Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 15 - Commerce and Foreign Trade last revised: Oct 01, 2024
§ 922.80 - Boundary.

(a) Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary (Sanctuary) encompasses an area of approximately 2,488 square nautical miles (nmi 2) (3,295 sq. mi.) of coastal and ocean waters, and submerged lands thereunder, surrounding the Farallon Islands and Noonday Rock along the northern coast of California. The precise boundary coordinates are listed in appendix A to this subpart.

(b) The western boundary of the Sanctuary extends south from Point 1 approximately 45 nautical miles (52 miles) to Point 2, which is the northwestern corner of Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary (CBNMS). The Sanctuary boundary then extends from Point 2 approximately 38 nautical miles (43 miles) east along the northern boundary of CBNMS to Point 3, which is approximately 6 nautical miles (7 miles) west of Bodega Head. From Point 3 the Sanctuary boundary continues south and west to Points 4 through 19 (in numerical sequence) and is coterminous with the eastern boundary of CBNMS. From Point 19 the Sanctuary boundary continues south and east to Points 20 through 25 (in numerical sequence) until it intersects the boundary for Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) at Point 26. From Point 26 the Sanctuary boundary extends eastward and northward, coterminous with MBNMS, to Points 27 through 33 (in numerical sequence). From Point 33 the boundary proceeds along a straight line arc towards Point 34 until it intersects the Mean High Water Line at Rocky Point, California. From this intersection the Sanctuary boundary follows the Mean High Water Line northward until it intersects the boundary for Point Reyes National Seashore approximately 0.7 nautical miles (0.8 miles) south and east of Bolinas Point in Marin County, California. The Sanctuary boundary then approximates the boundary for Point Reyes National Seashore, as established at the time of designation of the Sanctuary, to the intersection of the Point Reyes National Seashore boundary and the Mean High Water Line approximately 0.13 nautical miles (0.15 miles) south and east of Duck Cove in Tomales Bay. The Sanctuary boundary then follows the Mean High Water Line along Tomales Bay and up Lagunitas Creek to the U.S. Highway 1 Bridge. Here the Sanctuary boundary crosses Lagunitas Creek and follows the Mean High Water Line north to the Estero de San Antonio and up the Estero to the tide gate at Valley Ford-Franklin School Road. Here the Sanctuary boundary crosses the Estero de San Antonio and proceeds west and north following the Mean High Water Line to the Estero Americano and up the Estero to the bridge at Valley Ford-Estero Road. Here the Sanctuary boundary crosses the Estero Americano and proceeds west and north following the Mean High Water Line towards Salmon Creek. Approaching Salmon Creek the boundary continues along the Mean High Water Line until it intersects a straight line arc that passes through Points 35 and 36. From that intersection the boundary extends across the creek along the straight line arc towards Point 36 until it again intersects the Mean High Water Line. From this intersection the boundary follows the Mean High Water Line north towards the Russian River. Approaching the Russian River the boundary continues along the Mean High Water Line until it intersects a straight line arc that passes through Points 37 and Point 38. At that intersection the boundary extends across the river along the straight line arc towards Point 38 until it again intersects the Mean High Water Line. From this intersection the boundary follows the Mean High Water Line north towards the Gualala River. Approaching the Gualala River the boundary continues along the Mean High Water Line until it intersects a straight line arc that passes through Points 39 and Point 40. At that intersection the boundary extends across the river along the straight line arc towards Point 40 until it again intersects the Mean High Water Line. From this intersection the boundary follows the Mean High Water Line north to Arena Cove in Mendocino County. Approaching Arena Cove the boundary continues along the Mean High Water Line until it intersects a straight line arc that passes through Points 41 and Point 42. At that intersection the boundary extends across the cove along the straight line arc towards Point 42 until it again intersects the Mean High Water Line. From this intersection the boundary follows the Mean High Water Line north towards the Garcia River. Approaching the Garcia River the boundary continues along the Mean High Water Line until it intersects a straight line arc that passes through Points 43 and Point 44. At that intersection the boundary extends across the river along the straight line arc towards Point 44 until it intersects the Mean High Water Line. The Sanctuary boundary then continues north following the Mean High Water Line until it intersects the rhumb line connecting Point 45 and Point 46. From this intersection the Sanctuary boundary continues west along its northernmost extent to Point 46. The Sanctuary includes Bolinas Lagoon, Estero de San Antonio (to the tide gate at Valley Ford-Franklin School Road) and Estero Americano (to the bridge at Valley Ford-Estero Road), as well as Bodega Bay, but does not include Bodega Harbor, the Salmon Creek Estuary, the Russian River Estuary, the Gualala River Estuary, Arena Cove, or the Garcia River Estuary. Unless otherwise specified, where the Sanctuary boundary crosses a waterway, the Sanctuary excludes this waterway upstream of the crossing.

[80 FR 13108, Mar. 12, 2015; 88 FR 965, Jan. 6, 2023]
§ 922.81 - Definitions.

In addition to those definitions found at § 922.11, the following definitions apply to this subpart:

Motorized personal watercraft means a vessel which uses an inboard motor powering a water jet pump as its primary source of motive power and which is designed to be operated by a person sitting, standing, or kneeling on the vessel, rather than the conventional manner of sitting or standing inside the vessel.

Routine maintenance means customary and standard procedures for maintaining docks or piers.

