Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 15 - Commerce and Foreign Trade last revised: Oct 01, 2024
§ 930.70 - Objectives.

The provisions of this subpart are intended to ensure that all federal license or permit activities described in detail in OCS plans and which affect any coastal use or resource are conducted in a manner consistent with approved management programs.

§ 930.71 - Federal license or permit activity described in detail.

The term “federal license or permit activity described in detail” means any activity requiring a federal license or permit, as defined in § 930.51, which the Secretary of the Interior determines must be described in detail within an OCS plan.

§ 930.72 - Person.

The term “person” means any individual, corporation, partnership, association, or other entity organized or existing under the laws of any State; the federal government; any State, regional, or local government; or any entity of such federal, State, regional or local government, who submits to the Secretary of the Interior, or designee following management program approval, an OCS plan which describes in detail federal license or permit activities.

§ 930.73 - OCS plan.

(a) The term “OCS plan” means any plan for the exploration or development of, or production from, any area which has been leased under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1331 et seq.), and the regulations under that Act, which is submitted to the Secretary of the Interior or designee following management program approval and which describes in detail federal license or permit activities.

(b) The requirements of this subpart do not apply to federal license or permit applications filed after management program approval for activities described in detail in OCS plans approved by the Secretary of the Interior or designee prior to management program approval.

§ 930.74 - OCS activities subject to State agency review.

Except for States which do not anticipate coastal effects resulting from OCS activities, management program lists required pursuant to § 930.53 shall include a reference to OCS plans which describe in detail federal license or permit activities affecting any coastal use or resource.

§ 930.75 - State agency assistance to persons.

As a preliminary matter, any person intending to submit to the Secretary of the Interior an OCS plan which describes in detail federal license or permit activities affecting any coastal use or resource should obtain the views and assistance of the State agency regarding the means for ensuring that such activities will be conducted in a manner consistent with the management program. As part of its assistance efforts, the State agency shall make available for inspection copies of the management program document. Upon request by such persons, the State agency shall identify any enforceable policies applicable to the proposed activities, based upon the information submitted to the State agency.

§ 930.76 - Submission of an OCS plan, necessary data and information and consistency certification.

Any person submitting any OCS plan to the Secretary of the Interior or designee shall:

(a) Any person submitting any OCS plan to the Secretary of the Interior or designee shall submit to the Secretary of the Interior or designee:

(1) A copy of the OCS plan;

(2) The consistency certification;

(3) The necessary data and information required pursuant to § 930.58; and

(4) The information submitted pursuant to the Department of the Interior's OCS operating regulations (see 30 CFR 250.203 and 250.204) and OCS information program regulations (see 30 CFR part 252).

(b) The Secretary of the Interior or designee shall furnish the State agency with a copy of the information submitted under paragraph (a) of this section (excluding confidential and proprietary information).

(c) The person's consistency certification shall be in the following form:

The proposed activities described in detail in this plan comply with (name of State(s)) approved management program(s) and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program(s).

[65 FR 77154, Dec. 8, 2000, as amended at 71 FR 828, Jan. 5, 2006]
§ 930.77 - Commencement of State agency review and public notice.

(a)(1) Except as provided in § 930.60(a), State agency review of the person's consistency certification begins at the time the State agency receives the certification and information required pursuant to § 930.76(a) and (b). If a person has submitted the documents required by § 930.76(a) and (b), then a State agency's assertion that the information contained in the submitted documents is substantively deficient, or a State agency's request for clarification of the information provided, or information and data in addition to that required by § 930.76 shall not delay or otherwise change the date on which State agency review begins.

(2) To assess consistency, the State agency shall use the information submitted pursuant to § 930.76. If a State agency wants to augment the necessary data and information required by § 930.76 to start the six-month review period for OCS plans, then the State can only do so if it amends its management program to include the information under § 930.58(a)(2).

(3) After the State agency's review begins, if the State agency requests additional information, it shall describe in writing to the person and to the Secretary of the Interior or its designee the reasons why the information provided under § 930.76 is not adequate to complete its review, and the nature of the information requested and the necessity of having such information to determine consistency with the enforceable policies of the management program. The State agency shall make its request for additional information no later than three months after commencement of the State agency's review period. The State agency shall not request additional information after the three-month notification period described in § 930.78(a). However, the State agency may request additional information after the three-month notification period if the person or the Secretary of the Interior or its designee changes the OCS plan after the three-month notification period such that the plan describes activities or coastal effects not previously described and for which information was not previously provided pursuant to § 930.76.

(b) Following receipt of the material described in paragraph (a) of this section, the State agency shall ensure timely public notice of the proposed activities in accordance with § 930.61.

[65 FR 77154, Dec. 8, 2000, as amended at 71 FR 828, Jan. 5, 2006]
§ 930.78 - State agency concurrence or objection.

(a) At the earliest practicable time, the State agency shall notify in writing the person, the Secretary of the Interior or designee and the Director of its concurrence with or objection to the consistency certification. State agencies should restrict the period of public notice, receipt of comments, hearing proceedings and final decision-making to the minimum time necessary to reasonably inform the public, obtain sufficient comment, and develop a decision on the matter. If the State agency has not issued a decision within three months following commencement of State agency review, it shall notify the person, the Secretary of the Interior or designee and the Director of the status of review and the basis for further delay in issuing a final decision. Notice shall be in written form and postmarked no later than three months following the commencement of the State agency's review. Concurrence by the State agency shall be conclusively presumed if the notification required by this subparagraph is not provided.

(b) Concurrence by the State agency shall be conclusively presumed if the State agency's response to the consistency certification is not received within six months following commencement of State agency review.

