Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space last revised: Oct 16, 2024
§ 16.11 - General processes.

(a) Under the authority of 49 U.S.C. 40113 and 47121, the Director may conduct investigations, issue orders, and take such other actions as are necessary to fulfill the purposes of this part. This includes the extension of any time period prescribed, where necessary or appropriate for a fair and complete consideration of matters before the agency, prior to issuance of the Director's Determination.

(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this part, upon finding that circumstances require expedited handling of a particular case or controversy, the Director may issue an order directing any of the following prior to the issuance of the Director's Determination:

(1) Shortening the time period for any action under this part consistent with due process;

(2) If other adequate opportunity to respond to pleadings is available, eliminating the reply, rebuttal, or other actions prescribed by this part;

(3) Designating alternative methods of service; or

(4) Directing such other measures as may be required.

(c) Other than those matters concerning a Corrective Action Plan, the jurisdiction of the Director terminates upon the issuance of the Director's Determination. All matters arising during the appeal period, such as requests for extension of time to make an appeal, will be addressed by the Associate Administrator.

(d) The Director may transfer to the FAA Deputy Assistant Administrator for Civil Rights or Office of Civil Rights designee the authority to prepare and issue Director's Determinations pursuant to § 16.31 for complaints alleging violations of section 505(d) of the Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, and the requirements concerning civil rights and/or Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) issues contained in 49 U.S.C. 47107(e) and 49 U.S.C. 47113; 49 U.S.C. 47123; 49 U.S.C. 322,as; 49 CFR parts 23 and/or 26; and/or grant assurance 30 and/or grant assurance 37.

[Doc. No. 27783, 61 FR 54004, Oct. 16, 1996, as amended at Amdt. 16-1, 78 FR 56142, Sept. 12, 2013]
§ 16.13 -

Except as otherwise provided in this part, documents shall be filed with the FAA during a proceeding under this part as follows:

(a) Filing address. Documents filed under this Part shall be filed with the Office of the Chief Counsel, Attention: FAA Part 16 Docket Clerk, AGC-600, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591. Documents to be filed with a hearing officer shall be filed at the address and in the manner stated in the hearing order.

(b) Date and method of filing. Filing of any document shall be by personal delivery or mail as defined in this part, by facsimile (when confirmed by filing on the same date by one of the foregoing methods), or electronically as set forth in paragraph (h) of this section. Unless the date is shown to be inaccurate, documents filed with the FAA shall be deemed to be filed on the date of personal delivery, on the mailing date shown on the certificate of service, on the date shown on the postmark if there is no certificate of service, on the send date shown on the facsimile (provided filing has been confirmed through one of the foregoing methods), or on the mailing date shown by other evidence if there is no certificate of service and no postmark. Unless the date is shown to be inaccurate, documents filed electronically shall be deemed to be filed on the date shown on the certificate of service or, if none, the date of electronic transmission to the last party required to be served.

(c) Number of copies. With the exception of electronic filing or unless otherwise specified, an executed original and three copies of each document shall be filed with the FAA Part 16 Docket Clerk. One of the three copies shall not be stapled, bound or hole-punched. Copies need not be signed, but the name of the person signing the original shall be shown. If a hearing order has been issued in the case, one of the three copies shall be filed with the hearing officer unless otherwise prescribed by the hearing officer.

(d) Form. Documents filed under this part shall:

(1) Be typewritten or legibly printed;

(2) Include, in the case of docketed proceedings, the docket number of the proceeding on the front page; and

(3) Be marked to identify personal, privileged or proprietary information. Decisions for the publication and release of these documents will be made in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552 and 49 CFR part 7.

(e) Signing of documents and other papers. The original of every document filed shall be signed by the person filing it or the person's duly authorized representative. The signature shall serve as a certification that the signer has read the document and, based on reasonable inquiry and to the best of the signer's knowledge, information, and belief, the document is—

(1) Consistent with this part;

(2) Warranted by existing law or that a good faith argument exists for extension, modification, or reversal of existing law; and

(3) Not interposed for any improper purpose, such as to harass or to cause unnecessary delay or needless increase in the cost of the administrative process.

(f) Designation of person to receive service. The initial document filed by any person shall state on the first page the name, physical address, telephone number, facsimile number, if any, and email address, if filing electronically, of the person(s) to be served with documents in the proceeding. If any of these items change during the proceeding, the person shall promptly file notice of the change with the FAA Part 16 Docket Clerk and the hearing officer and shall serve the notice on all parties.

(g) Docket numbers. Each submission identified as a complaint under this part by the submitting person will be assigned a docket number.

(h) Electronic filing. (1) The initial complaint may be served electronically upon the respondent only if the respondent has previously agreed with the complainant in writing to participate in electronic filing. Documents may be filed under this Part electronically by sending an email containing (an) attachment(s) of (a) PDF file(s) of the required pleading to the FAA Docket Clerk, and the person designated in paragraph (h)(3) of this section.

(2) The subject line of the email must contain the names of the complainant and respondent, and must contain the FAA docket number (if assigned). The size of each email must be less than 10 MB. Email attachments containing executable files (e.g., .exe and .vbs files) will not be accepted.

(3) The email address at which the parties may file the documents described in this section is [email protected]. No acknowledgement or receipt will be provided by the FAA to parties using this method. A party filing electronically as described in this section must provide to the FAA Part 16 Docket Clerk and the opposing party an email address of the person designated by the party to receive pleadings.

