Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 22, 2025

Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space last revised: Jan 22, 2025
§ 194.401 - Applicability.

Unless otherwise specified by this part, powered-lift must continue to comply with rules applicable to all aircraft in part 43 of this chapter.

§ 194.402 - Maintenance provisions.

The following maintenance provisions under part 43 of this chapter that pertain to rotorcraft also apply to powered-lift:

(a) Section 43.3(h) of this chapter applies to certificate holders operating powered-lift under part 135 of this chapter in a remote area; and

(b) In lieu of complying with § 43.15(b) of this chapter, each person performing an inspection required by part 91 of this chapter on a powered-lift shall inspect critical parts in accordance with the maintenance manual or Instruction for Continuous Airworthiness, or as otherwise approved by the Administrator.

(1) A “critical part” has the same meaning as provided in §§ 27.602 and 29.602 of this chapter.

(2) [Reserved]

Appendix Appendix A - Appendix A to Part 194—Minimum Requirements for a Pilot Training Program in a Powered-Lift Originally Type Certificated or Seeking Type Certification With One Set of Controls and a Single Pilot Station
1. Applicability

(a) This appendix prescribes the minimum requirements to apply for a pilot training program for the following ratings in a powered-lift originally type certificated or seeking type certification with one set of controls and a single pilot station:

(1) Powered-lift Category;

(2) Powered-lift Type;

(3) Instrument-Powered-lift.

(b) Notwithstanding the exceptions in § 194.211, a person utilizing the alternate pathway set forth in this appendix must apply for all three ratings simultaneously.

2. Eligibility

(a) To utilize the alternate framework set forth by this appendix, an applicant must be qualified in accordance with the requirements set forth by § 194.215(a).

(b) The alternate framework set forth in this appendix may only be provided under a part 135, 141, or 142 approved training program.

3. Ground Training

(a) An applicant must receive and log all required ground training set forth by §§ 61.63(b) and 61.65(b) of this chapter prior to receiving training in accordance with section 4. of this appendix.

(b) Following the required ground training as set forth in paragraph (a) of this section, an applicant must successfully complete a written or oral check administered by the training provider.

4. Simulator Training in a Level C or Higher Full Flight Simulator Representative of a Powered-Lift With Single Controls and a Single Pilot Station

(a) In lieu of flight training in a powered-lift with single controls and a single pilot station, an applicant seeking a powered-lift category rating, instrument rating, and a type rating may complete all applicable flight training requirements prescribed in part 61 of this chapter or the corresponding framework prescribed in §§ 194.217 through 194.235 (except for the cross-country requirements in § 194.233), as applicable, in a qualified Level C or higher full flight simulator representative of the powered-lift type with single controls and a single pilot station.

(b) Following the training set forth in paragraph (a) of this section, the applicant must satisfactorily accomplish a check with a check pilot, a training center evaluator, an authorized instructor, instructor pilot, an FAA aviation safety inspector, or another person authorized by the FAA to administer this check in a qualified Level C or higher full flight simulator in accordance with the approved training program. The check must consist of oral questioning followed by the satisfactory performance of all the maneuvers and procedures required for the issuance of a commercial pilot certificate with a powered-lift category rating, for the issuance of an instrument-powered-lift rating and for the issuance of a powered-lift type rating, except those tasks waived in accordance with § 194.207(c).

5. Aircraft Familiarity Flight

(a) Within 90 days of an applicant's successful completion of the check set forth by section 4.(b) of this appendix, the applicant must observe an aircraft familiarity flight with an authorized instructor.

(b) The aircraft familiarity flight must include the following components:

(1) The authorized instructor must demonstrate the flight maneuvers and procedures required for the issuance of a commercial pilot certificate with a powered-lift category rating, for the issuance of an instrument-powered-lift rating and for the issuance of a powered-lift type rating, except those tasks waived in accordance with § 194.207(c), in the aircraft in flight, and

(2) The applicant must have unobstructed visual sight of the controls and instrumentation and maintain active communication with the authorized instructor for the entire flight.

(c) The aircraft familiarity flight may occur during one flight or over multiple flights.

