Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 15, 2025

Title 13 - Business Credit and Assistance last revised: Feb 18, 2025
§ 500.200 - Eligible Borrower.

(a) An eligible Borrower must be a Qualified Oil and Gas Company that can demonstrate:

(1) Credit is not otherwise available to it under reasonable terms or conditions sufficient to meet its financing needs, as reflected in the financial and business plans of the company;

(2) The prospective earning power of that company, together with the character and value of the security pledged, furnish reasonable assurance of repayment of the loan to be guaranteed in accordance with its terms;

(3) The company has agreed to permit audits by the General Accounting Office and an independent auditor acceptable to the Board prior to the issuance of the guarantee and while any such guaranteed loan is outstanding; and

(4) It has experienced layoffs, production losses, or financial losses between January 1, 1997, and the date of application for the Guarantee, demonstrated as a comparison between employment, production, or net income existing on January 1, 1997 and on the date of application.

(b) The Lender must provide with its application a letter from at least one lending institution other than the Lender to which the Borrower has applied for financial assistance, since January 1, 1997, indicating that the Borrower was denied for substantially the same loan they are now applying for, and the reasons the Borrower was unable to obtain the financing for which it applied. In addition, the Lender applying for a guarantee under this Program must certify that it would not make the loan without the Board's guarantee.

§ 500.201 - Eligible Lender.

(a) A lender eligible to apply to the Board for a Guarantee of a loan must be:

(1) A banking institution, such as a commercial bank or trust company, subject to regulation by the Federal banking agencies enumerated in 12 U.S.C. § 1813; or

(2) An investment institution, such as an investment bank, commercial finance company, or insurance company, that is currently engaged in commercial lending in the normal course of its business.

(b)(1) If more than one banking or investment institution is applying to the Board for a Guarantee of a single loan, each one of the banking or investment institutions on the application must meet the requirements to be an eligible lender set forth in paragraph (a) of this section.

(2) An application for a Guarantee of a single loan submitted by a group of banking or investment institutions, as described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, must identify one of the banking or investment institutions applying for such loan to act as agent for all. This agent is responsible for administering the loan and shall have those duties and responsibilities required of an agent, as set forth in the Guarantee.

(3) Each Lender, irrespective of any indemnities or other agreements between the Lenders and the Agent, shall be bound by all actions, and/or failures to act, of the Agent. The Board shall be entitled to rely upon such actions and/or failures to act of the Agent as binding the Lenders.

(c) Status as a Lender under paragraph (a) of this section does not assure that the Board will issue the Guarantee sought, or otherwise preclude the Board from declining to issue a Guarantee. In addition to evaluating an application pursuant to § 500.207, in making a determination to issue a Guarantee to a Lender, the Board will assess:

(1) The Lender's level of regulatory capital, in the case of banking institutions, or net worth, in the case of investment institutions;

(2) Whether the Lender possesses the ability to administer the loan, as required by § 500.211(b), including its experience with loans to oil and gas companies;

(3) The scope, volume and duration of the Lender's activity in administering loans;

(4) The performance of the Lender's loan portfolio, including its current delinquency rate;

(5) The Lender's loss rate as a percentage of loan amounts for its current fiscal year; and

(6) Any other matter the Board deems material to its assessment of the Lender.

(d) In the case of the refinancing of an existing credit, the applicant must be a different lender than the holder of the existing credit.

[64 FR 57947, Oct. 27, 1999, as amended at 65 FR 24107, Apr. 25, 2000]
§ 500.202 - Loan amount.

The aggregate amount of loan principal guaranteed under this Program to a single Qualified Oil and Gas Company may not exceed $10 million.

§ 500.203 - Guarantee percentage.

A guarantee issued by the Board may not exceed 85 percent of the amount of the principal of a loan to a Qualified Oil and Gas Company.

§ 500.204 - Loan terms.

(a) All loans guaranteed under the Program shall be due and payable in full no later than December 31, 2010.

(b) Loans guaranteed under the Program must bear a rate of interest determined by the Board to be reasonable. The reasonableness of an interest rate will be determined with respect to current average yields on outstanding obligations of the United States with remaining periods of maturity comparable to the term of the loan sought to be guaranteed. The Board may reject an application to guarantee a loan if it determines the interest rate of such loan to be unreasonable.