Special Wildlife Protection Zones are areas surrounding or adjacent to high abundance of white sharks, breeding pinnipeds (seals and sea lions) or high abundance and high biological diversity of breeding birds that are susceptible to human caused disturbance, including federally listed and specially protected species. Coordinates for Special Wildlife Protection Zones are found in appendix C of this Subpart.

[80 FR 13108, Mar. 12, 2015, as amended at 88 FR 965, Jan. 6, 2023; 88 FR 19826, Apr. 4, 2023]
§ 922.82 - Prohibited or otherwise regulated activities.

(a) The following activities are prohibited and thus are unlawful for any person to conduct or to cause to be conducted within the Sanctuary:

(1) Exploring for, developing, or producing oil, gas or minerals.

(2) Discharging or depositing from within or into the Sanctuary, other than from a cruise ship, any material or other matter except:

(i) Fish, fish parts, chumming materials or bait used in or resulting from lawful fishing activities within the Sanctuary, provided that such discharge or deposit is during the conduct of lawful fishing activity within the Sanctuary;

(ii) For a vessel less than 300 gross registered tons (GRT), or a vessel 300 GRT or greater without sufficient holding tank capacity to hold sewage while within the Sanctuary, clean effluent generated incidental to vessel use by an operable Type I or II marine sanitation device (U.S. Coast Guard classification) that is approved in accordance with section 312 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (FWPCA), 33 U.S.C. 1322. Vessel operators must lock all marine sanitation devices in a manner that prevents discharge or deposit of untreated sewage;

(iii) Clean vessel deck wash down, clean vessel engine cooling water, clean vessel generator cooling water, clean bilge water, or anchor wash;

(iv) For a vessel less than 300 GRT or a vessel 300 GRT or greater without sufficient holding capacity to hold graywater while within the Sanctuary, clean graywater as defined by section 312 of the FWPCA;

(v) Vessel engine or generator exhaust; or

(vi) For a United States Coast Guard vessel without sufficient holding tank capacity and without a Type I or II marine sanitation device, and operating within the designated area [2015 expansion area] defined in appendix G of this subpart, sewage and non-clean graywater as defined by section 312 of the FWPCA generated incidental to vessel use, and ammunition, pyrotechnics or other materials directly related to search and rescue and live ammunition training activities conducted by United States Coast Guard vessels and aircraft in the designated areas defined in appendix G of this subpart.

(3) Discharging or depositing from within or into the Sanctuary any material or other matter from a cruise ship except clean vessel engine cooling water, clean vessel generator cooling water, vessel engine or generator exhaust, clean bilge water, or anchor wash.

(4) Discharging or depositing, from beyond the boundary of the Sanctuary, any material or other matter that subsequently enters the Sanctuary and injures a Sanctuary resource or quality, except for the material or other matter excepted in paragraphs (a)(2)(i) through (vi) and (a)(3) of this section.

(5) Constructing any structure other than a navigation aid on or in the submerged lands of the Sanctuary; placing or abandoning any structure on or in the submerged lands of the Sanctuary; or drilling into, dredging, or otherwise altering the submerged lands of the Sanctuary in any way, except:

(i) By anchoring vessels (in a manner not otherwise prohibited by this part (see paragraph (a)(16) of this section);

(ii) While conducting lawful fishing activities;

(iii) Routine maintenance and construction of docks and piers on Tomales Bay; or

(iv) Aquaculture activities conducted pursuant to a valid lease, permit, license or other authorization issued by the State of California.

(6) Operating motorized personal watercraft (MPWC) anywhere in Bodega Bay and anywhere in the Sanctuary south of 38.29800 degrees North Latitude (the southernmost tip of Bodega Head), except for emergency search and rescue missions or law enforcement operations (other than routine training activities) carried out by the National Park Service, U.S. Coast Guard, Fire or Police Departments or other Federal, State or local jurisdictions.

(7) Taking any marine mammal, sea turtle, or bird within or above the Sanctuary, except as authorized by the Marine Mammal Protection Act, as amended, (MMPA), 16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq., Endangered Species Act (ESA), as amended, 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq., Migratory Bird Treaty Act, as amended, (MBTA), 16 U.S.C. 703 et seq., or any regulation, as amended, promulgated under the MMPA, ESA, or MBTA.

(8) Possessing within the Sanctuary (regardless of where taken, moved or removed from), any marine mammal, sea turtle, or bird taken, except as authorized by the MMPA, ESA, MBTA, by any regulation, as amended, promulgated under the MMPA, ESA, or MBTA, or as necessary for valid law enforcement purposes.

(9) Possessing, moving, removing, or injuring, or attempting to possess, move, remove or injure, a Sanctuary historical resource.

(10) Introducing or otherwise releasing from within or into the Sanctuary an introduced species, except:

(i) Striped bass (Morone saxatilis) released during catch and release fishing activity; or

(ii) Species cultivated by commercial shellfish aquaculture activities in Tomales Bay pursuant to a valid lease, permit, license or other authorization issued by the State of California. Tomales Bay is defined in § 922.80. The coordinates for the northern terminus of Tomales Bay are listed in appendix C to this subpart.

