Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 06, 2025

Title 12 - Banks and Banking last revised: Jan 27, 2025
§ 1808.300 - Interest rates.

(a) Interest rates. (1) A Bond Rate will be established by the Bond Purchaser as of the date of the respective advance of funds, as provided in the Bond. The Bond Rate for each advance of funds must be fixed and consistent with Federal credit policies outlined in OMB Circular A-129. The FFB, as Bond Purchaser, will set rates to the borrower pursuant to section 6(b) of the Federal Financing Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 2285(b)) and the FFB Lending Policy. This rate will be indexed to the appropriate Treasury rate based on the Treasury yield curve and include a spread to be determined by the Bond Purchaser; variable Bond Rates are not permitted.

(2) Interest on each advance of funds under a Bond shall be computed as provided in the Bond.

(3) A principal and interest payment schedule will be determined and provided to the Qualified Issuer for each advance of funds under a Bond, based on the Bond Rate established for the respective advance. The final principal and interest payment schedule for amounts due under a Bond will be the aggregation of the individual principal and interest payment schedules for all advances of funds under the Bond.

(4) The Bond Loan Rate shall be the same as the Bond Rate on the particular advance of funds under the Bond that funds the Bond Loan.

(5) The rate of interest for each Secondary Loan shall be established by the Eligible CDFI in accordance with subsection 1808.307(c), and may be subject to limitations specified in the applicable NOGA.

(b) Bond Loan payment default interest rate. In the event of a payment default on a Bond Loan, the Eligible CDFI shall pay interest on any overdue amount from its due date to the date of actual payment at the Bond Loan Payment Default Rate. The Bond Loan Payment Default Rate shall be calculated in the same manner as a late charge is calculated under the underlying Bond.

§ 1808.301 - Eligible uses of Bond Proceeds.

Bond Proceeds must be used by a Qualified Issuer to finance Bond Loans or Refinance loans to Eligible CDFIs for Eligible Purposes as defined in section 1808.102 of this interim rule. A Qualified Issuer that is also a Certified CDFI may not finance a Bond Loan to itself or refinance its own loan. One hundred percent of the principal amount of each Bond must be used to make Bond Loans. As a Bond Loan is repaid, such repaid Bond Loan proceeds in excess of those required for debt service payments on the Bond must be used to repay the Bond or held in the Relending Account and used for additional Secondary Loans, to the extent authorized under § 1808.308.

§ 1808.302 - Bond terms and conditions.

(a) Maturity date. As required by 12 U.S.C. 4713a(e)(1)(D), the maturity date of a Bond shall not be later than 30 years after the Bond Issue Date. The maturity date for any advance of funds under a Bond shall not be later than the maturity date of the Bond.

(b) Nonrecourse obligation. Each Bond shall be a nonrecourse obligation of the Qualified Issuer, payable solely from amounts available pursuant to the Bond Documents.

(c) Terms. The Bonds may contain only terms that are consistent with the lending policies and terms of the Bond Purchaser.

(d) No subordination. The Bonds or Bond Loans may not be subordinated to any new or existing liability and effective subordination of the Bonds or Bond Loans to tax-exempt obligations will render the Guarantee void, in accordance with OMB Circular No. A-129 (Policies for Federal Credit Programs and Non-Tax Receivables) and applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.

(e) Other limitations. The CDFI Fund may impose other limitations as appropriate to administer the CDFI Bond Guarantee Program including, but not limited to, requiring Qualified Issuers to obtain Credit Enhancement to safeguard against the risk of default.

(f) Terms for Bond issuance and disbursement of Bond Proceeds. (1) The Qualified Issuer must execute Bond Loan documents for 100 percent of the principal amount of each Bond on the Bond Issue Date. There will be an annual assessment to determine whether the Qualified Issuer is subject to the repayment provision established in 12 U.S.C. 4713a(c)(4). Terms and conditions for the annual assessment will be set forth in the applicable Notice of Guarantee Availability.

(2) Disbursements of Bond Proceeds to the Qualified Issuer shall be made pursuant to an advance request process established by the Bond Purchaser and the CDFI Fund under which the Qualified Issuer shall request an advance of funds under a Bond.

(g) Amortization of Bond. The principal amount of each advance of funds under a Bond shall amortize in level debt service payments of principal and interest, which payments shall be due either quarterly or semi-annually, as determined by the Qualified Issuer and the Bond Purchaser, and which shall begin on the first principal payment date specified in the Bond, as determined by the Qualified Issuer and the Bond Purchaser. Prior to the first principal payment date, interest accrued shall be due on the payment dates specified in the Bond, as determined by the Qualified Issuer and the Bond Purchaser.

