Regulations last checked for updates: Jan 18, 2025

Title 15 - Commerce and Foreign Trade last revised: Jan 16, 2025
§ 922.230 - § 922.230 Boundary.

Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary covers 4,543 mi 2 (3,431 nmi 2) of coastal and ocean waters and the submerged lands thereunder, spanning 116 miles along the central California coast off the counties of San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara. The sanctuary spans a maximum distance of 60 miles from shore, and reaches a maximum depth of 11,580 feet below sea level. Describing the boundary in a clockwise fashion, the Final Preferred Alternative starts along the coast approximately two miles southeast of the breakwater for the Diablo Canyon Power Plant marina, then runs south along the mean high water line through San Luis Obispo County and northern and western Santa Barbara County to the eastern end of the Naples Marine Conservation Area on the Gaviota Coast. Along this stretch, the harbor areas at Port San Luis and Vandenberg Space Force Base near Point Arguello are excluded from the sanctuary. Offshore, the boundary extends from the western edge of Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, around important features like Rodriguez Seamount, most of Arguello Canyon, and about half of the Santa Lucia Bank and part of its escarpment. At a point approximately 55 miles offshore of the Santa Maria River mouth, the boundary extends east 43 miles, then due north for 12 miles to the point of origin south of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant marina. This narrative boundary description is provided to facilitate public understanding, but please refer to the formal boundary description and the precise boundary coordinates in Appendix A to this subpart.

§ 922.231 - § 922.231 Definitions.

In addition to the definitions found in § 922.11, the following terms are defined for purposes of this subpart:

Beneficial use of dredged material means the use of dredged material removed from the public harbor adjacent to the Sanctuary (Port San Luis) that is determined by the Director to be suitable as a resource for habitat protection or restoration purposes. Beneficial use of dredged material is not disposal of dredged material.

Rodriguez Seamount Management Zone means the area bounded by geodetic lines connecting a heptagon generally centered on the top of the Rodriguez Seamount, and consists of approximately 570 mi 2 (430 nmi 2) of ocean waters and the submerged lands thereunder. The northeast corner of this zone is located approximately 27 miles southwest of Point Conception off the coast of Santa Barbara County. Exact coordinates for the Rodriguez Seamount Management Zone boundary are provided in appendix B to this subpart.

§ 922.232 - Prohibited or otherwise regulated activities.

(a) Except as specified in paragraphs (b) through (e) and paragraph (g) of this section, the following activities are prohibited and thus are unlawful for any person to conduct or to cause to be conducted:

(1) Exploring for, developing, or producing oil, gas, or minerals within the Sanctuary, except for oil and gas production, which includes well abandonment, pursuant to existing leases or lease units in effect on the effective date of Sanctuary designation (Nov. 30, 2024).

(2)(i) Discharging or depositing from within or into the Sanctuary, other than from a cruise ship, any material or other matter, except:

(A) Fish, fish parts, chumming materials, or bait used in or resulting from lawful fishing activities within the Sanctuary, provided that such discharge or deposit is during the conduct of lawful fishing activities within the Sanctuary;

(B) For a vessel less than 300 gross registered tons (GRT), or a vessel 300 GRT or greater without sufficient holding tank capacity to hold sewage while within the Sanctuary, clean effluent generated incidental to vessel use by an operable Type I or II marine sanitation device (U.S. Coast Guard classification) approved in accordance with section 312 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (FWPCA), 33 U.S.C. 1322. Vessel operators must lock all marine sanitation devices in a manner that prevents discharge or deposit of untreated sewage;

(C) Clean vessel deck wash down, clean vessel engine cooling water, clean vessel generator cooling water, clean bilge water, or anchor wash;

(D) For a vessel less than 300 GRT, or a vessel 300 GRT or greater without sufficient holding capacity to hold graywater while within the Sanctuary, clean graywater as defined by section 312 of the FWPCA;

(E) Vessel engine or generator exhaust;

