Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 15 - Commerce and Foreign Trade last revised: Oct 16, 2024
§ 971.1000 - General.

(a) Purpose and scope. (1) Section 302 of the Act authorizes the Administrator to assess a civil penalty, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 for each violation, against any person found to have committed an act prohibited by section 301 of the Act. Each day of a continuing violation is a separate offense.

(2) Section 106 of the Act describes the circumstances under which the Administrator may suspend or revoke a license or permit, or suspend or modify activities under a license or permit, in addition to or in lieu of imposing of a civil penalty, or in addition to imposing a fine.

(3) Section 306 of the Act makes provisions of the customs laws relating to, among other things, the remission or mitigation of forfeitures, applicable to forfeitures of vessels and hard mineral resources. The Administrator is authorized to entertain petitions for administrative settlement of property seizures made under the Act which would otherwise proceed to judicial forfeiture.

(4) Section 114 of the Act authorizes the Administrator to place observers on vessels used by a licensee or permittee under the Act to monitor compliance and environmental effects of activities under the license or permit.

(5) Section 117 of the Act describes the circumstances under which a person may bring a civil action against an alleged violator or against the Administrator for failure to perform a nondiscretionary duty, and directs the Administrator to issue regulations governing procedures prerequisite to such a civil action.

(6) The regulations in this subpart provide uniform rules and procedures for the assessment of civil penalties (§§ 971.1001-971.1002), and license and permit sanctions (§ 971.1003); the remission or mitigation of forfeitures (§ 971.1004); observers (§ 971.1005); protection of certain information related to enforcement (§ 971.1006); and procedures requiring persons planning to bring a civil action under section 117 of the Act to give advance notice (§ 971.1007).

(b) Filing and service of documents. (1) Except as otherwise provided by this subpart, filing and service of documents required by this subpart will be in accordance with § 971.901(i). The method for computing time periods set forth in § 971.901(i) also applies to any action or event, such as payment of a civil penalty, required by this subpart to take place within a specified period of time.

(2) If an oral or written request is made to the Administrator within ten days after the expiration of a time period established in this subpart for the required filing of documents, the Administrator may permit a late filing if the Administrator finds reasonable grounds for an inability or failure to file within the time periods. All extensions will be in writing. Except as provided by this paragraph, by 15 CFR 904.102 or by order of an administrative law judge, no requests for an extension of time may be granted.

§ 971.1001 - Assessment procedure.

Subpart B of 15 CFR part 904 governs the procedures for assessing a civil penalty under the Act, and the rights of any person against whom a civil penalty is assessed.

§ 971.1002 - Hearing and appeal procedures.

(a) Beginning of hearing procedures. Following receipt of a written request for a hearing timely filed under 15 CFR 904.102, the Administrator will begin procedures under this section by forwarding the request, a copy of the NOVA, and any response thereto to the Department of Commerce, Office of Administrative Law Judges.

(b) Subpart C of 15 CFR part 904 governs the hearing and appeal procedures for civil penalties assessed under the Act.

§ 971.1003 - License and permit sanctions.

(a) Application of this section. This section governs the suspension or revocation of any license or permit issued under the Act, or the suspension or modification of any particular activity or activities under a license or permit, which suspension, revocation or modification is undertaken in addition to, or in lieu of, imposing a civil penalty under this subpart, or in addition to imposing a fine.

(b) Basis for sanctions. The Administrator may act under this section with respect to a license or permit issued under the Act, or any particular activity or activities under such a license or permit, if the licensee or permittee substantially fails to comply with any provision of the Act, any regulation or order issued under the Act, or any term, condition, or restriction in the license or permit.

(c) Nature of sanctions. In the Administrator's discretion and subject to the requirements of this section, the Administrator may take any of the following actions or combinations thereof with respect to a license or permit issued under the Act:

(1) Revoke the license or permit;

(2) Suspend the license or permit, either for a specified period of time or until certain stated requirements are met, or both; or

(3) Modify any activity under the license or permit, as by imposing additional requirements or restraints on the activity.