(11) Disturbing marine mammals or seabirds by flying motorized aircraft at less than 1,000 feet over the waters within any of the seven designated Special Wildlife Protection Zones described in appendix D to this subpart, except transiting Zone 6 to transport persons or supplies to or from Southeast Farallon Island authorized by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Farallon National Wildlife Refuge, or for enforcement purposes. Failure to maintain a minimum altitude of 1,000 feet above ground level over such waters is presumed to disturb marine mammals or seabirds.

(12) Operating any vessel engaged in the trade of carrying cargo within any area designated Special Wildlife Protection Zone or within one nautical mile from these zones. The coordinates are listed in appendix E to this subpart. This includes but is not limited to tankers and other bulk carriers and barges, or any vessel engaged in the trade of servicing offshore installations, except to transport persons or supplies to or from the Farallon Islands. In no event shall this section be construed to limit access for fishing, recreational or research vessels.

(13) Attracting a white shark anywhere in the Sanctuary; or approaching within 50 meters of any white shark within Special Wildlife Protection Zone 6 and 7 or within one nautical mile from these zones The coordinates are listed in appendix F to this subpart.

(14) Deserting a vessel aground, at anchor, or adrift in the Sanctuary.

(15) Leaving harmful matter aboard a grounded or deserted vessel in the Sanctuary.

(16) Anchoring a vessel in a designated seagrass protection zone in Tomales Bay, except as necessary for aquaculture operations conducted pursuant to a valid lease, permit or license. The coordinates for the no-anchoring seagrass protection zones are listed in Appendix B to this subpart.

(17) Interfering with, obstructing, delaying, or preventing an investigation, search, seizure, or disposition of seized property in connection with enforcement of the Act or any regulation or permit issued under the Act.

(b) All activities currently carried out by the Department of Defense within the Sanctuary are essential for the national defense and, therefore, not subject to the prohibitions in this section. The exemption of additional activities shall be determined in consultation between the Director and the Department of Defense.

(c) The prohibitions in paragraph (a) of this section do not apply to activities necessary to respond to an emergency threatening life, property or the environment, or except as may be permitted by the Director in accordance with subpart D of this part.

(d) The prohibitions in paragraphs (a)(2) through (9) and (11) through (16) of this section do not apply to any activity executed in accordance with the scope, purpose, terms, and conditions of a National Marine Sanctuary permit issued in accordance with subpart D of this part and § 922.83, or a special use permit issued pursuant to subpart D of this part.

[80 FR 13108, Mar. 12, 2015, as amended at 83 FR 55966, Nov. 9, 2018; 88 FR 965, Jan. 6, 2023; 88 FR 19826, Apr. 4, 2023]
§ 922.83 - Permit procedures and issuance criteria.

(a) A person may conduct an activity otherwise prohibited by § 922.82(a)(2) through (9) and (11) through (16) if such activity is specifically authorized by and conducted in accordance with the scope, purpose, terms and conditions of a permit issued under this section and subpart D of this part.

(b) Applications for permits should be addressed to the Director, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries; ATTN: Superintendent, Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, 991 Marine Dr., The Presidio, San Francisco, CA 94129.

[88 FR 966, Jan. 6, 2023, as amended at 88 FR 19826, Apr. 4, 2023]
§ 922.84 - Certification of preexisting leases, licenses, permits, approvals, other authorizations, or rights to conduct a prohibited activity.

(a) A person may conduct an activity prohibited by § 922.82(a)(1) through (17) if such activity is specifically authorized by a valid Federal, State, or local lease, permit, license, approval, or other authorization in existence prior to the June 9, 2015 effective date of sanctuary expansion and within the sanctuary expansion area and complies with § 922.10 and provided that the holder of the lease, permit, license, approval, or other authorization complies with the requirements of paragraph (e) of this section.

(b) In considering whether to make the certifications called for in this section, the Director may seek and consider the views of any other person or entity, within or outside the Federal government, and may hold a public hearing as deemed appropriate.

(c) The Director may amend, suspend, or revoke any certification made under this section whenever continued operation would otherwise be inconsistent with any terms or conditions of the certification. Any such action shall be forwarded in writing to both the holder of the certified permit, license, or other authorization and the issuing agency and shall set forth reason(s) for the action taken.

(d) Requests for findings or certifications should be addressed to the Director, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries; ATTN: Sanctuary Superintendent, Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, 991 Marine Drive, The Presidio, San Francisco, CA 94129. A copy of the lease, permit, license, approval, or other authorization must accompany the request.

(e) For an activity described in paragraph (a) of this section, the holder of the authorization or right may conduct the activity prohibited by § 922.82 (a)(1) through (17) provided that:

(1) The holder of such authorization or right notifies the Director, in writing, within 90 days of the effective date of Sanctuary designation, of the existence of such authorization or right and requests certification of such authorization or right;

(2) The holder complies with the other provisions of this section; and

(3) The holder complies with any terms and conditions on the exercise of such authorization or right imposed as a condition of certification, by the Director, to achieve the purposes for which the Sanctuary was designated.

(f) The holder of an authorization or right described in paragraph (a) of this section authorizing an activity prohibited by § 922.82 may conduct the activity without being in violation of applicable provisions of § 922.82, pending final agency action on his or her certification request, provided the holder is otherwise in compliance with this section.

(g) The Director may request additional information from the certification requester as he or she deems reasonably necessary to condition appropriately the exercise of the certified authorization or right to achieve the purposes for which the Sanctuary was designated. The Director must receive the information requested within 45 days of the postmark date of the request. The Director may seek the views of any persons on the certification request.

