Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 15 - Commerce and Foreign Trade last revised: Oct 01, 2024
§ 400.31 - General application provisions and pre-docketing review.

(a) In general. Sections 400.31-400.36 and 400.38 outline the procedures to be followed in docketing and processing applications submitted under §§ 400.21, 400.23, 400.24(b), and 400.25. In addition, these sections set forth the time schedules which will ordinarily apply in processing applications. The schedules will guide applicants with respect to the time frames for each of the procedural steps involved in the Board's review. Under these schedules, applications for subzone designation will generally be processed within 5 months (3 months for applications subject to § 400.36(f)) and applications to establish or expand zones will generally be processed within 10 months. The general timeframe to process applications for production authority is 12 months, but additional time is most likely to be required for applications requesting production authority when a complex or controversial issue is involved or when the applicant or other party has obtained a time extension for a particular procedural step. The timeframes specified apply from the time of docketing. Each applicant is responsible for submitting an application that meets the docketing requirements in a timeframe consistent with the applicant's need for action on its request.

(b) Pre-docketing review. The applicant shall submit a complete copy of an application for pre-docketing review. The Executive Secretary shall determine whether the application satisfies the requirements of §§ 400.12, 400.21, and 400.23 through 400.25 and other applicable provisions of this part such that the application is sufficient for docketing. The applicant shall be notified within 30 days whether the pre-docketing copy of the application is sufficient. If the application is not sufficient, the applicant will be notified of the specific deficiencies. An affected zone participant may also be contacted regarding relevant application elements requiring additional information or clarification. If the applicant does not correct the deficiencies and submit a corrected pre-docketing application copy within 30 days of notification, the pre-docketing application shall be discarded. For applications subject to § 400.29, the fees shall be paid in accordance with § 400.29 once the application is determined to be sufficient.

[77 FR 12139, Feb. 28, 2012, as amended at 89 FR 8528, Feb. 8, 2024]
§ 400.32 - Procedures for docketing applications and commencement of case review.

(a) Once the pre-docketing copy of the application is determined to be sufficient and any fees under § 400.29 have been paid, the Executive Secretary shall within 15 days:

(1) Formally docket the application, thereby initiating the proceeding or review;

(2) Assign a case-docket number; and

(3) Notify the applicant of the formal docketing action.

(b) After initiating a proceeding based on an application under §§ 400.21 and 400.23 through 400.25, the Executive Secretary shall:

(1) Designate an examiner to conduct a review and prepare a report or memorandum with recommendations for the Board;

(2) Publish in the Federal Register a notice of the formal docketing of the application and initiation of the review. The notice shall include the name of the applicant, a description of the proposal, and an invitation for public comment. If the application requests authority for production activity and indicates that a component to be used in the activity is subject to a trade-related measure or proceeding (e.g., AD/CVD order or proceeding, suspension of liquidation under AD/CVD procedures), the notice shall include that information. For applications to establish or expand a zone or for production authority, the comment period shall normally close 60 days after the date the notice appears. For applications for subzone designation, the comment period shall normally close 40 days after the date the notice appears. However, if a hearing is held (see § 400.52), the comment period shall not close prior to 15 days after the date of the hearing. The closing date for general comments shall ordinarily be followed by an additional 15-day period for rebuttal comments. Requests for extensions of a comment period will be considered, subject to the standards of § 400.28(c). Submissions must meet the requirements of § 400.28(b). With the exception of submissions by the applicant, any new evidence or new factual information and any written arguments submitted after the deadlines for comments shall not be considered by the examiner or the Board. Submission by the applicant of new evidence or new factual information may result in the (re)opening of a comment period. A comment period may otherwise be opened or reopened for cause;

(3) Transmit or otherwise make available copies of the docketing notice and the application to CBP;

(4) Arrange for hearings, as appropriate;

(5) Transmit the report and recommendations of the examiner and any comments by CBP to the Board for appropriate action; and

(6) Notify the applicant in writing (via electronic means, where appropriate) and publish notice in the Federal Register of the Board's determination.

(c) Any comments by CBP pertaining to the application shall be submitted to the Executive Secretary by the conclusion of the public comment period described in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.

