Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space last revised: Jan 22, 2025
§ 1203.400 - Specific classifying guidance.
Technological and operational information and material, and in some exceptional cases scientific information falling within any one or more of the following categories, must be classified if its unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause some degree of damage to the national security. In cases where it is believed that a contrary course of action would better serve the national interests, the matter should be referred to the Chairperson, NISPC, for a determination. It is not intended that this list be exclusive; original classifiers are responsible for initially classifying any other type of information which, in their judgment, requires protection under § 1.4 of “the Order.”
(a) Military plans, weapons systems, or operations;
(b) Foreign government information;
(c) Intelligence activities (including covert activities), intelligence sources or methods, or cryptology;
(d) Foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States, including confidential sources;
(e) Scientific, technological, or economic matters relating to the national security;
(f) United States Government programs for safeguarding nuclear materials or facilities;
(g) Vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, infrastructures, projects, plans, or protection services relating to the national security; or
(h) The development, production, or plans relating to the use of weapons of mass destruction.
[78 FR 5118, Jan. 24, 2013]
§ 1203.401 - Effect of open publication.
Public disclosure, regardless of source or form, of information currently classified or being considered for classification does not preclude initial or continued classification. However, such disclosure requires an immediate reevaluation to determine whether the information has been compromised to the extent that downgrading or declassification is indicated. Similar consideration must be given to related items of information in all programs, projects, or items incorporating or pertaining to the compromised items of information. In these cases, if a release were made or authorized by an official Government source, classification of clearly identified items may no longer be warranted. Questions as to the propriety of continued classification should be referred to the Chairperson, NASA Information Security Program Committee.
§ 1203.402 - Classifying material other than documentation.
Items of equipment or other physical objects may be classified only where classified information may be derived by visual observation of internal or external appearance, structure, operation, test, application or use. The overall classification assigned to equipment or objects shall be at least as high as the highest classification of any of the items of information which may be revealed by the equipment or objects, but may be higher if the classifying authority determines that the sum of classified or unclassified information warrants such higher classification. In every instance where classification of an item of equipment or object is determined to be warranted, such determination must be based on a finding that there is at least one aspect of the item or object which requires protection. If mere knowledge of the existence of the equipment or object would compromise or nullify the reason or justification for its classification, the fact of its existence should be classified.
§ 1203.403 - [Reserved]
§ 1203.404 - Handling of unprocessed data.
It is the usual practice to withhold the release of raw scientific data received from spacecraft until it can be calibrated, correlated and properly interpreted by the experimenter under the monitorship of the cognizant NASA office. During this process, the data are withheld through administrative measures, and it is not necessary to resort to security classification to prevent premature release. However, if at any time during the processing of raw data it becomes apparent that the results require protection under the criteria set forth in this subpart D, it is the responsibility of the cognizant NASA office to obtain the appropriate security classification.
§ 1203.405 - Proprietary information.
Proprietary information made available to NASA is subject to examination for classification purposes under the criteria set forth in this subpart D. Where the information is in the form of a proposal and accepted by NASA for support, it should be categorized in accordance with the criteria of § 1203.400. If NASA does not support the proposal but believes that security classification would be appropriate under the criteria of § 1203.400 if it were under Government jurisdiction, the contractor should be advised of the reasons why safeguarding would be appropriate, unless security considerations preclude release of the explanation to the contractor. NASA should identify the Government department, agency or activity whose national security interests might be involved and the contractor should be instructed to protect the proposal as though classified pending further advisory classification opinion by the Government activity whose interests are involved. If such a Government activity cannot be identified, the contractor should be advised that the proposal is not under NASA jurisdiction for classification purposes, and that the information should be sent, under proper safeguards, to the Director, Information Security Oversight Office for a determination.
[44 FR 34913, June 18, 1979, as amended at 78 FR 5118, Jan. 24, 2013]
§ 1203.406 - Additional classification factors.
