Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space last revised: Oct 16, 2024
§ 302.702 - Institution of proceedings.

(a) Proceedings for the determination of rates of compensation for the transportation of mail may be commenced by the filing of a petition by an air carrier whose rate is to be fixed, or the U.S. Postal Service, or upon the issuance of an order by the DOT decisionmaker.

(b) The petition shall set forth the rate or rates sought to be established, a statement that they are believed to be fair and reasonable, the reasons supporting the request for a change in rates, and a detailed economic justification sufficient to establish the reasonableness of the rate or rates proposed.

(c) In any case where an air carrier is operating under a final mail rate uniformly applicable to an entire rate-making unit as established by the DOT decisionmaker, a petition must clearly and unequivocally challenge the rate for such entire rate-making unit and not only a part of such unit.

(d) All petitions, amended petitions, and documents relating thereto shall be served upon the U.S. Postal Service by sending a copy to the Assistant General Counsel, Transportation Division, Washington, DC 20260-1124, by registered or certified mail, postpaid, prior to the filing thereof with the Department. Proof of service on the U.S. Postal Service shall consist of a statement in the document that the person filing it has served a copy as required by this section.

(e) Answers to petitions shall be filed within twenty (20) days after service of the petition.

§ 302.703 - Order to show cause or instituting a hearing.

Whether the proceeding is commenced by the filing of a petition or upon the Department's own initiative, the DOT decisionmaker may issue an order directing the respondent to show cause why it should not adopt such findings and conclusions and such final rates as may be specified in the order to show cause, or may issue an order setting the matter for hearing before an administrative law judge.

§ 302.704 - Objections and answers to order to show cause.

(a) Where an order to show cause is issued, any person having objections to the rates specified in such order shall file with the DOT decisionmaker an answer within forty-five (45) days after the date of service of such order or within such other period as the order may specify.

(b) An answer to an order to show cause shall contain specific objections, and shall set forth the findings and conclusions, the rates, and the supporting exhibits that would be substituted for the corresponding items in the findings and conclusions of the show cause order, if such objections were found valid.

(c) An answer filed by a person who is neither a party nor a person ultimately permitted to intervene in an oral evidentiary hearing if such proceeding is established shall be treated as a memorandum filed under § 302.706.

§ 302.705 - Further procedures.

(a) If no answer is filed within the designated time, or if a timely filed answer raises no material issue of fact, the DOT decisionmaker may, upon the basis of the record in the proceeding, enter a final order fixing the rate or rates.

(b) If an answer raising a material issue of fact is filed within the time designated in the Department's order, the DOT decisionmaker may then issue an order authorizing additional pleadings and/or establishing further procedural steps, including setting the matter for oral evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge.

§ 302.706 - Hearing.

(a) If a hearing is ordered under § 302.705, the issues at such hearing shall be formulated in accordance with the instituting order, except that at a prehearing conference, the administrative law judge may permit the parties to raise such additional issues as he or she deems necessary to make a full determination of a fair and reasonable rate.

(b)(1) The parties to the proceeding shall be the air carrier or carriers for whom rates are to be fixed, the U.S. Postal Service, the Office of the Assistant General Counsel for Aviation Enforcement and Proceedings and any other person whom the DOT decisionmaker or administrative law judge permits to intervene in accordance with § 302.20.

(2) In addition to participation in hearings in accordance with § 302.19, persons other than parties may, within the time fixed for filing an answer to an order to show cause as provided in § 302.704, submit a memorandum of opposition to, or in support of, the position taken in the petition or order. Such memorandum shall not be received as evidence in the proceeding.

(c) All direct evidence shall be in writing and shall be filed in exhibit form within the times specified by the DOT decisionmaker or by the administrative law judge.

(d) Except as modified by this subpart, the provisions of §§ 302.17 through 302.38 of this part shall apply.

§ 302.701 - Applicability.

(a) This subpart sets forth the special rules applicable to proceedings for the establishment of mail rates by the Department for foreign air transportation and air transportation between points in Alaska, and certain contractual arrangements between the U.S. Postal Service and certificated air carriers for the carriage of mail in foreign air transportation entered into pursuant to 39 U.S.C. 5402(a), 84 Stat. 772.

(b) Such contracts must be for the transportation of at least 750 pounds of mail per flight, and no more than five (5) percent, based on weight, of the international mail transported under any such contract may consist of letter mail.

§ 302.707 - Procedure for fixing temporary mail rates.

At any time during the pendency of a proceeding for the determination of final mail rates, the DOT decisionmaker, upon his or her own initiative, or on petition by the air carrier whose rates are in issue or by the U.S. Postal Service, may fix temporary rates of compensation for the transportation of mail subject to downward or upward adjustment upon the determination of final mail rates.

§ 302.708 - Invocation of procedure.

(a) Conferences between DOT employees, representatives of air carriers, the U.S. Postal Service and other interested persons may be called by DOT employees for the purpose of considering and clarifying issues and factual material in pending proceedings for the establishment of rates for the transportation of mail.

