Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space last revised: Oct 08, 2024
§ 221.100 - Public notice of tariff information.

Carriers must make tariff information available to the general public, and in so doing must comply with either:

(a) Sections 221.101, 221.102, 221.103, 221.104, 221.105, and 221.106, or

(b) Sections 221.105, 221.106 and 221.107 of this subpart.

§ 221.101 - Inspection at stations, offices, or locations other than principal or general office.

(a) Each carrier shall make available for public inspection at each of its stations, offices, or other locations at which tickets for passenger transportation are sold and which is in charge of a person employed exclusively by the carrier, or by it jointly with another person, all tariffs applicable to passenger traffic from or to the point where such station, office, or location is situated, including tariffs covering any terminal services, charges, or practices whatsoever, which apply to passenger traffic from or to such point.

(b) A carrier will be deemed to have complied with the requirement that it “post” tariffs, if it maintains at each station, office, or location a file in complete form of all tariffs required to be posted; and in the case of tariffs involving passenger fares, rules, charges or practices, notice to the passenger as required in § 221.105.

(c) Tariffs shall be posted by each carrier party thereto no later than the filed date designated thereon except that in the case of carrier stations, offices or locations situated outside the United States, its territories and possessions, the time shall be not later than five days after the filed date, and except that a tariff which the Department has authorized to be filed on shorter notice shall be posted by the carrier on like notice as authorized for filing.

§ 221.102 - Accessibility of tariffs to the public.

Each file of tariffs shall be kept in complete and accessible form. Employees of the carrier shall be required to give any desired information contained in such tariffs, to lend assistance to seekers of information therefrom, and to afford inquirers opportunity to examine any of such tariffs without requiring the inquirer to assign any reason for such desire.

§ 221.103 - Notice of tariff terms.

Each carrier shall cause to be displayed continuously in a conspicuous public place at each station, office, or location at which tariffs are required to be posted, a notice printed in large type reading as follows:

Public Inspection of Tariffs

All the currently effective passenger tariffs to which this company is a party and all passenger tariff publications which have been issued but are not yet effective are on file in this office, so far as they apply to traffic from or to. (Here name the point.) These tariffs may be inspected by any person upon request and without the assignment of any reason for such inspection. The employees of this company on duty in this office will lend assistance in securing information from the tariffs.

In addition, a complete file of all tariffs of this company, with indexes thereof, is maintained and kept available for public inspection at. (Here indicate the place or places where complete tariff files are maintained, including the street address, and where appropriate, the room number.)

§ 221.105 - Special notice of limited liability under international treaty.

(a)(1) In addition to the other requirements of this subpart, each air carrier and foreign air carrier which, to any extent, avails itself of the limitation on liability to passengers provided by an international treaty, shall, at the time of delivery of the ticket, furnish to each passenger whose transportation is governed by the international treaty and whose place of departure or place of destination is in the United States, the following statement in writing:

Advice to International Passengers on Limitations of Liability

Passengers embarking upon a journey involving an ultimate destination or a stop in a country other than the country of departure are advised that the provisions of an international treaty (the Warsaw Convention, the 1999 Montreal Convention, or other treaty), as well as a carrier's own contract of carriage or tariff provisions, may be applicable to their entire journey, including any portion entirely within the countries of departure and destination. The applicable treaty governs and may limit the liability of carriers to passengers for death or personal injury, destruction or loss of, or damage to, baggage, and for delay of passengers and baggage.

Additional protection can usually be obtained by purchasing insurance from a private company. Such insurance is not affected by any limitation of the carrier's liability under an international treaty. For further information please consult your airline or insurance company representative.

(2) The statement prescribed in paragraph (a)(1) of this section shall be printed or displayed in type at least as large as 10-point modern type and in a form that contrasts with the stock or background on:

(i) Each ticket, including electronic tickets;

(ii) A piece of paper either placed in the ticket envelope with the ticket or attached to the ticket; or

(iii) The ticket envelope.

(3) When a carrier is a signatory of a Department-approved intercarrier agreement implementing an international treaty, and such agreement contains specific text a carrier may use as a notice to international passengers regarding carrier liability, the carrier may substitute the exact text contained in the intercarrier agreement in lieu of the required text of the notice quoted in paragraph (a)(1) of this section.

(b) By December 31, 2019, each air carrier and foreign air carrier which, to any extent, avails itself of the limitation on liability to passengers provided by an international treaty, shall also cause to be displayed continuously in a conspicuous public place at each desk, station, and position in the United States which is in the charge of a person employed exclusively by it or by it jointly with another person, or by any agent employed by such air carrier or foreign air carrier to sell tickets to passengers whose transportation may be governed by an international treaty and whose place of departure or destination may be in the United States, a sign which shall have printed thereon the statement prescribed in paragraph (a)(1) of this section.

(c) It shall be the responsibility of each carrier to ensure that travel agents authorized to sell air transportation for such carrier comply with the notice provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.

(d) Any air carrier or foreign air carrier subject to the provisions of this section which wishes to use a notice of limited liability of its own wording, but containing the substance of the language prescribed in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, may substitute a notice of its own wording upon approval by the Department.

