Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 12 - Banks and Banking last revised: Oct 15, 2024
Table of Contents

§ 7.2000 - National bank corporate governance.

§ 7.2001 - National bank adoption of anti-takeover provisions.

§ 7.2002 - National bank director or attorney as proxy.

§ 7.2003 - National bank shareholder meetings; Board of directors meetings.

§ 7.2004 - Honorary national bank directors or advisory boards.

§ 7.2005 - Ownership of stock necessary to qualify as director of a national bank.

§ 7.2006 - Cumulative voting in election of national bank directors.

§ 7.2007 - Filling vacancies and increasing board of directors of a national bank other than by shareholder action.

§ 7.2008 - Oath of national bank directors.

§ 7.2009 - Quorum of a national bank board of directors; proxies not permissible.

§ 7.2010 - National bank directors' responsibilities.

§ 7.2011 - National bank compensation plans.

§ 7.2012 - President as director of a national bank.

§ 7.2013 - Fidelity bonds covering national bank officers and employees.

§ 7.2014 - Indemnification of national bank and Federal savings association institution-affiliated parties.

§ 7.2015 - National bank cashier.

§ 7.2016 - Restricting transfer of national bank stock and record dates; stock certificates.

§ 7.2019 - Loans secured by a national bank's own shares.

§ 7.2021 - National bank preemptive rights.

§ 7.2022 - National bank voting trusts.

§ 7.2023 - National bank reverse stock splits.

§ 7.2024 - Staggered terms for national bank directors and size of bank board.

§ 7.2025 - Capital stock-related activities of a national bank.

§ 7.2000 - National bank corporate governance.

(a) In general. The corporate governance provisions in a national bank's articles of association and bylaws and the bank's conduct of its corporate governance affairs must comply with applicable Federal banking statutes and regulations and safe and sound banking practices.

(b) Other sources of guidance. To the extent not inconsistent with applicable Federal banking statutes or regulations, or bank safety and soundness, a national bank may elect to follow the corporate governance provisions of the law of any State in which the main office or any branch of the bank is located, the law of any State in which a holding company of the bank is incorporated, the Delaware General Corporation Law, Del. Code Ann. tit. 8 (1991, as amended 1994, and as amended thereafter), or the Model Business Corporation Act (1984, as amended 1994, and as amended thereafter). A national bank must designate in its bylaws the body of law selected for its corporate governance provisions.

(c) Continued use of former holding company State. A national bank that has elected to follow the corporate governance provisions of the law of the State in which its holding company is incorporated may continue to use those provisions even if the bank is no longer controlled by that holding company.

(d) Request for OCC staff position. A national bank may request the views of OCC staff on the permissibility of a national bank's adoption of a particular State corporate governance provision. Requests must include the following information:

(1) The name of the national bank;

(2) Citation to the State statutes or regulations involved;

(3) A discussion as to whether a similarly situated State bank is subject to or may adopt the corporate governance provision;

(4) Identification of all Federal banking statutes or regulations that are on the same subject as, or otherwise have a bearing on, the subject of the proposed State corporate governance provision; and

(5) An analysis of how the proposed practice is not inconsistent with applicable Federal statutes or regulations and is not inconsistent with bank safety and soundness.

[61 FR 4862, Feb. 9, 1996, as amended at 79 FR 15641, Mar. 21, 2014; 80 FR 28471, May 18, 2015; 85 FR 83733, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 7.2001 - National bank adoption of anti-takeover provisions.

(a) In general. Pursuant to § 7.2000(b), a national bank may adopt anti-takeover provisions included in State corporate governance law if the provisions are not inconsistent with Federal banking statutes or regulations and not inconsistent with bank safety and soundness.

(b) State anti-takeover provisions that are not inconsistent with Federal banking statutes or regulations. State anti-takeover provisions that are not inconsistent with Federal banking statutes or regulations include the following:

(1) Restrictions on business combinations with interested shareholders. State provisions that prohibit, or that permit the corporation to prohibit in its certificate of incorporation or other governing document, the corporation from engaging in a business combination with an interested shareholder or any related entity for a specified period of time from the date on which the shareholder first becomes an interested shareholder, subject to certain exceptions such as board approval. An interested shareholder is one that owns an amount of stock specified in the State provision.

(2) Poison pill. State provisions that provide, or that permit the corporation to provide in its certificate of incorporation or other governing document, that all the shareholders, other than the hostile acquiror, have the right to purchase additional stock at a substantial discount upon the occurrence of a triggering event.

