Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 13 - Business Credit and Assistance last revised: Feb 18, 2025
§ 134.1201 - Scope of the rules in this subpart.
(a) The rules of practice in this subpart apply to appeals to OHA from certain final SBA loan review decisions under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) as described in paragraph (b) of this section, and to any other PPP matter referred to OHA by the Administrator of SBA. The PPP was established as a temporary program under section 1102 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) (Pub. L. 116-136), as amended. PPP loans include first draw PPP loans made under Section 7(a)(36) of the Small Business Act and second draw PPP loans made under Section 7(a)(37) of the Small Business Act.
(b) A final SBA loan review decision that is appealable under this subpart is an official written decision by SBA, after SBA completes a review of a PPP loan, that finds a borrower:
(1) Was ineligible for a PPP loan;
(2) Was ineligible for the PPP loan amount received or used the PPP loan proceeds for unauthorized uses;
(3) Is ineligible for PPP loan forgiveness in the amount determined by the lender in its full approval or partial approval decision issued to SBA; and/or
(4) Is ineligible for PPP loan forgiveness in any amount when the lender has issued a full denial decision to SBA.
(c) A borrower cannot directly file an appeal of a decision made by a lender concerning a PPP loan with OHA.
(d) An appeal to OHA is an administrative remedy that must be exhausted before judicial review of a final SBA loan review decision may be sought in a Federal district court.
(e) Any determination by SBA's Office of Inspector General concerning a PPP loan is not appealable to OHA.
(f) This subpart does not create any right to appeal any SBA decision on any 7(a) loans (see part 120 of this chapter) other than PPP loans.
(g) The Rules of Practice for Appeals From Size Determinations and NAICS Code Designations in subpart C of this part do not apply to appeals of final SBA loan review decisions or to the PPP.
(h) In addition to the provisions in subpart B of this part specifically referenced in this subpart, the following regulations from subpart B of this part also apply to this subpart: §§ 134.207 (Amendments and supplemental pleadings); 134.208 (Representation in cases before OHA); 134.209 (Requirement of signature); 134.211 (Motions); 134.212 (Summary judgment); 134.217 (Settlement); 134.218 (Judges); 134.219 (Sanctions); and 134.220 (Prohibition on ex parte communications). Other provisions from subpart B of this part that are not specifically referenced in this subpart do not apply to this subpart.
§ 134.1202 - Commencement of appeals of final SBA loan review decisions.
(a) An appeal petition must be filed with OHA within 30 calendar days after the appellant's receipt of the final SBA loan review decision. To file and manage an appeal of a final SBA loan review decision with OHA, refer to the OHA Case Portal at An appellant is required to use the OHA Case Portal to file and manage their appeal.
(b) Appellant must provide their lender with a copy of the timely appeal petition upon filing in order for the lender to extend the deferment period of the PPP loan until a final decision is issued under § 134.1211.
(c)(1) Do not count the day the time period begins, but do count the last day of the time period.
(2) If the last day is Saturday, Sunday, or a Federal holiday, the time period ends on the next business day.
Example: On a Thursday, a borrower receives a final SBA loan review decision. The time period begins on Thursday, so the first day to count is Friday. Because the 30th calendar day after receipt of the decision is a Saturday, the appeal deadline extends to the next business day, which is Monday.
(3)(i) A Judge may modify any time period or deadline, except:
(A) The time period governing commencement of a case (i.e., when the appeal petition may be filed); and
(B) A time period established by statute.
(ii) A party may move for an extension of time pursuant to § 134.211.
(d) A timely appeal by a PPP borrower of a final SBA loan review decision extends the deferment period of the PPP loan until a final decision is issued under § 134.1211.
§ 134.1203 - Standing.
Only the borrower on a loan, or its legal successor in interest, for which SBA has issued a final SBA loan review decision that makes a finding in § 134.1201(b)(1) through (4) has standing to appeal the final SBA loan review decision to OHA. Lenders and individual owners of a borrower entity do not have standing to appeal a final SBA loan review decision.
§ 134.1204 - The appeal petition.
(a) Content. The appeal petition must include the following information:
(1) A copy of the final SBA loan review decision that is being appealed and the date it was received by the borrower. A Notice of Paycheck Protection Program Forgiveness Payment does not provide a borrower with a right to appeal to OHA.
(2) A full and specific statement as to why the final SBA loan review decision is alleged to be erroneous, together with all factual information and legal arguments supporting the allegations. There is no required format for an appeal petition. However, the appeal petition must meet the following requirements:
(i) The maximum length of an appeal petition (not including attachments) is 20 pages. A table of authorities is required only for petitions citing more than twenty cases, regulations, or statutes.
