Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 12 - Banks and Banking last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 35.1 - Purpose and scope of this part.

(a) General. This part implements section 711 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (12 U.S.C. 1831y). That section requires any nongovernmental entity or person, insured depository institution, or affiliate of an insured depository institution that enters into a covered agreement to—

(1) Make the covered agreement available to the public and the appropriate Federal banking agency; and

(2) File an annual report with the appropriate Federal banking agency concerning the covered agreement.

(b) Scope of this part. The provisions of this part apply to—

(1) A national bank and its subsidiaries;

(2) A Federal savings association and its subsidiaries; and

(3) Nongovernmental entities or persons (NGEPs) that enter into covered agreements with any entity listed in paragraphs (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section.

(c) Relation to Community Reinvestment Act. This part does not affect in any way the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (CRA) (12 U.S.C. 2901 et seq.), part 25 of this chapter (Community Reinvestment Act and Interstate Deposit Production Regulations), or the OCC's interpretations or administration of that Act or part 25.

(d) Examples. (1) The examples in this part are not exclusive. Compliance with an example, to the extent applicable, constitutes compliance with this part.

(2) Examples in a paragraph illustrate only the issue described in the paragraph and do not illustrate any other issues that may arise in this part.

[66 FR 2084, Jan. 10, 2001, as amended at 79 FR 28400, May 16, 2014; 89 FR 22067, Mar. 29, 2024]
§ 35.2 - Definition of covered agreement.

(a) General definition of covered agreement. A covered agreement is any contract, arrangement, or understanding that meets all of the following criteria—

(1) The agreement is in writing.

(2) The parties to the agreement include—

(i) One or more insured depository institutions or affiliates of an insured depository institution; and

(ii) One or more NGEPs.

(3) The agreement provides for the insured depository institution or any affiliate to—

(i) Provide to one or more individuals or entities (whether or not parties to the agreement) cash payments, grants, or other consideration (except loans) that have an aggregate value of more than $10,000 in any calendar year; or

(ii) Make to one or more individuals or entities (whether or not parties to the agreement) loans that have an aggregate principal amount of more than $50,000 in any calendar year.

(4) The agreement is made pursuant to, or in connection with, the fulfillment of the CRA, as defined in § 35.4.

(5) The agreement is with a NGEP that has had a CRA communication as described in § 35.3 prior to entering into the agreement.

(b) Examples concerning written arrangements or understandings—(1) Example 1. A NGEP meets with an insured depository institution and states that the institution needs to make more community development investments in the NGEP's community. The NGEP and insured depository institution do not reach an agreement concerning the community development investments the institution should make in the community, and the parties do not reach any mutual arrangement or understanding. Two weeks later, the institution unilaterally issues a press release announcing that it has established a general goal of making $100 million of community development grants in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods served by the insured depository institution over the next 5 years. The NGEP is not identified in the press release. The press release is not a written arrangement or understanding.

(2) Example 2. A NGEP meets with an insured depository institution and states that the institution needs to offer new loan programs in the NGEP's community. The NGEP and the insured depository institution reach a mutual arrangement or understanding that the institution will provide additional loans in the NGEP's community. The institution tells the NGEP that it will issue a press release announcing the program. Later, the insured depository institution issues a press release announcing the loan program. The press release incorporates the key terms of the understanding reached between the NGEP and the insured depository institution. The written press release reflects the mutual arrangement or understanding of the NGEP and the insured depository institution and is, therefore, a written arrangement or understanding.

(3) Example 3. An NGEP sends a letter to an insured depository institution requesting that the institution provide a $15,000 grant to the NGEP. The insured depository institution responds in writing and agrees to provide the grant in connection with its annual grant program. The exchange of letters constitutes a written arrangement or understanding.

(c) Loan agreements that are not covered agreements. A covered agreement does not include—

(1) Any individual loan that is secured by real estate; or

(2) Any specific contract or commitment for a loan or extension of credit to an individual, business, farm, or other entity, or group of such individuals or entities, if—

(i) The funds are loaned at rates that are not substantially below market rates; and

(ii) The loan application or other loan documentation does not indicate that the borrower intends or is authorized to use the borrowed funds to make a loan or extension of credit to one or more third parties.

(d) Examples concerning loan agreements—(1) Example 1. An insured depository institution provides an organization with a $1 million loan that is documented in writing and is secured by real estate owned or to-be-acquired by the organization. The agreement is an individual mortgage loan and is exempt from coverage under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, regardless of the interest rate on the loan or whether the organization intends or is authorized to re-loan the funds to a third party.

