Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space last revised: Jan 22, 2025
§ 450.1 - Applicability.

This part prescribes requirements for obtaining and maintaining a license to launch, reenter, or both launch and reenter, a launch or reentry vehicle.

§ 450.3 - Scope of a vehicle operator license.

(a) General. A vehicle operator license authorizes a licensee to conduct one or more launches or reentries using the same vehicle or family of vehicles. A vehicle operator license identifies the scope of authorization as defined in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section or as agreed to by the Administrator.

(b) Scope of launch. A vehicle operator license authorizes launch, which includes the flight of a launch vehicle and pre- and post-flight ground operations as follows:

(1) Launch begins when hazardous pre-flight operations commence at a U.S. launch site that may pose a threat to the public. Hazardous pre-flight operations that may pose a threat to the public include pressurizing or loading of propellants into the vehicle, operations involving a fueled launch vehicle, the transfer of energy necessary to initiate flight, or any hazardous activity preparing the vehicle for flight. Hazardous pre-flight operations do not include the period between the end of the previous launch and launch vehicle reuse, when the vehicle is in a safe and dormant state.

(2) At a non-U.S. launch site, launch begins at ignition or at the first movement that initiates flight, whichever occurs earlier.

(3) Launch ends when any of the following events occur:

(i) For an orbital launch of a vehicle without a reentry of the vehicle, launch ends after the licensee's last exercise of control over its vehicle on orbit, after vehicle component impact or landing on Earth, after activities necessary to return the vehicle or component to a safe condition on the ground after impact or landing, or after activities necessary to return the site to a safe condition, whichever occurs latest;

(ii) For an orbital launch of a vehicle with a reentry of the vehicle, launch ends after deployment of all payloads, upon completion of the vehicle's first steady-state orbit if there is no payload deployment, after vehicle component impact or landing on Earth, after activities necessary to return the vehicle or component to a safe condition on the ground after impact or landing, or after activities necessary to return the site to a safe condition, whichever occurs latest;

(iii) For a suborbital launch that includes a reentry, launch ends after reaching apogee;

(iv) For a suborbital launch that does not include a reentry, launch ends after vehicle or vehicle component impact or landing on Earth, after activities necessary to return the vehicle or vehicle component to a safe condition on the ground after impact or landing, or after activities necessary to return the site to a safe condition, whichever occurs latest.

(c) Scope of reentry. A vehicle operator license authorizes reentry. Reentry includes activities conducted in Earth orbit or outer space to determine reentry readiness and that are critical to ensuring public health and safety and the safety of property during reentry flight. Reentry also includes activities necessary to return the reentry vehicle, or vehicle component, to a safe condition on the ground after impact or landing.

(d) Application requirements. An applicant must identify pre- and post-flight ground operations at a U.S. launch site sufficient for the Administrator to determine the scope of activities authorized under the license.

§ 450.5 - Issuance of a vehicle operator license.

(a) The FAA issues a vehicle operator license to an applicant who has obtained all approvals and determinations required under this part for a license.

(b) A vehicle operator license authorizes a licensee to conduct launches or reentries, in accordance with the representations contained in the licensee's application, with subparts C and D of this part, and subject to the licensee's compliance with terms and conditions contained in license orders accompanying the license, including financial responsibility requirements.

§ 450.7 - Duration of a vehicle operator license.

A vehicle operator license is valid for the period of time determined by the Administrator as necessary to conduct the licensed activity but may not exceed 5 years from the issuance date.

§ 450.9 - Additional license terms and conditions.

The FAA may modify a vehicle operator license at any time by modifying or adding license terms and conditions to ensure compliance with the Act and regulations.

§ 450.11 - Transfer of a vehicle operator license.

(a) Only the FAA may transfer a vehicle operator license.

(b) Either the holder of a vehicle operator license or the prospective transferee may request a vehicle operator license transfer.

(c) Both the holder and prospective transferee must agree to the transfer.

(d) An applicant for transfer of a vehicle operator license must submit a license application in accordance with part 413 of this chapter and must meet the requirements of part 450 of this chapter.

(e) The FAA will transfer a license to an applicant that has obtained all of the approvals and determinations required under this part for a license. In conducting its reviews and issuing approvals and determinations, the FAA may incorporate by reference any findings made part of the record to support the initial licensing determination. The FAA may modify a license to reflect any changes necessary as a result of a license transfer.

(f) The FAA will provide written notice of its determination to the person requesting the vehicle operator license transfer.

§ 450.13 - Rights not conferred by a vehicle operator license.

Issuance of a vehicle operator license does not relieve a licensee of its obligation to comply with all applicable requirements of law or regulation that may apply to its activities, nor does issuance confer any proprietary, property, or exclusive right in the use of any Federal launch or reentry site or related facilities, airspace, or outer space.

source: Docket No. FAA-2019-0229, Amdt. 450-2, 85 FR 79719, Dec. 10, 202085 FR 79739, Dec. 10, 2020, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 14 CFR 450.3