(ii) Clearly label any exhibits and attachments.
(3) The name, address, telephone number, email address, and signature of the appellant or its attorney.
(b) Dismissal. An appeal petition that does not contain all of the information required by paragraph (a) of this section may be dismissed, with or without prejudice, at the Judge's own initiative, or upon motion of SBA.
(c) Motion for more definite statement. (1) SBA may, no later than five calendar days after receiving a Notice and Order on an appeal petition, move for an order to the appellant to provide a more definite appeal petition or otherwise comply with this section. A Judge may order a more definite appeal petition on his or her own initiative.
(2) A motion for a more definite appeal petition stays SBA's time for filing a response. The Judge will establish the time for filing and serving a response and will extend the close of the record as appropriate.
(3) If the appellant does not comply with the Judge's order to provide a more definite appeal petition or otherwise fails to comply with applicable regulations in this subpart, the Judge may dismiss the petition with prejudice.
§ 134.1205 - Dismissal.
(a) The Judge must dismiss the appeal if:
(1) The appeal is beyond OHA's jurisdiction as set forth under § 134.1201;
(2) The appeal is untimely under § 134.1202;
(3) The appellant lacks standing to appeal under § 134.1203; or
(4) The appeal is premature because SBA has not yet made a final SBA loan review decision.
(b) The Judge may dismiss the appeal in accordance with § 134.1204(b) or (c)(3), or if the appeal does not, on its face, allege specific facts that if proven to be true, warrant reversal or remand of the final SBA loan review decision.
§ 134.1206 - Notice and Order.
Upon receipt of an appeal challenging a final SBA loan review decision, OHA will assign the matter to either an Administrative Law Judge or an Administrative Judge in accordance with § 134.218. Unless the appeal is dismissed under § 134.1205, the Judge will issue a Notice and Order, utilizing the OHA Case Portal, establishing a deadline for production of the administrative record and specifying a date by which SBA may respond to the appeal.
§ 134.1207 - The administrative record.
(a) Time limits. The administrative record will be due 20 calendar days after issuance of the Notice and Order unless additional time is requested and granted.
(b) Contents. The administrative record shall include non-privileged, relevant documents that SBA considered in making its final loan review decision or that were before SBA at the time of the final loan review decision. The administrative record need not, however, contain all documents pertaining to the appellant.
(c) Non-waiver. In the event that privileged or confidential information is disclosed in the administrative record, such disclosure shall not operate as a waiver of any claim of privilege or confidentiality by SBA.
(d) Filing. SBA will file the administrative record with OHA and serve it on appellant utilizing the OHA Case Portal.
(e) Objections. (1) Any objection to the administrative record must be filed with OHA and served on SBA no later than 30 calendar days after the issuance of the Notice and Order, utilizing the OHA Case Portal. If additional time to file the administrative record was requested and granted by a Judge, appellant will have 10 calendar days from the date SBA is required to file the administrative record under the judge's order granting an extension in which to file an objection to the administrative record.
(2) The appellant may object to the absence of any document from the administrative record that the appellant believes should have been included in the administrative record.
(3) The Judge will rule upon such objections and may direct or permit that the administrative record be supplemented.
§ 134.1208 - Response to an appeal petition.
(a) Who may respond. SBA may respond to an appeal as determined in its discretion, but SBA is not required to respond. If SBA elects not to respond, such election shall not be interpreted as an admission or waiver of any allegation of law or fact. In addition, after review of the appeal petition, OHA may request SBA to respond for good cause shown by OHA. Only SBA may respond. If filed, the response should set forth the relevant facts and legal arguments to the issues presented on appeal.
(b) Time limit. If an SBA response is filed, it must be filed within 45 calendar days after issuance of the Notice and Order.
(c) Close of record. The record will close 45 calendar days from the issuance of the Notice and Order, unless the Judge decides otherwise. Generally, filings after the close of record will not be considered.
(d) Service. If a response is filed, the SBA must file its response with OHA, and serve a copy of the response upon the appellant or its attorney, as applicable by utilizing the OHA Case Portal.
(e) Reply to response. Generally, a reply to a response is not permitted unless the Judge directs otherwise. See § 134.206(e). However, upon motion (see § 134.211), and under terms needed to avoid prejudice to any non-moving party, the Judge may permit the filing and service of a supplemental pleading after review of SBA's response and/or the administrative record. The proposed supplemental pleading must be filed and served with the motion utilizing the OHA Case Portal.
