Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 17 - Commodity and Securities Exchanges last revised: Oct 08, 2024
§ 45.1 - Definitions.

(a) As used in this part:

Allocation means the process by which an agent, having facilitated a single swap transaction on behalf of several clients, allocates a portion of the executed swap to the clients.

As soon as technologically practicable means as soon as possible, taking into consideration the prevalence, implementation, and use of technology by comparable market participants.

Asset class means a broad category of commodities, including, without limitation, any “excluded commodity” as defined in section 1a(19) of the Act, with common characteristics underlying a swap. The asset classes include interest rate, foreign exchange, credit, equity, other commodity, and such other asset classes as may be determined by the Commission.

Business day means the twenty-four-hour day, on all days except Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, in the location of the swap execution facility, designated contract market, or reporting counterparty reporting data for the swap.

Business hours means consecutive hours during one or more consecutive business days.

Clearing swap means a swap created pursuant to the rules of a derivatives clearing organization that has a derivatives clearing organization as a counterparty, including any swap that replaces an original swap that was extinguished upon acceptance of such original swap by the derivatives clearing organization for clearing.

Collateral data means the data elements necessary to report information about the money, securities, or other property posted or received by a swap counterparty to margin, guarantee, or secure a swap, as specified in appendix 1 to this part.

Derivatives clearing organization means a derivatives clearing organization, as defined by § 1.3 of this chapter, that is registered with the Commission.

Electronic reporting (“report electronically”) means the reporting of data normalized in data elements as required by the data standard or standards used by the swap data repository to which the data is reported. Except where specifically otherwise provided in this chapter, electronic reporting does not include submission of an image of a document or text file.

Execution means an agreement by the parties, by any method, to the terms of a swap that legally binds the parties to such swap terms under applicable law.

Execution date means the date of execution of a particular swap. The execution date for a clearing swap that replaces an original swap is the date on which the original swap has been accepted for clearing.

Financial entity has the meaning set forth in CEA section 2(h)(7)(C).

Global Legal Entity Identifier System means the system established and overseen by the Legal Entity Identifier Regulatory Oversight Committee for the unique identification of legal entities and individuals.

Legal entity identifier or LEI means a unique code assigned to swap counterparties and entities in accordance with the standards set by the Global Legal Entity Identifier System.

Legal Entity Identifier Regulatory Oversight Committee means the group charged with the oversight of the Global Legal Entity Identifier System that was established by the Finance Ministers and the Central Bank Governors of the Group of Twenty nations and the Financial Stability Board, under the Charter of the Regulatory Oversight Committee for the Global Legal Entity Identifier System dated November 5, 2012, or any successor thereof.

Life-cycle event means any event that would result in a change to required swap creation data previously reported to a swap data repository in connection with a swap. Examples of such events include, without limitation, a counterparty change resulting from an assignment or novation; a partial or full termination of the swap; a change to the end date for the swap; a change in the cash flows or rates originally reported; availability of a legal entity identifier for a swap counterparty previously identified by some other identifier; or a corporate action affecting a security or securities on which the swap is based (e.g., a merger, dividend, stock split, or bankruptcy).

Life-cycle-event data means all of the data elements necessary to fully report any life cycle event.

Mixed swap has the meaning set forth in CEA section 1a(47)(D), and refers to an instrument that is in part a swap subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission, and in part a security-based swap subject to the jurisdiction of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Multi-asset swap means a swap that does not have one easily identifiable primary underlying notional item, but instead involves multiple underlying notional items within the Commission's jurisdiction that belong to different asset classes.

Non-SD/MSP/DCO counterparty means a swap counterparty that is not a swap dealer, major swap participant, or derivatives clearing organization.

Non-SD/MSP/DCO reporting counterparty means a reporting counterparty that is not a swap dealer, major swap participant, or derivatives clearing organization.

Novation means the process by which a party to a swap legally transfers all or part of its rights, liabilities, duties, and obligations under the swap to a new legal party other than the counterparty to the swap under applicable law.

Off-facility swap means any swap transaction that is not executed on or pursuant to the rules of a swap execution facility or designated contract market.

Open swap means an executed swap transaction that has not reached maturity or expiration, and has not been fully exercised, closed out, or terminated.

Original swap means a swap that has been accepted for clearing by a derivatives clearing organization.

Reporting counterparty means the counterparty required to report swap data pursuant to this part, selected as provided in § 45.8.