(h) The Director may amend any certification made under this section whenever additional information becomes available that he determines justifies such an amendment.

(i) Upon completion of review of the authorization or right and information received with respect thereto, the Director shall communicate, in writing, any decision on a certification request or any action taken with respect to any certification made under this section, in writing, to both the holder of the certified lease, permit, license, approval, other authorization, or right, and the issuing agency, and shall set forth the reason(s) for the decision or action taken.

(j) The holder may appeal any action conditioning, amending, suspending, or revoking any certification in accordance with the procedures set forth in § 922.37.

(k) Any time limit prescribed in or established under this section may be extended by the Director for good cause.

[80 FR 13108, Mar. 12, 2015, as amended at 88 FR 19829, Apr. 4, 2023]
§ 922.85 - Review of State permits and leases for certain aquaculture projects.

NOAA has described in a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the State of California how the State will consult and coordinate with NOAA to review any new, amended or expanded lease or permit application for aquaculture projects in Tomales Bay involving introduced species.

Appendix Appendix A - Appendix A to Subpart H of Part 922—Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary Boundary Coordinates

Coordinates listed in this appendix are unprojected (Geographic) and based on the North American Datum of 1983.

Point ID No. Latitude Longitude
34 *37.88225−122.62753
35 *38.35045−123.06711
36 *38.35665−123.06724
37 *38.44575−123.12602
38 *38.45531−123.13469
39 *38.76231−123.52957
40 *38.76941−123.53541
41 *38.91136−123.71061
42 *38.91766−123.72568
43 *38.95404−123.73405
44 *38.95944−123.71820
45 *39.00000−123.69710

Note: The coordinates in the table above marked with an asterisk (*) are not a part of the sanctuary boundary. These coordinates are landward reference points used to draw a line segment that intersects with the shoreline.

Appendix Appendix B - Appendix B to Subpart H of Part 922—No-Anchoring Seagrass Protection Zones in Tomales Bay

Coordinates listed in this appendix are unprojected (Geographic) and based on the North American Datum of 1983.

(1) No-Anchoring Seagrass Protection Zone 1 encompasses an area of approximately .11 square nautical miles (.15 square miles) offshore south of Millerton Point. The precise boundary coordinates are listed in the table following this description. The eastern boundary is a straight line arc that connects points 1 and 2 listed in the coordinate table below. The southern boundary is a straight line arc that connects points 2 and 3, the western boundary is a straight line arc that connects points 3 and 4 and the northern boundary is a straight line arc that connects point 4 to point 5.

Zone 1 Point
ID No.
Latitude Longitude

(2) No-Anchoring Seagrass Protection Zone 2 encompasses an area of approximately .15 square nautical miles (.19 square miles) that begins just south of Marconi and extends approximately 1.6 nautical miles (1.9 miles) south along the eastern shore of Tomales Bay. The precise boundary coordinates are listed in the table following this description. The western boundary is a series of straight line arcs that sequentially connect point 1 to point 5 listed in the coordinate table below. The southern boundary is a straight line arc that extends from point 5 towards point 6 until it intersects the Mean High Water Line. From this intersection the eastern boundary follows the Mean High Water Line north until it intersects the straight line arc that connects point 7 to point 8. From this intersection the northern boundary extends to point 8.

Zone 2 Point
ID No.
Latitude Longitude
6 *38.11608−122.85813
7 *38.14078−122.87433

Note: The coordinates in the table above marked with an asterisk (*) are not a part of the zone boundary. These coordinates are landward reference points used to draw a line segment that intersects with the shoreline.

(3) No-Anchoring Seagrass Protection Zone 3 encompasses an area of approximately .01 square nautical miles (.02 square miles) that begins just south of Marshall and extends approximately .5 nautical miles (.6 miles) south along the eastern shore of Tomales Bay. The precise boundary coordinates are listed in the table following this description. The western boundary is a straight line arc that connects point 1 to point 2 listed in the coordinate table below. The southern boundary is a straight line arc that extends from point 2 towards point 3 until it intersects the Mean High Water Line. From this intersection the eastern boundary follows the Mean High Water Line northward until it intersects the straight line arc that connects point 4 to point 5. From this intersection the northern boundary extends westward along the straight line arc that connects point 4 to point 5.

Zone 3 Point
ID No.
Latitude Longitude
3 *38.15292−122.88984
4 *38.16031−122.89442

Note: The coordinates in the table above marked with an asterisk (*) are not a part of the zone boundary. These coordinates are landward reference points used to draw a line segment that intersects with the shoreline.

(4) No-Anchoring Seagrass Protection Zone 4 is an area of approximately .18 square nautical miles (.21 square miles) that begins just north of Nicks Cove and extends approximately 2.7 nautical miles (3.1 miles) south along the eastern shore of Tomales Bay to just south of Cypress Grove. The precise boundary coordinates are listed in the table following this description. The western boundary is a series of straight line arcs that sequentially connect point 1 to point 8 listed in the coordinate table below. The southern boundary is a straight line arc that extends from point 8 towards point 9 until it intersects the Mean High Water Line. From this intersection the eastern boundary follows the Mean High Water Line north until it intersects the straight line arc that connects point 10 to point 11. From this intersection the northern boundary extends westward along the straight line arc that connects point 10 to point 11.

