Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 12 - Banks and Banking last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 5.30 - Establishment, acquisition, and relocation of a branch of a national bank.

(a) Authority. 12 U.S.C. 1-42 and 2901-2907.

(b) Licensing requirements. A national bank must submit an application and obtain prior OCC approval in order to establish or relocate a branch.

(c) Scope—(1) In general. This section describes the procedures and standards governing OCC review and approval of an application by a national bank to establish a new branch or to relocate a branch.

(2) Branch established through a conversion or business combination. The standards of this section governing review and approval of applications by the OCC and, as applicable, 12 U.S.C. 36(b), but not the application procedures set forth in this section, apply to branches acquired or retained in a conversion approved under § 5.24 or a business combination approved under § 5.33. A branch acquired or retained in a conversion or business combination is subject to the application procedures set forth in § 5.24 or § 5.33.

(d) Definitions—(1) Branch includes any branch bank, branch office, branch agency, additional office, or any branch place of business established by a national bank in the United States or its territories at which deposits are received, checks paid, or money lent.

(i) A branch established by a national bank includes a seasonal agency described in 12 U.S.C. 36(c), a mobile facility, a temporary facility, or an intermittent facility.

(ii) A facility otherwise described in this paragraph (d)(1) is not a branch if:

(A) The bank establishing the facility does not permit members of the public to have physical access to the facility for purposes of making deposits, paying checks, or borrowing money (e.g., an office established by the bank that receives deposits only through the mail); or

(B) It is located at the site of, or is an extension of, an approved main office or branch office of the national bank. The OCC determines whether a facility is an extension of an existing main office or branch office on a case-by-case basis. For this purpose, the OCC will consider a drive-in or pedestrian facility located within 500 feet of a public entrance to an existing main office or branch office to be an extension of the existing main office or branch office, provided the functions performed at the drive-in or pedestrian facility are limited to functions that are ordinarily performed at a teller window.

(iii) A branch does not include a remote service unit (RSU) as described in 12 CFR 7.1027. This encompasses RSUs that are automated teller machines (ATMs), including interactive ATMs. A branch also does not include a loan production office, a deposit production office, a trust office, an administrative office, a data processing office, or any other office that does not engage in at least one of the activities in paragraph (d)(1) of this section.

(2) Home State means the State in which the national bank's main office is located.

(3) Intermittent branch means a branch that is operated by a national bank for one or more limited periods of time to provide branch banking services at a specified recurring event, on the grounds or premises where the event is held or at a fixed site adjacent to the grounds or premises where the event is held, and exclusively during the occurrence of the event. Examples of an intermittent branch include the operation of a branch on the campus of, or at a fixed site adjacent to the campus of, a specific college during school registration periods; or the operation of a branch during a State fair on State fairgrounds or at a fixed site adjacent to the fairgrounds.

(4) Messenger service has the meaning set forth in 12 CFR 7.1012.

(5) Mobile branch is a branch of a national bank, other than a messenger service branch, that does not have a single, permanent site, and includes a vehicle that travels to various public locations to enable customers to conduct their banking business. A mobile branch may provide services at various regularly scheduled locations or it may be open at irregular times and locations such as at county fairs, sporting events, or school registration periods. A mobile branch may be stationed continuously at a single location within the geographic area it is approved to serve for a period of up to four months. A branch license is needed for each mobile unit.

(6) Temporary branch means a branch of a national bank that is located at a fixed site and which, from the time of its opening, is scheduled to, and will, permanently close no later than a certain date (not longer than one year after the branch is first opened) specified in the branch application and the public notice.

(e) Policy. In determining whether to approve an application to establish or relocate a branch, the OCC is guided by the following principles:

(1) Maintaining a safe and sound banking system;

(2) Encouraging a national bank to provide fair access to financial services by helping to meet the credit needs of its entire community;

(3) Ensuring compliance with laws and regulations; and

(4) Promoting fair treatment of customers including efficiency and better service.

(f) Procedures—(1) In general. Except as provided in paragraphs (f)(2) or (f)(3) of this section, each national bank proposing to establish a branch must submit to the appropriate OCC licensing office a separate application for each proposed branch.

(2) Messenger services. A national bank may request approval, through a single application, for multiple messenger services to serve the same general geographic area. (See 12 CFR 7.1012). Unless otherwise required by law, the bank need not list the specific locations to be served.

(3) Jointly established branches. If a national bank proposes to establish a branch jointly with one or more national banks or other depository institutions, only one of the national banks must submit a branch application. The national bank submitting the application may act as agent for all national banks in the group of depository institutions proposing to share the branch. The application must include the name and main office address of each national bank in the group.

(4) Intermittent branches. Prior to operating an intermittent branch, a national bank must file a branch application and publish notice in accordance with § 5.8, both of which must identify the event at which the branch will be operated; designate a location for operation of the branch which must be on the grounds or premises at which the event is held or on a fixed site adjacent to those grounds or premises; and specify the approximate time period during which the event will be held and during which the branch will operate, including whether operation of the branch will be on an annual or otherwise recurring basis. If the branch is approved, then the bank need not obtain approval each time it seeks to operate the branch in accordance with the original application and approval.

(5) Authorization. The OCC authorizes operation of the branch when all requirements and conditions for opening are satisfied.

(6) Expedited review. An application submitted by an eligible bank to establish or relocate a branch is deemed approved by the OCC as of the 15th day after the close of the applicable public comment period or the 45th day after the filing is received by the OCC (or in the case of a short-distance relocation the 30th day after the filing is received by the OCC), whichever is later, unless the OCC notifies the bank prior to that date that the filing has been removed from expedited review, or the expedited review process is extended, under § 5.13(a)(2). An application to establish or relocate more than one branch is deemed approved by the OCC as of the 15th day after the close of the last public comment period.

(g) Interstate branches. A national bank that seeks to establish and operate a de novo branch in any State other than the bank's home State or a State in which the bank already has a branch must satisfy the standards and requirements of 12 U.S.C. 36(g).

(h) Exceptions to rules of general applicability. (1) A national bank filing an application for a mobile branch or messenger service branch must publish a public notice, as described in § 5.8, in the communities in which the bank proposes to engage in business.

(2) The comment period on an application to engage in a short-distance relocation is 15 days.

(3) The OCC may waive or reduce the public notice and comment period, as appropriate, with respect to an application to establish a branch to restore banking services to a community affected by a disaster or to temporarily replace banking facilities where, because of an emergency, the bank cannot provide services or must curtail banking services.

(4) The OCC may waive or reduce the public notice and comment period, as appropriate, for an application by a national bank with a CRA rating of Satisfactory or better to establish a temporary branch which, if it were established by a State bank to operate in the manner proposed, would be permissible under State law without State approval.

(i) Expiration of approval. Approval expires if a branch has not commenced business within 18 months after the date of approval unless the OCC grants an extension.

(j) Branch closings. A national bank must comply with the requirements of 12 U.S.C. 1831r-1 with respect to procedures for branch closings.

[80 FR 28435, May 18, 2015, as amended at 85 FR 80447, Dec. 11, 2020; 85 FR 83726, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 5.31 - Establishment, acquisition, and relocation of a branch and establishment of an agency office of a Federal savings association.

(a) Authority. 12 U.S.C. 1462a,1463,1464,2901,and.

(b) Licensing requirements. A Federal savings association must submit an application and obtain prior OCC approval in order to establish or relocate a branch or to establish an agency office or conduct additional activities at an agency office, if required under this section.

(c) Scope—(1) In general. This section describes the procedures and standards governing OCC review and approval of an application by a Federal savings association to establish a new branch or to relocate a branch and the circumstances in which a Federal savings association may establish or relocate a branch without application to the OCC. It also describes the authority of a Federal savings association to establish an agency office.

(2) Branch established through a conversion or business combination. The standards of this section governing review and approval of applications by the OCC, but not the application procedures set forth in this section, apply to branches acquired or retained in a conversion approved under § 5.23 or a business combination approved under § 5.33. A branch acquired or retained in a conversion or business combination is subject to the application procedures set forth in § 5.23 or § 5.33.

(3) Branching by savings associations in the District of Columbia. This section also implements section 5(m) of the Home Owners' Loan Act, 12 U.S.C. 1464(m), addressing branching by savings associations in the District of Columbia.

(d) Definitions. (1) A branch of a Federal savings association for purposes of this section is a branch office as defined in 12 CFR 145.92(a).

(2) Home State means the State in which the Federal savings association's home office is located.

(e) Policy. In determining whether to approve an application to establish or relocate a branch, the OCC is guided by the following principles:

(1) Maintaining a safe and sound banking system;

(2) Encouraging a Federal savings association to provide fair access to financial services by helping to meet the credit needs of its entire community;

(3) Ensuring compliance with laws and regulations; and

(4) Promoting fair treatment of customers including efficiency and better service.

(f) Procedures—(1) Application requirements. (i) Except as provided in paragraph (f)(2) of this section, each Federal savings association proposing to establish or relocate a branch must submit to the appropriate OCC licensing office a separate application for each proposed branch.

(ii) Authorization. The OCC authorizes operation of the branch when all requirements and conditions for opening are satisfied.

(iii) Expedited review. If an application to establish or relocate a branch is required of an eligible savings association, the application is deemed approved by the OCC as of the 15th day after the close of the applicable public comment period or the 45th day after the filing is received by the OCC, whichever is later, unless the OCC notifies the savings association prior to that date that the filing has been removed from expedited review, or the expedited review process is extended, under § 5.13(a)(2). An application to establish or relocate more than one branch is deemed approved by the OCC as of the 15th day after the close of the last public comment period.

(2) Exceptions. Except as provided in paragraph (j) of this section, a Federal savings association is not required to submit an application and receive OCC approval under the following circumstances:

(i) Drive-in or pedestrian offices. A Federal savings association may establish a drive-in or pedestrian office that is located within 500 feet of a public entrance to its existing home or branch office, provided the functions performed at the office are limited to functions that are ordinarily performed at a teller window.

(ii) Short-distance relocation. A Federal savings association may change the permanent location of an existing branch office to a site that is within the market area and short-distance location area.

(iii) Highly rated Federal savings associations. A Federal savings association that is an eligible savings association may change the permanent location of, or establish a new, branch office if it meets all of the following requirements:

(A) It published a public notice under § 5.8 of its intent to change the location of the branch office or establish a new branch office. The public notice must be published at least 35 days before the proposed action establishment or relocation. If the notice is published more than 12 months before the proposed action, the publication is invalid.

(B) If the Federal savings association intends to change the location of an existing branch office, it must post a notice of its intent in a prominent location in the existing office to be relocated. This notice must be posted for 30 days from the date of publication of the initial public notice described in paragraph (f)(2)(iii)(A) of this section.

(C)(1) No person files a comment opposing the proposed action within 30 days after the date of the publication of the public notice; or

(2) A person files a comment opposing the proposed action and the OCC determines that the comment raises issues that are not relevant to the approval standards for an application for a branch or that OCC action in response to the comment is not required.

(3) Notice of branch opening. If a Federal savings association is not required to file an application to establish or relocate a branch pursuant to paragraph (f)(2)(iii) of this section, the Federal savings association must file a notice with the OCC with the date the branch was established or relocated and the address of the branch within 10 days after the opening of the branch.

(g) Exceptions to rules of general applicability. (1) The OCC may waive or reduce the public notice and comment period, as appropriate, with respect to an application to establish a branch to restore banking services to a community affected by a disaster or to temporarily replace banking facilities where, because of an emergency, the savings association cannot provide services or must curtail banking services.

(2) The OCC may waive or reduce the public notice and comment period, as appropriate, for an application by a Federal savings association with a CRA rating of Satisfactory or better to establish a temporary branch which, if it were established by a State bank to operate in the manner proposed, would be permissible under State law without State approval.

(h) Expiration of approval. Approval expires if a branch has not commenced business within 18 months after the date of approval unless the OCC grants an extension.

(i) Branch closings. A Federal savings association must comply with the applicable requirements of 12 U.S.C. 1831r-1 with respect to procedures for branch closings.

(j) Section 5(m) of the Home Owners' Loan Act. (1) Under section 5(m)(1) of the Home Owners' Loan Act (12 U.S.C. 1464(m)(1)), no savings association may establish or move any branch in the District of Columbia or move its principal office in the District of Columbia without the OCC's prior written approval.

(2) Any Federal savings association that must obtain approval of the OCC under 12 U.S.C. 1464(m)(1) must follow the application procedures of this section. Any State savings association that must obtain approval of the OCC under 12 U.S.C. 1464(m)(1) must follow the application procedures of this section as if it were a Federal savings association.

(3) For purposes of 12 U.S.C. 1464(m)(1), a branch in the District of Columbia includes any location at which accounts are opened, payments are received, or withdrawals are made. This includes an Automated Teller Machine that performs one or more of these functions.

(k) Agency offices—(1) In general. A Federal savings association may establish or maintain an agency office to engage in one or more of the following activities:

(i) Servicing, originating, or approving loans and contracts;

(ii) Managing or selling real estate owned by the Federal savings association; and

(iii) Conducting fiduciary activities or activities ancillary to the association's fiduciary business in compliance with § 5.26(e).

(2) Additional services—(i) In general. A Federal savings association may request, and the OCC may approve, any service not listed in paragraph (k)(1) of this section, except for payment on savings accounts.

(ii) Application required. A Federal savings association desiring to engage in such additional services must submit an application to the appropriate OCC licensing office.

(iii) Exceptions to rules of general applicability. Sections 5.8, 5.10, and 5.11 do not apply to filings under this paragraph (k)(2). However, if the OCC concludes that an application presents significant or novel policy, supervisory, or legal issues, the OCC may determine that some or all provisions in §§ 5.8, 5.10, and 5.11 apply.

(3) Records. A Federal savings association must maintain records of all business it transacts at an agency office. It must maintain these records at the agency office, and must transmit copies to a home or branch office.

[80 FR 28436, May 18, 2015, as amended at 85 FR 80447, Dec. 11, 2020]
§ 5.32 - Expedited procedures for certain reorganizations of a national bank.

(a) Authority. 12 U.S.C. 93a and 215a-2.

(b) Scope. This section prescribes the procedures for OCC review and approval of a national bank's reorganization to become a subsidiary of a bank holding company or a company that will, upon consummation of such reorganization, become a bank holding company. For purposes of this section, a “bank holding company” means any company that owns or controls a national bank, or will own or control one as a result of the reorganization.

(c) Licensing requirements. A national bank must submit an application to, and obtain approval from, the OCC prior to participating in a reorganization described in paragraph (b) of this section.

(d) Procedures—(1) General. An application filed in accordance with this section is deemed approved on the 30th day after the OCC receives the application, unless the OCC notifies the bank otherwise. Approval is subject to the condition that the bank provide the OCC with 60 days' prior notice of any significant deviation from the bank's business plan or any significant deviation from the proposed changes to the bank's business plan described in the bank's plan of reorganization.

(2) Reorganization plan. The application must include a reorganization plan that:

(i) Specifies the manner in which the reorganization will be carried out;

(ii) Is approved by a majority of the entire board of directors of the national bank;

(iii) Specifies:

(A) The amount and type of consideration that the bank holding company will provide to the shareholders of the reorganizing bank for their shares of stock of the bank;

(B) The date as of which the rights of each shareholder to participate in that exchange will be determined; and

(C) The manner in which the exchange will be carried out;

(iv) Is submitted to the shareholders of the reorganizing bank at a meeting to be held at the call of the directors in accordance with the procedures prescribed in connection with a merger of a national bank under section 3 of the National Bank Consolidation and Merger Act, 12 U.S.C. 215a(a)(2); and

(v) Describes any changes to the bank's business plan resulting from the reorganization.