(2) Example 2. An insured depository institution commits to provide a $500,000 line of credit to a small business that is documented by a written agreement. The loan is made at rates that are within the range of rates offered by the institution to similarly situated small businesses in the market and the loan documentation does not indicate that the small business intends or is authorized to re-lend the borrowed funds. The agreement is exempt from coverage under paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

(3) Example 3. An insured depository institution offers small business loans that are guaranteed by the Small Business Administration (SBA). A small business obtains a $75,000 loan, documented in writing, from the institution under the institution's SBA loan program. The loan documentation does not indicate that the borrower intends or is authorized to re-lend the funds. Although the rate charged on the loan is well below that charged by the institution on commercial loans, the rate is within the range of rates that the institution would charge a similarly situated small business for a similar loan under the SBA loan program. Accordingly, the loan is not made at substantially below market rates and is exempt from coverage under paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

(4) Example 4. A bank holding company enters into a written agreement with a community development organization that provides that insured depository institutions owned by the bank holding company will make $250 million in small business loans in the community over the next 5 years. The written agreement is not a specific contract or commitment for a loan or an extension of credit and, thus, is not exempt from coverage under paragraph (c)(2) of this section. Each small business loan made by the insured depository institution pursuant to this general commitment would, however, be exempt from coverage if the loan is made at rates that are not substantially below market rates and the loan documentation does not indicate that the borrower intended or was authorized to re-lend the funds.

(e) Agreements that include exempt loan agreements. If an agreement includes a loan, extension of credit or loan commitment that, if documented separately, would be exempt under paragraph (c) of this section, the exempt loan, extension of credit or loan commitment may be excluded for purposes of determining whether the agreement is a covered agreement.

(f) Determining annual value of agreements that lack schedule of disbursements. For purposes of paragraph (a)(3) of this section, a multi-year agreement that does not include a schedule for the disbursement of payments, grants, loans or other consideration by the insured depository institution or affiliate, is considered to have a value in the first year of the agreement equal to all payments, grants, loans and other consideration to be provided at any time under the agreement.

[66 FR 2084, Jan. 10, 2001, as amended at 79 FR 28400, May 16, 2014]
§ 35.3 - CRA communications.

(a) Definition of CRA communication. A CRA communication is any of the following—

(1) Any written or oral comment or testimony provided to a Federal banking agency concerning the adequacy of the performance under the CRA of the insured depository institution, any affiliated insured depository institution, or any CRA affiliate.

(2) Any written comment submitted to the insured depository institution that discusses the adequacy of the performance under the CRA of the institution and must be included in the institution's CRA public file.

(3) Any discussion or other contact with the insured depository institution or any affiliate about—

(i) Providing (or refraining from providing) written or oral comments or testimony to any Federal banking agency concerning the adequacy of the performance under the CRA of the insured depository institution, any affiliated insured depository institution, or any CRA affiliate;

(ii) Providing (or refraining from providing) written comments to the insured depository institution that concern the adequacy of the institution's performance under the CRA and must be included in the institution's CRA public file; or

(iii) The adequacy of the performance under the CRA of the insured depository institution, any affiliated insured depository institution, or any CRA affiliate.

(b) Discussions or contacts that are not CRA communications—(1) Timing of contacts with a Federal banking agency. An oral or written communication with a Federal banking agency is not a CRA communication if it occurred more than 3 years before the parties entered into the agreement.

(2) Timing of contacts with insured depository institutions and affiliates. A communication with an insured depository institution or affiliate is not a CRA communication if the communication occurred—

(i) More than 3 years before the parties entered into the agreement, in the case of any written communication;

(ii) More than 3 years before the parties entered into the agreement, in the case of any oral communication in which the NGEP discusses providing (or refraining from providing) comments or testimony to a Federal banking agency or written comments that must be included in the institution's CRA public file in connection with a request to, or agreement by, the institution or affiliate to take (or refrain from taking) any action that is in fulfillment of the CRA; or

(iii) More than 1 year before the parties entered into the agreement, in the case of any other oral communication not described in paragraph (b)(2)(ii).

(3) Knowledge of communication by insured depository institution or affiliate. (i) A communication is only a CRA communication under paragraph (a) of this section if the insured depository institution or its affiliate has knowledge of the communication under this paragraph (b)(3)(ii) or (b)(3)(iii) of this section.

(ii) Communication with insured depository institution or affiliate. An insured depository institution or affiliate has knowledge of a communication by the NGEP to the institution or its affiliate under this paragraph only if one of the following representatives of the insured depository institution or any affiliate has knowledge of the communication—

(A) An employee who approves, directs, authorizes, or negotiates the agreement with the NGEP; or

(B) An employee designated with responsibility for compliance with the CRA or executive officer if the employee or executive officer knows that the institution or affiliate is negotiating, intends to negotiate, or has been informed by the NGEP that it expects to request that the institution or affiliate negotiate an agreement with the NGEP.

(iii) Other communications. An insured depository institution or affiliate is deemed to have knowledge of—

(A) Any testimony provided to a Federal banking agency at a public meeting or hearing;

(B) Any comment submitted to a Federal banking agency that is conveyed in writing by the agency to the insured depository institution or affiliate; and

(C) Any written comment submitted to the insured depository institution that must be and is included in the institution's CRA public file.

