Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space last revised: Jan 22, 2025
§ 34.1 - Definitions.
As used in this part, all terms not defined herein shall have the meaning given them in the Clean Air Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 7401 et. seq.):
Act means the Clean Air Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 7401 et. seq.).
Administrator means the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration or any person to whom he has delegated his authority in the matter concerned.
Administrator of the EPA means the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and any other officer or employee of the Environmental Protection Agency to whom the authority involved may be delegated.
Aircraft as used in this part means any airplane as defined in 14 CFR part 1 for which a U.S. standard airworthiness certificate or equivalent foreign airworthiness certificate is issued.
Aircraft engine means a propulsion engine which is installed in, or which is manufactured for installation in, an aircraft.
Aircraft gas turbine engine means a turboprop, turbofan, or turbojet aircraft engine.
Characteristic level has the meaning given in Appendix 6 of ICAO Annex 16 as of July 2008 (incorporated by reference, see § 34.4). The characteristic level is a calculated emission level for each pollutant based on a statistical assessment of measured emissions from multiple tests.
Class TP means all aircraft turboprop engines.
Class TF means all turbofan or turbojet aircraft engines or aircraft engines designed for applications that otherwise would have been fulfilled by turbojet and turbofan engines except engines of class T3, T8, and TSS.
Class T3 means all aircraft gas turbine engines of the JT3D model family.
Class T8 means all aircraft gas turbine engines of the JT8D model family.
Class TSS means all aircraft gas turbine engines employed for propulsion of aircraft designed to operate at supersonic flight speeds.
Commercial aircraft engine means any aircraft engine used or intended for use by an “air carrier” (including those engaged in “intrastate air transportation”) or a “commercial operator” (including those engaged in “intrastate air transportation”) as these terms are defined in Title 49 of the United States Code and Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
Commercial aircraft gas turbine engine means a turboprop, turbofan, or turbojet commercial aircraft engine.
Date of manufacture of an engine is the date the inspection acceptance records reflect that the engine is complete and meets the FAA approved type design.
Derivative engine for emissions certification purposes means an engine that is similar in design to an engine that has demonstrated compliance with the applicable exhaust emission standards of this part, as determined by the FAA, and has a U.S. type certificate issued in accordance with part 33 of this chapter.
Emission measurement system means all of the equipment necessary to transport the emission sample and measure the level of emissions. This includes the sample system and the instrumentation system.
Engine model means all commercial aircraft turbine engines which are of the same general series, displacement, and design characteristics and are approved under the same type certificate.
Excepted, as used in § 34.9, means an engine that may be produced and sold that does not meet otherwise applicable standards. Excepted engines must conform to regulatory conditions specified for an exception in § 34.9. Excepted engines are subject to the standards of this part even though they are not required to comply with the otherwise applicable requirements. Engines excepted with respect to certain standards must comply with other standards from which they are not specifically excepted.
Exempt means an engine that does not meet certain applicable standards but may be produced and sold under the terms allowed by a grant of exemption issued pursuant to § 34.7 of this part and part 11 of this chapter. Exempted engines must conform to regulatory conditions specified in the exemption as well as other applicable regulations. Exempted engines are subject to the standards of this part even though they are not required to comply with the otherwise applicable requirements. Engines exempted with respect to certain standards must comply with other standards as a condition of the exemption.
Exhaust emissions means substances emitted into the atmosphere from the exhaust discharge nozzle of an aircraft or aircraft engine.
In-use aircraft gas turbine engine means an aircraft gas turbine engine which is in service.
Introduction date means the date of manufacture of the first individual production engine of a given engine model or engine type certificate family to be certificated. Neither test engines nor engines not placed into service affect this date.
New aircraft turbine engine means an aircraft gas turbine engine which has never been in service.
Non-volatile particulate matter (nvPM) means emitted particles that remain at the exhaust nozzle exit plane of a gas turbine engine, and that did not volatilize after being heated to a temperature of at least 350 °C.
Power setting means the power or thrust output of an engine in terms of kilonewtons thrust for turbojet and turbofan engines or shaft power in terms of kilowatts for turboprop engines.
Rated output (rO) means the maximum power/thrust available for takeoff at standard day conditions as approved for the engine by the Federal Aviation Administration, including reheat contribution where applicable, but excluding any contribution due to water injection, expressed in kilowatts or kilonewtons (as applicable), rounded to at least three significant figures.
Rated pressure ratio (rPR) means the ratio between the combustor inlet pressure and the engine inlet pressure achieved by an engine operation at rated output, rounded to at least three significant figures.