(3) Requiring all shareholder actions to be taken at a meeting. State provisions that provide, or that permit the corporation to provide in its certificate of incorporation or other governing document, that all actions to be taken by shareholders must occur at a meeting and that shareholders may not take action by written consent.

(4) Limits on shareholders' authority to call special meetings. State provisions that provide, or that permit the corporation to provide in its certificate of incorporation or other governing document, that:

(i) Only the board of directors, and not the shareholders, have the right to call special meetings of the shareholders; or

(ii) If shareholders have the right to call special meetings, a high percentage of shareholders is needed to call the meeting.

(5) Shareholder removal of a director only for cause. State provisions that provide, or that permit the corporation to provide in its certificate of incorporation or other governing document, that shareholders may remove a director only for cause, and not both for cause and without cause.

(c) State anti-takeover provisions that are inconsistent with Federal banking statutes or regulations. The following State anti-takeover provisions are inconsistent with Federal banking statutes or regulations:

(1) Supermajority voting requirements. State provisions that require, or that permit the corporation to require in its certificate of incorporation or other governing document, a supermajority of the shareholders to approve specified matters are inconsistent when applied to matters for which Federal banking statutes or regulations specify the required level of shareholder approval.

(2) Restrictions on a shareholder's right to vote all the shares it owns. State provisions that prohibit, or that permit the corporation in its certificate of incorporation or other governing document to prohibit, a person from voting shares acquired that increase their percentage of ownership of the company's stock above a certain level are inconsistent when applied to shareholder votes governed by 12 U.S.C. 61.

(d) Bank safety and soundness—(1) In general. Except as provided in paragraph (d)(2) of this section, any State corporate governance provision, including anti-takeover provisions, that would render more difficult or discourage an injection of capital by purchase of bank stock, a merger, the acquisition of the bank, a tender offer, a proxy contest, the assumption of control by a holder of a large block of the bank's stock, or the removal of the incumbent board of directors or management is inconsistent with bank safety and soundness if:

(i) The bank is less than adequately capitalized (as defined in 12 CFR part 6);

(ii) The bank is in troubled condition (as defined in 12 CFR 5.51(c)(7));

(iii) Grounds for the appointment of a receiver under 12 U.S.C. 191,as,are; or

(iv) The bank is otherwise in less than satisfactory condition, as determined by the OCC.

(2) Exception. Anti-takeover provisions are not inconsistent with bank safety and soundness if, at the time the bank adopts the provisions:

(i) The bank is not subject to any of the conditions in paragraph (d)(1) of this section; and

(ii) The bank includes, in its articles of association or its bylaws, as applicable pursuant to paragraph (f) of this section, a limitation that would make the provisions ineffective if:

(A) The conditions in paragraph (d)(1) of this section exist; or

(B) The OCC otherwise directs the bank not to follow the provision for supervisory reasons.

(e) Case-by-case review—(1) OCC determination. Based on the substance of the provision or the individual circumstances of a national bank, the OCC may determine that a State anti-takeover provision, as proposed or adopted by a bank, is:

(i) Inconsistent with Federal banking statutes or regulations, notwithstanding paragraph (b) of this section; or

(ii) Inconsistent with bank safety and soundness other than as provided in paragraph (d) of this section.

(2) Review. The OCC may initiate a review, or a bank may request OCC review pursuant to § 7.2000(d), of a State anti-takeover provision.

(f) Method of adoption for anti-takeover provisions—(1) Board and shareholder approval. A national bank must follow the provisions for approval by the board of directors and approval of shareholders for the adoption of an anti-takeover provision in the State corporate governance law it has elected to follow. However, if the provision is included in the bank's articles of association, the bank's shareholders must approve the amendment of the articles pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 21a,even.

(2) Documentation. If the State corporate governance law requires the anti-takeover provision to be in the company's articles of incorporation, certificate of incorporation, or similar document, the national bank must include the provision in its articles of association. If the State corporate governance law does not require the provision to be in the company's articles of incorporation, certificate of incorporation, or similar document, but allows it to be in the bylaws, then the national bank must include the provision in either its articles of association or in its bylaws, provided, however, that if the State corporate governance law requires shareholder approval for changes to the corporation's bylaws, then the national bank must include the provision in its articles of association.

[85 FR 83733, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 7.2002 - National bank director or attorney as proxy.

