Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 12 - Banks and Banking last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 747.301 - Scope.

The rules and procedures set forth in this subpart are applicable to informal proceedings conducted by the NCUA Board, or a Presiding Officer designated by the Board, pursuant to section 206(i) of the Act (12 U.S.C. 1786(i)), to suspend, remove and/or prohibit from office or from further participation any institution-affiliated party of an insured credit union who:

(a) Is charged in a state, Federal or territorial information or indictment or complaint with committing or participating in a crime involving dishonesty or breach of trust, which crime is punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year under state or Federal law; or

(b) Enters a pretrial diversion or other similar program as result of being charged in such information or indictment or complaint with participating or committing such crime; or

(c) Is convicted of such crime.

Subpart A of this part does not apply to proceedings under this subpart. [56 FR 37767, Aug. 8, 1991; 57 FR 523, Jan. 7, 1992]
§ 747.302 - Rules of practice; remainder of board of directors.

Except as otherwise specifically provided in this subpart, the following provisions shall apply to proceedings conducted under this subpart:

(a)(1) Power of attorney and notice of appearance. Any person who is a member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of any State, possession, territory, Commonwealth, or the District of Columbia may represent others before the NCUA Board or Presiding Officer designated by the NCUA Board upon filing with the NCUA Board a written declaration that he or she is currently qualified as provided by this paragraph, and is authorized to represent the particular party on whose behalf he acts. Any other person desiring to appear before or transact business with the NCUA Board in a representative capacity may be required to file with the NCUA Board a power of attorney showing his or her authority to act in such capacity, and he or she may be required to show to the satisfaction of the NCUA Board that he or she has the requisite qualifications. Attorneys and representatives of parties to proceedings shall file a written notice of appearance with the NCUA Board or with the Presiding Officer designated by the NCUA Board.

(2) Summary suspension. Contemptuous conduct by any person at an argument before the NCUA Board or at the hearing before a Presiding Officer shall be grounds for exclusion therefrom and suspension for the duration of the argument or hearing.

(b)(1) Notice of hearing. Whenever a hearing within the scope of this subpart is ordered by the NCUA Board, a notice of hearing shall be given by the NCUA Board to the party afforded the hearing and to any appropriate state supervisory authority. The notice shall state the time, place, and nature of the hearing and the legal authority and jurisdiction under which the hearing is to be held, and shall contain a statement of the matters of fact or law constituting the grounds for the hearing. It shall be delivered by personal service, by registered or certified mail to the last known address, or by other appropriate means, not later than 30 nor earlier than 60 days before the hearing.

(2) Party. The term “party” means a person or agency named or admitted as a party, or any person or agency who has filed a written request and is entitled as of right to be admitted as a party; but a person or agency may be admitted for a limited purpose.

(c)(1) Computation of time. In computing any period of time prescribed or allowed by this subpart, the date of the act, event or default from which the designated period of time begins to run is not to be included. The last day so computed shall be included, unless it is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday in the District of Columbia, in which event the period shall run until the end of the next day which is neither a Saturday, Sunday, nor such legal holiday. Intermediate Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays shall be included in the computation unless the time within which the act is to be performed is ten days or less in which event Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays shall not be included.

(2) Service by mail. Whenever any party has the right or is required to do some act or take some proceeding, within a period of time prescribed in this subpart, after the service upon him of any document or other paper of any kind, and such service is made by mail, three days shall be added to the prescribed period from the date when the matter served is deposited in the U.S. mail.

(d) Nonpublication of submissions. Unless and until otherwise ordered by the NCUA Board, the notice of hearing, the transcript, written materials submitted during the hearing, the Presiding Officer's recommendation to the NCUA Board and any other papers filed in connection with a hearing under this subpart, shall not be made public, and shall be for the confidential use only of the NCUA Board, the Presiding Officer, the parties and appropriate authorities.

(e) Remainder of board of directors. (1) If at any time, because of the suspension of one or more directors pursuant to this subpart, there shall be on the board of directors of an insured credit union less than a quorum of directors not so suspended, all powers and functions vested in or exercisable by such board shall vest in and be exercisable by the director or directors on the board not so suspended, until such time as there shall be a quorum on the board of directors.

(2) In the event all of the directors of an insured credit union are suspended pursuant to this subpart, the NCUA Board shall appoint persons to serve temporarily as directors in their place pending the termination of such suspensions, or until such time as those who have been suspended cease to be directors of the credit union and their respective successors have been elected by the members at an annual or special meeting and have taken office.

(3) Directors appointed temporarily by the NCUA Board pursuant to paragraph (e)(2) of this section, shall, within 30 days following their appointment, call a special meeting for the election of new directors, unless during such 30-day period—

(i) The regular annual meeting is convened; or

(ii) The suspensions giving rise to the appointment of temporary directors are terminated.

[56 FR 37767, Aug. 8, 1991, as amended at 75 FR 34622, June 18, 2010]
§ 747.303 - Notice of suspension or prohibition.