(h) Optional prepayment of Bonds. All or a portion of any advance of funds under a Bond, or the Bond in its entirety, may be prepaid by the Qualified Issuer at any time. Any partial prepayment of an advance shall be in an amount equal to at least $100,000 of principal. Each partial prepayment of an advance of funds under a Bond shall be applied in the manner set forth in the Bond. Any partial or full prepayment of an advance of funds under a Bond shall be subject to the payment of a prepayment price, as provided in the Bond Documents.

(i) Mandatory prepayment of Bonds. (1) Any Bond shall be subject to mandatory prepayment if Bond Loans or Secondary Loans are not made in a timely manner, as follows:

(i) On the Calculation Date (as defined in subsection 1808.308(e)) of each year, any amount retained in the Relending Subaccount that exceeds the Relending Subaccount Maximum (as defined in subsection 1808.308(d)) by $100,000 or more shall be applied to prepay Bonds on the next succeeding payment date.

(ii) Any amounts derived from the liquidation of collateral from the Bond Loan and/or Secondary Loan in connection with the exercise by the Guarantor, the Qualified Issuer or the Bondholder of remedies upon default of the Bond Loan shall be applied, immediately upon liquidation, in the following order (inclusive of reasonable fees and expenses associated therewith):

(A) To the repayment of any amounts drawn under the Guarantee;

(B) To the prepayment of Bonds, in a like amount;

(C) To the replenishment of any funds drawn from the Risk-Share Pool Fund; and

(D) To the Eligible CDFI for application in accordance with the Secondary Loan documents.

(2) When an amount is required to be applied as a mandatory prepayment of Bonds, the Qualified Issuer may select which advances of funds under a Bond are to be prepaid. Any amount applied as a partial prepayment of an advance under a Bond shall be applied as provided in the Bond. Any partial or full prepayment of an advance of funds under a Bond shall be subject to the payment of a prepayment price, as provided in the Bond Documents.

§ 1808.303 - Risk-Share Pool.

The Master Servicer/Trustee, on behalf of the Qualified Issuer and for the benefit of the Bondholder, shall establish a Risk-Share Pool that is funded at each disbursement of the Bond Loan proceeds by payment from each Eligible CDFI in accordance with 12 U.S.C. 4713a(d). The Risk-Share Pool must remain in place throughout the term of the Guarantee. Amounts in the Risk Share Pool Fund will not be returned to Eligible CDFIs until maturity of all of the Bonds, and termination of all of the Bond Loans, within a Bond Issue.

(a) At each disbursement of the Bond Loan proceeds, each Eligible CDFI shall deposit an amount that is equal to three percent of the disbursement, for a total of three percent of the guaranteed amount outstanding of the Bond, from monies other than Bond Loan proceeds, into the applicable subaccount of the Risk-Share Pool Fund. Such monies shall remain in said account throughout the term of the Bond.

(b) Any interest on a Bond Loan in excess of the Bond Loan Rate derived by the Qualified Issuer during any period during which the Bond Loan Payment Default Rate applies shall also be deposited in the Risk-Share Pool Fund.

(c) The Risk-Share Pool Fund shall be applied by the Master Servicer/Trustee to payments of debt service on the Bond Issue in the event that the Eligible CDFI defaults in the corresponding payment of debt service on the Bond Loan. The defaulted Eligible CDFI's deposit shall be applied first to any such payment of debt service. After depletion of the defaulted Eligible CDFI's deposit, each remaining Eligible CDFI's deposit shall be applied prorata to any such payment of debt service. Monies on deposit in the Risk-Share Pool Fund shall be applied to such payments and shall be depleted in full prior to any draw on the Guarantee.

(d) Eligible CDFIs (excluding the Eligible CDFI in default and responsible for a draw) shall not be required to replenish the Risk-Share Pool Fund in the event of a draw.

(e) The Risk Share Pool deposit shall be sufficient collateral to secure any draw on Bond Loan proceeds related to the costs of issuance pursuant to 1808.304(b).

(f) In the event of a payment default on the Bond Loan by an Eligible CDFI, the Qualified Issuer shall notify the CDFI Fund and request permission to draw from the Risk-Share Pool to cover any default of principal and interest payments due to the Bond Purchaser.