(b) At the commencement of an informal mail rate conference pursuant to this section, the authorized DOT employees conducting such conference shall issue to each person present at such conference a written statement to the effect that such conference is being conducted pursuant to this section and stating the time of commencement of such conference; and at the termination of such conference the DOT employees conducting such conference shall note in writing on such statement the time of termination of such conference.

§ 302.709 - Scope of conferences.

The mail rate conferences shall be limited to the discussion of, and possible agreement on, particular issues and related factual material in accordance with sound rate-making principles. The duties and powers of DOT employees in rate conferences essentially will not be different, therefore, from the duties and powers they have in the processing of rate cases not involving a rate conference. The employees' function in both instances is to present clearly to the DOT decisionmaker the issues and the related material facts, together with recommendations. The DOT decisionmaker will make an independent determination of the soundness of the employees's analyses and recommendations.

§ 302.710 - Participants in conferences.

The persons entitled to be present in mail rate conferences will be the representatives of the carrier whose rates are in issue, the staff of the U.S. Postal Service, and the authorized DOT employees. No other person will attend unless the DOT employees deem his or her presence necessary in the interest of one or more purposes to be accomplished, and in such case his or her participation will be limited to such specific purposes. No person, however, shall have the duty to attend merely by reason of invitation by the authorized DOT employees.

§ 302.711 - Conditions upon participation.

(a) Nondisclosure of information. As a condition to participation, every participant, during the period of the conference and for ninety (90) days after its termination, or until the Department takes public action with respect to the facts and issues covered in the conference, whichever is earlier:

(1) Shall, except for necessary disclosures in the course of employment in connection with conference business, hold the information obtained in conference in absolute confidence and trust;

(2) Shall not deal, directly or indirectly, for the account of himself or herself, his or her immediate family, members of his or her firm or company, or as a trustee, in securities of the air carrier involved in the rate conference except that under exceptional circumstances special permission may be obtained in advance from the DOT decisionmaker; and

(3) Shall adopt effective controls for the confidential handling of such information and shall instruct personnel under his or her supervision, who by reason of their employment come into possession of information obtained at the conference, that such information is confidential and must not be disclosed to anyone except to the extent absolutely necessary in the course of employment, and must not be misused. (The term “information”, as used in this section, shall refer only to information obtained at the conference regarding the future course of action or position of the Department or its employees with respect to the facts or issues discussed at the conference.)

(b) Signed statement required. Every representative of an air carrier actually present at any conference shall sign a statement that he or she has read this entire instruction and promises to abide by it and advise any other participant to whom he or she discloses any confidential information of the restrictions imposed above. Every representative of the U.S. Postal Service actually present at any conference shall, on his or her own behalf, sign a statement to the same effect.

(c) Presumption of having conference information. A director of any air carrier that has had a representative at the conference, who deals either directly or indirectly for himself or herself, his or her immediate family, members of his or her firm or company, or as a trustee, in securities of the air carrier involved in the conference, during the restricted period set forth above, shall be presumed to have come into possession of information obtained at the conference knowing that such information was subject to the restrictions imposed above; but such presumption can be rebutted.

(d) Compliance report required. Within ten (10) days after the expiration of the time specified for keeping conference matters confidential, every participant, as defined in paragraph (e) of this section, shall file a verified compliance report with Department of Transportation Dockets stating that he or she has complied in every respect with the conditions of this section, or if he or she has not so complied, stating in detail in what respects he or she has failed to comply.

(e) Persons subject to the provisions of this section. For the purposes of this section, participants shall include:

(1) Any representative of any air carrier and any representative of the U.S. Postal Service actually present at the conference;

(2) The directors and the officers of any air carrier that had a representative at the conference;

(3) The members of any firm of attorneys or consultants that had a representative at the conference; and

(4) The members of the U.S. Postal Service staff who come into possession of information obtained at the conference, knowing that such information is subject to the restrictions imposed in this section.

§ 302.712 - Information to be requested from an air carrier.

When an air carrier is requested to submit detailed estimates as to traffic, revenues and expenses by appropriate periods and the investment that will be required to perform the operations for a future period, full and adequate support shall be presented for all estimates, particularly where such estimates deviate materially from the air carrier's experience. With respect to the rate for a past period, essentially the same procedure shall be followed. Other information or data likewise may be requested by the DOT employees. All data submitted by the air carrier shall be certified by a responsible officer.

§ 302.713 - DOT analysis of data for submission of answers thereto.

After a careful analysis of these data, the DOT employees will, in most cases, send the air carrier a statement of exceptions showing areas of differences. Where practicable, the air carrier may submit an answer to these exceptions. Conferences will then be scheduled to resolve the issues and facts in accordance with sound ratemaking principles.

§ 302.714 - Availability of data to the U.S. Postal Service.

The representatives of the U.S. Postal Service shall have access to all conference data and, insofar as practicable, shall be furnished copies of all pertinent data prepared by the DOT employees and the air carrier, and a reasonable time shall be allowed to review the facts and issues and to make any presentation deemed necessary; Provided, That in cases other than those involving an issue as to the service mail rates payable by the U.S. Postal Service pursuant to section 41901 of 49 U.S.C. Subtitle VII, representatives of the U.S. Postal Service shall be furnished with copies of data under this provision only upon their written request.

