Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 10, 2025

Title 15 - Commerce and Foreign Trade last revised: Feb 25, 2025
§ 719.1 - Scope and definitions.

(a) Scope. This part 719 describes the various sanctions that apply to violations of the Act and the CWCR. It also establishes detailed administrative procedures for certain violations of the Act. The three categories of violations are as follows:

(1) Violations of the Act subject to administrative and criminal enforcement proceedings. Section 719.2 of the CWCR sets forth violations for which the statutory basis is the Act. BIS investigates these violations and, for administrative proceedings, prepares charges, provides legal representation to the U.S. Government, negotiates settlements, and makes recommendations to officials of the Department of State with respect to the initiation and resolution of proceedings. The administrative procedures applicable to these violations are found in §§ 719.5 through 719.22 of the CWCR. The Department of State gives notice of initiation of administrative proceedings and issues orders imposing penalties pursuant to 22 CFR part 103, subpart C.

(2) Violations of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) subject to judicial enforcement proceedings. Section 719.3 of the CWCR sets forth violations of the Chemical Weapons Convention for which the statutory basis is the IEEPA. BIS refers these violations to the Department of Justice for civil or criminal judicial enforcement.

(3) Violations and sanctions under the Act not subject to proceedings under the CWCR. Section 719.4 of the CWCR sets forth violations and sanctions under the Act that are not violations of the CWCR and that are not subject to proceedings under the CWCR. This section is included solely for informational purposes. BIS may assist in investigations of these violations, but has no authority to initiate any enforcement action under the CWCR.

Note to § 719.1(a):

This part 719 does not apply to violations of the export requirements imposed pursuant to the Chemical Weapons Convention and set forth in the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) (15 CFR parts 730 through 774) and in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) (22 CFR parts 120 through 130).

(b) Definitions. The following are definitions of terms as used only in parts 719 and 720 of the CWCR. For definitions of terms applicable to parts 710 through 718 and parts 721 and 722 of the CWCR, see part 710 of the CWCR.

Act (The). The Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act of 1998 (22 U.S.C. 6701-6777).

Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement. The Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement, Bureau of Industry and Security, United States Department of Commerce.

Final decision. A decision or order assessing a civil penalty, or otherwise disposing of or dismissing a case, which is not subject to further administrative review, but which may be subject to collection proceedings or judicial review in an appropriate Federal court as authorized by law.

IEEPA. The International Emergency Economic Powers Act, as amended (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706).

Office of Chief Counsel. The Office of Chief Counsel for Industry and Security, United States Department of Commerce.

Report. For purposes of parts 719 and 720 of the CWCR, the term “report” means any declaration, report, or advance notification required under parts 712 through 715 of the CWCR.

Respondent. Any person named as the subject of a letter of intent to charge, or a Notice of Violation and Assessment (NOVA) and proposed order.

Under Secretary, Bureau of Industry and Security. The Under Secretary, Bureau of Industry and Security, United States Department of Commerce.

[71 FR 24929, Apr. 27, 2006, as amended at 73 FR 78183, Dec. 22, 2008]
§ 719.2 - Violations of the Act subject to administrative and criminal enforcement proceedings.

(a) Violations—(1) Refusal to permit entry or inspection. No person may willfully fail or refuse to permit entry or inspection, or disrupt, delay or otherwise impede an inspection, authorized by the Act.

(2) Failure to establish or maintain records. No person may willfully fail or refuse:

(i) To establish or maintain any record required by the Act or the CWCR; or

(ii) To submit any report, notice, or other information to the United States Government in accordance with the Act or the CWCR; or

(iii) To permit access to or copying of any record required to be established or maintained by the Act or the CWCR, including any record that is exempt from disclosure under the Act or the CWCR.

(b) Civil penalties—(1) Civil penalty for refusal to permit entry or inspection. Any person that is determined to have willfully failed or refused to permit entry or inspection, or to have disrupted, delayed or otherwise impeded an authorized inspection, as set forth in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, shall pay a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed $25,000 for each violation. Each day the violation continues constitutes a separate violation.