Any person or group of persons, except the national bank's officers, clerks, tellers, or bookkeepers, may be designated to act as proxy for shareholder voting. The national bank's directors or attorneys may act as proxy for shareholder voting if they are not also employed as an officer, clerk, teller or bookkeeper of the bank.

[61 FR 4862, Feb. 9, 1996, as amended at 85 FR 83734, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 7.2003 - National bank shareholder meetings; Board of directors meetings.

(a) Notice of shareholders' meetings. A national bank must mail shareholders notice of the time, place, and purpose of all shareholders' meetings at least 10 days prior to the meeting by first class mail, unless the OCC determines that an emergency circumstance exists. Where a national bank is a wholly-owned subsidiary, the sole shareholder is permitted to waive notice of the shareholder's meeting. The articles of association, bylaws, or law applicable to a national bank may require a longer period of notice.

(b) Annual meeting for election of directors. When the day fixed for the regular annual meeting of the shareholders falls on a legal holiday in the State in which the bank is located, the shareholders' meeting must be held, and the directors elected, on the next following banking day.

(c) Virtual participation at shareholder meetings—(1) In general. A national bank may provide for telephonic or electronic participation at shareholder meetings.

(2) Procedures. A national bank must follow the procedures for telephonic or electronic participation in a shareholder meeting of the corporate governance provisions it has elected to follow pursuant to § 7.2000(b), if those elected provisions include telephonic or electronic participation procedures; the Delaware General Corporation Law, Del. Code Ann. Tit. 8 (1991, as amended 1994, and as amended thereafter); or the Model Business Corporation Act, provided, however, that such procedures are not inconsistent with applicable Federal statutes and regulations and safety and soundness. The national bank must indicate the use of these procedures in its bylaws.

(d) Virtual participation at board of directors meetings. A national bank may provide for telephonic or electronic participation at a meeting of its board of directors.

[85 FR 83734, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 7.2004 - Honorary national bank directors or advisory boards.

A national bank may appoint honorary or advisory members of a board of directors to act in advisory capacities without voting power or power of final decision in matters concerning the business of the bank. Any listing of honorary or advisory directors must distinguish between them and the bank's board of directors or indicate their advisory status.

§ 7.2005 - Ownership of stock necessary to qualify as director of a national bank.

(a) In general. A national bank director must own a qualifying equity interest in a national bank or a company that has control of a national bank. The director must own the qualifying equity interest in his or her own right and meet a certain minimum threshold ownership.

(b) Qualifying equity interest—(1) Minimum required equity interest. For purposes of this section, a qualifying equity interest includes common or preferred stock of the bank or of a company that controls the bank that has not less than an aggregate par value of $1,000, an aggregate shareholders' equity of $1,000, or an aggregate fair market value of $1,000.

(i) The value of the common or preferred stock held by a national bank director is valued as of the date purchased or the date on which the individual became a director, whichever value is greater.

(ii) In the case of a company that owns more than one national bank, a director may use his or her equity interest in the controlling company to satisfy, in whole or in part, the equity interest requirement for any or all of the controlled national banks.

(iii) Upon request, the OCC may consider whether other interests in a company controlling a national bank constitute an interest equivalent to $1,000 par value of national bank stock.

(2) Joint ownership and tenancy in common. Shares held jointly or as a tenant in common are qualifying shares held by a director in his or her own right only to the extent of the aggregate value of the shares which the director would be entitled to receive on dissolution of the joint tenancy or tenancy in common.

(3) Shares in a living trust. Shares deposited by a person in a living trust (inter vivos trust) as to which the person is a trustee and retains an absolute power of revocation are shares owned by the person in his or her own right.

(4) Other arrangements—(i) Shares held through retirement plans and similar arrangements. A director may hold his or her qualifying interest through a profit-sharing plan, individual retirement account, retirement plan, or similar arrangement, if the director retains beneficial ownership and legal control over the shares.

(ii) Shares held subject to buyback agreements. A director may acquire and hold his or her qualifying interest pursuant to a stock repurchase or buyback agreement with a transferring shareholder under which the director purchases the qualifying shares subject to an agreement that the transferring shareholder will repurchase the shares when, for any reason, the director ceases to serve in that capacity. The agreement may give the transferring shareholder a right of first refusal to repurchase the qualifying shares if the director seeks to transfer ownership of the shares to a third person.

(iii) Assignment of right to dividends or distributions. A director may assign the right to receive all dividends or distributions on his or her qualifying shares to another, including a transferring shareholder, if the director retains beneficial ownership and legal control over the shares.