(3) Financial and managerial resources and future prospects. In reviewing an application under this section, the OCC will consider the impact of the proposed affiliation on the financial and managerial resources and future prospects of the national bank.

(4) Exceptions to rules of general applicability. Sections 5.8, 5.10, and 5.11 do not apply to this section. However, if the OCC concludes that an application presents significant or novel policy, supervisory, or legal issues, the OCC may determine that some or all provisions in §§ 5.8, 5.10, and 5.11 apply.

(e) Rights of dissenting shareholders. Any shareholder of a bank who has voted against an approved reorganization at the meeting referred to in paragraph (d)(2)(iv) of this section, or who has given notice of dissent in writing to the presiding officer at or prior to that meeting, is entitled to receive the value of their shares by providing a written request to the bank within 30 days after the consummation of the reorganization, as provided by section 3 of the National Bank Consolidation and Merger Act, 12 U.S.C. 215a(b) and (c), for the merger of a national bank.

(f) Approval under the Bank Holding Company Act. This section does not affect the applicability of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956. Filers must indicate in their application the status of any application required to be filed with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

(g) Expiration of approval. Approval expires if a national bank has not completed the reorganization within one year of the date of approval.

(h) Adequacy of disclosure. (1) A filer must inform shareholders of all material aspects of a reorganization and comply with applicable requirements of the Federal securities laws, including the OCC's securities regulations at 12 CFR part 11.

(2) Any filer not subject to the registration provisions of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 must submit the proxy materials or information statements it uses in connection with the reorganization to the appropriate OCC licensing office no later than when the materials are sent to the shareholders.

[68 FR 70129, Dec. 17, 2003, as amended at 80 FR 28437, May 18, 2015; 85 FR 80447, Dec. 11, 2020]
§ 5.33 - Business combinations involving a national bank or Federal savings association.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 78218, Sept. 25, 2024.

(a) Authority. 12 U.S.C. 24(Seventh), 93a, 181, 214a, 214b, 215, 215a, 215a-1, 215a-3, 215b, 215c, 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1467a, 1828(c), 1831u, 2903, and 5412(b)(2)(B).

(b) Scope. This section sets forth the provisions governing business combinations and the standards for:

(1) OCC review and approval of an application by a national bank or a Federal savings association for a business combination resulting in a national bank or Federal savings association; and

(2) Requirements of notices and other procedures for national banks and Federal savings associations involved in other combinations in which a national bank or Federal savings association is not the resulting institution.

(c) Licensing requirements. As prescribed by this section, a national bank or Federal savings association must submit an application and obtain prior OCC approval for a business combination when the resulting institution is a national bank or Federal savings association. As prescribed by this section, a national bank or Federal savings association must give notice to the OCC prior to engaging in any other combination where the resulting institution will not be a national bank or Federal savings association. 1 A national bank must submit an application and obtain prior OCC approval for any merger between the national bank and one or more of its nonbank affiliates.

1 Other combinations, as defined in paragraph (d)(10) of this section, do not require an application under this section. However, some may require an application under § 5.53.

(d) Definitions. For purposes of this section:

(1) Bank means any national bank or any State bank.

(2) Business combination means:

(i) Any merger or consolidation between a national bank or a Federal savings association and one or more depository institutions or State trust companies, in which the resulting institution is a national bank or Federal savings association;

(ii) In the case of a Federal savings association, any merger or consolidation with a credit union in which the resulting institution is a Federal savings association;

(iii) In the case of a national bank, any merger between a national bank and one or more of its nonbank affiliates;

(iv) The acquisition by a national bank or a Federal savings association of all, or substantially all, of the assets of another depository institution; or

(v) The assumption by a national bank or a Federal savings association of any deposit liabilities of another insured depository institution or any deposit accounts or other liabilities of a credit union or any other institution that will become deposits at the national bank or Federal savings association.

(3) Business reorganization means either:

(i) A business combination between eligible banks and eligible savings associations, or between an eligible bank or an eligible savings association and an eligible depository institution, that are controlled by the same holding company or that will be controlled by the same holding company prior to the combination; or

(ii) A business combination between an eligible bank or an eligible savings association and an interim national bank or interim Federal savings association chartered in a transaction in which a person or group of persons exchanges its shares of the eligible bank or eligible savings association for shares of a newly formed holding company and receives after the transaction substantially the same proportional share interest in the holding company as it held in the eligible bank or eligible savings association (except for changes in interests resulting from the exercise of dissenters' rights), and the reorganization involves no other transactions involving the bank or savings association.

(4) Company means a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, business trust, association, or similar organization.

(5) For business combinations under paragraphs (g)(4) and (5) of this section, a company or shareholder is deemed to control another company if:

(i) Such company or shareholder, directly or indirectly, or acting through one or more other persons owns, controls, or has power to vote 25 percent or more of any class of voting securities of the other company; or

(ii) Such company or shareholder controls in any manner the election of a majority of the directors or trustees of the other company. No company is deemed to own or control another company by virtue of its ownership or control of shares in a fiduciary capacity.

(6) Credit union means a financial institution subject to examination by the National Credit Union Administration Board.

(7) Home State means, with respect to a national bank, the State in which the main office of the national bank is located and, with respect to a State bank, the State by which the bank is chartered.

(8) Interim national bank or interim Federal savings association means a national bank or Federal savings association that does not operate independently but exists solely as a vehicle to accomplish a business combination.

(9) Nonbank affiliate of a national bank means any company (other than a bank or Federal savings association) that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with the national bank.

(10) Other combination means:

(i) Any merger or consolidation between a national bank or a Federal savings association and one or more depository institutions or State trust companies, in which the resulting institution is not a national bank or Federal savings association;

(ii) In the case of a Federal stock savings association, any merger or consolidation with a credit union in which the resulting institution is a credit union;

(iii) The transfer by a national bank or a Federal savings association of any deposit liabilities to another insured depository institution, a credit union or any other institution; or

(iv) The acquisition by a national bank or a Federal savings association of all, or substantially all, of the assets, or the assumption of all or substantially all of the liabilities, of any company other than a depository institution.

(11) Savings association and State savings association have the meaning set forth in section 3(b) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, 12 U.S.C. 1813(b).

(12) State trust company means a trust company organized under State law that is not engaged in the business of receiving deposits, other than trust funds.

(e) Policy and related filing requirements—(1) Factors—(i) In general. When the OCC evaluates any application for a business combination, the OCC considers the following factors:

(A) The capital level of any resulting national bank or Federal savings association;

(B) The conformity of the transaction to applicable law, regulation, and supervisory policies;

(C) The purpose of the transaction;

(D) The impact of the transaction on safety and soundness of the national bank or Federal savings association; and

(E) The effect of the transaction on the national bank's or Federal savings association's shareholders (or members in the case of a mutual savings association), depositors, other creditors, and customers.

(ii) Bank Merger Act. When the OCC evaluates an application for a business combination under the Bank Merger Act, the OCC also considers the following factors:

(A) Competition. (1) The OCC considers the effect of a proposed business combination on competition. The filer must provide a competitive analysis of the transaction, including a definition of the relevant geographic market or markets. A filer may refer to the Comptroller's Licensing Manual for procedures to expedite its competitive analysis.

(2) The OCC will deny an application for a business combination if the combination would result in a monopoly or would be in furtherance of any combination or conspiracy to monopolize or attempt to monopolize the business of banking in any part of the United States. The OCC also will deny any proposed business combination whose effect in any section of the United States may be substantially to lessen competition, or tend to create a monopoly, or which in any other manner would be in restraint of trade, unless the probable effects of the transaction in meeting the convenience and needs of the community clearly outweigh the anticompetitive effects of the transaction. For purposes of weighing against anticompetitive effects, a business combination may have favorable effects in meeting the convenience and needs of the community if the depository institution being acquired has limited long-term prospects, or if the resulting national bank or Federal savings association will provide significantly improved, additional, or less costly services to the community.

(B) Financial and managerial resources and future prospects. The OCC considers the financial and managerial resources and future prospects of the existing or proposed institutions.

(C) Convenience and needs of community. The OCC considers the probable effects of the business combination on the convenience and needs of the community served. The filer must describe these effects in its application, including any planned office closings or reductions in services following the business combination and the likely impact on the community. The OCC also considers additional relevant factors, including the resulting national bank's or Federal savings association's ability and plans to provide expanded or less costly services to the community.

(D) Money laundering. The OCC considers the effectiveness of any insured depository institution involved in the business combination in combating money laundering activities, including in overseas branches.

(E) Financial stability. The OCC considers the risk to the stability of the United States banking and financial system.

(F) Deposit concentration limit. The OCC will not approve a transaction that would violate the deposit concentration limit in 12 U.S.C. 1828(c)(13) for interstate merger transactions, as defined in 12 U.S.C. 1828(c)(13)(C)(i).

(iii) Community Reinvestment Act—(A) In General. The OCC takes into account the filer's Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) record of performance in considering an application for a business combination. The OCC's conclusion of whether the CRA performance is or is not consistent with approval of an application is considered in conjunction with the other factors of this section.

(B) Interstate mergers under 12 U.S.C. 1831u. The OCC considers the CRA record of performance of the filer and its resulting bank affiliates and the filer's record of compliance with applicable State community reinvestment laws when required by 12 U.S.C. 1831u(b)(3).

(C) CRA Sunshine. A filer must:

(1) Disclose whether it has entered into and disclosed a covered agreement, as defined in 12 CFR 35.2, in accordance with 12 CFR 35.6 and 35.7; and

(2) Provide summaries of, or documents relating to, all substantive discussions with respect to the development of the content of a covered agreement disclosed in (e)(1)(iii)(C)(1) that include the names of participants, dates, and synopsis of the discussions.

(iv) Interstate mergers under 12 U.S.C. 1831u. The OCC considers the standards and requirements contained in 12 U.S.C. 1831u for interstate merger transactions between insured banks, when applicable.

(2) Acquisition and retention of branches. A filer must disclose the location of any branch it will acquire and retain in a business combination, including approved but unopened branches. The OCC considers the acquisition and retention of a branch under the standards set out in § 5.30 or § 5.31, as applicable, but it does not require a separate application.

(3) Subsidiaries. (i) A filer must identify any subsidiary, financial subsidiary investment, bank service company investment, service corporation investment, or other equity investment to be acquired in a business combination and state the activities of each subsidiary or other company in which the filer would be acquiring an investment. The OCC does not require a separate application or notice under §§ 5.34, 5.35, 5.36, 5.38, 5.39, 5.58, and 5.59.

(ii) A national bank filer proposing to acquire, through a business combination, a subsidiary, financial subsidiary investment, bank service company investment, service corporation investment, or other equity investment of any entity other than a national bank must provide the same information and analysis of the subsidiary's activities, or of the investment, that would be required if the filer were establishing the subsidiary, or making such investment, pursuant to §§ 5.34, 5.35, 5.36, or 5.39.

(iii) A Federal savings association filer proposing to acquire, through a business combination, a subsidiary, bank service company investment, service corporation investment, or other equity investment of any entity other than a Federal savings association must provide the same information and analysis of the subsidiary's activities, or of the investment, that would be required if the filer were establishing the subsidiary, or making such investment, pursuant to §§ 5.35, 5.38, 5.58, or 5.59.

(4) Interim national bank or interim Federal savings association—(i) Application. A filer for a business combination that plans to use an interim national bank or interim Federal savings association to accomplish the transaction must file an application to organize an interim national bank or interim Federal savings association as part of the application for the related business combination.

(ii) Conditional approval. The OCC grants conditional preliminary approval to form an interim national bank or interim Federal savings association when it acknowledges receipt of the application for the related business combination.

(iii) Corporate status. An interim national bank or interim Federal savings association becomes a legal entity and may enter into legally valid agreements when it has filed, and the OCC has accepted, the interim national bank's duly executed articles of association and organization certificate or the Federal savings association's charter and bylaws. OCC acceptance occurs:

(A) On the date the OCC advises the interim national bank that its articles of association and organization certificate are acceptable or advises the interim Federal savings association that its charter and bylaws are acceptable; or

(B) On the date the interim national bank files articles of association and an organization certificate that conform to the form for those documents provided by the OCC in the Comptroller's Licensing Manual or the date the interim Federal savings association files a charter and bylaws that conform to the requirements set out in this part 5.

(iv) Other corporate procedures. A filer should consult the Comptroller's Licensing Manual to determine what other information is necessary to complete the chartering of the interim national bank as a national bank or the interim Federal savings association as a Federal savings association.

(5) Nonconforming assets. (i) A filer must identify any nonconforming activities and assets, including nonconforming subsidiaries, of other institutions involved in the business combination that will not be disposed of or discontinued prior to consummation of the transaction. The OCC generally requires a national bank or Federal savings association to divest or conform nonconforming assets, or discontinue nonconforming activities, within a reasonable time following the business combination.

(ii) Any resulting Federal savings association must conform to the requirements of sections 5(c) and 10(m) of the Home Owners' Loan Act (12 U.S.C. 1464(c) and 1467a(m)) within the time period prescribed by the OCC.

(6) Fiduciary powers. (i) A filer must state whether the resulting national bank or Federal savings association intends to exercise fiduciary powers pursuant to § 5.26(b).

(ii) If a filer intends to exercise fiduciary powers after the combination and requires OCC approval for such powers, the filer must include the information required under § 5.26(e)(2).

(7) Expiration of approval. Approval of a business combination, and conditional approval to form an interim national bank or interim Federal savings association, if applicable, expires if the business combination is not consummated within six months after the date of OCC approval, unless the OCC grants an extension of time.

(8) Adequacy of disclosure. (i) A filer must inform shareholders of all material aspects of a business combination and must comply with any applicable requirements of the Federal securities laws and securities regulations of the OCC. Accordingly, a filer must ensure that all proxy and information statements prepared in connection with a business combination do not contain any untrue or misleading statement of a material fact, or omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.

(ii) A national bank or Federal savings association filer with one or more classes of securities subject to the registration provisions of section 12(b) or (g) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 15 U.S.C. 78l(b) or 78l(g), must file preliminary proxy material or information statements for review with the Director, Bank Advisory, OCC, Washington, DC 20219. Any other filer must submit the proxy materials or information statements it uses in connection with the combination to the appropriate OCC licensing office no later than when the materials are sent to the shareholders.

(f) Exceptions to rules of general applicability—(1) National bank or Federal savings association filer—(i) In general. Sections 5.8, 5.10, and 5.11 do not apply to this section. However, if the OCC concludes that an application presents significant or novel policy, supervisory, or legal issues, the OCC may determine that some or all provisions in §§ 5.8, 5.10 and 5.11 apply.

(ii) Statutory notice. If an application is subject to the Bank Merger Act or to another statute that requires notice to the public, a national bank or Federal savings association filer must follow the public notice requirements contained in 12 U.S.C. 1828(c)(3) or the other statute and §§ 5.8(b) through 5.8(e), 5.10, and 5.11.

(2) Interim national bank or interim Federal savings association. Sections 5.8, 5.10, and 5.11 do not apply to an application to organize an interim national bank or interim Federal savings association. However, if the OCC concludes that an application presents significant or novel policy, supervisory, or legal issues, the OCC may determine that any or all parts of §§ 5.8, 5.10, and 5.11 apply. The OCC treats an application to organize an interim national bank or interim Federal savings association as part of the related application to engage in a business combination and does not require a separate public notice and public comment process.

(3) State bank, or State savings association, State trust company, or credit union as resulting institution. Sections 5.7 through 5.13 do not apply to transactions covered by paragraphs (g)(7) through (g)(9) of this section.