(d) Notice of sanction. (1) The Administrator will prepare a notice of sanction (NoS) setting forth the sanction to be imposed and the basis therefore. The NoS will state:

(i) A concise statement of the facts believed to show a violation;

(ii) A specific reference to the provisions of the Act, regulation, license or permit, or order allegedly violated;

(iii) The nature and duration of the proposed sanction;

(iv) The effective date of the sanction, which is 30 days after the date of the notice unless the Administrator establishes a different effective date under paragraph (d)(4) or paragraph (e) of this section;

(v) That the licensee or permittee has 30 calendar days from receipt of the notice in which to request or waive a hearing, under paragraph (f) of this section; and

(vi) The determination made by the Administrator under paragraph (e)(1) of this section, and any time period that the Administrator provides the licensee or permittee under paragraph (e)(1) to correct a deficiency.

(2) If a hearing is requested in a timely manner, the sanction becomes effective as provided in the final decision of the Administrator issued pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section, unless the Administrator provides otherwise under paragraph (d)(4) of this section.

(3) The NoS will be served personally or by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, on the licensee or permittee. The Administrator will also publish in the Federal Register a notice of his intention to impose a sanction.

(4) The Administrator may make the sanction effective immediately or otherwise earlier than 30 days after the date of the NoS if the Administrator finds, and issues an emergency order summarizing such finding and the basis therefor, that an earlier date is necessary to:

(i) Prevent a significant adverse environmental effect; or

(ii) Preserve the safety of life and property at sea.

If the Administrator acts under this paragraph (d)(4), the Administrator will serve the emergency order as provided in paragraph (d)(3) of this section.

(5) The NoS will be accompanied by a copy of this subpart and the applicable provisions of 15 CFR part 904 and 15 CFR part 971, subpart I.

(e) Opportunity to correct deficiencies. (1) Prior to issuing the NoS, the Administrator will determine whether the reason for the proposed sanction is a deficiency which the licensee or permittee can correct. Such determination, and the basis therefor, will be set forth in the NoS.

(2) If the Administrator determines that the reason for the proposed sanction is a deficiency which the licensee or permittee can correct, the Administrator will allow the licensee or permittee a reasonable period of time, up to 180 days from the date of the NoS, to correct the deficiency. The NoS will state the effective date of the sanction, and that the sanction will take effect on that date unless the licensee or permittee corrects the deficiency within the time prescribed or unless the Administrator grants an extension of time to correct the deficiency under paragraph (e)(3) of this section.

(3) The licensee or permittee may, within the time period prescribed by the Administrator under paragraph (e)(2) of the section, request an extension of time to correct the deficiency. The Administrator may, for good cause shown, grant an extension. If the Administrator does not grant the request, either orally or in writing before the effective date of the sanction, the request will be considered denied.

(4) When the licensee or permittee believes that the deficiency has been corrected, the licensee or permittee shall so advise the Administrator in writing. The Administrator will, as soon as practicable, determine whether or not the deficiency has been corrected and advise the licensee or permittee of such determination.

(5) If the Administrator determines that the deficiency has not been corrected by the licensee or permittee within the time prescribed under paragraph (e)(2) or (e)(3) of this section, the Administrator may:

(i) Grant the licensee or permittee additional time to correct the deficiency, for good cause shown;

(ii) If no hearing has been timely requested under paragraph (f)(1) of this section, notify the licensee or permittee that the sanction will take effect as provided in paragraph (e)(2) or (e)(3) of this section; or

(iii) If a request for hearing has been timely filed under paragraph (f)(1) of this section, and hearing proceedings have not already begun, or if the Administrator determines under paragraph (f)(3) of this section to hold a hearing, notify the licensee or permittee of the Administrator's intention to proceed to a hearing on the matter.

(f) Opportunity for hearing. (1) The licensee or permittee has 30 days from receipt of the NoS to request a hearing. However, no hearing is required with respect to matters previously adjudicated in an administrative or judicial hearing in which the licensee or permittee has had an opportunity to participate.

(2) If the licensee or permittee requests a hearing, a written and dated request shall be served either in person or by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, at the address specified in the NoS. The request shall either attach a copy of the relevant NoS or refer to the relevant NOAA case number.

(3) If no hearing is requested under paragraph (f)(2) of this section, the Administrator may nonetheless order a hearing if the Administrator determines that there are material issues of fact, law, or equity to be further explored.

