Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 16 - Commercial Practices last revised: Feb 24, 2025
§ 1130.1 - Purpose, scope, and effective date.

(a) Purpose. This part prescribes a consumer product safety rule establishing requirements for consumer registration of durable infant or toddler products. These requirements are intended to improve the effectiveness of recalls of, and safety alerts regarding, such products.

(b) Scope. Part 1130 applies to manufacturers, including importers, of durable infant or toddler products, as defined in § 1130.2(a). It does not apply to infant or child restraint systems intended for use in automobiles that are covered by the registration program of the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) at 49 CFR 571.213, or to products that comprise a travel system, and are sold with a child restraint system that is covered by the NHTSA registration program at 49 CFR 571.213.

(c) Compliance Date. Compliance with this part 1130 shall be required on June 28, 2010 for the following products: full-size cribs and nonfull-size cribs; toddler beds; high chairs, booster chairs, and hook-on chairs; bath seats; gates and other enclosures for confining a child; play yards; stationary activity centers; infant carriers; strollers; walkers; swings; and bassinets and cradles. Compliance with this part 1130 shall be required on December 29, 2010 for the following products: Children's folding chairs, changing tables, infant bouncers, infant bath tubs, bed rails and infant slings. Compliance with this part 1130 shall be required on September 24, 2020 for contoured changing pads (a type of baby changing product). The rule shall apply to durable infant or toddler products, as defined in § 1130.2(a), that are manufactured on or after those dates.

[74 FR 68676, Dec. 29, 2009, as amended at 84 FR 49949, Sept. 24, 2019]
§ 1130.2 - Definitions.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 85414, Oct. 25, 2024. Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 87487, Nov. 4, 2024.

In addition to the definitions given in section 3 of the Consumer Product Safety Act (15 U.S.C. 2052), the following definitions apply:

(a) Definition of durable infant or toddler product means the following products intended for use, or that may be reasonably expected to be used, by children under the age of 5 years. The listed product categories are further defined in the applicable standards that the Commission issues under section 104(b) of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008, and include products that are combinations of the following product categories:

(1) Full-size cribs and non-full-size cribs;

(2) Toddler beds;

(3) High chairs, booster seats, and hook-on chairs;

(4) Bath seats;

(5) Gates and other enclosures for confining a child;

(6) Play yards;

(7) Stationary activity centers;

(8) Infant carrier, including soft infant and toddler carriers, hand-held infant carriers, sling carriers, and frame child carriers;

(9) Strollers;

(10) Walkers;

(11) Swings;

(12) Bassinets and cradles, including bedside sleepers and infant sleep products;

(13) Children's folding chairs and children's folding stools;

(14) Baby changing products;

(15) Infant bouncers;

(16) Infant bathtubs;

(17) Bed rails; and

(18) Crib mattresses.

(b) Manufacturer, for purposes of this part, in the case of a product produced within the United States, means the domestic manufacturer of the product, and in the case of an imported product, means the importer of the product.

(c) Product recall means action taken pursuant to sections 12, 15(c) or 15(d) of the CPSA (15 U.S.C. 2061,2054,or,and,where; replacement of the product; or refund of the purchase price of the product.

(d) Safety alert means notice or warning of a potential problem with an individual product or class of products so that consumers and other users of the affected products respond accordingly to reduce or eliminate the potential for injury.

[74 FR 68676, Dec. 29, 2009, as amended at 82 FR 59511, Dec. 15, 2017; 84 FR 49950, Sept. 24, 2019; 87 FR 26658, May 17, 2021; 86 FR 33071, June 23, 2021; 87 FR 8673, Feb. 15, 2022]
§ 1130.3 - General requirements.

(a) Each manufacturer of a durable infant or toddler product shall:

(1) Provide consumers with a postage-paid consumer registration form that meets the requirements of this part 1130 with each such product;

(2) Maintain a record in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 1130.8 of the contact information (names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers) of consumers who register their products with the manufacturer under this part 1130;

(3) Permanently place the manufacturer name and contact information, model name and number, and the date of manufacture on each durable infant or toddler product in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 1130.4.

