Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 12 - Banks and Banking last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 1290.1 - Definitions.

For purposes of this part:

Advisory Council means the Advisory Council each Bank is required to establish pursuant to section 10(j)(11) of the Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 1430(j)(11)) and part 1291 of this chapter.

CDFI Fund means the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund established under section 104(a) of the Community Development Banking and Financial Institutions Act of 1994 (12 U.S.C. 4703(a)).

Community development financial institution or CDFI means an institution that is certified as a community development financial institution by the CDFI Fund under the Community Development Banking and Financial Institutions Act of 1994 (12 U.S.C. 4701 et seq.).

CRA means the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, as amended (12 U.S.C. 2901, et seq.).

CRA evaluation means the public disclosure portion of the CRA performance evaluation provided by a member's appropriate Federal banking agency.

Displaced homemaker means an adult who has not worked full-time, full-year in the labor force for a number of years, and during that period, worked primarily without remuneration to care for a home and family, and currently is unemployed or underemployed and is experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment.

First-time homebuyer means:

(1) An individual and his or her spouse, if any, who has had no present ownership interest in a principal residence during the three-year period prior to purchase of a principal residence.

(2) A displaced homemaker who, except for owning a residence with his or her spouse or residing in a residence owned by his or her spouse, meets the requirements of paragraph (1) of this definition.

(3) A single parent who, except for owning a residence with his or her spouse or residing in a residence owned by his or her spouse, meets the requirements of paragraph (1) of this definition.

Long-term advance means an advance with a term to maturity greater than one year.

Restriction on access to long-term advances means a member may not borrow long-term advances or renew any maturing advance for a term to maturity greater than one year.

Single parent means an individual who is unmarried or legally separated from a spouse and has custody or joint custody of one or more minor children or is pregnant.

Targeted community lending means providing financing for economic development projects for targeted beneficiaries.

[80 FR 30342, May 28, 2015, as amended at 81 FR 76300, Nov. 2, 2016]
§ 1290.2 - Community support requirements.

(a) Bank notice to members. By a date designated by FHFA notice pursuant to paragraph (f) of this section, each Bank must provide written notice to each of its members subject to community support review that each such member must submit to FHFA a completed Community Support Statement in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section. Unless instructed otherwise by FHFA, the Bank must provide to each member a blank Community Support Statement Form upon request by the member. FHFA will provide a copy of this blank form to the Bank. Upon a member's request, the Bank must provide assistance to the member in completing the Community Support Statement.

(b) Community Support Statement submission requirements. Except as provided in paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section, in each odd-numbered year, each member must submit to FHFA a completed Community Support Statement (and any other related information FHFA may require) in accordance with the submission dates designated by FHFA notice pursuant to paragraph (f) of this section. The member's completed Community Support Statement must be executed by an appropriate senior officer of the member and must be submitted to FHFA pursuant to FHFA's submission instructions.

(c) Notice to public.—(1) By the Banks. By a date designated by FHFA notice pursuant to paragraph (f) of this section, each Bank must provide written notice to its Advisory Council, and to interested nonprofit housing developers, community groups, and other interested parties in its district, and include a notice on its public website, of the opportunity to submit comments on the community support programs and activities of Bank members, with the name and address of each member subject to community support review, and the deadline and FHFA contact information for submission of any comments to FHFA.

(2) By FHFA. FHFA may publish a notice in the Federal Register notifying the public of the opportunity to submit comments on the community support programs and activities of Bank members, with the deadline and FHFA contact information for submission of any comments to FHFA.

(3) Consideration of comments. In reviewing a member for compliance with the community support requirements, FHFA will take into consideration any public comments it has received concerning the member.

(d) Non-Depository Community Development Financial Institutions. A member that has been certified as a community development financial institution by the CDFI Fund, other than a member that also is an insured depository institution or a CDFI credit union (as defined in 12 CFR 1263.1), is deemed to be in compliance with the community support requirements of section 10(g) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 1430(g)) and this part, by virtue of that certification. Such non-depository CDFIs, therefore, are not required to submit Community Support Statements to FHFA under paragraph (b) of this section and are not subject to community support review under this part.

