Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space last revised: Oct 08, 2024
§ 212.1 - Scope.

This part applies to all charter flights, and all other flights carrying charter passengers or cargo, in interstate and/or foreign air transportation by U.S. certificated air carriers or in foreign air transportation by foreign air carriers. It does not apply to any flights performed by a commuter air carrier, air taxi operator, or certificated air carrier operating “small aircraft” under part 298 of this chapter. Nothing in this part gives authority to operate a type or level of service not authorized by certificate, foreign air carrier permit, or exemption, except that a certificated air carrier authorized to conduct scheduled operations may conduct charter flights, in interstate and/or foreign air transportation, without limitation as to the points served.

§ 212.2 - Definitions.

For the purposes of this part:

Affinity (pro rata) charter means a charter arranged by an organization on behalf of its membership, and which meets the requirements of § 212.5.

Certificated air carrier means a U.S. direct air carrier holding a certificate issued under 49 U.S.C. 41102.

Charter flight means a flight operated under the terms of a charter contract between a direct air carrier and its charterer or lessee. It does not include scheduled interstate air transportation, scheduled foreign air transportation, or nonscheduled cargo foreign air transportation, sold on an individually ticketed or individually waybilled basis.

Charter operator means:

(1) A “Public Charter operator” as defined in § 380.2 of this chapter, or

(2) An “Overseas Military Personnel Charter operator” as defined in § 372.2 of this chapter.

Direct air carrier means a certificated or foreign air carrier that directly engages in the operation of aircraft under a certificate, permit, or exemption issued by the Department.

Fifth freedom charter means a charter flight carrying traffic that originates and terminates in countries other than the carrier's home country, regardless of whether the flight operates via the home country.

Foreign air carrier means a direct air carrier which is not a citizen of the United States as defined in 49 U.S.C. 40102(a) that holds a foreign air carrier permit issued under 49 U.S.C. 41302 or an exemption issued under 49 U.S.C. 40109 authorizing direct foreign air transportation.

Fourth freedom charter means a charter flight carrying traffic that terminates in the carrier's home country having originated in another country.

Gambling junket charter means a charter arranged by a casino, hotel, cruise line, or its agents, the purpose of which is to transport passengers to the casino, hotel, or cruise ship where gambling facilities are available, and which meets the requirements of § 212.6.

Long-term wet lease means a wet lease which either—

(1) Lasts more than 60 days, or

(2) Is part of a series of such leases that amounts to a continuing arrangement lasting more than 60 days.

Mixed charter means a charter, the cost of which is borne partly by the charter participants and partly by the charterer, where all the passengers meet the eligibility requirements for “affinity (pro rata)” charters of § 212.5.

Part charter means flight carrying both charter and scheduled passenger traffic.

Seventh-freedom charter means a charter flight carrying traffic that originates and terminates in a country other than the foreign air carrier's home country, where the flight does not have a prior, intermediate, or subsequent stop in the foreign air carrier's home country.

Single entity charter means a charter the cost of which is borne by the charterer and not by individual passengers, directly or indirectly.

Sixth-freedom charter means a charter flight carrying traffic that originates and terminates in a country other than the country of the foreign air carrier's home country, provided the flight operates via the home country of the foreign air carrier.

Third freedom charter means a charter flight carrying traffic that originates in the carrier's home country and terminates in another country.

Wet lease means a lease between direct air carriers by which the lessor provides all or part of the capacity of an aircraft, and its crew, including operations where the lessor is conducting services under a blocked space or code-sharing arrangement.

[Doc. No. OST-97-2356, 63 FR 28236, May 22, 1998, as amended at 71 FR 5784, Feb. 3, 2006]
§ 212.3 - General provisions.

(a) Certificated and foreign air carriers may conduct charter flights as described in this part, and may carry charter passengers on scheduled flights, or charter cargo on scheduled or nonscheduled flights (or on the main deck or in the belly of passenger charter flights), subject to the requirements of this chapter and any orders of, or specific conditions imposed by, the Department.

(b) Charter flights may be operated on a round-trip or one-way basis, with no minimum group, shipment, or contract size.