Required swap continuation data means all of the data elements that must be reported during the existence of a swap to ensure that all swap data concerning the swap in the swap data repository remains current and accurate, and includes all changes to the required swap creation data occurring during the existence of the swap. For this purpose, required swap continuation data includes:

(i) All life-cycle-event data for the swap; and

(ii) All swap valuation, margin, and collateral data for the swap.

Required swap creation data means all data for a swap required to be reported pursuant to § 45.3 for the swap data elements in appendix 1 to this part.

Swap means any swap, as defined by § 1.3 of this chapter, as well as any foreign exchange forward, as defined by section 1a(24) of the Act, or foreign exchange swap, as defined by section 1a(25) of the Act.

Swap data means the specific data elements in appendix 1 to this part required to be reported to a swap data repository pursuant to this part or made available to the Commission pursuant to part 49 of this chapter, as applicable.

Swap data validation procedures means procedures established by a swap data repository pursuant to § 49.10 of this chapter to accept, validate, and process swap data reported to the swap data repository pursuant to part 45 of this chapter.

Swap execution facility means a trading system or platform that is a swap execution facility as defined in CEA section 1a(50) and in § 1.3 of this chapter and that is registered with the Commission pursuant to CEA section 5h and part 37 of this chapter.

Swap transaction and pricing data means all data elements for a swap in appendix A to part 43 of this chapter that are required to be reported or publicly disseminated pursuant to part 43 of this chapter.

Unique transaction identifier means a unique alphanumeric identifier with a maximum length of 52 characters constructed solely from the upper-case alphabetic characters A to Z or the digits 0 to 9, inclusive in both cases, generated for each swap pursuant to § 45.5.

Valuation data means the data elements necessary to report information about the daily mark of the transaction, pursuant to section 4s(h)(3)(B)(iii) of the Act, and to § 23.431 of this chapter, if applicable, as specified in appendix 1 to this part.

(b) Other defined terms. Terms not defined in this part have the meanings assigned to the terms in § 1.3 of this chapter.

[85 FR 75559, Nov. 25, 2020, as amended at 85 FR 75654, Nov. 25, 2020]
§ 45.2 - Swap recordkeeping.

(a) Recordkeeping by swap execution facilities, designated contract markets, derivatives clearing organizations, swap dealers, and major swap participants. Each swap execution facility, designated contract market, derivatives clearing organization, swap dealer, and major swap participant shall keep full, complete, and systematic records, together with all pertinent data and memoranda, of all activities relating to the business of such entity or person with respect to swaps, as prescribed by the Commission. Such records shall include, without limitation, the following:

(1) For swap execution facilities, all records required by part 37 of this chapter.

(2) For designated contract markets, all records required by part 38 of this chapter.

(3) For derivatives clearing organizations, all records required by part 39 of this chapter.

(4) For swap dealers and major swap participants, all records required by part 23 of this chapter, and all records demonstrating that they are entitled, with respect to any swap, to elect the clearing requirement exception pursuant to CEA section 2(h)(7).

(b) Recordkeeping by non-SD/MSP/DCO counterparties. All non-SD/MSP/DCO counterparties shall keep full, complete, and systematic records, together with all pertinent data and memoranda, with respect to each swap in which they are a counterparty, including, without limitation, all records demonstrating that they are entitled, with respect to any swap, to electany clearing requirement exception or exemption pursuant to section 2(h)(7) of the Act or part 50 of this chapter.

(c) Record retention. All records required to be kept pursuant to this section shall be retained with respect to each swap throughout the life of the swap and for a period of at least five years following the final termination of the swap.

(d) Retention form. Records required to be kept pursuant to this section must be kept as required by paragraph (d)(1) or (2) of this section, as applicable.

(1) Records required to be kept by swap execution facilities, designated contract markets, derivatives clearing organizations, swap dealers, or major swap participants may be kept in electronic form, or kept in paper form if originally created and exclusively maintained in paper form, so long as they are retrievable, and information in them is reportable, as required by this section.

(2) Records required to be kept by non-SD/MSP/DCO counterparties may be kept in either electronic or paper form, so long as they are retrievable, and information in them is reportable, as required by this section.

(e) Record retrievability. Records required to be kept by swap execution facilities, designated contract markets, derivatives clearing organizations, or swap counterparties pursuant to this section shall be retrievable as provided in paragraphs (e)(1) and (2) of this section, as applicable.

(1) Each record required by this section or any other section of the CEA to be kept by a swap execution facility, designated contract market, derivatives clearing organization, swap dealer, or major swap participant shall be readily accessible via real time electronic access by the registrant throughout the life of the swap and for two years following the final termination of the swap, and shall be retrievable by the registrant within three business days through the remainder of the period following final termination of the swap during which it is required to be kept.

