Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 12 - Banks and Banking last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 1282.11 - General.

(a) General. Pursuant to the requirements of the Safety and Soundness Act (12 U.S.C. 4561-4564,4566,this,a,a,a,and;

(2) Requirements for measuring performance under the goals; and

(3) Procedures for monitoring and enforcing the goals.

(b) Annual goals. Each housing goal shall be established by regulation no later than December 1 of the preceding year, except that any housing goal may be adjusted by regulation to reflect subsequent available data and market developments.

[75 FR 55930, Sept. 14, 2010, as amended at 80 FR 53430, Sept. 3, 2015; 86 FR 73657, Dec. 28, 2021]
§ 1282.12 - Single-family housing goals.

(a) Single-family housing goals. An Enterprise shall be in compliance with a single-family housing goal if its performance under the housing goal meets or exceeds either:

(1) The share of the market that qualifies for the goal; or

(2) The benchmark level for the goal.

(b) Size of market. The size of the market for each goal shall be established annually by FHFA based on data reported pursuant to the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act for a given year. Unless otherwise adjusted by FHFA, the size of the market shall be determined based on the following criteria:

(1) Only owner-occupied, conventional loans shall be considered;

(2) Purchase money mortgages and refinancing mortgages shall only be counted for the applicable goal or goals;

(3) All mortgages flagged as HOEPA loans or subordinate lien loans shall be excluded;

(4) All mortgages with original principal balances above the conforming loan limits for single unit properties for the year being evaluated (rounded to the nearest $1,000) shall be excluded;

(5) All mortgages with rate spreads of 150 basis points or more above the applicable average prime offer rate as reported in the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data shall be excluded; and

(6) All mortgages that are missing information necessary to determine appropriate counting under the housing goals shall be excluded.

(c) Low-income families housing goal. The percentage share of each Enterprise's total purchases of purchase money mortgages on owner-occupied single-family housing that consists of mortgages for low-income families shall meet or exceed either:

(1) The share of such mortgages in the market as defined in paragraph (b) of this section in each year; or

(2) The benchmark level, which for 2022, 2023, and 2024 shall be 28 percent of the total number of purchase money mortgages purchased by that Enterprise in each year that finance owner-occupied single-family properties.

(d) Very low-income families housing goal. The percentage share of each Enterprise's total purchases of purchase money mortgages on owner-occupied single-family housing that consists of mortgages for very low-income families shall meet or exceed either:

(1) The share of such mortgages in the market as defined in paragraph (b) of this section in each year; or

(2) The benchmark level, which for 2022, 2023, and 2024 shall be 7 percent of the total number of purchase money mortgages purchased by that Enterprise in each year that finance owner-occupied single-family properties.

(e) Low-income areas housing goal. The percentage share of each Enterprise's total purchases of purchase money mortgages on owner-occupied single-family housing that consists of mortgages for families in low-income areas shall meet or exceed either:

(1) The share of such mortgages in the market as defined in paragraph (b) of this section in each year; or

(2) A benchmark level which shall be set annually by FHFA notice based on the sum of the benchmark levels for the low-income census tracts housing subgoal and the minority census tracts housing subgoal, plus an adjustment factor reflecting the additional incremental share of mortgages for moderate-income families in designated disaster areas in the most recent year for which such data is available.

(f) Low-income census tracts housing subgoal. The percentage share of each Enterprise's total purchases of purchase money mortgages on owner-occupied single-family housing that—

(1) Consists of:

(i) Mortgages in low-income census tracts that are not minority census tracts; and

(ii) Mortgages for families with incomes in excess of 100 percent of the area median income in low-income census tracts that are also minority census tracts;

(2) Shall meet or exceed either:

(i) The share of such mortgages in the market as defined in paragraph (b) of this section in each year; or

(ii) The benchmark level, which for 2022, 2023, and 2024 shall be 4 percent of the total number of purchase money mortgages purchased by that Enterprise in each year that finance owner-occupied single-family properties.

(g) Minority census tracts housing subgoal. The percentage share of each Enterprise's total purchases of purchase money mortgages on owner-occupied single-family housing that consists of mortgages for moderate-income families in minority census tracts shall meet or exceed either:

(1) The share of such mortgages in the market as defined in paragraph (b) of this section in each year; or

(2) The benchmark level, which for 2022, 2023, and 2024 shall be 10 percent of the total number of purchase money mortgages purchased by that Enterprise in each year that finance owner-occupied single-family properties.