(c) Contracts to perform charter flights must be in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the certificated or foreign air carrier and the charterer prior to the operation of the flights involved. The written agreement shall include:

(1) The name and address of either the surety whose bond secures advance charter payments received by the carrier, or of the carrier's depository bank to which checks or money orders for the advance charter payments are to be made payable as escrow holder pending completion of the charter trip; and

(2) A statement that unless the charterer files a claim with the carrier, or, if the carrier is unavailable, with the surety, within 60 days after the cancellation of a charter trip with respect to which the charterer's advance payments are secured by the bond, the surety shall be released from all liability under the bond to such charterer for such trips.

(d) A certificated or foreign air carrier must make a reasonable effort to verify that any charterer with which it contracts, and any charter it conducts, meets the applicable requirements of this chapter.

(e) The certificated or foreign air carriers shall require full payment of the total charter price, including payment for the return portion of a round trip, or the posting of a satisfactory bond for full payment, prior to the commencement of any portion of the air transportation, provided, however, that in the case of a passenger charter for less than the entire of an aircraft, the carrier shall require full payment of the total charter price, including payment for the return portion of a round trip, from the charterers not less than 10 days prior to the commencement of any portion of the transportation, and such payment shall not be refundable unless the charter is canceled by the carrier or unless the carrier accepts a substitute charterer for one which has canceled a charter, in which case the amount paid by the latter shall be refunded. For the purpose of this section, payment to the carrier's depository bank, as designated in the charter contract, shall be deemed payment to the carrier.

(f) A certificated or foreign air carrier operating a U.S.-originating passenger charter shall be responsible to return to his or her point of origin any passenger who purchased round trip transportation on that charter and who was transported by that carrier on his or her outbound flight; except that this provision shall not apply in cases where the return transportation is to be provided by another certificated or foreign air carrier.

(g) A certificated or foreign air carrier may not perform any charter flight for which a statement of authorization is required under § 212.9 until one has been granted by the Department. In addition, if a foreign air carrier is required to obtain a statement of authorization under paragraph (e) of that section, neither it, not any charter operator, or any other person shall advertise or sell any passenger charter services except those that have been specifically authorized by the Department.

(h) A certificated air carrier may not operate charters where such operations would result in a substantial change in the scope of its operations within the meaning of part 204 of this chapter.

(i) A certificated air carrier may not limit its baggage liability for interstate charter flights except as set forth in part 254 of this chapter.

(j) A certificated air carrier may not, except as set forth in part 121 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 121), limit the availability, upon reasonable request, of air transportation and related services to a person who may require help from another person in expeditiously moving to an emergency exit for evacuation of an aircraft.

(k) A certificated air carrier holding a certificate to conduct only cargo operations may not conduct passenger charters.

(l) A certificated air carrier may not perform any charter in interstate commerce within the State of Alaska.

(m) A foreign air carrier may operate charters in foreign air transportation only to the extent authorized by its foreign air carrier permit under 49 U.S.C. 41302 or exemption authority under 49 U.S.C. 40109,and.

[Docket No. OST-97-2356, 63 FR 28236, May 22, 1998, as amended by Doc. No. DOT-OST-2014-0140, 84 FR 15925, Apr. 16, 2019]
§ 212.4 - Authorized charter types.

Certificated and foreign air carriers may conduct the following charter types, subject to the provisions of this part:

(a) Affinity (pro rata) charters.

(b) Single entity charters, including:

(1) Wet leases involving the carriage of passengers and/or cargo, provided, that the wet lessee holds appropriate economic authority from the Department to conduct the proposed operations; and

(2) Charters pursuant to contracts with the Department of Defense, provided, that foreign air carriers may conduct charters for the Department of Defense only to the extent that such operations are consistent with the provisions of 49 U.S.C. 40118.

(c) Mixed charters.

(d) Gambling junket charters.

(e) Public Charters in accordance with part 380 of this chapter (including operations by educational institutions as defined in that part).

(f) Overseas military personnel charters in accordance with part 372 of this chapter.

(g) Cargo charters.

§ 212.5 - Operation of affinity (pro rata) charters.