(iv) Execution of proxy. A director may execute a revocable or irrevocable proxy authorizing another, including a transferring shareholder, to vote his or her qualifying shares, provided the director retains beneficial ownership and legal control over the shares.

(c) Non-qualifying ownership. The following are not shares held by a director in his or her own right:

(1) Shares pledged by the holder to secure a loan. However, all or part of the funds used to purchase the required qualifying equity interest may be borrowed from any party, including the bank or its affiliates;

(2) Shares purchased subject to an absolute option vested in the seller to repurchase the shares within a specified period; and

(3) Shares deposited in a voting trust where the depositor surrenders:

(i) Legal ownership (depositor ceases to be registered owner of the stock);

(ii) Power to vote the stock or to direct how it must be voted; or

(iii) Power to transfer legal title to the stock.

[61 FR 4862, Feb. 9, 1996, as amended at 64 FR 60099, Nov. 4, 1999; 85 FR 83734, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 7.2006 - Cumulative voting in election of national bank directors.

When electing national bank directors, a shareholder must have as many votes as the number of directors to be elected multiplied by the number of the shareholder's shares. If permitted by the national bank's articles of association, the shareholder may cast all these votes for one candidate or distribute the votes among as many candidates as the shareholder chooses. If, after the first ballot, subsequent ballots are necessary to elect directors, a shareholder may not vote shares that he or she has already fully cumulated and voted in favor of a successful candidate.

[61 FR 4862, Feb. 9, 1996, as amended at 73 FR 22241, Apr. 24, 2008; 85 FR 83734, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 7.2007 - Filling vacancies and increasing board of directors of a national bank other than by shareholder action.

(a) Increasing board of directors. If authorized by the national bank's articles of association, between shareholder meetings a majority of the board of directors may increase the number of the bank's directors within the limits specified in 12 U.S.C. 71a. The board of directors may increase the number of directors only by up to two directors, when the number of directors last elected by shareholders was 15 or fewer, and by up to four directors, when the number of directors last elected by shareholders was 16 or more.

(b) Vacancies. If a vacancy occurs on the national bank's board of directors, including a vacancy resulting from an increase in the number of directors, the vacancy may be filled by the shareholders, a majority of the board of directors remaining in office, or, if the directors remaining in office constitute fewer than a quorum, by an affirmative vote of a majority of all the directors remaining in office.

[61 FR 4862, Feb. 9, 1996, as amended at 85 FR 83735, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 7.2008 - Oath of national bank directors.

(a) Administration of the oath. The oath of directors must be administered by:

(1) A notary public, including one who is a director but not an officer of the national bank; or

(2) Any person, including one who is a director but not an officer of the national bank, having an official seal and authorized by the State to administer oaths.

(b) Execution of the oath. Each national bank director must execute either a joint or individual oath at the first meeting of the board of directors that the director attends after the director is appointed or elected. A national bank director must take another oath upon re-election, notwithstanding uninterrupted service. Appropriate sample oaths may be found in the Charter Booklet of the Comptroller's Licensing Manual available at

(c) Filing and recordkeeping. A national bank must file the original executed oaths of directors with the appropriate OCC licensing office, as defined in 12 CFR 5.3, and retain a copy in the bank's records.

[61 FR 4862, Feb. 9, 1996, as amended at 64 FR 60099, Nov. 4, 1999; 82 FR 8104, Jan. 23, 2017; 85 FR 80470, Dec. 11, 2020; 85 FR 83735, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 7.2009 - Quorum of a national bank board of directors; proxies not permissible.

A national bank must provide in its articles of association or bylaws that for the transaction of business, a quorum of the board of directors is at least a majority of the entire board then in office. A national bank director may not vote by proxy.

[61 FR 4862, Feb. 9, 1996, as amended at 85 FR 83735, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 7.2010 - National bank directors' responsibilities.

The business and affairs of a national bank must be managed by or under the direction of the board of directors. The board of directors should refer to OCC published guidance for additional information regarding responsibilities of directors.

[61 FR 4862, Feb. 9, 1996, as amended at 85 FR 83735, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 7.2011 - National bank compensation plans.

Consistent with safe and sound banking practices and the compensation provisions of 12 CFR part 30, a national bank may adopt compensation plans, including, among others, the following:

(a) Bonus and profit-sharing plans. A national bank may adopt a bonus or profit-sharing plan designed to ensure adequate remuneration of bank officers and employees.

