Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 12 - Banks and Banking last revised: Jan 27, 2025
§ 1278.1 - Definitions.
Constituent Bank means a Bank that is proposing to merge with one or more other Banks. Each Bank entering into a merger is a Constituent Bank, regardless of whether it is also a Continuing Bank.
Continuing Bank means a Bank that will exist as the result of a merger of two or more Constituent Banks, and when used in the singular shall include the plural.
Disclosure Statement means a written document that contains, to the extent applicable, all of the items that a Bank would be required to include in a Form S-4 Registration Statement under the Securities Act of 1933 (or any successor form promulgated by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission governing disclosure required for securities issued in business combination transactions) when prepared as a prospectus as directed in Part I of the form, if the Bank were required to provide such a prospectus to its shareholders in connection with a merger.
Effective Date means the date on which the organization certificate of the Continuing Bank becomes effective as provided under § 1278.7.
Financial Statements means statements of condition, income, capital, and cash flows, with explanatory notes, in such form as the Banks are required to include in their filings made under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934.
Merge or Merger means:
(1) A merger of one or more Banks into another Bank;
(2) A consolidation of two or more Banks resulting in a new Bank;
(3) A purchase of substantially all of the assets, and assumption of substantially all of the liabilities, of one or more Banks by another Bank or Banks; or
(4) Any other business combination of two or more Banks into one or more resulting Banks.
Record Date means the date established by a Bank's board of directors for determining the members that are entitled to vote on the ratification of the merger agreement and the number of ballots that may be cast by each in the election.
[76 FR 72833, Nov. 28, 2011, as amended at 78 FR 2328, Jan. 11, 2013; 81 FR 76300, Nov. 2, 2016]
§ 1278.2 - Authority.
Any two or more Banks may merge voluntarily under authority of section 26(b) of the Bank Act, provided that each of the following requirements has been satisfied:
(a) The Constituent Banks have executed a written merger agreement that satisfies all requirements of § 1278.3;
(b) The Constituent Banks have jointly filed a merger application with FHFA that satisfies all requirements of § 1278.4;
(c) The Director has approved the merger application in accordance with the requirements of § 1278.5;
(d) The members of each Constituent Bank have ratified the merger agreement as provided under § 1278.6; and
(e) The Director has determined that the Constituent Banks have satisfied all conditions imposed in connection with the approval of the merger application, and has accepted the properly executed organization certificate of the Continuing Bank, as provided under § 1278.7.
§ 1278.3 - Merger agreement.
A merger of Banks under the authority of § 1278.2 shall require a written merger agreement that:
(a) Has been authorized by the affirmative vote of a majority of a quorum of the board of directors of each Constituent Bank at a meeting on the record and has been executed by authorized signing officers of each Constituent Bank; and
(b) Sets forth all material terms and conditions of the merger, including, without limitation, provisions addressing each of the following matters—
(1) The proposed Effective Date and the proposed acquisition date for purposes of accounting for the transaction under GAAP, if that date is to be different from the Effective Date;
(2) The proposed organization certificate and bylaws of the Continuing Bank;
(3) The proposed capital structure plan for the Continuing Bank;
(4) The proposed size and structure of the board of directors for the Continuing Bank;
(5) The formula to be used to exchange the stock of the Constituent Banks for the stock of the Continuing Bank, and a provision prohibiting the issuance of fractional shares of stock;
(6) Any conditions that must be satisfied prior to the Effective Date, which must include approval by the Director and ratification by the members of the Constituent Banks;
(7) A statement of the representations or warranties, if any, made or to be made by any Constituent Bank;
(8) A description of the legal or accounting opinions or rulings, if any, that are required to be obtained or furnished by any party in connection with the proposed merger; and
(9) A statement that the board of directors of a Constituent Bank may terminate the merger agreement before the Effective Date upon a determination that:
(i) The information disclosed to members contained material errors or omissions;
(ii) Material misrepresentations were made to members regarding the impact of the merger;
(iii) Fraudulent activities were used to obtain members' approval; or
(iv) An event occurred subsequent to the members' vote that would have a significant adverse impact on the future viability of the Continuing Bank.
§ 1278.4 - Merger application.