An affinity (pro rata) charter operated by a certificated or foreign air carrier must meet the following criteria:

(a) The aircraft must be chartered by an organization, no part of whose business is the formation of groups for transportation or solicitation or sale of transportation services, for the purpose of providing air transportation to its members and their immediate families.

(b) The charter must be organized by the organization itself, or by a person or company who acts not as a principal, but as an agent for the chartering organization or the certificated or foreign air carrier.

(c) No solicitation, sales, or participation may take place beyond the bona fide members of an eligible chartering organization, and their immediate families (spouse, children, and parents). All printed solicitation materials shall contain the following notice in boldface, 10-point or larger type—

Some of the Federal rules that protect against tour changes and loss of passengers' money in publicly sold charters do not apply to this charter flight.

(d) “Bona fide members” are members of an organization who: Have not joined the organization merely to travel on a charter flight; and who have been members of the chartering organization for a minimum of six months prior to the date of commencement of the affected flight; provided, that the “six month” rule does not apply to:

(1) Employees of a single commercial establishment, industrial plant, or government agency, or

(2) Students and employees of a single school.

(e) The charter price due the direct air carrier shall be prorated equally among all the charter passengers, except that children under 12 may be offered discounted or free transportation.

(f) The certificated or foreign air carrier shall make reasonable efforts to assure that passengers transported meet the eligibility requirements of this section. The certificated or foreign air carrier shall also obtain (no later than the date of departure), and maintain for two years, a certification by an authorized representative of the chartering organization that all passengers are eligible for transportation under this section.

§ 212.6 - Operation of gambling junket charters.

A gambling junket charter operated by a certificated or foreign air carrier must meet the following criteria:

(a) The aircraft must be chartered by

(1) A casino, hotel, or cruise line duly licensed by the government of any state, territory or possession of the United States, or by a foreign government, or

(2) An agent of such a casino, or cruise line on behalf of that casino, hotel, or cruise line.

(b) The casino, hotel, or cruise line or its agents, may not require a passenger to incur any expense in taking the trip, provided, that this provision shall not preclude the casino, hotel, or cruise line or its agents, from requiring prospective passengers to pay nominal reservation fees that are duly refundable by the casino, hotel, or cruise line before the flight, establish a minimum line-of-credit at the casino, hotel, or cruise line, bring (but not necessarily spend) a specified minimum amount of money, or meet other requirements that do not place them in financial jeopardy; nor does it preclude the casino, hotel, or cruise line, or its agents, from offering operational land packages for a fee.

§ 212.7 - Direct sales.

(a) Certificated and foreign air carriers may sell or offer for sale, and operate, as principal, Public Charter flights under part 380 of this chapter directly to the public.

(b) Each certificated or foreign air carrier operating a charter trip under this section shall comply with all the requirements of part 380 of this chapter, except that:

(1) Those provisions of part 380 relating to the existence of a contract between a charter operator and a direct air carrier do not apply;

(2) A depository agreement shall comply with § 380.34a (d) and (f);

(3) A security agreement shall comply with § 380.34 (c) and (d); and

(i) If no depository agreement is used, protect charter participant payments (including those for ground accommodations and services) and assure the certificated or foreign air carrier's contractual and regulatory responsibilities to charter participants in an unlimited amount (except that the liability of the securer with respect to any charter participant may be limited to the charter price paid by or on behalf of such participant);

(ii) If used in combination with a depository agreement, protect charter participant payments (including those for ground accommodations and services) and assure the certificated or foreign air carrier's contractual and regulatory responsibilities to charter participants in the amount of at least $10,000 times the number of flights, except that the amount need not be more than $200,000. The liability of the securer with respect to any charter participant may be limited to the charter price paid by or on behalf of such participant.

(c) The Department reserves the right to limit or prohibit the operation of direct sales Public Charters by a foreign air carrier upon a finding that such action is necessary in the public interest.