(g) Provisions governing consolidations and mergers with different types of entities—(1) Consolidations and mergers under 12 U.S.C. 215 or 215a of a national bank with other national banks and State banks as defined in 12 U.S.C. 215b(1) resulting in a national bank. A national bank entering into a consolidation or merger authorized pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 215 or 215a, respectively, is subject to the approval procedures and requirements with respect to treatment of dissenting shareholders set forth in those provisions.

(2) Interstate consolidations and mergers under 12 U.S.C. 215a-1 resulting in a national bank. (i) With the approval of the OCC, an insured national bank may consolidate or merge with an insured out-of-State bank, as defined in 12 U.S.C. 1831u(g)(8), with the national bank as the resulting institution.

(ii) Unless it has elected to follow the procedures set out in paragraph (h) of this section, the resulting national bank entering into the consolidation or merger must comply with the procedures of 12 U.S.C. 215 or 215a, as applicable.

(iii) Unless it has elected to follow the procedures applicable to State banks under paragraph (h)(1)(i), any national bank that will not be the resulting bank in a consolidation or merger pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 215a-1 must comply with the procedures of 12 U.S.C. 215 or 215a, as applicable.

(iv) Corporate existence. The corporate existence of each bank participating in a consolidation or merger continues in the resulting national bank, and all the rights, franchises, property, appointments, liabilities, and other interests of the participating bank are transferred to the resulting national bank, as set forth in 12 U.S.C. 215(b), (e), and (f) or 12 U.S.C. 215a(a), (e), and (f), as applicable.

(3) Consolidations and mergers of a national bank with Federal savings associations under 12 U.S.C. 215c resulting in a national bank. (i) With the approval of the OCC, any national bank and any Federal savings association may consolidate or merge with a national bank as the resulting institution by complying with the following procedures:

(A) Unless it has elected to follow the procedures set out in paragraph (h) of this section, a national bank entering into the consolidation or merger must follow the procedures of 12 U.S.C. 215 or 215a, respectively, as if the Federal savings association were a national bank.

(B)(1) A Federal savings association entering into the consolidation or merger must comply with the requirements of paragraph (n) of this section and follow the procedures set out in paragraph (o) of this section.

(2) For purposes of this paragraph (g)(3), a combination in which a national bank acquires all or substantially all of the assets, or assumes all or substantially all of the liabilities, of a Federal savings association will be treated as a consolidation for the Federal savings association.

(ii)(A) Unless the national bank has elected to follow the procedures set out in paragraph (h) of this section, national bank shareholders who dissent from a plan to consolidate may receive in cash the value of their national bank shares if they comply with the requirements of 12 U.S.C. 215 as if the Federal savings association were a national bank.

(B) Unless the Federal savings association has elected to follow the procedures applicable to State savings associations pursuant to paragraph (o)(1)(i)(A) of this section, Federal savings association shareholders who dissent from a plan to consolidate or merge may receive in cash the value of their Federal savings association shares if they comply with the requirements of 12 U.S.C. 215 or 215a as if the Federal savings association were a national bank.

(C) Unless the national bank or Federal savings association has elected to follow the procedures applicable to State banks or State savings associations, respectively, pursuant to paragraph (h)(1)(i) or (o)(1)(i)(A) of this section, respectively, the OCC will conduct an appraisal or reappraisal of the value of a national bank or Federal savings association held by dissenting shareholders in accordance with the provisions of 12 U.S.C. 215 or 215a, as applicable, except that the costs and expenses of any appraisal or reappraisal may be apportioned and assessed by the Comptroller as he or she may deem equitable against all or some of the parties. In making this determination the Comptroller will consider whether any party has acted arbitrarily or not in good faith in respect to the rights provided by this paragraph.

(iii) The consolidation or merger agreement must address the effect upon, and the terms of the assumption of, any liquidation account of any participating institution by the resulting institution.

(4) Mergers of a national bank with its nonbank affiliates under 12 U.S.C. 215a-3 resulting in a national bank. (i) With the approval of the OCC, a national bank may merge with one or more of its nonbank affiliates, with the national bank as the resulting institution, in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph, provided that the law of the State or other jurisdiction under which the nonbank affiliate is organized allows the nonbank affiliate to engage in such mergers. If the national bank is an insured bank, the transaction is also subject to approval by the FDIC under the Bank Merger Act, 12 U.S.C. 1828(c).

(ii) Unless it has elected to follow the procedures set out in paragraph (h) of this section, a national bank entering into the merger must follow the procedures of 12 U.S.C. 215a as if the nonbank affiliate were a State bank, except as otherwise provided herein.

(iii) A nonbank affiliate entering into the merger must follow the procedures for such mergers set out in the law of the State or other jurisdiction under which the nonbank affiliate is organized.

(iv) The rights of dissenting shareholders and appraisal of dissenters' shares of stock in the nonbank affiliate entering into the merger must be determined in the manner prescribed by the law of the State or other jurisdiction under which the nonbank affiliate is organized.

(v) The corporate existence of each institution participating in the merger continues in the resulting national bank, and all the rights, franchises, property, appointments, liabilities, and other interests of the participating institutions are transferred to the resulting national bank, as set forth in 12 U.S.C. 215a(a), (e), and (f) in the same manner and to the same extent as in a merger between a national bank and a State bank under 12 U.S.C. 215a(a), as if the nonbank affiliate were a State bank.

(5) Mergers of an uninsured national bank with its nonbank affiliates under 12 U.S.C. 215a-3 resulting in a nonbank affiliate. (i) With the approval of the OCC, a national bank that is not an insured bank as defined in 12 U.S.C. 1813(h) may merge with one or more of its nonbank affiliates, with the nonbank affiliate as the resulting entity, in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph, provided that the law of the State or other jurisdiction under which the nonbank affiliate is organized allows the nonbank affiliate to engage in such mergers.

(ii) Unless it has elected to follow the procedures applicable to State banks under paragraph (h)(1)(i) of this section, a national bank entering into the merger must follow the procedures of 12 U.S.C. 214a,as,except.

(iii) A nonbank affiliate entering into the merger must follow the procedures for such mergers set out in the law of the State or other jurisdiction under which the nonbank affiliate is organized.

(iv)(A) National bank shareholders who dissent from an approved plan to merge may receive in cash the value of their national bank shares if they comply with the requirements of 12 U.S.C. 214a as if the nonbank affiliate were a State bank. The OCC may conduct an appraisal or reappraisal of dissenters' shares of stock in a national bank involved in the merger if all parties agree that the determination is final and binding on each party and agree on how the total expenses of the OCC in making the appraisal will be divided among the parties and paid to the OCC.

(B) The rights of dissenting shareholders and appraisal of dissenters' shares of stock in the nonbank affiliate involved in the merger must be determined in the manner prescribed by the law of the State or other jurisdiction under which the nonbank affiliate is organized.

(v) The corporate existence of each entity participating in the merger continues in the resulting nonbank affiliate, and all the rights, franchises, property, appointments, liabilities, and other interests of the participating national bank are transferred to the resulting nonbank affiliate as set forth in 12 U.S.C. 214b,in.S.C. 214a, as if the nonbank affiliate were a State bank.

(6) Consolidations and mergers of a Federal savings association with other Federal savings associations, national banks, State banks, State savings banks, State savings associations, State trust companies, or credit unions resulting in a Federal savings association. (i) With the approval of the OCC, a Federal savings association may consolidate or merge with another Federal savings association, a national bank, a State bank, a State savings association, a State trust company, or a credit union with the Federal savings association as the resulting institution by complying with the following procedures:

(A)(1) The filer Federal savings association must comply with the requirements of paragraph (n) of this section and follow the procedures set out in paragraph (o) of this section.

(2) For purposes of this paragraph (g)(6), a combination in which a Federal savings association acquires all or substantially all of the assets, or assumes all or substantially all of the liabilities, of another other participating institution will be treated as a consolidation for the acquiring Federal savings association and as a consolidation by a Federal savings association whose assets are acquired, if any.

(B)(1) Unless it has elected to follow the procedures applicable to State banks under paragraph (h)(1)(i) of this section, a national bank entering into a merger or consolidation with a Federal savings association when the resulting institution will be a Federal savings association must comply with the requirements of 12 U.S.C. 214a and 12 U.S.C. 214c as if the Federal savings association were a State bank. However, for these purposes the references in 12 U.S.C. 214c to “law of the State in which such national banking association is located” and “any State authority” mean “laws and regulations governing Federal savings associations” and “Office of the Comptroller of the Currency” respectively.

(2) Unless the national bank has elected to follow the procedures applicable to State banks under paragraph (h)(1)(i) of this section, national bank shareholders who dissent from a plan to merge or consolidate may receive in cash the value of their national bank shares if they comply with the requirements of 12 U.S.C. 214a as if the Federal savings association were a State bank. The OCC will conduct an appraisal or reappraisal of the value of the national bank shares held by dissenting shareholders in accordance with the provisions of 12 U.S.C. 214a,except. In making this determination the Comptroller will consider whether any party has acted arbitrarily or not in good faith in respect to the rights provided by this paragraph.

(C)(1) A Federal savings association entering into a merger or consolidation with another Federal savings association when the resulting institution will be the other Federal savings association must comply with the requirements of paragraph (n) of this section and the procedures of paragraph (o) of this section.

(2) Unless the Federal savings association has elected to follow the procedures applicable to State savings associations under paragraph (o)(1)(i)(A), Federal savings association shareholders who dissent from a plan to merge or consolidate may receive in cash the value of their Federal savings association shares if they comply with the requirements of 12 U.S.C. 214a as if the other Federal savings association were a State bank. The OCC will conduct an appraisal or reappraisal of the value of the Federal savings association shares held by dissenting shareholders in accordance with the provisions of 12 U.S.C. 214a,except. In making this determination the Comptroller will consider whether any party has acted arbitrarily or not in good faith in respect to the rights provided by this paragraph.

(3) Unless the Federal savings association has elected to follow the procedures applicable to State savings associations under paragraph (o)(1)(i)(A), the plan of merger or consolidation must provide the manner of disposing of the shares of the resulting Federal savings association not taken by the dissenting shareholders of the Federal savings association.

(D)(1) A State bank, State savings association, State trust company, or credit union entering into a consolidation or merger with a Federal savings association when the resulting institution will be a Federal savings association must follow the procedures for such consolidations or mergers set out in the law of the State or other jurisdiction under which the State bank, State savings association, State trust company, or credit union is organized.

(2) The rights of dissenting shareholders and appraisal of dissenters' shares of stock in the State bank, State savings association, or State trust company, entering into the consolidation or merger will be determined in the manner prescribed by the law of the State or other jurisdiction under which the State bank, State savings association, or State trust company is organized.

(ii) The consolidation or merger agreement must address the effect upon, and the terms of the assumption of, any liquidation account of any participating institution by the resulting institution.

(7) Consolidations and mergers under 12 U.S.C. 214a of a national bank with State banks resulting in a State bank as defined in 12 U.S.C. 214(a)—(i) In general. Prior OCC approval is not required for the merger or consolidation of a national bank with a State bank as defined in 12 U.S.C. 214(a). Termination of a national bank's existence and status as a national banking association is automatic, and its charter cancelled, upon completion of the statutory and regulatory requirements for engaging in the consolidation or merger and consummation of the consolidation or merger.

(ii) Procedures. A national bank desiring to merge or consolidate with a State bank as defined in 12 U.S.C. 214(a) when the resulting institution will be a State bank must comply with the requirements and follow the procedures of 12 U.S.C. 214a and 214c and must provide notice to the OCC under paragraph (k) of this section.

(iii) Dissenters' rights and appraisal procedures. National bank shareholders who dissent from a plan to merge or consolidate may receive in cash the value of their national bank shares if they comply with the requirements of 12 U.S.C. 214a. The OCC conducts an appraisal or reappraisal of the value of the national bank shares held by dissenting shareholders as provided for in 12 U.S.C. 214a.

(iv) Liquidation account. The consolidation or merger agreement must address the effect upon, and the terms of the assumption of, any liquidation account of any participating institution by the resulting institution.

(8) Interstate consolidations and mergers between an insured national bank and insured State banks resulting in a State bank—(i) In general. Prior OCC approval is not required for the merger or consolidation of an insured national bank with an insured out-of-State State bank, as defined in 12 U.S.C. 1831u(g)(8), with the State bank as the resulting institution, that has been approved by the appropriate Federal banking agency for the State bank. Termination of a national bank's existence and status as a national banking association is automatic, and its charter cancelled, upon completion of the statutory and regulatory requirements for engaging in the consolidation or merger and consummation of the consolidation or merger.

(ii) Procedures. Unless it has elected to follow the procedures applicable to State banks under paragraph (h)(1)(i) of this section, the national bank entering into the consolidation or merger must comply with the procedures of 12 U.S.C. 214a,as.

(iii) Notice. The national bank must provide a notice to the OCC under paragraph (k) of this section.

(9) Consolidations and mergers of a Federal savings association with State banks, State savings banks, State savings associations, State trust companies, or credit unions resulting in a State bank, State savings bank, State savings association, State trust company, or credit union—(i) Policy. Prior OCC approval is not required for the merger or consolidation of a Federal savings association with a State bank, State savings bank, State savings association, State trust company, or credit union when the resulting institution will be a State institution or credit union. Termination of a national bank's or Federal savings association's existence and status as a national banking association or Federal savings association is automatic, and its charter cancelled, upon completion of the statutory and regulatory requirements for engaging in the consolidation or merger and consummation of the consolidation or merger.

(ii) Procedures. (A) A Federal savings association desiring to merge or consolidate with a State bank, State savings bank, State savings association, State trust company, or credit union when the resulting institution will be a State institution or credit union must comply with the requirements of paragraph (n) of this section and the procedures of paragraph (o) of this section and must provide notice to the OCC under paragraph (k) of this section.

(B) For purposes of this paragraph (g)(9), a combination in which a State bank, State savings bank, State savings association, State trust company, or credit union acquires all or substantially all of the assets, or assumes all or substantially all of the liabilities, of a Federal savings association must be treated as a consolidation by the Federal savings association.

(iii) Dissenters' rights and appraisal procedures. (A) Unless the Federal savings association has elected to follow the procedures applicable to State savings associations under paragraph (o)(1)(i)(A), Federal savings association shareholders who dissent from a plan to merge or consolidate may receive in cash the value of their Federal savings association shares if they comply with the requirements of 12 U.S.C. 214a as if the Federal savings association were a national bank. The OCC conducts an appraisal or reappraisal of the value of the Federal savings association shares held by dissenting shareholders only if all parties agree that the determination will be final and binding. The parties also must agree on how the total expenses of the OCC in making the appraisal will be divided among the parties and paid to the OCC.

(B) Unless the Federal savings association has elected to follow the procedures applicable to State savings associations under paragraph (o)(1)(i)(A), the plan of merger or consolidation must provide the manner of disposing of the shares of the resulting State institution not taken by the dissenting shareholders of the Federal savings association.

(iv) Liquidation account. The consolidation or merger agreement must address the effect upon, and the terms of the assumption of, any liquidation account of any participating institution by the resulting institution.

(h) Procedural requirements for national bank combinations—(1) Permissible elections. A national bank participating in a combination pursuant to paragraph (g)(2), (g)(3), (g)(4), (g)(5), (g)(6), or (g)(8) of this section may elect to follow with respect to the combination:

(i) The procedures applicable to a State bank chartered by the State where the national bank's main office is located; or

(ii) Paragraph (p) of this section, if applicable.