(h) Refinancing housing goal. The percentage share of each Enterprise's total purchases of refinancing mortgages on owner-occupied single-family housing that consists of refinancing mortgages for low-income families shall meet or exceed either:

(1) The share of such mortgages in the market as defined in paragraph (b) of this section in each year; or

(2) The benchmark level, which for 2022, 2023, and 2024 shall be 26 percent of the total number of refinancing mortgages purchased by that Enterprise in each year that finance owner-occupied single-family properties.

[80 FR 53430, Sept. 3, 2015, as amended at 83 FR 5899, Feb. 12, 2018; 85 FR 82895, Dec. 21, 2020' 86 FR 73658, Dec. 28, 2021]
§ 1282.13 - Multifamily special affordable housing goal and subgoals.

(a) Multifamily housing goal and subgoals. An Enterprise shall be in compliance with a multifamily housing goal or subgoal if its performance under the housing goal or subgoal meets or exceeds the benchmark level for the goal or subgoal, respectively.

(b) Multifamily low-income housing goal. The percentage share of dwelling units in multifamily residential housing financed by mortgages purchased by each Enterprise that consists of dwelling units affordable to low-income families shall meet or exceed 61 percent of the total number of dwelling units in multifamily residential housing financed by mortgages purchased by the Enterprise in each year for 2023 and 2024.

(c) Multifamily very low-income housing subgoal. The percentage share of dwelling units in multifamily residential housing financed by mortgages purchased by each Enterprise that consists of dwelling units affordable to very low-income families shall meet or exceed 12 percent of the total number of dwelling units in multifamily residential housing financed by mortgages purchased by the Enterprise in each year for 2023 and 2024.

(d) Small multifamily low-income housing subgoal. The percentage share of dwelling units in small multifamily properties financed by mortgages purchased by each Enterprise that consists of dwelling units affordable to low-income families shall meet or exceed 2.5 percent of the total number of dwelling units in all multifamily residential housing financed by mortgages purchased by the Enterprise in each year for 2023 and 2024.

[83 FR 5899, Feb. 12, 2018, as amended at 85 FR 82896, Dec. 21, 2020; 86 FR 73658, Dec. 28, 2022; 87 FR 78846, Dec. 23, 2022]
§ 1282.14 - Discretionary adjustment of housing goals.

(a) An Enterprise may petition the Director in writing during any year to reduce any goal or subgoal for that year.

(b) The Director shall seek public comment on any such petition for a period of 30 days.

(c) The Director shall make a determination regarding the petition within 30 days after the end of the public comment period. If the Director requests additional information from the Enterprise after the end of the public comment period, the Director may extend the period for a final determination for a single additional 15-day period.

(d) The Director may reduce a goal or subgoal pursuant to a petition for reduction only if:

(1) Market and economic conditions or the financial condition of the Enterprise require such a reduction; or

(2) Efforts to meet the goal or subgoal would result in the constraint of liquidity, over-investment in certain market segments, or other consequences contrary to the intent of the Safety and Soundness Act or the purposes of the Charter Acts (12 U.S.C. 1716; 12 U.S.C. 1451 note).

§ 1282.15 - General counting requirements.

(a) Calculating the numerator and denominator for single-family housing goals. Performance under each of the single-family housing goals shall be measured using a fraction that is converted into a percentage. Neither the numerator nor the denominator shall include Enterprise transactions or activities that are not mortgage purchases as defined by FHFA or that are specifically excluded as ineligible under § 1282.16(b).

(1) The numerator. The numerator of each fraction is the number of mortgage purchases of an Enterprise in a particular year that finance owner-occupied single-family properties that count toward achievement of a particular single-family housing goal.

(2) The denominator. The denominator of each fraction is the total number of mortgage purchases of an Enterprise in a particular year that finance owner-occupied single-family properties. A separate denominator shall be calculated for purchase money mortgages and for refinancing mortgages.

(b) Counting owner-occupied units. (1) Mortgage purchases financing owner-occupied single-family properties shall be evaluated based on the income of the mortgagors and the area median income at the time the mortgage was originated. To determine whether mortgages may be counted under a particular family income level, i.e., low- or very low-income, the income of the mortgagors is compared to the median income for the area at the time the mortgage was originated, using the appropriate percentage factor provided under § 1282.17.