Zone 4 Point
ID No.
Latitude Longitude
9 *38.16266−122.89620
10 *38.20080−122.92174

Note: The coordinates in the table above marked with an asterisk (*) are not a part of the zone boundary. These coordinates are landward reference points used to draw a line segment that intersects with the shoreline.

(5) No-Anchoring Seagrass Protection Zone 5 encompasses an area of approximately 1.3 square nautical miles (1.6 square miles) that begins east of Lawson's Landing and extends approximately 2.7 nautical miles (3.1 miles) east and south along the eastern shore of Tomales Bay but excludes areas adjacent (approximately .32 nautical miles or .37 miles) to the mouth of Walker Creek. The precise boundary coordinates are listed in the table following this description. The western boundary is a series of straight line arcs that sequentially connect point 1 to point 3 listed in the coordinate table below. From point 3 the southern boundary trends eastward along the straight line arc that connects point 3 to point 4 until it intersects the Mean High Water Line. From this intersection the boundary follows the Mean High Water Line northward until it intersects the straight line arc that connects point 5 to point 6. From this intersection the boundary extends westward along the straight line arc that connects point 5 to point 6. From point 6 the boundary follows the straight line arc that connects point 6 to point 7, and then extends along the straight line arc that connects point 7 to point 8 until it again intersects the Mean High Water Line. From this intersection the boundary follows the Mean High Water Line until it intersects the straight line arc that connects point 9 to point 10. From this intersection the boundary extends to point 10 along the straight line arc that connects point 9 to point 10.

Zone 5 Point
ID No.
Latitude Longitude
4 *38.20080−122.92174
5 *38.20522−122.92446
8 *38.21599−122.93742
9 *38.23129−122.96293

Note: The coordinates in the table above marked with an asterisk (*) are not a part of the zone boundary. These coordinates are landward reference points used to draw a line segment that intersects with the shoreline.

(6) No-Anchoring Seagrass Protection Zone 6 encompasses an area of approximately .01 square nautical miles (.02 square miles) in the vicinity of Indian Beach along the western shore of Tomales Bay. The precise boundary coordinates are listed in the table following this description. The eastern boundary is a straight line arc that connects point 1 to point 2 listed in the coordinate table below. The southern boundary extends westward along the straight line arc that connects point 2 to point 3 until it intersects the Mean High Water Line. From this intersection the eastern boundary follows the Mean High Water Line northward until it intersects the straight line arc that connects point 3 to point 4. From this intersection the northern boundary extends eastward along the straight line arc that connects point 4 to point 5.

Zone 6 Point
ID No.
Latitude Longitude
3 *38.13804−122.89610
4 *38.14033−122.89683

Note: The coordinates in the table above marked with an asterisk (*) are not a part of the zone boundary. These coordinates are landward reference points used to draw a line segment that intersects with the shoreline.

(7) No-Anchoring Seagrass Protection Zone 7 encompasses an area of approximately .09 square nautical miles (.12 square miles) that begins just south of Pebble Beach and extends approximately 1.6 nautical miles (1.9 miles) south along the western shore of Tomales Bay. The precise boundary coordinates are listed in the table following this description. The eastern boundary is a series of straight line arcs that sequentially connect point 1 to point 5 listed in the coordinate table below. The southern boundary extends along the straight line arc that connects point 5 to point 6 until it intersects the Mean High Water Line. From this intersection the western boundary extends north along the Mean High Water Line until it intersects the straight line arc that connects point 7 to point 8. From this intersection the northern boundary extends eastward along the straight line arc that connects point 7 to point 8.

Zone 7 Point
ID No.
Latitude Longitude
6 *38.11027−122.86551
7 *38.13001−122.88749

Note: The coordinates in the table above marked with an asterisk (*) are not a part of the zone boundary. These coordinates are landward reference points used to draw a line segment that intersects with the shoreline.

Appendix Appendix C - Appendix C to Subpart H of Part 922—Northern Extent of Tomales Bay

For the purpose of § 922.82(a)(10)(ii), NOAA is codifying the northern geographical extent of Tomales Bay via a line running from Avalis Beach (Point 1) east to Sand Point (Point 2). Coordinates listed in this Appendix are unprojected (geographic) and based on the North American Datum of 1983.

ID No. Tomales Bay
Latitude Longitude
Appendix Appendix D - Appendix D to Subpart H of Part 922—Special Wildlife Protection Zones Within the Sanctuary

Coordinates listed in this appendix are unprojected (Geographic) and based on the North American Datum of 1983.

(1) Special Wildlife Protection Zone 1 (SWPZ 1) encompasses an area of approximately 7.9 square nautical miles (10.5 square miles). The precise boundary coordinates are listed in the table following this description. The western boundary of SWPZ 1 extends south from Point 1, west of Haven's Neck in Mendocino County, to Point 2, west of Del Mar Point. The boundary then extends east from Point 2 along a straight line arc connecting Point 2 and Point 3 until it intersects the Mean High Water Line at Del Mar Point. The SWPZ 1 boundary then turns north to follow the Mean High Water Line towards Haven's Neck and continues until it intersects a straight line arc connecting Point 4 and Point 5. From this intersection the Sanctuary boundary continues west along its northernmost extent to Point 5.

