Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space last revised: Jan 22, 2025
§ 297.20 - Filing for registration.
(a) Not later than 60 days before the start of operations as a foreign indirect air carrier, every foreign air freight forwarder and foreign cooperative shippers association shall apply for registration with the Department, unless upon a showing of good cause, the Director, Office of International Aviation, allows application at a later time.
(b) Application shall consist of filing with the Department's Office of International Aviation, U.S. Air Carrier Licensing/Special Authorities Division, two copies of completed OST Form 4506, which may be obtained from the Department of Transportation, U.S. Air Carrier Licensing/Special Authorities Division.
[ER-1159, 44 FR 69635, Dec. 4, 1979, as amended by ER-1265, 46 FR 56602, Nov. 18, 1981; Doc. No. 47939, 57 FR 40103, Sept. 2, 1992; 60 FR 43527, Aug. 22, 1995; DOT-OST-2014-0140, 84 FR 15934, Apr. 16, 2019]
§ 297.21 - Objections to registration application.
Persons objecting to registration by a foreign air freight forwarder or foreign cooperative shippers association shall file their objections with the Office of International Aviation, U.S. Air Carrier Licensing/Special Authorities Division, within 28 days of the filing date of the registration forms. The Department will list the names and nationality of all persons applying for registration in its Weekly Summary of Filings.
[ER-1159, 44 FR 69635, Dec. 4, 1979, as amended by Doc. No. 47939, 57 FR 40103, Sept. 2, 1992; 60 FR 43527, Aug. 22, 1995; DOT-OST-2014-0140, 84 FR 15934, Apr. 16, 2019]
§ 297.22 - Procedure on receipt of registration application.
After review of a registration form filed under § 297.20, the Department will take one or more of the following actions:
(a) Indicate by stamp on OST Form 4506 the effective date of registration, and return to the carrier the duplicate copy of OST Form 4506 as evidence of registration with the Department under this part;
(b) Reject an application for registration for failure to comply with this part, for reasons relating to the failure of effective reciprocity, or if the Department finds that it is in the public interest to do so.
(c) Request additional information from the applicant;
(d) Issue an order subjecting a carrier's exercise of authority under this part to such terms, conditions, or limitations as may be required by the public interest; or
(e) Institute a proceeding under section 41302 of 49 U.S.C. Subtitle VII.
[ER-1159, 44 FR 69635, Dec. 4, 1979, as amended by ER-1294, 47 FR 19685, May 7, 1982; Doc. No. 47939, 57 FR 40103, Sept. 2, 1992; 60 FR 43527, Aug. 22, 1995; DOT-OST-2014-0140, 84 FR 15934, Apr. 16, 2019]
§ 297.23 - Waiver of sovereign immunity.
By accepting an approval registration form under this part, a carrier waives any right it may possess to assert any defense of sovereign immunity from suit in any action or proceeding instituted against the carrier in any court or other tribunal in the United States based upon any claim arising out of operations by the carrier under this part.
§ 297.24 - Notification to the Department of change of operations.
(a) Not later than 30 days before any change in its name or address or any temporary or permanent cessation of operations, each foreign indirect air carrier shall notify the Department's Office of International Aviation, U.S. Air Carrier Licensing/Special Authorities Division, of the change by resubmitting OST Form 4506.
(b) The registrant shall apply for an amendment of its registration not later than 30 days after any person listed on its existing registration as owning or holding beneficial ownership of 10 percent or more of the registrant's stock no longer has an interest of 10 percent or more, or after any person not so listed becomes an owner or holder of 10 percent or more. Application for amendment shall be made by resubmitting OST Form 4506, but the existing registration shall remain valid pending Department action on the amendment.
[ER-1159, 44 FR 69635, Dec. 4, 1979, as amended by Doc. No. 47939, 57 FR 40103, Sept. 2, 1992; 60 FR 43527, Aug. 22, 1995; DOT-OST-2014-0140, 84 FR 15934, Apr. 16, 2019]
§ 297.25 - Cancellation or conditioning of registration.
The registration of a foreign indirect air carrier may be canceled or subjected to additional terms, conditions or limitations if:
(a) It files with the Department a written notice that it is discontinuing foreign indirect air carrier activities;
(b) It fails to perform air transportation services as authorized;
(c) It fails to file the reports required by this part;
(d) A substantial ownership or control interest is acquired by persons who are not citizens of the country of citizenship of the registrant;
(e) There is a failure of effective reciprocity; or
(f) The Department finds that it is in the public interest to do so.
[ER-1159, 44 FR 69635, Dec. 4, 1979, as amended by ER-1294, 47 FR 19685, May 7, 1982]
source: ER-1159, 44 FR 69635, Dec. 4, 1979, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 14 CFR 297.25