Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 13 - Business Credit and Assistance last revised: Oct 01, 2024
§ 107.600 - General requirement for Licensee to maintain and preserve records.

(a) Maintaining your accounting records. You must establish and maintain your accounting records using SBA's standard chart of accounts for Licensees, unless SBA approves otherwise.

(b) Location of records. You must keep the following records at your principal place of business or, in the case of paragraph (b)(3) of this section, at the branch office that is primarily responsible for the transaction:

(1) All your accounting and other financial records;

(2) All minutes of meetings of directors, stockholders, executive committees, partners, or other officials; and

(3) All documents and supporting materials related to your business transactions, except for any items held by a custodian under a written agreement between you and a Portfolio Concern or non-SBA lender, or any securities held in a safe deposit box, or by a licensed securities broker in an amount not exceeding the broker's per-account insurance coverage.

(c) Preservation of records. You must retain all the records that are the basis for your financial reports. Such records must be preserved for the periods specified in this paragraph (c), and must remain accessible for the first two years of the preservation period.

(1) You must preserve for at least 15 years or, in the case of a Partnership Licensee, at least two years beyond the date of liquidation:

(i) All your accounting ledgers and journals, and any other records of assets, asset valuations, liabilities, equity, income, and expenses.

(ii) Your Articles, bylaws, minute books, and license application.

(iii) All documents evidencing ownership of the Licensee including ownership ledgers, and ownership transfer registers.

(2) You must preserve for at least six years all supporting documentation (such as vouchers, bank statements, or canceled checks) for the records listed in paragraph (b)(1) of this section.

(3) After final disposition of any item in your Portfolio, you must preserve for at least six years:

(i) Financing applications and Financing instruments.

(ii) All loan, participation, and escrow agreements.

(iii) Size status declarations (SBA Form 480) and Financing Eligibility Statements (SBA Form 1941).

(iv) Any capital stock certificates and warrants of the Portfolio Concern that you did not surrender or exercise.

(v) All other documents and supporting material relating to the Portfolio Concern, including correspondence.

(4) You may substitute a computer-scanned or generated copy for the original of any record covered by this paragraph (c).

[61 FR 3189, Jan. 31, 1996, as amended at 79 FR 62823, Oct. 21, 2014]
§ 107.610 - Required certifications for Loans and Investments.

For each of your Loans and Investments, you must have the documents listed in this section. Except for information and documentation prepared under paragraphs (f)(2) and (3) of this section, you must keep these documents in your files and make them available to SBA upon request.

(a) SBA Form 480, the Size Status Declaration, executed both by you and by the concern you are financing. By executing this document, both parties certify that the concern is a Small Business. For securities purchased from an underwriter in a public offering, you may substitute a prospectus showing that the concern is a Small Business.

(b) SBA Form 652, a certification by the concern you are financing that it will not illegally discriminate (see part 112 of this chapter).

(c) SBA Form 1941 (for Section 301(d) Licensees only), executed both by you and by the concern you are financing. By executing this document, both parties certify that the concern is a Disadvantaged Business.

(d) A certification by the concern you are financing of the intended use of the proceeds. For securities purchased from an underwriter in a public offering, you may substitute a prospectus indicating the intended use of proceeds.

(e) For each LMI Investment:

(1) A certification by the concern, dated as of the date of application for SBIC financing, as to the basis for its qualification as an LMI Enterprise,

(2) If the concern qualifies as an LMI Enterprise as defined in paragraph (2) of the definition of LMI Enterprise in § 107.50, an additional certification dated no later than the date 180 days after the closing of the LMI Investment, as to the location of the concern's employees or tangible assets or the principal residences of its full-time employees as of the date of such certification, and

(3) Certification(s) by the SBIC, made contemporaneously with the certification(s) of the concern, that the concern qualifies as an LMI Enterprise as of the date(s) of the concern's certification(s) and the basis for such qualification.

