Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 13 - Business Credit and Assistance last revised: Oct 01, 2024
§ 107.100 - Organizing a Section 301(c) Licensee.

Section 301(c) Licensee means a company licensed under section 301(c) of the Act. It may be organized as a for-profit corporation or as a limited partnership created in accordance with the special rules of § 107.160.

§ 107.115 - 1940 Act and 1980 Act Companies.

A 1940 Act or 1980 Act Company is eligible to apply for an SBIC license, and an existing Licensee is eligible to apply for SBA's approval to convert to a 1940 Act or 1980 Act Company. In either case, the 1940 Act or 1980 Act Company may elect to be taxed as a regulated investment company under section 851 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (26 U.S.C. 851). However, a Licensee making such election may make Distributions only as permitted under the applicable sections of this part (see the definition of Retained Earnings Available for Distribution, § 107.585, and §§ 107.1540 through 107.1580).

§ 107.120 - Special rules for a Section 301(d) Licensee owned by another Licensee.

With SBA's prior written approval, a Section 301(d) Licensee may operate as the subsidiary of one or more Licensees (participant Licensees), subject to the following:

(a) Each participant Licensee must own at least 20 percent of the voting securities of the Section 301(d) Licensee.

(b) A participant Licensee must treat its entire capital contribution to the subsidiary as a reduction of its Leverageable Capital. The participant Licensee's remaining Leverageable Capital must be sufficient to support its outstanding Leverage.

(c) A participant Licensee may not transfer its Leverage to a subsidiary Section 301(d) Licensee.

[63 FR 5865, Feb. 5, 1998]
§ 107.130 - Requirement for qualified management.

When applying for a license, and while you have a license, you must show, to the satisfaction of SBA, that your current or proposed management team is qualified and has the knowledge, experience and capability necessary for investing in the types of businesses contemplated by the Act, the regulations in this part 107, and your business plan. You must designate at least one individual as the official responsible for contact with SBA.

[61 FR 3189, Jan. 31, 1996, as amended at 77 FR 25051, Apr. 27, 2012]
§ 107.140 - SBA approval of initial Management Expenses.

If you plan to obtain Leverage, you must have your Management Expenses approved by SBA at the time of licensing. (See § 107.520 for the definition of Management Expenses.)

§ 107.150 - Management-ownership diversification requirement.

(a) Diversification requirement. (Also referenced in this part as the “diversity requirement.”) You must satisfy the requirements in paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of this section:

(1) In order to obtain an SBIC license (unless you do not plan to obtain Leverage),

(2) If at the time you were licensed you did not plan to obtain Leverage, but you now wish to be eligible for Leverage, or

(3) If SBA so requires as a condition of approval of your transfer of Control under § 107.440.

(b) Percentage ownership requirement. (1) General rule. Except as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, no Person or group of Persons who are Affiliates of one another may own, directly or indirectly, more than 70 percent of your Regulatory Capital or your Leverageable Capital.

(2) Exception. An investor that is a traditional investment company, as determined by SBA, may own and control more than 70 percent of your Regulatory Capital and your Leverageable Capital. For purposes of this section, a traditional investment company must be a non-profit entity, or a professionally managed firm organized exclusively to pool capital from more than one source for the purpose of investing in businesses that are expected to generate substantial returns to the firm's investors. In determining whether a firm is a traditional investment company for purposes of this section, SBA will also consider:

(i) The degree to which the managers of the firm are unrelated to and unaffiliated with the investors in the firm or non-profit entity.

(ii) Whether the managers of the firm are authorized and motivated to make investments that, in their independent judgment, are likely to produce significant returns to all investors in the firm or non-profit entity.

(iii) Whether the firm or non-profit entity serving as the management company of a for-profit SBIC benefits from the use of the SBIC through the financial performance of the SBIC.

(iv) Other related factors.