(4) Communication where NGEP has knowledge. A NGEP has a CRA communication with an insured depository institution or affiliate only if any of the following individuals has knowledge of the communication—

(i) A director, employee, or member of the NGEP who approves, directs, authorizes, or negotiates the agreement with the insured depository institution or affiliate;

(ii) A person who functions as an executive officer of the NGEP and who knows that the NGEP is negotiating or intends to negotiate an agreement with the insured depository institution or affiliate; or

(iii) Where the NGEP is an individual, the NGEP.

(c) Examples of CRA communications—(1) Examples of actions that are CRA communications. The following are examples of CRA communications. These examples are not exclusive and assume that the communication occurs within the relevant time period as described in paragraph (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section and the appropriate representatives have knowledge of the communication as specified in paragraphs (b)(3) and (b)(4) of this section.

(i) Example 1. A NGEP files a written comment with a Federal banking agency that states than an insured depository institution successfully addresses the credit needs of its community. The written comment is in response to a general request from the agency for comments on an application of the insured depository institution to open a new branch and a copy of the comment is provided to the institution.

(ii) Example 2. A NGEP meets with an executive officer of an insured depository institution and states that the institution must improve its CRA performance.

(iii) Example 3. A NGEP meets with an executive officer of an insured depository institution and states that the institution needs to make more mortgage loans in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods in its community.

(iv) Example 4. A bank holding company files an application with a Federal banking agency to acquire an insured depository institution. Two weeks later, the NGEP meets with an executive officer of the bank holding company to discuss the adequacy of the performance under the CRA of the target insured depository institution. The insured depository institution was an affiliate of the bank holding company at the time the NGEP met with the target institution. (See § 35.11(a).) Accordingly, the NGEP had a CRA communication with an affiliate of the bank holding company.

(2) Examples of actions that are not CRA communications. The following are examples of actions that are not by themselves CRA communications. These examples are not exclusive.

(i) Example 1. A NGEP provides to a Federal banking agency comments or testimony concerning an insured depository institution or affiliate in response to a direct request by the agency for comments or testimony from that NGEP. Direct requests for comments or testimony do not include a general invitation by a Federal banking agency for comments or testimony from the public in connection with a CRA performance evaluation of, or application for a deposit facility (as defined in section 803 of the CRA (12 U.S.C. 2902(3)) by, an insured depository institution or an application by a company to acquire an insured depository institution.

(ii) Example 2. A NGEP makes a statement concerning an insured depository institution or affiliate at a widely attended conference or seminar regarding a general topic. A public or private meeting, public hearing, or other meeting regarding one or more specific institutions, affiliates or transactions involving an application for a deposit facility is not considered a widely attended conference or seminar.

(iii) Example 3. A NGEP, such as a civil rights group, community group providing housing and other services in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, veterans organization, community theater group, or youth organization, sends a fundraising letter to insured depository institutions and to other businesses in its community. The letter encourages all businesses in the community to meet their obligation to assist in making the local community a better place to live and work by supporting the fundraising efforts of the NGEP.

(iv) Example 4. A NGEP discusses with an insured depository institution or affiliate whether particular loans, services, investments, community development activities, or other activities are generally eligible for consideration by a Federal banking agency under the CRA. The NGEP and insured depository institution or affiliate do not discuss the adequacy of the CRA performance of the insured depository institution or affiliate.

(v) Example 5. A NGEP engaged in the sale or purchase of loans in the secondary market sends a general offering circular to financial institutions offering to sell or purchase a portfolio of loans. An insured depository institution that receives the offering circular discusses with the NGEP the types of loans included in the loan pool, whether such loans are generally eligible for consideration under the CRA, and which loans are made to borrowers in the institution's local community. The NGEP and insured depository institution do not discuss the adequacy of the institution's CRA performance.

(d) Multiparty covered agreements—(1) A NGEP that is a party to a covered agreement that involves multiple NGEPs is not required to comply with the requirements of this part if—

(i) The NGEP has not had a CRA communication; and

(ii) No representative of the NGEP identified in paragraph (b)(4) of this section has knowledge at the time of the agreement that another NGEP that is a party to the agreement has had a CRA communication.

(2) An insured depository institution or affiliate that is a party to a covered agreement that involves multiple insured depository institutions or affiliates is not required to comply with the disclosure and annual reporting requirements in §§ 35.6 and 35.7 if—

(i) No NGEP that is a party to the agreement has had a CRA communication concerning the insured depository institution or any affiliate; and

(ii) No representative of the insured depository institution or any affiliate identified in paragraph (b)(3) of this section has knowledge at the time of the agreement that an NGEP that is a party to the agreement has had a CRA communication concerning any other insured depository institution or affiliate that is a party to the agreement.