(f) For each Energy Saving Qualified Investment:

(1) If a pre-Financing determination of eligibility by SBA is not required under the definition of Energy Saving Activities or Energy Saving Qualified Investment:

(i) A certification by you, dated as of the closing date of the Financing, as to the basis for the qualification of the Financing as an Energy Saving Qualified Investment;

(ii) Supporting documentation of the Energy Saving Activities engaged in by the concern;

(iii) Supporting documentation of either the percentage of its revenues derived from Energy Saving Activities during the concern's most recently completed fiscal year, which must be at least 50 percent, or the concern's intended use of the Financing proceeds, all of which must be used for Energy Saving Activities; and

(iv) A certification by the concern, dated as of the closing date of the Financing, that any information it provided to you in connection with this paragraph (f)(1) is true and correct to the best of its knowledge.

(2) If, prior to providing Financing, you must obtain a determination from SBA that the activities in which a concern is engaged are Energy Saving Activities, submit to SBA in writing a description of the product or service being provided or developed, including all available documentation of the energy savings produced or anticipated, addressing the factors considered under paragraph (4) of the definition of “Energy Saving Activities” in § 107.50 and certified by the concern to be true and correct to the best of its knowledge.

(3) If, prior to providing Financing, you must obtain a determination from SBA that the concern is “primarily engaged” in Energy Saving Activities, submit to SBA in writing all available information concerning the factors considered under paragraph (3) of the definition of “Energy Saving Qualified Investment” in § 107.50, certified by the concern to be true and correct to the best of its knowledge.

(4) For each Financing closed after you obtain a determination from SBA under paragraph (f)(2) or (3) of this section, a certification by you, dated as of the closing date of the Financing, that to the best of your knowledge, you have no reason to believe that the materials submitted are incorrect.

(5) For each Financing closed based on supporting documentation of the concern's intended use of proceeds for Energy Saving Activities under paragraph (f)(1)(iii) of this section:

(i) Documentation by the concern, dated no later than six months after the closing of the Financing, of the proceeds used to date for Energy Saving Activities, with further updates provided at six month intervals until 100 percent of the Financing proceeds have been accounted for; and

(ii) Documentation that you have reviewed the information submitted by the concern under paragraph (f)(5)(i) of this section and have reasonably determined that 100 percent of the Financing proceeds were used for Energy Saving Activities.

(g) For each passive business financed under § 107.720(b)(3), a certification by you, dated as of the closing date of the Financing, as to the basis for the qualification of the Financing under § 107.720(b)(3) and identifying one or more limited partners for which a direct Financing would cause those investors:

(1) To incur “unrelated business taxable income” under section 511 of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 511); or

(2) To incur “effectively connected income” to foreign investors under sections 871 and 882 of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 871 and 882).

[61 FR 3189, Jan. 31, 1996, as amended at 64 FR 52646, Sept. 30, 1999; 77 FR 23379, Apr. 19, 2012; 82 FR 39340, Aug. 18, 2017]
§ 107.620 - Requirements to obtain information from Portfolio Concerns.

All the information required by this section is subject to the requirements of § 107.600 and must be in English.

(a) Information for initial Financing decision. Before extending any Financing, you must require the applicant to submit such financial statements, plans of operation (including intended use of financing proceeds), cash flow analyses and projections as are necessary to support your investment decision. The information submitted must be consistent with the size and type of the business and the amount of the proposed Financing.

(b) Updated financial information. (1) The terms of each Financing must require the Portfolio Concern to provide, at least annually, sufficient financial information to enable you to perform the following required procedures:

(i) Evaluate the financial condition of the Portfolio Concern for the purpose of valuing your investment;

(ii) Determine the continued eligibility of the Portfolio Concern; and

(iii) Verify the use of Financing proceeds.

(2) Demographic information on the Portfolio Concern's ownership is requested for reporting purposes only and is on a voluntary basis.

(3) The information submitted to you must be certified by the president, chief executive officer, treasurer, chief financial officer, general partner, or proprietor of the Portfolio Concern.