§ 302.715 - Post-conference procedure.

No briefs, argument, or any formal steps will be entertained by the DOT decisionmaker after the rate conferences. The form, content and time of the staff's presentation to the DOT decisionmaker are entirely matters of internal procedure. Any party to the mail rate proceeding may, through an authorized DOT employee, request the opportunity to submit a written or oral statement to the DOT decisionmaker on any unresolved issue. The DOT decisionmaker will grant such requests whenever he or she deems such action desirable in the interest of further clarification and understanding of the issues. The granting of an opportunity for such further presentation shall not, however, impair the rights that any party might otherwise have under the Statute and this part.

§ 302.716 - Effect of conference agreements.

No agreements or understandings reached in rate conferences as to facts or issues shall in any respect be binding on the Department or any participant. Any party to mail rate proceedings will have the same rights to file an answer and take other procedural steps as though no rate conference had been held. The fact, however, that a rate conference was held and certain agreements or understandings may have been reached on certain facts and issues renders it proper to provide that, upon the filing of an answer by any party to the rate proceeding, all issues going to the establishment of a rate shall be open, except insofar as limited in prehearing conference in accordance with § 302.22.

§ 302.717 - Waiver of participant conditions.

After the termination of a mail rate conference hereunder, the air carrier whose rates were in issue may petition the DOT decisionmaker for a release from the obligations imposed upon it and all other persons by § 302.711. The DOT decisionmaker will grant such petition only after a detailed and convincing showing is made in the petition and supporting exhibits and documents that there is no reasonable possibility that any of the abuses sought to be prevented will occur or that the Department's processes will in any way be prejudiced. There will be no hearing or oral argument on the petition and the DOT decisionmaker will grant or deny the request without being required to assign reasons therefor.

§ 302.718 - Filing.

Any air carrier that is a party to a contract to which this subpart is applicable shall file three (3) copies of the contract in the Office of Aviation Analysis, X-50, Department of Transportation, Washington, DC 20590, not later than ninety (90) days before the effective date of the contract. A copy of such contract shall be served upon the persons specified in § 302.720 and the certificate of service shall specify the persons upon whom service has been made. One copy of each contract filed shall bear the certification of the secretary or other duly authorized officer of the filing air carrier to the effect that such copy is a true and complete copy of the original written instrument executed by the parties.

§ 302.719 - Explanation and data supporting the contract.

Each contract filed pursuant to this subpart shall be accompanied by economic data and such other information in support of the contract upon which the filing air carrier intends that the Department rely, including, in cases where pertinent, estimates of the annual volume of contract mail (weight and ton-miles) under the proposed contract, the nature of such mail (letter mail, parcel post, third class, etc.), together with a statement as to the extent to which this traffic is new or diverted from existing classes of air and surface mail services and the priority assigned to this class of mail.

§ 302.720 - Service.

A copy of each contract filed pursuant to § 302.718, and a copy of all material and data filed pursuant to § 302.719, shall be served upon each of the following persons:

(a) Each certificated and commuter (as defined in § 298.2 of this chapter) air carrier, other than the contracting carrier, that is actually providing scheduled mail services between any pair of points between which mail is to be transported pursuant to the contract; and

(b) The Assistant General Counsel, Transportation Division, U.S. Postal Service, Washington, DC 20260-1124.

§ 302.721 - Complaints.

Within fifteen (15) days of the filing of a contract, any interested person may file with the Office of Aviation Analysis, X-50, Department of Transportation, Washington, DC 20590, a complaint with respect to the contract setting forth the basis for such complaint and all pertinent information in support of same. A copy of the complaint shall be served upon the air carrier filing the contract and upon each of the persons served with such contract pursuant to § 302.720.

§ 302.722 - Answers to complaints.

Answers to the complaint may be filed within ten (10) days of the filing of the complaint, with service being made as provided in § 302.720.

§ 302.723 - Further procedures.

(a) In any case where a complaint is filed, the DOT decisionmaker shall issue an order dismissing the complaint, disapproving the contract, or taking such other action as may be appropriate. Any such order shall be issued not later than ten (10) days prior to the effective date of the contract.

(b) In cases where no complaint is filed, the DOT decisionmaker may issue a letter of notification to all persons upon whom the contract was served indicating that the Department does not intend to disapprove the contract.

(c) Unless the DOT decisionmaker disapproves the contract not later than ten (10) days prior to its effective date, the contract automatically becomes effective.

§ 302.724 - Petitions for reconsideration.

Except in the case of a Department determination to disapprove a contract, no petitions for reconsideration of any Department determination pursuant to this subpart shall be entertained.

authority: 39 U.S.C. 5402; 42 U.S.C. 4321,49.S.C. Subtitle I and Chapters 401, 411, 413, 415, 417, 419, 461, 463, and 471
source: Docket No. OST-97-2090, 65 FR 6457, Feb. 9, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 14 CFR 302.707