(2) Rules of Construction. For purposes of paragraph (h)(1) of this section:

(i) Any references to a State agency in the applicable State procedures should be read as referring to the OCC; and

(ii) Unless otherwise specified in Federal law, all filings required by the applicable State procedures must be made to the OCC.

(i) Expedited review for business reorganizations and streamlined applications. A filing that qualifies as a business reorganization as defined in paragraph (d)(3) of this section, or a filing that qualifies as a streamlined application as described in paragraph (j) of this section, is deemed approved by the OCC as of the 15th day after the close of the comment period, unless the OCC notifies the filer that the filing is not eligible for expedited review, or the expedited review process is extended, under § 5.13(a)(2). An application under this paragraph must contain all necessary information for the OCC to determine if it qualifies as a business reorganization or streamlined application.

(j) Streamlined applications. (1) A filer may qualify for a streamlined business combination application in the following situations:

(i) At least one party to the transaction is an eligible bank or eligible savings association, and all other parties to the transaction are eligible banks, eligible savings associations, or eligible depository institutions, the resulting national bank or resulting Federal savings association will be well capitalized immediately following consummation of the transaction, and the total assets of the target institution are no more than 50 percent of the total assets of the acquiring bank or Federal savings association, as reported in each institution's Consolidated Report of Condition and Income filed for the quarter immediately preceding the filing of the application;

(ii) The acquiring bank or Federal savings association is an eligible bank or eligible savings association, the target bank or savings association is not an eligible bank, eligible savings association, or an eligible depository institution, the resulting national bank or resulting Federal savings association will be well capitalized immediately following consummation of the transaction, and the filers in a prefiling communication request and obtain approval from the appropriate OCC licensing office to use the streamlined application;

(iii) The acquiring bank or Federal savings association is an eligible bank or eligible savings association, the target bank or savings association is not an eligible bank, eligible savings association, or an eligible depository institution, the resulting bank or resulting Federal savings association will be well capitalized immediately following consummation of the transaction, and the total assets acquired do not exceed 10 percent of the total assets of the acquiring national bank or acquiring Federal savings association, as reported in each institution's Consolidated Report of Condition and Income filed for the quarter immediately preceding the filing of the application; or

(iv) In the case of a transaction under paragraph (g)(4) of this section, the acquiring bank is an eligible bank, the resulting national bank will be well capitalized immediately following consummation of the transaction, the filers in a prefiling communication request and obtain approval from the appropriate OCC licensing office to use the streamlined application, and the total assets acquired do not exceed 10 percent of the total assets of the acquiring national bank, as reported in the bank's Consolidated Report of Condition and Income filed for the quarter immediately preceding the filing of the application.

(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (j)(1) of this section, a filer does not qualify for a streamlined business combination application if the transaction is part of a conversion under part 192 of this chapter.

(3) When a business combination qualifies for a streamlined application, the filer should consult the Comptroller's Licensing Manual to determine the abbreviated application information required by the OCC. The OCC encourages prefiling communications between the filers and the appropriate OCC licensing office before filing under paragraph (j) of this section.

(k) Exit notice to OCC—(1) Notice required. As provided in paragraphs (g)(7)(ii), (g)(8)(iii), and (g)(9)(ii) of this section, a national bank or Federal savings association engaging in a consolidation or merger in which it is not the filer and the resulting institution must file a notice rather than an application to the appropriate OCC licensing office advising of its intention.

(2) Timing of notice. The national bank or Federal savings association must submit the notice at the time the application to merge or consolidate is filed with the responsible agency under the Bank Merger Act, 12 U.S.C. 1828(c), or if there is no such filing then no later than 30 days prior to the effective date of the merger or consolidation.

(3) Content of notice. The notice must include the following:

(i)(A) A short description of the material features of the transaction, the identity of the acquiring institution, the identity of the State or Federal regulator to whom the application was made, and the date of the application; or

(B) A copy of a filing made with another Federal or State regulatory agency seeking approval from that agency for the transaction under the Bank Merger Act or other applicable statute;

(ii) The planned consummation date for the transaction;

(iii) Information to demonstrate compliance by the national bank or Federal savings association with applicable requirements to engage in the transactions (e.g., board approval or shareholder or accountholder requirements); and

(iv) If the national bank or Federal savings association submitting the notice maintains a liquidation account established pursuant to part 192 of this chapter, the notice must state that the resulting institution will assume such liquidation account.

(4) Termination of status. The national bank or Federal savings association must advise the OCC when the transaction is about to be consummated. Termination of a national bank's or Federal savings association's existence and status as a national banking association or Federal savings association is automatic, and its charter cancelled, upon completion of the statutory and regulatory requirements and consummation of the consolidation or merger. When the national bank or Federal savings association files the notice under paragraph (k)(1) of this section, the OCC provides instructions to the national bank or Federal savings association for terminating its status as a national bank or Federal savings association, including surrendering its charter to the OCC immediately after consummation of the transaction.

(5) Expiration. If the action contemplated by the notice is not completed within six months after the OCC's receipt of the notice, a new notice must be submitted to the OCC, unless the OCC grants an extension of time.

(l) Mergers and consolidations; transfer of assets and liabilities to the resulting institution. (1) In any consolidation or merger in which the resulting institution is a national bank or Federal savings association, on the effective date of the merger or consolidation, all assets and property (real, personal and mixed, tangible and intangible, choses in action, rights, and credits) then owned by each participating institution or which would inure to any of them, immediately by operation of law and without any conveyance, transfer, or further action, become the property of the resulting national bank or Federal savings association. The resulting national bank or Federal savings association is deemed to be a continuation of the entity of each participating institution, and will succeed to such rights and obligations of each participating institution and the duties and liabilities connected therewith.

(2) The authority in paragraph (l)(1) of this section is in addition to any authority granted by applicable statutes for specific transactions and is subject to the National Bank Act, the Home Owners' Loan Act, and other applicable statutes.

(m) Certification of combination; effective date. (1) When a national bank or Federal savings association is the filer and will be the resulting entity in a consolidation or merger, after receiving approval from the OCC, it must complete any remaining steps needed to complete the transaction, provide the OCC with a certification that all other required regulatory or shareholder approvals have been obtained, and inform the OCC of the planned consummation date.

(2) When the transaction is consummated, the filer must notify the OCC of the consummation date. The OCC will issue a letter certifying that the combination was effective on the date specified in the filer's notice.

(n) Authority for and certain limits on business combinations and other transactions by Federal savings associations. (1) Federal savings associations may enter into business combinations only in accordance with this section, the Bank Merger Act, and sections 5(d)(3)(A) and 10(s) of the Home Owners' Loan Act (12 U.S.C. 1464(d)(3)(A) and 1467a(s)).

(2) A Federal savings association may consolidate or merge with another depository institution, a State trust company or a credit union, may engage in another business combination listed in paragraphs (d)(2)(iv) and (v) of this section, or may engage in any other combination listed in paragraph (d)(10), provided that:

(i) The combination is in compliance with, and receives all approvals required under, any applicable statutes and regulations;

(ii) Any resulting Federal savings association meets the requirements for insurance of accounts; and

(iii) A consolidation or merger involving a mutual savings association or the transfer of all or substantially all of the deposits of a mutual savings association must result in a mutually held depository institution that is insured by the FDIC, unless:

(A) The transaction is approved under part 192 governing mutual to stock conversions;

(B) The transaction involves a mutual holding company reorganization under 12 U.S.C. 1467a(o) or a similar transaction under State law; or

(C) The transaction is part of a voluntary liquidation for which the OCC has provided non-objection under § 5.48.

(3) Where the resulting institution is a Federal mutual savings association, the OCC may approve a temporary increase in the number of directors of the resulting institution provided that the association submits a plan for bringing the board of directors into compliance with the requirements of § 5.21(e) within a reasonable period of time.

(4)(i) The Federal savings associations described in paragraph (n)(4)(ii) of this section below must provide affected accountholders with a notice of a proposed account transfer and an option of retaining the account in the transferring Federal savings association. The notice must allow affected accountholders at least 30 days to consider whether to retain their accounts in the transferring Federal savings association.

(ii) The following savings associations must provide the notices:

(A) A Federal mutual savings association transferring account liabilities to an institution the accounts of which are not insured by the Deposit Insurance Fund or the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund; and

(B) Any Federal mutual savings association transferring account liabilities to a stock form depository institution.

(o) Procedural requirements for Federal savings association approval of combinations—(1) In general—(i) Permissible elections. A Federal savings association participating in a combination may elect to follow the applicable procedures with respect to the combination:

(A) The procedures applicable to a State savings association chartered by the State where the Federal savings association's home office is located: or

(B) The standard procedures provided in paragraph (o)(2) of this section.

(ii) Rules of Construction. For purposes of paragraph (o)(1)(i) of this section:

(A) Any references to a State agency in the applicable State procedures should be read as referring to the OCC; and

(B) Unless otherwise specified in Federal law, all filings required by the applicable State procedures must be made to the OCC.

(2) Standard procedures—(i) Board approval. Before a Federal savings association files a notice or application for any consolidation or merger, the combination and combination agreement must be approved by majority vote of the entire board of each constituent Federal savings association in the case of Federal stock savings associations or a two-thirds vote of the entire board of each constituent Federal savings association in the case of Federal mutual savings associations.

(ii) Shareholder vote—(A) General rule. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph (o)(2)(ii), an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the outstanding voting stock of any constituent Federal stock savings association is required for approval of a consolidation or merger. If any class of shares is entitled to vote as a class pursuant to § 5.22(g)(4), an affirmative vote of a majority of the shares of each voting class and two-thirds of the total voting shares is required. The required vote must be taken at a meeting of the savings association.

(B) General exception. Stockholders of the resulting Federal stock savings association need not authorize a consolidation or merger if the transaction meets the requirements of paragraph (p) of this section.

(C) Exceptions for certain combinations involving an interim association. Stockholders of a Federal stock savings association need not authorize by a two-thirds affirmative vote consolidations or mergers involving an interim Federal savings association or interim State savings association when the resulting Federal stock savings association is acquired pursuant to the regulations of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System at 12 CFR 238.15(e) (relating to the creation of a savings and loan holding company by a savings association). In those cases, an affirmative vote of 50 percent of the shares of the outstanding voting stock of the Federal stock savings association plus one affirmative vote is required. If any class of shares is entitled to vote as a class pursuant to the charter provisions in § 5.22(g)(4), an affirmative vote of 50 percent of the shares of each voting class plus one affirmative vote is required. The required votes must be taken at a meeting of the association.

(3) Change of name or home office. If the name of the resulting Federal savings association or the location of the home office of the resulting Federal savings association will change as a result of the business combination, the resulting Federal savings association must amend its charter accordingly.

(4) Mutual member vote. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the OCC may require that a consolidation, merger or other business combination be submitted to the voting members of any mutual savings association participating in the proposed transaction at duly called meetings and that the transaction, to be effective, must be approved by such voting members.

(p) Exception to voting requirements. Shareholders of a resulting national bank or Federal stock savings association need not authorize a consolidation or merger if:

(1) Either:

(i) The transaction does not involve an interim bank or an interim savings association; or

(ii) The transaction involves an interim bank or an interim savings association and the existing shareholders of the national bank or Federal stock savings association will directly hold the shares of the resulting national bank or Federal stock savings association;

(2) The national bank's articles of association or the Federal stock savings association's charter, as applicable, is not changed;

(3) Each share of stock outstanding immediately prior to the effective date of the consolidation or merger is to be an identical outstanding share or a treasury share of the resulting national bank or Federal stock savings association after such effective date; and

(4) Either:

(i) No shares of voting stock of the resulting national bank or Federal stock savings association and no securities convertible into such stock are to be issued or delivered under the plan of combination; or

(ii) The authorized unissued shares or the treasury shares of voting stock of the resulting national bank or Federal stock savings association to be issued or delivered under the plan of merger or consolidation, plus those initially issuable upon conversion of any securities to be issued or delivered under such plan, do not exceed 20 percent of the total shares of voting stock of such national bank or Federal stock savings association outstanding immediately prior to the effective date of the consolidation or merger.

[85 FR 80448, Dec. 11, 2020; 86 FR 1255, Jan. 8, 2021]
§ 5.34 - Operating subsidiaries of a national bank.

(a) Authority. 12 U.S.C. 24 (Seventh), 24a, 25b, 93a, 3102(b).

(b) Licensing requirements. A national bank must file an application or notice as prescribed in this section to acquire or establish an operating subsidiary, or to commence a new activity in an existing operating subsidiary.

(c) Scope. This section sets forth authorized activities and application or notice procedures for national banks engaging in activities through an operating subsidiary. The procedures in this section do not apply to financial subsidiaries authorized under § 5.39. Unless provided otherwise, this section applies to a Federal branch or agency that acquires, establishes, or maintains any subsidiary that a national bank is authorized to acquire or establish under this section in the same manner and to the same extent as if the Federal branch or agency were a national bank, except that the ownership interest required in paragraphs (e)(2) and (f)(2)(i)(C)(2) of this section applies to the parent foreign bank of the Federal branch or agency and not to the Federal branch or agency. The OCC may, at any time, limit a national bank's investment in an operating subsidiary or may limit or refuse to permit any activities in an operating subsidiary for supervisory, legal, or safety and soundness reasons.

(d) Definition. For purposes of this section, authorized product means a product that would be defined as insurance under section 302(c) of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (15 U.S.C. 6712) that, as of January 1, 1999, the OCC had determined in writing that national banks may provide as principal or national banks were in fact lawfully providing the product as principal, and as of that date no court of relevant jurisdiction had, by final judgment, overturned a determination by the OCC that national banks may provide the product as principal. An authorized product does not include title insurance, or an annuity contract the income of which is subject to treatment under section 72 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 72).

(e) Standards and requirements—(1) Authorized activities. (i) A national bank may conduct in an operating subsidiary activities that are permissible for a national bank to engage in directly either as part of, or incidental to, the business of banking, as determined by the OCC, or otherwise under other statutory authority, including:

(A) Providing authorized products as principal; and

(B) Providing title insurance as principal if the national bank or subsidiary thereof was actively and lawfully underwriting title insurance before November 12, 1999, and no affiliate of the national bank (other than a subsidiary) provides insurance as principal. A subsidiary may not provide title insurance as principal if the State had in effect before November 12, 1999, a law which prohibits any person from underwriting title insurance with respect to real property in that State.

(ii) In addition to OCC authorization, before it begins business an operating subsidiary also must comply with other laws applicable to it and its proposed business, including applicable licensing or registration requirements, if any, such as registration requirements under securities laws.

(2) Qualifying subsidiaries. (i) An operating subsidiary in which a national bank may invest includes a corporation, limited liability company, limited partnership, or similar entity if:

(A) The bank has the ability to control the management and operations of the subsidiary, and no other person or entity has the ability to exercise effective control or influence over the management or operations of the subsidiary to an extent equal to or greater than that of the bank or an operating subsidiary thereof;

(B) The parent bank owns and controls more than 50 percent of the voting (or similar type of controlling) interest of the operating subsidiary, or the parent bank otherwise controls the operating subsidiary and no other party controls a percentage of the voting (or similar type of controlling) interest of the operating subsidiary greater than the bank's interest; and

(C) The operating subsidiary is consolidated with the bank under GAAP.

(ii) However, the following entities are not operating subsidiaries subject to this section:

(A) A subsidiary in which the bank's investment is made pursuant to specific authorization in a statute or OCC regulation (e.g., a bank service company under 12 U.S.C. 1861 et seq., a financial subsidiary under section 5136A of the Revised Statutes (12 U.S.C. 24a), or a community development corporation subsidiary under 12 U.S.C. 24 (Eleventh) and 12 CFR part 24;

(B) A subsidiary in which the bank has acquired, in good faith, shares through foreclosure on collateral, by way of compromise of a doubtful claim, or to avoid a loss in connection with a debt previously contracted; and

(C) A trust formed for purposes of securitizing assets held by the bank as part of its banking business.