(b) Pension plans. A national bank may provide employee pension plans and make reasonable contributions to the cost of the pension plan.

(c) Employee stock option and stock purchase plans. A national bank may provide employee stock option and stock purchase plans.

§ 7.2012 - President as director of a national bank.

Pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 76,the,or,president,regardless,must. A director other than the person serving as, or in the function of, president may be elected chairman of the board.

[85 FR 83735, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 7.2013 - Fidelity bonds covering national bank officers and employees.

(a) Adequate coverage. All officers and employees of a national bank or Federal savings association must have adequate fidelity bond coverage. The failure of directors to require bonds with adequate sureties and in sufficient amount may make the directors liable for any losses that the bank or savings association sustains because of the absence of such bonds. Directors should not serve as sureties on such bonds. Directors should consider whether agents who have access to assets of the bank or savings association should also have fidelity bond coverage.

(b) Factors. The board of directors of the national bank or Federal savings association, or a committee thereof, must determine the amount of such coverage, premised upon a consideration of factors, including:

(1) Internal auditing safeguards employed;

(2) Number of employees;

(3) Amount of deposit liabilities; and

(4) Amount of cash and securities normally held by the bank or savings association.

[61 FR 4862, Feb. 9, 1996, as amended at 82 FR 8104, Jan. 23, 2017]
§ 7.2014 - Indemnification of national bank and Federal savings association institution-affiliated parties.

(a) Indemnification under State law. Subject to the limitations of paragraph (b) of this section, a national bank or Federal savings association may indemnify an institution-affiliated party for damages and expenses, including the advancement of expenses and legal fees, in accordance with the law of the State the bank or savings association has designated for its corporate governance pursuant to § 7.2000(b) (for national banks), 12 CFR 5.21(j)(3)(ii) (for Federal mutual savings associations), or 12 CFR 5.22(j)(2)(ii) (for Federal stock savings associations), provided such payments are consistent with safe and sound banking practices. The term “institution-affiliated party” has the same meaning as set forth at 12 U.S.C. 1813(u).

(b) Administrative proceedings or civil actions initiated by Federal banking agencies. With respect to an administrative proceeding or civil action initiated by any Federal banking agency, a national bank or Federal savings association may only make or agree to make indemnification payments to an institution-affiliated party that are reasonable and consistent with the requirements of 12 U.S.C. 1828(k) and 12 CFR chapter III.

(c) Written agreement required for advancement. Before advancing funds to an institutional-affiliated party under this section, a national bank or Federal savings association must obtain a written agreement that the institution-affiliated party will reimburse the bank or savings association, as appropriate, for any portion of that indemnification that the institution-affiliated party is ultimately found not to be entitled to under 12 U.S.C. 1828(k) and 12 CFR chapter III, except to the extent that the bank's or savings association's expenses have been reimbursed by an insurance policy or fidelity bond.

(d) Insurance premiums. A national bank or Federal savings association may provide for the payment of reasonable premiums for insurance covering the expenses, legal fees, and liability of institution-affiliated parties to the extent that the expenses, fees, or liability could be indemnified under this section.

[85 FR 83735, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 7.2015 - National bank cashier.

A national bank's bylaws, board of directors, or a duly designated officer may assign some or all of the duties previously performed by the bank's cashier to its president, chief executive officer, or any other officer.

§ 7.2016 - Restricting transfer of national bank stock and record dates; stock certificates.

(a) Restricting transfer of stock and record dates—(1) Conditions for stock transfer. Under 12 U.S.C. 52,a,voting,and.

(2) Record dates. A national bank may close its stock records for a reasonable period to ascertain shareholders for voting purposes. The board of directors may fix a record date for determining the shareholders entitled to notice of, and to vote at, any meeting of shareholders. The record date should be in reasonable proximity to the date that notice is given to the shareholders of the meeting.

(b) Bank stock certificates. (1) A national bank may prescribe the manner in which its stock must be transferred in its bylaws or articles of association. A bank issuing stock in certificated form must comply with the requirements of 12 U.S.C. 52,including;

(ii) The name of the holder of record of the stock represented thereby;

(iii) The number and class of shares which the certificate represents;

(iv) If the bank issues more than one class of stock, the respective rights, preferences, privileges, voting rights, powers, restrictions, limitations, and qualifications of each class of stock issued (unless incorporated by reference to the articles of association);

(v) Signatures of the president and cashier of the bank, or such other officers as the bylaws of the bank provide; and

(vi) The seal of the bank.