(2) Mortgage purchases financing owner-occupied single-family properties for which the income of the mortgagors is not available shall be included in the denominator for the single-family housing goals and subgoal, but such mortgages shall not be counted in the numerator of any single-family housing goal or subgoal.

(c) Calculating the numerator and denominator for multifamily housing goals. Performance under the multifamily housing goal and subgoals shall be measured using a fraction that is converted into a percentage. Neither the numerator nor the denominator shall include Enterprise transactions or activities that are not mortgage purchases as defined by FHFA or that are specifically excluded as ineligible under § 1282.16(b).

(1) The numerator. The numerator of each fraction is the number of dwelling units that count toward achievement of a particular multifamily housing goal or subgoal in properties financed by mortgages purchased by an Enterprise in a particular year.

(2) The denominator. The denominator of each fraction is the total number of dwelling units in properties financed by mortgages purchased by an Enterprise in a particular year.

(d) Counting rental units—(1) Use of rent. For purposes of counting rental units toward achievement of the multifamily housing goal and subgoals, mortgage purchases financing such units shall be evaluated based on rent and whether the rent is affordable to the income group targeted by the housing goal and subgoals. A rent is affordable if the rent does not exceed the maximum levels as provided in § 1282.19.

(2) Affordability of rents based on housing program requirements. Where a multifamily property is subject to an affordability restriction under a housing program that establishes the maximum permitted income level for a tenant or a prospective tenant or the maximum permitted rent, the affordability of units in the property may be determined based on the maximum permitted income level or maximum permitted rent established under such housing program for those units. If using income, the maximum income level must be no greater than the maximum income level for each goal, adjusted for family or unit size as provided in § 1282.17 or § 1282.18, as appropriate. If using rent, the maximum rent level must be no greater than the maximum rent level for each goal, adjusted for unit size as provided in § 1282.19.

(3) Unoccupied units. Anticipated rent for unoccupied units may be the market rent for similar units in the neighborhood as determined by the lender or appraiser for underwriting purposes. A unit in a multifamily property that is unoccupied because it is being used as a model unit or rental office may be counted for purposes of the multifamily housing goal and subgoals only if an Enterprise determines that the number of such units is reasonable and minimal considering the size of the multifamily property.

(4) Timeliness of information. In evaluating affordability under the multifamily housing goal and subgoals, each Enterprise shall use tenant and rental information as of the time of mortgage acquisition.

(e) Missing data or information for multifamily housing goal and subgoals. (1) Rental units for which bedroom data are missing shall be considered efficiencies for purposes of calculating unit affordability.

(2) When an Enterprise lacks sufficient information to determine whether a rental unit in a property securing a multifamily mortgage purchased by an Enterprise counts toward achievement of the multifamily housing goal or subgoals because rental data is not available, an Enterprise's performance with respect to such unit may be evaluated using estimated affordability information by multiplying the number of rental units with missing affordability information in properties securing multifamily mortgages purchased by the Enterprise in each census tract by the percentage of all rental dwelling units in the respective tracts that would count toward achievement of each goal and subgoal, as determined by FHFA.

(3) The estimation methodology in paragraph (e)(2) of this section may be used up to a nationwide maximum of 5 percent of the total number of rental units in properties securing multifamily mortgages purchased by the Enterprise in the current year. Multifamily rental units with missing affordability information in excess of this maximum shall be included in the denominator for the multifamily housing goal and subgoals, but such rental units shall not be counted in the numerator of any multifamily housing goal or subgoal. Multifamily rental units with missing affordability information for which estimation information is not available shall be excluded from both the numerator and the denominator for purposes of the multifamily housing goal and subgoals.

(f) Credit toward multiple goals. A mortgage purchase (or dwelling unit financed by such purchase) by an Enterprise in a particular year shall count toward the achievement of each housing goal for which such purchase (or dwelling unit) qualifies in that year.

(g) Application of median income. For purposes of determining an area's median income under §§ 1282.17 through 1282.19 and the definitions in § 1282.1, the area is:

(1) The metropolitan area, if the property which is the subject of the mortgage is in a metropolitan area; and

(2) In all other areas, the county in which the property is located, except that where the State non-metropolitan median income is higher than the county's median income, the area is the State non-metropolitan area.

(h) Sampling not permitted. Performance under the housing goals for each year shall be based on a complete tabulation of mortgage purchases (or dwelling units) for that year; a sampling of such purchases (or dwelling units) is not acceptable.