§ 212.8 - Protection of customers' payments.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, no certificated air carrier or foreign air carrier shall perform any charter trip (other than a cargo charter trip) originating in the United States or any Overseas Military Personnel Charter trip, as defined in part 372 of this chapter, nor shall such carrier accept any advance payment in connection with any such charter trip, unless there is on file with the Department a copy of a currently effective agreement made between said carrier and a designated bank, by the terms of which all sums payable in advance to the carrier by charterers, in connection with any such trip to be performed by said carrier, shall be deposited with and maintained by the bank, as escrow holder, the agreement to be subject to the following conditions:

(1) The charterer (or its agent) shall pay the carrier either by check or money order made payable to the depository bank. Such check or money order and any cash received by the carrier from a charterer (or its agent) shall be deposited in, or mailed to, the bank no later than the close of the business day following the receipt of the check or money order or the cash, along with a statement showing the name and address of the charterer (or its agent); provided, however, that where the charter transportation to be performed by a carrier is sold through a travel agent, the agent may be authorized by the carrier to deduct its commission and remit the balance of the advance payment to the carrier either by check or money order made payable to the designated bank.

(2) The bank shall pay over to the carrier escrowed funds with respect to a specific charter only after the carrier has certified in writing to the bank that such charter has been completed; provided, however, that the bank may be required by the terms of the agreement to pay over to the carrier a specified portion of such escrowed funds, as payment for the performance of the outbound segment of a round-trip charter upon the carrier's written certification that such segment has been so completed.

(3) Refunds to a charterer from sums in the escrow account shall be paid directly to such charterer its assigns. Upon written certification from the carrier that a charter has been canceled, the bank shall turn over directly to the charterer or its assigns all escrowed sums (less any cancellation penalties as provided in the charter contract) which the bank holds with respect to such canceled charter, provided however, that in the case of a split charter escrowed funds shall be turned over to a charterer or its assigns only if the carrier's written certification of cancellation of such charter includes a specific representation that either the charter has been canceled by the carrier or, if the charter has been canceled by the charterer, that the carrier has accepted a substitute charterer.

(4) The bank shall maintain a separate accounting for each charter flight.

(5) As used in this section the term “bank” means a bank insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

(b) The escrow agreement required under paragraph (a) of this section shall not be effective until approved by the Department. Claims against the escrow may be made only with respect to the non-performance of air transportation.

(c) The carrier may elect, in lieu of furnishing an escrow agreement pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, to furnish and file with the Department a surety bond with guarantees to the United States Government the performance of all charter trips (other than cargo charter trips) originating in the United States and of all overseas military personnel charter trips, as defined in part 372 of this chapter, to be performed, in whole or in part, by such carrier pursuant to any contracts entered into by such carrier. The amount of such bond shall be unlimited. 1 Claims under the bond may be made only with respect to the non-performance of air transportation.

1 While the face amount of the bond is unlimited, claims are limited to amounts that are paid to carrier for U.S.-originating passenger charter flights that carrier fails to perform or to refund.

(d) The bond permitted by this section shall be in the form set forth as the appendix to this part. Such bond shall be issued by a bonding or surety company—

(1) Which is listed in Best's Insurance Reports (Fire and Casualty) with a general policyholders' rating of “A” or better or

(2) Which is listed in the U.S. Department of Treasury's notice listing companies holding Certificates of Authority as acceptable sureties on Federal bonds and as acceptable reinsuring companies, published in the Federal Register on or about July 1. The bonding or surety company shall be one legally authorized to issue bonds of that type in the State in which there is located the office or usual residence of the agency designated by the carrier under 49 U.S.C. 46103 to receive service of notices, process and other documents issued by or filed with the Department of Transportation. For the purposes of this section the term “State” includes any territory or possession of the United States, or the District of Columbia. If the bond does not comply with the requirements of this section, or for any reason fails to provide satisfactory or adequate protection for the public, the Department will notify the certificated or foreign air carrier by registered or certified mail, stating the deficiencies of the bond. Unless such deficiencies are corrected within the time limit set forth in the notification, no amounts payable in advance by customers for the subject charter trips shall be accepted by the carrier.

(e) The bond required by this section shall provide that unless the charterer files a claim with the carrier, or, if the carrier is unavailable, with the surety, within 60 days after cancellation of a charter trip with respect to which the charterer's advance payments are secured by the bond, the surety shall be released from all liability under the bond to such charterer for such charter trip. The contract between the carrier and the charterer shall contain notice of this provision.

§ 212.9 - Prior authorization requirements.

