Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space last revised: Oct 16, 2024
§ 302.207 - Cases to be decided on written submissions.

(a) Applications under this subpart will be decided on the basis of written submissions unless the DOT decisionmaker, on petition as provided in § 302.208 or on his or her own initiative, determines that an oral presentation or an administrative law judge's decision is required because:

(1) Use of written procedures will prejudice a party;

(2) Material issues of decisional fact cannot adequately be resolved without oral evidentiary hearing procedures; or

(3) Assignment of an application for oral evidentiary hearing procedures or an initial or recommended decision by an administrative law judge is otherwise required by the public interest.

(b) The standards employed in deciding cases under § 302.210(a)(1) or (5) shall be the same as the standards applied in cases decided under § 302.210(a)(4). These are the standards set forth in the Statute as interpreted and expanded upon under that Statute.

§ 302.208 - Petitions for oral presentation or judge's decision.

(a) Any person may file a petition for oral evidentiary hearing, oral argument, an initial or recommended decision, or any combination of these. Petitions shall demonstrate that one or more of the criteria set forth in § 302.207 are applicable to the issues for which an oral presentation or judge's decision is requested. Such petitions shall be supported by a detailed explanation of the following:

(1) Why the evidence or argument to be presented cannot be submitted in the form of written evidence or briefs;

(2) Which issues should be examined by an administrative law judge and why such issues should not be presented directly to the DOT decisionmaker for decision;

(3) An estimate of the time required for the oral presentation and the number of witnesses whom the petitioner would present; and

(4) If cross-examination of any witness is desired, the name of the witness, if known, the subject matter of the desired cross-examination or the title or number of the exhibit to be cross-examined, what the petitioner expects to establish by the cross-examination, and an estimate of the time needed for it.

(b) Petitions for an oral hearing, oral argument, or an administrative law judge's decision shall be filed no later than the due date for answers in proceedings governed by §§ 302.211, 302.212 and 302.213, and be accompanied with the information specified in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section. Filing of the information required in paragraphs (a)(3) and (a)(4) of this section may be deferred until the DOT decisionmaker has decided to hold a formal proceeding.

(c) Where a stipulation of disputed facts would eliminate the need for an oral presentation or an administrative law judge's decision, parties shall include in their petitions an offer to withdraw the request should the stipulation be made.

§ 302.209 - Procedures for deferral of applications.

Within twenty-eight (28) days after the filing of an application under this subpart, the DOT decisionmaker may defer further processing of the application until all of the information necessary to process that application is submitted. The time periods contained in this subpart with respect to the disposition of the application shall not begin to run until the application is complete. In addition, the DOT decisionmaker may defer action on a foreign air carrier permit application for foreign policy reasons.

§ 302.210 - Disposition of applications; orders establishing further procedures.

(a) General requirements. The DOT decisionmaker will take one of the following actions with respect to all or any portion of each application:

(1) Issue an Order to Show Cause why the application should not be granted, denied or dismissed, in whole or in part.

(2) Issue a Final Order granting the application if the DOT decisionmaker determines that there are no material issues of fact that warrant further procedures for their resolution.

(3) Issue a Final Order dismissing or rejecting the application for lack of prosecution or if the application does not comply with this subpart or is otherwise materially deficient.

(4) Issue an order setting the application for oral evidentiary hearing. The order will establish the scope of the issues to be considered and the procedures to be employed, and will indicate whether one or more attorneys from the Office of the Assistant General Counsel for Aviation Enforcement and Proceedings will participate as a party. All of the procedures set forth in §§ 302.214 through 302.218 will apply unless the DOT decisionmaker decides otherwise.

(5) Begin to make a determination with respect to the application under simplified procedures without oral evidentiary hearing. In this event, the DOT decisionmaker may indicate which, if any, of the procedural steps set forth in §§ 302.215 through 302.219 will be employed. The DOT decisionmaker may also indicate that other non-oral evidentiary hearing procedures will be employed.

(b) Additional evidence. An order establishing further procedures under paragraph (a)(1), (4) or (5) of this section may provide for the filing of additional evidence.

(c) Petitions for reconsideration. Petitions for reconsideration of an order issued under this section will not be entertained except to the extent that the order dismissed or rejected all or part of an application. If a petition for reconsideration results in the reinstatement of all or part of an application, the deadline for final Department decision established in § 302.220 will be calculated from the date of the order reinstating the application.