(c) Non-affiliation requirement—(1) General rule. At least 30 percent of your Regulatory Capital and Leverageable Capital must be owned and controlled by three Persons unaffiliated with your management and unaffiliated with each other, and whose investments are significant in dollar and percentage terms as determined by SBA. Such Persons must not be your Associates (except for their status as your shareholders, limited partners, or members). A single “acceptable” Institutional Investor may be substituted for two or three of the three Persons who are otherwise required under this paragraph. The following Institutional Investors are “acceptable” for this purpose:

(i) Entities whose overall activities are regulated and periodically examined by state, Federal or other governmental authorities satisfactory to SBA;

(ii) Entities listed on the New York Stock Exchange;

(iii) Entities that are publicly-traded and that meet both the minimum numerical listing standards and the corporate governance listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange;

(iv) Public or private employee pension funds;

(v) Trusts, foundations, or endowments, but only if exempt from Federal income taxation; and

(vi) Other Institutional Investors satisfactory to SBA.

(2) Look-through for Traditional Investment Company investors. SBA, in its sole discretion, may consider the requirement in paragraph (c)(1) of this section to be satisfied if at least 30 percent of your Regulatory Capital and Leverageable Capital is owned and controlled indirectly, through a Traditional Investment Company, by Persons unaffiliated with your management.

(d) Voting requirement. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (d)(2) of this section, the investors required for you to satisfy diversity may not delegate their voting rights to any Person who is your Associate, or who Controls, is Controlled by, or is under Common Control with any of your Associates, without prior SBA approval.

(2) Exception. Paragraph (d)(1) of this section does not apply to investors in publicly-traded Licensees, to proxies given to vote in accordance with specific instructions for single specified meetings, or to any delegation of voting rights to a Person who is neither a diversity investor in the Licensee nor affiliated with management of the Licensee.

(e) Requirement to maintain diversity. If you were required to have management-ownership diversity at any time, you must maintain such diversity while you have outstanding Leverage or Earmarked Assets. To maintain management-ownership diversity, you may continue to satisfy the diversity requirement as in effect at the time it was first applicable to you or you may satisfy the management-ownership diversity requirement as currently in effect. If, at any time, you no longer have the required management-ownership diversity, you must:

(1) Notify SBA within 10 days; and

(2) Re-establish diversity within six months. For the consequences of failure to re-establish diversity, see §§ 107.1810(g) and 107.1820(f).

[65 FR 71055, Nov. 29, 2000, as amended at 88 FR 46007, July 18, 2023; 89 FR 3547, Jan. 19, 2024]
§ 107.160 - Special rules for Licensees formed as limited partnerships.

A limited partnership organized under State law solely for the purpose of performing the functions and conducting the activities contemplated under the Act may apply for a license under section 301(c) or section 301 (d) of the Act (“Partnership Licensee”).

(a) Number of Licensee's General Partners. If you are a Partnership Licensee, you must have as your general partner(s) at least two individuals, or at least one corporation, partnership, or limited liability company (LLC), or any combination of individuals, corporations, partnerships, or LLCs.

(b) Entity General Partner of Licensee. A general partner which is a corporation, limited liability company or partnership (an “Entity General Partner”) shall be organized under state law solely for the purpose of serving as the general partner of one or more Licensees.

(1) SBA must approve any person who will serve as an officer, director, manager, or general partner of the Entity General Partner. This provision must be stated in an Entity General Partner's Certificate of Incorporation, member agreement, Limited Partnership Agreement or other similar governing instrument which must, in each case, accompany the license application.

(2) An Entity General Partner is subject to the same examination and reporting requirements as a Licensee under section 310(b) of the Act. The restrictions and obligations imposed upon a Licensee by §§ 107.1800 through 107.1820, and 107.30, 107.410 through 107.450, 107.470, 107.475, 107.500, 107.510, 107.585, 107.600, 107.680, 107.690 through 107.692, 107.865, and 107.1910 apply also to an Entity General Partner of a Licensee.