(iii) Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this section,

(A) A national bank must have reasonable policies and procedures to preserve the limited liability of the bank and its operating subsidiaries; and

(B) OCC regulations may not be construed as requiring a national bank and its operating subsidiaries to operate as a single entity.

(3) Examination and supervision. An operating subsidiary conducts activities authorized under this section pursuant to the same authorization, terms and conditions that apply to the conduct of such activities by its parent national bank, unless otherwise specifically provided by statute, regulation, or published OCC policy, including sections 1044 and 1045 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (12 U.S.C. 25b) with respect to the application of State law. If the OCC determines that the operating subsidiary is operating in violation of law, regulation, or written condition, or in an unsafe or unsound manner or otherwise threatens the safety or soundness of the bank, the OCC will direct the bank or operating subsidiary to take appropriate remedial action, which may include requiring the bank to divest or liquidate the operating subsidiary, or discontinue specified activities. OCC authority under this paragraph is subject to the limitations and requirements of section 45 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1831v) and section 115 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (12 U.S.C. 1820a).

(4) Consolidation of figures—(i) National banks. Pertinent book figures of the parent national bank and its operating subsidiary will be combined for the purpose of applying statutory or regulatory limitations when combination is needed to effect the intent of the statute or regulation, e.g., for purposes of 12 U.S.C. 56,59,60,84,and.

(ii) Federal branches or agencies. Transactions conducted by all of a foreign bank's Federal branches and agencies and State branches and agencies, and their operating subsidiaries, will be combined for the purpose of applying any limitation or restriction as provided in 12 CFR 28.14.

(f) Procedures—(1) Application required. (i) Except for an operating subsidiary that qualifies for the notice procedures in paragraph (f)(2) of this section or is exempt from application or notice requirements under paragraph (f)(6) of this section, a national bank must first submit an application to, and receive prior approval from, the OCC to establish or acquire an operating subsidiary or to perform a new activity in an existing operating subsidiary.

(ii) The application must explain, as appropriate, how the bank “controls” the enterprise, describing in full detail structural arrangements where control is based on factors other than bank ownership of more than 50 percent of the voting interest of the subsidiary and the ability to control the management and operations of the subsidiary by holding voting interests sufficient to select the number of directors needed to control the subsidiary's board and to select and terminate senior management. In the case of a limited partnership or limited liability company that does not qualify for the notice procedures set forth in paragraph (f)(2) of this section, the bank must provide a statement explaining why it is not eligible. The application also must include a complete description of the bank's investment in the subsidiary, the proposed activities of the subsidiary, the organizational structure and management of the subsidiary, the relations between the bank and the subsidiary, and other information necessary to adequately describe the proposal. To the extent that the application relates to the initial affiliation of the bank with a company engaged in insurance activities, the bank must describe the type of insurance activity in which the company is engaged and has present plans to conduct. The bank must also list for each State the lines of business for which the company holds, or will hold, an insurance license, indicating the State where the company holds a resident license or charter, as applicable. The application must state whether the operating subsidiary will conduct any activity at a location other than the main office or a previously approved branch of the bank. The OCC may require a filer to submit a legal analysis if the proposal is novel, unusually complex, or raises substantial unresolved legal issues. In these cases, the OCC encourages filers to have a prefiling meeting with the OCC. Any bank receiving approval under this paragraph is deemed to have agreed that the subsidiary will conduct the activity in a manner consistent with published OCC guidance.

(2) Notice process only for certain qualifying filings. (i) Except for an operating subsidiary that is exempt from application or notice procedures under paragraph (f)(6) of this section, a national bank that is well capitalized and well managed may establish or acquire an operating subsidiary, or perform a new activity in an existing operating subsidiary, by providing the appropriate OCC licensing office written notice prior to, or within 10 days after, acquiring or establishing the subsidiary, or commencing the new activity, if:

(A) The activity is listed in paragraph (f)(5) of this section or, except as provided in paragraph (f)(2)(ii) of this section, the activity is substantively the same as a previously approved activity and the activity will be conducted in accordance with the same terms and conditions applicable to the previously approved activity;

(B) The entity is a corporation, limited liability company, limited partnership, or trust; and

(C) The bank or an operating subsidiary thereof:

(1) Has the ability to control the management and operations of the subsidiary and no other person or entity has the ability to exercise effective control or influence over the management or operations of the subsidiary to an extent equal to or greater than that of the bank or an operating subsidiary thereof. The ability to control the management and operations means:

(i) In the case of a subsidiary that is a corporation, the bank or an operating subsidiary thereof holds voting interests sufficient to select the number of directors needed to control the subsidiary's board and to select and terminate senior management;

(ii) In the case of a subsidiary that is a limited partnership, the bank or an operating subsidiary thereof has the ability to control the management and operations of the subsidiary by controlling the selection and termination of senior management;

(iii) In the case of a subsidiary that is a limited liability company, the bank or an operating subsidiary thereof has the ability to control the management and operations of the subsidiary by controlling the selection and termination of senior management; or

(iv) In the case of a subsidiary that is a trust, the bank or an operating subsidiary thereof has the ability to replace the trustee at will;

(2) Holds more than 50 percent of the voting, or equivalent, interests in the subsidiary and:

(i) In the case of a subsidiary that is a limited partnership, the bank or an operating subsidiary thereof is the sole general partner of the limited partnership, provided that under the partnership agreement, limited partners have no authority to bind the partnership by virtue solely of their status as limited partners;

(ii) In the case of a subsidiary that is a limited liability company, the bank or an operating subsidiary thereof is the sole managing member of the limited liability company, provided that under the limited liability company agreement, other limited liability company members have no authority to bind the limited liability company by virtue solely of their status as members; or

(iii) In the case of a subsidiary that is a trust, the bank or an operating subsidiary thereof is the sole beneficial owner of the trust; and

(3) Is required to consolidate its financial statements with those of the subsidiary under GAAP.

(ii) A national bank must file an application under paragraph (f)(1) of this section if a State has or will charter or license the proposed operating subsidiary as a bank, trust company, or savings association.

(iii) The written notice must include a complete description of the bank's investment in the subsidiary and of the activity conducted and a representation and undertaking that the activity will be conducted in accordance with OCC policies contained in guidance issued by the OCC regarding the activity. To the extent that the notice relates to the initial affiliation of the bank with a company engaged in insurance activities, the bank must describe the type of insurance activity in which the company is engaged and has present plans to conduct. The bank also must list for each State the lines of business for which the company holds, or will hold, an insurance license, indicating the State where the company holds a resident license or charter, as applicable. Any bank receiving approval under this paragraph is deemed to have agreed that the subsidiary will conduct the activity in a manner consistent with published OCC guidance.

(3) Exceptions to rules of general applicability. Sections 5.8, 5.10, and 5.11 do not apply to this section. However, if the OCC concludes that an application presents significant or novel policy, supervisory, or legal issues, the OCC may determine that some or all provisions in §§ 5.8, 5.10, and 5.11 apply.

(4) OCC review and approval. The OCC reviews a national bank's application to determine whether the proposed activities are legally permissible under Federal banking laws and to ensure that the proposal is consistent with safe and sound banking practices and OCC policy and does not endanger the safety or soundness of the parent national bank. As part of this process, the OCC may request additional information and analysis from the filer.

(5) Activities eligible for notice. The following activities qualify for the notice procedures in paragraph (f)(2) of this section, provided the activity is conducted pursuant to the same terms and conditions as would be applicable if the activity were conducted directly by a national bank:

(i) Holding and managing assets acquired by the parent bank or its operating subsidiaries, including investment assets and property acquired by the bank through foreclosure or otherwise in good faith to compromise a doubtful claim, or in the ordinary course of collecting a debt previously contracted;

(ii) Providing services to or for the bank or its affiliates, including accounting, auditing, appraising, advertising and public relations, and financial advice and consulting;

(iii) Making loans or other extensions of credit, and selling money orders, savings bonds, and travelers checks;

(iv) Purchasing, selling, servicing, or warehousing loans or other extensions of credit, or interests therein;

(v) Providing courier services between financial institutions;

(vi) Providing management consulting, operational advice, and services for other financial institutions;

(vii) Providing check guaranty, verification and payment services;

(viii) Providing data processing, data warehousing and data transmission products, services, and related activities and facilities, including associated equipment and technology, for the bank or its affiliates;

(ix) Acting as investment adviser (including an adviser with investment discretion) or financial adviser or counselor to governmental entities or instrumentalities, businesses, or individuals, including advising registered investment companies and mortgage or real estate investment trusts, furnishing economic forecasts or other economic information, providing investment advice related to futures and options on futures, and providing consumer financial counseling;

(x) Providing tax planning and preparation services;

(xi) Providing financial and transactional advice and assistance, including advice and assistance for customers in structuring, arranging, and executing mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, joint ventures, leveraged buyouts, swaps, foreign exchange, derivative transactions, coin and bullion, and capital restructurings;

(xii) Underwriting and reinsuring credit related insurance to the extent permitted under section 302 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (15 U.S.C. 6712);

(xiii) Leasing of personal property and acting as an agent or adviser in leases for others;

(xiv) Providing securities brokerage or acting as a futures commission merchant, and providing related credit and other related services;

(xv) Underwriting and dealing, including making a market, in bank permissible securities and purchasing and selling as principal, asset backed obligations;

(xvi) Acting as an insurance agent or broker, including title insurance to the extent permitted under section 303 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (15 U.S.C. 6713);

(xvii) Reinsuring mortgage insurance on loans originated, purchased, or serviced by the bank, its subsidiaries, or its affiliates, provided that if the subsidiary enters into a quota share agreement, the subsidiary assumes less than 50 percent of the aggregate insured risk covered by the quota share agreement. A “quota share agreement” is an agreement under which the reinsurer is liable to the primary insurance underwriter for an agreed upon percentage of every claim arising out of the covered book of business ceded by the primary insurance underwriter to the reinsurer;

(xviii) Acting as a finder pursuant to 12 CFR 7.1002 to the extent permitted by published OCC precedent for national banks; 2

2 See, e.g., the OCC's monthly publication “Interpretations and Actions.” Beginning with the May 1996 issue, electronic versions of “Interpretations and Actions” are available at

(xix) Offering correspondent services to the extent permitted by published OCC precedent for national banks;

(xx) Acting as agent or broker in the sale of fixed or variable annuities;

(xxi) Offering debt cancellation or debt suspension agreements;

(xxii) Providing real estate settlement, closing, escrow, and related services; and real estate appraisal services for the subsidiary, parent bank, or other financial institutions;

(xxiii) Acting as a transfer or fiscal agent;

(xxiv) Acting as a digital certification authority to the extent permitted by published OCC precedent for national banks, subject to the terms and conditions contained in that precedent;

(xxv) Providing or selling public transportation tickets, event and attraction tickets, gift certificates, prepaid phone cards, promotional and advertising material, postage stamps, and Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) script, and similar media, to the extent permitted by published OCC precedent for national banks, subject to the terms and conditions contained in that precedent;

(xxvi) Providing data processing, and data transmission services, facilities (including equipment, technology, and personnel), databases, advice and access to such services, facilities, databases and advice, for the parent bank and for others, pursuant to 12 CFR 7.5006 to the extent permitted by published OCC precedent for national banks;

(xxvii) Providing bill presentment, billing, collection, and claims-processing services;

(xxviii) Providing safekeeping for personal information or valuable confidential trade or business information, such as encryption keys, to the extent permitted by published OCC precedent for national banks;

(xxix) Providing payroll processing;

(xxx) Providing branch management services;

(xxxi) Providing merchant processing services except when the activity involves the use of third parties to solicit or underwrite merchants; and

(xxxii) Performing administrative tasks involved in benefits administration.

(6) No application or notice required. A national bank may acquire or establish an operating subsidiary, or perform a new activity in an existing operating subsidiary, without filing an application or providing notice to the OCC, if the bank is well managed and well capitalized and the:

(i) Activities of the new subsidiary are limited to those activities previously reported by the bank in connection with the establishment or acquisition of a prior operating subsidiary;

(ii) Activities in which the new subsidiary will engage continue to be legally permissible for the subsidiary;

(iii) Activities of the new subsidiary will be conducted in accordance with any conditions imposed by the OCC in approving the conduct of these activities for any prior operating subsidiary of the bank; and

(iv) The standards set forth in paragraphs (f)(2)(i)(B) and (C) of this section are satisfied.

(7) Fiduciary powers. (i) If an operating subsidiary proposes to accept fiduciary appointments for which fiduciary powers are required, such as acting as trustee or executor, then the national bank must have fiduciary powers under 12 U.S.C. 92a and the subsidiary also must have its own fiduciary powers under the law applicable to the subsidiary.

(ii) Unless the subsidiary is a registered investment adviser, if an operating subsidiary proposes to exercise investment discretion on behalf of customers or provide investment advice for a fee, the national bank must have prior OCC approval to exercise fiduciary powers pursuant to § 5.26 and 12 CFR part 9.

(8) Expiration of approval. Approval expires if the national bank has not established or acquired the operating subsidiary or commenced the new activity in an existing operating subsidiary within 12 months after the date of the approval, unless the OCC shortens or extends the time period.

(g) Grandfathered operating subsidiaries. Notwithstanding the requirements for a qualifying operating subsidiary in paragraph (e)(2) of this section and unless otherwise notified by the OCC with respect to a particular operating subsidiary, an entity that a national bank lawfully acquired or established as an operating subsidiary before April 24, 2008 may continue to operate as a national bank operating subsidiary under this section, provided that the bank and the operating subsidiary were, and continue to be, conducting authorized activities in compliance with the standards and requirements applicable when the bank established or acquired the operating subsidiary.

[80 FR 28444, May 18, 2015, as amended at 85 FR 80455, Dec. 11, 2020]
§ 5.35 - Bank service company investments by a national bank or Federal savings association.

(a) Authority. 12 U.S.C. 93a,1462a,1463,1464,1861,and.

(b) Licensing requirements. Except where otherwise provided, a national bank or Federal savings association must submit a notice and obtain prior OCC approval to invest in the equity of a bank service company or to perform new activities in an existing bank service company.

(c) Scope. This section describes the procedures and requirements regarding OCC review and approval of a notice by a national bank or Federal savings association to invest in the equity of a bank service company. The OCC may, at any time, limit a national bank's or Federal savings association's investment in a bank service company or may limit or refuse to permit any activities in any bank service company for which a national bank or Federal savings association is the principal investor for supervisory, legal, or safety and soundness reasons.

(d) Definitions—(1) Bank service company means a corporation or limited liability company organized to provide services authorized by the Bank Service Company Act, 12 U.S.C. 1861 et seq., all of whose capital stock is owned by one or more insured depository institutions in the case of a corporation, or all of the members of which are one or more insured depository institutions in the case of a limited liability company.

(2) Limited liability company means any company, partnership, trust, or similar business entity organized under the law of a State (as defined in section 3(a)(3) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, 12 U.S.C. 1813(a)(3)) which provides that a member or manager of such company is not personally liable for a debt, obligation, or liability of the company solely by reason of being, or acting as, a member or manager of such company.

(3) Depository institution for purposes of this section, means, except when such term appears in connection with the term 'insured depository institution', an insured bank (as defined in section 3(h) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, 12 U.S.C. 1813(h)), a savings association (as defined in section 3(b)(1) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, 12 U.S.C. 1813(b)(1)), a financial institution subject to examination by the appropriate Federal banking agency or the National Credit Union Administration Board, or a financial institution the accounts or deposits of which are insured or guaranteed under State law and are eligible to be insured by the FDIC or the National Credit Union Administration Board.