[75 FR 55930, Sept. 14, 2010, as amended at 80 FR 53431, Sept. 3, 2015; 83 FR 5899, Feb. 12, 2018; 86 FR 73658, Dec. 28, 2021; 87 FR 78846, Dec. 23, 2022]
§ 1282.16 - Special counting requirements.

(a) General. FHFA shall determine whether an Enterprise shall receive full, partial, or no credit toward achievement of any of the housing goals for a transaction that otherwise qualifies under this part. In this determination, FHFA will consider whether a transaction or activity of the Enterprise is substantially equivalent to a mortgage purchase and either creates a new market or adds liquidity to an existing market, provided however that such mortgage purchase actually fulfills the Enterprise's purposes and is in accordance with its Charter Act.

(b) Not counted. The following transactions or activities shall not be counted for purposes of the housing goals and shall not be included in the numerator or the denominator in calculating either Enterprise's performance under the housing goals, even if the transaction or activity would otherwise be counted pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section:

(1) Equity investments in low-income housing tax credits;

(2) Purchases of State and local government housing bonds except as provided in paragraph (c)(8) of this section;

(3) Purchases of single-family non-conventional mortgages and multifamily non-conventional mortgages, except:

(i) Multifamily mortgages acquired under a risk-sharing arrangement with a Federal agency;

(ii) Multifamily mortgages under other multifamily mortgage programs involving Federal guarantees, insurance or other Federal obligation where FHFA determines in writing that the financing needs addressed by the particular mortgage program are not well served and that the mortgage purchases under such program should count under the housing goals;

(4) Commitments to buy mortgages at a later date or time;

(5) Options to acquire mortgages;

(6) Rights of first refusal to acquire mortgages;

(7) Any interests in mortgages that the Director determines, in writing, shall not be treated as interests in mortgages;

(8) Mortgage purchases to the extent they finance any dwelling units that are secondary residences;

(9) Single-family refinancing mortgages that result from conversion of balloon notes to fully amortizing notes, if the Enterprise already owns or has an interest in the balloon note at the time conversion occurs;

(10) Purchases of subordinate lien mortgages (second mortgages);

(11) Purchases of mortgages or interests in mortgages that were previously counted by the Enterprise under any current or previous housing goal within the five years immediately preceding the current performance year;

(12) Purchases of mortgages where the property, or any units within the property, have not been approved for occupancy;

(13) Purchases of private label securities;

(14) Enterprise contributions to the Housing Trust Fund (12 U.S.C. 4568) or the Capital Magnet Fund (12 U.S.C. 4569), and mortgage purchases funded with such grant amounts; and

(15) Any combination of factors in paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(14) of this section.

(c) Other special rules. Subject to FHFA's determination of whether an Enterprise shall receive full, partial, or no credit for a transaction toward achievement of any of the housing goals as provided in paragraph (a) of this section, the transactions and activities identified in this paragraph (c) shall be treated as mortgage purchases as described. A transaction or activity that is covered by more than one paragraph below must satisfy the requirements of each such paragraph. The mortgages (or dwelling units, for the multifamily housing goals) from each such transaction or activity shall be included in the denominator in calculating the Enterprise's performance under the housing goals, and shall be included in the numerator, as appropriate.

(1) Credit enhancements. (i) Mortgages (or dwelling units) financed under a credit enhancement entered into by an Enterprise shall be treated as mortgage purchases for purposes of the housing goals only when:

(A) The Enterprise provides a specific contractual obligation to ensure timely payment of amounts due under a mortgage or mortgages financed by the issuance of housing bonds (such bonds may be issued by any entity, including a State or local housing finance agency); and

(B) The Enterprise assumes a credit risk in the transaction substantially equivalent to the risk that would have been assumed by the Enterprise if it had securitized the mortgages financed by such bonds.

(ii) When an Enterprise provides a specific contractual obligation to ensure timely payment of amounts due under any mortgage originally insured by a public purpose mortgage insurance entity or fund, the Enterprise may, on a case-by-case basis, seek approval from the Director for such activities to count toward achievement of the housing goals.

(2) [Reserved]

(3) Risk-sharing. Mortgages purchased under risk-sharing arrangements between an Enterprise and any Federal agency under which the Enterprise is responsible for a substantial amount of the risk shall be treated as mortgage purchases for purposes of the housing goals.