(3) The general partner(s) of your Entity General Partner(s) will be considered your general partner.

(4) If your Entity General Partner is a limited partnership, its limited partners may be considered your Control Person(s) if they meet the definition for Control Person in § 107.50.

(5) If your Entity General Partner is a limited partnership, it is subject to paragraph (a) of this section.

(c) Other requirements for Partnership Licensees. If you are a Partnership Licensee:

(1) You must have a minimum duration of ten years or two years following the maturity of your last-maturing Leverage security, whichever is longer. After 10 years, if all Leverage has been repaid or redeemed and all amounts due SBA, its agent, or Trustee have been paid, the Partnership Licensee may be terminated by a vote of your partners. (For purposes of this provision SBA is not considered a partner.);

(2) None of your general partner(s) may be removed or replaced by your limited partners without prior written approval of SBA;

(3) Any transferee of, or successor in interest to, your general partner shall have only the rights and liabilities of a limited partner pending SBA's written approval of such transfer or succession; and

(4) You must incorporate all the provisions in this paragraph (c) in your Limited Partnership Agreement.

(d) Obligations of a Control Person. All Control Persons are bound by the disciplinary provisions of sections 313 and 314 of the Act and by the conflict-of-interest rules under section 312 of the Act. The term Licensee, as used in §§ 107.30, 107.460, and 107.680 includes all of the Licensee's Control Persons. The term Licensee as used in § 107.670 includes only the Licensee's general partner(s). The conditions specified in §§ 107.1800 through 107.1820 and § 107.1910 apply to all general partners.

(e) Liability of general partner for partnership debts to SBA. Subject to section 314 of the Act, your general partner is not liable solely by reason of its status as a general partner for repayment of any Leverage or debts you owe to SBA unless SBA, in the exercise of reasonable investment prudence, and with regard to your financial soundness, determines otherwise prior to the purchase or guaranty of your Leverage.

(f) Reorganization of Licensee. A corporate Licensee wishing to reorganize as a Partnership Licensee, or a Partnership Licensee wishing to reorganize as a Corporate Licensee, may apply to SBA for approval under § 107.470.

(g) Special Leverage requirement. Before your first issuance of Leverage, you must furnish SBA with evidence that you qualify as a partnership for tax purposes, either by a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service, or by an opinion of counsel.

§ 107.200 - Adequate capital for Licensees.

You must meet the requirements of this § 107.200 to qualify for a license, to continue as a Licensee, and to receive Leverage.

(a) You must have enough Regulatory Capital to provide reasonable assurance that:

(1) You will operate soundly and profitably over the long term; and

(2) You will be able to operate actively in accordance with your Articles and within the context of your business plan, as approved by SBA.

(b) In SBA's sole discretion, you must be economically viable, taking into consideration actual and anticipated income and losses on your Loans and Investments, and the experience and qualifications of your owners and managers.

§ 107.210 - Minimum capital requirements for Licensees.

(a) Companies licensed on or after October 1, 1996. A company licensed on or after October 1, 1996, must have Leverageable Capital of at least $2,500,000 and must meet the applicable minimum Regulatory Capital requirement in this paragraph (a), unless lower Leverageable Capital and Regulatory Capital amounts are approved by SBA as part of a Wind-down Plan in accordance with § 107.590(c):

(1) Licensees other than Early Stage SBICs. Except for Early Stage SBICs, a Licensee must have Regulatory Capital of at least $5,000,000. As an exception to the general rule in this paragraph (a)(1), SBA in its sole discretion and based on a showing of special circumstances and good cause, which includes applicants that are headquartered in an Underlicensed State, may license an applicant with Regulatory Capital of at least $3,000,000, but only if the applicant:

(i) Has satisfied all licensing standards and requirements except the minimum capital requirement, as determined solely by SBA;

(ii) Has a viable business plan reasonably projecting profitable operations; and

(iii) Has a reasonable timetable for achieving Regulatory Capital of at least $5,000,000.

