Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 12 - Banks and Banking last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 611.1150 - Purpose and scope.

(a) Purpose. This subpart sets forth the parameters for one or more Farm Credit System (System) institutions to organize or invest in an Unincorporated Business Entity (UBE) in accordance with the Farm Credit Act of 1971, as amended (Act).

(b) Scope. Except as authorized under these regulations, no System institution may manage, control, become a member or partner, or invest in a State-organized or chartered business entity. This subpart applies to each System institution that organizes or invests in a UBE, including a UBE organized for the express purpose of investing in a Rural Business Investment Company. This subpart does not apply to UBEs that one or more System institutions have the authority to establish as Rural Business Investment Companies pursuant to the provisions of title VI of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002, as amended (FSRIA) and United States Department of Agriculture regulations implementing FSRIA.

§ 611.1151 - Definitions.

For purposes of this subpart, the following definitions apply:

Articles of formation means registration certificates, charters, articles of organization, partnership agreements, membership or trust agreements, operating, administration or management agreements, fee agreements or any other documentation on the establishment, ownership, or operation of a UBE.

Control means that one System institution, directly or indirectly, owns more than 50 percent of the UBE's equity or serves as the general partner of an LLLP, or constitutes the sole manager or the managing member of a UBE. However, under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), the power to control may also exist with a lesser percentage of ownership, for example, if a System institution is the UBE's primary beneficiary, exercises significant influence over the UBE or establishes control under other facts and circumstances in accordance with GAAP. Under this definition, a System institution also will be deemed to have control over the UBE if it exercises decision-making authority in a principal capacity of the UBE as defined under GAAP.

Equity investment means a System institution's contribution of money or assets to the operating capital of a UBE that provides ownership rights in return.

System institution means each System bank under titles I or III of the Act, each System association under title II of the Act, and each service corporation chartered under section 4.25 of the Act.

Third-party UBE means a UBE that is owned or controlled by one or more non-System persons or entities as the term “control” is defined under GAAP.

UBE means a Limited Partnership (LP), Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), Limited Liability Limited Partnership (LLLP), Limited Liability Company (LLC), Business or other Trust Entity (TE), or other business entity established and maintained under State law that is not incorporated under any law or chartered under Federal law.

UBE business activity means the services and functions delivered by a UBE for one or more System institutions.

Unusual and complex collateral means acquired property that may expose the owner to risks beyond those commonly associated with loans, including, but not limited to, acquired industrial or manufacturing properties where there is increased risk of incurring potential environmental or other liabilities that may accrue to the owners of such properties.

§ 611.1152 - Authority over equity investments in UBEs for business activity.

(a) Regulation, supervisory, oversight, examination and enforcement authority. FCA has regulatory, supervisory, oversight, examination and enforcement authority over each System institution's equity investment in or control of a UBE and the services and functions that a UBE performs for the System institution. This includes FCA's authority to require a System institution's dissolution of, disassociation from, or divestiture of an equity investment in a UBE, or to otherwise condition the approval of equity investments in UBEs.

(b) Assessing UBE investments and business activity. In accordance with section 5.15 of the Act, the cost of regulating and examining System institutions' activities involving UBEs will be taken into account when assessing a System institution for the cost of administering the Act.

§ 611.1153 - General restrictions and prohibitions on the use of UBEs.

(a) Authorized UBE business activity. All UBE business activity must be:

(1) Necessary or expedient to the business of one or more System institutions owning the UBE; and

(2) In no instance greater than the functions and services that one or more System institutions owning the UBE are authorized to perform under the Act and as determined by the FCA.

(b) Circumvention of cooperative principles. System institutions are prohibited from using UBEs to engage in direct lending activities or any other activity that would circumvent the application of cooperative principles, including borrower rights as described in section 4.14A of the Act, or stock ownership, voting rights or patronage as described in section 4.3A of the Act.