Reference day conditions means the reference ambient conditions to which the measured smoke, nvPM, and gaseous emissions must be corrected. The reference day conditions are as follows:
(1) Temperature = 15 °C,
(2) Specific humidity = 0.00634 kg H2O/kg of dry air, and
(3) Pressure = 101.325 kPa
Sample system means the system which provides for the transportation of the gaseous emission sample from the sample probe to the inlet of the instrumentation system.
Shaft power means only the measured shaft power output of a turboprop engine.
Smoke means the matter in exhaust emissions which obscures the transmission of light.
Smoke number (SN) means the dimensionless term quantifying smoke emissions.
Standard day conditions means the following ambient conditions: temperature = 15 °C, specific humidity = 0.00634 kg H2O/kg dry air, and pressure = 101.325 kPa.
Taxi/idle (in) means those aircraft operations involving taxi and idle between the time of landing roll-out and final shutdown of all propulsion engines.
Taxi/idle (out) means those aircraft operations involving taxi and idle between the time of initial starting of the propulsion engine(s) used for the taxi and the turn onto the duty runway.
Tier, as used in this part, is a designation related to the NOX emission standard for the engine as specified in § 34.21 or § 34.23 of this part (e.g., Tier 0).
[Doc. No. 25613, 55 FR 32861, Aug. 10, 1990; 55 FR 37287, Sept. 10, 1990, as amended by Amdt. 34-3, 64 FR 5558, Feb. 3, 1999; Amdt. 34-5, 77 FR 76849, Dec. 31, 2012; Amdt. 34-5A, 78 FR 63016, Oct. 23, 2013; Amdt. 34-7, 89 FR 31085, Apr. 24, 2024]
§ 34.2 - Abbreviations.
The abbreviations used in this part have the following meanings in both upper and lower case:
CO2 Carbon dioxide
CO Carbon monoxide
EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
FAA Federal Aviation Administration, United States Department of Transportation
g Gram(s)
HC Hydrocarbon(s)
HP Horsepower
hr Hour(s)
H2O Water
kg Kilogram(s)
kJ Kilojoule(s)
kN Kilonewton(s)
kW Kilowatt(s)
lbf Pound force
LTO Landing and takeoff
m Meter(s)
mg Milligram(s)
µg Microgram(s)
min Minute(s)
MJ Megajoule(s)
NOX Oxides of nitrogen
nvPM Non-volatile particulate matter
nvPMmass Non-volatile particulate matter mass
nvPMMC Non-volatile particulate matter mass concentration
nvPMnum Non-volatile particulate matter number
Pa Pascal(s)
rO Rated output
rPR Rated pressure ratio
sec Second(s)
SP Shaft power
SN Smoke number
T Temperature in degrees Kelvin
TIM Time in mode
°C Degrees Celsius
% Percent
[Doc. No. FAA-2023-2434, Amdt. 34-7, 89 FR 31085, Apr. 24, 2024]
§ 34.3 - General requirements.
(a) This part provides for the approval or acceptance by the Administrator or the Administrator of the EPA of testing and sampling methods, analytical techniques, and related equipment not identical to those specified in this part. Before either approves or accepts any such alternate, equivalent, or otherwise nonidentical procedures or equipment, the Administrator or the Administrator of the EPA shall consult with the other in determining whether or not the action requires rulemaking under sections 231 and 232 of the Clean Air Act, as amended, consistent with the responsibilities of the Administrator of the EPA and the Secretary of Transportation under sections 231 and 232 of the Clean Air Act.
(b) Under section 232 of the Act, the Secretary of Transportation issues regulations to ensure compliance with 40 CFR part 1031. This authority has been delegated to the Administrator of the FAA in accordance with 49 CFR 1.47.
(c) This part applies to civil airplanes that are powered by aircraft gas turbine engines of the classes specified herein and that have U.S. standard airworthiness certificates.
(d) Pursuant to the definition of “aircraft” in 40 CFR 1031.205, this regulation applies to civil airplanes that are powered by aircraft gas turbine engines of the classes specified herein and that have foreign airworthiness certificates that are equivalent to U.S. standard airworthiness certificates. This regulation applies only to those foreign civil airplanes that, if registered in the United States, would be required by applicable regulations to have a U.S. standard airworthiness certificate in order to conduct the operations intended for the airplane. Pursuant to 40 CFR 1031.5, this regulation does not apply where it would be inconsistent with an obligation assumed by the United States to a foreign country in a treaty, convention, or agreement.
(e) Reference in this regulation to 40 CFR part 1031 refers to title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, chapter I—Environmental Protection Agency, part 1031, Control of Air Pollution from Aircraft and Aircraft Engines (40 CFR part 1031).