(2) Early Stage SBICs. An Early Stage SBIC must have Regulatory Capital of at least $20 million.

(b) Companies licensed before October 1, 1996. A company licensed before October 1, 1996 must meet the minimum capital requirements applicable to such company, as required by the regulations in effect on September 30, 1996. See § 107.1120(c)(2) for Leverage eligibility requirements.

[63 FR 5866, Feb. 5, 1998, as amended at 77 FR 25051, Apr. 27, 2012; 82 FR 39340, Aug. 18, 2017; 88 FR 46007, July 18, 2023]
§ 107.230 - Permitted sources of Private Capital for Licensees.

Private Capital means the contributed capital of a Licensee, plus unfunded binding commitments by Institutional Investors (including commitments evidenced by a promissory note) to contribute capital to a Licensee.

(a) Contributed capital. For purposes of this section, contributed capital means the paid-in capital and paid-in surplus of a Corporate Licensee, or the partners' contributed capital of a Partnership Licensee, in either case subject to the limitations in paragraph (b) of this section.

(b) Exclusions from Private Capital. Private Capital does not include:

(1) Funds borrowed by a Licensee from any source.

(2) Funds obtained through the issuance of Leverage.

(3) Funds obtained directly or indirectly from any Federal, State, or local government agency or instrumentality, except for:

(i) Funds invested by a public pension fund;

(ii) Funds obtained from the business revenues (excluding any governmental appropriation) of any federally chartered or government-sponsored corporation established before October 1, 1987, to the extent that such revenues are reflected in the retained earnings of the corporation; and

(iii) “Qualified Non-private Funds” as defined in paragraph (d) of this section.

(4) Any portion of a commitment from an Institutional Investor with a net worth of less than $10 million that exceeds 10 percent of such Institutional Investor's net worth and is not backed by a letter of credit from a State or National bank acceptable to SBA.

(c) Non-cash capital contributions. Capital contributions in a form other than cash are subject to the limitations in § 107.240.

(d) Qualified Non-private Funds. Private Capital includes “Qualified Non-private Funds” as defined in this paragraph (d); however, investors of Qualified Non-private Funds must not control, directly or indirectly, a Licensee's management, or its board of directors or general partner(s). Qualified Non-private Funds are:

(1) Funds directly or indirectly invested in any Licensee on or before August 16, 1982 by any Federal agency except SBA, under a statute explicitly mandating the inclusion of such funds in “Private Capital”;

(2) Funds directly or indirectly invested in any Licensee by any Federal agency under a statute that is enacted after September 4, 1992, explicitly mandating the inclusion of such funds in “Private Capital”;

(3) Funds invested in any Licensee or license applicant by one or more State or local government entities (including any guarantee extended by such entities) in an aggregate amount that does not exceed 33 percent of Regulatory Capital; and

(4) Funds invested in or committed in writing to any Section 301(d) Licensee prior to October 1, 1996, from the following sources:

(i) A State financing agency, or similar agency or instrumentality, if the funds invested are derived from such agency's net income and not from appropriated State or local funds; and

(ii) Grants made by a state or local government agency or instrumentality into a nonprofit corporation or institution exercising discretionary authority with respect to such funds, if SBA determines that such funds have taken on a private character and the nonprofit corporation or institution is not a mere conduit.

(e) Borrowed funds exclusion. You may not accept any capital contribution made with funds borrowed by a Person seeking to own an equity interest (whether direct or indirect, beneficial or of record) of at least 10 percent of your Private Capital. This exclusion does not apply if:

(1) Such Person's net worth is at least twice the amount borrowed; or

(2) SBA gives its prior written approval of the capital contribution.