(2) Civil penalty for failure to establish or maintain records. Any person that is determined to have willfully failed or refused to establish or maintain any record or submit any report, notice, or other information required by the Act or the CWCR, or to have willfully failed or refused to permit access to or copying of any record, including any record exempt from disclosure under the Act or the CWCR as set forth in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, shall pay a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed $5,000 for each violation.

(c) Criminal penalty. Any person that knowingly violates the Act by willfully failing or refusing to permit entry or inspection authorized by the Act; or by willfully disrupting, delaying or otherwise impeding an inspection authorized by the Act; or by willfully failing or refusing to establish or maintain any required record, or to submit any required report, notice, or other information; or by willfully failing or refusing to permit access to or copying of any record, including records exempt from disclosure under the Act or the CWCR, shall, in addition to or in lieu of any civil penalty that may be imposed, be fined under Title 18 of the United States Code, be imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.

(d) Denial of export privileges. Any person in the United States or any U.S. national may be subject to a denial of export privileges after notice and opportunity for hearing pursuant to part 720 of the CWCR if that person has been convicted under Title 18, section 229 of the United States Code.

§ 719.3 - Violations of the IEEPA subject to judicial enforcement proceedings.

(a) Violations—(1) Import restrictions involving Schedule 1 chemicals. Except as otherwise provided in § 712.2 of the CWCR, no person may import any Schedule 1 chemical (See supplement no. 1 to part 712 of the CWCR) unless:

(i) The import is from a State Party;

(ii) The import is for research, medical, pharmaceutical, or protective purposes;

(iii) The import is in types and quantities strictly limited to those that can be justified for such purposes; and

(iv) The importing person has notified BIS not less than 45 calendar days before the import pursuant to § 712.6 of the CWCR.

(2) Import restrictions involving Schedule 2 chemicals. Except as otherwise provided in § 713.1 of the CWCR, no person may, on or after April 29, 2000, import any Schedule 2 chemical (see supplement no. 1 to part 713 of the CWCR) from any destination other than a State Party.

(b) Civil penalty. A civil penalty not to exceed $50,000 may be imposed in accordance with this part on any person for each violation of this section. 1

1 The maximum civil penalty allowed under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act is $50,000 for any violation committed on or after October 23, 1996 (15 CFR 6.4(a)(5)).

(c) Criminal penalty. Whoever willfully violates paragraph (a)(1) or (2) of this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than $50,000, or, if a natural person, imprisoned for not more than ten years, or both; and any officer, director, or agent of any corporation who knowingly participates in such violation may be punished by like fine, imprisonment, or both. 2

2 Alternatively, sanctions may be imposed under 18 U.S.C. 3571,a; (2) an amount not more than $250,000 for an individual, or not more than $500,000 for an organization; or (3) an amount based on gain or loss from the offense.

[71 FR 24929, Apr. 27, 2006, as amended at 72 FR 14410, Mar. 28, 2007]
§ 719.4 - Violations and sanctions under the Act not subject to proceedings under the CWCR.

(a) Criminal penalties for development or use of a chemical weapon. Any person who violates 18 U.S.C. 229 shall be fined, or imprisoned for any term of years, or both. Any person who violates 18 U.S.C. 229 and by whose action the death of another person is the result shall be punished by death or imprisoned for life.

(b) Civil penalty for development or use of a chemical weapon. The Attorney General may bring a civil action in the appropriate United States district court against any person who violates 18 U.S.C. 229 and, upon proof of such violation by a preponderance of the evidence, such person shall be subject to pay a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed $100,000 for each such violation.

(c) Criminal forfeiture. (1) Any person convicted under section 229A(a) of Title 18 of the United States Code shall forfeit to the United States irrespective of any provision of State law:

(i) Any property, real or personal, owned, possessed, or used by a person involved in the offense;

(ii) Any property constituting, or derived from, and proceeds the person obtained, directly or indirectly, as the result of such violation; and

(iii) Any of the property used in any manner or part, to commit, or to facilitate the commission of, such violation.

(2) In lieu of a fine otherwise authorized by section 229A(a) of Title 18 of the United States Code, a defendant who derived profits or other proceeds from an offense may be fined not more than twice the gross profits or other proceeds.