(2) The requirements of paragraph (b)(1)(v) of this section may be met through the use of electronic means or by facsimile.

[61 FR 4862, Feb. 9, 1996, as amended at 85 FR 83735, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 7.2019 - Loans secured by a national bank's own shares.

(a) Permitted agreements, relating to bank shares. A national bank may require a borrower holding shares of the bank to execute agreements:

(1) Not to pledge, give away, transfer, or otherwise assign such shares;

(2) To pledge such shares at the request of the bank when necessary to prevent loss; and

(3) To leave such shares in the bank's custody.

(b) Use of capital notes and debentures. A national bank may not make loans secured by a pledge of the bank's own capital notes and debentures. Such notes and debentures must be subordinated to the claims of depositors and other creditors of the issuing bank, and are, therefore, capital instruments within the purview of 12 U.S.C. 83.

§ 7.2021 - National bank preemptive rights.

A national bank in its articles of association must grant or deny preemptive rights to the bank's shareholders. Any amendment to a national bank's articles of association which modifies such preemptive rights must be approved by a vote of the holders of two-thirds of the bank's outstanding voting shares.

§ 7.2022 - National bank voting trusts.

The shareholders of a national bank may establish a voting trust under the applicable law of a State selected by the participants and designated in the trust agreement, provided the implementation of the trust is consistent with safe and sound banking practices.

[61 FR 4862, Feb. 9, 1996, as amended at 85 FR 83736, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 7.2023 - National bank reverse stock splits.

(a) Authority to engage in reverse stock splits. A national bank may engage in a reverse stock split if the transaction serves a legitimate corporate purpose and provides adequate dissenting shareholders' rights.

(b) Legitimate corporate purpose. Examples of legitimate corporate purposes include a reverse stock split to:

(1) Reduce the number of shareholders in order to qualify as a Subchapter S corporation; and

(2) Reduce costs associated with shareholder communications and meetings.

[64 FR 60099, Nov. 4, 1999]
§ 7.2024 - Staggered terms for national bank directors and size of bank board.

(a) Staggered terms. Any national bank may adopt bylaws that provide for staggering the terms of its directors. National banks must provide the OCC with copies of any bylaws so amended.

(b) Maximum term. Any national bank director may hold office for a term that does not exceed three years.

(c) Number of directors. A national bank's board of directors must consist of no fewer than 5 and no more than 25 members. A national bank may, after notice to the OCC, increase the size of its board of directors above the 25 member limit. A national bank seeking to increase the number of its directors must notify the OCC any time the proposed size would exceed 25 directors. The bank's notice must specify the reason(s) for the increase in the size of the board of directors beyond the statutory limit.

[68 FR 70131, Dec. 17, 2003, as amended at 85 FR 83736, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 7.2025 - Capital stock-related activities of a national bank.

(a) In general. A national bank must obtain the necessary shareholder approval required by 12 U.S.C. 51a,57,or. An increase or decrease in the amount of a national bank's common or preferred stock is a change in permanent capital subject to the notice and approval requirements of 12 CFR 5.46 and applicable law. A national bank may obtain the required shareholder approval of changes in permanent capital, as provided in paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this section.

(b) Issuance of previously approved and authorized common stock. In compliance with 12 U.S.C. 57,a.

(c) Issuance, repurchase, and redemption of preferred stock pursuant to certain procedures. Subject to the requirements of 12 U.S.C. 51a and 59, a national bank may adopt procedures to authorize the board of directors to issue, determine the terms of, repurchase, and redeem one or more series of preferred stock, if permitted by the corporate governance provisions adopted by the bank under § 7.2000. To satisfy the shareholder approval requirements of 12 U.S.C. 51a and 59, the adoption of such procedures must be approved by shareholders in advance through an amendment to the national bank's articles of association. Any amendment to a national bank's articles of association that authorizes both the issuance and the repurchase and redemption of shares must be approved by holders of two-thirds of the national bank's shares.

(d) Share repurchase programs. Subject to the requirements of 12 U.S.C. 59,a,from,of,if.2000. To satisfy the shareholder approval requirement of 12 U.S.C. 59,the,including,type,aggregate,or.

(e) Preferred Stock Features. A national bank's preferred stock may be cumulative or non-cumulative and may or may not have voting rights on one or more series.

[85 FR 83736, Dec. 22, 2020]
authority: 12 U.S.C. 1
source: 61 FR 4862, Feb. 9, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 12 CFR 7.2025