§ 35.4 - Fulfillment of the CRA.

(a) List of factors that are in fulfillment of the CRA. Fulfillment of the CRA, for purposes of this part, means the following list of factors—

(1) Comments to a Federal banking agency or included in CRA public file. Providing or refraining from providing written or oral comments or testimony to any Federal banking agency concerning the performance under the CRA of an insured depository institution or CRA affiliate that is a party to the agreement or an affiliate of a party to the agreement or written comments that are required to be included in the CRA public file of any such insured depository institution; or

(2) Activities given favorable CRA consideration. Performing any of the following activities if the activity is of the type that is likely to receive favorable consideration by a Federal banking agency in evaluating the performance under the CRA of the insured depository institution that is a party to the agreement or an affiliate of a party to the agreement—

(i) Home-purchase, home-improvement, small business, small farm, community development, and consumer lending, as described in § 25.22 of appendix G to 12 CFR part 25, including loan purchases, loan commitments, and letters of credit;

(ii) Making investments, deposits, or grants, or acquiring membership shares, that have as their primary purpose community development, as described in § 25.23 of appendix G to 12 CFR part 25;

(iii) Delivering retail banking services, as described in § 25.24(d) of appendix G to 12 CFR part 25;

(iv) Providing community development services, as described in § 25.24(e) of appendix G to 12 CFR part 25;

(v) In the case of a wholesale or limited-purpose insured depository institution, community development lending, including originating and purchasing loans and making loan commitments and letters of credit, making qualified investments, or providing community development services, as described in § 25.25(c) of appendix G to 12 CFR part 25;

(vi) In the case of a small insured depository institution, any lending or other activity described in § 25.26(a) of appendix G to 12 CFR part 25; or

(vii) In the case of an insured depository institution that is evaluated on the basis of a strategic plan, any element of the strategic plan, as described in § 25.27(f) of appendix G to 12 CFR part 25.

(b) Agreements relating to activities of CRA affiliates. An insured depository institution or affiliate that is a party to a covered agreement that concerns any activity described in paragraph (a) of this section of a CRA affiliate must, prior to the time the agreement is entered into, notify each NGEP that is a party to the agreement that the agreement concerns a CRA affiliate.

[66 FR 2084, Jan. 10, 2001, as amended at 89 FR 22067, Mar. 29, 2024]
§ 35.5 - Related agreements considered a single agreement.

The following rules must be applied in determining whether an agreement is a covered agreement under § 35.2.

(a) Agreements entered into by same parties. All written agreements to which an insured depository institution or an affiliate of the insured depository institution is a party shall be considered to be a single agreement if the agreements—

(1) Are entered into with the same NGEP;

(2) Were entered into within the same 12-month period; and

(3) Are each in fulfillment of the CRA.

(b) Substantively related contracts. All written contracts to which an insured depository institution or an affiliate of the insured depository institution is a party shall be considered to be a single agreement, without regard to whether the other parties to the contracts are the same or whether each such contract is in fulfillment of the CRA, if the contracts were negotiated in a coordinated fashion and a NGEP is a party to each contract.

§ 35.6 - Disclosure of covered agreements.

(a) Applicability date. This section applies only to covered agreements entered into after November 12, 1999.

(b) Disclosure of covered agreements to the public—(1) Disclosure required. Each NGEP and each insured depository institution or affiliate that enters into a covered agreement must promptly make a copy of the covered agreement available to any individual or entity upon request.

(2) Nondisclosure of confidential and proprietary information permitted. In responding to a request for a covered agreement from any individual or entity under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, a NGEP, insured depository institution, or affiliate may withhold from public disclosure confidential or proprietary information that the party believes the relevant supervisory agency could withhold from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552 et seq.) (FOIA).

(3) Information that must be disclosed. Notwithstanding paragraph (b)(2) of this section, a party must disclose any of the following information that is contained in a covered agreement—

(i) The names and addresses of the parties to the agreement;

(ii) The amount of any payments, fees, loans, or other consideration to be made or provided by any party to the agreement;

(iii) Any description of how the funds or other resources provided under the agreement are to be used;

(iv) The term of the agreement (if the agreement establishes a term); and

(v) Any other information that the relevant supervisory agency determines is not properly exempt from public disclosure.

(4) Request for review of withheld information. Any individual or entity may request that the relevant supervisory agency review whether any information in a covered agreement withheld by a party must be disclosed. Any requests for agency review of withheld information must be filed, and will be processed in accordance with, the relevant supervisory agency's rules concerning the availability of information (see subpart B of part 4 of the OCC's rules regarding the availability of information under the Freedom of Information Act (12 CFR part 4, subpart B).

(5) Duration of obligation. The obligation to disclose a covered agreement to the public terminates 12 months after the end of the term of the agreement.