In determining the appropriate classification category, the following additional factors should be considered:
(a) Uniformity within government activities. The effect classification will have on technological programs of other Government departments and agencies should be considered. Classification of official information must be reasonably uniform within the Government.
(b) Applicability of classification directives of other Government agencies. It is necessary to determine whether authoritative classification guidance exists elsewhere for the information under consideration which would make it necessary to assign a higher classification than that indicated by the applicable NASA guidance. The Office of Protective Services will coordinate with the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) Committee and the National Declassification Center to determine what classification guides are current.
[44 FR 34913, June 18, 1979, as amended at 78 FR 5118, Jan. 24, 2013]
§ 1203.407 - Duration of classification.
(a) At the time of original classification, the original classification authority shall establish a specific date or event for declassification based on the duration of the national security sensitivity of the information. Upon reaching the date or event, the information shall be automatically declassified. Except for information that should clearly and demonstrably be expected to reveal the identity of a confidential human source or a human intelligence source or key design concepts of weapons of mass destruction, the date or event shall not exceed the timeframe established in paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) If the original classification authority cannot determine an earlier specific date or event for declassification, information shall be marked for declassification 10 years from the date of the original decision, unless the original classification authority otherwise determines that the sensitivity of the information requires that it be marked for declassification for up to 25 years from the date of the original decision.
(c) An original classification authority may extend the duration of classification up to 25 years from the date of origin of the document, change the level of classification, or reclassify specific information only when the standards and procedures for classifying information under this Order are followed.
(d) No information may remain classified indefinitely. Information that is marked for an indefinite duration of classification under predecessor orders, for example, information marked as “Originating Agency's Determination Required,” or classified information that contains either incomplete or no declassification instructions, shall have appropriate declassification information applied in accordance with part 3 of this order.
[78 FR 5118, Jan. 24, 2013]
§ 1203.408 - Assistance by Information Security Specialist in the Center Protective Services Office.
Center Security Classification Officers, as the Center point-of-contact, will assist Center personnel in:
(a) Interpreting security classification guides and classification assignments for the Center.
(b) Answering questions and considering suggestions concerning security classification matters.
(c) Ensuring a continuing review of classified information for the purpose of declassifying or downgrading in accordance with subpart E of this part.
(d) Reviewing and approving, as the representative of the contracting officer, the DD Form 254, Contract Security Classification Specification, issued to contractors by the Center.
(e) Forwarding all security classification guides to the Office of Protective Services, NASA Headquarters, for final approval.
[44 FR 34913, June 18, 1979, as amended at 78 FR 5118, Jan. 24, 2013]
§ 1203.409 - Exceptional cases.
(a) In those cases where a person not authorized to classify information originates or develops information which is believed to require classification, that person must contact the Center's or installation's Information Security Officer in the Protective Services Office to arrange for proper review and safeguarding. Persons other than NASA employees should forward the information to the NASA Central Registry at 300 E Street SW., Washington, DC 20546, Attention: Office of Protective Services.
(b) Information in which NASA does not have primary interest shall be returned promptly, under appropriate safeguards, to the sender in accordance with § 1203.405.
(c) Material received from another agency for a NASA security classification determination shall be processed within 90 days. If a classification cannot be determined during that period, the material shall be sent, under appropriate safeguards, to the Director, Information Security Oversight Office, for a determination.
[44 FR 34913, June 18, 1979, as amended at 78 FR 5118, Jan. 24, 2013]
§ 1203.410 - Limitations.
(a) In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to:
(1) Conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error;
(2) Prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency;
(3) Restrain competition; or
(4) Prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection in the interest of the national security.
(b) Basic scientific research information not clearly related to the national security may not be classified.