(c)(1) The performance of all of the Borrower's obligations under the Loan Documents shall be secured by, and shall have the priority in, such Security as provided for within the terms and conditions of the Guarantee.

(2) Without limiting the Lender's or Borrower's obligations under paragraph (c) of this section, at a minimum, the loan shall be secured by:

(i) A fully perfected and enforceable security interest and or lien, with first priority over conflicting security interests or other liens in all property acquired, improved, or derived from the loan funds; and

(ii) A fully perfected and enforceable security interest and or lien in any other property of the Borrower's pledged to secure the loan, including accessions, replacements, proceeds, or property given by a third party as Security for the loan, the priority of which shall be, at a minimum, equal in status with the existing highest voluntarily granted or acquired interest or lien;

(3) The entire loan will be secured by the same Security with equal lien priority for the guaranteed and the unguaranteed portions of the loan. The unguaranteed portion of the loan will neither be paid first nor given any preference over the guaranteed portion.

(4) An Applicant's compliance with paragraph (c)(2) of this section does not assure a finding of reasonable assurance of repayment, or assure the Board's Guarantee of the loan.

(d) An eligible Lender may assess and collect from the Borrower such other fees and costs associated with the application and origination of the loan as are reasonable and customary, taking into consideration the amount and complexity of the credit. The Board may take such other fees and costs into consideration when determining whether to offer a Guarantee to the Lender.

[64 FR 57947, Oct. 27, 1999, as amended at 64 FR 72024, Dec. 23, 1999]
§ 500.205 - Application process.

(a) Application process. An original application and three copies must be received by the Board no later than 5 P.M. EST, February 28, 2000, in the U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW., room H-2500, Washington, DC 20230. Applications which have been provided to a delivery service on or before February 27, 2000, with “delivery guaranteed” before 5 P.M. on February 28, 2000, will be acceptabled for review if the Applicant can document that the application was provided to the delivery service with delivery to the address listed in this section guaranteed prior to the closing date and time. A postmark of February 27, 2000, is not sufficient to meet this deadline as the application must be received by the required date and time. Applications will not be accepted via facsimile machine transmission or electronic mail.

(b) Applications shall contain the following:

(1) A completed Form, “Application for Oil and Gas Guarantee Loan”;

(2) The information required for the completion of Form “Environmental Assessment and Compliance Findings for Related Environmental Laws” and attachments, as required by § 500.206(a)(2)(i)(D), unless the project is categorically excluded under § 500.206(b);

(3) All Loan Documents that will be signed by the Lender and the Borrower, if the application is approved, including all terms and conditions of, and Security or additional Security to assure the Borrower's performance under, the loan;

(4) Certification by the chairman of the board and the chief executive officer of the Borrower acknowledging that the Borrower is aware that the Lender is applying to the Board for a Guarantee of a loan under the Program, as described in the Loan Documents, and agreeing to permit audits by the General Accounting Office, its designee, an independent auditor acceptable to the Board prior to the issuance of the Guarantee and annually thereafter while such guarantee is outstanding;

(5) The Lender's full written underwriting analysis of the loan to be guaranteed by the Board;

(6) A certification that the Lender has followed the same loan underwriting analysis with the loan to be guaranteed as it would follow for a loan not guaranteed by the Government; and a certification by the Lender, that the loan, Lender, and Borrower meet each of the requirements of the Program as set forth in the Act and the Board's rules in this part;

(7) A description of all Security for the loan, including, as applicable, current appraisal of real and personal property, copies of any appropriate environmental site assessments, and current personal and corporate financial statements of any guarantors for the same periods as required for the Borrower. Appraisals of real property shall be prepared by State licensed or certified appraisers, and be consistent with the “Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice,” promulgated by the Appraisal Standards Board of the Appraisal Foundation. Financial statements of guarantors shall be prepared by independent Certified Public Accountants;

(8)(i) An independent oil and gas company, as defined in section 201(c)(3)(A)(i) of the Act, is required to submit:

(A) For loans less than $5 million, three years of financial statements reviewed by a certified public accountant following generally accepted accounting principles, as well as any interim financial statements; or

(B) For loans of $5 million or greater, three years of financial statements must be submitted. The most recent year's statement must be audited by an independent certified public accountant. Statements from the prior two years must be reviewed by a certified public accountant following generally accepted accounting principles. In addition, any interim financial statements and associated notes must be submitted as well.