[89 FR 8529, Feb. 8, 2024]
§ 400.33 - Examiner's review—application to establish or modify a zone.

An examiner assigned to review an application to establish, reorganize or expand a zone shall conduct a review taking into account the factors enumerated in § 400.26 and other appropriate sections of this part, which shall include:

(a) Conducting or participating in hearings scheduled by the Executive Secretary;

(b) Reviewing case records, including public comments;

(c) Requesting information and evidence from parties of record;

(d) Developing information and evidence necessary for evaluation and analysis of the application in accordance with the criteria of the Act and this part; and

(e) Developing recommendations to the Board and submitting a report to the Executive Secretary, generally within 150 days of the close of the period for public comment (75 days for reorganizations under the ASF) (see § 400.32):

(1) If the recommendations are unfavorable to the applicant, they shall be considered preliminary and the applicant shall be notified in writing (via electronic means, where appropriate) of the preliminary recommendations and the factors considered in their development. The applicant shall be given 30 days from the date of notification, subject to extensions upon request by the applicant, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, in which to respond to the recommendations and submit additional evidence pertinent to the factors considered in the development of the preliminary recommendations. Public comment may be invited on preliminary recommendations when warranted.

(2) If the response contains new evidence on which there has been no opportunity for public comment, the Executive Secretary shall publish a notice in the Federal Register after completion of the review of the response. The new material shall be made available for public inspection and the Federal Register notice shall invite further public comment for a period of not less than 30 days, with an additional 15-day period for rebuttal comments.

(3) If the factors considered for an examiner's recommendation(s) change as a result of new evidence, the applicable procedures of paragraphs (e)(1) and (2) of this section shall be followed.

(4) When necessary, a request may be made to CBP to provide further comments, which shall be submitted within 45 days after the request.

[77 FR 12139, Feb. 28, 2012, as amended at 89 FR 8529, Feb. 8, 2024]
§ 400.34 - Examiner's review—application for production authority.

(a) The examiner shall conduct a review taking into account the factors enumerated in this section, § 400.27, and other appropriate sections of this part, which shall include:

(1) Conducting or participating in hearings scheduled by the Executive Secretary;

(2) Reviewing case records, including public comments;

(3) Requesting information and evidence from parties of record and others, as warranted;

(4) Developing information and evidence necessary for analysis of the threshold factors and the economic factors enumerated in § 400.27; and

(5) Conducting an analysis to include:

(i) An evaluation of policy considerations pursuant to §§ 400.27(a)(1) and (2);

(ii) An evaluation of the economic factors enumerated in §§ 400.27(a)(3) and 400.27(b), which shall include an evaluation of the economic impact on domestic industry, considering both producers of like products and producers of components/materials used in the production activity;

(iii) Conducting appropriate industry research and surveys, as necessary; and

(iv) Developing recommendations to the Board and submitting a report to the Executive Secretary, generally within 150 days of the close of the period for public comment (although additional time may be required in circumstances such as when the applicant or other party has obtained a time extension for a particular procedural step):

(A) If the recommendations are unfavorable to the applicant, they shall be considered preliminary and the applicant shall be notified in writing (via electronic transmission where appropriate) of the preliminary recommendations and the factors considered in their development. The applicant shall be given 45 days from the date of notification in which to respond to the recommendations and submit additional evidence pertinent to the factors considered in the development of the preliminary recommendations. Public comment may be invited on preliminary recommendations when warranted.

(B) If the response contains new evidence on which there has not been an opportunity for public comment, the Executive Secretary shall publish notice in the Federal Register after completion of the review of the response. The new material shall be made available for public inspection and the Federal Register notice shall invite further public comment for a period of not less than 30 days, with an additional 15-day period for rebuttal comments.

(C) If the factors considered for an examiner's recommendation(s) change as a result of new evidence, the applicable procedures of paragraphs (a)(5)(iv)(A) and (B) of this section shall be followed.