(2) Each record required by this section or any other section of the CEA to be kept by a non-SD/MSP/DCO counterparty shall be retrievable by that counterparty within five business days throughout the period during which it is required to be kept.

(f)-(g) [Reserved]

(h) Record inspection. All records required to be kept pursuant to this section by any registrant or its affiliates or by any non-SD/MSP/DCO counterparty shall be open to inspection upon request by any representative of the Commission, the United States Department of Justice, or the Securities and Exchange Commission, or by any representative of a prudential regulator as authorized by the Commission. Copies of all such records shall be provided, at the expense of the entity or person required to keep the record, to any representative of the Commission upon request. Copies of records required to be kept by any registrant shall be provided either by electronic means, in hard copy, or both, as requested by the Commission, with the sole exception that copies of records originally created and exclusively maintained in paper form may be provided in hard copy only. Copies of records required to be kept by any non-SD/MSP/DCO counterparty that is not a Commission registrant shall be provided in the form, whether electronic or paper, in which the records are kept.

[77 FR 2197, Jan. 13, 2012, as amended at 85 FR 75560, 75654, Nov. 25, 2020]
§ 45.3 - Swap data reporting: Creation data.

(a) Swaps executed on or pursuant to the rules of a swap execution facility or designated contract market. For each swap executed on or pursuant to the rules of a swap execution facility or designated contract market, the swap execution facility or designated contract market shall report required swap creation data electronically to a swap data repository in the manner provided in § 45.13(a) not later than the end of the next business day following the execution date.

(b) Off-facility swaps. For each off-facility swap, the reporting counterparty shall report required swap creation data electronically to a swap data repository as provided by paragraph (b)(1) or (2) of this section, as applicable.

(1) If the reporting counterparty is a swap dealer, major swap participant, or derivatives clearing organization, the reporting counterparty shall report required swap creation data electronically to a swap data repository in the manner provided in § 45.13(a) not later than the end of the next business day following the execution date.

(2) If the reporting counterparty is a non-SD/MSP/DCO counterparty, the reporting counterparty shall report required swap creation data electronically to a swap data repository in the manner provided in § 45.13(a) not later than the end of the second business day following the execution date.

(c) Allocations. For swaps involving allocation, required swap creation data shall be reported electronically to a single swap data repository as follows.

(1) Initial swap between reporting counterparty and agent. The initial swap transaction between the reporting counterparty and the agent shall be reported as required by paragraph (a) or (b) of this section, as applicable. A unique transaction identifier for the initial swap transaction shall be created as provided in § 45.5.

(2) Post-allocation swaps—(i) Duties of the agent. In accordance with this section, the agent shall inform the reporting counterparty of the identities of the reporting counterparty's actual counterparties resulting from allocation, as soon as technologically practicable after execution, but no later than eight business hours after execution.

(ii) Duties of the reporting counterparty. The reporting counterparty shall report required swap creation data, as required by paragraph (b) of this section, for each swap resulting from allocation to the same swap data repository to which the initial swap transaction is reported. The reporting counterparty shall create a unique transaction identifier for each such swap as required in § 45.5.

(d) Multi-asset swaps. For each multi-asset swap, required swap creation data and required swap continuation data shall be reported to a single swap data repository that accepts swaps in the asset class treated as the primary asset class involved in the swap by the swap execution facility, designated contract market, or reporting counterparty reporting required swap creation data pursuant to this section.

(e) Mixed swaps. (1) For each mixed swap, required swap creation data and required swap continuation data shall be reported to a swap data repository and to a security-based swap data repository registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. This requirement may be satisfied by reporting the mixed swap to a swap data repository or security-based swap data repository registered with both Commissions.

(2) The registered entity or reporting counterparty reporting required swap creation data pursuant to this section shall ensure that the same unique transaction identifier is recorded for the swap in both the swap data repository and the security-based swap data repository.

(f) Choice of swap data repository. The entity with the obligation to choose the swap data repository to which all required swap creation data for the swap is reported shall be the entity that is required to make the first report of all data pursuant to this section, as follows:

(1) For swaps executed on or pursuant to the rules of a swap execution facility or designated contract market, the swap execution facility or designated contract market shall choose the swap data repository;

(2) For all other swaps, the reporting counterparty, as determined in § 45.8, shall choose the swap data repository.

[85 FR 75561, Nov. 25, 2020]
§ 45.4 - Swap data reporting: Continuation data.