§ 302.211 - Procedures in certificate cases involving initial or continuing fitness.

(a) Applicability. This section applies to cases involving certificate authority under sections 41102 and 41103 of 49 U.S.C. Subtitle VII , including applications for new authority, renewals, amendments, modifications, suspensions, and transfers of such certificates, where the issues involve a determination of the applicant's fitness to operate. Where such applications propose the operation of scheduled service in limited entry international markets, the provisions of § 302.212 also apply.

(b) Order establishing further procedures. Within 90 days after a complete application is filed, the DOT decisionmaker will take action as provided in § 302.210.

§ 302.212 - Procedures in certificate cases involving international routes.

(a) Applicability. This section applies to cases involving certificates under section 41102 of 49 U.S.C. Subtitle VII that involve international routes, including applications to obtain, renew, amend, transfer, or remove restrictions in such certificates.

(b) Answers to applications. Answers shall be filed within twenty one (21) days after the filing of the original application.

(c) Conforming applications or motions to modify scope. Any person may file an application for the same authority as sought in an application to obtain, renew, or amend a certificate filed under paragraph (a) of this section. Requests to modify the issues to be decided and to consolidate applications filed in other dockets shall be filed as a “motion to modify scope.” Motions and applications under this section shall include economic data, other facts, and any argument in support of the person's position and must be filed within twenty one (21) days after the original application is filed. Later-filed competing applications shall conform to the base and forecast years used by the original applicant and need not contain traffic and financial data for markets for which data have already been submitted by another person.

(d) Answers to conforming applications or motions to modify scope. Answers to conforming applications and motions to modify scope filed in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section shall be filed within fourteen (14) days after the filing of the conforming application or motion. Answers may argue that an application should be dismissed. Answers may also seek to consolidate an application filed in another docket if that application conforms to the scope of the proceeding proposed in the motion to modify scope and includes the information prescribed in § 302.202. Answers and applications shall not, however, propose the consideration of additional markets.

(e) Order establishing further procedures. Within 90 days after a complete application is filed, the DOT decisionmaker will issue an order as provided in § 302.210.

§ 302.213 - Procedures in foreign air carrier permit cases.

(a) Applicability. This section applies to cases involving foreign air carrier permits under section 41302 of 49 U.S.C. Subtitle VII, including applications for new authority, renewals, amendments, modifications, suspensions, and transfers of such permits.

(b) Executive departments. In addition to the standards set forth in § 302.207(b), the views of other executive agencies, such as the Department of State, and the Federal Aviation Administration's evaluation of the applicant's operational fitness, may be sought in determining the appropriate action on applications filed under this section.

(c) Order establishing further procedures. As soon as possible after the date that answers are due and all information needed to reach a decision is filed, the DOT decisionmaker will issue an order as provided in § 302.210.

§ 302.214 - Oral evidentiary hearing.

If the DOT decisionmaker determines under § 302.210(a)(4) that an oral evidentiary hearing should be held, the application or applications will be set for oral hearing before an administrative law judge. The issues will be those set forth in the order establishing further procedures. The procedures in §§ 302.17 to 302.38 governing the conduct of oral evidentiary hearings will apply.

§ 302.215 - Briefs to the administrative law judge.

Briefs to the administrative law judge shall be filed within the following periods, as applicable:

(a) Fourteen (14) days after the close of the oral evidentiary hearing, unless the administrative law judge determines that, under the circumstances of the case, briefs are not necessary or that the parties will require more time to prepare briefs; or

(b) Fourteen (14) days after the filing of additional evidence called for in the order establishing further procedures if no oral evidentiary hearing is called for, unless the DOT decisionmaker determines that some other period should be allowed.

§ 302.216 - Administrative law judge's initial or recommended decision.

(a) In a case that has been set for oral evidentiary hearing under § 302.210(a)(4), the administrative law judge shall adopt and serve an initial or recommended decision within one hundred thirty-six (136) days after the issuance of the order establishing further procedures unless:

(1) The DOT decisionmaker, having found extraordinary circumstances, has by order delayed the initial or recommended decision by a period of not more than thirty (30) days; or

(2) An applicant has failed to meet the procedural schedule adopted by the judge or the DOT decisionmaker. In this case, the administrative law judge may, by notice, extend the due date for the issuance of an initial or recommended decision for a period not to exceed the period of delay caused by the applicant.