Zone 1 Point
ID No.
Latitude Longitude
3 *38.74096−123.51051
4 *38.80865−123.60195

Note: The coordinates in the table above marked with an asterisk (*) are not a part of the zone boundary. These coordinates are landward reference points used to draw a line segment that intersects with the shoreline.

(2) Special Wildlife Protection Zone 2 (SWPZ 2) encompasses an area of approximately 16.2 square nautical miles (21.4 square miles). The precise boundary coordinates are listed in the table following this description. The western boundary of SWPZ 2 extends south and east from Point 1, south of Windermere Point in Sonoma County, to Point 2 and then to Point 3 in sequence. Point 3 is west of Duncans Point in Sonoma County. The boundary then extends east from Point 3 along a straight line arc connecting Point 3 and Point 4 until it intersects the Mean High Water Line at Duncans Point. The boundary then turns north to follow the Mean High Water Line towards Windermere Point until it intersects a straight line arc connecting Point 5 and Point 6. From this intersection the boundary continues due south along a straight line arc to Point 6.

Zone 2 Point
ID No.
Latitude Longitude
4 *38.39311−123.09527
5 *38.52487−123.26804

Note: The coordinates in the table above marked with an asterisk (*) are not a part of the zone boundary. These coordinates are landward reference points used to draw a line segment that intersects with the shoreline.

(3) Special Wildlife Protection Zone 3 (SWPZ 3) encompasses an area of approximately 7 square nautical miles (9.3 square miles). The precise boundary coordinates are listed in the table following this description. The western boundary of SWPZ 3 extends south and east from Point 1, southwest of the Estero de San Antonio in Sonoma County, to Point 2, south of Tomales Point in Marin County. The boundary then extends north and east from Point 2 along a straight line arc connecting Point 2 and Point 3 until it intersects the boundary of the Point Reyes National Seashore. From this intersection the SWPZ 3 boundary follows the Point Reyes National Seashore boundary around Tomales Point into Tomales Bay and continues until it again intersects the straight line arc that connects Point 2 and Point 3. From this intersection the SWPZ 3 boundary follows the straight line arc north and east toward Point 3 until it intersects the Mean High Water Line at Toms Point in Tomales Bay. The SWPZ 3 boundary then follows the Mean High Water Line northward towards the Estero de San Antonio until it intersects the straight line arc that connects Point 4 and Point 5. From this intersection the Sanctuary boundary continues south and west to Point 5.

Zone 3 Point
ID No.
Latitude Longitude
3 *38.21544−122.95286
4 *38.27011−122.97840

Note: The coordinates in the table above marked with an asterisk (*) are not a part of the zone boundary. These coordinates are landward reference points used to draw a line segment that intersects with the shoreline.

(4) Special Wildlife Protection Zone 4 (SWPZ 4) encompasses an area of approximately 10.2 square nautical miles (13.5 square miles). The precise boundary coordinates are list in the table following this description. The western boundary of SWPZ 4 extends south and west from Point 1, west of Point Reyes in Marin County, to Point 2, south and west of Point Reyes Lighthouse. The boundary then follows a straight line arc east and south from Point 2 to Point 3. From Point 3 the boundary follows a straight line arc north to Point 4. From Point 4 the SWPZ 4 boundary proceeds west along the straight line arc that connects Point 4 and Point 5 until it intersects the Point Reyes National Seashore boundary north of Chimney Rock. The SWPZ 4 boundary then follows the Point Reyes National Seashore boundary around Point Reyes until it again intersects the straight line arc that connects Point 4 and Point 5 north of the Point Reyes Lighthouse. From this intersection the SWPZ 4 boundary turns seaward and continues west to Point 5.

Zone 4 Point
ID No.
Latitude Longitude

(5) Special Wildlife Protection Zone 5 (SWPZ 5) encompasses an area of approximately 14.8 square nautical miles (19.6 square miles). The precise boundary coordinates are listed in the table following this description. The western boundary of SWPZ 5 extends south and east from Point 1, near Millers Point in Marin County, to Point 2, which is south and west of Bolinas Point. The SWPZ 5 boundary then follows a straight line arc east from Point 2 towards Point 3 until it intersects the Mean High Water Line at Rocky Point. From this intersection, the SWPZ 5 boundary follows the Sanctuary boundary north to Bolinas Point and Millers Point, respectively, including Bolinas Lagoon but not including Seadrift Lagoon, until it intersects the straight line arc that connects Point 4 and Point 5. From this intersection the SWPZ 5 boundary turns seaward and continues west and south along the straight line arc to Point 5.

Zone 5 Point
ID No.
Latitude Longitude
3 *37.88195−122.62873
4 *37.98234−122.81513

Note: The coordinates in the table above marked with an asterisk (*) are not a part of the zone boundary. These coordinates are landward reference points used to draw a line segment that intersects with the shoreline.

(6) Special Wildlife Protection Zone 6 (SWPZ 6) encompasses an area of approximately 6.8 square nautical miles (9 square miles) and extends from the Mean High Water Line seaward to the SWPZ 6 boundary. The precise boundary coordinates are listed in the table following this description. The boundary of SWPZ 6 extends south and west from Point 1, north of Southeast Farallon Island, along a straight line arc to Point 2, then south and east along a straight line arc to Point 3, then north and east along a straight line arc to Point 4, then north and west along a straight line arc to Point 5.