(g) Amounts in the Risk Share Pool Fund will not be returned to Eligible CDFIs until maturity of all of the Bonds, and termination of all of the Bond Loans, within a Bond Issue. Upon maturity of all of the Bonds, and termination of the Bond Loans, within a Bond Issue, the pro rata amount of each Eligible CDFI's payments in the Risk-Share Pool shall be returned to each Eligible CDFI; provided however, that such Eligible CDFI has properly replenished any draws on the Risk-Share Pool attributed to nonpayment of its Bond Loan and the corresponding Bond.

§ 1808.304 - Eligible uses of Bond Loan proceeds.

(a) Eligible uses. Bond Loan proceeds shall be only used for Eligible Purposes, to prefund one monthly installment of Bond Loan payments, and to pay Bond Issuance Fees. As a Bond Loan is repaid, such repaid Bond Loan proceeds must be held in the Relending Account and used for additional Secondary Loans, to the extent authorized under § 1808.308.

(b) Bond Issuance Fees. (1) Amounts not to exceed one percent of Bond Loan proceeds may be applied to pay Bond Issuance Fees. Bond Loan proceeds that are used to pay Bond Issuance Fees shall be applied in the following order of priority:

(i) To pay reasonable transaction fees and expenses of the Qualified Issuer, its advisors and consultants, related to the Bond issuance (but not including any salaries or administrative costs of the Qualified Issuer unrelated to the Bond issuance);

(ii) To pay reasonable transaction fees and expenses of the Master Servicer/Trustee, its advisors and consultants, related to the Bond issuance; and

(iii) To pay reasonable transaction fees and expenses of the Eligible CDFI, its advisors and consultants, related to the making of the Bond Loan.

(2) Any fees and expenses arising out of each transaction which, in the aggregate, exceed the one percent limit on Bond Issuance Fees payable from Bond Loan proceeds must be paid by the Eligible CDFI from monies other than Bond Loan proceeds.

(c) Prefunding of Bond Loan payments. Bond Loan proceeds may be used to prefund one monthly installment of Bond Loan payments.

§ 1808.305 - Bond Loan terms and conditions.

(a) Maturity date. The maturity date of a Bond Loan shall not be later than 30 years after the Bond Issue Date. The maturity date of Bond Loans may be earlier than, but may not be later than, the maturity date of the corresponding Bond.

(b) Bond Loan general recourse obligation; Collateral. (1) The Bond Loan shall be a general recourse obligation of the Eligible CDFI.

(2) The Bond Loan shall be further secured by a first lien of the Master Servicer/Trustee, on behalf of the Bondholder, on:

(i) The Trust Estate;

(ii) Qualified Secondary Loan Receivables; and

(iii) Either:

(A) An assignment of the Secondary Loan collateral (other than a Principal Loss Collateral Provision) from the Eligible CDFI to the Master Servicer/Trustee; or

(B) Provision of a Principal Loss Collateral Provision for the benefit of the Master Servicer/Trustee, in accordance with the Bond Loan Requirements and the Secondary Loan Requirements, as applicable.

(3) The CDFI Fund may, in its sole discretion, approve alternative forms of Bond Loan collateral.

(4) A parity first lien on pledged collateral may be accepted, in the sole discretion of the CDFI Fund.

(5) If any collateral becomes non-performing during the term of the Bond Loan, the Guarantor may require the applicable Eligible CDFI to substitute other collateral that is of equal quality to the initial collateral, when performing, acceptable to the Guarantor in its sole discretion.

(6) An Eligible CDFI's parent organization, Affiliate, or an entity that is related to the Eligible CDFI through its management structure, may assume limited recourse obligation for the Bond Loan if it provides Credit Enhancement and/or pledges financial resources or such other financial support or risk mitigation that would enhance the Eligible CDFI's creditworthiness and its ability to repay the Bond Loan, thereby decreasing the risk underlying the Guarantee.

(c) Disbursement of Bond Loan proceeds. (1) Bond Loans shall be draw-down loans. Disbursements of Bond Loan proceeds to the Eligible CDFI shall be made pursuant to a requisition process established by the Bond Purchaser and the CDFI Fund, which shall include a process by which the Qualified Issuer shall request an advance from the Bondholder under the Bond and a process by which the Eligible CDFI shall request disbursement from the Qualified Issuer.

(2) Each requisition shall be accompanied by invoices and certifications by the Eligible CDFI (and the Secondary Borrower, if applicable) as to expenditure of proceeds for Eligible Purposes.