(e) New Bank members. A member of a Bank is not required to submit a Community Support Statement under paragraph (b) of this section if the institution has been a member of a Bank for a total of less than one year as of March 31 of the year in which submissions are due under paragraph (b) of this section.

(f) Designation of submission and notice dates. FHFA will designate applicable dates for each biennial review cycle via written notice to the Banks. The notice will designate the date by which FHFA will begin accepting Community Support Statements and the date by which Community Support Statements must be submitted, as well as the dates by which the Banks must notify members under paragraph (a) of this section and the public under paragraph (c)(1) of this section. FHFA's written notice to the Banks will be issued at least 90 days prior to the date by which the Banks must notify members under paragraph (a).

[83 FR 52117, Oct. 16, 2018]
§ 1290.3 - Community support standards.

(a) In general. A member subject to community support review meets the community support requirements of this part if it submits a completed Community Support Statement that demonstrates to FHFA's satisfaction that the member complies with both the CRA standard, if the member is subject to the requirements of the CRA, and the first-time homebuyer standard.

(b) CRA standard. A member meets the CRA standard if it is subject to the requirements of the CRA and the rating in the member's most recent CRA evaluation is “Outstanding” or “Satisfactory.”

(c) First-time homebuyer standard. A member meets the first-time homebuyer standard if at least one of the following is satisfied:

(1) The member is subject to the requirements of the CRA and the rating in the member's most recent CRA evaluation is “Outstanding”;

(2) The member has an established record of lending to first-time homebuyers;

(3) The member has a program whereby it actively seeks to lend or support lending to first-time homebuyers, including, but not limited to, the following—

(i) Providing special credit products with flexible underwriting standards for first-time homebuyers;

(ii) Participating in Federal, State, or local government, or nationwide homeownership lending programs that benefit, serve, or are targeted to, first-time homebuyers; or

(iii) Participating in loan consortia for first-time homebuyer loans or loans that serve predominantly low- or moderate-income borrowers;

(4) The member has a program whereby it actively seeks to assist or support organizations that assist potential first-time homebuyers to qualify for mortgage loans, including, but not limited to, the following—

(i) Providing, participating in, or supporting special counseling programs or other homeownership education activities that benefit, serve, or are targeted to, first-time homebuyers;

(ii) Providing or participating in marketing plans and related outreach programs targeted to first-time homebuyers;

(iii) Providing technical assistance or financial support to organizations that assist first-time homebuyers;

(iv) Participating with or financially supporting community or nonprofit groups that assist first-time homebuyers;

(v) Holding investments or making loans that support first-time homebuyer programs;

(vi) Holding mortgage-backed securities that may include a pool of loans to low- and moderate-income homebuyers;

(vii) Participating or investing in service organizations that assist credit unions in providing mortgages to first-time homebuyers or low- or moderate-income households; or

(viii) Participating in a Bank Affordable Housing Program or other Bank targeted community investment or development program;

(5) The member engages in other activities, not covered by paragraphs (c)(1) through (c)(4) of this section, that demonstrate to FHFA's satisfaction the member's support for first-time homebuyers financing; or

(6) FHFA determines that mitigating factors affect the member's ability to engage in activities to assist first-time or potential first-time homebuyers as described in paragraphs (c)(1) through (c)(5) of this section.

§ 1290.4 - FHFA review and decision on Community Support Statements.

(a) Review by FHFA. FHFA will review each member approximately once every two years for compliance with the community support requirements of this part.

(b) Complete Community Support Statements. A Community Support Statement is complete when a member has provided to FHFA all of the information required by this part.