(6) Reasonable copy and mailing fees. Each NGEP and each insured depository institution or affiliate may charge an individual or entity that requests a copy of a covered agreement a reasonable fee not to exceed the cost of copying and mailing the agreement.

(7) Use of CRA public file by insured depository institution or affiliate. An insured depository institution and any affiliate of an insured depository institution may fulfill its obligation under this paragraph (b) by placing a copy of the covered agreement in the insured depository institution's CRA public file if the institution makes the agreement available in accordance with the procedures set forth in § 25.43 of appendix G to 12 CFR part 25;

(c) Disclosure by NGEPs of covered agreements to the relevant supervisory agency. (1) Each NGEP that is a party to a covered agreement must provide the following within 30 days of receiving a request from the relevant supervisory agency—

(i) A complete copy of the agreement; and

(ii) In the event the NGEP proposes the withholding of any information contained in the agreement in accordance with paragraph (b)(2) of this section, a public version of the agreement that excludes such information and an explanation justifying the exclusions. Any public version must include the information described in paragraph (b)(3) of this section.

(2) The obligation of a NGEP to provide a covered agreement to the relevant supervisory agency terminates 12 months after the end of the term of the covered agreement.

(d) Disclosure by insured depository institution or affiliate of covered agreements to the relevant supervisory agency—(1) In general. Within 60 days of the end of each calendar quarter, each insured depository institution and affiliate must provide each relevant supervisory agency with—

(i)(A) A complete copy of each covered agreement entered into by the insured depository institution or affiliate during the calendar quarter; and

(B) In the event the institution or affiliate proposes the withholding of any information contained in the agreement in accordance with paragraph (b)(2) of this section, a public version of the agreement that excludes such information (other than any information described in paragraph (b)(3) of this section) and an explanation justifying the exclusions; or

(ii) A list of all covered agreements entered into by the insured depository institution or affiliate during the calendar quarter that contains—

(A) The name and address of each insured depository institution or affiliate that is a party to the agreement;

(B) The name and address of each NGEP that is a party to the agreement;

(C) The date the agreement was entered into;

(D) The estimated total value of all payments, fees, loans and other consideration to be provided by the institution or any affiliate of the institution under the agreement; and

(E) The date the agreement terminates.

(2) Prompt filing of covered agreements contained in list required. (i) If an insured depository institution or affiliate files a list of the covered agreements entered into by the institution or affiliate pursuant to paragraph (d)(1)(ii) of this section, the institution or affiliate must provide any relevant supervisory agency a complete copy and public version of any covered agreement referenced in the list within 7 calendar days of receiving a request from the agency for a copy of the agreement.

(ii) The obligation of an insured depository institution or affiliate to provide a covered agreement to the relevant supervisory agency under this paragraph (d)(2) terminates 36 months after the end of the term of the agreement.

(3) Joint filings. In the event that 2 or more insured depository institutions or affiliates are parties to a covered agreement, the insured depository institution(s) and affiliate(s) may jointly file the documents required by this paragraph (d). Any joint filing must identify the insured depository institution(s) and affiliate(s) for whom the filings are being made.

[66 FR 2084, Jan. 10, 2001, as amended at 89 FR 22068, Mar. 29, 2024]
§ 35.7 - Annual reports.

(a) Applicability date. This section applies only to covered agreements entered into on or after May 12, 2000.

(b) Annual report required. Each NGEP and each insured depository institution or affiliate that is a party to a covered agreement must file an annual report with each relevant supervisory agency concerning the disbursement, receipt, and uses of funds or other resources under the covered agreement.

(c) Duration of reporting requirement—(1) NGEPs. A NGEP must file an annual report for a covered agreement for any fiscal year in which the NGEP receives or uses funds or other resources under the agreement.

(2) Insured depository institutions and affiliates. An insured depository institution or affiliate must file an annual report for a covered agreement for any fiscal year in which the institution or affiliate—

(i) Provides or receives any payments, fees, or loans under the covered agreement that must be reported under paragraphs (e)(1)(iii) and (iv) of this section; or

(ii) Has data to report on loans, investments, and services provided by a party to the covered agreement under the covered agreement under paragraph (e)(1)(vi) of this section.

(d) Annual reports filed by NGEP—(1) Contents of report. The annual report filed by a NGEP under this section must include the following—

(i) The name and mailing address of the NGEP filing the report;

(ii) Information sufficient to identify the covered agreement for which the annual report is being filed, such as by providing the names of the parties to the agreement and the date the agreement was entered into or by providing a copy of the agreement;

(iii) The amount of funds or resources received under the covered agreement during the fiscal year; and

(iv) A detailed, itemized list of how any funds or resources received by the NGEP under the covered agreement were used during the fiscal year, including the total amount used for—

(A) Compensation of officers, directors, and employees;

(B) Administrative expenses;

(C) Travel expenses;

(D) Entertainment expenses;

(E) Payment of consulting and professional fees; and

(F) Other expenses and uses (specify expense or use).