(3) No Bond Loan proceeds may be disbursed later than 60 months after the Bond Issue Date. Any Bond Loan proceeds not disbursed will have been forfeited by the Eligible CDFI.

(4) Disbursements to capitalize the Eligible CDFI's Loan Loss Reserves shall be made pursuant to a requisition process established by the Qualified Issuer and the CDFI Fund.

(d) Amortization of Bond Loan. Each Bond Loan shall amortize in the same manner as the corresponding Bond; provided that principal and/or interest on each Bond Loan shall be payable to the Qualified Issuer in monthly installments based on the required quarterly or semi-annual installments, as applicable, due on the corresponding Bond; provided further, that each Eligible CDFI shall prefund one monthly payment installment not later than the thirtieth day prior to the first payment date of the corresponding Bond so that on the thirtieth day prior to such Bond payment date, the Eligible CDFI shall have paid in full all amounts due on the Bond payment date.

(e) Optional prepayment of Bond Loan. The Bond Loan shall be subject to prepayment, in whole or in part, at the option of the Eligible CDFI in accordance with the optional prepayment provisions of the corresponding Bond (including the required prepayment minimums of $100,000) and shall be subject to the payment of a prepayment price, as determined by the Bondholder in accordance with the corresponding Bond.

(f) Mandatory prepayment of Bond Loan. The Bond Loan shall be subject to mandatory prepayment by the Eligible CDFI in accordance with the mandatory prepayment provisions of the corresponding Bond.

§ 1808.306 - Conditions precedent to Bond and Bond Loan.

The ability of the Qualified Issuer to issue a Bond and make a Bond Loan shall be subject to the satisfaction of the following conditions precedent:

(a) Evidence satisfactory to the Qualified Issuer that the Eligible CDFI will comply with the terms and conditions of the Bond Loan documents, including repayment of the Bond Loan;

(b) Evidence satisfactory to the Qualified Issuer, the Guarantor, and the CDFI Fund that the Eligible CDFI has the authority to enter into the Bond Loan, has secured the Credit Enhancement, if any, demonstrated a reasonable prospect of repayment of the Bond Loan, and pledged the collateral (including executed security documents, UCC-1 financing statements or mortgages, as applicable);

(c) A Guarantee Application that has been approved by the Guarantor;

(d) A satisfactory credit review by the CDFI Fund and in compliance with the Bond Loan Requirements, including submission of complete and accurate Guarantee Application materials, submitted in a timely manner, demonstrating the Eligible CDFI's ability to repay the Bond Loan;

(e) Opinions of legal counsel to the Qualified Issuer and the Eligible CDFI;

(f) Executed Bond Loan documents;

(g) Organizational documents of the Eligible CDFI;

(h) Certifications by the Qualified Issuer and Eligible CDFIs that Bond Proceeds and Bond Loan proceeds will not be used for lobbying by recipients of Federal loans or guarantees;

(i) A statement that no default, event of default, or due and unsatisfied liability has occurred and is continuing with respect to any obligations of the Qualified Issuer and each Eligible CDFI to the CDFI Fund, the Guarantor, the Bond Purchaser, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, or any other agency, authority or instrumentality of the Federal Government; and

(j) Any other conditions precedent set forth in the Bond Loan documents, including documentation that any credit enhancements have been secured by the Eligible CDFI.

§ 1808.307 - Secondary Loan Eligible Purposes; Terms and conditions.

(a) Eligible Purposes. Eligible CDFIs must make Secondary Loans for Eligible Purposes. Secondary Loan proceeds may not be used to capitalize loan loss reserves.

(b) Making Secondary Loans. (1) If the Eligible CDFI uses Bond Loan proceeds to make Secondary Loans, the Eligible CDFI must execute Secondary Loan documents (in the form of promissory notes) with Secondary Borrowers as follows:

(i) Not later than 12 months after the Bond Issue Date, Secondary Loan documents representing at least 50 percent of the Eligible CDFIs' Bond Loan proceeds allocated for Secondary Loans; and

(ii) Not later than 24 months after the Bond Issue Date, Secondary Loan documents representing 100 percent of the Eligible CDFIs' Bond Loan proceeds allocated for Secondary Loans (excluding any amounts used for payment of Bond Issuance Fees pursuant to section 1808.304(b)).