(a) Certificated air carriers shall obtain a statement of authorization for each long-term wet lease to a foreign air carrier.

(b) Foreign air carriers shall obtain a statement of authorization for each:

(1) Fifth-, sixth- and/or seventh-freedom charter flights to or from the United States;

(2) Long-term wet lease;

(3) Charter flight for which the Department specifically requires prior authorization under paragraph (e) or (f) of this section; or

(4) Part charter.

(c) The Department may issue blanket statements of authorization to foreign air carriers to conduct fifth freedom charters. The standards for issuing such blanket authorizations shall be those stated in § 212.11. The Department may revoke any authority granted under this paragraph at any time without hearing.

(d) The Department may at any time, with or without hearing, but with at least 30 days' notice, require a foreign air carrier to obtain a statement of authorization before operating any charter flight. In deciding whether to impose such a requirement, the Department will consider (but not be limited to considering) whether the country of the carrier's nationality:

(1) Requires prior approval for third or fourth freedom charter flights by U.S. air carriers;

(2) Has, over the objection of the U.S. Government, denied rights of a U.S. air carrier guaranteed by a bilateral agreement; or

(3) Has otherwise impaired, limited, or denied the operating rights of U.S. air carriers, or engaged in unfair, discriminatory, or restrictive practices with respect to air transportation services to, from, through, or over its territory.

(e) The Department, in the interest of national security, may require a foreign air carrier to provide prior notification or to obtain a statement of authorization before operating any charter flight over U.S. territory.

[Doc. No. OST-97-2356, 63 FR 28236, May 22, 1998, as amended at 71 FR 5785, Feb. 3, 2006]
§ 212.10 - Application for statement of authorization.

(a) Application for a statement of authorization shall be submitted on OST Form 4540 except that for part charters or long-term wet leases the application may be in letter form. An application for a long-term wet lease shall describe the purpose and terms of the wet lease agreement. Except for an application for a long-term wet lease involving a codeshare agreement, an original and two copies of an application shall be submitted to the Department of Transportation, Office of International Aviation, U.S. Air Carrier Licensing Division, X-44 (for an application by a certificated air carrier), or Foreign Air Carrier Licensing Division, X-45 (for an application by a foreign air carrier), 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590; an original and two copies of an application for a long-term wet lease involving a codeshare agreement shall be submitted to DOT Dockets, PL-401, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590, or by electronic submission to DOT Dockets according to procedures at the DOT Dockets website. Upon a showing of good cause, the application may be transmitted by facsimile (fax) or telegram, or may be made by telephone, provided, that in the case of a fax or telephone application, the applicant must confirm its request (by filing an original and two copies of its application as described above) within three business days.

(b) A copy of each application for a long-term wet lease shall also be served on the Director of Flight Standards Service (AFS-1), Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591, and on each certificated air carrier that is authorized to serve the general area in which the proposed transportation is to be performed.

(c)(1) Applicants for statements of authorization filed by foreign air carriers shall include documentation to establish the extent to which the country of the applicant's nationality deals with U.S. air carriers on the basis of reciprocity for similar flights, if such flights are not subject to a bilateral agreement, and

(i) The Department has not established that the country accords reciprocity;

(ii) The Department has found reciprocity defective in the most recent prior approval application involving the country; or

(iii) Changes in reciprocity have occurred since the most recent Department finding for the country in question.

(2) Applications filed by certificated or foreign air carriers to conduct long-term wet leases shall include, for the country of the lessee's nationality, the documentation specified in paragraph (c)(1) of this section.

(d)(1) Applications shall be filed at least 5 business days before commencement of the proposed flight or flights, except as specified in paragraphs (d)(2), (d)(3), and (d)(4) of this section. Late applications may be considered upon a showing of good cause for the lateness.

(2) Applications for a part charter or for a long-term wet lease shall be filed at least 45 calendar days before the date of the first proposed flight.

(3) Applications specifically required under § 212.9(d) shall be filed at least 30 calendar days before the proposed flight or flights (10 calendar days for cargo charters), unless otherwise specified by the Department.

(4) Applications required by a Department order under § 212.9(e) shall be filed at least 14 calendar days before the proposed flight or flights, unless otherwise specified by the Department.