(2) More detailed reporting of uses of funds or resources permitted—(i) In general. If a NGEP allocated and used funds received under a covered agreement for a specific purpose, the NGEP may fulfill the requirements of paragraph (d)(1)(iv) of this section with respect to such funds by providing—

(A) A brief description of each specific purpose for which the funds or other resources were used; and

(B) The amount of funds or resources used during the fiscal year for each specific purpose.

(ii) Specific purpose defined. A NGEP allocates and uses funds for a specific purpose if the NGEP receives and uses the funds for a purpose that is more specific and limited than the categories listed in paragraph (d)(1)(iv) of this section.

(3) Use of other reports. The annual report filed by a NGEP may consist of or incorporate a report prepared for any other purpose, such as the Internal Revenue Service Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax on Form 990, or any other Internal Revenue Service form, state tax form, report to members or shareholders, audited or unaudited financial statements, audit report, or other report, so long as the annual report filed by the NGEP contains all of the information required by this paragraph (d).

(4) Consolidated reports permitted. A NGEP that is a party to 2 or more covered agreements may file with each relevant supervisory agency a single consolidated annual report covering all the covered agreements. Any consolidated report must contain all the information required by this paragraph (d). The information reported under paragraphs (d)(1)(iv) and (d)(2) of this section may be reported on an aggregate basis for all covered agreements.

(5) Examples of annual report requirements for NGEPs—(i) Example 1. A NGEP receives an unrestricted grant of $15,000 under a covered agreement, includes the funds in its general operating budget and uses the funds during its fiscal year. The NGEP's annual report for the fiscal year must provide the name and mailing address of the NGEP, information sufficient to identify the covered agreement, and state that the NGEP received $15,000 during the fiscal year. The report must also indicate the total expenditures made by the NGEP during the fiscal year for compensation, administrative expenses, travel expenses, entertainment expenses, consulting and professional fees, and other expenses and uses. The NGEP's annual report may provide this information by submitting an Internal Revenue Service Form 990 that includes the required information. If the Internal Revenue Service Form does not include information for all of the required categories listed in this part, the NGEP must report the total expenditures in the remaining categories either by providing that information directly or by providing another form or report that includes the required information.

(ii) Example 2. An organization receives $15,000 from an insured depository institution under a covered agreement and allocates and uses the $15,000 during the fiscal year to purchase computer equipment to support its functions. The organization's annual report must include the name and address of the organization, information sufficient to identify the agreement, and a statement that the organization received $15,000 during the year. In addition, since the organization allocated and used the funds for a specific purpose that is more narrow and limited than the categories of expenses included in the detailed, itemized list of expenses, the organization would have the option of providing either the total amount it used during the year for each category of expenses included in paragraph (d)(1)(iv) of this section, or a statement that it used the $15,000 to purchase computer equipment and a brief description of the equipment purchased.

(iii) Example 3. A community group receives $50,000 from an insured depository institution under a covered agreement. During its fiscal year, the community group specifically allocates and uses $5,000 of the funds to pay for a particular business trip and uses the remaining $45,000 for general operating expenses. The group's annual report for the fiscal year must include the name and address of the group, information sufficient to identify the agreement, and a statement that the group received $50,000. Because the group did not allocate and use all of the funds for a specific purpose, the group's annual report must provide the total amount of funds it used during the year for each category of expenses included in paragraph (d)(1)(iv) of this section. The group's annual report also could state that it used $5,000 for a particular business trip and include a brief description of the trip.

(iv) Example 4. A community development organization is a party to two separate covered agreements with two unaffiliated insured depository institutions. Under each agreement, the organization receives $15,000 during its fiscal year and uses the funds to support its activities during that year. If the organization elects to file a consolidated annual report, the consolidated report must identify the organization and the two covered agreements, state that the organization received $15,000 during the fiscal year under each agreement, and provide the total amount that the organization used during the year for each category of expenses included in paragraph (d)(1)(iv) of this section.

(e) Annual report filed by insured depository institution or affiliate—(1) General. The annual report filed by an insured depository institution or affiliate must include the following—

(i) The name and principal place of business of the insured depository institution or affiliate filing the report;

(ii) Information sufficient to identify the covered agreement for which the annual report is being filed, such as by providing the names of the parties to the agreement and the date the agreement was entered into or by providing a copy of the agreement;

(iii) The aggregate amount of payments, aggregate amount of fees, and aggregate amount of loans provided by the insured depository institution or affiliate under the covered agreement to any other party to the agreement during the fiscal year;

(iv) The aggregate amount of payments, aggregate amount of fees, and aggregate amount of loans received by the insured depository institution or affiliate under the covered agreement from any other party to the agreement during the fiscal year;

(v) A general description of the terms and conditions of any payments, fees, or loans reported under paragraphs (e)(1)(iii) and (iv) of this section, or, in the event such terms and conditions are set forth—

(A) In the covered agreement, a statement identifying the covered agreement and the date the agreement (or a list identifying the agreement) was filed with the relevant supervisory agency; or

(B) In a previous annual report filed by the insured depository institution or affiliate, a statement identifying the date the report was filed with the relevant supervisory agency; and

(vi) The aggregate amount and number of loans, aggregate amount and number of investments, and aggregate amount of services provided under the covered agreement to any individual or entity not a party to the agreement—

(A) By the insured depository institution or affiliate during its fiscal year; and

(B) By any other party to the agreement, unless such information is not known to the insured depository institution or affiliate filing the report or such information is or will be contained in the annual report filed by another party under this section.