(d) Injunction. (1) The United States may, in a civil action, obtain an injunction against:

(i) The conduct prohibited under section 229 or 229C of Title 18 of the United States Code; or

(ii) The preparation or solicitation to engage in conduct prohibited under section 229 or 229D of Title 18 of the United States Code.

(2) In addition, the United States may, in a civil action, restrain any violation of section 306 or 405 of the Act, or compel the taking of any action required by or under the Act or the Convention.

§ 719.5 - Initiation of administrative proceedings.

(a) Letter of intent to charge. The Director of the Office of Export Enforcement, Bureau of Industry and Security, may notify a respondent by letter of the intent to charge. This letter of intent to charge will advise a respondent that BIS has conducted an investigation and intends to recommend that the Secretary of State issue a Notice of Violation and Assessment (NOVA). The letter of intent to charge will be accompanied by a draft NOVA and proposed order, and will give the respondent a specified period of time to contact BIS to discuss settlement of the allegations set forth in the draft NOVA. An administrative enforcement proceeding is not initiated by a letter of intent to charge. If the respondent does not contact BIS within the specified time, or if the respondent requests it, BIS will make its request for initiation of an administrative enforcement proceeding to the Secretary of State in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.

(b) Request for Notice of Violation and Assessment (NOVA). The Director of the Office of Export Enforcement, Bureau of Industry and Security, may request that the Secretary of State initiate an administrative enforcement proceeding under this § 719.5 and 22 CFR 103.7. If the request is in accordance with applicable law, the Secretary of State will initiate an administrative enforcement proceeding by issuing a NOVA. The Office of Chief Counsel shall serve the NOVA as directed by the Secretary of State.

(c) Content of NOVA. The NOVA shall constitute a formal complaint, and will set forth the basis for the issuance of the proposed order. It will set forth the alleged violation(s) and the essential facts with respect to the alleged violation(s), reference the relevant statutory, regulatory or other provisions, and state the amount of the civil penalty to be assessed. The NOVA will inform the respondent of the right to request a hearing pursuant to § 719.6 of the CWCR, inform the respondent that failure to request such a hearing shall result in the proposed order becoming final and unappealable on signature of the Secretary of State, and provide payment instructions. A copy of the regulations that govern the administrative proceedings will accompany the NOVA.

(d) Proposed order. A proposed order shall accompany every NOVA, letter of intent to charge, and draft NOVA. It will briefly set forth the substance of the alleged violation(s) and the statutory, regulatory or other provisions violated. It will state the amount of the civil penalty to be assessed.

(e) Notice. Notice of the intent to charge or of the initiation of formal proceedings shall be given to the respondent (or respondent's agent for service of process, or attorney) by sending relevant documents, via first class mail, facsimile, or by personal delivery.

§ 719.6 - Request for hearing and answer.

(a) Time to answer. If the respondent wishes to contest the NOVA and proposed order issued by the Secretary of State, the respondent must request a hearing in writing within 15 business days from the postmarked date of the NOVA. If the respondent requests a hearing, the respondent must answer the NOVA within 30 days from the date of the request for hearing. The request for hearing and answer must be filed with the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), along with a copy of the NOVA and proposed order, and served on the Office of Chief Counsel, and any other address(es) specified in the NOVA, in accordance with § 719.8 of the CWCR.

(b) Content of answer. The respondent's answer must be responsive to the NOVA and proposed order, and must fully set forth the nature of the respondent's defense(s). The answer must specifically admit or deny each separate allegation in the NOVA; if the respondent is without knowledge, the answer will so state and will operate as a denial. Failure to deny or controvert a particular allegation will be deemed an admission of that allegation. The answer must also set forth any additional or new matter the respondent contends supports a defense or claim of mitigation. Any defense or partial defense not specifically set forth in the answer shall be deemed waived, and evidence thereon may be refused, except for good cause shown.

(c) English required. The request for hearing, answer, and all other papers and documentary evidence must be submitted in English.

