Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 16 - Commercial Practices last revised: Feb 24, 2025
§ 1608.0 - Scope.

The rules and regulations in this part are applicable to all standards issued under the Flammable Fabrics Act.

§ 1608.1 - Terms defined.

As used in the rules and regulations in this subchapter D, unless the context otherwise specifically requires:

(a) The term act means the Flammable Fabrics Act, sec. 1 et seq., 67 Stat. 111-115, as amended, 68 Stat. 770, 81 Stat. 568-74 (15 U.S.C. 1191-1204,note.

(b) The terms rule, rules, regulations, and rules and regulations, mean the rules and regulations prescribed by the Commission pursuant to section 5(c) of the act.

(c) The term United States means, the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the Territories and Possessions of the United States.

(d) The terms marketing or handling means the transactions referred to in section 3 of the act.

(e) The definition of terms contained in section 2 of the act shall be applicable also to such terms when used in rules promulgated under the act.

§ 1608.2 - Form of separate guaranty.

The forms which follow are suggested forms of separate guaranties under section 8 of the act for use by guarantors residing in the United States. Representations contained in these suggested forms of separate guaranties with respect to reasonable and representative tests may be based upon a guaranty received and relied upon in good faith by the guarantor, tests performed by or for a guarantor, or class tests, where permitted under these rules. Where the forms are used as part of an invoice or other paper relating to the marketing or handling of products, fabrics, or related materials subject to the act, wording may be varied to limit the guaranty to specific items in such invoice or other paper. The name, address of the guarantor, and date on the invoice or other paper will suffice to meet the signature, address, and date requirements indicated on the forms.

(a) General form.

The undersigned hereby guarantees that reasonable and representative tests, made in accordance with procedures prescribed and applicable standards or regulations issued, amended, or continued in effect under the Flammable Fabrics Act, as amended, show that the product, fabric, or related material covered and identified by, and in the form delivered under this document conforms to the applicable standard or regulation issued, amended, or continued in effect.

Date: Name Address

(b) Form for guaranty based on guaranty.

Based upon a guaranty received, the undersigned hereby guarantees that reasonable and representative tests, made in accordance with procedures prescribed pursuant to the Flammable Fabrics Act, as amended, show that the product, fabric, or related material covered and identified by, and in the form delivered under this document conforms to the applicable standard or regulation issued, amended, or continued in effect.

Date: Name Address
(Sec. 5 of the Act, 67 Stat. 112, as amended by 81 Stat. 570, 15 U.S.C. sec. 1194; sec. 8 of the Act, 67 Stat. 114, as amended by 81 Stat. 572, 15 U.S.C. sec. 1197)
§ 1608.3 - Continuing guaranties.

(a) Any person residing in the United States may file with the Office of the Secretary of the Consumer Product Safety Commission a continuing guaranty under section 8 of the act applicable to any product, fabric, or related material marketed or handled by such person. When filed with the Commission, a continuing guaranty shall be fully executed in duplicate and execution of each copy shall be acknowledged before a notary public. Forms for use in preparing continuing guaranties to be filed with the Commission will be supplied by the Office of the Secretary of the Commission upon request. To remain in effect, such guaranties must be renewed every 3 years and at such other times as any change occurs in the legal business status of the person filing the guaranty. It is therefore required that any person who has filed a continuing guaranty with the Commission shall promptly advise the Commission in writing of any change in the legal status of the guarantor or in the address of the guarantor's principal office and place of business. Representations contained in the prescribed form of continuing guaranty with respect to reasonable and representative tests may be based upon (1) a guaranty received and relied upon in good faith by the guarantor, (2) tests performed by or for a guarantor, or (3) class tests, where permitted under these rules.

(b) The following is the prescribed form of continuing guaranty for filing with the Commission:

Continuing Guaranty Under the Flammable Fabrics Act for Filing With Consumer Products Safety Commission

The undersigned, _________, a __________ (Corporation, partnership, proprietorship) residing in the United States and having principal office and place of business at ___________ (Street and number) ______, (City) _____________, (State or territory, ZIP code) and being engaged in the marketing or handling of products, fabrics, or related materials subject to the Flammable Fabrics Act, as amended, and regulations thereunder,

Hereby guarantee(s) that with regard to all the products, fabrics, or related materials

[described as follows: _______________________] (If guaranty is limited to certain products, fabrics, or related materials, list the general categories here. If guaranty is not so limited, leave these lines blank.) hereafter marketed or handled by the undersigned, and for which flammability standards have been issued, amended, or continued in effect under the Flammable Fabrics Act, as amended, reasonable and representative tests as prescribed by the Consumer Product Safety Commission have been performed, which shows that the products, fabrics, or related materials conform to such of the above-mentioned flammability standards as are applicable thereto.

Dated, signed, and executed this _____ day of ______, 19__, at ____________ (City), _____________ (State or Territory)

(Impression of corporate seal, if corporation.)(Name under which business is conducted.)
(If firm is a partnership list partners below.)(Signature of proprietor, partner, or authorized official of corporation.)
State of __________, ss: County of ________

On this _____ day of _______, 19__, before me personally appeared the said ______, (Signer of guaranty) proprietor, partner (strike nonapplicable words) _____________ (If corporation, give title of signing official) of ______, (Firm name) to me personally known, and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument on behalf of the firm, for the uses and purposes therein stated.