(d) Following successful completion of the aircraft familiarity flight, the authorized instructor may endorse the applicant to act as pilot in command of the specific powered-lift to accomplish the demonstration flight with an authorized instructor on board as set forth in section 6.(a) of this appendix. The endorsement is valid for 90 days from the date of successful completion of the full flight simulator check set forth by section 4.(b) of this appendix.

6. Demonstration and Solo Flights

(a) Demonstration flight.

(1) After an applicant receives an endorsement to act as PIC in accordance with section 5.(d) of this appendix, the applicant must complete a demonstration flight under the direct observation of an authorized instructor.

(2) The demonstration flight must include the following components:

(i) The applicant must demonstrate the flight maneuvers and procedures required for the issuance of a commercial pilot certificate with a powered-lift category rating, for the issuance of an instrument-powered-lift rating and for the issuance of a powered-lift type rating, except those tasks waived in accordance with § 194.207(c), in the aircraft in flight, and

(ii) The authorized instructor must have unobstructed visual sight of the controls and instrumentation and maintain active communication with the applicant for the entire flight.

(3) The demonstration flight may occur during one flight or over multiple flights.

(4) Upon determination that the applicant has demonstrated satisfactory proficiency in the aircraft, the check pilot, training center evaluator, authorized instructor, instructor pilot, FAA aviation safety inspector, or another person authorized by the FAA to administer this check may endorse the applicant to act as pilot in command of the specific powered-lift to conduct solo flight in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section. The endorsement is valid for 90 days from the day the demonstration flight is successfully completed.

(b) Failure to complete demonstration flight during endorsement period.

(1) If the applicant does not successfully complete the demonstration flight in paragraph (a) of this section within the 90-day endorsement period, the applicant may receive another endorsement by:

(i) Completing a demonstration of proficiency in the full flight simulator consisting of the tasks and maneuvers set forth by section 10. of this appendix, in addition to any maneuvers or procedures deemed necessary by the check pilot, training center evaluator, authorized instructor, instructor pilot, an FAA aviation safety inspector, or other person authorized by the FAA to administer this check to ensure proficiency, and

(ii) Completing an aircraft familiarity flight meeting the requirements of section 5.(b) of this appendix.

(2) After the applicant meets the requirements of paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the applicant may receive another endorsement for the applicant to act as pilot in command of the specific powered-lift to accomplish the demonstration flight with an authorized instructor on board as set forth in section 6.(a) of this appendix. This endorsement is valid for 90 days from the day the demonstration of proficiency in the full flight simulator was successfully completed.

(c) Solo Flights. After an applicant receives an endorsement to conduct solo flights in accordance with section 6.(a)(4) of this appendix, the applicant must complete 20 hours of solo flight in the aircraft, which must include:

(1) 10 hours of solo flight time in accordance with § 61.129(e)(4) or the corresponding alternate provision set forth in §§ 194.217 through 194.231 of this part;

(2) 10 hours of solo flight time that includes the maneuvers and procedures required for the issuance of a commercial pilot certificate with a powered-lift category rating, for the issuance of an instrument-powered-lift rating and for the issuance of a powered-lift type rating; and

(3) The alternate cross-country aeronautical experience requirements prescribed in § 194.233 of this part.

(d) Lapse of endorsement for solo flights. If the applicant does not successfully complete the solo flight time required in paragraph (c) of this section within the 90-day endorsement period, the applicant may receive another 90-day endorsement by satisfying the requirements of paragraph (d)(1) or (2) of this section, as applicable.

(1) If the applicant seeks to renew the endorsement for another 90-day period and is within the 90-day period of the original endorsement, the applicant must complete a demonstration flight consisting of the tasks and maneuvers set forth by section 10. of this appendix, in addition to any maneuvers or procedures deemed necessary by the check pilot, training center evaluator, authorized instructor, instructor pilot, FAA aviation safety inspector, or another person authorized by the FAA to ensure proficiency.

(2) If the applicant seeks another endorsement outside the 90-day period of the original endorsement, the applicant must:

(i) The applicant must satisfactorily complete a demonstration of proficiency in the full flight simulator consisting of the tasks and maneuvers set forth by section 10. of this appendix, in addition to any maneuvers or procedures deemed necessary by the authorized instructor to ensure proficiency, successful completion of which will result in a 90-day endorsement to accomplish a demonstration flight with an authorized instructor on board; and

(ii) The applicant must complete a demonstration flight with a check pilot, training center evaluator, authorized instructor, instructor pilot, FAA aviation safety inspector, or another person authorized by the FAA to administer this check consisting of the tasks and maneuvers set forth by section 10. of this appendix, in addition to any maneuvers or procedures deemed necessary by the authorized instructor to ensure proficiency.