(e) The requirements as to time and method of delivery of the notice (including the size of type) specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section and the requirement with respect to travel agents specified in paragraph (c) of this section may be waived by the Department upon application and showing by the carrier that special and unusual circumstances render the enforcement of the regulations impractical and unduly burdensome and that adequate alternative means of giving notice are employed.

(f) Applications for relief under paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section shall be filed with the Department's Office of International Aviation not later than 15 days before the date on which such relief is requested to become effective.

(g) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, no air taxi operator subject to part 298 of this subchapter shall be required to give the notices prescribed in this section, either in its capacity as an air carrier or in its capacity as an agent for an air carrier or foreign air carrier.

[Doc. No. DOT-OST-2014-0140, 84 FR 15929, Apr. 16, 2019]
§ 221.106 - [Reserved]
§ 221.107 - Notice of contract terms.

(a) Terms incorporated in the contract of carriage. (1) A ticket, or other written instrument that embodies the contract of carriage for foreign air transportation shall contain or be accompanied by notice to the passenger as required in paragraphs (b) and (d) of this section.

(2) Each carrier shall make the full text of all terms that are incorporated in a contract of carriage readily available for public inspection at each airport or other ticket sales office of the carrier: Provided, That the medium, i.e., printed or electronic, in which the incorporated terms and conditions are made available to the consumer shall be at the discretion of the carrier.

(3) Each carrier shall display continuously in a conspicuous public place at each airport or other ticket sales office of the carrier a notice printed in large type reading as follows:

Explanation of Contract Terms

All passenger (and/or cargo as applicable) contract terms incorporated into the contract of carriage to which this company is a party are available in this office. These provisions may be inspected by any person upon request and for any reason. The employees of this office will lend assistance in securing information, and explaining any terms.

In addition, a file of all tariffs of this company, with indexes thereof, from which incorporated contract terms may be obtained is maintained and kept available for public inspection at. (Here indicate the place or places where tariff files are maintained, including the street address and, where appropriate, the room number.)

(4) Each carrier shall provide to the passenger a complete copy of the text of any/all terms and conditions applicable to the contract of carriage, free of charge, immediately, if feasible, or otherwise promptly by mail or other delivery service, upon request at any airport or other ticket sales office of the carrier. In addition, all other locations where the carrier's tickets may be issued shall have available at all times, free of charge, information sufficient to enable the passenger to request a copy of such term(s).

(b) Notice of incorporated terms. Each carrier and ticket agent shall include on or with a ticket or other written instrument given to the passenger, that embodies the contract of carriage, a conspicuous notice that:

(1) The contract of carriage may incorporate terms and conditions by reference; passengers may inspect the full text of each applicable incorporated term at any of the carrier's airport locations or other ticket sales offices of the carrier; and passengers, shippers and consignees have the right to receive, upon request at any airport or other ticket sales office of the carrier, a free copy of the full text of any/all such terms by mail or other delivery service;

(2) The incorporated terms may include, among others, the terms shown in paragraphs (b)(2) (i) through (iv) of this section. Passengers may obtain a concise and immediate explanation of the terms shown in paragraphs (b)(2) (i) through (iv) of this section from any location where the carrier's tickets are sold.

(i) Limits on the carrier's liability for personal injury or death of passengers (subject to § 221.105), and for loss, damage, or delay of goods and baggage, including fragile or perishable goods.

(ii) Claim restrictions, including time periods within which passengers must file a claim or bring an action against the carrier for its acts or omissions or those of its agents.

(iii) Rules about re-confirmations or reservations, check-in times, and refusal to carry.

(iv) Rights of the carrier and limitations concerning delay or failure to perform service, including schedule changes, substitution of alternate carrier or aircraft, and rerouting.

(c) Explanation of incorporated terms. Each carrier shall ensure that any passenger can obtain from any location where its tickets are sold or any similar documents are issued, a concise and immediate explanation of any term incorporated concerning the subjects listed in paragraph (b)(2) or identified in paragraph (d) of this section.

(d) Direct notice of certain terms. A passenger must receive conspicuous written notice, on or with the ticket, or other similar document, of the salient features of any terms that restrict refunds of the price of the transportation, impose monetary penalties on customers, or permit a carrier to raise the price or impose more restrictive conditions of contract after issuance of the ticket.

§ 221.108 - Transmission of tariff filings to subscribers.

(a) Each carrier required to file tariffs in accordance with this part shall make available to any person so requesting a subscription service as described in paragraph (b) of this section for its passenger tariffs issued by it or by a publishing agent on its behalf.

(b) Under the required subscription service one copy of each new tariff publication, including the justification required by § 221.94, must be transmitted to each subscriber thereto by first-class mail (or other equivalent means agreed upon by the subscriber) not later than one day following the time the copies for official filing are transmitted to the Department. The subscription service described in this section shall not preclude the offering of additional types of subscription services by carriers or their agents.

(c) The carriers or their publishing agents at their option may establish a charge for providing the required subscription service to subscribers: Provided, That the charge may not exceed a reasonable estimate of the added cost of providing the service.

source: 64 FR 40657, July 27, 1999, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 14 CFR 221.103