(f) Public sector contributions. The Act limits the extent to which funds invested directly or indirectly by local, State or Federal Government entities are eligible to qualify as Leverageable Capital. However, SBICs are not restricted from accepting funds invested directly or indirectly from local, State or Federal Government entities. The funds contributed by such entities may be included in an SBIC applicant's proposed formula to calculate management fees.

[61 FR 3189, Jan. 31, 1996, as amended at 63 FR 5866, Feb. 5, 1998; 64 FR 70995, Dec. 20, 1999; 89 FR 3547, Jan. 19, 2024]
§ 107.240 - Limitations on including non-cash capital contributions in Private Capital.

Non-cash capital contributions to a Licensee or license applicant are included in Private Capital only if they fall into one of the following categories:

(a) Direct obligations of, or obligations guaranteed as to principal and interest by, the United States.

(b) Services rendered or to be rendered to you, priced at no more than their fair market value.

(c) Tangible assets used in your operations, priced at no more than their fair market value.

(d) Shares in a Disadvantaged Business received by a subsidiary Section 301(d) Licensee from its parent Licensee, valued at the lower of cost or fair value.

(e) Other non-cash assets approved by SBA.

§ 107.250 - Exclusion of stock options issued by Licensee from Management Expenses.

Stock options issued by any Licensee, including a 1940 or 1980 Act Company, are not considered compensation and therefore do not count as part of a Licensee's Management Expenses.

§ 107.300 - License application form and fee.

SBA evaluates license applicants, giving first priority to applicants headquartered in Underlicensed States with below median SBIC Financing dollars per State, as determined by SBA and published periodically in a notice on the SBIC website. Once priority is established, such applicants will continue to receive priority throughout the licensing process. SBA reviews and processes applications in two review phases (initial review and final licensing), as follows:

(a) Initial review. Except as provided in this paragraph (a), SBIC applicants must submit a Management Assessment Questionnaire (“MAQ”) c and the Initial Licensing Fee, as defined in paragraph (c) of this section. An applicant under Common Control with one or more Licensees must submit a written request to SBA, and the Initial Licensing Fee, to be considered for a license and is exempt from the requirement in this paragraph (a) to submit a MAQ, unless otherwise determined by SBA in SBA's discretion. Eligible “Expedited Subsequent Funds” as described in § 107.305(e) are permitted to submit a streamlined “Short-Form” Subsequent Fund MAQ.

(b) Final licensing. An applicant may proceed to the final licensing phase only if notified in writing by SBA that it may do so. Following receipt of such notice, in order to proceed to the final licensing phase, the applicant must submit a complete license application with all required appendices, within the timeframe identified by SBA and the Final Licensing Fee, as defined in paragraph (c) of this section. If you are seeking to be licensed as a Leveraged Licensee and SBA approves your License, SBA will also approve your Total Intended Leverage Commitment amount and ratio as defined in § 107.50 based on the target fund size stated in the MAQ, which means the total Leverage commitments available to you for the life of your SBIC, subject to the provisions of §§ 107.320 and 107.1150. A Licensee is permitted to hold multiple fund closings within and for up to 12 months of receiving a License to reach the target fund size. SBA will then determine the final Total Intended Leverage Commitment which is either the dollar amount or ratio to targeted Private Capital provided at the Green Light. SBA will determine the Total Private Capital Commitment (defined as the total Private Capital committed to a Licensee within 12 months after licensure or upon the Licensee's final closing, whichever occurs first) amount for the Accrual Debenture SBA Share calculation.

(c) Licensing Fees. SBIC Initial and Final Licensing Fees are non-refundable fees determined as set forth in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) Initial Licensing Fee. The Initial Licensing Fee is based on the applicant's fund sequence, where the fund sequence means the order of succession of private equity or private credit funds for the same fund management team and same strategy. SBA will determine the applicant's fund sequence based on the management team's composition and experience as a team. The Initial Licensing Fees are as follows:

Table 1 to Paragraph (c)(1)

Fund sequence Initial licensing fee
Fund I$5,000
Fund II10,000
Fund III15,000
Fund IV+20,000

Example 1 to paragraph (c)(1): If the management team members of applicant DEF I consists primarily of the same team members of fund ABC II and ABC II represented the second fund for those team members, SBA will consider the fund sequence of DEF I as a Fund III, regardless of the number in the applicant's name.