(c) Transparency and the avoidance of conflicts of interest. Each System institution must ensure that:

(1) The UBE is held out to the public as a separate or subsidiary entity;

(2) The business transactions, accounts, and records of the UBE are not commingled with those of the System institution; and

(3) All transactions between the UBE and System institution directors, officers, employees, and agents are conducted at arm's length, in the interest of the System institution, and in compliance with the standards of conduct rules in 12 CFR 612, subpart A of this chapter.

(d) Limit on one-member UBEs. A UBE owned solely by a single System institution (including between and among a parent agricultural credit association and its production credit association and Federal land credit association subsidiaries and between a parent agricultural credit bank and its subsidiary Farm Credit Bank) as a one-member UBE is limited to the following special purposes:

(1) Acquiring and managing the unusual or complex collateral associated with loans; and

(2) Providing limited services such as electronic transaction, fixed asset, trustee or other services that are integral to the daily internal operations of a System institution.

(e) Limit on UBE partnerships. A System institution operating through a parent-subsidiary structure may not create a UBE partnership between or among the parent agricultural credit association and its production credit association and Federal land credit association subsidiaries or between a parent Agricultural Credit Bank and its Farm Credit Bank subsidiary.

(f) Prohibition on UBE subsidiaries. Except as provided in this paragraph, a System institution may not create a subsidiary of a UBE that it has organized or invested in under this subpart or enable the UBE itself to create a subsidiary or any other type of affiliated entity. A System institution may establish a UBE as a subsidiary of a UBE formed pursuant to paragraph (d)(1) of this section to hold each investor's pro-rata interest in acquired property provided that the loan collateral at issue involves a multi-lender transaction that includes System and non-System lenders.

(g) Limit on potential liability. (1) Each System institution's equity investment in a UBE must be established in a manner that will limit potential exposure of the System institution to no more than the amount of its investment in the UBE.

(2) A System institution cannot become a general partner of any partnership other than an LLLP.

(h) Limit on amount of equity investment in UBEs. The aggregate amount of equity investments that a single System institution is authorized to hold in UBEs must not exceed one percent of the institution's total outstanding loans, calculated at the time of each investment. On a case-by-case basis, FCA may approve an exception to this limitation that would exceed the one-percent aggregate limit. Conversely, FCA may impose a percentage limit lower than the one-percent aggregate limit based on safety or soundness and other relevant concerns. This one-percent aggregate limit does not apply to equity investments in one-member UBEs formed for acquired property as permitted in paragraph (d)(1) of this section. Any equity investment made in a UBE by a service corporation must be attributed to its System institution owners based on the ownership percentage of each bank or association.

(i) Prohibition on relationship with a third-party UBE. A System institution is prohibited from:

(1) Making any equity investment in a third-party UBE except as may be authorized on a case-by-case basis under § 615.5140(e) of this chapter for de minimis and passive investments. Such requests would be considered outside of this rule.

(2) Serving as the general partner or manager of a third-party UBE; or

(3) Being designated as the primary beneficiary of a third-party UBE, either alone or with other System institutions.

(j) Limitation on non-System equity investments. Non-System persons or entities may not invest in a UBE that is controlled by a System institution except that non-System persons or entities may own 20 percent or less of the equity of a System-controlled UBE organized to deliver services integral to the daily internal operations of a System institution.

(k) UBEs formed for acquiring and managing collateral. The provisions of paragraphs (i) and (j) of this section do not apply to UBEs formed for the purpose of acquiring and managing unusual or complex collateral associated with multiple-lender loan transactions in which non-System persons or entities are participants.

[78 FR 31831, May 28, 2013, as amended at 86 FR 58559, Oct. 22, 2021]
§ 611.1154 - Notice of equity investments in UBEs.

(a) Applicability. This notice provision is applicable only to System institutions that wish to make an equity investment in UBEs whose activities are limited to the following purposes:

(1) Acquiring and managing unusual or complex collateral associated with loans;

(2) Providing hail or multi-peril crop insurance services in collaboration with another System institution in accordance with § 618.8040 of this chapter; and

(3) Any other UBE business activity that FCA determines to be appropriate for this notice provision.