(b) Consumer information collected by a manufacturer pursuant to the requirements of this part 1130 shall not be used by the manufacturer, nor disseminated by the manufacturer to any other party, for any purpose other than notification to such consumer in the event of a product recall or safety alert.

[74 FR 68676, Dec. 29, 2009, as amended at 77 FR 9524, Feb. 17, 2012]
§ 1130.4 - Identification on the product.

(a) Each durable infant or toddler product shall be permanently marked with the manufacturer name, and contact information (U.S. address and telephone number, toll free if available) model name and number, and date of manufacture.

(1) If the manufacturer regularly uses only a model name or a model number, but not both, to identify the product, he/she may provide only the model name or number rather than creating a model name or number for the sole purpose of this part 1130.

(2) If the manufacturer regularly identifies the product by a product identification number (“PIN”) or other similar identifying number rather than a model number, he/she may provide that identifying number instead of a model number.

(3) The date referred to in paragraph (a) of this section shall include the month and year of manufacture and can be stated in code.

(4) A permanent mark is one that can reasonably be expected to remain on the product during the useful life of the product.

(b) The information required by this section shall be in English, legible, and in a location that is conspicuous to the consumer.

(c) The information required by this section may be combined with other information marked on the product.

§ 1130.5 - Requirements for registration forms.

The registration form required under § 1130.3(a)(1) shall:

(a) Comply with the format and text requirements set forth in § 1130.6 as shown in figures 1 and 2 of this part;

(b) State all information required by this part 1130 in the English language;

(c) Be attached to the surface of each durable infant or toddler product so that, as a practical matter, the consumer must notice and handle the form after purchasing the product;

(d) Include the manufacturer's name, model name and number for the product, and the date of manufacture;

(e) Include an option for consumers to register through the Internet;

(f) Include the statement required in § 1130.6(c)(1) that information provided by the consumer shall not be used for any purpose other than to facilitate a recall of or safety alert regarding that product.

[74 FR 68676, Dec. 29, 2009, as amended at 77 FR 9524, Feb. 17, 2012]
§ 1130.6 - Requirements for format and text of registration forms.

(a) Size of form. The form shall be at least the size of two standard post cards, connected with perforation for later separation, so that each of the two portions is at least 3 1/2 inches high x 5 inches wide x 0.007 inches thick.

(b) Layout of form—(1) General. The form shall consist of four parts: top and bottom, divided by perforations for easy separation, and front and back.

(2) Font size and typeface. The registration form shall use bold black typeface. The size of the type shall be at least 0.12 in (3.0 mm) for the purpose statement required in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, and no less than 0.10 in (2.5 mm) for the other information in the registration form. The title of the purpose statement and the retention statement required in paragraph (d)(2) of this section shall be in all capitals. All other information shall be in capital and lowercase type.

(c) Front of form—(1) Top front of form: Purpose statement. The top portion of the front of each form shall state: “PRODUCT REGISTRATION FOR SAFETY ALERT OR RECALL ONLY. We will use the information provided on this card to contact you only if there is a safety alert or recall for this product. We will not sell, rent, or share your personal information. To register your product, please complete and mail the bottom part of this card, or visit our online registration at: www.Web” Manufacturers that do not have a Web site may provide an email address and state at the end of the purpose statement: “To register your product, please complete and mail the bottom part of this card, or email your contact information, the model name and number, and date of manufacture of the product, as provided on this card, to: [email protected].

(2) Bottom front of form: Manufacturer's mailing address. The bottom portion of the front of each form shall be pre-addressed and postage-paid with the manufacturer's name and mailing address where registration information is to be collected. A manufacturer may list a brand name in addition to the manufacturer's name. If a manufacturer uses a third party to process registration forms, the third party's name may be included as a “c/o” (“in care of”) in the address on the form.

(d) Back of the form—(1) Top back of form—(i) Product information and manufacturer's identification. The top portion of the back of each form shall state: “Manufacturer's Contact Information” and provide the manufacturer's name and contact information (a U.S. mailing address displayed in sentence format, Web site address, a telephone number, toll-free, if available); product model name and number (or other identifier as described in § 1130.4(a)(1) and (2)); and manufacture date of the product. A rectangular box shall be placed around the model name, model number, and manufacture date. A manufacturer may list the brand name in addition to the manufacturer's name.