(2) Consolidated reports permitted—(i) Party to multiple agreements. An insured depository institution or affiliate that is a party to 2 or more covered agreements may file a single consolidated annual report with each relevant supervisory agency concerning all the covered agreements.

(ii) Affiliated entities party to the same agreement. An insured depository institution and its affiliates that are parties to the same covered agreement may file a single consolidated annual report relating to the agreement with each relevant supervisory agency for the covered agreement.

(iii) Content of report. Any consolidated annual report must contain all the information required by this paragraph (e). The amounts and data required to be reported under paragraphs (e)(1)(iv) and (vi) of this section may be reported on an aggregate basis for all covered agreements.

(f) Time and place of filing—(1) General. Each party must file its annual report with each relevant supervisory agency for the covered agreement no later than six months following the end of the fiscal year covered by the report.

(2) Alternative method of fulfilling annual reporting requirement for a NGEP. (i) A NGEP may fulfill the filing requirements of this section by providing the following materials to an insured depository institution or affiliate that is a party to the agreement no later than six months following the end of the NGEP's fiscal year—

(A) A copy of the NGEP's annual report required under paragraph (d) of this section for the fiscal year; and

(B) Written instructions that the insured depository institution or affiliate promptly forward the annual report to the relevant supervisory agency or agencies on behalf of the NGEP.

(ii) An insured depository institution or affiliate that receives an annual report from a NGEP pursuant to paragraph (f)(2)(i) of this section must file the report with the relevant supervisory agency or agencies on behalf of the NGEP within 30 days.

§ 35.8 - Release of information under FOIA.

The OCC will make covered agreements and annual reports available to the public in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552 et seq.) and the OCC's rules regarding the availability of information under the Freedom of Information Act (12 CFR part 4, subpart B). A party to a covered agreement may request confidential treatment of proprietary and confidential information in a covered agreement or an annual report under those procedures.

§ 35.9 - Compliance provisions.

(a) Willful failure to comply with disclosure and reporting obligations. (1) If the OCC determines that a NGEP has willfully failed to comply in a material way with § 35.6 or § 35.7, the OCC will notify the NGEP in writing of that determination and provide the NGEP a period of 90 days (or such longer period as the OCC finds to be reasonable under the circumstances) to comply.

(2) If the NGEP does not comply within the time period established by the OCC, the agreement shall thereafter be unenforceable by that NGEP by operation of section 48 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1831y).

(3) The OCC may assist any insured depository institution or affiliate that is a party to a covered agreement that is unenforceable by a NGEP by operation of section 48 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1831y) in identifying a successor to assume the NGEP's responsibilities under the agreement.

(b) Diversion of funds. If a court or other body of competent jurisdiction determines that funds or resources received under a covered agreement have been diverted contrary to the purposes of the covered agreement for an individual's personal financial gain, the OCC may take either or both of the following actions—

(1) Order the individual to disgorge the diverted funds or resources received under the agreement;

(2) Prohibit the individual from being a party to any covered agreement for a period not to exceed 10 years.

(c) Notice and opportunity to respond. Before making a determination under paragraph (a)(1) of this section, or taking any action under paragraph (b) of this section, the OCC will provide written notice and an opportunity to present information to the OCC concerning any relevant facts or circumstances relating to the matter.

(d) Inadvertent or de minimis errors. Inadvertent or de minimis errors in annual reports or other documents filed with the OCC under §§ 35.6 or 35.7 will not subject the reporting party to any penalty.

(e) Enforcement of provisions in covered agreements. No provision of this part shall be construed as authorizing the OCC to enforce the provisions of any covered agreement.

§ 35.10 - Transition provisions.

(a) Disclosure of covered agreements entered into before the effective date of this part. The following disclosure requirements apply to covered agreements that were entered into after November 12, 1999, and that terminated before April 1, 2001.

(1) Disclosure to the public. Each NGEP and each insured depository institution or affiliate that was a party to the agreement must make the agreement available to the public under § 35.6 until at least April 1, 2002.

(2) Disclosure to the relevant supervisory agency. (i) Each NGEP that was a party to the agreement must make the agreement available to the relevant supervisory agency under § 35.6 until at least April 1, 2002.