(a) Continuation data reporting method generally. For each swap, regardless of asset class, reporting counterparties and derivatives clearing organizations required to report required swap continuation data shall report life-cycle-event data for the swap electronically to a swap data repository in the manner provided in § 45.13(a) within the applicable deadlines set forth in this section.

(b) Continuation data reporting for original swaps. For each original swap, the derivatives clearing organization shall report required swap continuation data, including terminations, electronically to the swap data repository to which the swap that was accepted for clearing was reported pursuant to § 45.3 in the manner provided in § 45.13(a) and in this section, and such required swap continuation data shall be accepted and recorded by such swap data repository as provided in § 49.10 of this chapter.

(1) The derivatives clearing organization that accepted the swap for clearing shall report all life-cycle-event data electronically to a swap data repository in the manner provided in § 45.13(a) not later than the end of the next business day following the day that any life cycle event occurs with respect to the swap.

(2) In addition to all other required swap continuation data, life-cycle-event data shall include all of the following:

(i) The legal entity identifier of the swap data repository to which all required swap creation data for each clearing swap was reported by the derivatives clearing organization pursuant to § 45.3(b);

(ii) The unique transaction identifier of the original swap that was replaced by the clearing swaps; and

(iii) The unique transaction identifier of each clearing swap that replaces a particular original swap.

(c) Continuation data reporting for swaps other than original swaps. For each swap that is not an original swap, including clearing swaps and swaps not cleared by a derivatives clearing organization, the reporting counterparty shall report all required swap continuation data electronically to a swap data repository in the manner provided in § 45.13(a) as provided in this paragraph (c).

(1) Life-cycle-event data reporting. (i) If the reporting counterparty is a swap dealer, major swap participant, or derivatives clearing organization, the reporting counterparty shall report life-cycle-event data electronically to a swap data repository in the manner provided in § 45.13(a) not later than the end of the next business day following the day that any life cycle event occurred, with the sole exception that life-cycle-event data relating to a corporate event of the non-reporting counterparty shall be reported in the manner provided in § 45.13(a) not later than the end of the second business day following the day that such corporate event occurred.

(ii) If the reporting counterparty is a non-SD/MSP/DCO counterparty, the reporting counterparty shall report life-cycle-event data electronically to a swap data repository in the manner provided in § 45.13(a) not later than the end of the second business day following the day that any life cycle event occurred.

(2) Valuation, margin, and collateral data reporting. (i) If the reporting counterparty is a swap dealer, major swap participant, or derivatives clearing organization, swap valuation data shall be reported electronically to a swap data repository in the manner provided in § 45.13(b) each business day.

(ii) If the reporting counterparty is a swap dealer or major swap participant, collateral data shall be reported electronically to a swap data repository in the manner provided in § 45.13(b) each business day.

[85 FR 75561, Nov. 25, 2020]
§ 45.5 - Unique transaction identifiers.

Each swap shall be identified in all recordkeeping and all swap data reporting pursuant to this part by the use of a unique transaction identifier, which shall be created, transmitted, and used for each swap as provided in paragraphs (a) through (h) of this section.

(a) Swaps executed on or pursuant to the rules of a swap execution facility or designated contract market. For each swap executed on or pursuant to the rules of a swap execution facility or designated contract market, the swap execution facility or designated contract market shall create and transmit a unique transaction identifier as provided in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) Creation. The swap execution facility or designated contract market shall generate and assign a unique transaction identifier at, or as soon as technologically practicable following, the time of execution of the swap, and prior to the reporting of required swap creation data. The unique transaction identifier shall consist of a single data element with a maximum length of 52 characters that contains two components:

(i) The legal entity identifier of the swap execution facility or designated contract market; and

(ii) An alphanumeric code generated and assigned to that swap by the automated systems of the swap execution facility or designated contract market, which shall be unique with respect to all such codes generated and assigned by that swap execution facility or designated contract market.

(2) Transmission. The swap execution facility or designated contract market shall transmit the unique transaction identifier electronically as follows:

(i) To the swap data repository to which the swap execution facility or designated contract market reports required swap creation data for the swap, as part of that report;

(ii) To each counterparty to the swap, as soon as technologically practicable after execution of the swap;

(iii) To the derivatives clearing organization, if any, to which the swap is submitted for clearing, as part of the required swap creation data transmitted to the derivatives clearing organization for clearing purposes.