(f) This part contains regulations that implement compliance with certain standards contained in 40 CFR part 1031. If EPA takes any action, including the issuance of an exemption or issuance of a revised or alternate procedure, test method, or other regulation, the effect of which is to relax or delay the effective date of any provision of 40 CFR part 1031 that is made applicable to an aircraft under this part, the Administrator of FAA will grant a general administrative waiver of the more stringent requirements until this part is amended to reflect the requirements relaxed by EPA.
(g) Unless otherwise stated, all terminology and abbreviations in this part that are defined in 40 CFR part 1031 have the meaning specified in that part, and all terms in 40 CFR part 1031 that are not defined in that part but that are used in this part have the meaning given them in the Clean Air Act, Public Law 91-604, as amended.
(h) All interpretations of 40 CFR part 1031 that are promulgated by the EPA also apply to this part.
(i) If the EPA, under 40 CFR part 1031, approves or accepts any testing and sampling procedures or methods, analytical techniques, or related equipment not identical to those specified in that part, this part requires an applicant to show that such alternate, equivalent, or otherwise non-identical procedures have been complied with, and that such alternate equipment was used to show compliance, unless the applicant elects to comply with those procedures, methods, techniques, and equipment specified in 40 CFR part 1031.
(j) If the EPA, under 40 CFR 1031, prescribes special test procedures for any aircraft or aircraft engine that is not susceptible to satisfactory testing using the procedures in 40 CFR part 1031, the applicant must demonstrate to the FAA Administrator that they are in compliance with those special test procedures.
(k) Wherever 40 CFR part 1031 requires agreement, acceptance, or approval by the Administrator of the EPA, this part requires a showing that such agreement or approval has been obtained.
(l) Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 7573,no.
(m) If EPA, by regulation or exemption, relaxes a provision of 40 CFR part 1031 that is implemented in this part, no state or political subdivision thereof may adopt or attempt to enforce the terms of this part that are superseded by the relaxed requirement.
(n) If any provision of this part is rendered inapplicable to a foreign aircraft as provided in 40 CFR 1031.5 (international agreements), and paragraph (d) of this section, that provision may not be adopted or enforced against that foreign aircraft by a state or political subdivision thereof.
(o) For exhaust emissions requirements of this part that apply beginning February 1, 1974, January 1, 1976, January 1, 1978, January 1, 1984, and August 9, 1985, continued compliance with those requirements is shown for engines for which the type design has been shown to meet those requirements, if the engine is maintained in accordance with applicable maintenance requirements of 14 CFR chapter I. All methods of demonstrating compliance and all model designations previously found acceptable to the Administrator shall be deemed to continue to be an acceptable demonstration of compliance with the specific standards for which they were approved.
(p) Each applicant must allow the Administrator to make, or witness, any test necessary to determine compliance with the applicable provisions of this part.
[Doc. No. FAA-2023-2434, Amdt. 34-7, 89 FR 31085, Apr. 24, 2024]
§ 34.4 - Incorporation by Reference.
Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51). All approved material is available for inspection at the FAA and at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Contact the FAA Office of Rulemaking (ARM), 800 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20590 (telephone 202-267-9677) For information on the availability of this material at NARA, visit or email [email protected].
(a) The material may be obtained from the following source: International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO): Document Sales Unit, 999 University Street, Montreal, Quebec H3C 5H7, Canada, phone + 1 514-954-8022, or
(1) Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation: Environmental Protection, Volume II—Aircraft Engine Emissions, Third Edition, July 2008 (ICAO Annex 16); in §§ 34.1 and 34.60.
(2) Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation: Environmental Protection, Volume II—Aircraft Engine Emissions, Fourth Edition, July 2017 (ICAO Annex 16, Volume II), in §§ 34.71 and 34.73.
(b) [Reserved]
[Doc. No. FAA-2023-2434, Amdt. 34-7, 89 FR 31086, Apr. 24, 2024]
§ 34.5 - Special test procedures.
The Administrator or the Administrator of the EPA may, upon written application by a manufacturer or operator of aircraft or aircraft engines, approve test procedures for any aircraft or aircraft engine that is not susceptible to satisfactory testing by the procedures set forth herein. Prior to taking action on any such application, the Administrator or the Administrator of the EPA shall consult with the other.
§ 34.6 - Aircraft safety.
(a) The provisions of this part will be revised if at any time the Administrator determines that an emission standard cannot be met within the specified time without creating a safety hazard.
(b) Consistent with 40 CFR part 1031, if the FAA Administrator determines that any emission control regulation in this part cannot be safely applied to an aircraft, that provision may not be adopted or enforced against that aircraft by any state or political subdivision thereof.