(ii) A service company, as defined in section 201(c)(3)(A)(ii) of the Act, is required to submit consolidated financial statements of the Borrower for the previous three years that have been audited by an independent certified public accountant, including any associated notes, as well as any interim financial statements and associated notes.

(9) A five year history and five year projection for revenue, cash flow, average realized prices and average realized production costs. If the loan funds are to be used to purchase substantial assets of an existing firm, a pro forma balance sheet at startup, and five years projected year end balance sheets and income statement at start-up;

(10) Documentation that credit is not otherwise available to the borrower under reasonable terms or conditions sufficient to meet its financial needs, as reflected in the financial or business plan of that company. The Lender must provide with its application those items required by § 500.200(b);

(11) Documentation sufficient to demonstrate that the Lender is eligible under § 500.201(a) and to allow the Board to make a determination to issue a Guarantee to such Lender as set forth in § 500.201(c).

(12) A report as to the Borrower's designation of the nature and value of project reserves from an independent petroleum engineer acceptable to the Board.

(c) No Guarantee will be made if either the Borrower or Lender has an outstanding, delinquent Federal debt until:

(1) The delinquent account has been paid in full;

(2) A negotiated repayment schedule is established and at least one payment has been received; or

(3) Other arrangements, satisfactory to the agency responsible for collecting the debt, are made.

[64 FR 57947, Oct. 27, 1999, as amended at 64 FR 72024, Dec. 23, 1999; 65 FR 6889, Feb. 11, 2000; 65 FR 24107, Apr. 25, 2000]
§ 500.206 - Environmental requirements.

(a)(1) In General. Environmental assessments of the Board's actions will be conducted in accordance with applicable statutes, regulations, and Executive Orders. Therefore, each application for a Guarantee under the Program must be accompanied by information necessary for the Board to meet the requirements of applicable law.

(2) Actions requiring compliance with NEPA. (i) The types of actions classified as “major Federal actions” subject to NEPA procedures are discussed generally in 40 CFR parts 1500 through 1508.

(ii) With respect to this Program, these actions typically include:

(A) Any project, permanent or temporary, that will involve construction and/or installations;

(B) Any project, permanent or temporary, that will involve ground disturbing activities; and

(C) Any project supporting renovation, other than interior remodeling.

(3) Environmental information required from the Lender. (i) Environmental data or documentation concerning the use of the proceeds of any loan guaranteed under this Program must be provided by the Lender to the Board to assist the Board in meeting its legal responsibilities. The Lender may obtain this information from the Borrower. Such information includes:

(A) Documentation for an environmental threshold review from qualified data sources, such as a Federal, State or local agency with expertise and experience in environmental protection, or other sources, qualified to provide reliable environmental information;

(B) Any previously prepared environmental reports or data relevant to the loan at issue;

(C) Any environmental review prepared by Federal, State, or local agencies relevant to the loan at issue;

(D) The information required for the completion of Form XYZ, “Environmental Assessment and Compliance Findings for Related Environmental Laws;” and

(E) Any other information that can be used by the Board to ensure compliance with environmental laws.

(ii) All information supplied by the Lender is subject to verification by the Board.

(b) The regulations of the Council on Environmental Quality implementing NEPA require the Board to provide public notice of the availability of project specific environmental documents such as environmental impact statements, environmental assessments, findings of no significant impact, records of decision etc., to the affected public. See 40 CFR 1506.6(b). Environmental information concerning specific projects can be obtained from the Board by contacting: Executive Director, Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Board, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230.

(c) National Environmental Policy Act—(1) Purpose. The purpose of this paragraph (c) is to adopt procedures for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq., by the Board. This paragraph supplements regulations at 40 CFR Chapter V.