(ii) Each insured depository institution or affiliate that was a party to the agreement must, by June 30, 2001, provide each relevant supervisory agency either—

(A) A copy of the agreement under § 35.6(d)(1)(i); or

(B) The information described in § 35.6(d)(1)(ii) for each agreement.

(b) Filing of annual reports that relate to fiscal years ending on or before December 31, 2000. In the event that a NGEP, insured depository institution or affiliate has any information to report under § 35.7 for a fiscal year that ends on or before December 31, 2000, and that concerns a covered agreement entered into between May 12, 2000, and December 31, 2000, the annual report for that fiscal year must be provided no later than June 30, 2001, to—

(1) Each relevant supervisory agency; or

(2) In the case of a NGEP, to an insured depository institution or affiliate that is a party to the agreement in accordance with § 35.7(f)(2).

§ 35.11 - Other definitions and rules of construction used in this part.

(a) Affiliate. “Affiliate” means—

(1) Any company that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with another company; and

(2) For the purpose of determining whether an agreement is a covered agreement under § 35.2, an “affiliate” includes any company that would be under common control or merged with another company on consummation of any transaction pending before a Federal banking agency at the time—

(i) The parties enter into the agreement; and

(ii) The NGEP that is a party to the agreement makes a CRA communication, as described in § 35.3.

(b) Control. “Control” is defined in section 2(a) of the Bank Holding Company Act (12 U.S.C. 1841(a)).

(c) CRA affiliate. A “CRA affiliate” of an insured depository institution is any company that is an affiliate of an insured depository institution to the extent, and only to the extent, that the activities of the affiliate were considered by the appropriate Federal banking agency when evaluating the CRA performance of the institution at its most recent CRA examination prior to the agreement. An insured depository institution or affiliate also may designate any company as a CRA affiliate at any time prior to the time a covered agreement is entered into by informing the NGEP that is a party to the agreement of such designation.

(d) CRA public file. “CRA public file” means the public file maintained by an insured depository institution and described in § 25.43 of appendix G to 12 CFR part 25.

(e) Executive officer. The term “executive officer” has the same meaning as in § 215.2(e)(1) of Regulation O issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (12 CFR 215.2(e)(1)). In applying this definition under this part to a Federal savings association, the phrase “Federal savings association” shall be used in place of the term “bank.”

(f) Federal banking agency; appropriate Federal banking agency. The terms “Federal banking agency” and “appropriate Federal banking agency” have the same meanings as in section 3 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813).

(g) Fiscal year. (1) The fiscal year for a NGEP that does not have a fiscal year shall be the calendar year.

(2) Any NGEP, insured depository institution, or affiliate that has a fiscal year may elect to have the calendar year be its fiscal year for purposes of this part.

(h) Insured depository institution. “Insured depository institution” has the same meaning as in section 3 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813).

(i) NGEP. “NGEP” means a nongovernmental entity or person.

(j) Nongovernmental entity or person—(1) General. A “nongovernmental entity or person” is any partnership, association, trust, joint venture, joint stock company, corporation, limited liability corporation, company, firm, society, other organization, or individual.

(2) Exclusions. A nongovernmental entity or person does not include—

(i) The United States government, a state government, a unit of local government (including a county, city, town, township, parish, village, or other general-purpose subdivision of a state) or an Indian tribe or tribal organization established under Federal, state or Indian tribal law (including the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands), or a department, agency, or instrumentality of any such entity;

(ii) A federally-chartered public corporation that receives Federal funds appropriated specifically for that corporation;

(iii) An insured depository institution or affiliate of an insured depository institution; or

(iv) An officer, director, employee, or representative (acting in his or her capacity as an officer, director, employee, or representative) of an entity listed in paragraphs (j)(2)(i) through (iii) of this section.

(k) Party. The term “party” with respect to a covered agreement means each NGEP and each insured depository institution or affiliate that entered into the agreement.

(l) Relevant supervisory agency. The “relevant supervisory agency” for a covered agreement means the appropriate Federal banking agency for—

(1) Each insured depository institution (or subsidiary thereof) that is a party to the covered agreement;

(2) Each insured depository institution (or subsidiary thereof) or CRA affiliate that makes payments or loans or provides services that are subject to the covered agreement; and

(3) Any company (other than an insured depository institution or subsidiary thereof) that is a party to the covered agreement.

(m) Term of agreement. An agreement that does not have a fixed termination date is considered to terminate on the last date on which any party to the agreement makes any payment or provides any loan or other resources under the agreement, unless the relevant supervisory agency for the agreement otherwise notifies each party in writing.

[66 FR 2084, Jan. 10, 2001, as amended at 79 FR 28400, May 16, 2014; 89 FR 22068, Mar. 29, 2024]
source: 66 FR 2084, Jan. 10, 2001, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 12 CFR 35.8