Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 12 - Banks and Banking last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 192.5 - Purpose, prescribed forms, waiver.

(a) General. This part governs how a savings association may convert from the mutual to the stock form of ownership. Subpart A of this part governs standard mutual-to-stock conversions. Subpart B of this part governs voluntary supervisory mutual-to-stock conversions. This part supersedes all inconsistent charter and bylaw provisions of Federal savings associations converting to stock form.

(b) Prescribed forms. A savings association must use the forms prescribed under this part and part 16 and provide such information as the appropriate Federal banking agency may require under the forms and by regulation. The forms required under this part include: Form AC (Application for Conversion); Form PS (Proxy Statement); Form OC (Offering Circular); Form OF (Order Form); and the applicable form for a registration statement under 12 CFR 16.15. Forms AC, PS, OC, and OF are available on the website of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) at

(c) Waivers. The appropriate Federal banking agency may waive any requirement of this part or a provision in any prescribed form. To obtain a waiver, a savings association must file a written request with the appropriate Federal banking agency that:

(1) Specifies the requirement(s) or provision(s) the savings association wants the appropriate Federal banking agency to waive;

(2) Demonstrates that the waiver is equitable; is not detrimental to the savings association, its account holders, or other savings associations; and is not contrary to the public interest; and

(3) Includes an opinion of counsel demonstrating that applicable law does not conflict with the waiver of the requirement or provision.

(d) Financial statements. The form and content of financial statements and related financial data in a filing under this part must be prepared and presented in accordance with U. S. generally accepted accounting principles and other applicable accounting guidance and requirements as specified by the OCC in the forms required under paragraph (b) of this section.

§ 192.7 - Electronic filing.

For Federal savings associations, the OCC encourages the electronic filing of all applications, notices, or other documents required by this part through The Comptroller's Licensing Manual describes the OCC's electronic filing procedures.

§ 192.8 - Computation of time.

In computing the period of days, the OCC excludes the day of the act or event (e.g., the date an application is received by the OCC) from when the period begins to run. When the last day of a time period is a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal holiday, the time period runs until the end of the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal holiday.

§ 192.10 - Forming a holding company upon conversion.

A savings association may convert to the stock form of ownership as part of a transaction where the savings association organizes a holding company to acquire all of the savings association's shares upon their issuance. In this transaction, the savings association's holding company will offer rights to purchase its shares instead of the savings association's shares. Regulations of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System address holding company application requirements.

§ 192.15 - Forming a charitable organization upon conversion.

When a savings association converts to the stock form, it may form a charitable organization. A savings association's contributions to the charitable organization are governed by the requirements of §§ 192.550 through 192.575.

§ 192.20 - Acquiring another insured depository institution upon conversion.

When a savings association converts to stock form, it may acquire for cash or stock another insured depository institution that is already in the stock form of ownership.

§ 192.25 - Definitions.

The following definitions apply to this part and the forms prescribed under this part:

Acting in concert has the same meaning as in 12 CFR 5.50(d)(2). The rebuttable presumptions of 12 CFR 5.50(f)(2), other than 12 CFR 5.50(f)(2)(ii)(A) and (B), apply to the share purchase limitations at §§ 192.355 through 192.395.

Affiliate of, or a person affiliated with, a specified person is a person that directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with the specified person.

Appropriate Federal banking agency means appropriate Federal banking agency as defined in section 3 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813(q)).

Associate of a person is:

(1) A corporation or organization (other than a savings association or its majority-owned subsidiaries), if the person is a senior officer or partner, or beneficially owns, directly or indirectly, 10 percent or more of any class of equity securities of the corporation or organization.

(2) A trust or other estate, if the person has a substantial beneficial interest in the trust or estate or is a trustee or fiduciary of the trust or estate. For purposes of §§ 192.370 through 192.395 and 192.505, a person who has a substantial beneficial interest in a savings association's tax-qualified or non-tax-qualified employee stock benefit plan, or who is a trustee or a fiduciary of the plan, is not an associate of the plan. For the purposes of § 192.370, a savings association's tax-qualified employee stock benefit plan is not an associate of a person.

(3) Any person who is related by blood or marriage to such person and:

(i) Who lives in the same home as the person; or

(ii) Who is the savings association's director or senior officer, or a director or senior officer of the savings association's holding company or its subsidiary.

Association members or members are persons who, under applicable law, are eligible to vote at the meeting on conversion.

Community offering means the offer to sell to the members of the general public in the savings association's community the securities not subscribed for in the subscription offering. The community offering may occur concurrently with the subscription offering and any syndicated community offering, or upon conclusion of the subscription offering.

