Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space last revised: Jan 22, 2025
§ 303.40 - Determination of compliance.
(a) Within 10 days after an application is filed pursuant to § 303.03, the Assistant Secretary will determine whether the application complies with the requirements of §§ 303.04 and 303.05.
(b) If the Assistant Secretary determines that the application is incomplete, he or she may issue a notice dismissing the application without prejudice. If the application is dismissed, and statutory time period for completion of proceedings will not begin to run until a completed application is filed.
§ 303.41 - Notice.
(a) The Documentary Service Division shall compile a weekly list of all applications filed under §§ 303.04 and 303.05. The list shall include a description of the application, the docket number, date of filing, state that it may be reviewed in the Documentary Services Division, and indicate that interested parties may comment on the application or request a hearing within 21 days of the date of filling or other period as specified. The weekly list will normally be prepared on the following Monday, or as soon as possible, and will be posted on a public bulletin board in the Documentary Services Division. The list also shall be submitted for publication in the Federal Register.
(b) In appropriate case, particularly when an application concerns a matter of broad public significance, the Assistant Secretary may cause a notice of an application and request for public comment to be published separately in the Federal Register.
§ 303.42 - Comments on application.
(a) Unless a different comment period is specified by notice or order, or in a notice of filing published in the Federal Register, any person may file comments, responses to the application, and/or a request for a hearing, within 21 days of the filing of an application.
(b) Comments supporting or opposing an application or proposing conditions and responses thereto shall state with particularity the factual basis on which the person commenting relies, and provide affidavits or other material in support of the factual basis, if appropriate.
(c) Requests for a formal oral evidentiary hearing must set out with specificity the material issues of fact in dispute that cannot be resolved without such a hearing. Vague, unsupported allegations will not suffice.
[50 FR 31142, July 31, 1985, as amended by Doc. No. DOT-OST-2014-0140, 84 FR 15937, Apr. 16, 2019]
§ 303.43 - Action following the comment period.
(a) [Reserved]
(b) Section 41309 applications. After the period for which comments, requests for a hearing or responses to an order to show cause are due concerning a section 41309 application, the Assistant Secretary may proceed by order requesting further information or justification or by order of approval or disapproval or, in appropriate cases, may proceed by order to show cause or by order instituting a full evidentiary hearing.
(c) Notice to the public of any full evidentiary hearing or order to show cause concerning an application shall be made by publication in the Federal Register.
[50 FR 31142, July 31, 1985, as amended by Amdt. 303-2, 54 FR 33500, Aug. 15, 1989; Doc. No. DOT-OST-2014-0140, 84 FR 15937, Apr. 16, 2019]
§ 303.44 - Show cause proceedings.
If the Assistant Secretary determines that an application, or review of a previously granted application, will be considered in a show cause proceeding, a tentative decision shall be issued inviting interested persons to show cause why the tentative decision should not be made final. Interested persons may respond to the order within the time specified in the order. Replies to such responses shall be permitted within the time specified in the order. Persons wishing to introduce additional facts into the record should incorporate such information in their responses or replies by affidavit. In the case of applications, show cause orders may be issued after the receipt of initial comments on the application.
§ 303.45 - Evidentiary hearings.
(a) If the Assistant Secretary determines that an application, or review of a previous granted application, should be the subject of a full evidentiary hearing, he or she shall issue an order so stating. The term “full evidentiary hearing” includes any hybrid format set out in the instituting order. This order shall set forth the issues that are to be considered in such hearing.
(b) After the issuance of an order for a full evidentiary hearing, the Chief Administrative Law Judge shall promptly appoint an Administrative Law Judge to conduct such hearing in accordance with section 7 of the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 556,and.
(c) The applicants and the Assistant General Counsel for Aviation Enforcement and Proceedings shall be parties in any full evidentiary hearing held under this part. The Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust, shall be a party upon notice filed with the Administrative Law Judge. Other persons may intervene as parties as provided by § 302.20 of this chapter.
(d) Within the time specified in the order instituting the full evidentiary hearing, the Administrative Law Judge shall recommend to the Assistant Secretary that the application be approved or denied or that the previously granted exemption approval or immunity should be terminated or continued in accordance with the standards of the Act. The recommendation shall be in writing, shall be based solely on the hearing record, and shall include a statement of the Administrative Law Judge's findings and conclusions, and the reasons or basis therefore, or all material issues of fact, law or discretion presented on the record. Copies of the recommendation shall be served on each party.
(e) Within 10 days after the date the Administrative Law Judge serves his or her recommendation, any party may file written exceptions to the recommendation for consideration by the Assistant Secretary. Within 21 days after the service date of the judge's recommendation, any party may file a brief in support of or in opposition to any exceptions. This period may be altered by order of the Assistant Secretary, who may also authorize the filing of reply briefs.
[50 FR 31142, July 31, 1985, as amended at 65 FR 6456, Feb. 9, 2000; as amended by Doc. No. DOT-OST-2014-0140, 84 FR 15937, Apr. 16, 2019]
§ 303.46 - Decision by the Assistant Secretary.
The Assistant Secretary shall decide, on the basis of the record and in accordance with the procedures prescribed in part 302 of this chapter, whether to grant or deny, in whole or in part, the application. A copy of the Assistant Secretary's final decision shall be served on all parties.
source: 50 FR 31142, July 31, 1985, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 14 CFR 303.44