Zone 6 Point
ID No.
Latitude Longitude

(7) Special Wildlife Protection Zone 7 (SWPZ 7) encompasses an area of approximately 6 square nautical miles (7.9 square miles) and extends from the Mean High Water Line seaward to the SWPZ 7 boundary. The precise boundary coordinates are listed in the table following this description. The boundary of SWPZ 7 extends south and west from Point 1, north of North Farallon Island, along a straight line arc to Point 2, then south and east along a straight line arc to Point 3, then north and east along a straight line arc to Point 4, then north and west along a straight line arc to Point 5.

Zone 7 Point
ID No.
Latitude Longitude
Appendix Appendix E - Appendix E to Subpart H of Part 922—Cargo Vessel Prohibition Zones in the Sanctuary

Coordinates listed in this appendix are unprojected (Geographic) and based on the North American Datum of 1983.

(1) Cargo Vessel Prohibition Zone 1 (CVPZ 1) is an area of approximately 20 square nautical miles (26 square miles) immediately offshore of Anchor Bay. The precise boundary coordinates are listed in the table following this description. The western boundary of extends south and east from Point 1, north and west of Haven's Neck, to Point 2, west and south of Del Mar Point. The CVPZ 1 boundary then extends east from Point 2 along a straight line arc connecting Point 2 and Point 3 until it intersects the Sanctuary boundary. The CVPZ 1 boundary then turns north to follow the Sanctuary boundary past Haven's Neck and continues until it intersects the straight line arc connecting Point 4 and Point 5. From this intersection the CVPZ 1 boundary continues west along its northernmost extent to Point 5.

Zone 1 Point
ID No.
Latitude Longitude
3 *38.72330−123.47658
4 *38.82485−123.60953

Note: The coordinates in the table above marked with an asterisk (*) are not a part of the zone boundary. These coordinates are landward reference points used to draw a line segment that intersects with the shoreline.

(2) Cargo Vessel Prohibition Zone 2 (CVPZ 2) encompasses an area of approximately 30 square nautical miles (40 square miles). The precise boundary coordinates are listed in the table following this description. The western CVPZ 2 boundary extends south and east from Point 1, west of Windermere Point in Sonoma County, to Point 2 and then to Point 3 in sequence. Point 3 is west of Duncans Point in Sonoma County. The CVPZ 2 boundary then extends east from Point 3 along a straight line arc connecting Point 3 and Point 4 until it intersects the Sanctuary boundary south of Duncans Point. The CVPZ 2 boundary then turns north to follow the Sanctuary boundary past Windermere Point until it intersects the straight line arc connecting Point 5 and Point 6. From this intersection the CVPZ 2 boundary continues due south along this straight line arc to Point 6.

Zone 2 Point
ID No.
Latitude Longitude
4 *38.37614−123.07843
5 *38.54099−123.28994

Note: The coordinates in the table above marked with an asterisk (*) are not a part of the zone boundary. These coordinates are landward reference points used to draw a line segment that intersects with the shoreline.

(3) Cargo Vessel Prohibition Zone 3 (CVPZ 3) encompasses an area of approximately 17 square nautical miles (22 square miles). The precise boundary coordinates are listed in the table following this description. The western CVPZ 3 boundary extends south and east from Point 1, west of the Estero de San Antonio in Sonoma County, to Point 2, south of Tomales Point in Marin County. The CVPZ 3 boundary then extends north and east from Point 2 along a straight line arc connecting Point 2 and Point 3 until it intersects the Sanctuary boundary. From this intersection the CVPZ 3 boundary follows the Sanctuary boundary around Tomales Point into Tomales Bay and continues until it again intersects the straight line arc that connects Point 2 and Point 3. From this intersection the CVPZ 3 boundary follows the straight line arc north and east across Tomales Bay until it intersects the Sanctuary boundary south of Toms Point in Tomales Bay. The CVPZ 3 boundary then follows the Sanctuary boundary northward past the Estero de San Antonio until it intersects the straight line arc that connects Point 4 and Point 5. From this intersection the boundary continues south and west to Point 5.

Zone 3 Point
ID No.
Latitude Longitude
3 *38.21170−122.92566
4 *38.28215−122.99278

Note: The coordinates in the table above marked with an asterisk (*) are not a part of the zone boundary. These coordinates are landward reference points used to draw a line segment that intersects with the shoreline.

(4) Cargo Vessel Prohibition Zone 4 (CVPZ 4) encompasses an area of approximately 28 square nautical miles (37 square miles). The precise boundary coordinates are listed in the table following this description. The western CVPZ 4 boundary extends south and west from Point 1, west and north of Point Reyes in Marin County, to Point 2, south and west of Point Reyes Lighthouse. The CVPZ 4 boundary then follows a straight line arc east and south from Point 2 to Point 3. From Point 3 the CVPZ 4 boundary follows a straight line arc north to Point 4. From Point 4 the CVPZ 4 boundary proceeds west along the straight line arc that connects Point 4 and Point 5 until it intersects the Sanctuary boundary at Drakes Beach. The CVPZ 4 boundary then follows the Sanctuary boundary around Point Reyes until it again intersects the straight line arc that connects Point 4 and Point 5, north of the Point Reyes Lighthouse. From this intersection the CVPZ 4 boundary turns seaward and continues west to Point 5 along this arc.