(4) By filing a pleading or document electronically as described in this section, a party waives the rights under this part for service by the opposing party and the FAA by methods other than email. If a party subsequently decides to “opt-out” of electronic filing, that party must so notify the FAA Part 16 Docket Clerk and the other party in writing, from which time the FAA and the parties will begin serving the opting-out party in accordance with §§ 16.13 and 16.15. This subsection only exempts the parties from the filing and service requirements in § 16.13(a) (with the exception that “Documents to be filed with a hearing officer shall be filed at the address and in the manner stated in the hearing order.”), the method of filing requirements in § 16.13(b), and the number of documents requirements in § 16.13(c).

(i) Internet accessibility of documents filed in the Hearing Docket. (1) Unless protected from public disclosure, all documents filed in the Hearing Docket are accessible through the Federal Docket Management System (FDMS): To access a particular case file, use the FDMS number assigned to the case.

(2) Determinations issued by the Director and Associate Administrator in Part 16 cases, indexes of decisions, contact information for the FAA Hearing Docket, the rules of practice, and other information are available on the FAA Office of Airports' Web site at:

[Doc. No. 27783, 61 FR 54004, Oct. 16, 1996, as amended at Amdt. 16-1, 78 FR 56142, Sept. 12, 2013]
§ 16.15 - Service of documents on the parties and the agency.

Except as otherwise provided in this part, documents shall be served as follows:

(a) Whom must be served. Copies of all documents filed with the FAA Part 16 Docket Clerk shall be served by the persons filing them on all parties to the proceeding. A certificate of service shall accompany all documents when they are tendered for filing and shall certify concurrent service on the FAA and all parties. Certificates of service shall be in substantially the following form:

I hereby certify that I have this day served the foregoing [name of document] on the following persons at the following addresses, facsimile numbers (if also served by facsimile), or email address (if served electronically in accordance with § 16.13(h)), by [specify method of service]:

[list persons, addresses, facsimile numbers, email addresses (as applicable)] Dated this _day of _, 20_. [signature], for [party]

(b) Method of service. Except as otherwise agreed by the parties and, if applicable, the hearing officer, the method of service is the same as set forth in § 16.13(b) for filing documents.

(c) Where service shall be made. Service shall be made to the persons identified in accordance with § 16.13(f). If no such person has been designated, service shall be made on the party.

(d) Presumption of service. There shall be a presumption of lawful service—

(1) When acknowledgment of receipt is by a person who customarily or in the ordinary course of business receives mail at the address of the party or of the person designated under § 16.13(f);

(2) When a properly addressed envelope, sent to the most current address submitted under § 16.13(f), has been returned as undeliverable, unclaimed, or refused; or

(3) When the party serving the document electronically has a confirmation statement demonstrating that the email was properly sent to a party correctly addressed.

(e) Date of service. The date of service shall be determined in the same manner as the filing date under § 16.13(b).

[Doc. No. 27783, 61 FR 54004, Oct. 16, 1996, as amended at Amdt. 16-1, 78 FR 56143, Sept. 12, 2013]
§ 16.17 - Computation of time.

This section applies to any period of time prescribed or allowed by this part, by notice or order of the hearing officer, or by an applicable statute.

(a) The date of an act, event, or default, after which a designated time period begins to run, is not included in a computation of time under this part.

(b) The last day of a time period is included in a computation of time unless it is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday for the FAA, in which case, the time period runs until the end of the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.

(c) Whenever a party has the right or is required to do some act within a prescribed period after service of a document upon the party, and the document is served on the party by first class mail or certified mail, 5 days shall be added to the prescribed period.

[Doc. No. 27783, 61 FR 54004, Oct. 16, 1996, as amended at Amdt. 16-1, 78 FR 56143, Sept. 12, 2013]
§ 16.19 - Motions.

(a) General. An application for an order or ruling not otherwise specifically provided for in this part shall be by motion. Unless otherwise ordered by the agency, the filing of a motion will not stay the date that any action is permitted or required by this part.

(b) Form and contents. Unless made during a hearing, motions shall be made in writing, shall state with particularity the relief sought and the grounds for the relief sought, and shall be accompanied by affidavits or other evidence relied upon. Motions introduced during hearings may be made orally on the record, unless the hearing officer directs otherwise.

(c) Answers to motions. Except as otherwise provided in this part, or except when a motion is made during a hearing, any party may file an answer in support of or in opposition to a motion, accompanied by affidavits or other evidence relied upon, provided that the answer to the motion is filed within 10 days after the motion has been served upon the person answering, or any other period set by the hearing officer. Where a motion is made during a hearing, the answer and the ruling thereon may be made at the hearing, or orally or in writing within the time set by the hearing officer.

(d) Deferred actions on motions. A ruling on a motion made before the time set for the issuance of the Director's Determination may be deferred to and included with the Director's Determination.

(e) Extension by motion. A party shall file a written motion for an extension of time not later than 3 business days before the document is due unless good cause for the late filing is shown. A party filing a motion for extension should attempt to obtain the concurrence of the opposing party. A party filing a written motion for an extension of time shall file the motion as required under § 16.13, and serve a copy of the motion on all parties and the docket clerk as required under § 16.15.

[Doc. No. 27783, 61 FR 54004, Oct. 16, 1996, as amended at Amdt. 16-1, 78 FR 56143, Sept. 12, 2013]
authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 322, 1110, 1111, 1115, 1116, 1718(a) and (b), 1719, 1723, 1726, 1727, 40103(e), 40113, 40116, 44502(b), 46101, 46104, 46110, 47104, 47106(e), 47107, 47108, 47111(d), 47122, 47123-47125, 47133, 47151-47153, 48103
source: Docket No. 27783, 61 FR 54004, Oct. 16, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 14 CFR 16.17