(b) Off-facility swaps with a financial entity reporting counterparty. For each off-facility swap where the reporting counterparty is a financial entity, the reporting counterparty shall create and transmit a unique transaction identifier as provided in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) Creation. The reporting counterparty shall generate and assign a unique transaction identifier as soon as technologically practicable after execution of the swap and prior to both the reporting of required swap creation data and the transmission of swap data to a derivatives clearing organization if the swap is to be cleared. The unique transaction identifier shall consist of a single data element with a maximum length of 52 characters that contains two components:

(i) The legal entity identifier of the reporting counterparty; and

(ii) An alphanumeric code generated and assigned to that swap by the automated systems of the reporting counterparty, which shall be unique with respect to all such codes generated and assigned by that reporting counterparty.

(2) Transmission. The reporting counterparty shall transmit the unique transaction identifier electronically as follows:

(i) To the swap data repository to which the reporting counterparty reports required swap creation data for the swap, as part of that report;

(ii) To the non-reporting counterparty to the swap, no later than the applicable deadline in § 45.3(b) for reporting required swap creation data; and

(iii) To the derivatives clearing organization, if any, to which the swap is submitted for clearing, as part of the required swap creation data transmitted to the derivatives clearing organization for clearing purposes.

(c) Off-facility swaps with a non-SD/MSP/DCO reporting counterparty that is not a financial entity. For each off-facility swap for which the reporting counterparty is a non-SD/MSP/DCO counterparty that is not a financial entity, the reporting counterparty shall either: Create and transmit a unique transaction identifier as provided in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section; or request that the swap data repository to which required swap creation data will be reported create and transmit a unique transaction identifier as provided in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) Creation. The swap data repository shall generate and assign a unique transaction identifier as soon as technologically practicable following receipt of the request from the reporting counterparty. The unique transaction identifier shall consist of a single data element with a maximum length of 52 characters that contains two components:

(i) The legal entity identifier of the swap data repository; and

(ii) An alphanumeric code generated and assigned to that swap by the automated systems of the swap data repository, which shall be unique with respect to all such codes generated and assigned by that swap data repository.

(2) Transmission. The swap data repository shall transmit the unique transaction identifier electronically as follows:

(i) To the counterparties to the swap, as soon as technologically practicable following creation of the unique transaction identifier; and

(ii) To the derivatives clearing organization, if any, to which the swap is submitted for clearing, as soon as technologically practicable following creation of the unique transaction identifier.

(d) Off-facility swaps with a derivatives clearing organization reporting counterparty. For each off-facility swap where the reporting counterparty is a derivatives clearing organization, the reporting counterparty shall create and transmit a unique transaction identifier as provided in paragraphs (d)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) Creation. The derivatives clearing organization shall generate and assign a unique transaction identifier upon, or as soon as technologically practicable after, acceptance of an original swap by the derivatives clearing organization for clearing or execution of a clearing swap that does not replace an original swap, and prior to the reporting of required swap creation data for the clearing swap. The unique transaction identifier shall consist of a single data element with a maximum length of 52 characters that contains two components:

(i) The legal entity identifier of the derivatives clearing organization; and

(ii) An alphanumeric code generated and assigned to that clearing swap by the automated systems of the derivatives clearing organization, which shall be unique with respect to all such codes generated and assigned by that derivatives clearing organization.

(2) Transmission. The derivatives clearing organization shall transmit the unique transaction identifier electronically as follows:

(i) To the swap data repository to which the derivatives clearing organization reports required swap creation data for the clearing swap, as part of that report; and

(ii) To its counterparty to the clearing swap, as soon as technologically practicable after acceptance of a swap by the derivatives clearing organization for clearing or execution of a clearing swap that does not replace an original swap.

(e) Allocations. For swaps involving allocation, unique transaction identifiers shall be created and transmitted as follows.

(1) Initial swap between reporting counterparty and agent. The unique transaction identifier for the initial swap transaction between the reporting counterparty and the agent shall be created as required by paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section, as applicable, and shall be transmitted as follows:

(i) If the unique transaction identifier is created by a swap execution facility or designated contract market, the swap execution facility or designated contract market must include the unique transaction identifier in its swap creation data report to the swap data repository, and must transmit the unique identifier to the reporting counterparty and to the agent.

(ii) If the unique transaction identifier is created by the reporting counterparty, the reporting counterparty must include the unique transaction identifier in its swap creation data report to the swap data repository, and must transmit the unique identifier to the agent.

(2) Post-allocation swaps. The reporting counterparty must create a unique transaction identifier for each of the individual swaps resulting from allocation, as soon as technologically practicable after it is informed by the agent of the identities of its actual counterparties, and must transmit each such unique transaction identifier to:

(i) The non-reporting counterparty for the swap in question.