(b) Notice requirements. System institutions must provide written notice to FCA so that the notice is received by FCA no later than 10 business days in advance of making an equity investment in a UBE for authorized UBE business activity described in paragraph (a) of this section. The notice must include:

(1) The UBE's articles of formation, including its name and the State in which it is organized, length of time it will exist, its partners or members, and its management structure;

(2) The dollar amount of the System institution's equity investment in the UBE;

(3) A certified resolution of the System institution's board of directors authorizing the equity investment in, and business activity of, the UBE and the board's approval to submit the notice to the FCA. For UBEs organized to acquire and manage unusual or complex collateral associated with loans as identified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the board of directors may adopt a blanket board resolution to cover all such UBEs that the System institution will organize.

(4) Except for those UBEs identified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, a board statement included with the certified board resolution affirming that the UBE:

(i) Is needed to achieve operating efficiencies and benefits;

(ii) Is necessary or expedient to the System institution's business;

(iii) Will operate with transparency;

(iv) Will conduct its business activity in a manner designed to prevent conflicts of interest between its purpose and operations and the mission and operations of the System institution(s);

(v) Will otherwise be in compliance with applicable Federal, State, and local laws; and

(vi) Will not be used by the System institution to make direct loans; perform any functions or provide any services that the System institution is not authorized to perform or provide under the Act and FCA regulations; or to exceed the stated purpose of the UBE as set forth in its articles of formation.

(5) A letter from the funding bank that it has approved the institution's equity investment in the UBE. For those UBEs organized to acquire and manage unusual or complex collateral associated with loans as identified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the funding bank may provide a blanket approval letter to cover all such UBEs that its district associations may invest in or organize.

(6) Any additional information the System institution wishes to submit.

(c) Supplementation or omission of information. FCA may require the supplementation or allow the omission of any information required under paragraph (b) of this section.

(d) Other requirements. A System institution may not organize or invest in those UBEs identified in paragraph (a) of this section if the FCA notifies the institution before the end of the 10 business day advance notice period that such investment requires FCA approval under the provisions of § 611.1155.

§ 611.1155 - Approval of equity investments in UBEs.

(a) Request. System institutions must receive FCA approval before organizing or investing in any UBE that does not qualify for the notice provision set forth in § 611.1154(a). A request for approval under this section must include the following information:

(1) A detailed statement of the risk characteristics of the investment, as required by § 615.5140(e) of this chapter and the initial amount of equity investment;

(2) A detailed statement on the purpose and objectives of the UBE; the need for the UBE and the operating efficiencies and benefits that will be achieved by using the UBE;

(3) The proposed articles of formation addressing, at a minimum, the following:

(i) The UBE's name, the State in which it is organized, the city and State in which its principal office is to be located, and its partners or members and management structure;

(ii) Specific business activities that the UBE will conduct;

(iii) General powers of the UBE;

(iv) Ownership, voting, partnership, membership and operating agreements for the UBE;

(v) Procedures to adopt and amend the partnership, membership or operating agreement of the UBE;

(vi) The standards and procedures for the application and distribution of the UBE's earnings; and

(vii) Length of time the UBE will exist.

(4) A certified resolution of the System institution's board of directors authorizing the equity investment in the UBE and the UBE business activity and the board's approval to submit the request to the FCA. The certified board resolution must include a board statement affirming that the UBE:

(i) Is necessary or expedient to the System institution's business;

(ii) Will operate with transparency;

(iii) Will conduct its business activity in a manner designed to prevent conflicts of interest between its purpose and operations and the mission and operations of the System institution(s);

(iv) Will comply with applicable Federal, State, and local laws; and

(v) Will not be used by the System institution to make direct loans; perform any functions or provide any services that the System institution is not authorized to perform or provide under the Act and FCA regulations; or exceed the purpose of the UBE as stated in its articles of formation.

(5) A letter from the funding bank that it has approved the institution's equity investment in the UBE;

(6) Any additional information the System institution wishes to submit.

(b) Supplementation or omission of information. FCA may require the supplementation or allow the omission of any information required under paragraph (a) of this section based on the complex or noncomplex nature of the proposed UBE.