Zone 4 Point
ID No.
Latitude Longitude

(5) Cargo Vessel Prohibition Zone 5 (CVPZ 5) encompasses an area of approximately 29 square nautical miles (39 square miles). The precise boundary coordinates are listed in the table following this description. The western CVPZ 5 boundary extends south and east from Point 1, west of Millers Point in Marin County, to Point 2, south and west of Bolinas Point. The CVPZ 5 boundary then follows a straight line arc east from Point 2 towards Point 3 until it intersects the Sanctuary boundary. From this intersection, the CVPZ 5 boundary follows the Sanctuary boundary north towards Rocky Point and continues along the Sanctuary boundary past Bolinas Point and Millers Point, respectively, including Bolinas Lagoon but not including Seadrift Lagoon, until it intersects the straight line arc that connects Point 4 and Point 5. From this intersection the CVPZ 5 boundary turns seaward and continues west and south along the straight line arc to Point 5.

Zone 5 Point
ID No.
Latitude Longitude
3 *37.86532−122.63720
4 *37.99449−122.82841

Note: The coordinates in the table above marked with an asterisk (*) are not a part of the zone boundary. These coordinates are landward reference points used to draw a line segment that intersects with the shoreline.

(6) Cargo Vessel Prohibition Zone 6 (CVPZ 6) encompasses an area of approximately 21 square nautical miles (28 square miles) surrounding Southeast Farallon Island and extends from the Mean High Water Line to the CVPZ 6 boundary. The precise boundary coordinates are listed in the table following this description. The boundary extends south and west from Point 1, north of Southeast Farallon Island, along a straight line arc to Point 2, then south and east along a straight line arc to Point 3, then north and east along a straight line arc to Point 4, then north and west along a straight line arc to Point 5.

Zone 6 Point
ID No.
Latitude Longitude

(7) Cargo Vessel Prohibition Zone 7 (CVPZ 7) encompasses an area of approximately 20 square nautical miles (26 square miles) surrounding the North Farallon Islands and extends from the Mean High Water Line to the CVPZ 7 boundary. The precise boundary coordinates are listed in the table following this description. The boundary extends south and west from Point 1, north of North Farallon Island, along a straight line arc to Point 2, then south and east along a straight line arc to Point 3, then north and east along a straight line arc to Point 4, then north and west along a straight line arc to Point 5.

Zone 7 Point
ID No.
Latitude Longitude
Appendix Appendix F - Appendix F to Subpart H of Part 922—White Shark Approach Prohibition Zones in the Sanctuary

Coordinates listed in this appendix are unprojected (Geographic) and based on the North American Datum of 1983.

(1) White Shark Approach Prohibition Zone 1 (WSAPZ 1) encompasses an area of approximately 21 square nautical miles (28 square miles) surrounding Southeast Farallon Island and extends from the Mean High Water Line to the WSAPZ 1 boundary. The precise boundary coordinates are listed in the table following this description. The boundary extends south and west from Point 1, north of Southeast Farallon Island, along a straight line arc to Point 2, then south and east along a straight line arc to Point 3, then north and east along a straight line arc to Point 4, then north and west along a straight line arc to Point 5.

Zone 1 Point
ID No.
Latitude Longitude

(2) White Shark Approach Prohibition Zone 2 (WSAPZ 2) encompasses an area of approximately 20 square nautical miles (26 square miles) surrounding the North Farallon Islands and extends from the Mean High Water Line to the WSAPZ 2 boundary. The precise boundary coordinates are listed in the table following this description. The boundary extends south and west from Point 1, north of North Farallon Island, along a straight line arc to Point 2, then south and east along a straight line arc to Point 3, then north and east along a straight line arc to Point 4, then north and west along a straight line arc to Point 5.

Zone 2 Point
ID No.
Latitude Longitude
Appendix Appendix G - Appendix G to Subpart H of Part 922—Designated Area for Certain United States Coast Guard Discharges

Coordinates listed in this appendix are unprojected (Geographic Coordinate System) and based on the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83).

The portion of the Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary area [2015 expansion area] where the exception for discharges from United States Coast Guard activities applies is defined as follows. Beginning with Point 1 identified in the coordinate table in this appendix, the boundary extends from Point 1 to Point 2 in a straight line arc, and continues from Point 2 to Point 3 in a straight line arc, and from Point 3 to Point 4 in a straight line arc. From Point 4 the boundary extends east and north along a straight line arc towards Point 5 until it intersects the fixed offshore boundary between the United States and California (approximately 3 NM seaward of the coast as defined in United States vs. California, 135 S. Ct. 563 (2014)). The boundary then extends northward following the fixed offshore boundary between the United States and California until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 6 and Point 7. From this intersection, the boundary extends west along the northern boundary of Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary to Point 7 where it ends.

Point No. Latitude Longitude
5 138.29896−123.05989
6 139.00000−123.75777

1 These coordinates are not a part of the boundary for the Designated Area for Certain United States Coast Guard Discharges. These coordinates are reference points used to draw line segments that intersect with the fixed offshore boundary between the United States and California.

[83 FR 55966, Nov. 9, 2018]
authority: 16 U.S.C. 1431
source: 60 FR 66877, Dec. 27, 1995, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 15 CFR 922.81