(d) Waiver. The failure of the respondent to file a request for a hearing and an answer within the times provided constitutes a waiver of the respondent's right to appear and contest the allegations set forth in the NOVA and proposed order. If no hearing is requested and no answer is provided, the proposed order will be signed and become final and unappealable.

§ 719.7 - Representation.

A respondent individual may appear and participate in person, a corporation by a duly authorized officer or employee, and a partnership by a partner. If a respondent is represented by counsel, counsel shall be a member in good standing of the bar of any State, Commonwealth or Territory of the United States, or of the District of Columbia, or be licensed to practice law in the country in which counsel resides, if not the United States. The U.S. Government will be represented by the Office of Chief Counsel. A respondent personally, or through counsel or other representative who has the power of attorney to represent the respondent, shall file a notice of appearance with the ALJ, or, in cases where settlement negotiations occur before any filing with the ALJ, with the Office of Chief Counsel.

§ 719.8 - Filing and service of papers other than the NOVA.

(a) Filing. All papers to be filed with the ALJ shall be addressed to “CWC Administrative Enforcement Proceedings” at the address set forth in the NOVA, or such other place as the ALJ may designate. Filing by United States mail (first class postage prepaid), by express or equivalent parcel delivery service, via facsimile, or by hand delivery, is acceptable. Filing from a foreign country shall be by airmail or via facsimile. A copy of each paper filed shall be simultaneously served on all parties.

(b) Service. Service shall be made by United States mail (first class postage prepaid), by express or equivalent parcel delivery service, via facsimile, or by hand delivery of one copy of each paper to each party in the proceeding. The Department of State is a party to cases under the CWCR, but will be represented by the Office of Chief Counsel. Therefore, service on the government party in all proceedings shall be addressed to Office of Chief Counsel for Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW., Room H-3839, Washington, DC 20230, or sent via facsimile to (202) 482-0085. Service on a respondent shall be to the address to which the NOVA and proposed order was sent, or to such other address as the respondent may provide. When a party has appeared by counsel or other representative, service on counsel or other representative shall constitute service on that party.

(c) Date. The date of filing or service is the day when the papers are deposited in the mail or are delivered in person, by delivery service, or by facsimile. Refusal by the person to be served, or by the person's agent or attorney, of service of a document or other paper will be considered effective service of the document or other paper as of the date of such refusal.

(d) Certificate of service. A certificate of service signed by the party making service, stating the date and manner of service, shall accompany every paper, other than the NOVA and proposed order, filed and served on the parties.

(e) Computation of time. In computing any period of time prescribed or allowed by this part, the day of the act, event, or default from which the designated period of time begins to run is not to be included. The last day of the period so computed is to be included unless it is a Saturday, a Sunday, or a legal holiday (as defined in Rule 6(a) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure), in which case the period runs until the end of the next day which is neither a Saturday, a Sunday, nor a legal holiday. Intermediate Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays are excluded from the computation when the period of time prescribed or allowed is 7 days or less.

§ 719.9 - Summary decision.

The ALJ may render a summary decision disposing of all or part of a proceeding on the motion of any party to the proceeding, provided that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and the party is entitled to summary decision as a matter of law.

§ 719.10 - Discovery.

(a) General. The parties are encouraged to engage in voluntary discovery regarding any matter, not privileged, which is relevant to the subject matter of the pending proceeding. The provisions of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure relating to discovery apply to the extent consistent with this part and except as otherwise provided by the ALJ or by waiver or agreement of the parties. The ALJ may make any order which justice requires to protect a party or person from annoyance, embarrassment, oppression, or undue burden or expense. These orders may include limitations on the scope, method, time and place of discovery, and provisions for protecting the confidentiality of classified or otherwise sensitive information, including Confidential Business Information (CBI) as defined by the Act.