Whenever an institution-affiliated party of an insured credit union is charged in any state, Federal or territorial information or indictment or complaint with the commission of or participation in a crime involving dishonesty or breach of trust, which crime is punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year under state or Federal law, the NCUA Board may, if continued service or participation by the concerned party may pose a threat to the interests of any credit union's members or may threaten to impair public confidence in any credit union, by written notice served upon such party, suspend him or her from office, or prohibit him or her from further participation in any manner in the affairs of any credit union, or both. A copy of the notice of suspension or prohibition shall also be served upon the credit union of which the subject of the order is, or most recently was, an institution-affiliated party.

[71 FR 67440, Nov. 22, 2006]
§ 747.304 - Removal or permanent prohibition.

(a) In the event that a judgment of conviction or an agreement to enter a pretrial diversion or other similar program is entered against the institution-affiliated party, and at such time as the judgment, if any, is not subject to further appellate review, the NCUA Board may, if continued service or participation by such party may pose a threat to the interests of any credit union's members or may threaten to impair public confidence in any credit union, issue and serve upon the individual an order removing him or her from office or prohibiting him or her from further participation in any manner in the conduct of the affairs of any credit union except with the consent of the NCUA Board. A copy of such order will also be served upon the credit union of which the subject of the order is, or most recently was, an institution-affiliated party.

(b) The NCUA Board may issue such order with respect to an individual who is an institution-affiliated party at a credit union at the time of the offense without regard to whether such individual is an institution-affiliated party at any credit union at the time the order is considered or issued by the Board or whether the credit union at which the individual was an institution-affiliated party at the time of the offense remains in existence at the time the order is considered or issued by the board.

(c) A finding of not guilty or other disposition of the charge will not preclude the Board from thereafter instituting proceedings, pursuant to the provisions of section 206(g) of the Act (12 U.S.C. 1786(g)) and subpart A of this part, to remove such director, committee member, officer, or other person from office or to prohibit his or her further participation in the affairs of the credit union.

[71 FR 67441, Nov. 22, 2006]
§ 747.305 - Effectiveness of suspension or removal until completion of hearing.

Any notice of suspension or prohibition issued under § 747.303 and any order of removal or prohibition issued under § 747.304 will be effective upon service on the concerned party and will remain effective and outstanding until the completion of any hearing or appeal authorized under section 206(i) of the Act (12 U.S.C. 1786(i)) and this subpart, unless such notice of suspension or order of removal is terminated by the NCUA Board.

[56 FR 37767, Aug. 8, 1991; 57 FR 523, Jan. 7, 1992]
§ 747.306 - Notice of opportunity for hearing.

(a) Any notice of suspension or prohibition issued pursuant to § 747.303, and any order of removal or prohibition issued pursuant to § 747.304, shall be accompanied by a further notice to the concerned individual that he or she may, within 30 days of service of such notice, request in writing an informal hearing at which he or she may present evidence and argument that his or her continued service to or participation in the conduct of the affairs of the credit union does not, or is not likely to, pose a threat to the interests of the credit union's members or threaten to impair confidence in the credit union. Any notice of the opportunity for such a hearing shall be accompanied by a description of the hearing procedure and the criteria to be considered.

(b) A request for a hearing filed pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section shall state with particularity the relief desired, the grounds thereof, and shall include, when available, supporting evidence. The request and supporting evidence shall be filed in writing with the Secretary of the Board, National Credit Union Administration, 1775 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-3428.

[56 FR 37767, Aug. 8, 1991; 57 FR 523, Jan. 7, 1992, as amended at 59 FR 36041, July 15, 1994; 75 FR 34622, June 18, 2010; 85 FR 62213, Oct. 2, 2020]
§ 747.307 - Hearing.

(a) Upon receipt of a request for a hearing which complies with § 747.306, the NCUA Board will order an informal hearing to commence within the following 30 days in the Washington, DC metropolitan area or at such other place as the NCUA Board designates before a Presiding Officer designated by the NCUA Board to conduct the hearing. At the request of the concerned party, the NCUA Board may order the hearing to commence at a time more than 30 days after the receipt of the request for such hearing.

(b) The notice of hearing shall be served by the NCUA Board upon the party or parties afforded the hearing and shall set forth the time and place of the hearing and the name and address of the Presiding Officer.

(c) The subject individual may appear at the hearing personally, through counsel, or personally with counsel. The individual shall have the right to introduce relevant and material written materials (or, at the discretion of the NCUA Board, oral testimony), and to present an oral argument before the Presiding Officer. A member of the enforcement staff of the Office of General Counsel of the NCUA may attend the hearing and may participate as a party. Neither the formal rules of evidence nor the adjudicative procedures of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 554-557), nor subpart A of this part shall apply to the hearing. The proceedings shall be recorded and a transcript furnished to the individual upon request and after the payment of the cost thereof. The NCUA Board shall have the discretion to permit the presentation of witnesses, within specified time limits, so long as a list of such witnesses is furnished to the Presiding Officer at least ten days prior to the hearing. Witnesses shall not be sworn, unless specifically requested by either party or directed by the Presiding Officer. The Presiding Officer may examine any witnesses and each party shall have the opportunity to cross-examine any witness presented by an opposing party. Upon the request of either the subject individual or the representative of the Office of General Counsel, the record shall remain open for a period of five business days following the hearing, during which time the parties may make any additional submissions to the record. Thereafter, the record shall be closed.