(4) For financial and valuation purposes, you may accept a complete copy of the Federal income tax return filed by the Portfolio Concern (or its proprietor) in lieu of financial statements, but only if appropriate for the size and type of the business involved.

(5) The requirements in this paragraph (b) do not apply when you acquire securities from an underwriter in a public offering (see § 107.825). In that case, you must keep copies of all reports furnished by the Portfolio Concern to the holders of its securities.

(c) Information required for examination purposes. You must obtain any information requested by SBA's examiners for the purpose of verifying the certifications made by a Portfolio Concern under § 107.610. In this regard, your Financing documents must contain provisions requiring the Portfolio Concern to give you and/or SBA's examiners access to its books and records for such purpose.

[61 FR 3189, Jan. 31, 1996, as amended at 88 FR 46010, July 18, 2023]
§ 107.630 - Requirement for Licensees to file financial statements with SBA (Form 468).

(a) Annual filing of Form 468. For each fiscal year, you must submit to SBA financial statements and supplementary information prepared on SBA Form 468. You must file Annual Form 468 within 90 calendar days of the end of your fiscal year. Reinvestor SBICs must file Annual Form 468 within 120 calendar days of the end of your fiscal year.

(1) Audit of Form 468. The annual Form 468 must be audited by an independent public accountant acceptable to SBA.

(2) Insurance requirement for public accountant. Unless SBA approves otherwise, your independent public accountant must carry at least $1,000,000 of Errors and Omissions insurance, or be self-insured and have a net worth of at least $1,000,000.

(b) Interim filings of Form 468. When requested by SBA, you must file interim reports on Form 468. SBA may require you to file the entire form or only certain statements and schedules. You must file such reports on or before the last day of the month following the end of the reporting period. If you have an outstanding Leverage commitment from SBA, see the filing requirements in § 107.1220. Reinvestor SBICs must file such reports within 120 calendar days of the end of the reporting period.

(c) Standards for preparation of Form 468. You must prepare SBA Form 468 in accordance with SBA's Accounting Standards and Financial Reporting Requirements for Small Business Investment Companies.

(d) Reporting of economic impact information on Form 468. Your annual filing of SBA Form 468 must include an assessment of the economic impact of each Financing, specifying the full-time equivalent net jobs created and total jobs created or retained, and the impact of the Financing on the revenues and profits of the business and on taxes paid by the business and its employees.

(e) Fund management contact and optional demographic information. The Licensee shall provide and update management contact information. Demographic information is requested for reporting purposes only and on a voluntary basis.

[61 FR 3189, Jan. 31, 1996, as amended at 82 FR 39340, Aug. 18, 2017; 88 FR 46011, July 18, 2023; 89 FR 3548, Jan. 19, 2024]
§ 107.640 - Requirement to file Portfolio Financing Reports (SBA Form 1031).

For each Financing of a Small Business (excluding guarantees), you must submit a Portfolio Financing Report on SBA Form 1031 within 30 calendar days of the end of the calendar year quarter (March, June, September, and December) following the closing date of the Financing. SBA also permits Form 1031s for portfolio company financings to be disaggregated and submitted individually for each portfolio company within 30 days of the closing of a Financing or otherwise submitted on a more frequent basis. If you are on the Watchlist, SBA may require more frequent reporting (see § 107.1850).

[88 FR 46011, July 18, 2023]
§ 107.650 - Requirement to report portfolio valuations to SBA.

You must determine the value of your Loans and Investments in accordance with § 107.503. You must report such valuations to SBA within 90 calendar days of the end of the fiscal year in the case of annual valuations, and if you are a Leveraged Licensee within 45 calendar days following the close of other reporting periods. Reinvestor SBICs must report valuations to SBA within 120 calendar days of the end of the fiscal year in the case of annual valuations, and within 120 calendar days following the close of other reporting periods. You must report material adverse changes in valuations at least quarterly, within 30 days following the close of the quarter.