(Impression of notary seal required here.)Notary Public in and for County of ______ State of _______. My commission expires ______________

(c) Any person who has a continuing guaranty on file with the Commission may, during the effective period of the guaranty, give notice of such fact by setting forth on the invoice or other paper covering the marketing or handling of the product, fabric, or related material guaranteed the following:

Continuing guaranty under the Flammable Fabrics Act filed with the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Provided, however, That such statement may not be used where the guaranty is limited and the invoice or other paper covers any product, fabric, or related material, subject to a flammability standard under the act, which is not covered by the guaranty because of its limited nature.

(d) Any person who falsely represents that he has a continuing guaranty on file with the Commission when such is not a fact, or who falsely represents that a limited continuing guaranty he does have on file with the Commission covers any product, fabric, or related material when such is not the case, shall be deemed to have furnished a false guaranty under section 8(b) of the act.

(e) Any seller residing in the United States may give a continuing guaranty under section 8 of the act to a buyer applicable to any product, fabric, or related material sold or to be sold to said buyer by seller. All such continuing guaranties shall be fully executed in duplicate and execution of each copy shall be acknowledged before a notary public. To remain in effect, such guaranties must be renewed every 3 years and at such other times as any change occurs in the legal business status of the person giving the guaranty. Representations contained in the prescribed form of continuing guaranty from seller to buyer with respect to reasonable and representative tests may be based upon: (1) A guaranty received and relied upon in good faith by the guarantor, (2) tests performed by or for a guarantor, or (3) class tests, where permitted under these rules.

(f) The following is the prescribed form of continuing guaranty from seller to buyer:

Continuing Guaranty From Seller to Buyer Under the Flammable Fabrics Act The undersigned, a

(Corporation, partnership, proprietorship) residing in the United States and having its principal office and place of business at ______, _____________, (Street and number) ______ (City), ______________ (State or Territory and ZIP code), and being engaged in the marketing or handling of products, fabrics, or related materials subject to the Flammable Fabrics Act, as amended, and Regulations thereunder,

Hereby guarantee(s) to ________ (Name and address), buyer, that with regard to all the products, fabrics, or related materials [described as follows: ______________ (If guaranty is limited to certain products, fabrics, or related materials, list the general categories here. If guaranty is not so limited, leave these lines blank.) hereafter sold or to be sold to buyer by the undersigned, and for which flammability standards have been issued, amended, or continued in effect under the Flammable Fabrics Act, as amended, reasonable and representative tests as prescribed by the Consumer Product Safety Commission have been performed show that the products, fabrics, or related materials, at the time of their shipment or delivery by the undersigned, conform to such of the above-mentioned flammability standards as are applicable thereto.

Dated, signed, and executed this ________ day of ______ 19__, at __________, (City) __________ (State or Territory).

(Impression of corporate seal, if corporation.)(Name under which business is conducted.)
(If firm is a partnership list partners below.)(Signature of proprietor, partner, or authorized official of corporation.)
State of __________, ss: County of __________,

On this ___ day of ______, 19__, before me personally appeared the said __________ (Signer of guaranty), proprietor, partner (Strike non-applicable words) ______________ (If corporation, give title of signing official) of ________________ (Firm name), to me personally known, and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument on behalf of the firm, for the uses and purposes therein stated.

(Impression of notary seal required here.)Notary Public in and for County of ______, State of _______. My commission expires ______
(Sec. 5 of the Act, 67 Stat. 112, as amended by 81 Stat. 570, 15 U.S.C. 1194: section 8 of the Act 67 Stat. 114, as amended by 81 Stat. 572, 15 U.S.C. 1197) [40 FR 59887, Dec. 30, 1975, as amended at 52 FR 48810, Dec. 28, 1987]
§ 1608.4 - Guaranties furnished by nonresidents of the U.S. no bar to prosecution.

A guaranty furnished under section 8 of the act by a person who is not a resident of the United States may not be relied upon as a bar to prosecution under section 7 of the act for a violation of section 3 of the act.

§ 1608.5 - Salvage operations of common carriers and others.

For the purposes of this act the ordinary course of business of common carriers, contract carriers or freight forwarders, as referred to in section 11 of the act, shall not include the marketing or handling of products, fabrics, or related materials subject to the act in the course of performance of salvage or lien realizing operations.

§ 1608.6 - Reference to guaranty by Government prohibited.

No representation nor suggestion shall be made in advertising or otherwise marketing or handling products, fabrics or related materials subject to the act that the act, the Government, or any branch thereof, guarantees, in any manner that such product, fabric, or related material conforms to a flammability standard in effect under the act.

authority: Sec. 5, 67 Stat. 112, as amended, 81 Stat. 570, 15 U.S.C. 1194.
source: 40 FR 59887, Dec. 30, 1975, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 16 CFR 1608.1