(F) Beyond 3 nautical miles from shore, sewage and non-clean graywater as defined by section 312 of the FWPCA generated incidental to vessel use by a U.S. Coast Guard vessel without sufficient holding tank capacity and without a Type I or II marine sanitation device; and beyond 12 nautical miles from shore, ammunition, pyrotechnics, or other materials directly related to training for search and rescue and live ammunition activities conducted by U.S. Coast Guard vessels and aircraft;

(G) Dredged material deposited at disposal sites within the Sanctuary authorized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in consultation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, prior to the effective date of Sanctuary designation (Nov. 30, 2024); or

(H) Discharges incidental and necessary to oil and gas production within or into reservoirs contained within existing leases or lease units in effect on the effective date of Sanctuary designation ([EFFECTIVE DATE OF FINAL RULE]) from Platform Irene or Platform Heritage, including well abandonment.

(ii) Discharging or depositing from within or into the Sanctuary any material or other matter from a cruise ship except clean vessel engine cooling water, clean vessel generator cooling water, vessel engine or generator exhaust, clean bilge water, or anchor wash.

(iii) Discharging or depositing from beyond the boundary of the Sanctuary any material or other matter that subsequently enters the Sanctuary and injures a Sanctuary resource or quality, except material or other matter listed as exceptions in paragraphs (a)(2)(i)(A) through (F) and (a)(2)(ii) of this section.

(3) Drilling into, dredging, or otherwise altering the submerged lands of the Sanctuary; or constructing, placing, or abandoning any structure, material, or other matter on or in the submerged lands of the Sanctuary, except as incidental and necessary to:

(i) Conduct lawful fishing activities or lawful kelp harvesting;

(ii) Anchor a vessel;

(iii) Install or maintain an authorized navigational aid;

(iv) Repair, replace, or rehabilitate an existing dock, pier, breakwater, or jetty;

(v) Conduct maintenance dredging of entrance channels for harbors in existence prior to the effective date of Sanctuary designation (Nov. 30, 2024); or,

(vi) Drill, maintain, or abandon a well necessary for purposes related to oil and gas production pursuant to existing leases or lease units in effect on the effective date of Sanctuary designation (Nov. 30, 2024) from Platform Irene or Platform Heritage.

(vii) The exceptions listed in paragraphs (a)(3)(ii) through (vi) of this section do not apply in the Rodriguez Seamount Management Zone, the boundary of which is defined in appendix B to this subpart.

(4) Moving, removing, or injuring, or attempting to move, remove, or injure, a Sanctuary historical resource; or possessing or attempting to possess a Sanctuary historical resource, except as necessary for valid law enforcement purposes. This prohibition does not apply to, moving, removing, or injury resulting incidentally from lawful kelp harvesting or lawful fishing activities.

(5) Taking any marine mammal, sea turtle, or bird within or above the Sanctuary, except as authorized by the Marine Mammal Protection Act, as amended (MMPA), 16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq., Endangered Species Act, as amended (ESA), 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq., Migratory Bird Treaty Act, as amended (MBTA), 16 U.S.C. 703 et seq., or any regulation promulgated under the MMPA, ESA, or MBTA.

(6) Possessing within the Sanctuary (regardless of where taken, moved, or removed from), any marine mammal, sea turtle, or bird, except as authorized by the MMPA, ESA, MBTA, by any regulation promulgated under the MMPA, ESA, or MBTA, or as necessary for valid law enforcement purposes.

(7) Deserting a vessel aground, at anchor, or adrift in the Sanctuary or leaving harmful matter aboard a grounded or deserted vessel in the Sanctuary.

(8) Attracting any white shark within the Sanctuary.

(9)(i) Moving, removing, taking, collecting, catching, harvesting, disturbing, breaking, cutting, or otherwise injuring, or attempting to move, remove, take, collect, catch, harvest, disturb, break, cut, or otherwise injure, any Sanctuary resource located more than 1,500 ft. below the sea surface within the Rodriguez Seamount Management Zone, as defined in appendix B to this subpart. This prohibition does not apply to lawful fishing, which is regulated pursuant to 50 CFR part 660.

