Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space last revised: Jan 22, 2025
§ 1216.100 - Scope.

This subpart sets forth NASA policy on environmental quality and control and the responsibilities of NASA officials in carrying out these policies.

§ 1216.101 - Applicability.

This subpart is applicable to NASA Headquarters and field installations.

§ 1216.102 - Policy.

NASA policy is to:

(a) Use all practicable means, consistent with NASA's statutory authority, available resources, and the national policy, to protect and enhance the quality of the environment;

(b) Provide for proper attention to and ensure that environmental amenities and values are given appropriate consideration in all NASA actions, including those performed under contract, grant, lease, or permit;

(c) Recognize the worldwide and long-range character of environmental concerns and, when consistent with the foreign policy of the United States and its own responsibilities, lend appropriate support to initiatives, resolutions, and programs designed to maximize international cooperation in anticipating and preventing a decline in the quality of the world environment;

(d) Use systematic and timely approaches which will ensure the integrated use of the natural and social sciences and environmental design arts in planning and decisionmaking for actions which may have an impact on the human environment;

(e) Pursue research and development, within the scope of NASA's authority or in response to authorized agencies, for application of technologies useful in the protection and enhancement of environmental quality;

(f) Initiate and utilize ecological and other environmental information in the planning and development of resource-oriented projects; and

(g) Invite cooperation, where appropriate, from Federal, State, local, and regional authorities and the public in NASA planning and decisionmaking processes.

§ 1216.103 - Responsibilities of NASA officials.

(a) The Associate Administrator for Management or designee shall:

(1) Coordinate the formulation and revision of NASA policies and positions on matters pertaining to environmental protection and enhancement;

(2) Represent NASA in working with other governmental agencies and interagency organizations to formulate, revise, and achieve uniform understanding and application of governmentwide policies relating to the environment;

(3) Develop and ensure the implementation of agencywide standards, procedures, and working relationships for protection and enhancement of environmental quality and compliance with applicable laws and regulations;

(4) Develop, as an integral part of NASA's basic decision processes, procedures to ensure that environmental factors are properly considered in all proposals and decisions;

(5) Establish and maintain working relationships with the Council on Environmental Quality, Environmental Protection Agency, and other national, state, and local governmental agencies concerned with environmental matters;

(6) Acquire information for and ensure the preparation of appropriate NASA reports on environmental matters.

(b) Officials-in-Charge of Headquarters Offices and NASA Field Installation Directors are responsible for:

(1) Identifying matters under their cognizance which may affect protection and enhancement of environmental quality and for employing the proper procedures to ensure that necessary actions are taken to meet the requirements of applicable laws and regulations;

(2) Coordinating environmental quality-related activities under their cognizance with the Associate Administrator for Management; and

(3) Supporting and assisting the Associate Administrator for Management on request.

(c) Officials-in-Charge of Headquarters Offices are additionally responsible for:

(1) Giving high priority, in the pursuit of program objectives, to the identification, analysis, and proposal of research and development which, if conducted by NASA or other agencies, may contribute to the achievement of beneficial environmental objectives; and

(2) In coordination with the Associate Administrator for Management, making available to other parties, both governmental and nongovernmental, advice and information useful in protecting and enhancing the quality of the environment.

(d) NASA Field Installation Directors are additionally responsible for:

(1) Implementing the NASA policies, standards and procedures for the protection and enhancement of environmental quality and supplementing them as appropriate in local circumstances;

(2) Specifically assigning responsibilities for environmental activities under the installation's cognizance to appropriate subordinates, while providing for the coordination of all such activities; and

(3) Establishing and maintaining working relationships with national, state, regional and governmental agencies responsible for environmental regulations in localities in which the field installations conduct their activities.

[44 FR 44485, July 30, 1979, as amended at 53 FR 9760, Mar. 25, 1988]
authority: 51 U.S.C. 20101
cite as: 14 CFR 1216.101