(c) Decision on Community Support Statements. FHFA will provide written notice to the member's Bank of FHFA's determination regarding the Community Support Statement submitted by the member. A notice placing a member on probation or restricting the member's access to long-term Bank advances will identify the reasons for FHFA's determination. The Bank must promptly notify the member of FHFA's determination regarding the member's Community Support Statement.

§ 1290.5 - Probation or restriction on member access to long-term Bank advances.

(a) Probation. FHFA will place a member on probation if the member is subject to the CRA, its most recent CRA rating was “Needs to Improve,” and either the member has not received any other CRA rating or its second-most recent CRA rating was “Outstanding” or “Satisfactory.”

(b) Restriction. FHFA will restrict a member's access to long-term advances if:

(1) The member failed to sign its Community Support Statement submitted to FHFA pursuant to § 1290.2(b), failed to include its CRA rating in its Community Support Statement submitted to FHFA if subject to the CRA, or failed to submit a Community Support Statement at all to FHFA;

(2) The member is subject to the CRA and its most recent CRA rating was “Substantial Noncompliance”;

(3) The member is subject to the CRA, its most recent CRA rating was “Needs to Improve,” and its second-most recent CRA rating was “Needs to Improve”;

(4) The member is subject to the CRA, its most recent CRA rating was “Needs to Improve,” its second-most recent CRA rating was “Substantial Noncompliance,” and its third-most recent CRA rating was “Needs to Improve” or “Substantial Noncompliance”; or

(5) The member has not demonstrated compliance with the first-time homebuyer standard.

(c) Effective dates.—(1) Probation. A probationary period under § 1290.5(a) will extend until the member's appropriate Federal banking agency completes its next CRA evaluation and issues a rating for the member. Probation will take effect on the date the notice required under § 1290.4(c) is sent by FHFA to the Bank. The member will be eligible to receive long-term advances during the probationary period.

(2) Restriction. A restriction on access to long-term advances will take effect 30 days after the date the notice required under § 1290.4(c) is sent by FHFA to the Bank, unless the member demonstrates compliance with the requirements of this part before the end of the 30-day period.

(d) Removing a restriction.—(1) FHFA may remove a restriction on a member's access to long-term advances imposed under this section if FHFA determines that application of the restriction may adversely affect the safety and soundness of the member. A member may submit a written request to FHFA to remove a restriction on access to long-term advances under this paragraph (d)(1). The written request must include a clear and concise statement of the basis for the request and a statement that application of the restriction may adversely affect the safety and soundness of the member from the member's appropriate Federal banking agency or the member's appropriate State regulator for a member that is not subject to regulation or supervision by a Federal regulator. FHFA will consider each written request within 30 calendar days of receipt.

(2) FHFA may remove a restriction on a member's access to long-term advances imposed under this section if FHFA determines that the member subsequently has complied with the requirements of this part. A member may submit a written request to FHFA to remove a restriction on access to long-term advances under this paragraph (d)(2). The written request must state with specificity how the member has complied with the requirements of this part. FHFA will consider each written request within 30 calendar days of receipt.

(3) FHFA may remove a restriction on a member's access to long-term advances imposed under this section and place the member on probation if the member is subject to the CRA, its most recent CRA rating was “Needs to Improve,” its second-most recent CRA rating was “Substantial Noncompliance,” and either the member has not received any other CRA rating or its third-most recent CRA rating was “Outstanding” or “Satisfactory.”

(4) FHFA will provide written notice to the member's Bank of any determination to remove a restriction under this paragraph (d). The Bank shall promptly notify the member of FHFA's determination to remove a restriction. FHFA's determination shall take effect on the date the notice is sent by FHFA to the Bank.

(e) Bank Affordable Housing Programs and other Bank Community Investment Cash Advance Programs. A member that is subject to a restriction on access to long-term advances under this part is not eligible to participate in the Bank's Affordable Housing Program (AHP) under part 1291 of this chapter or in other Bank Community Investment Cash Advance (CICA) programs offered under part 1292 of this chapter. The restriction in this paragraph (e) does not apply to AHP or other CICA applications or funding approved before the date the restriction is imposed.