(ii) Possessing any Sanctuary resource, the source of which is more than 1,500 ft. below the sea surface within the Rodriguez Seamount Management Zone, except as necessary for valid law enforcement purposes. This prohibition does not apply to possession of fish resulting from lawful fishing, which is regulated pursuant to 50 CFR part 660.

(10) Introducing or otherwise releasing from within or into the Sanctuary an introduced species, except striped bass (Morone saxatilis) released during catch and release fishing activity.

(11) Interfering with, obstructing, delaying, or preventing an investigation, search, seizure, or disposition of seized property in connection with enforcement of the Act or any regulation or permit issued under the Act.

(b) The prohibitions in paragraphs (a)(2) through (7) and (9) of this section do not apply to an activity necessary to respond to an emergency threatening life, property, or the environment.

(c)(1) The prohibitions in paragraphs (a)(2) through (7) and (9) and (10) of this section do not apply to existing activities carried out or approved by the Department of Defense that were conducted prior to the effective date of this designation ([EFFECTIVE DATE OF FINAL RULE]), as specifically identified in section 4.9 or appendix I to the final environmental impact statement for Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary (for availability, see New activities may be exempted from the prohibitions in paragraphs (a)(2) through (7) and (9) and (10) of this section by the Director after consultation between the Director and the Department of Defense. All Department of Defense activities must be carried out in a manner that avoids to the maximum extent practicable any adverse impacts on Sanctuary resources and qualities.

(2) In the event of threatened or actual destruction of, loss of, or injury to a Sanctuary resource or quality resulting from an untoward incident, including but not limited to spills and groundings caused by the Department of Defense, the Department of Defense shall promptly coordinate with the Director for the purpose of taking appropriate actions to respond to and mitigate the harm and, if practicable, restore or replace the Sanctuary resource or quality.

(d) The prohibitions in paragraphs (a)(2) through (9) of this section do not apply to any activity conducted under and in accordance with the scope, purpose, terms, and conditions of a National Marine Sanctuary general permit issued pursuant to subpart D of this part and § 922.233, or a special use permit issued pursuant to subpart D of this part.

(e) The prohibitions in paragraphs (a)(2) through (9) of this section, and paragraph (a)(10) of this section regarding any introduced species of shellfish that NOAA and the State of California have determined is non-invasive and will not cause significant adverse effects to Sanctuary resources or qualities, and that is cultivated in State waters as part of commercial shellfish aquaculture activities, do not apply to any activity authorized by any lease, permit, license, approval, or other authorization issued after the effective date of Sanctuary designation (Nov. 30, 2024) and issued by any Federal, State, or local authority of competent jurisdiction, provided that the applicant complies with § 922.36, the Director notifies the applicant and authorizing agency that the Director does not object to issuance of the authorization, and the applicant complies with any terms and conditions the Director deems necessary to protect Sanctuary resources and qualities. Amendments, renewals, and extensions of authorizations in existence on the effective date of designation constitute authorizations issued after the effective date of Sanctuary designation.

(f)(1) Notwithstanding paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section, in no event may the Director issue a National Marine Sanctuary general permit under subpart D of this part and § 922.233, or an ONMS authorization or special use permit under subpart D of this part authorizing, or otherwise approve:

(i) The exploration for, development, or production of oil, gas, or minerals within the Sanctuary;

(ii) The discharge of untreated or primary-treated sewage within the Sanctuary (except by certification, pursuant to §§ 922.10 and 922.234, of valid authorizations in existence prior to the effective date of designation (Nov. 30, 2024) and issued by other authorities of competent jurisdiction); or

(iii) The disposal of dredged material within the Sanctuary other than at sites authorized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency prior to the effective date of designation (Nov. 30, 2024). For the purposes of this subpart, the disposal of dredged material does not include the beneficial use of dredged material, as defined at § 922.231, related to dredging activity at Port San Luis.