(ii) The agent; and

(iii) The derivatives clearing organization, if any, to which the swap is submitted for clearing, as part of the required swap creation data transmitted to the derivatives clearing organization for clearing purposes.

(f) Use. Each registered entity and swap counterparty shall include the unique transaction identifier for a swap in all of its records and all of its swap data reporting concerning that swap, from the time it creates or receives the unique transaction identifier as provided in this section, throughout the existence of the swap and for as long as any records are required by the Act or Commission regulations to be kept concerning the swap, regardless of any life cycle events concerning the swap, including, without limitation, any changes with respect to the counterparties to the swap.

(g) Third-party service provider. If a registered entity or reporting counterparty required by this part to report required swap creation data or required swap continuation data contracts with a third-party service provider to facilitate reporting pursuant to § 45.9, the registered entity or reporting counterparty shall ensure that such third-party service provider creates and transmits the unique transaction identifier as otherwise required for such category of swap by paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section. The unique transaction identifier shall consist of a single data element with a maximum length of 52 characters that contains two components:

(1) The legal entity identifier of the third-party service provider; and

(2) An alphanumeric code generated and assigned to that swap by the automated systems of the third-party service provider, which shall be unique with respect to all such codes generated and assigned by that third-party service provider.

(h) Cross-jurisdictional swaps. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (a) through (g) of this section, if a swap is also reportable to one or more other jurisdictions with a regulatory reporting deadline earlier than the deadline set forth in § 45.3 or in part 43 of this chapter, the same unique transaction identifier generated according to the rules of the jurisdiction with the earliest regulatory reporting deadline shall be transmitted pursuant to paragraphs (a) through (g) of this section and used in all recordkeeping and all swap data reporting pursuant to this part.

[81 FR 41775, June 27, 2016, as amended at 85 FR 75562, Nov. 25, 2020]
§ 45.6 - Legal entity identifiers.

Each swap execution facility, designated contract market, derivatives clearing organization, swap data repository, entity reporting pursuant to § 45.9, and counterparty to any swap that is eligible to receive a legal entity identifier shall obtain, maintain, and be identified in all recordkeeping and all swap data reporting pursuant to this part by a single legal entity identifier as specified in this section.

(a) Definitions. As used in this section:

Local operating unit means an entity authorized under the standards of the Global Legal Entity Identifier System to issue legal entity identifiers.

Reference data means all identification and relationship information, as set forth in the standards of the Global Legal Entity Identifier System, of the legal entity or individual to which a legal entity identifier is assigned.

Self-registration means submission by a legal entity or individual of its own reference data.

Third-party registration means submission of reference data for a legal entity or individual that is or may become a swap counterparty, made by an entity or organization other than the legal entity or individual identified by the submitted reference data. Examples of third-party registration include, without limitation, submission by a swap dealer or major swap participant of reference data for its swap counterparties, and submission by a national numbering agency, national registration agency, or data service provider of reference data concerning legal entities or individuals with respect to which the agency or service provider maintains information.

(b) International standard for the legal entity identifier. The legal entity identifier used in all recordkeeping and all swap data reporting required by this part shall be issued under, and shall conform to, ISO Standard 17442, Legal Entity Identifier (LEI), issued by the International Organization for Standardization.

(c) Reference data reporting. Reference data for each swap execution facility, designated contract market, derivatives clearing organization, swap data repository, entity reporting pursuant to § 45.9, and counterparty to any swap shall be reported, by self-registration, third-party registration, or both, to a local operating unit in accordance with the standards set by the Global Legal Entity Identifier System. All subsequent changes and corrections to reference data previously reported shall be reported, by self-registration, third-party registration, or both, to a local operating unit as soon as technologically practicable following occurrence of any such change or discovery of the need for a correction.

(d) Use of the legal entity identifier. (1) Each swap execution facility, designated contract market, derivatives clearing organization, swap data repository, entity reporting pursuant to § 45.9, and swap counterparty shall use legal entity identifiers to identify itself and swap counterparties in all recordkeeping and all swap data reporting pursuant to this part. If a swap counterparty is not eligible to receive a legal entity identifier as determined by the Global Legal Entity Identifier System, such counterparty shall be identified in all recordkeeping and all swap data reporting pursuant to this part with an alternate identifier as prescribed by the Commission pursuant to § 45.13(a) of this chapter.

(2) Each swap dealer, major swap participant, swap execution facility, designated contract market, derivatives clearing organization, and swap data repository shall maintain and renew its legal identity identifier in accordance with the standards set by the Global Legal Entity Identifier System.