(b) Interrogatories and requests for admission or production of documents. A party may serve on any party interrogatories, requests for admission, or requests for production of documents for inspection and copying, and a party concerned may apply to the ALJ for such enforcement or protective order as that party deems warranted with respect to such discovery. The service of a discovery request shall be made at least 20 days before the scheduled date of the hearing unless the ALJ specifies a shorter time period. Copies of interrogatories, requests for admission and requests for production of documents and responses thereto shall be served on all parties and a copy of the certificate of service shall be filed with the ALJ. Matters of fact or law of which admission is requested shall be deemed admitted unless, within a period designated in the request (at least 10 days after service, or within such additional time as the ALJ may allow), the party to whom the request is directed serves upon the requesting party a sworn statement either denying specifically the matters of which admission is requested or setting forth in detail the reasons why the party to whom the request is directed cannot truthfully either admit or deny such matters.

(c) Depositions. Upon application of a party and for good cause shown, the ALJ may order the taking of the testimony of any person by deposition and the production of specified documents or materials by the person at the deposition. The application shall state the purpose of the deposition and set forth the facts sought to be established through the deposition.

(d) Enforcement. The ALJ may order a party to answer designated questions, to produce specified documents or things or to take any other action in response to a proper discovery request. If a party does not comply with such an order, the ALJ may make a determination or enter any order in the proceeding as the ALJ deems reasonable and appropriate. The ALJ may strike related charges or defenses in whole or in part or may take particular facts relating to the discovery request to which the party failed or refused to respond as being established for purposes of the proceeding in accordance with the contentions of the party seeking discovery. In addition, enforcement by any district court of the United States in which venue is proper may be sought as appropriate.

§ 719.11 - Subpoenas.

(a) Issuance. Upon the application of any party, supported by a satisfactory showing that there is substantial reason to believe that the evidence would not otherwise be available, the ALJ may issue subpoenas to any person requiring the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of such books, records or other documentary or physical evidence for the purpose of the hearing, as the ALJ deems relevant and material to the proceedings, and reasonable in scope. Witnesses shall be paid the same fees and mileage that are paid to witnesses in the courts of the United States. In case of contempt, challenge or refusal to obey a subpoena served upon any person pursuant to this paragraph, any district court of the United States, in which venue is proper, has jurisdiction to issue an order requiring any such person to comply with such subpoena. Any failure to obey such order of the court is punishable by the court as a contempt thereof.

(b) Service. Subpoenas issued by the ALJ may be served by any of the methods set forth in § 719.8(b) of the CWCR.

(c) Timing. Applications for subpoenas must be submitted at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing or deposition, unless the ALJ determines, for good cause shown, that extraordinary circumstances warrant a shorter time.

§ 719.12 - Matters protected against disclosure.

(a) Protective measures. The ALJ may limit discovery or introduction of evidence or issue such protective or other orders as in the ALJ's judgment may be needed to prevent undue disclosure of classified or sensitive documents or information, including Confidential Business Information as defined by the Act. Where the ALJ determines that documents containing classified or sensitive matter must be made available to a party in order to avoid prejudice, the ALJ may direct the other party to prepare an unclassified and nonsensitive summary or extract of the documents. The ALJ may compare the extract or summary with the original to ensure that it is supported by the source document and that it omits only so much as must remain undisclosed. The summary or extract may be admitted as evidence in the record.

(b) Arrangements for access. If the ALJ determines that the summary procedure outlined in paragraph (a) of this section is unsatisfactory, and that classified or otherwise sensitive matter must form part of the record in order to avoid prejudice to a party, the ALJ may provide the parties opportunity to make arrangements that permit a party or a representative to have access to such matter without compromising sensitive information. Such arrangements may include obtaining security clearances or giving counsel for a party access to sensitive information and documents subject to assurances against further disclosure, including a protective order, if necessary.

§ 719.13 - Prehearing conference.

(a) On the ALJ's own motion, or on request of a party, the ALJ may direct the parties to participate in a prehearing conference, either in person or by telephone, to consider:

(1) Simplification of issues;

(2) The necessity or desirability of amendments to pleadings;

(3) Obtaining stipulations of fact and of documents to avoid unnecessary proof; or

(4) Such other matters as may expedite the disposition of the proceedings.

(b) The ALJ may order the conference proceedings to be recorded electronically or taken by a reporter, transcribed and filed with the ALJ.

(c) If a prehearing conference is impracticable, the ALJ may direct the parties to correspond with the ALJ to achieve the purposes of such a conference.