(a) Contents of application. Any two or more Banks that wish to merge shall submit to FHFA a merger application that addresses all material aspects of the proposed merger. As provided in § 1202.8 of this chapter, a Bank may submit separately any portions of the application that it believes contain confidential or privileged trade secrets or commercial or financial information, which portions will be handled in accordance with FHFA's Freedom of Information Act regulations set forth in part 1202 of this chapter. The application shall include, at a minimum, the following:
(1) A written statement that includes—
(i) A summary of the material features of the proposed merger;
(ii) The reasons for the proposed merger;
(iii) The effect of the proposed merger on the Constituent Banks and their members;
(iv) The proposed Effective Date, the proposed acquisition date for purposes of accounting for the transaction under GAAP, if that date is to be different from the Effective Date (including the reasons for designating a different acquisition date), and the Record Date established by each Constituent Bank's board of directors;
(v) If the Constituent Banks contemplate that the proposed merger will be one of two or more related transactions, a summary of the material features of any related transactions and the bearing that the consummation of, or failure to consummate, the related transactions is expected to have upon the proposed merger;
(vi) If not addressed by the merger agreement, the Banks' proposal for the ultimate size and composition of the board of directors for the Continuing Bank and their plan for reducing the board to its ultimate size and composition, as well as the names of the persons proposed to serve as directors and senior executive officers of the Continuing Bank immediately after the merger;
(vii) A description of all proposed material operational changes including, but not limited to, reductions in the existing staffs of the Constituent Banks (to the extent such information is known), whether and how Bank operations will be combined, and whether any Constituent Bank will continue to operate as a branch of the Continuing Bank;
(viii) Information demonstrating that the Continuing Bank will comply with all applicable capital requirements after the Effective Date;
(ix) A statement explaining all officer and director indemnification provisions; and
(x) An undertaking that the Constituent Banks will continue to disclose all material information, and update all items of the application, as appropriate;
(2) A copy of the executed merger agreement and a certified copy of the resolution of the board of directors of each Constituent Bank authorizing the merger agreement;
(3) A copy of the proposed organization certificate of the Continuing Bank;
(4) A copy of the proposed bylaws of the Continuing Bank;
(5) A copy of the proposed capital structure plan of the Continuing Bank;
(6) The most recent annual audited Financial Statements, and any interim quarterly financial statements for the year-to-date, for each Constituent Bank; and
(7) Pro forma Financial Statements for the Continuing Bank as of the date of the most recent statement of condition supplied under paragraph (a)(6) of this section, and forecasted pro forma Financial Statements for each of at least two years following such date.
(b) Additional information. FHFA may require the Constituent Banks to submit any additional information FHFA deems necessary to evaluate the proposed merger. If FHFA has determined a merger application to be complete as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, FHFA may require the Constituent Banks to submit additional information only with respect to matters derived from or prompted by the materials already submitted, or matters of a material nature that were not reasonably apparent previously, including matters concealed by the Constituent Banks or relating to developments that arose after the determination of completeness. If the Constituent Banks fail to provide the additional information in a timely manner, the Director may deem the failure to provide the required information as grounds to deny the application.
(c) Completion of application. Within 30 days of the receipt of a merger application, FHFA shall determine whether the application is complete and whether FHFA has all information necessary for the Director to evaluate the proposed merger.
(1) If FHFA determines that the application is complete and that it has all information necessary to evaluate the proposed merger, it shall so inform the Constituent Banks in writing.
(2) If FHFA determines that the application is incomplete, or that it requires additional information in order to evaluate the application, it shall so inform the Constituent Banks in writing, and shall specify the number of days within which the Constituent Banks must provide any additional information or materials. Within 15 days of receipt of the additional information or materials, FHFA shall inform the Constituent Banks in writing whether the merger application is complete.
§ 1278.5 - Approval by Director.
(a) Standards. In determining whether to approve a merger of Banks under the authority of § 1278.2, the Director shall take into consideration the financial and managerial resources of the Constituent Banks, the future prospects of the Continuing Bank, and the effect of the proposed merger on the safety and soundness of the Continuing Bank and the Bank system.
(b) Determination by Director. After FHFA determines that a merger application is complete, as provided in § 1278.4(c), the Director shall, within 30 days, either approve or deny the merger application. An approval of a merger application may include any conditions the Director determines to be appropriate, and shall in all cases be conditioned on each Constituent Bank demonstrating that it has obtained its members' ratification of the merger agreement in accordance with the requirements of § 1278.6 by submitting to FHFA:
(1) A certified copy of the members' resolution ratifying the merger agreement, on which the members cast their votes; and
(2) A certification of the member vote from the Bank's corporate secretary or from an independent third party.
(c) Notice. If the Director approves the merger application, FHFA shall provide written notice of the approval and any conditions to each Constituent Bank, as well as to each other Bank and the Office of Finance. If the Director denies the merger application, FHFA shall provide written notice of the denial to each Constituent Bank, as well as to each other Bank and the Office of Finance, and the notice to the Constituent Banks shall include a statement of the reasons for the denial.
§ 1278.6 - Ratification by Bank Members.