(4) Insured depository institution, for purposes of this section, has the same meaning as in section 3(c)(2) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, 12 U.S.C. 1813(c)(2).

(5) Invest includes making any advance of funds to a bank service company, whether by the purchase of stock, the making of a loan, or otherwise, except a payment for rent earned, goods sold and delivered, or services rendered before the payment was made.

(6) Principal investor means the insured depository institution that has the largest amount invested in the equity of a bank service company. In any case where two or more insured depository institutions have equal amounts invested and no other insured depository institution has a larger amount invested, the bank service company must designate one of those insured depository institutions as its principal investor.

(e) Standards and requirements. A national bank or Federal savings association may invest in a bank service company that conducts activities described in paragraphs (f)(3) and (f)(4) of this section and activities (other than taking deposits) permissible for the national bank or Federal savings association and other insured depository institution shareholders or members of the bank service company.

(f) Procedures—(1) OCC notice and approval required. Except as provided in paragraphs (f)(3) and (f)(4) of this section, a national bank or Federal savings association that intends to invest in the equity of a bank service company, or to perform new activities in an existing bank service company, must submit a notice to and receive prior approval from the OCC. The notice must include the information required by paragraph (g) of this section. The OCC approves or denies a proposed investment within 60 days after the filing is received by the OCC, unless the OCC notifies the bank prior to that date that the filing presents a significant supervisory or compliance concern, or raises a significant legal or policy issue.

(2) Expedited review for certain activities. (i) A notice to invest in the equity of a bank service company, or to perform new activities in an existing bank service company, that meets the requirements of this paragraph is deemed approved by the OCC as of the 30th day after the notice is received by the OCC, unless the OCC notifies the filer prior to that date that the filing is not eligible for expedited review or the expedited review process is extended. Any bank or savings association making an investment pursuant to this paragraph is deemed to have agreed that the bank service company will conduct the activity in a manner consistent with the published OCC guidance.

(ii) A notice is eligible for expedited review if all of the following requirements are met:

(A) The national bank or Federal savings association is well capitalized and well managed; and

(B) The bank service company engages only in activities that are permissible for the bank service company under 12 U.S.C. 1864 and that are listed in § 5.34(f)(5) or § 5.38(f)(5), as applicable.

(3) Investments requiring no approval or notice. A national bank or Federal savings association does not need to submit a notice or obtain OCC approval to invest in a bank service company, or to perform a new activity in an existing bank service company, if the bank service company will provide only the following services only for depository institutions: Check and deposit posting and sorting; computation and posting of interest and other credits and charges; preparation and mailing of checks, statements, notices, and similar items; or any other clerical, bookkeeping, accounting, statistical, or similar functions.

(4) Federal Reserve approval. A national bank or Federal savings association also may, with the approval of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Federal Reserve Board), invest in the equity of a bank service company that provides any other service (except deposit taking) that the Federal Reserve Board has determined, by regulation, to be permissible for a bank holding company under 12 U.S.C. 1843(c)(8).

(5) Exceptions to rules of general applicability. Sections 5.8, 5.10, and 5.11 do not apply to a request for approval to invest in a bank service company. However, if the OCC concludes that an application presents significant or novel policy, supervisory, or legal issues, the OCC may determine that any or all provisions of §§ 5.8, 5.10, and 5.11 apply.

(g) Required information. A notice required under paragraph (f)(1) of this section must contain the following:

(1) The name and location of the bank service company;

(2) A complete description of the activities the bank service company will conduct and a representation and undertaking that the activities will be conducted in accordance with OCC guidance. To the extent the notice relates to the initial affiliation of the national bank or Federal savings association with a company engaged in insurance activities, the national bank or Federal savings association should describe the type of insurance activity that the company is engaged in and has present plans to conduct. The national bank or Federal savings association also must list for each State the lines of business for which the company holds, or will hold, an insurance license, indicating the State where the company holds a resident license or charter, as applicable;

(3) A complete description of the national bank's or Federal savings association's investment in the bank service company and information demonstrating that the national bank or Federal savings association will comply with the investment limitations of paragraph (i) of this section; and

(4) Information demonstrating that the bank service company will perform only those services that each insured depository institution shareholder or member is authorized to perform under applicable Federal or State law and will perform such services only at locations in a State in which each such shareholder or member is authorized to perform such services unless performing services that are authorized by the Federal Reserve Board under the authority of 12 U.S.C. 1865(b).

(h) Examination and supervision. Each bank service company in which a national bank or Federal savings association is the principal investor is subject to examination and supervision by the OCC in the same manner and to the same extent as that national bank or Federal savings association. OCC authority under this paragraph is subject to the limitations and requirements of section 45 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1831v) and section 115 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (12 U.S.C. 1820a).

(i) Investment limitations. A national bank or Federal savings association must comply with the investment limitations specified in 12 U.S.C. 1862.

[80 FR 28448, May 18, 2015, as amended at 85 FR 80458, Dec. 11, 2020]
§ 5.36 - Other equity investments by a national bank.

(a) Authority. 12 U.S.C. 1 et seq., 24(Seventh), 93a, and 3101 et seq.

(b) Scope. National banks are permitted to make various types of equity investments pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 24(Seventh) and other statutes. These investments are in addition to those subject to §§ 5.34, 5.35, 5.37, and 5.39. This section describes the procedure governing the filing of the application or notice that the OCC requires in connection with certain of these investments. Other permissible equity investments may be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the OCC.

(c) Definitions. For purposes of this section:

(1) Enterprise means any corporation, limited liability company, partnership, trust, or similar business entity.

(2) Non-controlling investment means an equity investment made pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 24(Seventh) that is not governed by procedures prescribed by another OCC rule. A non-controlling investment does not include a national bank holding interests in a trust formed for the purposes of securitizing assets held by the bank as part of its banking business or for the purposes of holding multiple legal titles of motor vehicles or equipment in conjunction with lease financing transactions.

(d) Procedure. (1) A national bank must provide the appropriate OCC licensing office with written notice within ten days after making an equity investment in the following:

(i) An agricultural credit corporation;

(ii) A savings association eligible to be acquired under section 13 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1823); and

(iii) Any other equity investment that may be authorized by statute after February 12, 1990, if not covered by other applicable OCC regulation.

(2) The written notice required by paragraph (d)(1) of this section must include a description, and the amount, of the bank's investment.

(3) The OCC reserves the right to require additional information as necessary.

(e) Non-controlling investments; notice procedure. Except as provided in paragraphs (f), (g), and (h) of this section, a national bank may make a non-controlling investment, directly or through its operating subsidiary, in an enterprise that engages in an activity described in § 5.34(f)(5) or in an activity that is substantively the same as a previously approved activity by filing a written notice. The bank must file this written notice with the appropriate OCC licensing office no later than 10 days after making the investment. The written notice must:

(1) Describe the structure of the investment and the activity or activities conducted by the enterprise in which the bank is investing. To the extent the notice relates to the initial affiliation of the bank with a company engaged in insurance activities, the bank should describe the type of insurance activity that the company is engaged in and has present plans to conduct. The bank must also list for each State the lines of business for which the company holds, or will hold, an insurance license, indicating the State where the company holds a resident license or charter, as applicable;

(2) State:

(i) Which paragraphs of § 5.34(f)(5) describe the activity; or

(ii) If the activity is substantively the same as a previously approved activity:

(A) How the activity is substantively the same as a previously approved activity;

(B) The citation to the applicable precedent; and

(C) That the activity will be conducted in accordance with the same terms and conditions applicable to the previously approved activity;

(3) Certify that the bank is well capitalized and well managed at the time of the investment;

(4) Describe how the bank has the ability to prevent the enterprise from engaging in activities that are not set forth in § 5.34(f)(5) or not contained in published OCC precedent for previously approved activities, or how the bank otherwise has the ability to withdraw its investment;

(5) Describe how the investment is convenient and useful to the bank in carrying out its business and not a mere passive investment unrelated to the bank's banking business;

(6) Certify that the bank's loss exposure is limited as a legal matter and that the bank does not have unlimited liability for the obligations of the enterprise; and

(7) Certify that the enterprise in which the bank is investing agrees to be subject to OCC supervision and examination, subject to the limitations and requirements of section 45 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1831v) and section 115 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (12 U.S.C. 1820a).

(f) Non-controlling investment; application procedure—(1) In general. A national bank must file an application and obtain prior approval before making or acquiring, either directly or through an operating subsidiary, a non-controlling investment in an enterprise if the non-controlling investment does not qualify for the notice procedure set forth in paragraph (e) of this section because the bank is unable to make the representation required by paragraph (e)(2) or the certifications required by paragraphs (e)(3) or (e)(7) of this section. The application must include the information required in paragraphs (e)(1) and (e)(4) through (e)(6) of this section and, if possible, the information required by paragraphs (e)(2), (e)(3), and (e)(7) of this section. If the bank is unable to make the representation set forth in paragraph (e)(2) of this section, the bank's application must explain why the activity in which the enterprise engages is a permissible activity for a national bank and why the filer should be permitted to hold a non-controlling investment in an enterprise engaged in that activity. A bank may not make a non-controlling investment if it is unable to make the representations and certifications specified in paragraphs (e)(1) and (e)(4) through (e)(6) of this section.

(2) Expedited review. An application submitted by a national bank is deemed approved by the OCC as of the 10th day after the application is received by the OCC if:

(i) The national bank makes the representation required by paragraph (e)(2) and the certification required by paragraph (e)(3) of this section;

(ii) The book value of the national bank's non-controlling investment for which the application is being submitted is no more than 1% of the bank's capital and surplus;

(iii) No more than 50% of the enterprise is owned or controlled by banks or savings associations subject to examination by an appropriate Federal banking agency or credit unions insured by the National Credit Union Association; and

(iv) The OCC has not notified the national bank that the application has been removed from expedited review, or the expedited review process is extended, under § 5.13(a)(2).

(g) Non-controlling investment; no application or notice required. A national bank may make or acquire, either directly or through an operating subsidiary, a non-controlling investment in an enterprise without an application or notice to the OCC, if the:

(1) Activities of the enterprise are limited to those activities previously reported by the bank in connection with the making or acquiring of a non-controlling investment;

(2) Activities of the enterprise continue to be legally permissible for a national bank;

(3) The bank's non-controlling investment will be made in accordance with any conditions imposed by the OCC in approving any prior non-controlling investment in an enterprise conducting these same activities; and

(4) The bank is able to make the representations and certifications specified in paragraphs (e)(3) through (e)(7) of this section.

(h) Non-controlling investments in entities holding assets in satisfaction of debts previously contracted. Certain non-controlling investments may be eligible for expedited treatment where the bank's investment is in an entity holding assets in satisfaction of debts previously contracted or the bank acquires shares of a company in satisfaction of debts previously contracted.

(1) Notice required. A national bank that is well capitalized and well managed may acquire a non-controlling investment, directly or through its operating subsidiary, in an enterprise that engages in the activities of holding and managing assets acquired by the parent bank through foreclosure or otherwise in good faith to compromise a doubtful claim, or in the ordinary course of collecting a debt previously contracted, by filing a written notice in accordance with this paragraph (h)(1). The activities of the enterprise must be conducted pursuant to the same terms and conditions as would be applicable if the activity were conducted directly by a national bank. The bank must file the written notice with the appropriate OCC licensing office no later than 10 days after making the non-controlling investment. This notice must include a complete description of the bank's investment in the enterprise and the activities conducted, a description of how the bank plans to divest the non-controlling investment or the underlying assets within applicable statutory time frames, and a representation and undertaking that the bank will conduct the activities in accordance with OCC policies contained in guidance issued by the OCC regarding the activities. Any national bank receiving approval under this paragraph (h)(1) is deemed to have agreed that the enterprise will conduct the activity in a manner consistent with published OCC guidance.

(2) No notice or application required. A national bank is not required to file a notice or application under this § 5.36 if it acquires a non-controlling investment in shares of a company through foreclosure or otherwise in good faith to compromise a doubtful claim, or in the ordinary course of collecting a debt previously contracted.

(i) Non-controlling investments by Federal branches. A Federal branch that is well capitalized and well managed may make a non-controlling investment in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section in the same manner and subject to the same conditions and requirements as a national bank, and subject to any additional requirements that may apply under 12 CFR 28.10(c).

(j) Exceptions to rules of general applicability. Sections 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, and 5.11 do not apply to this section. However, if the OCC concludes that an application presents significant or novel policy, supervisory, or legal issues, the OCC may determine that some or all provisions in §§ 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, and 5.11 apply.

[61 FR 60363, Nov. 27, 1996, as amended at 65 FR 12913, Mar. 10, 2000; 65 FR 41560, July 6, 2000; 68 FR 70698, Dec. 19, 2003; 73 FR 22239, Apr. 24, 2008; 79 FR 11310, Feb. 28, 2014; 80 FR 28449, May 18, 2015; 85 FR 80458, Dec. 11, 2020]
§ 5.37 - Investment in national bank or Federal savings association premises.

(a) Authority. 12 U.S.C. 29,93a,371d,1464,1464,1828,and.

(b) Scope. This section addresses a national bank's or Federal savings association's investment in banking premises and other premises-related investments, loans, or indebtedness. This section also sets forth the quantitative investment limitations and procedures governing the OCC's review and approval of an application by a national bank or Federal savings association to invest in these premises.

(c) Definitions. The following definitions apply for purposes of this section.

(1) Banking premises includes:

(i) Premises that are owned and occupied (or to be occupied, if under construction) by a national bank or Federal savings association, its respective branches, or its consolidated subsidiaries;

(ii) Capitalized leases and leasehold improvements, vaults, and fixed machinery and equipment;

(iii) Remodeling costs to existing premises;

(iv) Real estate acquired and intended, in good faith, for use in future expansion; or

(v) Parking facilities that are used by customers or employees of the national bank or Federal savings association.

(2) Capital stock means, for national banks and Federal stock savings associations, the amount of common stock outstanding and unimpaired plus the amount of perpetual preferred stock outstanding and unimpaired. With respect to Federal mutual savings associations, “capital stock” should be read to mean the amount of the association's retained earnings.

(d) Procedure—(1) Premises application—(i) When required. A national bank or Federal savings association must submit an application to the appropriate OCC supervisory office to invest in banking premises, or in the stock, bonds, debentures, or other such obligations of any corporation, partnership, or similar entity (e.g., a limited liability company) holding the premises of the national bank or Federal savings association, or to make loans to or upon the security of the stock of such corporation, if the aggregate of all such investments and loans, together with the indebtedness incurred by any such corporation that is an affiliate of the national bank or Federal savings association, as defined in 12 U.S.C. 221a or 12 U.S.C. 1462,respectively,will,or,in.

(ii) Contents of premises application. The application must include:

(A) A description of the national bank's or Federal savings association's present investment in banking premises;

(B) The investment in banking premises that the national bank or Federal savings association intends to make, and the business reason for making the investment; and

(C) The amount by which the national bank's or Federal savings association's aggregate investment will exceed the amount of the national bank's or Federal stock savings association's capital stock, or, in the case of a Federal mutual savings association, the amount of retained earnings.

(2) Approval of premises application. An application from a national bank or Federal savings association to invest in banking premises or in certain banking premises-related investments, loans or indebtedness, as described in paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section, is deemed approved as of the 30th day after the filing is received by the OCC, unless the OCC notifies the national bank or Federal savings association prior to that date that the filing presents a significant supervisory or compliance concern, or raises a significant legal or policy issue. An approval for a specified amount under this section remains valid up to that amount until the OCC notifies the national bank or Federal savings association otherwise.