(c) If the State agency objects to one or more of the federal license or permit activities described in detail in the OCS plan, it must provide a separate discussion for each objection in accordance with § 930.63.

§ 930.79 - Effect of State agency concurrence.

(a) If the State agency issues a concurrence or is conclusively presumed to concur with the person's consistency certification, the person will not be required to submit additional consistency certifications and supporting information for State agency review at the time federal applications are actually filed for the federal licenses or permits to which such concurrence applies.

(b) Unless the State agency indicates otherwise, copies of federal license or permit applications for activities described in detail in an OCS plan which has received State agency concurrence shall be sent by the person to the State agency to allow the State agency to monitor the activities. Confidential and proprietary material within such applications may be deleted.

§ 930.80 - Federal permitting agency responsibility.

Following receipt of a State agency objection to a consistency certification related to federal license or permit activities described in detail in an OCS plan, the Federal agency shall not issue any of such licenses or permits except as provided in subpart H of this part.

§ 930.81 - Multiple permit review.

(a) A person submitting a consistency certification for federal license or permit activities described in detail in an OCS plan is strongly encouraged to work with other Federal agencies in an effort to include, for consolidated State agency review, consistency certifications and supporting data and information applicable to OCS-related federal license or permit activities affecting any coastal use or resource which are not required to be described in detail in OCS plans but which are subject to State agency consistency review (e.g., Corps of Engineer permits for the placement of structures on the OCS and for dredging and the transportation of dredged material, Environmental Protection Agency air and water quality permits for offshore operations and onshore support and processing facilities). In the event the person does not consolidate such OCS-related permit activities with the State agency's review of the OCS plan, such activities will remain subject to individual State agency review under the requirements of subpart D of this part.

(b) A State agency objection to one or more of the OCS-related federal license or permit activities submitted for consolidated review shall not prevent the person from receiving Federal agency approval:

(1) For those OCS-related license or permit activities found by the State agency to be consistent with the management program; and

(2) For the license or permit activities described in detail in the OCS plan provided the State agency concurs with the consistency certification for such plan. Similarly, a State agency objection to the consistency certification for an OCS plan shall not prevent the person from receiving Federal agency approval for those OCS-related license or permit activities determined by the State agency to be consistent with the management program.

§ 930.82 - Amended OCS plans.

If the State agency objects to the person's OCS plan consistency certification, and/or if, pursuant to subpart H of this part, the Secretary does not determine that each of the objected to federal license or permit activities described in detail in such plan is consistent with the objectives or purposes of the Act, or is necessary in the interest of national security, and if the person still intends to conduct the activities described in the OCS plan, the person shall submit an amended plan to the Secretary of the Interior or designee along with a consistency certification and data and information necessary to support the amended consistency certification. The data and information shall specifically describe modifications made to the original OCS plan, and the manner in which such modifications will ensure that all of the proposed federal license or permit activities described in detail in the amended plan will be conducted in a manner consistent with the management program. When satisfied that the person has met the requirements of the OCSLA and this subpart, the Secretary of the Interior or designee shall furnish the State agency with a copy of the amended OCS plan (excluding confidential and proprietary information), necessary data and information and consistency certification.

[71 FR 829, Jan. 5, 2006]
§ 930.83 - Review of amended OCS plans; public notice.

After receipt of a copy of the amended OCS plan, consistency certification, and necessary data and information, State agency review shall begin. The requirements of §§ 930.77, 930.78, and 930.79, apply to the review of amended OCS plans, except that the applicable time period for purposes of concurrence by conclusive presumption shall be three months instead of six months.

§ 930.84 - Continuing State agency objections.

If the State agency objects to the consistency certification for an amended OCS plan, the prohibition in § 930.80 against Federal agency approval of licenses or permits for activities described in detail in such a plan applies, further Secretarial review pursuant to subpart H of this part may take place, and the development of an additional amended OCS plan and consistency certification may be required pursuant to §§ 930.82 through 930.83.

§ 930.85 - Failure to substantially comply with an approved OCS plan.

(a) The Department of the Interior and State agencies shall cooperate in their efforts to monitor federally licensed or permitted activities described in detail OCS plans to make certain that such activities continue to conform to both federal and State requirements.

(b) If a State agency claims that a person is failing to substantially comply with an approved OCS plan subject to the requirements of this subpart, and such failure allegedly involves the conduct of activities affecting any coastal use or resource in a manner that is not consistent with the approved management program, the State agency shall transmit its claim to the Minerals Management Service region involved. Such claim shall include a description of the specific activity involved and the alleged lack of compliance with the OCS plan, and a request for appropriate remedial action. A copy of the claim shall be sent to the person.

(c) If a person fails to substantially comply with an approved OCS plan, as determined by Minerals Management Service, pursuant to the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act and applicable regulations, the person shall come into compliance with the approved plan or shall submit an amendment to such plan or a new plan to Minerals Management Service. When satisfied that the person has met the requirements of the OCSLA and this subpart, and the Secretary of the Interior or designee has made the determination required under 30 CFR 250.203(n)(2) or § 250.204(q)(2), as applicable, the Secretary of the Interior or designee shall furnish the State agency with a copy of the amended OCS plan (excluding proprietary information), necessary data and information and consistency certification. Sections 930.82 through 930.84 shall apply to further State agency review of the consistency certification for the amended or new plan.

[65 FR 77154, Dec. 8, 2000, as amended at 71 FR 829, Jan. 5, 2006]
authority: 16 U.S.C. 1451
source: 65 FR 77154, Dec. 8, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 15 CFR 930.71