(a) Requirements for member vote. No merger of Banks under the authority of § 1278.2 may be consummated unless a merger agreement meeting the requirements of § 1278.3 has been ratified by the affirmative vote of the members of each Constituent Bank in a voting process that meets the following requirements:
(1) Notice of vote. Each Constituent Bank shall submit the authorized merger agreement to its members for ratification by delivering to each institution that was a member as of the Record Date—
(i) A ballot that permits the member to vote for or against the ratification of the merger agreement, or to abstain from such vote; and
(ii) A Disclosure Statement that establishes a closing date for the Bank's receipt of completed ballots that is no earlier than 30 days after the date that the ballot and Disclosure Statement are delivered to its members.
(2) Voting rights and requirements. In the vote to ratify the merger agreement, each member of each Constituent Bank shall be entitled to cast one vote for each share of Bank stock that the member was required to own as of the Record Date, provided that the number of votes that any member may cast shall not exceed the average number of shares of Bank stock required to be held by all members of that Bank, calculated on a district-wide basis, as of the Record Date. A member must cast all of its votes either for or against the ratification of the merger agreement, or may abstain with respect to all of its votes. Each member's vote shall be made by resolution of its governing body, either authorizing the specific vote, or delegating to an individual the authority to vote.
(3) Determination of result. No Constituent Bank shall review any ballot until after the closing date established in the Disclosure Statement or include in the tabulation any ballot received after the closing date. A Constituent Bank shall tabulate the votes cast immediately after the closing date. The members of a Constituent Bank shall be considered to have ratified a merger agreement if a majority of votes cast in the election have been cast in favor of the ratification of the merger agreement. The Constituent Bank, or the Continuing Bank, as appropriate, shall retain all ballots received for at least two years after the date of the election, and shall not disclose how any member voted.
(4) Notice of result. Within 10 days of the closing date, a Constituent Bank shall deliver to its members, to each Constituent Bank with which it proposes to merge, and to FHFA a statement of—
(i) The total number of eligible votes;
(ii) The number of members voting in the election; and
(iii) The total number of votes cast both for and against ratification of the merger agreement, as well as those that were eligible to be cast by members that abstained and by members who failed to return completed ballots.
(b) False and misleading statements. In connection with a proposed merger, no Bank, nor any director, officer, or employee thereof, shall make any statement, written or oral, which, at the time and in the light of the circumstances under which it is made, is false or misleading with respect to any material fact, or which omits to state any material fact necessary in order to make the statement not false or misleading, or necessary to correct any earlier statement that has become false or misleading.
§ 1278.7 - Consummation of the merger.
(a) Post-approval submissions. After the members of each Constituent Bank have voted to ratify the merger agreement, the Constituent Banks shall submit to FHFA:
(1) Evidence acceptable to the Director that all conditions imposed in connection with the approval of the merger application under § 1278.5 have been satisfied, including the items specified in §§ 1278.5(b)(1) and (2); and
(2) An organization certificate for the Continuing Bank, in such form as FHFA may specify, that has been executed by the individuals who will constitute the board of directors of the Continuing Bank.
(b) Acceptance of organization certificate. Upon determining that all conditions have been satisfied and that the organization certificate meets the requirements of § 1278.7(a)(2), the Director shall accept the organization certificate of the Continuing Bank by endorsing thereon the date of acceptance and the Effective Date, which date shall be:
(1) The proposed Effective Date set forth in the merger agreement or, if the merger agreement expresses the proposed Effective Date in terms of a range of dates, a date within the applicable range of dates; or
(2) If the proposed Effective Date set forth in the merger agreement has passed, the earlier of:
(i) The 10th business day following the date of acceptance of the organization certificate by the Director; or
(ii) The last business day preceding any date specified in the merger agreement by which the merger agreement will terminate if the merger has not become effective.
(c) Effectiveness of merger. After the Director has accepted the organization certificate of the Continuing Bank as provided in § 1278.7(b), and as of the commencement of the Effective Date specified on such organization certificate:
(1) The Continuing Bank shall become or remain a body corporate (depending on the type of transaction) operating under such organization certificate with all powers granted to a Bank under the Bank Act;
(2) The Continuing Bank shall succeed to all rights, titles, powers, privileges, books, records, assets, and liabilities of the Constituent Banks, as provided in the merger agreement; and
(3) The corporate existence of any Constituent Bank that is not a Continuing Bank shall cease, unless otherwise provided in the merger agreement.
(d) Notice. After accepting the organization certificate for the Continuing Bank, the Director shall provide to the Constituent Banks, and to each other Bank and the Office of Finance, prompt written notice of that fact, which shall include the date of acceptance and the Effective Date of the organization certificate.
source: 76 FR 72833, Nov. 28, 2011, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 12 CFR 1278.1