(2) Any purported authorizations issued by other authorities within the Sanctuary shall be invalid.

(g) A person may conduct an activity prohibited by paragraphs (a)(2) through (10) of this section within the Sanctuary if such activity is specifically authorized by a valid Federal, State, or local lease, permit, license, or right of subsistence use or of access that is in existence on the effective date of Sanctuary designation (Nov. 30, 2024) and within the sanctuary designated area and complies with § 922.10, provided that the holder of the lease, permit, license, or right of subsistence use or of access complies with the certification procedures for CHNMS as outlined in § 922.234.

§ 922.233 - Permit procedures.

(a) A person may conduct an activity prohibited by § 922.232(a)(2) through (9), if such activity is specifically authorized by, and conducted in accordance with the scope, purpose, terms, and conditions of, a sanctuary general permit issued under this section and subpart D of this part.

(b) Applications for permits should be addressed to the West Coast Regional Office, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries; ATTN: Superintendent, Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary, 99 Pacific Street, Suite 100F, Monterey, CA 93940.

§ 922.234 - Certification of preexisting leases, licenses, permits, approvals, other authorizations, or other rights to conduct a prohibited activity.

(a) To obtain a certification of an activity that is specifically authorized by a valid Federal, State, or local lease, permit, license, approval, other authorization or right of subsistence use or access (hereafter in this subsection “permit or right”) in existence on the effective date of Sanctuary designation (Nov. 30, 2024) and within the sanctuary designated area, pursuant to §§ 922.10 and 922.232(g), the holder of such permit or right shall:

(1) Notify the Director, in writing, within 120 days of the effective date of Sanctuary designation (Nov. 30, 2024) of the existence and location of such permit or right and requests certification of such permit or right; and

(2) Comply with any terms and conditions on the exercise of such permit or right imposed as a condition of certification, by the Director, to achieve the purposes for which the Sanctuary was designated.

(3) Address any requests for certifications to: West Coast Regional Office, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries; ATTN: Superintendent, Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary, 99 Pacific Street, Suite 100F, Monterey, CA 93940, or send by electronic means as defined in the instructions for the ONMS permit application. A copy of the permit or right must accompany the request.

(b) A holder requesting certification of a permit or right described in § 922.232(g) may continue to conduct the activity without being in violation of Sanctuary prohibitions pending the Director's review of and decision regarding the holder's certification request, provided the holder is otherwise in compliance with this section.

(c) The Director may request additional information from the holder requesting certification as the Director deems reasonably necessary to condition appropriately the exercise of the certified permit or right to achieve the purposes for which the Sanctuary was designated. The Director must receive the information requested within 45 days of the date of the Director's request for information. Failure to provide the requested information within this time frame may be grounds for denial by the Director of the certification request.

(d) In considering whether to impose appropriate conditions when issuing a certification, the Director may seek and consider the views of any other person or entity.

(e) Upon completion of review of the permit or right and information received with respect thereto, the Director shall communicate, in writing, any decision to impose appropriate conditions on a certification request or any action taken with respect to any certification made under this section, in writing, to both the holder of the certified permit, or right, and the issuing agency, and shall set forth the reason(s) for the decision or action taken.

(f) The Director may amend, suspend, or revoke any certification issued under this section whenever continued operation would otherwise be inconsistent with any terms or conditions of the certification, or whenever the underlying permit or right on which the certification was issued has been amended, suspended or revoked. Any such action shall be forwarded in writing to both the certification holder and the agency that issued the underlying permit or right, and shall set forth reason(s) for the action taken.

(g) The holder may appeal any action conditioning a certification, or after issuance of a certification, amending, suspending, or revoking any certification in accordance with the procedures set forth in § 922.37.

(h) Any time limit prescribed in or established under this section may be extended by the Director for good cause.

(i) It is unlawful for any person to violate any terms and conditions in a certification issued under this section.