(d) The ALJ will prepare a summary of any actions agreed on or taken pursuant to this section. The summary will include any written stipulations or agreements made by the parties.

§ 719.14 - Hearings.

(a) Scheduling. Upon receipt of a written and dated request for a hearing, the ALJ shall, by agreement with all the parties or upon notice to all parties of at least 30 days, schedule a hearing. All hearings will be held in Washington, DC, unless the ALJ determines, for good cause shown, that another location would better serve the interest of justice.

(b) Hearing procedure. Hearings will be conducted in a fair and impartial manner by the ALJ. All hearings will be closed, unless the ALJ for good cause shown determines otherwise. The rules of evidence prevailing in courts of law do not apply, and all evidentiary material deemed by the ALJ to be relevant and material to the proceeding and not unduly repetitious will be received and given appropriate weight, except that any evidence of settlement which would be excluded under Rule 408 of the Federal Rules of Evidence is not admissible. Witnesses will testify under oath or affirmation, and shall be subject to cross-examination.

(c) Testimony and record. (1) A verbatim record of the hearing and of any other oral proceedings will be taken by reporter or by electronic recording, and filed with the ALJ. If any party wishes to obtain a written copy of the transcript, that party shall pay the costs of transcription. The parties may share the costs if both wish a transcript.

(2) Upon such terms as the ALJ deems just, the ALJ may direct that the testimony of any person be taken by deposition and may admit an affidavit or declaration as evidence, provided that any affidavits or declarations have been filed and served on the parties sufficiently in advance of the hearing to permit a party to file and serve an objection thereto on the grounds that it is necessary that the affiant or declarant testify at the hearing and be subject to cross-examination.

(d) Failure to appear. If a party fails to appear in person or by counsel at a scheduled hearing, the hearing may nevertheless proceed. The party's failure to appear will not affect the validity of the hearing or any proceeding or action taken thereafter.

§ 719.15 - Procedural stipulations.

Unless otherwise ordered and subject to § 719.16 of the CWCR, a written stipulation agreed to by all parties and filed with the ALJ will modify the procedures established by this part.

§ 719.16 - Extension of time.

The parties may extend any applicable time limitation by stipulation filed with the ALJ before the time limitation expires, or the ALJ may, on the ALJ's own initiative or upon application by any party, either before or after the expiration of any applicable time limitation, extend the time , except that the requirement that a hearing be demanded within 15 days, and the requirement that a final agency decision be made within 30 days, may not be modified.

§ 719.17 - Post-hearing submissions.

All parties shall have the opportunity to file post-hearing submissions that may include findings of fact and conclusions of law, supporting evidence and legal arguments, exceptions to the ALJ's rulings or to the admissibility of evidence, and proposed orders and settlements.

§ 719.18 - Decisions.

(a) Initial decision. After considering the entire record in the case, the ALJ will issue an initial decision based on a preponderance of the evidence. The decision will include findings of fact, conclusions of law, and a decision based thereon as to whether the respondent has violated the Act. If the ALJ finds that the evidence of record is insufficient to sustain a finding that a violation has occurred with respect to one or more allegations, the ALJ shall order dismissal of the allegation(s) in whole or in part, as appropriate. If the ALJ finds that one or more violations have been committed, the ALJ shall issue an order imposing administrative sanctions.

(b) Factors considered in assessing penalties. In determining the amount of a civil penalty, the ALJ shall take into account the nature, circumstances, extent and gravity of the violation(s), and, with respect to the respondent, the respondent's ability to pay the penalty, the effect of a civil penalty on the respondent's ability to continue to do business, the respondent's history of prior violations, the respondent's degree of culpability, the existence of an internal compliance program, and such other matters as justice may require.

(c) Certification of initial decision. The ALJ shall immediately certify the initial decision and order to the Executive Director of the Office of Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State, 2201 C Street, NW., Room 5519, Washington, DC 20520, to the Office of Chief Counsel at the address in § 719.8, and to the respondent, by personal delivery or overnight mail.

(d) Review of initial decision. The initial decision shall become the final agency decision and order unless, within 30 days, the Secretary of State modifies or vacates it, with or without conditions, in accordance with 22 CFR 103.8.