(5) Where an application is required by more than one provision of this part and/or order of the Department, only one application need be filed, but it must conform to the earliest applicable filing deadline.

(6) The Department may require service of applications as it deems necessary.

(e)(1) Any person may file a memorandum supporting or opposing an application. Three copies of each memorandum shall be filed within 7 business days after service of the application or before the date of the proposed flight or flights, whichever is earlier. Memorandums will be considered to the extent practicable; the Department may act on an application without waiting for supporting or opposing memorandums to be filed.

(2) Each memorandum shall set forth the reasons why the application should be granted or denied, accompanied by whatever data, including affidavits, the Department is requested to consider.

(3) A copy of each memorandum shall be served on the certified or foreign air carrier applying for approval.

(f)(1) Unless otherwise ordered by the Department, each application and memorandum filed in response will be available for public inspection at the Office of International Aviation immediately upon filing. Such information with respect to codeshare applications and responsive pleadings will be available for public inspection at DOT Dockets or at the DOT Dockets website. Notice of the filing of all applications shall be published in the Department's Weekly List of Applications Filed.

(2) Any person objecting to public disclosure of any information in an application or memorandum must state the grounds for the objection in writing. If the Department finds that disclosure of all or part of the information would adversely affect the objecting person, and that the public interest does not require disclosure, it will order that the injurious information be withheld.

[Doc. No. OST-97-2356, 63 FR 28236, May 22, 1998, as amended at 64 FR 3213, Jan. 21, 1999; Doc. No. DOT-OST-2014-0140, 84 FR 15925, Apr. 16, 2019]
§ 212.11 - Issuance of statement of authorization.

(a) The Department will issue a statement of authorization if it finds that the proposed charter flight, part charter, or wet lease meets the requirements of this part and that it is in the public interest. Statements of authorization may be conditioned or limited.

(b) In determining the public interest the Department will consider (but not be limited to) the following factors:

(1) The extent to which the authority sought is covered by and consistent with bilateral agreements to which the United States is a party.

(2) The extent to which an applicant foreign air carrier's home country (and, in the case of a long-term wet lease, the lessee's home country) deals with U.S. air carriers on the basis of substantial reciprocity.

(3) Whether the applicant or its agent has previously violated the provisions of this part.

(4) Where the application concerns a long-term wet lease:

(i) Whether the lessor (applicant) or its agent or the lessee (charterer) or its agent has previously violated the provisions of the Department's charter regulations.

(ii) Whether, because of the nature of the arrangement and the benefits involved, the authority sought should be the subject of a bilateral agreement.

(iii) To what extent the lessor owns and/or controls the lessee, or is owned and/or controlled by the lessee.

(c) The Department will submit any denial of an authorization specifically required of a foreign air carrier under § 212.9(d) to the President of the United States at least 10 days before the proposed departure. The denial will be subject to stay or disapproval by the President within 10 days after it is submitted. A shorter period for Presidential review may be specified by the Department where the application for authorization is not timely or properly filed. Denial of a late-filed application need not be submitted to the President. For the purposes of this paragraph, an application filed by a foreign air carrier under § 212.9(d) to conduct a cargo charter will be considered as timely filed only if it is filed at least 30 calendar days before the proposed flight, notwithstanding the 10-day filing requirement for cargo charters in § 212.10(d)(3).

(d) The Department will publish notice of its actions on applications for statements of authorization in its Weekly List of Applications Filed. Interested persons may upon request obtain copies of letters of endorsed forms advising applicants of action taken on their applications.

[Docket No. OST-97-2356, 63 FR 28236, May 22, 1998, as amended by Doc. No. DOT-OST-2014-0140, 84 FR 15925, Apr. 16, 2019]
§ 212.12 - Waiver.

The Department may grant a waiver of any of the provisions of this part upon a finding that such waiver is in the public interest. A certificated or foreign air carrier may request a waiver by filing a written application with the Department, citing the specific provision to be waived and providing justification for such waiver.