(b) In a case in which some of the issues have not been set for oral hearing under § 302.210(a)(4), the administrative law judge shall adopt and serve an initial or recommended decision within the time established by the DOT decisionmaker in the order establishing further procedures, except that that due date may be extended in accordance with paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(c) The initial or recommended decision shall be issued by the administrative law judge fourteen (14) days after it is served. Unless exceptions are filed under § 302.217 or the DOT decisionmaker issues an order to review on his or her own initiative, an initial decision shall become effective as the final order of the Department the day it is issued. Where exceptions are timely filed or the DOT decisionmaker takes action to review on his or her own initiative, the effectiveness of the initial decision is stayed until further order of the DOT decisionmaker.

(d) In all other respects, the provisions of § 302.31 shall apply.

§ 302.217 - Exceptions to administrative law judge's initial or recommended decision.

(a) Within seven (7) days after service of any initial or recommended decision of an administrative law judge, any party may file exceptions to the decision with the DOT decisionmaker.

(b) If timely and adequate exceptions are filed, review of the initial or recommended decision is automatic.

(c) In all other respects, the provisions of § 302.34 shall apply.

§ 302.218 - Briefs to the DOT decisionmaker.

(a) In a case in which an initial or recommended decision has been served and exceptions have been filed, any party may file a brief in support of or in opposition to any exceptions. Such briefs shall be filed within fourteen (14) days after service of the initial or recommended decision.

(b) In a case in which no exceptions have been filed, briefs shall not be filed unless the DOT decisionmaker has taken review of the initial or recommended decision on his or her own initiative and has specifically provided for the filing of such briefs.

(c) In all other respect, the provisions of § 302.35 shall apply.

§ 302.219 - Oral argument before the DOT decisionmaker.

If the order establishing further procedures provides for an oral argument, or if the DOT decisionmaker otherwise decides to hear oral argument, all parties will be notified of the date and hour set for that argument and the amount of time allowed each party. The provisions of § 302.36(b) shall also apply.

§ 302.220 - Final decision of the Department.

In addition to the provisions of § 302.38, the following provisions shall apply:

(a) In the case of a certificate application that has been set for oral evidentiary hearing under § 302.210(a)(4), the Department will issue its final order within ninety (90) days after the initial or recommended decision is issued. If an application has failed to meet the procedural schedule established by the Department, the DOT decisionmaker may, by notice, extend the date for a final decision for a period equal to the period of delay caused by the applicant.

(b) If the DOT decisionmaker does not act in the time period established in paragraph (a) of this section:

(1) in the case of an application for a certificate to engage in foreign air transportation, the recommended decision shall be transmitted to the President of the United States under 49 U.S.C. 41307; or

(2) in the case of an application not subject to review by the President of the United States, the initial decision shall become effective as the final order of the Department.

(c) In the case of a certificate application that has been processed under § 302.210(a)(1) or (5), the Department will issue its final order within one hundred eighty (180) days after the order establishing further procedures. If an applicant has failed to meet the procedural schedule established by the Department, the DOT decisionmaker may, by notice, extend the due date for a final decision for a period equal to the period of delay caused by the applicant.

§ 302.201 - Applicability.

(a) This subpart sets forth the specific rules applicable to proceedings on:

(1) U.S. air carrier certificates of public convenience and necessity and U.S. all-cargo air service certificates under Chapter 411 of 49 U.S.C. Subtitle VII, including renewals, amendments, modifications, suspensions and transfers of such certificates.

(2) Foreign air carrier permits under Chapter 413 of 49 U.S.C. Subtitle VII , including renewals, amendments, modifications, suspensions, and transfers of such permits.

(b) Except as modified by this subpart, the provisions of subpart A of this part apply.

§ 302.202 - Contents of applications.

(a) Certificate applications filed under this subpart shall contain the information required by part 201 of this chapter and, where applicable, part 204 of this chapter, and foreign air carrier permit applications shall contain the information required by part 211 of this chapter, along with any other information that the applicant desires the Department to notice officially.

(b) Applications shall include a notice on the cover page stating that any person may support or oppose the application by filing an answer and serving a copy of the answer on all persons served with the application. The notice shall also state the due date for answers. Amendments to applications will be considered new applications for the purpose of calculating the time limitations of this subsection.