(3) Premises notice process—(i) General rule. Notwithstanding paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section, a national bank or Federal savings association that is rated 1 or 2 under the Uniform Financial Institutions Rating System (CAMELS) may make an aggregate investment in banking premises up to 150 percent of the national bank's or Federal savings association's capital and surplus without the OCC's prior approval, provided that the national bank or Federal savings association is well capitalized and will continue to be well capitalized after the investment or loan is made. However, the national bank or Federal savings association must notify the appropriate OCC supervisory office in writing of the investment within 30 days after the investment or loan is made. The written notice must include a description of the national bank's or Federal savings association's investment or loan.

(ii) Exception. If a Federal savings association that would otherwise be eligible for the premises notice process described in paragraph (d)(3)(i) of this section proposes to establish or acquire a subsidiary to make an investment in banking premises, or if investing in banking premises would be a new activity for such a subsidiary, the Federal savings association would not be eligible for the premises notice process and would be required to comply with the provisions of § 5.59 in the case of a service corporation, or § 5.38 in the case of an operating subsidiary.

(4) Service corporation. A Federal savings association that invests in banking premises through a service corporation is not subject to the premises application and premises notice requirements of paragraph (d) of this section; however, it must include this investment when calculating the quantitative limitations in paragraph (d) of this section, and must comply with § 5.59.

(5) Exceptions to rules of general applicability. Sections 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, and 5.11 do not apply to this section. However, if the OCC concludes that an application presents significant or novel policy, supervisory, or legal issues, the OCC may determine that any or all parts of §§ 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, and 5.11 apply.

[80 FR 28449, May 18, 2015, as amended at 84 FR 4240, Feb. 14, 2019; 84 FR 61794, Nov. 13, 2019; 84 FR 69297, Dec. 18, 2019; 85 FR 80459, Dec. 11, 2020]
§ 5.38 - Operating subsidiaries of a Federal savings association.

(a) Authority. 12 U.S.C. 1462a,1463,1464,1465,1828,and.

(b) Licensing requirements. When required by section 18(m) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1828(m)), a Federal savings association must file an application as prescribed in this section to acquire or establish an operating subsidiary, or to commence a new activity in an existing operating subsidiary.

(c) Scope. This section sets forth authorized activities and application procedures for Federal savings associations engaging in activities through an operating subsidiary. The OCC may, at any time, limit a Federal savings association's investment in an operating subsidiary or may limit or refuse to permit any activities in an operating subsidiary for supervisory, legal, or safety and soundness reasons.

(d) [Reserved]

(e) Standards and requirements—(1) Authorized activities. (i) A Federal savings association may conduct in an operating subsidiary activities that are permissible for a Federal savings association to engage in directly.

(ii) In addition to OCC authorization, before it begins business an operating subsidiary also must comply with other laws applicable to it and its proposed business, including applicable licensing or registration requirements, if any, such as registration requirements under securities laws.

(2) Qualifying subsidiaries. (i) An operating subsidiary in which a Federal savings association may invest includes a corporation, limited liability company, limited partnership, or similar entity if:

(A) The savings association has the ability to control the management and operations of the subsidiary, and no other person or entity has the ability to exercise effective control or influence over the management or operations of the subsidiary to an extent equal to or greater than that of the savings association or an operating subsidiary thereof;

(B) The parent savings association owns and controls more than 50 percent of the voting (or similar type of controlling) interest of the operating subsidiary, or the parent savings association otherwise controls the operating subsidiary and no other party controls a percentage of the voting (or similar type of controlling) interest of the operating subsidiary greater than the savings association's interest; and

(C) The operating subsidiary is consolidated with the savings association under GAAP.

(ii) Subject to the requirements in this section, a Federal savings association may hold another insured depository institution as an operating subsidiary.

(iii) However, the following entities are not operating subsidiaries subject to this section:

(A) A subsidiary in which the savings association's investment is made pursuant to specific authorization in a statute or OCC regulation (e.g., a service corporation under 12 U.S.C. 1464(c)(4) or a bank service company under 12 U.S.C. 1861 et seq.);

(B) A subsidiary in which the savings association has acquired, in good faith, shares through foreclosure on collateral, by way of compromise of a doubtful claim, or to avoid a loss in connection with a debt previously contracted; and

(C) A trust formed for purpose of securitizing assets held by the savings association as part of its business.

(iv) Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this section:

(A) A Federal savings association must have reasonable policies and procedures to preserve the limited liability of the savings association and its operating subsidiaries; and

(B) OCC regulations may not be construed as requiring a Federal savings association and its operating subsidiaries to operate as a single entity.

(3) Examination and supervision. An operating subsidiary conducts activities authorized under this section pursuant to the same authorization, terms and conditions that apply to the conduct of such activities by its parent Federal savings association, unless otherwise specifically provided by statute, regulation, or published OCC policy, including sections 1045 and 1046 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (12 U.S.C. 25b and 1465) with respect to the application of State law. If the OCC determines that the operating subsidiary is operating in violation of law, regulation, or written condition, or in an unsafe or unsound manner or otherwise threatens the safety or soundness of the savings association, the OCC will direct the savings association or operating subsidiary to take appropriate remedial action, which may include requiring the savings association to divest or liquidate the operating subsidiary, or discontinue specified activities. OCC authority under this paragraph is subject to the limitations and requirements of section 45 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1831v) and section 115 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (12 U.S.C. 1820a).

(4) Consolidation of figures. (i) Except as provided in paragraph (e)(4)(ii) of this section, pertinent book figures of the parent Federal savings association and its operating subsidiary must be combined for the purpose of applying statutory or regulatory limitations when combination is needed to effect the intent of the statute or regulation, e.g., for purposes of 12 U.S.C. 1464(c) and 1464(u).

(ii) Consolidation for purposes of calculating portfolio assets and qualified thrift investments is subject to 12 U.S.C. 1467a(m)(5).

(f) Procedures—(1) Application required. (i) A Federal savings association must first submit an application to, and receive prior approval from, the OCC to establish or acquire an operating subsidiary, or to perform a new activity in an existing operating subsidiary.

(ii) The application must explain, as appropriate, how the savings association “controls” the enterprise, describing in full detail structural arrangements where control is based on factors other than savings association ownership of more than 50 percent of the voting interest of the subsidiary and the ability to control the management and operations of the subsidiary by holding voting interests sufficient to select the number of directors needed to control the subsidiary's board and to select and terminate senior management. In the case of a limited partnership or limited liability company that does not qualify for the expedited review procedure set forth in paragraph (f)(2) of this section, the savings association must provide a statement explaining why it is not eligible. The application also must include a complete description of the savings association's investment in the subsidiary, the proposed activities of the subsidiary, the organizational structure and management of the subsidiary, the relations between the savings association and the subsidiary, and other information necessary to adequately describe the proposal. To the extent that the application relates to the initial affiliation of the savings association with a company engaged in insurance activities, the savings association must describe the type of insurance activity in which the company is engaged and has present plans to conduct. The savings association must also list for each State the lines of business for which the company holds, or will hold, an insurance license, indicating the State where the company holds a resident license or charter, as applicable. The application must state whether the operating subsidiary will conduct any activity at a location other than the home office or a previously approved branch of the savings association. The OCC may require a filer to submit a legal analysis if the proposal is novel, unusually complex, or raises substantial unresolved legal issues. In these cases, the OCC encourages filers to have a prefiling meeting with the OCC. Any savings association receiving approval under this paragraph is deemed to have agreed that the subsidiary will conduct the activity in a manner consistent with published OCC guidance.

(2) Expedited review. (i) An application to establish or acquire an operating subsidiary, or to perform a new activity in an existing operating subsidiary, that meets the requirements of this paragraph is deemed approved by the OCC as of the 30th day after the filing is received by the OCC, unless the OCC notifies the filer prior to that date that the filing has been removed from expedited review, or the expedited review process is extended under § 5.13(a)(2). Any savings association receiving approval under this paragraph is deemed to have agreed that the subsidiary will conduct the activity in a manner consistent with published OCC guidance.

(ii) An application is eligible for expedited review if all of the following requirements are met:

(A) The savings association is well capitalized and well managed;

(B) The activity is listed in paragraph (f)(5) this section or is substantively the same as a previously approved activity and the activity will be conducted in accordance with the same terms and conditions applicable to the previously approved activity;

(C) The entity is a corporation, limited liability company, limited partnership or trust; and

(D) The savings association or an operating subsidiary thereof:

(1) Has the ability to control the management and operations of the subsidiary and no other person or entity has the ability to exercise effective control or influence over the management or operations of the subsidiary to an extent equal to or greater than that of the savings association or an operating subsidiary thereof. The ability to control the management and operations means:

(i) In the case of a subsidiary that is a corporation, the savings association or an operating subsidiary thereof holds voting interests sufficient to select the number of directors needed to control the subsidiary's board and to select and terminate senior management;

(ii) In the case of a subsidiary that is a limited partnership, the savings association or an operating subsidiary thereof has the ability to control the management and operations of the subsidiary by controlling the selection and termination of senior management;

(iii) In the case of a subsidiary that is a limited liability company, the savings association or an operating subsidiary thereof has the ability to control the management and operations of the subsidiary by controlling the selection and termination of senior management; or

(iv) In the case of a subsidiary that is a trust, the savings association or an operating subsidiary thereof has the ability to replace the trustee at will;

(2) Holds more than 50 percent of the voting, or equivalent, interests in the subsidiary, and:

(i) In the case of a subsidiary that is a limited partnership, the savings association or an operating subsidiary thereof is the sole general partner of the limited partnership, provided that under the partnership agreement, limited partners have no authority to bind the partnership by virtue solely of their status as limited partners;

(ii) In the case of a subsidiary that is a limited liability company, the savings association or an operating subsidiary thereof is the sole managing member of the limited liability company, provided that under the limited liability company agreement, other limited liability company members have no authority to bind the limited liability company by virtue solely of their status as members; or

(iii) In the case of a subsidiary that is a trust, the savings association or an operating subsidiary thereof is the sole beneficial owner of the trust; and

(3) Is required to consolidate its financial statements with those of the subsidiary under GAAP. A filer proposing to qualify for expedited review must include in the application all necessary information showing the application meets the requirements.

(3) Exceptions to rules of general applicability. Sections 5.8, 5.10, and 5.11 do not apply to this section. However, if the OCC concludes that an application presents significant or novel policy, supervisory, or legal issues, the OCC may determine that some or all provisions in §§ 5.8, 5.10, and 5.11 apply.

(4) OCC review and approval. The OCC reviews a Federal savings association's application to determine whether the proposed activities are legally permissible under Federal savings association law and to ensure that the proposal is consistent with safe and sound banking practices and OCC policy and does not endanger the safety or soundness of the parent Federal savings association. As part of this process, the OCC may request additional information and analysis from the filer.

(5) Activities eligible for expedited review. The following activities qualify for the expedited review procedures in paragraph (f)(2) of this section, provided the activity is conducted pursuant to the same terms and conditions as would be applicable if the activity were conducted directly by a Federal savings association:

(i) Holding and managing assets acquired by the parent savings association or its operating subsidiaries, including investment assets and property acquired by the savings association through foreclosure or otherwise in good faith to compromise a doubtful claim, or in the ordinary course of collecting a debt previously contracted;

(ii) Providing services to or for the savings association or its affiliates, including accounting, auditing, appraising, advertising and public relations, and financial advice and consulting;

(iii) Making loans or other extensions of credit, and selling money orders and travelers checks;

(iv) Purchasing, selling, servicing, or warehousing loans or other extensions of credit, or interests therein;

(v) Providing management consulting, operational advice, and services for other financial institutions;

(vi) Providing check payment services;

(vii) Acting as investment adviser (including an adviser with investment discretion) or financial adviser or counselor to governmental entities or instrumentalities, businesses, or individuals, including advising registered investment companies and mortgage or real estate investment trusts;

(viii) Providing financial and transactional advice and assistance, including advice and assistance for customers in structuring, arranging, and executing mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, joint ventures, leveraged buyouts, swaps, foreign exchange, derivative transactions, coin and bullion, and capital restructurings;

(ix) Underwriting and reinsuring credit life and disability insurance;

(x) Leasing of personal property;

(xi) Providing securities brokerage;

(xii) Underwriting and dealing, including making a market, in savings association permissible securities and purchasing and selling as principal, asset backed obligations;

(xiii) Acting as an insurance agent or broker for credit life, disability, and unemployment insurance; single property interest insurance; and title insurance;

(xiv) Offering correspondent services to the extent permitted by published OCC precedent for Federal savings associations;

(xv) Acting as agent or broker in the sale of fixed annuities;

(xvi) Offering debt cancellation or debt suspension agreements;

(xvii) Providing escrow services;

(xviii) Acting as a transfer agent; and

(xix) Providing or selling postage stamps.

(6) Redesignation. A Federal savings association that proposes to redesignate a service corporation as an operating subsidiary must submit a notification to the OCC at least 30 days prior to the redesignation date. The notification must include a description of how the redesignated service corporation meets all of the requirements of this section to be an operating subsidiary, a resolution of the savings association's board of directors approving the redesignation, and the proposed effective date of the redesignation. The savings association may effect the redesignation on the proposed date unless the OCC notifies the savings association otherwise prior to that date. The OCC may require an application if the redesignation presents policy, supervisory, or legal issues.

(7) Fiduciary powers. (i) If an operating subsidiary proposes to accept fiduciary appointments for which fiduciary powers are required, such as acting as trustee or executor, then the Federal savings association must have fiduciary powers under section 5(n) of the Home Owners' Loan Act, 12 U.S.C. 1464(n), and the subsidiary also must have its own fiduciary powers under the law applicable to the subsidiary.

(ii) Unless the subsidiary is a registered investment adviser, if an operating subsidiary proposes to exercise investment discretion on behalf of customers or provide investment advice for a fee, the Federal savings association must have prior OCC approval to exercise fiduciary powers pursuant to § 5.26 (or a predecessor provision) and 12 CFR part 150.

(8) Expiration of approval. Approval expires if the Federal savings association has not established or acquired the operating subsidiary, or commenced the new activity in an existing operating subsidiary within 12 months after the date of the approval, unless the OCC shortens or extends the time period.

(g) Grandfathered operating subsidiaries. Notwithstanding the requirements for a qualifying operating subsidiary in paragraph (e)(2) of this section and unless otherwise notified by the OCC with respect to a particular operating subsidiary, an entity that a Federal savings association lawfully acquired or established as an operating subsidiary before May 18, 2015, may continue to operate as a Federal savings association operating subsidiary under this section, provided that the savings association and the operating subsidiary were, and continue to be, conducting authorized activities in compliance with the standards and requirements applicable when the savings association established or acquired the operating subsidiary.

(h) Issuances of securities by operating subsidiaries. An operating subsidiary may not state or imply that the securities it issues are covered by Federal deposit insurance. An operating subsidiary may not issue any security the payment, maturity, or redemption of which may be accelerated upon the condition that the controlling Federal savings association is insolvent or has been placed into receivership. For as long as any securities are outstanding, the controlling Federal savings association must maintain all records generated through each securities issuance in the ordinary course of business, including but not limited to a copy of the prospectus, offering circular, or similar document concerning such issuance, and make such records available for examination by the OCC.

[80 FR 28450, May 18, 2015, as amended at 85 FR 80459, Dec. 11, 2020]
§ 5.39 - Financial subsidiaries of a national bank.

(a) Authority. 12 U.S.C. 24a and 93a.

