Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 12 - Banks and Banking last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 161.1 - When do the definitions in this part apply?

The definitions in this part and in 12 CFR part 141 apply throughout parts 100-199 of this chapter, unless another definition is specifically provided.

§ 161.2 - Account.

The term account means any savings account, demand account, certificate account, tax and loan account, note account, United States Treasury general account or United States Treasury time deposit-open account, whether in the form of a deposit or a share, held by an accountholder in a savings association.

§ 161.3 - [Reserved]
§ 161.4 - Affiliate.

The term affiliate of a savings association, unless otherwise defined, means any corporation, business trust, association, or other similar organization:

(a) Of which a savings association, directly or indirectly, owns or controls either a majority of the voting shares or more than 50 per centum of the number of shares voted for the election of its directors, trustees, or other persons exercising similar functions at the preceding election, or controls in any manner the election of a majority of its directors, trustees, or other persons exercising similar functions; or

(b) Of which control is held, directly or indirectly through stock ownership or in any other manner, by the shareholders of a savings association who own or control either a majority of the shares of such savings association or more than 50 per centum of the number of shares voted for the election of directors of such savings association at the preceding election, or by trustees for the benefit of the shareholders of any such savings association; or

(c) Of which a majority of its directors, trustees, or other persons exercising similar functions are directors of any one savings association.

§ 161.5 - Affiliated person.

The term affiliated person of a savings association means the following:

(a) A director, officer, or controlling person of such association;

(b) A spouse of a director, officer, or controlling person of such association;

(c) A member of the immediate family of a director, officer, or controlling person of such association, who has the same home as such person or who is a director or officer of any subsidiary of such association or of any holding company affiliate of such association;

(d) Any corporation or organization (other than the savings association or a corporation or organization through which the savings association operates) of which a director, officer or the controlling person of such association:

(1) Is chief executive officer, chief financial officer, or a person performing similar functions;

(2) Is a general partner;

(3) Is a limited partner who, directly or indirectly either alone or with his or her spouse and the members of his or her immediate family who are also affiliated persons of the association, owns an interest of 10 percent or more in the partnership (based on the value of his or her contribution) or who, directly or indirectly with other directors, officers, and controlling persons of such association and their spouses and their immediate family members who are also affiliated persons of the association, owns an interest of 25 percent or more in the partnership; or

(4) Directly or indirectly either alone or with his or her spouse and the members of his or her immediate family who are also affiliated persons of the association, owns or controls 10 percent or more of any class of equity securities or owns or controls, with other directors, officers, and controlling persons of such association and their spouses and their immediate family members who are also affiliated persons of the association, 25 percent or more of any class of equity securities; and

(5) Any trust or other estate in which a director, officer, or controlling person of such association or the spouse of such person has a substantial beneficial interest or as to which such person or his or her spouse serves as trustee or in a similar fiduciary capacity.

§ 161.6 - [Reserved]
§ 161.7 - Appropriate Federal banking agency.

The term appropriate Federal banking agency means appropriate Federal banking agency as that term is defined in 12 U.S.C. 1813(q).

§ 161.8 - [Reserved]
§ 161.9 - Certificate account.

The term certificate account means a savings account evidenced by a certificate that must be held for a fixed or minimum term.

§ 161.10 - Comptroller.

The term Comptroller means the Comptroller of the Currency.

§ 161.12 - Consumer credit.

The term consumer credit means credit extended to a natural person for personal, family, or household purposes, including loans secured by liens on real estate and chattel liens secured by mobile homes and leases of personal property to consumers that may be considered the functional equivalent of loans on personal security: Provided, the savings association relies substantially upon other factors, such as the general credit standing of the borrower, guaranties, or security other than the real estate or mobile home, as the primary security for the loan. Appropriate evidence to demonstrate justification for such reliance should be retained in a savings association's files. Among the types of credit included within this term are consumer loans; educational loans; unsecured loans for real property alteration, repair or improvement, or for the equipping of real property; loans in the nature of overdraft protection; and credit extended in connection with credit cards.