(3) Each financial entity reporting counterparty executing a swap with a counterparty that is eligible to receive a legal entity identifier, but has not been assigned a legal entity identifier, shall, prior to reporting any required swap creation data for such swap, use best efforts to cause a legal entity identifier to be assigned to the counterparty. If these efforts do not result in a legal entity identifier being assigned to the counterparty prior to the reporting of required swap creation data, the financial entity reporting counterparty shall promptly provide the identity and contact information of the counterparty to the Commission.

(4) For swaps previously reported pursuant to this part using substitute counterparty identifiers assigned by a swap data repository prior to Commission designation of a legal entity identifier system, each swap data repository shall map the legal entity identifiers for the counterparties to the substitute counterparty identifiers in the record for each such swap.

[85 FR 75563, Nov. 25, 2020]
§ 45.7 - Unique product identifiers.

Each swap shall be identified in all recordkeeping and all swap data reporting pursuant to this part by means of a unique product identifier and product classification system as specified in this section. Each swap sufficiently standardized to receive a unique product identifier shall be identified by a unique product identifier. Each swap not sufficiently standardized for this purpose shall be identified by its description using the product classification system.

(a) Requirements for the unique product identifier and product classification system. The unique product identifier and product classification system shall identify and describe the swap asset class and the sub-type within that asset class to which the swap belongs, and the underlying product for the swap, with sufficient distinctiveness and specificity to enable the Commission and other financial regulators to fulfill their regulatory responsibilities and to assist in real time reporting of swaps as provided in the Act and part 43 of this chapter. The level of distinctiveness and specificity which the unique product identifier will provide shall be determined separately for each swap asset class.

(b) Designation of the unique product identifier and product classification system. (1) The Commission shall determine when a unique product identifier and product classification system that is acceptable to the Commission and satisfies the requirements set forth in this section is available for use in compliance with this section.

(2) When the Commission determines that such a unique product identifier and product classification system is available, the Commission shall designate the unique product identifier and product classification system to be used in recordkeeping and swap data reporting pursuant to this part, by means of a Commission order that is published in the Federal Register and on the Web site of the Commission, as soon as practicable after such determination is made. The order shall include notice of this designation, the contact information of the issuer of such unique product identifiers, and information concerning the procedure and requirements for obtaining unique product identifiers and using the product classification system.

(c) Use of the unique product identifier and product classification system by registered entities and swap counterparties. (1) When a unique product identifier and product classification system has been designated by the Commission pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section, each registered entity and swap counterparty shall use the unique product identifier and product classification system in all recordkeeping and swap data reporting pursuant to this part.

(2) Before a unique product identifier and product classification system has been designated by the Commission, each registered entity and swap counterparty shall use the internal product identifier or product description used by the swap data repository to which a swap is reported in all recordkeeping and swap data reporting pursuant to this part.

[77 FR 2197, Jan. 13, 2012, as amended at 85 FR 75563, Nov. 25, 2020]
§ 45.8 - Determination of which counterparty shall report.

The determination of which counterparty is the reporting counterparty for each swap shall be made as provided in this section.

(a) If only one counterparty is a swap dealer, the swap dealer shall be the reporting counterparty.

(b) If neither counterparty is a swap dealer, and only one counterparty is a major swap participant, the major swap participant shall be the reporting counterparty.

(c) If both counterparties are non-SD/MSP/DCO counterparties, and only one counterparty is a financial entity as defined in CEA section 2(h)(7)(C), the counterparty that is a financial entity shall be the reporting counterparty.

(d) If both counterparties are swap dealers, or both counterparties are major swap participants, or both counterparties are non-SD/MSP/DCO counterparties that are financial entities as defined in CEA section 2(h)(7)(C), or both counterparties are non-SD/MSP/DCO counterparties and neither counterparty is a financial entity as defined in CEA section 2(h)(7)(C):

(1) For a swap executed on or pursuant to the rules of a swap execution facility or designated contract market, the counterparties shall agree which counterparty shall be the reporting counterparty.

(2) For an off-facility swap, the counterparties shall agree as one term of their swap which counterparty shall be the reporting counterparty.

(e) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section, if both counterparties to a swap are non-SD/MSP/DCO counterparties and only one counterparty is a U.S. person, that counterparty shall be the reporting counterparty.

(f) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section, if neither counterparty to a swap is a U.S. person, but the swap is executed on or pursuant to the rules of a swap execution facility or designated contract market or otherwise executed in the United States, or is cleared by a derivatives clearing organization:

(1) For such a swap executed on or pursuant to the rules of a swap execution facility or designated contract market, the counterparties shall agree which counterparty shall be the reporting counterparty.