[89 FR 3548, Jan. 19, 2024]
§ 107.660 - Other items required to be filed by Licensee with SBA.

(a) Reports to owners. You must give SBA a copy of any report you furnish to your investors, including any prospectus, quarterly or annual valuation data, materials presented to investors during any meetings (including any annual meeting), fund management demographic information, letter, or other publication concerning your financial operations or those of any Portfolio Concern no later than 30 calendar days after you submit the report to your private investors.

(b) Documents filed with SEC. You must give SBA a copy of any report, application or document you file with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

(c) Litigation reports. When you become a party to litigation or other proceedings, you must give SBA a report within 30 days that describes the proceedings and identifies the other parties involved and your relationship to them.

(1) The proceedings covered by this paragraph (c) include any action by you, or by your security holder(s) in a personal or derivative capacity, against an officer, director, Investment Adviser or other Associate of yours for alleged breach of official duty.

(2) SBA may require you to submit copies of the pleadings and other documents SBA may specify.

(3) Where proceedings have been terminated by settlement or final judgment, you must promptly advise SBA of the terms.

(4) This paragraph (c) does not apply to collection actions or proceedings to enforce your ordinary creditors' rights.

(d) Notification of criminal charges. If any officer, director, or general partner of the Licensee, or any other person who was required by SBA to complete a personal history statement in connection with your license, is charged with or convicted of any criminal offense other than a misdemeanor involving a minor motor vehicle violation, you must report the incident to SBA within 5 calendar days. Such report must fully describe the facts which pertain to the incident.

(e) Other reports. You must file any other reports that SBA may require by written directive.

[61 FR 3189, Jan. 31, 1996, as amended at 63 FR 5866, Feb. 5, 1998; 88 FR 46011, July 18, 2023]
§ 107.665 - Civil penalties.

Except as provided in § 107.670, a Licensee that violates any regulation or written directive issued by SBA, requiring the filing of any regular or special report pursuant to this part, shall be fined a civil penalty of not more than $324 for each day the Licensee fails to file such report. The civil penalties provided for in this section shall accrue to the United States and may be recovered in a civil action brought by the SBA.

[81 FR 31491, May 19, 2016, as amended at 82 FR 9969, Feb. 9, 2017; 83 FR 7363, Feb. 21, 2018; 84 FR 12061, Apr. 1, 2019; 85 FR 13727, Mar. 10, 2020; 86 FR 52957, Sept. 24, 2021; 87 FR 28758, May 11, 2022; 88 FR 50004, Aug. 1, 2023; 89 FR 48134, June 5, 2024]
§ 107.670 - Application for exemption from civil penalty for late filing of reports.

(a) If it is impracticable to submit any required report within the time allowed, you may apply for an extension. The request for an extension must:

(1) Be filed before the reporting deadline;

(2) Certify to an extraordinary occurrence, not within your control, that makes timely filing of the report impracticable; and

(3) Be accompanied by written evidence of such occurrence, where appropriate.

(b) Upon receipt of your request, SBA may exempt you from the civil penalty stated in § 107.665, in such manner and under such conditions as SBA determines.

[61 FR 3189, Jan. 31, 1996, as amended at 81 FR 31491, May 19, 2016]
§ 107.680 - Reporting changes in Licensee not subject to prior SBA approval.

(a) Changes to be reported for post approval. (1) This section applies to any changes in your Articles, ownership, capitalization, management, operating area, or investment policies that do not require SBA's prior approval. You must report such changes to SBA within 30 days for post approval. A processing fee of $200 must accompany each request for post approval of new officers, directors, or Control Persons.

(2) Exception for non-leveraged Licensees. If you do not have outstanding Leverage or Earmarked Assets, you are not required to obtain post approval of new directors or new officers other than your chief operating officer; however, you must notify SBA of the new directors or officers within 30 days.