(c) Information may not be reclassified after declassification after being released to the public under proper authority unless: The reclassification is based on a document-by-document review by NASA and a determination that reclassification is required to prevent at least significant damage to the national security and personally approved in writing by the Administrator, the Deputy Administrator, or the Assistant Administrator for Protective Services. All reclassification actions will be coordinated with the Information Security Oversight Office before final approval; the information may be reasonably recovered without bringing undue public attention to the information; the reclassification action is reported promptly to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (the National Security Advisor) and the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office; and for documents in the physical and legal custody of the National Archives and Records Administration (National Archives) that have been available for public use, the Administrator, the Deputy Administrator, or the Assistant Administrator for Protective Services, after making the determinations required by this paragraph, shall notify the Archivist of the United States (hereafter, Archivist), who shall suspend public access pending approval of the reclassification action by the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office. Any such decision by the Director may be appealed by the agency head to the President through the National Security Advisor. Public access shall remain suspended pending a prompt decision on the appeal.
(d) Information that has not previously been disclosed to the public under proper authority may be classified or reclassified after an agency has received a request for it under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552), the Presidential Records Act, 44 U.S.C. 2204(c)(1), the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), or the mandatory review provisions of section 3.5 of this Order only if such classification meets the requirements of this Order and is accomplished by document-by-document review with the personal participation or under the direction of the Administrator, the Deputy Administrator, or the Assistant Administrator for Protective Services. The requirements in this paragraph also apply to those situations in which information has been declassified in accordance with a specific date or event determined by an original classification authority in accordance with section 1.5 of this Order.
(e) Compilations of items of information that are individually unclassified may be classified if the compiled information reveals an additional association or relationship that:
(1) Meets the standards for classification under this Order; and
(2) Is not otherwise revealed in the individual items of information.
[44 FR 34913, June 18, 1979, as amended at 48 FR 5890, Feb. 9, 1983; 78 FR 5119, Jan. 24, 2013]
§ 1203.411 - Restrictions.
(a) Except as provided by directives issued by the President through the National Security Council, classified information originating in one agency may not be disseminated outside any other agency to which it has been made available without the consent of the originating agency. For purposes of this section, the Department of Defense shall be considered one agency.
(b) Classified information shall not be disseminated outside the Executive Branch except under conditions that ensure the information will be given protection equivalent to that afforded within the Executive Branch.
[48 FR 5890, Feb. 9, 1983]
§ 1203.412 - Classification guides.
(a) General. A classification guide, based upon classification determinations made by appropriate program and classification authorities, shall be issued for each classified system, program or project. Classification guides shall:
(1) Identify the information elements to be protected, using categorization and subcategorization to the extent necessary to ensure that the information involved can be readily and uniformly identified.
(2) State which of the classification designations (i.e., Top Secret, Secret or Confidential) apply to the identified information elements.
(3) State the duration of each specified classification in terms of a period of time or future event. If the original classification authority cannot determine an earlier specific date or event for declassification, information shall be marked for declassification 10 years from the date of the original decision, unless the original classification authority otherwise determines that the sensitivity of the information requires it be marked for declassification for up to 25 years from the date of the original decision.
(4) Indicate specifically that the designations, time limits, markings and other requirements of “the Order” are to be applied to information classified pursuant to the guide.
(5) All security classification guides should be forwarded to the Office of Protective Services for review and final approval. The Office of Protective Services will maintain a list of all classification guides in current use.
(b) Review of classification guides. Classification guides shall be reviewed by the originator for currency and accuracy not less than once every five years. Changes shall be in strict conformance with the provisions of this part 1203 and shall be issued promptly. If no changes are made, the originator shall so annotate the record copy and show the date of the review.
[44 FR 34913, June 18, 1979, as amended at 48 FR 5891, Feb. 9, 1983; 78 FR 5119, Jan. 24, 2013]
authority: E.O. 13526, E.O. 12968, E.O. 13549, E.O. 12829,
32 CFR part 2001, and 51 U.S.C., 20132, 20133
source: 44 FR 34913, June 18, 1979, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 14 CFR 1203.404