Control (including controlling, controlled by, and under common control with) means the direct or indirect power to direct or exercise a controlling influence over the management and policies of a person, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract, or otherwise as described in 12 CFR 5.50.

Demand accounts means non-interest-bearing demand deposits that are subject to check or to withdrawal or transfer on negotiable or transferable order to the savings association and that are permitted to be issued by statute, regulation, or otherwise and are payable on demand.

Eligibility record date is the date for determining eligible account holders. The eligibility record date must be at least one year before the date a savings association's board of directors adopts the plan of conversion.

Eligible account holders are any persons holding qualifying deposits on the eligibility record date.

Federal savings association means a Federal savings association or Federal savings bank chartered under section 5 of the Home Owners' Loan Act (HOLA) (12 U.S.C. 1464).

IRS is the Internal Revenue Service.

Local community includes:

(1) Every county, parish, or similar governmental subdivision in which a savings association has a home or branch office;

(2) Each county's, parish's, or subdivision's metropolitan statistical area;

(3) All zip code areas in a savings association's Community Reinvestment Act assessment area; and

(4) Any other area or category that a savings association sets out in its plan of conversion, as approved by the appropriate Federal banking agency.

Offer, offer to sell, or offer for sale is an attempt or offer to dispose of, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, a security or interest in a security for value. Preliminary negotiations or agreements with an underwriter, or among underwriters who are or will be in privity of contract with a savings association, are not offers, offers to sell, or offers for sale.

Offering circular means the securities offering materials for the conversion.

Person is an individual, a corporation, a partnership, an association, a joint-stock company, a limited liability company, a trust, an unincorporated organization, or a government or political subdivision of a government.

Proxy soliciting material includes a proxy statement, form of proxy, or other written or oral communication regarding the conversion.

Purchase or buy includes every contract to acquire a security or interest in a security for value.

Qualifying deposit is the total balance in an account holder's savings accounts at the close of business on the eligibility or supplemental eligibility record date. A savings association's plan of conversion may provide that only savings accounts with total deposit balances of $50 or more will qualify.

Sale or sell includes every contract to dispose of a security or interest in a security for value. An exchange of securities in a merger or acquisition approved by the appropriate Federal banking agency is not a sale.

Savings account means any withdrawable account, including a demand account, except this term does not mean a tax and loan account, a note account, a United States Treasury general account, or a United States Treasury time deposit-open account.

Savings association means a savings association as defined in section 3 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813(b)(1)).

Solicitation and solicit is a request for a proxy, whether or not accompanied by or included in a form of proxy; a request to execute, not execute, or revoke a proxy; or the furnishing of a form of proxy or other communication reasonably calculated to cause a savings association's members to procure, withhold, or revoke a proxy. Solicitation or solicit does not include providing a form of proxy at the unsolicited request of a member, the acts required to mail communications for members, or ministerial acts performed on behalf of a person soliciting a proxy.

State means any State of the United States, the District of Columbia, any territory of the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands.

State savings association means a State savings association as defined in section 3 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813(b)(3)).

Subscription offering is the offering of shares through nontransferable subscription rights to:

(1) Eligible account holders under § 192.355;

(2) Tax-qualified employee stock ownership plans under § 192.380;

(3) Supplemental eligible account holders under § 192.355; and

(4) Other voting members under § 192.365.

Supplemental eligibility record date is the date for determining supplemental eligible account holders. The supplemental eligibility record date is the last day of the calendar quarter before the appropriate Federal banking agency approves a savings association's conversion and will only occur if such agency has not approved such conversion within 15 months after the eligibility record date.

Supplemental eligible account holders are any persons, except a savings association's officers, directors, and their associates, holding qualifying deposits on the supplemental eligibility record date.

Tax-qualified employee stock benefit plan is any defined benefit plan or defined contribution plan, such as an employee stock ownership plan, stock bonus plan, profit-sharing plan, or other plan, and a related trust, that is qualified under section 401 of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 401).

Underwriter is any person who purchases any securities from a savings association with a view to distributing the securities, offers or sells securities for a savings association in connection with the securities' distribution, or participates or has a direct or indirect participation in the direct or indirect underwriting of any such undertaking. Underwriter does not include a person whose interest is limited to a usual and customary distributor's or seller's commission from an underwriter or dealer.

Voluntary supervisory conversion is a mutual to stock conversion for a savings association that is unable to complete a standard mutual to stock conversion under part 192, subpart A, and that meets the eligibility requirements of § 192.625.

Subpart A [§ 192.100 - § 192.575] - Subpart A—Standard Conversions
Subpart B [§ 192.600 - § 192.690] - Subpart B—Voluntary Supervisory Conversions
source: 85 FR 42643, July 14, 2020, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 12 CFR 192.25