(2) Final Licensing Fee. The Final Licensing Fee is calculated as the Final Licensing Base Fee plus 1.25 basis points multiplied by the Leverage dollar amount requested by the applicant, where the Final Licensing Base Fee is based on the applicant's Fund Sequence as follows:

Table 2 to Paragraph (c)(2)

Fund sequence Final licensing base fee
Fund I$10,000
Fund II15,000
Fund III25,000
Fund IV+30,000

(3) Resubmission Penalty Fee. The Resubmission Penalty Fee means a $10,000 penalty fee assessed to an applicant that has previously withdrawn or is otherwise not approved for a license that must be paid in addition to the Initial and Final Licensing Fees at the time the applicant resubmits its application.

(4) Inflation Adjustments. SBA annually adjusts the Initial Licensing Fee, Final Licensing Base Fee, and Resubmission Penalty Fee using the Inflation Adjustment and will publish notification prior to such adjustment in the Federal Register identifying the amount of the fees.

[88 FR 46007, July 18, 2023]
§ 107.305 - Evaluation of license applicants.

SBA will evaluate a license applicant based on the submitted application materials, any interviews with the applicant's management team, and the results of background investigations, public record searches, and other due diligence conducted by SBA and other Federal agencies. SBA's evaluation will consider factors including the following:

(a) Management qualifications. Management qualifications, including demonstrated investment skills and experience as a principal investor, or a combination of investment skill and relevant industry operational experience; business reputation; adherence to legal and ethical standards; record of active involvement in making and monitoring investments and assisting portfolio companies; managing a regulated business, if applicable; successful history of working as a team; and experience in developing appropriate processes for evaluating investments and implementing best practices for investment firms.

(b) Demonstrated investment acumen. Performance of proposed investment team's prior relevant industry investments as well as any supporting operating experience, including investment returns measured both in percentage terms and in comparison to appropriate industry benchmarks; the extent to which investments have been realized as a result of sales, repayments, or other exit mechanisms; evidence of previous investment or operational experience contributing to U.S. domestic job creation and, when applicable, demonstrated past adherence to statutory and regulatory SBIC program requirements. While a track record is required to apply for an SBIC license, a “certified” track record is not required.

(c) Strategy and fit. Applicant's proposed investment strategy as presented in its business plan, including adherence to the Statement of Policy as stated in section 102 of the Act, clarity of objectives; strength of management's rationale for pursuing the selected strategy; compliance with this part and applicable provisions of part 121 of this chapter; fit with management's skills and experience; and the availability of sufficient resources to carry out the proposed strategy. As determined by SBA, a Licensee may not materially deviate from the proposed investment strategy after three years of Licensure.

(d) Structure and economics. Applicant's proposed organizational structure and fund economics, including compliance with this part 107; soundness of financial projections and underlying assumptions; a compensation plan that provides managers with appropriate economic incentives; a reasonable basis for allocations of profits and fees to Persons not involved in management; and governance procedures that provide appropriate checks and balances.

(e) Subsequent fund applicants. (1) Applicants operating an active Licensee that meet the following eligibility criteria can apply under an “Expediated Subsequent Fund” evaluation process. Should an applicant fulfill and formally attest to meeting all of the following eligibility criteria, the applicant can apply for an “Expediated Subsequent Fund” evaluation process:

(i) Consistent strategy and fund size. Targeted Regulatory Capital to be raised is ≤133% the size of their most recent SBIC fund (inflation adjustments will be considered). Same asset class and investment strategy as most recent license.