(2) Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:

Categorical exclusion means a category of actions which do not individually or cumulatively have a significant effect on the human environment and for which neither an environmental assessment nor an environmental impact statement is required.

Environmental assessment means a document that briefly discusses the environmental consequences of a proposed action and alternatives prepared for the purposes set forth in 40 CFR 1508.9.

EIS means an environmental impact statement prepared pursuant to section 102(2)(C) of NEPA.

FONSI means a finding of no significant impact on the quality of the human environment after the completion of an environmental assessment.

NEPA means the National Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. 4321, et seq.

Working Capital Loan means money used by an ongoing business concern to fund its existing operations.

(3) Delegations to Executive Director. (i) All incoming correspondence from Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) and other agencies concerning matters related to NEPA, including draft and final EIS, shall be brought to the attention of the Executive Director. The Executive Director will prepare or, at his or her discretion, coordinate replies to such correspondence.

(ii) With respect to actions of the Board, the Executive Director will:

(A) Ensure preparation of all necessary environmental assessments and EISs;

(B) Maintain a list of actions for which environmental assessments are being prepared;

(C) Revise this list at regular intervals, and send the revisions to the Environmental Protection Agency;

(D) Make the list available for public inspection;

(E) Maintain a list of EISs; and

(F) Maintain a file of draft and final EISs.

(4) Categorical exclusions. (i) This paragraph describes various classes of Board actions that normally do not have a significant impact on the human environment and are categorically excluded. The word “normally” is stressed; there may be individual cases in which specific factors require contrary action.

(ii) Subject to the limitations in paragraph (c)(4)(iii) of this section, the actions described in this paragraph have been determined not to have a significant impact on the quality of the human environment. They are categorically excluded from the need to prepare an environmental assessment or an EIS under NEPA.

(A) Guarantees of working capital loans; and

(B) Guarantees of loans for the refinancing of outstanding indebtedness of the Borrower, regardless of the purpose for which the original indebtedness was incurred.

(iii) Actions listed in paragraph (c)(4)(ii) of this section that otherwise are categorically excluded from NEPA review are not necessarily excluded from review if they would be located within, or in other cases, potentially affect:

(A) A floodplain;

(B) A wetland;

(C) Important farmlands, or prime forestlands or rangelands;

(D) A listed species or critical habitat for an endangered species;

(E) A property that is listed on or may be eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places;

(F) An area within an approved State Coastal Zone Management Program;

(G) A coastal barrier or a portion of a barrier within the Coastal Barrier Resources System;

(H) A river or portion of a river included in, or designated for, potential addition to the Wild and Scenic Rivers System;

(I) A sole source aquifer recharge area;

(J) A State water quality standard (including designated and/or existing beneficial uses and anti-degradation requirements); or

(K) The release or disposal of regulated substances above the levels set forth in a permit or license issued by an appropriate regulatory authority.

(5) Responsibilities and procedures for preparation of an environmental assessment. (i) The Executive Director will request that the Lender and Borrower provide information concerning all potentially significant environmental impacts of the Borrower's proposed project pursuant to 13 CFR 500.206. The Executive Director, consulting at his discretion with CEQ, will review the information provided by the Lender and Borrower. Though no specific format for an environmental assessment is prescribed, it shall be a separate document and should include the following in conformance with 40 CFR 1508.9:

(A) Description of the environment. The existing environmental conditions relevant to the Board's analysis determining the environmental impacts of the proposed project, should be described. The no action alternative also should be discussed;

(B) Documentation. Citations to information used to describe the existing environment and to assess environmental impacts should be clearly referenced and documented. Such references should include, as appropriate, but not be limited to, local, tribal, regional, State, and Federal agencies, as well as, public and private organizations and institutions;

(C) Evaluating environmental consequences of proposed actions. A brief discussion should be included of the need for the proposal, of alternatives as required by 42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(E) and their environmental impacts. The discussion of the environmental impacts should include measures to mitigate adverse impacts and any irreversible or irretrievable commitments of resources to the proposed project.