(4) Participations. Participations purchased by an Enterprise shall be treated as mortgage purchases for purposes of the housing goals only when the Enterprise's participation in the mortgage is 50 percent or more.

(5) Cooperative housing and condominiums. (i) The purchase of a mortgage on a cooperative housing unit (“a share loan”) or a mortgage on a condominium unit shall be treated as a mortgage purchase for purposes of the housing goals. Such a purchase shall be counted in the same manner as a mortgage purchase of single-family owner-occupied units.

(ii) The purchase of a blanket mortgage on a cooperative building or a mortgage on a condominium project shall be treated as a mortgage purchase for purposes of the housing goals. The purchase of a blanket mortgage on a cooperative building shall be counted in the same manner as a mortgage purchase of a multifamily rental property, except that affordability must be determined based solely on the comparable market rents used in underwriting the blanket loan. If the underwriting rents are not available, the loan shall not be treated as a mortgage purchase for purposes of the housing goals. The purchase of a mortgage on a condominium project shall be counted in the same manner as a mortgage purchase of a multifamily rental property.

(iii) Where an Enterprise purchases both a blanket mortgage on a cooperative building and share loans for units in the same building, both the mortgage on the cooperative building and the share loans shall be treated as mortgage purchases for purposes of the housing goals. Where an Enterprise purchases both a mortgage on a condominium project and mortgages on individual dwelling units in the same project, both the mortgage on the condominium project and the mortgages on individual dwelling units shall be treated as mortgage purchases for purposes of the housing goals.

(6) Seasoned mortgages. An Enterprise's purchase of a seasoned mortgage shall be treated as a mortgage purchase for purposes of the housing goals, except where the Enterprise has already counted the mortgage under any current or previous housing goal within the five years immediately preceding the current performance year.

(7) Purchase of refinancing mortgages. The purchase of a refinancing mortgage by an Enterprise shall be treated as a mortgage purchase for purposes of the housing goals only if the refinancing is an arms-length transaction that is borrower-driven.

(8) Mortgage revenue bonds. The purchase or guarantee by an Enterprise of a mortgage revenue bond issued by a State or local housing finance agency shall be treated as a purchase of the underlying mortgages for purposes of the housing goals only to the extent the Enterprise has sufficient information to determine whether the underlying mortgages or mortgage-backed securities qualify for inclusion in the numerator for one or more housing goal.

(9) -(13) [Reserved]

(14) Seller dissolution option. (i) Mortgages acquired through transactions involving seller dissolution options shall be treated as mortgage purchases for purposes of the housing goals, only when:

(A) The terms of the transaction provide for a lockout period that prohibits the exercise of the dissolution option for at least one year from the date on which the transaction was entered into by the Enterprise and the seller of the mortgages; and

(B) The transaction is not dissolved during the one-year minimum lockout period.

(ii) The Director may grant an exception to the one-year minimum lockout period described in paragraphs (c)(14)(i)(A) and (B) of this section, in response to a written request from an Enterprise, if the Director determines that the transaction furthers the purposes of the Safety and Soundness Act and the Enterprise's Charter Act.

(iii) For purposes of this paragraph (c)(14), “seller dissolution option” means an option for a seller of mortgages to the Enterprises to dissolve or otherwise cancel a mortgage purchase agreement or loan sale.

(d) HOEPA mortgages. HOEPA mortgages shall be treated as mortgage purchases for purposes of the housing goals and shall be included in the denominator for each applicable single-family housing goal, but such mortgages shall not be counted in the numerator for any housing goal.

(e) FHFA review of transactions. FHFA may determine whether and how any transaction or class of transactions shall be counted for purposes of the housing goals, including treatment of missing data. FHFA will notify each Enterprise in writing of any determination regarding the treatment of any transaction or class of transactions under the housing goals. FHFA will make any such determinations available to the public on FHFA's Web site,

[75 FR 55930, Sept. 14, 2010, as amended at 80 FR 53432, Sept. 3, 2015; 86 FR 73658, Dec. 28, 2021]
§ 1282.17 - Affordability—Income level definitions—family size and income known (owner-occupied units, actual tenants, and prospective tenants).