[Docket No. 25613, 55 FR 32861, Aug. 10, 1990, as amended by Amdt. No. 34-7, 89 FR 31086, Apr. 24, 2024]
§ 34.7 - Exemptions.
Notwithstanding part 11 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 11), all petitions for rulemaking involving either the substance of an emission standard or test procedure prescribed by the EPA that is incorporated in this FAR, or the compliance date for such standard or procedure, must be submitted to the EPA. Information copies of such petitions are invited by the FAA. Petitions for rulemaking or exemption involving provisions of this FAR that do not affect the substance or the compliance date of an emission standard or test procedure that is prescribed by the EPA, and petitions for exemptions under the provisions for which the EPA has specifically granted exemption authority to the Secretary of Transportation are subject to part 11 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 11). Petitions for rulemaking or exemptions involving these FARs must be submitted to the FAA.
(a) Exemptions based on flights for short durations at infrequent intervals. The emission standards of this part do not apply to engines which power aircraft operated in the United States for short durations at infrequent intervals. Such operations are limited to:
(1) Flights of an aircraft for the purpose of export to a foreign country, including any flights essential to demonstrate the integrity of an aircraft prior to a flight to a point outside the United States.
(2) Flights to a base where repairs, alterations or maintenance are to be performed, or to a point of storage, or for the purpose of returning an aircraft to service.
(3) Official visits by representatives of foreign governments.
(4) Other flights the Administrator determines, after consultation with the Administrator of the EPA, to be for short durations at infrequent intervals. A request for such a determination shall be made before the flight takes place.
(b) Exemptions for very low production engine models. The emissions standards of this part do not apply to engines of very low production after the date of applicability. For the purpose of this part, “very low production” is limited to a maximum total production for United States civil aviation applications of no more than 200 units covered by the same type certificate after January 1, 1984. Engines manufactured under this provision must be reported to the FAA by serial number on or before the date of manufacture and exemptions granted under this provision are not transferable to any other engine. This exemption is limited to the requirements of § 34.21 only.
(c) Exemptions for new engines in other categories. The emissions standards of this part do not apply to engines for which the Administrator determines, with the concurrence of the Administrator of the EPA, that application of any standard under § 34.21 is not justified, based upon consideration of—
(1) Adverse economic impact on the manufacturer;
(2) Adverse economic impact on the aircraft and airline industries at large;
(3) Equity in administering the standards among all economically competing parties;
(4) Public health and welfare effects; and
(5) Other factors which the Administrator, after consultation with the Administrator of the EPA, may deem relevant to the case in question.
(d) Applicants seeking exemption from other emissions standards of this part and 40 CFR 1031.15. Applicants must request exemption from both the FAA and the EPA, even where the underlying regulatory requirements are the same. The FAA and EPA will jointly consider such exemption requests, and will assure consistency in the respective agency determinations.
(e) Applications for exemption from this part shall be submitted in duplicate to the Administrator in accordance with the procedures established by the Administrator in part 11.
(f) The Administrator shall publish in the Federal Register the name of the organization to whom exemptions are granted and the period of such exemptions.
(g) No state or political subdivision thereof may attempt to enforce a standard respecting emissions from an aircraft or engine if such aircraft or engine has been exempted from such standard under this part.
[Doc. No. 25613, 55 FR 32861, Aug. 10, 1990, as amended by Amdt. 34-5, 77 FR 76850, Dec. 31, 2012; Amdt. 34-7, 89 FR 31087, Apr. 24, 2024]
§ 34.9 - Exceptions.
(a) Spare engines. Certain engines that meet the following description are excepted:
(1) This exception allows production of an engine for installation on an in-service aircraft. A spare engine may not be installed on a new aircraft.
(2) Each spare engine must be identical to a sub-model previously certificated to meet all applicable requirements.
(3) A spare engine may be used only when the emissions of the spare do not exceed the certification requirements of the original engine, for all regulated pollutants.
(4) No separate approval is required to produce spare engines.
(5) The record for each engine excepted under this paragraph (c) must indicate that the engine was produced as an excepted spare engine.
(6) Engines produced under this exception must be labeled “EXCEPTED SPARE” in accordance with § 45.13 of this chapter.
(b) On and after July 18, 2012, and before August 31, 2013, a manufacturer may produce up to six Tier 4 compliant engines that meet the NOX standards of paragraph (d)(1)(vi) of this section rather than § 34.23(a)(2). No separate approval is required to produce these engines. Engines produced under this exception are to be labeled “COMPLY” in accordance with § 45.13 of this chapter.
[Doc. No. FAA-2012-1333, 77 FR 76850, Dec. 31, 2012]
source: Docket No. 25613, 55 FR 32861, Aug. 10, 1990, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 14 CFR 34.3