(ii) The Executive Director, in preparing an environmental assessment, may:

(A) Tier upon the information contained in a previous EIS, as described in 40 CFR 1502.20;

(B) Incorporate by reference reasonably available material, as described in 40 CFR 1502.21; and/or

(C) Adopt a previously completed EIS reasonably related to the project for which the proceeds of the loan sought to be guaranteed under the Program will be used, as described in 40 CFR 1506.3.

(iii) Because of the statute's admonition to the Board to make its decisions as soon as possible after receiving applications, the Board will not:

(A) Publish notice of intent to prepare an environmental assessment, as described in 40 CFR 1501.7;

(B) Conduct scoping, as described in 40 CFR 1501.7; and

(C) Seek comments on the environmental assessment, as described in 40 CFR 1503.1.

(iv) If, on the basis of an environmental assessment, it is determined that an EIS is not required, a FONSI, as described in 40 CFR 1508.13 will be prepared. The FONSI will include the environmental assessment or a summary of it and be available to the public from the Board. The Executive Director shall maintain a record of these decisions, making them available to interested parties upon request. Requests should be directed to the Executive Director Emergency Oil and Gas Guarantee Loan Program, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington DC 20230. Prior to a final loan guarantee decision, a copy of the NEPA documentation shall be sent to their Board for consideration.

(6) Responsibilities and procedures for preparation of an environmental impact statement. (i) If after an environmental assessment has been completed, it is determined that an EIS is necessary, it and other related documentation will be prepared by the Executive Director in accordance with section 102(2)(c) of NEPA, this section, and 40 CFR parts 1500 through 1508. The Executive Director may seek additional information from the applicant in preparing the EIS. Once the document is prepared, it shall be submitted to the Board. If the Board considers a document unsatisfactory, it shall be returned to the Executive Director for revision or supplementation prior to a loan guarantee decision; otherwise the Board will transmit the document to the Environmental Protection Agency.

(ii)(A) The following procedures, as discussed in 40 CFR parts 1500 through 1508, will be followed in preparing an EIS:

(1) The format and contents of the draft and final EIS shall be as discussed in 40 CFR 1502.

(2) The requirements of 40 CFR 1506.9 for filing of documents with the Environmental Protection Agency shall be followed.

(3) The Executive Director, consulting at his discretion with CEQ, shall examine carefully the basis on which supportive studies have been conducted to assure that such studies are objective and comprehensive in scope and depth.

(4) NEPA requires that the decision making “utilize a systematic, interdisciplinary approach that will ensure the integrated use of the natural and social sciences and the environmental design arts.” 42 U.S.C. 4332(A). If such disciplines are not present on the Board staff, appropriate use should be made of personnel of Federal, State, and local agencies, universities, non-profit organizations, or private industry.

(B) Until the Board issues a record of decision as provided in 40 CFR 1502.2 no action concerning the proposal shall be taken which would:

(1) Have an adverse environmental impact; or

(2) Limit the choice of reasonable alternatives.

(3) 40 CFR 1506.10 places certain limitations on the timing of Board decisions on taking “major Federal actions.” A loan guarantee shall not be make before the times set forth in 40 CFR 1506.10.

(iii) A public record of decision stating what the decision was; identifying alternatives that were considered, including the environmentally preferable one(s); discussing any national considerations that entered into the decision; and summarizing a monitoring and enforcement program if applicable for mitigating the environmental effects of a proposal; will be prepared. This record of decision will be prepared at the time the decision is made.

[64 FR 57947, Oct. 27, 1999, as amended at 64 FR 72024, Dec. 23, 1999]
§ 500.207 - Application evaluation.

(a) Eligibility screening. Applications will be reviewed to determine whether the Lender and Borrower are eligible, the information required under § 500.205(b) is complete, and the proposed loan complies with applicable statutes and regulations. The Board can at any time reject an application that does not meet these requirements.

(b) Evaluation criteria. Applications that are determined to be eligible pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section shall be subject to a substantive review, on a competitive basis, by the Board based upon the following evaluation factors, in order of importance:

(1) The ability of the Borrower to repay the loan by the date specified in the Loan Document, which shall be no later than December 31, 2010;

(2) The adequacy of the proposed provisions to protect the Government, including sufficiency of Security, the priority of the lien position in the Security, and the percentage of Guarantee requested; and

(3) Adequacy of the underwriting analysis performed by the Lender in preparing the application and the ability of the Lender to administer the loan in full compliance with the requisite standard of care set forth in § 500.211(b).