(g) Hearing and decision. (1) If a timely request for a hearing under paragraph (f) of this section is received, or if the Administrator orders a hearing under paragraph (f)(3) of this section, the Administrator will promptly begin proceedings under this section by forwarding the request, a copy of the NoS and any response thereto to the Department of Commerce Office of Administrative Law Judges which will docket the matter for hearing. Written notice of the referral will promptly be given to the licensee or permittee, with the name and address of the attorney representing the Administrator in the proceedings (the agency representative). Thereafter, all pleading and other documents must be filed directly with the Department of Commerce Office of Administrative Law Judges, and a copy must be served on the opposing party (respondent or agency representative).

(2) Except as provided in this section, the hearing and appeal procedures in 15 CFR part 904, subpart C apply to any hearing held under this section.

(3) If the proposed sanction is the result of a correctable deficiency, the hearing will proceed concurrently with any attempt to correct the deficiency unless the parties agree otherwise or the Administrative Law Judge orders differently.

(4) As soon as practicable, but normally not later than 90 days after the conclusion of the formal hearing, the judge will file with the Administrator a recommended decision prepared in accordance with § 971.901(h)(2).

(5) The Administrator will issue a final decision in accordance with § 971.901(h)(3). The decision will be a final order of the Administrator.

(6) The Administrator will serve notice of the final decision on the licensee or permittee in the manner described by paragraph (d)(3) of this section.

§ 971.1004 - Remission or mitigation of forfeitures.

(a) Authorized enforcement officers are empowered by section 304 of the Act to seize any vessel (together with its gear, furniture, appurtenances, stores, and cargo) which reasonably appears to have been used in violation of the Act, if necessary to prevent evasion of the enforcement of this Act, or of any regulation, order or license or permit issued pursuant to the Act. Enforcement agents may also seize illegally recovered or processed hard mineral resources, as well as other evidence related to a violation. Section 306 of the Act provides for the judicial forfeiture of vessels and hard mineral resources.

(b) Subpart F of 15 CFR part 904 governs procedures regarding seized property that is subject to forfeiture or has been forfeited under the Act, including the remission or mitigation of forfeitures.

(c) Unless otherwise directed in a notice concerning the seized property, a petition for relief from forfeiture under the Act and pursuant to 15 CFR 904.506(b) shall be addressed to the Administrator and filed with the Ocean Minerals and Energy Division at the address specified in § 971.200(b).

§ 971.1005 - Observers.

(a) Purpose of observers. Each licensee and permittee shall allow, at such times and to such extent as the Administrator deems reasonable and necessary, an observer (as used in this section, the term “observer” means “one or more observers”) duly authorized by the Administrator to board and accompany any vessel used by the licensee or permittee in exploration or commercial recovery activities (hereafter referred to in this section as a “vessel”), for the purpose of observing, evaluating and reporting on:

(1) The effectiveness of the terms, conditions, and restrictions of the license or permit;

(2) Compliance with the Act, regulations and orders issued under the Act, and the license or permit terms, conditions, and restrictions; and

(3) The environmental and other effects of the licensee's or permittee's activities under the license or permit.

(b) Notice to licensee or permittee. (1) If the Administrator plans to place an observer aboard a vessel, the Administrator will so notify the affected licensee or permittee.

(2) The Administrator normally will issue any such notice as far in advance of placement of the observer as is practicable.

(3) Contents of notice. The notice given by the Administrator will include, among other things:

(i) The name of the observer, if known at the time notice is issued;

(ii) The length of time which the observer likely will be aboard the vessel;

(iii) Information concerning activities the observer is likely to conduct, such as:

(A) Identification of special activities that the observer will monitor;

(B) Planned tests of equipment used for monitoring;

(C) Activities of the observer that are likely to require assistance from the vessel's personnel or crew or use of the vessel's equipment; and

(D) Planned tests of alternative operating procedures or technologies for mitigation of environmental effects.

(iv) Information concerning the equipment that will be brought aboard the vessel, such as a description of the monitoring equipment, and any special requirements concerning the handling, storage, location or operation of, or the power supply for, the equipment.

(c) Initial monitoring period. The Administrator shall require the placement of an observer on each permittee's mining vessel(s) at least once during the initial year of the permittee's commercial recovery activities.

(d) Licensee's and permittee's responsibilities for observer placement. (1) Upon request by the Administrator, a licensee or permittee shall facilitate observer placement by promptly notifying the Administrator regarding the timing of planned system tests and the departure date of the next voyage, or, if the vessel is at sea, suggesting a time and method for transporting the observer to the vessel.

