if any, disclosed by the customer as to the customer's other security holdings and as to the customer's financial situation and needs.

(e) Customer information. Prior to the execution of a transaction recommended to a non-institutional customer, a bank that is a government securities broker or dealer shall make reasonable efforts to obtain information concerning:

(1) The customer's financial status;

(2) The customer's tax status;

(3) The customer's investment objectives; and

(4) Such other information used or considered to be reasonable by the bank in making recommendations to the customer.

source: Reg. H, 17 FR 8006, Sept. 4, 1952, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 12 CFR 208.37