(ii) Clean regulatory history. No major findings, significant “other matters,” or unresolved “other matters” related to licensees managed by the principals of applicant in the previous ten years.

(iii) Consistent limited partnership (LP)-general partnership (GP) dynamics. No new limited partner will represent ≥33 percent of the Private Capital of the licensee upon reaching final close at target fund size or hard cap. SBA would expect to see that a meaningful proportion of a prior SBIC fund's institutional investor base would return to support an anticipated subsequent SBIC fund. The most recent limited partnership agreement (LPA) of the active Licensee and all side letters will have no substantive changes for the applicant fund.

(iv) Investment performance stability. The most recent licensee net distributions to paid-in capital (DPI) and net total value to paid-in capital (TVPI) TVPI are at or above median vintage year and strategy performance benchmarks for the prior three quarters. The principals of the applicant are not managing a licensee in default or with high Capital Impairment (CIP).

(v) Consistent or reduced leverage management. The applicant is requesting a leverage to Private Capital ratio ≤ the current or most recent SBIC licensee at target fund size or hard cap.

(vi) Firm stability. Subject to SBA's determination, no material changes to the broader firm, to include resignations, terminations, or retirements by members of the general partnership, investment committee, broader investment team, or key finance and operations personnel, subject to paragraph (e)(1)(vii) of this section.

(vii) Promotions from within. Demonstration of promoting internal investment team talent from within the firm/organization sponsoring the license.

(viii) Inclusive equity. Demonstration of appropriate/increased sharing of carry and/or management company economics with promoted talent or distribution of equitable or increasingly equitable economics among the partnership.

(ix) Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) criminal and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) background check no findings. The sponsoring entity and all principals of the Licensee do not have an FBI criminal record and do not have IRS violations from the date of their most recent SBIC fund licensure.

(x) No outstanding or unresolved material litigation matters. No outstanding or unresolved litigation matters involving allegations of dishonesty, fraud, or breach of fiduciary duty or otherwise requiring a report under § 107.660(c) or (d) as to a prior Licensee, the prospective Applicant's general partner, or any other person who was required by SBA to complete a personal history statement in connection with the license application.

(xi) No outstanding tax liens. On the principals applying to manage the licensee, on the most recent or active licensee, and on the sponsoring entity of the licensee.

(2) Should an applicant fulfill and formally attest to meeting all of the eligibility criteria in paragraph (e)(1) of this section, the applicant can submit a streamlined “Short-Form Subsequent Fund MAQ”.

[77 FR 25052, Apr. 27, 2012, as amended at 88 FR 46008, July 18, 2023; 89 FR 3547, Jan. 19, 2024]
§ 107.310 - When and how to apply for licensing as an Early Stage SBIC.

From time to time, SBA will publish a Notice in the Federal Register, inviting the submission of applications for licensing as an Early Stage SBIC. SBA will not consider an application from an Early Stage SBIC applicant that is under Common Control with another Early Stage SBIC applicant or an existing Early Stage SBIC (unless it has no outstanding Leverage or Leverage commitments and will not seek additional Leverage in the future). Applicants must comply with both the regulations in this part 107 and any requirements specified in the Notice, including submission deadlines. The Notice will specify procedures for a particular application period.

[77 FR 25052, Apr. 27, 2012]
§ 107.320 - Leverage portfolio diversification.

To minimize “cost” as defined in section 502(5)(A) of the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990, SBA reserves the right to maintain broad diversification to mitigate concentration of investment risk in approving Leverage commitments for Leveraged Licensees with respect to:

(a) The year in which they commence operations;

(b) The geographic location (giving first priority to applicants from Underlicensed States with below median SBIC Financing dollars per State); and

(c) The asset class and investment strategy.

[88 FR 46009, July 18, 2023]
authority: 15 U.S.C. 662,681,687b,687k
source: 61 FR 3189, Jan. 31, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 13 CFR 107.240