§ 922.235 - Memoranda of Agreement with partner agencies.

(a) Introduced species aquaculture projects. (1) NOAA would describe in a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the State of California how NOAA will coordinate review of any proposed introduction of non-invasive introduced species from a proposed commercial shellfish aquaculture activity in State waters when considering an authorization under § 922.232(e).

(2) The MOA would specify how the process of § 922.36 in subpart D will be administered within State waters within the sanctuary in coordination with State permit and lease programs as administered by the California Fish and Game Commission, the Department of Fish and Wildlife and the California Coastal Commission.

(b) Sunken military craft. Sunken military craft are administered by the respective Secretary concerned pursuant to the Sunken Military Craft Act. The Director will enter into a MOA regarding collaboration with other Federal agencies charged with implementing the Sunken Military Craft Act that may address aspects of managing and protecting sunken military craft. The Director will request approval from the Secretary concerned for any terms and conditions of ONMS authorizations that may involve sunken military craft.

Appendix Appendix A - Appendix A to Subpart V of Part 922—Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary Formal Boundary Description and Coordinates

The northern boundary of the sanctuary begins at Point 1 approximately 36 nautical miles (41 statute miles) WSW of Point Buchon. From Point 1 the sanctuary boundary continues east to Point 2 and then north towards Point 3 until it intersects the shoreline as defined by the mean high water (MHW) tidal datum approximately 2 nautical miles (2.3 statute miles) southeast of the entrance to the harbor at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant. From this intersection the sanctuary boundary follows the shoreline southeast past Point San Luis until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 4 and Point 5 on the southern end of the southwest breakwater of Port San Luis in San Luis Obispo Bay. From this intersection the sanctuary boundary continues northeast towards Point 5 until it intersects the shoreline at Fossil Point on the northeast side of Port San Luis. From this intersection the sanctuary boundary follows the shoreline southeast past Pismo Beach and then south past Point Sal and around Point Arguello until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 6 and Point 7 on the eastern end of the breakwater just southeast of the Point Arguello Coast Guard Rescue Station. From this intersection the sanctuary boundary continues east to Point 7 and then north towards Point 8 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the sanctuary boundary continues to follow the shoreline southeast past Point Conception and then east along the Gaviota Coast until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 9 and Point 10 approximately 1.7 nautical miles (2.0 statute miles) east of Dos Pueblos Canyon near the township of Naples in Santa Barbara County. From this intersection the sanctuary boundary continues offshore south to Point 10 and turns west and continues, approximating the 3 nautical mile State Seaward Boundary, passing through each successive point in numerical order to Point 119. From Point 119 the sanctuary boundary continues southwest passing through each successive point in numerical order to Point 129. From Point 129 the sanctuary boundary continues west along its southern extent to Point 130 and then Point 131 passing to the south of Arguello Canyon and Rodriguez Seamount. From Point 131 the sanctuary boundary continues roughly north for approximately 76 nautical miles (87.5 statute miles) along its western extent passing through each successive point in numerical order while passing Santa Lucia Bank to the west until it ends at Point 154.

Coordinates listed in this appendix are unprojected (Geographic) and based on the North American Datum of 1983.

Point ID Latitude Longitude
3 *35.19306−120.82173
4 *35.15602−120.74984
5 *35.17425−120.72509
6 *34.55436−120.60823
8 *34.55696−120.60643
9 *34.43590−119.93333

Note 1 to appendix A: The coordinates in the table marked with an asterisk (*) are not a part of the sanctuary boundary. These coordinates are landward reference points used to draw a line segment that intersects with the shoreline.

Appendix Appendix B - Appendix B to Subpart V of Part 922—Coordinates for Rodriguez Seamount Management Zone Within the Sanctuary

Coordinates listed in this table are unprojected (Geographic) and based on the North American Datum of 1983.

Point ID Longitude Latitude
authority: 16 U.S.C. 1431
source: 60 FR 66877, Dec. 27, 1995, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 15 CFR 922.234