(c) Denial of a request. The FCA will specify in writing to the submitting System institutions the reasons for denial of any request to organize or invest in a UBE.

§ 611.1156 - Ongoing requirements.

A System institution that organizes or invests in a UBE must also comply with the following requirements:

(a) Maintain and ensure FCA's access to all books, papers, records, agreements, reports and other documents of each UBE necessary to document and protect the institution's interest in each entity;

(b) Divest, as soon as practicable, the institution's equity or beneficial interest in, and sever any relationship with a UBE:

(1) That conducts activities beyond those authorized to carry out its limited purpose or that are contrary to the Act or FCA regulations, or as otherwise directed to do so by FCA; or

(2) Where non-System persons or entities obtain control as defined under GAAP. This paragraph does not apply to UBEs formed for the purpose of acquiring and managing unusual or complex collateral associated with multiple-lender loan transactions in which non-System persons or entities are participants.

§ 611.1157 - Disclosure and reporting requirements.

(a) Annual report to shareholders. In its annual report to shareholders, as set forth in § 620.5(a)(12) of this chapter, a System institution must provide information on its UBE investment and business activity.

(b) Periodic reports as directed. As directed by FCA, a System institution must submit periodic reports to FCA on any equity investment in a UBE or UBE status as provided under § 621.12 of this chapter, and in accordance with §§ 621.13 and 621.14 of this chapter.

(c) Dissolution of a UBE. A System institution must submit a timely report to FCA on the dissolution of a UBE that it controls.

§ 611.1158 - Grandfather provision.

(a) Scope. The following equity investments in UBEs are grandfathered from the Notice and Approval provisions under §§ 611.1154 and 611.1155, respectively.

(1) Those UBE formations or equity investments that received specific, written approval by FCA prior to the effective date of this regulation; and

(2) Those UBE formations or equity investments that occurred prior to the effective date of this regulation to acquire or manage unusual or complex collateral associated with loans.

(b) System institutions' obligations. All System institutions with grandfathered UBEs:

(1) Remain subject to their conditions of approval;

(2) Are subject to the ongoing requirements of § 611.1156 and the disclosure and reporting requirements of § 611.1157; and

(3) May not change or expand the authorized business activity, service, or function of the UBE as approved by FCA, add or increase the level of non-System ownership in the UBE to the extent such ownership is authorized under § 611.1153(j), or change control of the UBE as control is defined in § 611.1151 without giving written notice of such changes to FCA at least 10 business days in advance of any such change or expansion.

(4) A System institution may not proceed with any change or expansion as defined in paragraph (b)(3) of this section if the FCA notifies the institution before the end of the 10 business day advance notice period that the proposed change or expansion is material and must be submitted for FCA approval under the provisions of § 611.1155.

(c) System institution investments or reinvestments in grandfathered UBEs. System institutions investing for the first time in grandfathered UBEs or reinvesting after having previously divested their equity investment must provide notice to FCA or obtain FCA approval under either the notice provision in § 611.1154 or the approval provision in § 611.1155 depending on the function, service, or activity of the grandfathered UBE in which the institution seeks to invest or reinvest.

authority: Secs. 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.12, 1.13, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 4.3A, 4.12, 4.12A, 4.15, 4.20, 4.25, 4.26, 4.27, 4.28A, 5.9, 5.17, 5.25, 7.0-7.3, 7.6-7.13, 8.5(e) of the Farm Credit Act (12 U.S.C. 2002,2011,2012,2013,2020,2021,2071,2072,2073,2091,2092,2093,2121,2122,2123,2124,2128,2129,2130,2154a,2183,2184,2203,2208,2211,2212,2213,2214,2243,2252,2261,2279a,2279b,2279aa; secs. 411 and 412, Pub. L. 100-233, 101 Stat. 1568, 1638, as amended by secs. 403 and 404, Pub. L. 100-399, 101 Stat. 989, 999 (12 U.S.C. 2071 note and 2202 note)
source: 37 FR 11415, June 7, 1972, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 12 CFR 611.1152