(b) Methodology and evidence. The evaluation of an application for production authority shall include the following steps:

(1) The first phase (§ 400.27(a)) involves consideration of threshold factors. If an examiner or reviewer makes a negative finding on any of the factors in § 400.27(a) in the course of a review, the applicant shall be informed pursuant to § 400.34(a)(5)(iv)(A). When threshold factors are the basis for a negative recommendation in a review of ongoing activity, the zone grantee and directly affected party shall be notified and given an opportunity to submit evidence pursuant to § 400.34(a)(5)(iv)(A). If the Board determines in the negative regarding any of the factors in § 400.27(a), it shall deny or restrict authority for the proposed or ongoing activity.

(2) The second phase (§ 400.27(b)) involves consideration of the enumerated economic factors, taking into account their relative weight and significance under the circumstances. Previous evaluations in similar cases shall be considered.

[77 FR 12139, Feb. 28, 2012, as amended at 89 FR 8529, Feb. 8, 2024]
§ 400.35 - Examiner's review—application for subzone designation.

The examiner shall develop a memorandum with a recommendation on whether to approve the application, taking into account the criteria enumerated in § 400.26. To develop that memorandum, the examiner shall review the case records including public comments, and may request information and evidence from parties of record, as necessary. The examiner's memorandum shall generally be submitted to the Board within 30 days of the close of the period for public comment. However, additional time may be taken as necessary for analysis of any public comment in opposition to the application or if other complicating factors arise.

(a) If the examiner's recommendation is unfavorable to the applicant, it shall be considered preliminary and the applicant shall be notified in writing (via electronic means, where appropriate) of the preliminary recommendation and the factors considered in its development. The applicant shall be given 30 days from the date of notification, subject to extensions upon request by the applicant, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, in which to respond to the recommendation and submit additional evidence pertinent to the factors considered in the development of the preliminary recommendations. Public comment may be invited on preliminary recommendations when warranted.

(b) If the response contains new evidence on which there has not been an opportunity for public comment, the Executive Secretary shall publish notice in the Federal Register after completion of the review of the response. The new material shall be made available for public inspection and the Federal Register notice shall invite further public comment for a period of not less than 30 days, with an additional 15-day period for rebuttal comments.

(c) If the factors considered for an examiner's recommendation(s) change as a result of new evidence, the applicable procedures of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section shall be followed.

(d) The CBP adviser shall be requested, when necessary, to provide further comments, which shall be submitted within 45 days after the request.

[77 FR 12139, Feb. 28, 2012, as amended at 89 FR 8529, Feb. 8, 2024]
§ 400.36 - Completion of case review.

(a) The Executive Secretary shall circulate the examiner's report (memorandum in the case of subzone applications) with recommendations to CBP headquarters staff and to the Treasury Board member for review and action.

(b) In its advisory role to the Board, CBP headquarters staff shall provide any comments within 15 days for applications under § 400.25 and within 30 days for all other applications.

(c) The vote of the Treasury Board member shall be returned to the Executive Secretary within 30 days, unless a formal meeting is requested (see, § 400.3(b)).

(d) The Commerce Department shall complete the decision process within 15 days of receiving the vote of the Treasury Board member, and the Executive Secretary shall publish the Board decision.

(e) If the Board is unable to reach a unanimous decision, the applicant shall be notified and provided an opportunity to meet with the Board members or their delegates.

(f) The Board delegates to the Executive Secretary authority to approve applications requesting subzone designation, on the condition that such approved subzones will be subject to the activation limit for the zone in question.

(g) The Board or the Commerce Department's Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance may opt to terminate review of an application with no further action if the applicant has failed to provide in a timely manner information needed for evaluation of the application. A request from an applicant for an extension of time to provide information needed for evaluation of an application shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Executive Secretary may terminate review of an application where the overall circumstances presented in the application no longer exist as a result of a material change, and shall notify the applicant in writing of the intent to terminate review and allow 30 days for a response prior to completion of any termination action. The Executive Secretary shall confirm the termination in writing (by electronic means, where appropriate) to the applicant.

[77 FR 12139, Feb. 28, 2012, as amended at 89 FR 8529, Feb. 8, 2024]
§ 400.37 - Procedure for notification of proposed production activity.

(a) Submission of notification. A notification for production authority pursuant to §§ 400.14(a) and 400.22 shall be submitted simultaneously to the Board's Executive Secretary and to CBP.