(d) In the course of or in connection with any proceeding under this subpart, the NCUA Board and the Presiding Officer will have the power to administer oaths and affirmations, to take or cause depositions to be taken, and to issue, revoke, quash, or modify subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum. If the NCUA Board permits the presentation of witnesses, the NCUA Board or the Presiding Officer may require the attendance of witnesses from any place in any state or in any territory or other place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States at any designated place where such proceeding is being conducted. Witnesses subpoenaed shall be paid the same fees and mileage as are paid witnesses in the District Courts of the United States. The NCUA Board or the Presiding Officer may require the production of documents from any place in any such state, territory, or other place.

(e) The Presiding Officer will make his or her recommendations to the Board, where possible, within ten business days following the close of the record.

[56 FR 37767, Aug. 8, 1991, as amended at 59 FR 36042, July 15, 1994]
§ 747.308 - Waiver of hearing; failure to request hearing or review based on written submissions; failure to appear.

(a) The subject individual may, in writing, waive an oral hearing and instead elect to have the matter determined by the NCUA Board on the basis of written submissions alone.

(b) Should any concerned party fail to request in writing an oral hearing or consideration based on written submissions alone within 30 days of service of the notice described in § 747.306, he or she will be deemed to have consented to the NCUA Board's action.

(c) Unless the concerned party appears at the hearing personally or by duly appointed representative, he or she will be deemed to have consented to the NCUA Board's action.

§ 747.309 - Decision of the NCUA Board.

Within 60 days following the hearing, or receipt of the subject individual's written submissions where hearing has been waived pursuant to § 747.308, the NCUA Board shall notify the institution-affiliated party whether the suspension or prohibition will be continued, terminated, or otherwise modified, or whether the order of removal or prohibition will be rescinded or otherwise modified. Such notification shall contain a statement of the basis for the decision of the NCUA Board, if that decision is adverse to the respondent party. In the case of a decision favorable to the respondent on the subject of a prior order of removal or prohibition, the NCUA Board shall take prompt action to rescind or otherwise modify the order of removal or prohibition.

§ 747.310 - Reconsideration by the NCUA Board.

(a) The subject individual shall have ten business days following receipt of the decision of the NCUA Board in which to petition the NCUA Board for initial reconsideration.

(b) The subject individual also shall be entitled to petition the NCUA Board for reconsideration of its decision any time after the expiration of a 12-month period from the date of the NCUA Board's decision, but no petition for reconsideration may be made within 12 months of a previous petition.

(c) Any petition shall state with particularity the basis for reconsideration, the relief sought, and any exceptions the individual has to the NCUA Board's findings. An individual's petition may be accompanied by a memorandum of points and authorities in support of his or her petition and any supporting documentation the individual may wish to have considered.

(d) No hearing need be granted on such petition for reconsideration. Promptly following receipt of the petition, the Board shall render its decision.

§ 747.311 - Relevant considerations.

In deciding the question of suspension, prohibition, or removal under this subpart, the NCUA Board will consider the following:

(a) Whether the alleged offense is a crime which is punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year under state or Federal law, and which involves dishonesty or breach of trust;

(b) Whether the continued presence of the subject individual in his or her position may pose a threat to the interests of the credit union's members because of the nature and extent of the individual's participation in the affairs of the insured credit union and/or the nature of the offense with the commission of or participation in which the individual has been charged;

(c) Whether there is cause to believe that there may be an erosion of public confidence in the integrity, safety, or soundness of a particular credit union (either generally or in the particular locality in which the credit union is situated) if the subject individual is permitted to remain in his or her position in an insured credit union;

(d) Whether the individual is covered by the credit union's fidelity bond and, if so, whether the bond is likely to be revoked, or whether coverage under the bond will be affected adversely as a result of the information, indictment, complaint, judgment of conviction or entry into a pretrial diversion or other similar program; and

(e) The NCUA Board may consider any other factors which, in the specific case, appear relevant to the decision to continue in effect, rescind, terminate, or modify a suspension, prohibition, or removal order, except that it shall not consider the ultimate question of the guilt or innocence of the subject individual with regard to the crime with which he or she has been charged.

authority: 12 U.S.C. 1766,1782,1784,1785,1786,1787,1790a,1790d; 15 U.S.C. 1639e; 42 U.S.C. 4012a; Pub. L. 101-410; Pub. L. 104-134; Pub. L. 109-351; Pub. L. 114-74
source: 56 FR 37767, Aug. 8, 1991, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 12 CFR 747.304