In determining whether a dwelling unit is affordable where income information (and family size, for rental units) is known to the Enterprise, the affordability of the unit shall be determined as follows:

(a) Moderate-income means:

(1) In the case of owner-occupied units, income not in excess of 100 percent of area median income; and

(2) In the case of rental units, where the income of actual or prospective tenants is available, income not in excess of the following percentages of area median income corresponding to the following family sizes:

Number of persons in family Percentage of area
median income
5 or more*

*100% plus (8% multiplied by the number of persons in excess of 4).

(b) Low-income (80%) means:

(1) In the case of owner-occupied units, income not in excess of 80 percent of area median income; and

(2) In the case of rental units, where the income of actual or prospective tenants is available, income not in excess of the following percentages of area median income corresponding to the following family sizes:

Number of persons in family Percentage of area
median income
5 or more*

*80% plus (6.4% multiplied by the number of persons in excess of 4).

(c) Low-income (60%) means:

(1) In the case of owner-occupied units, income not in excess of 60 percent of area median income; and

(2) In the case of rental units, where the income of actual or prospective tenants is available, income not in excess of the following percentages of area median income corresponding to the following family sizes:

Number of persons in family Percentage of area
median income
5 or more*

*60% plus (4.8% multiplied by the number of persons in excess of 4).

(d) Very low-income means:

(1) In the case of owner-occupied units, income not in excess of 50 percent of area median income; and

(2) In the case of rental units, where the income of actual or prospective tenants is available, income not in excess of the following percentages of area median income corresponding to the following family sizes:

Number of persons in family Percentage of area
median income
5 or more*

*50% plus (4.0% multiplied by the number of persons in excess of 4).

(e) Extremely low-income means:

(1) In the case of owner-occupied units, income not in excess of 30 percent of area median income; and

(2) In the case of rental units, where the income of actual or prospective tenants is available, income not in excess of the following percentages of area median income corresponding to the following family sizes:

Number of persons in family Percentage of area
median income
5 or more*

*30% plus (2.4% multiplied by the number of persons in excess of 4).

[75 FR 55930, Sept. 14, 2010, as amended at 80 FR 53432, Sept. 3, 2015]
§ 1282.18 - Affordability—Income level definitions—family size not known (actual or prospective tenants).

In determining whether a rental unit is affordable where family size is not known to the Enterprise, income will be adjusted using unit size, and affordability determined as follows:

(a) For moderate-income, the income of prospective tenants shall not exceed the following percentages of area median income with adjustments, depending on unit size:

Unit size Percentage of area median income
1 bedroom75
2 bedrooms90
3 bedrooms or more*

*104% plus (12% multiplied by the number of bedrooms in excess of 3).

(b) For low-income (80%), income of prospective tenants shall not exceed the following percentages of area median income with adjustments, depending on unit size:

Unit size Percentage of area median income
1 bedroom60
2 bedrooms72
3 bedrooms or more*

*83.2% plus (9.6% multiplied by the number of bedrooms in excess of 3).

(c) For low-income (60%), income of prospective tenants shall not exceed the following percentages of area median income with adjustments, depending on unit size:

Unit size Percentage of area median income
1 bedroom45
2 bedrooms54
3 bedrooms or more*

*62.4% plus (7.2% multiplied by the number of bedrooms in excess of 3).

(d) For very low-income, income of prospective tenants shall not exceed the following percentages of area median income with adjustments, depending on unit size:

Unit size Percentage of area median income
1 bedroom37.5
2 bedrooms45
3 bedrooms or more*

*52% plus (6.0% multiplied by the number of bedrooms in excess of 3).

(e) For extremely low-income, income of prospective tenants shall not exceed the following percentages of area median income with adjustments, depending on unit size:

Unit size Percentage of area median income
1 bedroom22.5
2 bedrooms27
3 bedrooms or more*

*31.2% plus (3.6% multiplied by the number of bedrooms in excess of 3).

§ 1282.19 - Affordability—Rent level definitions—tenant income is not known.

For purposes of determining whether a rental unit is affordable where the income of the family in the dwelling unit is not known to the Enterprise, the affordability of the unit is determined based on unit size as follows:

(a) For moderate-income, maximum affordable rents to count as housing for moderate-income families shall not exceed the following percentages of area median income with adjustments, depending on unit size:

Unit size Percentage of area median income
1 bedroom22.5
2 bedrooms27
3 bedrooms or more*

*31.2% plus (3.6% multiplied by the number of bedrooms in excess of 3).