(2) In the event that the Eligible CDFI does not comply with the foregoing requirements of paragraphs (b)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section, the available Bond Loan proceeds at the end of the applicable period shall be reduced by an amount equal to the difference between the amount required by paragraphs (b)(1)(i) and (ii) minus the amount previously committed to the Secondary Loans in the applicable period. Consistent with the corresponding Bond Loan, the Secondary Loans shall be drawn down by the Secondary Borrowers upon demonstration of an Eligible Purpose.

(c) Secondary Loan interest rate. The rate of interest with respect to each Secondary Loan shall be determined by each Eligible CDFI in accordance with the following limitations:

(1) With respect to each Secondary Loan, the Eligible CDFI will be required to propose to the CDFI Fund:

(i) A minimum and maximum spread over the corresponding Bond Loan Rate which will represent the standard minimum and maximum interest rate (Minimum Secondary Loan Rate and Maximum Secondary Loan Rate, respectively); and

(ii) A maximum spread over the Maximum Secondary Loan Rate in event of a Secondary Loan default (Maximum Secondary Loan Default Spread).

(2) The CDFI Fund reserves the right to evaluate, approve, modify, or disapprove the proposed Minimum Secondary Loan Rate, Maximum Secondary Loan Rate, and Maximum Secondary Loan Default Spread before approving any Guarantee Application.

(d) Secondary Loan default rate. The Eligible CDFI may charge a default rate on the Secondary Loan so long as such rate does not exceed the Maximum Secondary Rate, plus the Maximum Secondary Loan Default Spread.

(e) Secondary Loan maturity. The maturity date with respect to the Secondary Loan shall be in accordance with the requirements of the applicable Secondary Loan Requirements. The maturity date of Secondary Loans may be earlier than, but may not be later than, the maturity date of the corresponding Bond.

(f) Secondary Loan collateral. (1) The Secondary Loan shall be payable from amounts made available pursuant to the Secondary Loan documents, and secured by:

(i) A first lien of the Eligible CDFI on pledged collateral in an amount that is consistent with the loan-to-value ratio requirements set forth in the Secondary Loan Requirements; or

(ii) A Principal Loss Collateral Provision for the benefit of the Master Servicer/Trustee, in accordance with the Bond Loan Requirements and the Secondary Loan Requirements, as applicable.

(2) Qualified Secondary Loan Receivables may be used as collateral; provided however, that such collateral is secured by a first lien on the Secondary Loan collateral in accordance with the Bond Loan Requirements and the Secondary Loan Requirements, as applicable.

(3) A parity first lien on pledged collateral may be accepted, in the sole discretion of the CDFI Fund.

(g) Commitments for Secondary Loans. Each proposed Secondary Loan shall be approved by the credit committee of the Eligible CDFI or its equivalent, in accordance with the applicable Secondary Loan Requirements and the Eligible CDFI's own underwriting requirements.

(h) Disbursement of Secondary Loan proceeds. (1) Consistent with the corresponding Bond Loan, Secondary Loans shall be draw-down loans. Disbursements of Secondary Loan proceeds to the Secondary Borrower shall be made pursuant to a requisition process established by the Qualified Issuer and the CDFI Fund and shall mirror the requirements for the disbursement of Bond Proceeds.

(2) Each requisition shall be accompanied by invoices and certifications by the Secondary Borrower as to expenditure of proceeds for Eligible Purposes. The Eligible CDFI must also attest that the Secondary Loan conforms to the requirements set forth in the applicable Secondary Loan Requirements. In the case of Refinancings, the Eligible CDFI must also attest that the original loan was used for an Eligible Purpose.

(3) Secondary Loan proceeds shall be disbursed in accordance with the applicable Secondary Loan Requirements which shall set forth, among other requirements, that Secondary Loan disbursements shall be made in accordance with commercially reasonable standards and timeframes for disbursement based on the nature of the Eligible Purposes. The Secondary Loan Requirements shall also specify what constitutes a commercially reasonable timeframe for disbursement in connection with specific types of Eligible Purposes. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each Eligible CDFI shall propose a timeframe for disbursement in connection with each Secondary Loan, which timeframe shall be subject to the requirements set forth in the Secondary Loan Requirements.

(i) Amortization of Secondary Loans. Secondary Loans shall amortize as determined by the Eligible CDFI; provided that Secondary Loan amortization installments shall conform to the requirements of the applicable Secondary Loan Requirements.