(b) Approval by SBA. You may consider any change submitted under this section § 107.680 to be approved unless SBA notifies you to the contrary within 90 days after receiving it. SBA's approval is contingent upon your full disclosure of all relevant facts and is subject to any conditions SBA may prescribe.

§ 107.690 - Examinations.

SBA will examine all Licensees for the purpose of evaluating regulatory compliance.

§ 107.691 - Responsibilities of Licensee during examination.

You must make all books, records and other pertinent documents and materials available for the examination, including any information required by the examiner under § 107.620(c). In addition, the agreement between you and the independent public accountant performing your audit must provide that any information in the accountant's working papers be made available to SBA upon request.

§ 107.692 - Examination fees.

(a) General. SBA will assess fees for examinations in accordance with this § 107.692. Unless SBA determines otherwise on a case by case basis, SBA will not assess fees for special examinations to obtain specific information.

(b) Base Fee. (1) The Base Fee will be assessed based on your total assets (at cost) as of the date of your latest certified financial statement, including if requested by SBA in connection with the examination, a more recently submitted interim statement. For purposes of this section, Base Fee means the Minimum Base Fee plus 0.024% of assets at cost, rounded to the nearest $100, not to exceed the Maximum Base Fee. The Minimum and Maximum Base Fees are adjusted annually as follows:

Time period
(Based on the examination start date)
base fee
base fee for
base fee for
December 13, 2017 to September 30, 2018$6,000$22,500$26,000
October 1, 2018 to September 30, 20197,00025,00032,000
October 1, 2019 to September 30, 20208,00027,50038,000
October 1, 2020 to September 30, 20219,00030,00044,000

(2) In the table in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, a Non-leveraged SBIC means any SBIC that, as of the date of the examination, has no outstanding Leverage or Leverage commitment, has no Earmarked Assets, and certifies to SBA that it will not seek Leverage in the future. Beginning on October 1, 2021, SBA will annually adjust the Minimum Base Fee and Maximum Base Fees using the Inflation Adjustment and will publish a Notice prior to such adjustment in the Federal Register identifying the amount of the fees.

(c) Adjustments to Base Fee. In order to determine the amount of your examination fee, your Base Fee, as determined in paragraph (b) of this section, will be increased based on the following criteria:

(1) If you were not fully responsive to the letter of notification of examination (that is, you did not provide all requested documents and information within the time period stipulated in the notification letter in a complete and accurate manner, or you did not prepare or did not have available all information requested by the examiner for on-site review) after a written warning by the SBA, you will pay an additional charge equal to 15% of your Base Fee;

(2) If you maintain your records/files in multiple locations (as permitted under § 107.600(b)), you will pay an additional charge equal to 10% of your Base Fee; and

(3) For any regulatory violation that remains unresolved 90 days from the date SBA notified you that you must take corrective action (as established by the date of the notification letter) or such later date as SBA sets forth in the notice, you will pay an additional charge equal to 5% of the Base Fee for every 30 days or portion thereof that the violation remains unresolved after the cure period, unless SBA resolves the finding in your favor.

(d) Fee additions table. The following table summarizes the additions noted in paragraph (c) of this section:

Examination fee additions Amount of addition − % of base fee
Records/Files at multiple locations10%.
Unresolved Findings5% of Base Fee for every 30 days or portion thereof beyond the 90 day cure period or such later date as SBA sets forth in the notice for each unresolved finding.

(e) Delay fee. If, in the judgment of SBA, the time required to complete your examination is delayed due to your lack of cooperation or the condition of your records, SBA may assess an additional fee of $700 per day. Beginning on October 1, 2021, SBA will annually adjust this fee using the Inflation Adjustment and will publish a Notice prior to such adjustment in the Federal Register identifying the amount of the fee.

[62 FR 23338, Apr. 30, 1997, as amended at 77 FR 25052, Apr. 27, 2012; 82 FR 52185, Nov. 13, 2017]
authority: 15 U.S.C. 662,681,687b,687k
source: 61 FR 3189, Jan. 31, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 13 CFR 107.610