(2) In addition, the licensee or permittee shall notify NOAA of the date of departure of planned cruises 60 days in advance of ship departure from port for purposes of NOAA's determination of whether to place Federal observers onboard. If cruise plans are changed by more than 30 days from the date stated by the exploration or commercial recovery plan, the licensee or permittee shall notify NOAA as soon as such changes are made, or 90 days prior to the previously scheduled departure.

(e) Duties of licensee, permittee, owner or operator. Each licensee, permittee, owner or operator of a vessel aboard which an observer is assigned shall:

(1) Allow the observer access to and use of the vessel's communications equipment and personnel when the observer deems such access necessary for the transmission and receipt of messages;

(2) Allow the observer access to and use of the vessel's navigation equipment and personnel when the observer deems such access necessary to determine the vessel's location;

(3) Provide all other reasonable cooperation and assistance to enable the observer to carry out the observer's duties; and

(4) Provide temporary accommodations and food to the observer aboard the vessel which are equivalent to those provided to officers of the vessel.

(f) Reasonableness of observer activities. (1) To the maximum extent practicable, observation duties will be planned and carried out in a manner that minimizes interference with the licensee's or permittee's activities under the license or permit.

(2) The Administrator will assure that equipment brought aboard a vessel by the observer is reasonable as to size, weight, and electric power and storage requirements, taking into consideration the necessity of the equipment for carrying out the observer's functions.

(3) The observer will have no authority over the operation of the vessel or its activities, or the officers, crew, or personnel of the vessel. The observer will comply with all rules and regulations issued by the licensee or permittee, and all orders of the Master or senior operations official, with respect to ensuring safe operation of the vessel and the safety of its personnel.

(g) Non-interference with observer. Licensees, permittees and other persons are reminded that the Act (see, for example, sections 301(3) and 301(4)) makes it unlawful for any person subject to section 301 of the Act to interfere with any observer in the performance of the observer's duties.

(h) Confidentiality of information. NOAA recognizes the possibility that an observer, in performing observer functions, will record information which the licensee or permittee considers to be proprietary. NOAA intends to protect such information consistent with applicable law. The Administrator may in appropriate cases provide the licensee or permittee an opportunity:

(1) To review those parts of the observer's report which may contain proprietary information; and

(2) To request confidential treatment of such information under § 971.802.

§ 971.1006 - Proprietary enforcement information.

(a) Proprietary and privileged information seized or maintained under Title III of the Act concerning a person or vessel engaged in commercial recovery will not be made available for general or public use or inspection.

(b) Although presentation of evidence in a proceeding under this subpart is not deemed general or public use of information, the Administrator will, consistent with due process, move to have records sealed, under 15 CFR part 904 subpart C, or other applicable provisions of law, in any administrative or judicial proceeding where the use of proprietary or privileged information is required to serve the purpose of the Act.

§ 971.1007 - Advance notice of civil actions.

(a) Actions against alleged violators. (1) No civil action may be filed in a United States District Court under section 117 of the Act against any person for alleged violation of the Act, or any regulation, or license or permit term, condition, or restriction issued under the Act, until 60 days after the Administrator and any alleged violator receive written and dated notice of alleged violation.

(2) The notice shall contain:

(i) A concise statement of the facts believed to show a violation;

(ii) A specific reference to the provisions of the Act, regulation or license or permit allegedly violated; and

(iii) Any documentary or other evidence of the alleged violation.

(b) Action against the Administrator. (1) No civil action may be filed in a United States District Court under section 117 of the Act against the Administrator for an alleged failure to perform any act or duty under the Act which is not discretionary until 60 days after receipt by the Administrator of a written and dated notice of intent to file the action.

(2) The notice shall contain:

(i) A specific reference to the provisions of the Act, regulation or permit believed to require the Administrator to perform a nondiscretionary act or duty;

(ii) A precise description of the nondiscretionary act or duty believed to be required by such provision;

(iii) A concise statement of the facts believed to show a failure to perform the act or duty; and

(iv) Any documentary or other evidence of the alleged failure to perform the act or duty.

authority: 30 U.S.C. 1401
source: 54 FR 525, Jan. 6, 1989, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 15 CFR 971.1002