(b) Approval requirements. A national bank must file an application as prescribed in this section prior to acquiring a financial subsidiary or engaging in activities authorized pursuant to section 5136A(a)(2)(A)(i) of the Revised Statutes (12 U.S.C. 24a(a)(2)(A)(i)) through a financial subsidiary. When a financial subsidiary proposes to conduct a new activity permitted under § 5.34, the bank must follow the procedures in § 5.34(f) instead of paragraph (i) of this section.

(c) Scope. This section sets forth authorized activities, approval procedures, and, where applicable, conditions for national banks engaging in activities through a financial subsidiary.

(d) Definitions. For purposes of this § 5.39:

(1) Affiliate has the meaning set forth in section 2 of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1841), except that the term “affiliate” for purposes of paragraph (h)(5) of this section has the meaning set forth in sections 23A or 23B of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 371c and 371c-1), as implemented by Regulation W, 12 CFR part 223, as applicable.

(2) Company has the meaning set forth in section 2 of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1841), and includes a limited liability company (LLC).

(3) Control has the meaning set forth in section 2 of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1841).

(4) Eligible debt means unsecured long-term debt that is:

(i) Not supported by any form of credit enhancement, including a guaranty or standby letter of credit; and

(ii) Not held in whole or in any significant part by any affiliate, officer, director, principal shareholder, or employee of the bank or any other person acting on behalf of or with funds from the bank or an affiliate of the bank.

(5) Financial subsidiary means any company that is controlled by one or more insured depository institutions, other than a subsidiary that:

(i) Engages solely in activities that national banks may engage in directly and that are conducted subject to the same terms and conditions that govern the conduct of these activities by national banks; or

(ii) A national bank is specifically authorized to control by the express terms of a Federal statute (other than section 5136A of the Revised Statutes), and not by implication or interpretation, such as by section 25 of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 601-604a), section 25A of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 611-631), or the Bank Service Company Act (12 U.S.C. 1861 et seq.)

(6) Insured depository institution has the meaning set forth in section 3 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813).

(7) Long term debt means any debt obligation with an initial maturity of 360 days or more.

(8) Subsidiary has the meaning set forth in section 2 of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1841).

(9) Tangible equity has the meaning set forth in 12 CFR 6.2.

(e) Authorized activities. A financial subsidiary may engage only in the following activities:

(1) Activities that are financial in nature and activities incidental to a financial activity, authorized pursuant to 5136A(a)(2)(A)(i) of the Revised Statutes (12 U.S.C. 24a(a)(2)(A)(i)) (to the extent not otherwise permitted under paragraph (e)(2) of this section), including:

(i) Lending, exchanging, transferring, investing for others, or safeguarding money or securities;

(ii) Engaging as agent or broker in any State for purposes of insuring, guaranteeing, or indemnifying against loss, harm, damage, illness, disability, death, defects in title, or providing annuities as agent or broker;

(iii) Providing financial, investment, or economic advisory services, including advising an investment company as defined in section 3 of the Investment Company Act (15 U.S.C. 80a-3);

(iv) Issuing or selling instruments representing interests in pools of assets permissible for a bank to hold directly;

(v) Underwriting, dealing in, or making a market in securities;

(vi) Engaging in any activity that the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System has determined, by order or regulation in effect on November 12, 1999, to be so closely related to banking or managing or controlling banks as to be a proper incident thereto (subject to the same terms and conditions contained in the order or regulation, unless the order or regulation is modified by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System);

(vii) Engaging, in the United States, in any activity that a bank holding company may engage in outside the United States and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System has determined, under regulations prescribed or interpretations issued pursuant to section 4(c)(13) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1843(c)(13)) as in effect on November 11, 1999, to be usual in connection with the transaction of banking or other financial operations abroad; and

(viii) Activities that the Secretary of the Treasury in consultation with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, as provided in section 5136A of the Revised Statutes, determines to be financial in nature or incidental to a financial activity; and

(2) Activities that may be conducted by an operating subsidiary pursuant to § 5.34.

(f) Impermissible activities. A financial subsidiary may not engage as principal in the following activities:

(1) Insuring, guaranteeing, or indemnifying against loss, harm, damage, illness, disability or death, or defects in title (except to the extent permitted under sections 302 or 303(c) of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, (15 U.S.C. 6712 or 15 U.S.C. 6713)) or providing or issuing annuities the income of which is subject to tax treatment under section 72 of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 72);

(2) Real estate development or real estate investment, unless otherwise expressly authorized by law; and

(3) Activities authorized for bank holding companies by section 4(k)(4)(H) or (I) of the Bank Holding Company Act (12 U.S.C. 1843(k)(4)(H) or (I)), except activities authorized under section 4(k)(4)(H) that may be permitted in accordance with section 122 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (12 U.S.C. 1843 note).

(g) Qualifications. A national bank may, directly or indirectly, control a financial subsidiary or hold an interest in a financial subsidiary only if:

(1) The national bank and each depository institution affiliate of the national bank are well capitalized and well managed;

(2) The aggregate consolidated total assets of all financial subsidiaries of the national bank do not exceed the lesser of 45 percent of the consolidated total assets of the parent bank or $50 billion (or such greater amount as is determined according to an indexing mechanism jointly established by regulation by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System); and

(3) If the national bank is one of the 100 largest insured banks, determined on the basis of the bank's consolidated total assets at the end of the calendar year, the bank has not fewer than one issue of outstanding debt that meets such standards of creditworthiness or other criteria as the Secretary of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve Board may jointly establish pursuant to Section 5136A of title LXII of the Revised Statutes (12 U.S.C. 24a).

(4) Paragraph (g)(3) of this section does not apply if the financial subsidiary is engaged solely in activities in an agency capacity.

(h) Safeguards. The following safeguards apply to a national bank that establishes or maintains a financial subsidiary:

(1) For purposes of determining regulatory capital the national bank may not consolidate the assets and liabilities of a financial subsidiary with those of the bank and must deduct the aggregate amount of its outstanding equity investment, including retained earnings, in its financial subsidiaries from regulatory capital as provided by § 3.22(a)(7) of this chapter;

(2) Any published financial statement of the national bank must, in addition to providing information prepared in accordance withGAAP, separately present financial information for the bank in the manner provided in paragraph (h)(1) of this section;

(3) The national bank must have reasonable policies and procedures to preserve the separate corporate identity and limited liability of the bank and the financial subsidiaries of the bank;

(4) The national bank must have procedures for identifying and managing financial and operational risks within the bank and the financial subsidiary that adequately protect the national bank from such risks;

(5) Except for a subsidiary of a bank that is considered a financial subsidiary under paragraph (d)(5) of this section solely because the subsidiary engages in the sale of insurance as agent or broker in a manner that is not permitted for national banks, sections 23A and 23B of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 371c and 371c-1), as implemented by Regulation W, 12 CFR part 223, apply to transactions involving a financial subsidiary in the following manner:

(i) A financial subsidiary is deemed to be an affiliate of the bank and is not deemed to be a subsidiary of the bank;

(ii) [Reserved]

(iii) A bank's purchase of or investment in a security issued by a financial subsidiary of the bank must be valued at the greater of:

(A) The total amount of consideration given (including liabilities assumed) by the bank, reduced to reflect amortization of the security to the extent consistent with GAAP, or

(B) The carrying value of the security (adjusted so as not to reflect the bank's pro rata portion of any earnings retained or losses incurred by the financial subsidiary after the bank's acquisition of the security).

(iv) Any purchase of, or investment in, the securities of a financial subsidiary of a bank by an affiliate of the bank will be considered to be a purchase of or investment in such securities by the bank;

(v) Any extension of credit to a financial subsidiary of a bank by an affiliate of the bank is treated as an extension of credit by the bank to the financial subsidiary if the extension of credit is treated as capital of the financial subsidiary under any Federal or State law, regulation, or interpretation applicable to the subsidiary; and

(vi) Any other extension of credit by an affiliate of a bank to a financial subsidiary of the bank may be considered an extension of credit by the bank to the financial subsidiary if the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System determines that such treatment is necessary or appropriate to prevent evasions of the Federal Reserve Act and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.

(6) A financial subsidiary is deemed a subsidiary of a bank holding company and not a subsidiary of the bank for purposes of the anti-tying prohibitions set forth in 12 U.S.C. 1971 et seq.

(i) Procedures to engage in activities through a financial subsidiary. A national bank that intends, directly or indirectly, to acquire control of, or hold an interest in, a financial subsidiary, or to commence a new activity in an existing financial subsidiary, must obtain OCC approval through the procedures set forth in paragraph (i)(1) or (i)(2) of this section.

(1) Certification with subsequent application. (i) At any time, a national bank may file a “Financial Subsidiary Certification” with the appropriate OCC licensing office listing the bank's depository institution affiliates and certifying that the bank and each of those affiliates is well capitalized and well managed.

(ii) Thereafter, at such time as the bank seeks OCC approval to acquire control of, or hold an interest in, a new financial subsidiary, or commence a new activity authorized under section 5136A(a)(2)(A)(i) of the Revised Statutes (12 U.S.C. 24a(a)(2)(A)(i)) in an existing subsidiary, the bank may file an application with the appropriate OCC licensing office at the time of acquiring control of, or holding an interest in, a financial subsidiary, or commencing such activity in an existing subsidiary. The application must be labeled “Financial Subsidiary Application” and must:

(A) State that the bank's Certification remains valid;

(B) Describe the activity or activities conducted by the financial subsidiary. To the extent the application relates to the initial affiliation of the bank with a company engaged in insurance activities, the bank should describe the type of insurance activity that the company is engaged in and has present plans to conduct. The bank must also list for each State the lines of business for which the company holds, or will hold, an insurance license, indicating the State where the company holds a resident license or charter, as applicable;

(C) Cite the specific authority permitting the activity to be conducted by the financial subsidiary. (Where the authority relied on is an agency order or interpretation under section 4(c)(8) or 4(c)(13), respectively, of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1843(c)(8) or (c)(13)), a copy of the order or interpretation should be attached);

(D) Certify that the bank will be well capitalized after making adjustments required by paragraph (h)(1) of this section;

(E) Demonstrate the aggregate consolidated total assets of all financial subsidiaries of the national bank do not exceed the lesser of 45 percent of the bank's consolidated total assets or $50 billion (or the increased level established by the indexing mechanism); and

(F) If applicable, certify that the bank meets the eligible debt requirement in paragraph (g)(3) of this section.

(2) Combined certification and application. A national bank may file a combined certification and application with the appropriate OCC licensing office at least five business days prior to acquiring control of, or holding an interest in, a financial subsidiary, or commencing a new activity authorized pursuant to section 5136A(a)(2)(A)(i) of the Revised Statutes (12 U.S.C. 24a(a)(2)(A)(i)) in an existing subsidiary. The written application must be labeled “Financial Subsidiary Certification and Application” and must:

(i) List the bank's depository institution affiliates and certify that the bank and each depository institution affiliate of the bank is well capitalized and well managed;

(ii) Describe the activity or activities to be conducted in the financial subsidiary. To the extent the application relates to the initial affiliation of the bank with a company engaged in insurance activities, the bank should describe the type of insurance activity that the company is engaged in and has present plans to conduct. The bank must also list for each State the lines of business for which the company holds, or will hold, an insurance license, indicating the State where the company holds a resident license or charter, as applicable;

(iii) Cite the specific authority permitting the activity to be conducted by the financial subsidiary. (Where the authority relied on is an agency order or interpretation under section 4(c)(8) or 4(c)(13), respectively, of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1843(c)(8) or (c)(13)), a copy of the order or interpretation should be attached);

(iv) Certify that the bank will remain well capitalized after making the adjustments required by paragraph (h)(1) of this section;

(v) Demonstrate the aggregate consolidated total assets of all financial subsidiaries of the national bank do not exceed the lesser of 45% of the bank's consolidated total assets or $50 billion (or the increased level established by the indexing mechanism); and

(vi) If applicable, certify that the bank meets the eligible debt requirement in paragraph (g)(3) of this section.

(3) Approval. An application is deemed approved upon filing the information required by paragraphs (i)(1) or (i)(2) of this section within the time frames provided therein.

(4) Exceptions to rules of general applicability. Sections 5.8, 5.10, 5.11, and 5.13 do not apply to activities authorized under this section.

(5) Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). A national bank may not apply under this paragraph (i) to commence a new activity authorized under section 5136A(a)(2)(A)(i) of the Revised Statutes (12 U.S.C. 24a(a)(2)(A)(i)), or directly or indirectly acquire control of a company engaged in any such activity, if the bank or any of its insured depository institution affiliates received a CRA rating of less than “satisfactory record of meeting community credit needs” on its most recent CRA examination prior to when the bank would file an application under this section.

(j) Failure to continue to meet certain qualification requirements—(1) Qualifications and safeguards. A national bank, or, as applicable, its affiliated depository institutions, must continue to satisfy the qualification requirements set forth in paragraphs (g)(1) and (2) of this section and the safeguards in paragraphs (h)(1), (2), (3) and (4) of this section following its acquisition of control of, or an interest in, a financial subsidiary. A national bank that fails to continue to satisfy these requirements will be subject to the following procedures and requirements:

(i) The OCC will give notice to the national bank and, in the case of an affiliated depository institution to that depository institution's appropriate Federal banking agency, promptly upon determining that the national bank, or, as applicable, its affiliated depository institution, does not continue to meet the requirements in paragraph (g)(1) or (2) of this section or the safeguards in paragraph (h)(1), (2), (3), or (4) of this section. The bank is deemed to have received such notice three business days after mailing of the letter by the OCC;

(ii) Not later than 45 days after receipt of the notice under paragraph (j)(1)(i) of this section, or any additional time as the OCC may permit, the national bank must execute an agreement with the OCC to comply with the requirements in paragraphs (g)(1) and (2) and (h)(1), (2), (3), and (4) of this section;

(iii) The OCC may impose limitations on the conduct or activities of the national bank or any subsidiary of the national bank as the OCC determines appropriate under the circumstances and consistent with the purposes of section 5136A of the Revised Statutes; and

(iv) The OCC may require a national bank to divest control of a financial subsidiary if the national bank does not correct the conditions giving rise to the notice within 180 days after receipt of the notice provided under paragraph (j)(1)(i) of this section.

(2) Eligible debt requirement. A national bank that does not continue to meet the qualification requirement set forth in paragraph (g)(3) of this section, applicable where the bank's financial subsidiary is engaged in activities other than solely in an agency capacity, may not directly or through a subsidiary, purchase or acquire any additional equity capital of any such financial subsidiary until the bank meets the requirement in paragraph (g)(3) of this section. For purposes of this paragraph (j)(2), the term “equity capital” includes, in addition to any equity investment, any debt instrument issued by the financial subsidiary if the instrument qualifies as capital of the subsidiary under Federal or State law, regulation, or interpretation applicable to the subsidiary.

(k) Examination and supervision. A financial subsidiary is subject to examination and supervision by the OCC, subject to the limitations and requirements of section 45 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1831v) and section 115 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (12 U.S.C. 1820a).

[65 FR 12914, Mar. 10, 2000, as amended at 73 FR 22240, Apr. 24, 2008; 77 FR 35258, June 13, 2012; 78 FR 62275, Oct. 11, 2013; 79 FR 11310, Feb. 28, 2014; 80 FR 28452, May 18, 2015; 85 FR 80461, Dec. 11, 2020]
Appendix Appendix A - Appendix A to Subpart C of Part 5—XXX
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 78218, Sept. 25, 2024.

authority: 12 U.S.C. 1
source: 61 FR 60363, Nov. 27, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 12 CFR 5.30