(j) Prepayment of Secondary Loans. Secondary Loans shall be subject to prepayment as determined by the Eligible CDFI; provided that the Secondary Loan documents may provide for modification of Secondary Loan terms (so long as such modification does not affect the corresponding Bond or Bond Loan) and shall provide for mandatory prepayment of the Secondary Loan from liquidation of collateral upon the exercise of default remedies by the Eligible CDFI, the Qualified Issuer or the Guarantor as required by the Bond, the Bond Loan documents, or the Agreement to Guarantee, as applicable.

(k) Repayment of Secondary Loans. As Secondary Loans are repaid, the Eligible CDFI may, through the Relending Fund, Refinance and substitute as collateral for the Bond Loan other loan(s) for Eligible Purposes that meet the required Secondary Loan Requirements, provided that the Eligible CDFI makes Bond Loan payments as required. If the outstanding principal balance of the Bond Loan exceeds the outstanding principal balance of the Bond Loan in use for the Eligible Purposes, the Eligible CDFI shall repay the difference, which shall be deposited in the Relending Account, and credited to the corresponding Relending Subaccount.

§ 1808.308 - Relending Fund; Relending Account.

(a) General. As Bond Loans are repaid, such amounts in excess of those required for debt service payments on the Bonds may be held in the Relending Account and used for additional Secondary Loans, to the extent authorized in this section.

(b) Application of funds to Secondary Loans. Amounts on deposit in the Relending Account shall be applied by the Eligible CDFI to make additional Secondary Loans, the term of which shall not exceed the maturity of the Bond.

(c) Requirements of Secondary Loans from Relending Account. Secondary Loans made from the Relending Account shall meet all the requirements of the Secondary Loan Requirements, and conform to the following additional conditions:

(1) The Qualified Issuer has received and approved a Bond Loan commitment request submitted by the Eligible CDFI;

(2) No material event has occurred and is continuing or is threatened at the Eligible CDFI level or Qualified Issuer level that adversely affects the Eligible CDFI, the Bond or the Bond Loan;

(3) No Eligible CDFI event of default has occurred and is continuing with respect to the Bond Loan;

(4) No Qualified Issuer event of default has occurred and is continuing with respect to the Bond;

(5) There exists no unreplenished draw on the Risk-Share Pool Fund by the Eligible CDFI;

(6) The maturity of Secondary Loans made from the Relending Fund shall not extend beyond the maturity date of the corresponding Bond; and

(7) Any other conditions set forth in this interim rule, the applicable Notice of Guarantee Availability, the Secondary Loan Requirements or the Bond Loan documents.

(d) Relending Subaccounts. The balance of each subaccount of the Relending Fund (each a Relending Subaccount) shall not equal more than 10 percent of the principal amount outstanding of the Bond Loan, minus the prorata share of the Risk-Share Pool, as of the Calculation Date (the Relending Subaccount Maximum).

(e) Notification Date. For purposes of this section, Notification Date means the date on which the Master Servicer/Trustee notifies the Eligible CDFI that the balance in the applicable Relending Subaccount exceeds the applicable Relending Subaccount Maximum. Calculation Date means, following the Notification Date, the earlier of:

(1) The date on which the balance in such Relending Subaccount becomes less than or equal to the applicable Relending Subaccount Maximum, or

(2) Six months following the Notification Date.

(f) Mandatory redemption. Any amounts retained in the Relending Subaccount that exceeds the Relending Subaccount Maximum by $100,000 or more as of the applicable Calculation Date shall be transferred to the Redemption Account of the Debt Service Fund (as defined in § 1808.606(f)) to effectuate a mandatory redemption of the corresponding Bond in accordance with the terms of the Bond Trust Indenture. The determination of the actual amount on deposit on any Calculation Date shall exclude amounts then obligated pursuant to any executed promissory notes, whether then disbursed or undisbursed.

§ 1808.309 - Restrictions on uses of Bond Proceeds and Bond Loan proceeds.

Pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 47123a(c)(5), Bond Loan proceeds shall not be used for:

(a) Political activities;

(b) Lobbying, whether directly or through other parties;

(c) Outreach;

(d) Counseling services;

(e) Travel expenses;

(f) For the salaries or administrative costs of the Qualified Issuer or any recipients of Bond Proceeds, other than those costs covered by Bond Issuance Fees;

(g) To fund the Risk-Share Pool;

(h) To pay fees other than Bond Issuance Fees; or

(i) Any other use as may be specified in the applicable Notice of Guarantee Availability.

authority: The Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, Pub. L. 111-240, §§ 1134 and 1703; 12 U.S.C. 4713a.
source: 78 FR 8310, Feb. 5, 2013, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 12 CFR 1808.300