§ 161.14 - Controlling person.

The term controlling person of a savings association means any person or entity which, either directly or indirectly, or acting in concert with one or more other persons or entities, owns, controls, or holds with power to vote, or holds proxies representing, ten percent or more of the voting shares or rights of such savings association; or controls in any manner the election or appointment of a majority of the directors of such savings association. However, a director of a savings association will not be deemed to be a controlling person of such savings association based upon his or her voting, or acting in concert with other directors in voting, proxies:

(a) Obtained in connection with an annual solicitation of proxies, or

(b) Obtained from savings account holders and borrowers if such proxies are voted as directed by a majority vote of the entire board of directors of such association, or of a committee of such directors if such committee's composition and authority are controlled by a majority vote of the entire board and if its authority is revocable by such a majority.

§ 161.15 - Corporation.

The terms Corporation and FDIC mean the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

§ 161.16 - Demand accounts.

The term demand accounts means non-interest-bearing demand deposits that are subject to check or to withdrawal or transfer on negotiable or transferable order to the savings association and that are permitted to be issued by statute, regulation, or otherwise and are payable on demand.

§ 161.18 - Director.

(a) The term director means any director, trustee, or other person performing similar functions with respect to any organization whether incorporated or unincorporated. Such term does not include an advisory director, honorary director, director emeritus, or similar person, unless the person is otherwise performing functions similar to those of a director.

(b) [Reserved]

§ 161.19 - Financial institution.

The term financial institution has the same meaning as the term depository institution set forth in 12 U.S.C. 1813(c)(1).

§ 161.24 - Immediate family.

The term immediate family of any natural person means the following (whether by the full or half blood or by adoption):

(a) Such person's spouse, father, mother, children, brothers, sisters, and grandchildren;

(b) The father, mother, brothers, and sisters of such person's spouse; and

(c) The spouse of a child, brother, or sister of such person.

§§ 161.26-161.31 - §[Reserved]
§ 161.33 - Note account.

The term note account means a note, subject to the right of immediate call, evidencing funds held by depositories electing the note option under applicable United States Treasury Department regulations. Note accounts are not savings accounts or savings deposits.

§ 161.34 - OCC.

The term OCC means Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

§ 161.35 - Officer.

The term Officer means the president, any vice-president (but not an assistant vice-president, second vice-president, or other vice president having authority similar to an assistant or second vice-president), the secretary, the treasurer, the comptroller, and any other person performing similar functions with respect to any organization whether incorporated or unincorporated. The term officer also includes the chairman of the board of directors if the chairman is authorized by the charter or by-laws of the organization to participate in its operating management or if the chairman in fact participates in such management.

§ 161.37 - Parent company; subsidiary.

The term subsidiary means any company which is owned or controlled directly or indirectly by a person, and includes any service corporation owned in whole or in part by a savings association, or a subsidiary of such service corporation.

[76 FR 49043, Aug. 9, 2011, as amended at 85 FR 42643, July 14, 2020]
§ 161.38 - Political subdivision.

The term political subdivision includes any subdivision of a public unit, any principal department of such public unit:

(a) The creation of which subdivision or department has been expressly authorized by state statute,

(b) To which some functions of government have been delegated by state statute, and

(c) To which funds have been allocated by statute or ordinance for its exclusive use and control. It also includes drainage, irrigation, navigation, improvement, levee, sanitary, school or power districts and bridge or port authorities and other special districts created by state statute or compacts between the states. Excluded from the term are subordinate or nonautonomous divisions, agencies or boards within principal departments.

§ 161.39 - [Reserved]
§ 161.40 - Public unit.

The term public unit means the United States, any state of the United States, the District of Columbia, any territory of the United States, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, any county, any municipality or any political subdivision thereof.

§ 161.41 - [Reserved]
§ 161.42 - Savings account.