§ 719.19 - Settlement.

(a) Settlements before issuance of a NOVA. When the parties have agreed to a settlement of the case, the Director of the Office of Export Enforcement will recommend the settlement to the Secretary of State, forwarding a proposed settlement agreement and order, which, in accordance with 22 CFR 103.9(a), the Secretary of State will approve and sign if the recommended settlement is in accordance with applicable law.

(b) Settlements following issuance of a NOVA. The parties may enter into settlement negotiations at any time during the time a case is pending before the ALJ. If necessary, the parties may extend applicable time limitations or otherwise request that the ALJ stay the proceedings while settlement negotiations continue. When the parties have agreed to a settlement of the case, the Office of Chief Counsel will recommend the settlement to the Secretary of State, forwarding a proposed settlement agreement and order, which, in accordance with 22 CFR 103.9(b), the Secretary will approve and sign if the recommended settlement is in accordance with applicable law.

(c) Settlement scope. Any respondent who agrees to an order imposing any administrative sanction does so solely for the purpose of resolving the claims in the administrative enforcement proceeding brought under this part. This reflects the fact that the government officials involved have neither the authority nor the responsibility for initiating, conducting, settling, or otherwise disposing of criminal proceedings. That authority and responsibility are vested in the Attorney General and the Department of Justice.

(d) Finality. Cases that are settled may not be reopened or appealed.

§ 719.20 - Record for decision.

(a) The record. The transcript of hearings, exhibits, rulings, orders, all papers and requests filed in the proceedings, and, for purposes of any appeal under § 719.18 or under 22 CFR 103.8, the decision of the ALJ and such submissions as are provided for under § 719.18 or 22 CFR 103.8 will constitute the record and the exclusive basis for decision. When a case is settled, the record will consist of any and all of the foregoing, as well as the NOVA or draft NOVA, settlement agreement, and order.

(b) Restricted access. On the ALJ's own motion, or on the motion of any party, the ALJ may direct that there be a restricted access portion of the record for any material in the record to which public access is restricted by law or by the terms of a protective order entered in the proceedings. A party seeking to restrict access to any portion of the record is responsible, prior to the close of the proceeding, for submitting a version of the document(s) proposed for public availability that reflects the requested deletion. The restricted access portion of the record will be placed in a separate file and the file will be clearly marked to avoid improper disclosure and to identify it as a portion of the official record in the proceedings. The ALJ may act at any time to permit material that becomes declassified or unrestricted through passage of time to be transferred to the unrestricted access portion of the record.

(c) Availability of documents—(1) Scope. All NOVAs and draft NOVAs, answers, settlement agreements, decisions and orders disposing of a case will be displayed on the BIS Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Web site, at, which is maintained by the Office of Administration, Bureau of Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce. This office does not maintain a separate inspection facility. The complete record for decision, as defined in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section will be made available on request.

(2) Timing. The record for decision will be available only after the final administrative disposition of a case. Parties may seek to restrict access to any portion of the record under paragraph (b) of this section.

§ 719.21 - Payment of final assessment.

(a) Time for payment. Full payment of the civil penalty must be made within 30 days of the effective date of the order or within such longer period of time as may be specified in the order. Payment shall be made in the manner specified in the NOVA.

(b) Enforcement of order. The government party may, through the Attorney General, file suit in an appropriate district court if necessary to enforce compliance with a final order issued under the CWCR. This suit will include a claim for interest at current prevailing rates from the date payment was due or ordered.

(c) Offsets. The amount of any civil penalty imposed by a final order may be deducted from any sum(s) owed by the United States to a respondent.

§ 719.22 - Reporting a violation.

If a person learns that a violation of the Convention, the Act, or the CWCR has occurred or may occur, that person may notify: Office of Export Enforcement, Bureau of Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW., Room H-4520, Washington, DC 20230; Tel: (202) 482-1208; Facsimile: (202) 482-0964.

authority: 22 U.S.C. 6701
source: 71 FR 24929, Apr. 27, 2006, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 15 CFR 719.15