(c) Applications shall include a list of the names and addresses of all persons who have been served in accordance with § 302.203.

(d) Where required, each application shall be accompanied by an Energy Statement in conformity with part 313 of this chapter.

§ 302.203 - Service of documents.

(a) General requirements. (1) Applicants shall serve on the persons listed in paragraph (b) of this section a notice that an application has been filed, and upon request shall promptly provide those persons with copies of the application and supporting documents. The notice must clearly state the authority sought and the due date for other pleadings.

(2) Applicants shall serve a complete copy of the application on the Manager of the FAA Flight Standards District Office responsible for processing the application for any FAA authority needed to conduct the proposed operations.

(3) After an order under § 302.210 has been issued, parties need only serve documents on those persons listed in the service list accompanying the order.

(4) In the case of an application sought to be consolidated, the applicant shall serve the notice required in paragraph (a)(1) of this section on all persons served by the original applicant.

(b) Persons to be served—(1) U.S. air carriers. (i) In certificate proceedings, except for those proceedings that involve charter-only authority under section 41102(a)(3) of 49 U.S.C. Subtitle VII:

(A) Applicants for certificates to engage in interstate air transportation and other persons who file a pleading in the docket shall serve:

(1) The airport authority of each airport that the applicant initially proposes to serve, and

(2) Any other person who has filed a pleading in the docket.

(B) Applicants for certificates to engage in foreign air transportation and other persons who file a pleading in the docket shall serve:

(1) All U.S. air carriers (including commuter air carriers) that publish schedules in the Official Airline Guide or in the Air Cargo Guide for the country-pair market(s) specified in the application,

(2) The airport authority of each U.S. airport that the applicant initially proposes to serve, and

(3) Any other person who has filed a pleading in the docket.

(ii) In certificate proceedings involving charter-only authority under 41102(a)(3) of 49 U.S.C. Subtitle VII, applicants and other persons who file a pleading in the docket shall serve any other person who has filed a pleading in the docket.

(2) Foreign air carriers. (i) In permit proceedings, except for those proceedings involving charter-only authority, applicants and other persons who have filed a pleading in the docket shall serve:

(A) All U.S. air carriers (including commuter air carriers) that publish schedules in the Official Airline Guide or the Air Cargo Guide for the country-pair market(s) specified in the application,

(B) The U.S. Department of State,

(C) The airport authority of each U.S. airport that the applicant initially proposes to serve, and

(D) Any other person who has filed a pleading in the docket.

(ii) In foreign air carrier permit proceedings for charter-only authority, applicants and other persons who file a pleading in the docket shall serve the U.S. Department of State and any other person who has filed a pleading in the docket.

(c) Additional service. The Department may, at its discretion, order additional service upon such persons as the facts of the situation warrant. Where only notices are required, parties are encouraged to serve copies of their actual pleadings where feasible. In any proceeding directly involving air transportation to the Federated States of Micronesia, the Marshall Islands or Palau, the Department and any party or participant in the proceeding shall serve all documents on the President and the designated authorities of the government(s) involved.

§ 302.204 - Responsive documents.

(a) Any person may file an answer in support of or in opposition to any application. Answers shall set forth the basis for the position taken, including any economic data or other facts relied on. Except as otherwise provided in § 302.212(d), answers shall be filed within twenty one (21) days of the original or amended application and shall be served in accordance with § 302.203.

(b) Replies to answers shall be filed within fourteen (14) days after the filing of the answer.

(c) Persons having common interests shall, to the extent practicable, arrange for the joint preparation of pleadings.

§ 302.205 - Economic data and other facts.

Whenever economic data and other facts are provided in any pleading, such information shall include enough detail so that final results can be obtained without further clarification. Sources, bases, and methodology used in constructing exhibits, including any estimates or judgments, shall be provided.

§ 302.206 - Verification.

Any pleading filed under this subpart shall include a certification as provided in § 302.4(b).

authority: 39 U.S.C. 5402; 42 U.S.C. 4321,49.S.C. Subtitle I and Chapters 401, 411, 413, 415, 417, 419, 461, 463, and 471
source: Docket No. OST-97-2090, 65 FR 6457, Feb. 9, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 14 CFR 302.211