7. Practical Test

(a) The applicant may meet the training requirements of § 61.129(e)(3)(iv) in a Level C or higher FFS.

(b) A person who uses a flight simulator or flight training device for any portion of the practical test in accordance with § 61.64(a) of this chapter after training in accordance with this appendix and does not meet the requirements of § 61.64(e) of this chapter will—

(1) Receive a limitation that states “the certificate is subject to certain pilot in command limitations,” in lieu of the limitation set forth by § 61.64(f); and

(2) Be restricted from the carriage of persons or property other than necessary for the conduct of the flight.

(c) The limitation described under paragraph (b) of this section may be removed from the pilot certificate by meeting the requirements set forth in section 8. of this appendix.

8. Supervised Operating Experience for a Powered-Lift With Single Controls and a Single Pilot Station

(a) The limitation set forth in paragraph 7.(b) of this appendix may be removed if the pilot complies with the following:

(1) Performs 10 hours of flight time in an aircraft of category and type for which the limitation applies under the observation of a pilot who holds a category and type rating without limitations for the aircraft, maintaining full communication with the observing pilot;

(2) Logs each flight and the observing pilot attests in writing to each flight; and

(3) Presents evidence of the supervised operating experience to any examiner or Flight Standards office to have the limitation removed.

(b) The flight time required in paragraph (a)(1) of this section must include a cross-country flight in a powered-lift under instrument flight rules on a flight plan filed with an air traffic control facility that involves—

(i) A flight of at least 100 nautical miles along airways or by directed routing from an air traffic control facility;

(ii) An instrument approach at each airport; and

(iii) Three different kinds of approaches with the use of navigation systems.

(c) The observing pilot must have unobstructed visual sight of the controls and instrumentation.

9. Deviation Authority

The Administrator may authorize a deviation from the simulator qualification requirement in section 4. of this appendix stipulating that training must be completed in a qualified Level C or higher full flight simulator upon a determination by the Administrator that—

(a) The alternative training device is of adequate fidelity to be used as a substitution for in-aircraft flight training; and

(b) The effectiveness and objectives of the training program can be met utilizing the alternative training device.

10. Maneuvers and Procedures Required for Certain Flights Prescribed by This Appendix

This section sets forth the maneuvers and procedures required for flights required in accordance with sections 6.(b)(1)(i), 6.(d)(1), 6.(d)(2)(i), and 6.(d)(2)(ii) of this appendix, except those maneuvers and procedures under tasks waived in accordance with § 194.207(c).

(a) Proper flight preparation procedures, including preflight planning and preparation, powerplant operation, and aircraft systems;

(b) Taxiing or surface operations, including runups;

(c) Takeoffs and landings, including normal and crosswind;

(d) Straight and level flight, and turns in both directions;

(e) Climbs and climbing turns;

(f) Airport traffic patterns, including entry and departure procedures;

(g) Collision avoidance, windshear avoidance, and wake turbulence avoidance;

(h) Descents with and without turns;

(i) Flight at various airspeeds from cruise to slow flight;

(j) Stall entries from various flight attitudes and power combinations with recovery initiated at the first indication of a stall, and recovery from a full stall;

(k) Emergency procedures and equipment malfunctions;

(l) Ground reference maneuvers;

(m) Approaches to a landing with simulated engine malfunctions;

(n) Go-arounds;

(o) Approaches to the landing area;

(p) Hovering and hovering turns; and

(q) For a multiengine powered-lift, simulated one-engine-inoperative approaches and landings.

authority: 42 U.S.C. 7572; 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 40113, 44701-44705, 44707, 44712, 44713, 44715, 44716, and 44722; Sec. 955 of Pub. L. 118-63
source: FAA-2023-1275, Amdt. No. 194-1, 89 FR 92489, Nov. 21, 2024, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 14 CFR 194.401