(ii) Retention statement. On the back of each form, just above the perforation line, the form shall state: “KEEP THIS TOP PART FOR YOUR RECORDS. FILL OUT AND RETURN BOTTOM PART.”

(2) Bottom back of form—(i) Consumer information. The bottom portion of the back of each form shall have blocks for the consumer to provide his/her name, address, telephone number, and email address. These blocks shall be 5 mm wide and 7 mm high, with as many blocks as possible to fill the width of the card allowing for normal printing practices.

(ii) Product information. The following product information shall be provided on the bottom portion of the back of each form below the blocks for consumer information printed directly on the form or on a pre-printed label that is applied to the form: the model name and number (or other identifier as described in § 1130.4(a)(1) and (2)), and the date of manufacture of the product. A rectangular box shall be placed around the model name, model number, and manufacture date. A manufacturer may include its name on the bottom portion of the back of the form if they choose to do so.

[77 FR 9524, Feb. 17, 2012]
§ 1130.7 - Requirements for Web site registration or alternative e-mail registration.

(a) Link to registration page. The manufacturer's Web site, or other Web site established for the purpose of registration under this part 1130, shall be designed with a link clearly identified on the main web page that goes directly to “Product Registration.”

(b) Purpose statement. The registration page shall have the following statement at the top of the page: “PRODUCT REGISTRATION FOR SAFETY ALERT OR RECALL ONLY. We will use the information provided on this page only to contact you if there is a safety alert or recall for this product. We will not sell, rent, or share your personal information. If you register on this Web site you do not need to fill out the card that came with your product.”

(c) Content of registration page. The Web site registration page shall request only the consumer's name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, product model name and number, and the date of manufacture. The consumer's telephone number and e-mail address shall not be required for the consumer to submit the registration form. No other information shall appear on the electronic registration form, except for identification of the manufacturer or a link to the manufacturer's home page, a field to confirm submission, and a prompt to indicate any incomplete or invalid fields before submission. Accessing the electronic registration form shall not cause additional screens or electronic banners to appear.

(d) Alternative for manufacturers without a Web site. A manufacturer that lacks a Web site shall provide for consumers to register their product through e-mail. Such e-mail addresses shall be set up to provide an automatic reply to confirm receipt of the consumer's registration information.

[74 FR 68676, Dec. 29, 2009. Redesignated at 77 FR 9525, Feb. 17, 2012]
§ 1130.8 - Recordkeeping and notification requirements.

(a) Each manufacturer of a durable infant or toddler product shall maintain a record of registrants for each product manufactured that includes all of the information provided by each consumer registered.

(b) Each manufacturer of a durable infant or toddler product shall use the information provided by the registrant to notify the registrant in the event of a voluntary or involuntary recall of, or safety alert regarding, such product.

(c) Each manufacturer of a durable infant or toddler product shall maintain a record of the information provided by the registrant for a period of not less than 6 years after the date of manufacture of the product.

(d) Records required under this section shall be made available within 24 hours, upon the request of any officer, employee, or agent acting on behalf of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

(e) Optional barcode. (1) A manufacturer may include a barcode, or other machine readable data, that when scanned would provide a direct link for the consumer to register the product.

(2) Such a link must comply with all the requirements of this part 1130, including those in § 1130.7 and the restriction that the manufacturer shall not use or disseminate the consumer registration information for any purpose other than notifying the consumer of a safety alert or recall.

[74 FR 68676, Dec. 29, 2009. Redesignated and amended at 77 FR 9525, Feb. 17, 2012]
Appendix - Figure 1 to Part 1130—Front of Registration Form
[74 FR 68676, Dec. 29, 2009, as amended at 77 FR 9525, Feb. 17, 2012]
Appendix - Figure 2 to Part 1130—Back of Registration Form
[74 FR 68676, Dec. 29, 2009, as amended at 77 FR 9526, Feb. 17, 2012]
authority: 15 U.S.C. 2056a,2065
source: 74 FR 68676, Dec. 29, 2009, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 16 CFR 1130.5