(b) For low-income (80%), maximum affordable rents to count as housing for low-income (80%) families shall not exceed the following percentages of area median income with adjustments, depending on unit size:

Unit size Percentage of area median income
1 bedroom18
2 bedrooms21.6
3 bedrooms or more*

*24.96% plus (2.88% multiplied by the number of bedrooms in excess of 3).

(c) For low-income (60%), maximum affordable rents to count as housing for low-income (60%) families shall not exceed the following percentages of area median income with adjustments, depending on unit size:

Unit size Percentage of area median income
1 bedroom13.5
2 bedrooms16.2
3 bedrooms or more*

*18.72% plus (2.16% multiplied by the number of bedrooms in excess of 3).

(d) For very low-income, maximum affordable rents to count as housing for very low-income families shall not exceed the following percentages of area median income with adjustments, depending on unit size:

Unit size Percentage of area median income
1 bedroom11.25
2 bedrooms13.5
3 bedrooms or more*

*15.6% plus (1.8% multiplied by the number of bedrooms in excess of 3).

(e) For extremely low-income, maximum affordable rents to count as housing for extremely low-income families shall not exceed the following percentages of area median income with adjustments, depending on unit size:

Unit size Percentage of area
median income
1 bedroom6.75
2 bedrooms8.1
3 bedrooms or more*

* 9.36% plus (1.08% multiplied by the number of bedrooms in excess of 3).

[75 FR 55930, Sept. 14, 2010, as amended at 80 FR 53432, Sept. 3, 2015]
§ 1282.20 - Determination of compliance with housing goals; notice of determination.

(a) Single-family housing goals. The Director shall evaluate each Enterprise's performance under the low-income families housing goal, the very low-income families housing goal, the low-income areas housing goal, the low-income areas housing subgoal, and the refinancing mortgages housing goal on an annual basis. If the Director determines that an Enterprise has failed, or there is a substantial probability that an Enterprise will fail, to meet a single-family housing goal established by this subpart, the Director shall notify the Enterprise in writing of such preliminary determination.

(b) Multifamily housing goal and subgoals. The Director shall evaluate each Enterprise's performance under the multifamily low-income housing goal, the multifamily very low-income housing subgoal, and the small multifamily low-income housing subgoal, on an annual basis. If the Director determines that an Enterprise has failed, or there is a substantial probability that an Enterprise will fail, to meet a multifamily housing goal or subgoal established by this subpart, the Director shall notify the Enterprise in writing of such preliminary determination.

(c) Any notification to an Enterprise of a preliminary determination under this section shall provide the Enterprise with an opportunity to respond in writing in accordance with the procedures at 12 U.S.C. 4566(b).

[75 FR 55930, Sept. 14, 2010, as amended at 80 FR 53433, Sept. 3, 2015]
§ 1282.21 - Housing plans.

(a) General. If the Director determines that an Enterprise has failed, or there is a substantial probability that an Enterprise will fail, to meet any housing goal and that the achievement of the housing goal was or is feasible, the Director may require the Enterprise to submit a housing plan for approval by the Director.

(b) Nature of plan. If the Director requires a housing plan, the housing plan shall:

(1) Be feasible;

(2) Be sufficiently specific to enable the Director to monitor compliance periodically;

(3) Describe the specific actions that the Enterprise will take in a time period determined by the Director to improve the Enterprise's performance under the housing goal; and

(4) Address any additional matters relevant to the plan as required, in writing, by the Director.

(c) Deadline for submission. The Enterprise shall submit the housing plan to the Director within 45 days after issuance of a notice requiring the Enterprise to submit a housing plan. The Director may extend the deadline for submission of a plan, in writing and for a time certain, to the extent the Director determines an extension is necessary.

(d) Review of housing plans. The Director shall review and approve or disapprove housing plans in accordance with 12 U.S.C. 4566(c)(4) and (c)(5).

(e) Resubmission. If the Director disapproves an initial housing plan submitted by an Enterprise, the Enterprise shall submit an amended plan acceptable to the Director not later than 15 days after the Director's disapproval of the initial plan; the Director may extend the deadline if the Director determines an extension is in the public interest. If the amended plan is not acceptable to the Director, the Director may afford the Enterprise 15 days to submit a new plan.

[75 FR 55930, Sept. 14, 2010, as amended at 83 FR 5899, Feb. 12, 2018]
source: 75 FR 55930, Sept. 14, 2010, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 12 CFR 1282.19