§ 134.1209 - Evidence beyond the record, discovery, and oral hearings.
(a) Generally, the Judge may not admit evidence beyond the administrative record.
(b) Neither discovery nor oral hearings will be permitted in appeals from final SBA loan review decisions.
(c) All appeals under this subpart will be decided solely on a review of the administrative record, the appeal petition, any response, any reply or supplemental pleading, and filings related to objection to the administrative record.
§ 134.1210 - Standard of review.
The standard of review is whether the final SBA loan review decision was based on clear error of fact or law. The appellant has the burden of proof.
§ 134.1211 - Decision on appeal.
(a) Time limits and contents. The Judge will issue his or her decision within 45 calendar days after the close of record, as practicable. The decision will contain findings of fact and conclusions of law, the reasons for such findings and conclusions, and any relief ordered. The decision will be served upon appellant and SBA utilizing the OHA Case Portal.
(b) Initial decision. The Judge's decision on the appeal is an initial decision. However, unless a request for reconsideration is filed pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section or the SBA Administrator, solely within the Administrator's discretion, decides to review or reverse the initial decision pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section, an initial decision shall become the final decision of SBA 30 calendar days after its service. The discretionary authority of the Administrator does not create any additional rights of appeal on the part of an appellant not otherwise specified in SBA regulations in this chapter. Any decision pursuant to this subpart applies only to the PPP and does not apply to SBA's 7(a) Loan Program generally or to any interpretation or application of the regulations in part 120 or 121 of this chapter.
(c) Reconsideration. An initial decision of the Judge may be reconsidered. If a request for reconsideration is filed and the SBA Administrator does not exercise discretion to review or reverse the initial decision under paragraph (d) of this section, OHA will decide the request for reconsideration and OHA's decision on the request for reconsideration is a reconsidered initial OHA decision.
(1) Either SBA or appellant may request reconsideration by filing with the Judge and serving a petition for reconsideration within 10 calendar days after service of the Judge's decision. The request for reconsideration must clearly show an error of fact or law material to the decision. SBA does not have to have filed a response to the borrower's appeal petition to request reconsideration of the initial decision of the Judge.
(2) The Judge may also reconsider a decision on his or her own initiative within 20 calendar days after service of the Judge's decision.
(3) A reconsidered initial OHA decision becomes the final decision of SBA 30 calendar days after its service unless the SBA Administrator, solely within the Administrator's discretion, decides to review or reverse the reconsidered initial OHA decision under paragraph (d) of this section. The discretionary authority of the Administrator does not create any additional rights of appeal on the part of an appellant not otherwise specified in SBA regulations in this chapter.
(d) Administrator review. Within 30 calendar days after the service of an initial OHA decision or a reconsidered initial OHA decision of a Judge, the SBA Administrator, solely within the Administrator's discretion, may elect to review and/or reverse an initial OHA decision or a reconsidered initial OHA decision. In the event that the Administrator elects to review and/or reverse an initial OHA decision and a timely request for reconsideration of a Judge's initial decision is also filed by an appellant pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section, the Administrator will consider such request for reconsideration. The Administrator's decision will become the final decision of the SBA upon issuance.
(e) Precedent. Neither initial nor final decisions rendered by OHA under this subpart are precedential.
(f) Publication. Final decisions are normally published without redactions on OHA's website. PPP decisions will likely contain confidential business and financial information and/or personally identifiable information. Therefore, OHA, within its full discretion, may publish final decisions issued under this section with any necessary redactions.
(g) Appeal to Federal district court. Final decisions may be appealed to the appropriate Federal district court only.
§ 134.1212 - Effects of the decision.
OHA may affirm, reverse, or remand a final SBA loan review decision. If remanded, OHA no longer has jurisdiction over the matter unless a new appeal is filed as a result of a new final SBA loan review decision.
§ 134.1213 - Equal Access to Justice Act.
A prevailing appellant is not entitled to recover attorney's fees. Appeals to OHA from final SBA loan review decisions under the PPP are not proceedings that are required to be conducted by an Administrative Law Judge under § 134.603.
§ 134.1214 - Confidential information.
If a filing or other submission made pursuant to an appeal in this subpart contains confidential business and financial information; personally identifiable information; source selection sensitive information; income tax returns; documents and information covered under § 120.1060 of this chapter; or any other exempt information, that information is not available to the public pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. 552.
authority: 5 U.S.C. 504;
15 U.S.C. 632,
657t; E.O. 12549, 51 FR 6370, 3 CFR, 1986 Comp., p. 189
source: 61 FR 2683, Jan. 29, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 13 CFR 134.1201