(c) Decisions by the Board. Upon completion of the evaluation of the application and as soon as possible after the due date, the Board will approve or deny all eligible applications timely received under this Program. The Board shall notify all Applicants in writing of the approval or denial of the Guarantee applications as soon as possible. Approvals for loan Guarantees shall be conditioned upon compliance with § 500.208.

§ 500.208 - Issuance of the Guarantee.

(a) The Board's decisions to approve any application for, and extend an offer of, guarantee under § 500.207 is conditioned upon:

(1) The Lender and Borrower obtaining any required regulatory or judicial approvals;

(2) The Lender and Borrower being legally authorized to enter into the loan under the terms and conditions submitted to the Board in the application;

(3) The Board's receipt of the Loan Documents, Guarantee, and any related instruments, properly executed by the Lender, Borrower, and any other required party other than the Board; and

(4) No material adverse change in the Borrower's ability to repay the loan between the date of the Board's approval and the date the Guarantee is to be issued.

(b) The Board may withdraw its approval of an application and rescind its offer of Guarantee if the Board determines that the Lender or the Borrower cannot, or is unwilling to, provide adequate documentation and proof of compliance with paragraph (a) of this section within the time provided for in the offer.

(c) Only after receipt of all the documentation, required by this section, will the Board sign and deliver the Guarantee.

(d) A Borrower receiving a loan guaranteed by the Board under this Program shall pay a one-time guarantee fee of 0.5 percent of the amount of the principal of the loan. This fee must be paid no later than one year from the issuance of the Guarantee.

§ 500.209 - Funding for the Program.

The Act provides funding for the costs incurred by the Government as a result of granting Guarantees under the Program. While pursuing the goals of the Act, it is the intent of the Board to minimize the cost of the Program to the Government. The Board will estimate the risk posed by the guaranteed loans to the funds appropriated for the costs of the Guarantees under the Program and operate the Program accordingly.

§ 500.210 - Assignment or transfer of loans.

(a) Neither the Loan Documents nor the Guarantee of the Board, or any interest therein, may be modified, assigned, conveyed, sold or otherwise transferred by the Lender, in whole or in part, without the prior written approval of the Board.

(b) Under no circumstances will the Board permit an assignment or transfer of less than 100 percent of a Lender's interest in the Loan Documents and Guarantee, nor will it permit an assignment or transfer to be made to a party which the Board determines not to be an Eligible Lender pursuant to § 500.201.

(c) The proscription under paragraph (a) of this section shall not apply to:

(1) Transfers which occur by operation of law, unless a primary purpose of the transaction leading to such a transfer was to assign, convey or sell the loan note or Guarantee without the necessity of securing the Board's prior written approval; or

(2) An action or agreement by the Lender which has the effect of distributing the risks of the credit among other Lenders if:

(i) Neither the loan note nor the Guarantee is assigned, conveyed, sold, or transferred in whole or in part;

(ii) Both the unguaranteed and guaranteed portions of the loan are treated in the same manner;

(iii) The Lender remains solely responsible for the administration of the loan; and

(iv) The Board's ability to assert any and all defenses available to it under the Guarantee and the law is not adversely affected; or

(3) Transfer by a non-Agent Lender of the non-guaranteed portion of the loan after payment under the Guarantee has been made.

[64 FR 57947, Oct. 27, 1999, as amended at 65 FR 24107, Apr. 25, 2000]
§ 500.211 - Lender responsibilities.

(a) General. Lender shall comply with all provisions of the Guarantee.

(b) Standard of care. The Lender shall exercise due care and diligence in administering the loan as would be exercised by a reasonable and prudent banking institution when administering a secured loan of such banking institution's own funds without a Federal guaranty. Such standard shall also apply to any and all approvals, determinations, permissions, acceptances, requirements, or opinion made, given, imposed or reached by Lender.