[80 FR 30342, May 28, 2015, as amended at 83 FR 52118, Oct. 16, 2018]
§ 1290.6 - Bank community support programs.

(a) Requirement. Consistent with the safe and sound operation of the Bank, each Bank shall establish and maintain a community support program. A Bank's community support program shall:

(1) Provide technical assistance to members;

(2) Promote and expand affordable housing finance;

(3) Identify opportunities for members to expand financial and credit services in underserved neighborhoods and communities;

(4) Encourage members to increase their targeted community lending and affordable housing finance activities by providing incentives such as awards or technical assistance to nonprofit housing developers or community groups with outstanding records of participation in targeted community lending or affordable housing finance partnerships with members; and

(5) Include an annual Targeted Community Lending Plan approved by the Bank's board of directors and subject to modification. The Bank's board of directors shall not delegate to a committee of the board, Bank officers, or other Bank employees the responsibility to adopt or amend the Targeted Community Lending Plan. The Targeted Community Lending Plan shall:

(i) Reflect market research conducted in the Bank's district;

(ii) Describe how the Bank will address identified credit needs and market opportunities in the Bank's district for targeted community lending;

(iii) Be developed in consultation with (and may only be amended after consultation with) its Advisory Council and with members, housing associates, and public and private economic development organizations in the Bank's district;

(iv) Establish quantitative targeted community lending performance goals;

(v) Identify and assess significant affordable housing needs in its district that will be addressed through its Affordable Housing Program under 12 CFR part 1291, reflecting market research conducted or obtained by the Bank; and

(vi) For any Targeted Funds established by the Bank under its Affordable Housing Program, specify, from among the identified affordable housing needs, the particular affordable housing needs the Bank plans to address through such Targeted Funds.

(b) Notice. A Bank shall provide annually to each of its members a written notice:

(1) Identifying CICA programs and other Bank activities that may provide opportunities for a member to meet the community support requirements and to engage in targeted community lending; and

(2) Summarizing targeted community lending and affordable housing activities undertaken by members, housing associates, nonprofit housing developers, community groups, or other entities in the Bank's district that may provide opportunities for a member to meet the community support requirements and to engage in targeted community lending.

(c) Public access. A Bank shall publish its current Targeted Community Lending Plan on its publicly available website, and shall publish any amendments to its Targeted Community Lending Plan on the website within 30 days after the date of their adoption by the Bank's board of directors and no later than the date of publication on the website of its annual Affordable Housing Program Implementation Plan (as amended). If such amendments relate to the Bank's Affordable Housing Program, the Bank shall publish them no later than the date of publication on its website of its annual Affordable Housing Program Implementation Plan (as amended). If a Bank plans to establish any Targeted Funds under its Affordable Housing Program, the Bank must publish its Targeted Community Lending Plan (as amended) on the website at least 90 days before the first day that applications may be submitted to the Targeted Fund, unless the Targeted Fund is specifically targeted to address a Federal- or State-declared disaster.

[80 FR 30342, May 28, 2015, as amended at 83 FR 61231, Nov. 28, 2018; 87 FR 32969, June 1, 2022]
§ 1290.7 - Bank Advisory Council Annual Reports.

Each Annual Report submitted by a Bank's Advisory Council to FHFA pursuant to section 10(j)(11) of the Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 1430(j)(11)) must include an analysis of the Bank's targeted community lending and affordable housing activities.

§ 1290.8 - Compliance dates.

From December 28, 2018 to December 31, 2020, a Bank shall comply with either prior part 1290 (in 12 CFR part 1290 (January 1, 2018 edition)) or this part 1290. On and after January 1, 2021, a Bank shall comply with this part 1290.

[83 FR 61231, Nov. 28, 2018]
authority: 12 U.S.C. 1430(g)
source: 80 FR 30342, May 28, 2015, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 12 CFR 1290.8