(b) Initial processing of notification. Upon receipt of a complete notification conforming to the requirements of the notification format established by the Executive Secretary pursuant to § 400.22, the Executive Secretary shall commence processing the notification. Unless the Executive Secretary determines, based on the content of the notification, to recommend further review to the Board without inviting public comment on the notification, the Executive Secretary shall transmit to the Federal Register a notice inviting public comment on the notification (with such comment subject to the standards of § 400.28(b)). The notice shall be transmitted to the Federal Register within 15 days of the commencement of the processing of the notification, and the comment period shall normally close 40 days after the date the notice appears. If the notification indicates that a material or component to be used in the activity is subject to an AD/CVD order or proceeding, or suspension of liquidation under AD/CVD procedures, the notice shall include that information. Evidence, factual information and written arguments submitted in response to the notice must be submitted by the deadline for comments. Any comments by CBP pertaining to the notification shall be submitted to the Executive Secretary by the end of the comment period. Within 80 days of receipt of the notification, the Executive Secretary shall submit to the Board a recommendation on whether further review of all or part of the activity subject to the notification is warranted. The Executive Secretary's recommendation shall consider comments submitted during the comment period, any guidance from specialists within government, and other relevant factors based on the Board staff's assessment of the notification, in the context of the factors set forth in § 400.27.

(c) Determinations regarding further review. Within 30 days of receipt of the Executive Secretary's recommendation, the Board members shall provide to the Executive Secretary their determinations on whether further review is warranted concerning all or part of the activity that is the subject of the notification. If either Board member makes a determination that further review is warranted, the activity that is subject to further review (which may constitute all or part of the notified activity) shall not be conducted without authorization pursuant to the application requirements of § 400.23 and the procedural requirements of §§ 400.31-400.34 and 400.36 (or the provisions of paragraph (d) of this section, where applicable). Within 120 days of receipt of the notification, the Executive Secretary shall notify the party that submitted the notification (and the zone grantee, if it did not submit the notification) that:

(1) Further review is not needed for all or part of the activity that is the subject of the notification, and that the activity in question may be conducted; or

(2) Further review is needed for all or part of the activity that is the subject of the notification, with such activity precluded absent specific authorization.

(d) Authorization for commencement of an activity on an interim basis. For an activity notified pursuant to § 400.14(a), the Executive Secretary may authorize the commencement of some or all of the activity on an interim basis. Such authorization shall only be made based on a showing that commencement of the activity is time-sensitive, with such showing to include comments from CBP that specifically address the projected timeframe for commencement of the activity. Interim authorization shall not apply to materials or components subject to an AD/CVD order or proceeding or suspension of liquidation under AD/CVD procedures. As warranted, a determination that further review is needed for all or some of the notified activity pursuant to § 400.37(c) may also revoke the interim authorization until the Board makes a determination after conduct of that further review.

[77 FR 12139, Feb. 28, 2012, as amended at 89 FR 8529, Feb. 8, 2024]
§ 400.38 - Procedure for request for minor modification of zone.

(a) The Executive Secretary shall make a determination in cases under § 400.24(c) involving minor modifications of zones that do not require Board action, such as boundary modifications, including certain relocations, and shall notify the requestor in writing of the decision on the request within 30 days of the Executive Secretary's receipt of the complete request and the CBP comments under paragraph (b) of this section. Depending on the specific request, the decision could be that the request cannot be processed under § 400.24(c). The requestor shall submit a copy of its request to CBP no later than the time of the requestor's submission of the request to the Executive Secretary.

(b) If not previously provided to the requestor for inclusion with the requestor's submission of the request to the Executive Secretary, any CBP comments on the request shall be provided to the Executive Secretary within 20 days of the requestor's submission of the request to the Executive Secretary.

[89 FR 8529, Feb. 8, 2024]
authority: Foreign-Trade Zones Act of June 18, 1934, as amended (Pub. L. 73-397, 48 Stat. 998-1003 (19 U.S.C. 81a-81u))
source: 77 FR 12139, Feb. 28, 2012, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 15 CFR 400.36