(c) Representation to the Board. In addition to any other representations required by the Guarantee, the Applicant shall represent to the Board that it has the ability to, and will, administer the loan, as well as to exercise the Applicant's rights and pursue its remedies, including conducting any liquidation of the Security or additional Security in full compliance with the standard of care, without the need for any advice, opinion, determination, recommendation, approval, disapproval, assistance (financial or other) or participation by the Board, except where the Board's consent is expressly required by the Guarantee, or where the Board, in its sole discretion and pursuant to the Guarantee, elects to provide same.

(d) Covenants. With respect to any loan guaranteed by the Board pursuant to the Act and this part, the Lender shall require the Loan Documents to contain such affirmative and negative covenants by the Borrower as are required by the terms and conditions of the Guarantee, such as the prohibition on the payment of dividends.

(e) Monitoring. In accordance with the Guarantee the Lender shall monitor Borrower's performance under the Loan Documents to detect any noncompliance by the Borrower with any provision thereof.

(f) Reporting. With respect to any loan guaranteed by the Board pursuant to the Act and this part the Lender shall provide the Board with the following information, in accordance with the Guarantee:

(1) Financial statements for the borrower, as provided in the Guarantee;

(2) Projected balance sheet, income statement, and cash flows for the Borrower for each year remaining on the term of the loan; and

(3) A completed signed copy of Form “Quarterly Compliance Statement” that includes information on the recent performance of the loan, within 15 days of the end of each calendar quarter.

(g) Notices. All written notices, requests, or demands made to the Board shall be mailed to the Board at the U.S. Department of Commerce, H2500, Washington, DC 20230, except as otherwise specified by the Guarantee or as directed by the Board. Lender shall notify the Board in writing without delay of:

(1) Deterioration in the internal risk rating of a loan guaranteed under this Program within 5 business days of such action by the Lender;

(2) The occurrence of each event of default under the Loan Documents or Guarantee promptly, but not later than 5 business days, of the Lender's learning of such occurrence; and

(3) Any other notification requirements as provided by law, or by the terms of the Guarantee or Loan Documents.

[64 FR 57947, Oct. 27, 1999, as amended at 65 FR 24107, Apr. 25, 2000; 65 FR 51522, Aug. 24, 2000]
§ 500.212 - Liquidation.

(a) The Board may take, or direct to be taken, any action in liquidating the Security which the Board determines to be necessary or proper, consistent with Federal law and regulations.

(b) Pursuant to the Guarantee, upon written demand by the Lender and whether or not the Board has made any payment under the Guarantee, the Board, at the Board's sole option shall have the right to require that the Lender, solely or jointly with the Board, conduct to completion the liquidation of any or all of the Security. The Board may choose to conduct the liquidation itself.

§ 500.213 - Termination of obligations.

(a) The Board, in its discretion, shall be entitled to terminate all, or a portion, of the Board's obligations under the Guarantee, without further cause, in the event that:

(1) The Guarantee fee required by § 500.208(d) shall not have been paid;

(2) A Lender shall have released or covenanted not to sue the Borrower or any other guarantor, or agreed to the modification of any obligation of any party to any agreement related to the loan, without the prior written consent of the Board;

(3) A Lender has released the Board from its liability and obligations under the Guarantee;

(4) A Lender shall have made any incorrect or incomplete representation to the Board in any material respect in connection with the Application, the Guarantee or the Loan Documents;

(5) A Lender fails to make a demand for payment within 30 days of payment default; or

(6) A Lender fails to comply with any material provision of the Loan Documents or the Guarantee.

(b) Upon receipt of a written demand for payment made pursuant to the Guarantee, the Board shall be entitled to seek such certifications from the Lender, undertake such audits or investigations, or take such other action as is provided for by law or the Guarantee so as to determine whether the Lender has complied with all of the Lender's obligations under the Guarantee.

[64 FR 57947, Oct. 27, 1999, as amended at 65 FR 24107, Apr. 25, 2000]
§ 500.214 - OMB control number. [Reserved]
authority: Pub. L. 106-51, 113 Stat. 255 (15 U.S.C. 1841 note)
source: 64 FR 57947, Oct. 27, 1999, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 13 CFR 500.210