The term savings account means any withdrawable account, except a demand account as defined in § 161.16 of this chapter, a tax and loan account, a note account, a United States Treasury general account, or a United States Treasury time deposit-open account.

§ 161.43 - Savings association.

The term savings association means a savings association as defined in section 3 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, the deposits of which are insured by the Corporation. It includes a Federal savings association or Federal savings bank, chartered under section 5 of the Act, or a building and loan, savings and loan, or homestead association, or a cooperative bank (other than a cooperative bank which is a state bank as defined in section 3(a)(2) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act) organized and operating according to the laws of the state in which it is chartered or organized, or a corporation (other than a bank as defined in section 3(a)(1) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act) that the Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Comptroller jointly determine to be operating substantially in the same manner as a savings association.

§ 161.44 - Security.

The term security means any non-withdrawable account, note, stock, treasury stock, bond, debenture, evidence of indebtedness, certificate of interest or participation in any profit-sharing agreement, collateral-trust certificate, preorganization certificate or subscription, transferable share, investment contract, voting-trust certificate, or, in general, any interest or instrument commonly known as a security, or any certificate of interest or participation in, temporary or interim certificate for, receipt for, guarantee of, or warrant or right to subscribe to or purchase, any of the foregoing, except that a security shall not include an account or deposit insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

§ 161.45 - [Reserved]
§ 161.50 - State.

The term “State” means any State of the United States, the District of Columbia, any territory of the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands.

[85 FR 42643, July 14, 2020]
§ 161.51 - [Reserved]
§ 161.52 - Tax and loan account.

The term tax and loan account means an account, the balance of which is subject to the right of immediate withdrawal, established for receipt of payments of Federal taxes and certain United States obligations. Such accounts are not savings accounts or savings deposits.

§ 161.53 - United States Treasury General Account.

The term United States Treasury General Account means an account maintained in the name of the United States Treasury the balance of which is subject to the right of immediate withdrawal, except in the case of the closure of the member, and in which a zero balance may be maintained. Such accounts are not savings accounts or savings deposits.

§ 161.54 - United States Treasury Time Deposit Open Account.

The term United States Treasury Time Deposit Open Account means a non-interest-bearing account maintained in the name of the United States Treasury which may not be withdrawn prior to the expiration of 30 days' written notice from the United States Treasury, or such other period of notice as the Treasury may require. Such accounts are not savings accounts or savings deposits.

§ 161.55 - With recourse.

(a) The term with recourse means, in connection with the sale of a loan or a participation interest in a loan, an agreement or arrangement under which the purchaser is to be entitled to receive from the seller a sum of money or thing of value, whether tangible or intangible (including any substitution), upon default in payment of any loan involved or any part thereof or to withhold or to have withheld from the seller a sum of money or anything of value by way of security against default. The recourse liability resulting from a sale with recourse shall be the total book value of any loan sold with recourse less:

(1) The amount of any insurance or guarantee against loss in the event of default provided by a third party,

(2) The amount of any loss to be borne by the purchaser in the event of default, and

(3) The amount of any loss resulting from a recourse obligation entered on the books and records of the savings association.

(b) The term with recourse does not include loans or interests therein where the agreement of sale provides for the savings association directly or indirectly:

(1) To hold or retain a subordinate interest in a specified percentage of the loans or interests; or

(2) To guarantee against loss up to a specified percentage of the loans or interests, which specified percentage shall not exceed ten percent of the outstanding balance of the loans or interests at the time of sale: Provided, That the savings association designates adequate reserves for the subordinate interest or guarantee.

(c) This definition does not apply for purposes of determining the capital adequacy requirements under 12 CFR part 3.

[76 FR 49043, Aug. 9, 2011, as amended at 79 FR 11313, Feb. 28, 2014; 84 FR 56376, Oct. 22, 2019]
source: 76 FR 49043, Aug. 9, 2011, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 12 CFR 161.7