Appendix Appendix A - Appendix A to Part 212—Certificated or Foreign Air Carrier's Surety Bond Under Part 212 of the Regulations of the Department of Transportation (14 CFR Part 212)

Know all persons by these presents, that we __________ (Name of certificated or foreign air carrier) of __________, (City) __________ (State or Country) as Principal (hereinafter called Principal), and __________ (name of Surety) a corporation created and existing under the laws of the State of ________ (State) as Surety (hereinafter called Surety) are held and firmly bound unto the United States of America in an unlimited amount, as required by 14 CFR 212.8, for which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.

Whereas the principal, a certificated air carrier holding a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued under 49 U.S.C. 41102,or.S.C. 41302 or an exemption issued under 49 U.S.C. 40109 authorizing that foreign air carrier to engage in charter trips in foreign air transportation, is subject to rules and regulations of the Department of Transportation relating to security for the protection of charterers of civil aircraft and has elected to file with the Department of Transportation such a bond as will guarantee to the United States Government the performance of all charter trips (other than cargo charter trips) originating in the United States and of all Overseas Military Personnel Charters, as defined in 14 CFR part 372, to be performed, in whole or in part, by such certificated or foreign air carrier pursuant to contracts entered into by such carrier after the execution date of this bond, and

Whereas this bond is written to assure compliance by the Principal with rules and regulations of the Department of Transportation relating to security for the protection of charterer of civil aircraft for charter trips (other than cargo charters) originating in the United States or of Overseas Military Personnel Charter trips and shall inure to the benefit of any and all such charterers to whom the Principal may be held legally liable for any of the damages herein described.

Now, therefore, the condition of this obligation is such that if the Principal shall pay or cause to be paid to such charterer any sum or sums for which the Principal may be held legally liable by reason of the Principal's failure faithfully to perform, fulfill, and carry out all contracts made by the Principal while this bond is in effect for the performance of charter trips (other than cargo charter trips) originating in the United States and of Overseas Military Personnel Charter trips, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect.

The liability of the Surety shall not be discharged by any payment or succession of payments hereunder in any specified amount. The surety agrees to furnish written notice to the Department of Transportation forthwith of all suits filed, judgments rendered, and payments made by said Surety under this bond.

This bond is effective the ___ day of ________, ____, 12:01 a.m., standard time at the address of the Principal as stated herein and shall continue in force until terminated as hereinafter provided. The Principal or the Surety may at any time terminate this bond by written notice to the Department of Transportation at its office in Washington, D.C., such termination to become effective thirty (30) days after actual receipt of said notice by the Department. The Surety shall not be liable hereunder for the payment of the damages hereinbefore described which arise as the result of any contracts for the performance of air transportation services made by the Principal after the termination of this bond becomes effective, as herein provided, but such termination shall not affect the liability of the Surety hereunder for the payment of any such damages arising as the result of contracts for the performance of air transportation services made by the Principal after the termination of this bond becomes effective. Liability of the Surety under this bond shall in all events be limited only to a charterer who shall within sixty (60) days after the cancellation of a charter trip with respect to which the charterer's advance payments are secured by this bond give written notice of claim to the certificated or foreign air carrier, or, if it is unavailable, to the Surety, and all liability on this bond for such charter trip shall automatically terminate sixty (60) days after the termination date thereof except for claims filed within the time provided herein.

In witness whereof, the said Principal and Surety have executed this instrument on the ___ day of ________, ____.

Principal Name By: Signature and title Witness Surety Name By: Signature and title Witness Bonding or surety company must be listed in Best's Insurance Reports (Fire and Casualty) with a general policyholders' rating of “A” or better or in the Department of the Treasury listing of companies holding certificates of authority as acceptable sureties on Federal bonds. In addition, the bonding or surety company shall be one legally authorized to issue bonds of that type in the State(s) in which the charter flight(s) originate. Agents must provide satisfactory proof that they have the requisite authority to issue this bond.
Appendix Appendix B - Appendix B to Part 212—Certification of Compliance
Organization Charterworthiness for Affinity Charter Air Transportation and Eligibility of All Prospective Passengers for Such Flights Under Part 212 of the Regulations of the Department of Transportation (14 CFR Part 212)

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct.

source: Docket No. OST-97-2356, 63 FR 28236, May 22, 1998, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 14 CFR 212.12