(2) For an off-facility swap, the counterparties shall agree as one term of their swap which counterparty shall be the reporting counterparty.

(g) If a reporting counterparty selected pursuant to paragraphs (a) through (f) of this section ceases to be a counterparty to a swap due to an assignment or novation, the reporting counterparty for reporting of required swap continuation data following the assignment or novation shall be selected from the two current counterparties as provided in paragraphs (g)(1) through (4) of this section.

(1) If only one counterparty is a swap dealer, the swap dealer shall be the reporting counterparty and shall fulfill all counterparty reporting obligations.

(2) If neither counterparty is a swap dealer, and only one counterparty is a major swap participant, the major swap participant shall be the reporting counterparty and shall fulfill all counterparty reporting obligations.

(3) If both counterparties are non-SD/MSP/DCO counterparties, and only one counterparty is a U.S. person, that counterparty shall be the reporting counterparty and shall fulfill all counterparty reporting obligations.

(4) In all other cases, the counterparty that replaced the previous reporting counterparty by reason of the assignment or novation shall be the reporting counterparty, unless otherwise agreed by the counterparties.

(h) For all swaps executed on or pursuant to the rules of a swap execution facility or designated contract market, the rules of the swap execution facility or designated contract market must require each swap counterparty to provide sufficient information to the swap execution facility or designated contract market to enable the swap execution facility or designated contract market to report all required swap creation data as provided in this part.

(1) To comply with paragraph (h) of this section, the rules of the swap execution facility or designated contract market must require each market participant placing an order with respect to any swap traded on the swap execution facility or designated contract market to include in the order, without limitation:

(i) The legal entity identifier of the market participant placing the order.

(ii) A yes/no indication of whether the market participant is a swap dealer with respect to the product with respect to which the order is placed.

(iii) A yes/no indication of whether the market participant is a major swap participant with respect to the product with respect to which the order is placed.

(iv) A yes/no indication of whether the market participant is a financial entity as defined in CEA section 2(h)(7)(C).

(v) A yes/no indication of whether the market participant is a U.S. person.

(vi) If applicable, an indication that the market participant will elect an exception to, or an exemption from, the clearing requirement under part 50 of this chapter for any swap resulting from the order.

(vii) If the swap will be allocated:

(A) An indication that the swap will be allocated.

(B) The legal entity identifier of the agent.

(C) An indication of whether the swap is a post-allocation swap.

(D) If the swap is a post-allocation swap, the unique transaction identifier of the initial swap transaction between the reporting counterparty and the agent.

(2) To comply with paragraph (h) of this section, the swap execution facility or designated contract market must use the information obtained pursuant to paragraph (h)(1) of this section to identify the counterparty that is the reporting counterparty pursuant to the CEA and this section.

(i) Clearing swaps. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (a) through (h) of this section, if the swap is a clearing swap, the derivatives clearing organization that is a counterparty to such swap shall be the reporting counterparty and shall fulfill all reporting counterparty obligations for such swap.

[81 FR 41777, June 27, 2016, as amended at 85 FR 75563, Nov. 25, 2020]
§ 45.9 - Third-party facilitation of data reporting.

Registered entities and reporting counterparties required by this part to report required swap creation data or required swap continuation data, while remaining fully responsible for reporting as required by this part, may contract with third-party service providers to facilitate reporting.

[77 FR 2197, Jan. 13, 2012, as amended at 85 FR 75564, Nov. 25, 2020]
§ 45.10 - Reporting to a single swap data repository.

All swap transaction and pricing data and swap data for a given swap shall be reported to a single swap data repository, which shall be the swap data repository to which the first report of such data is made, unless the reporting counterparty changes the swap data repository to which such data is reported pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section.

(a) Swaps executed on or pursuant to the rules of a swap execution facility or designated contract market. To ensure that all swap transaction and pricing data and swap data for a swap executed on or pursuant to the rules of a swap execution facility or designated contract market is reported to a single swap data repository:

(1) The swap execution facility or designated contract market shall report all swap transaction and pricing data and required swap creation data for a swap to a single swap data repository. As soon as technologically practicable after execution of the swap, the swap execution facility or designated contract market shall transmit to both counterparties to the swap, and to the derivatives clearing organization, if any, that will clear the swap, the identity of the swap data repository to which such data is reported.

(2) Thereafter, all swap transaction and pricing data, required swap creation data, and required swap continuation data for the swap shall be reported to that same swap data repository, unless the reporting counterparty changes the swap data repository to which such data is reported pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section.

(b) Off-facility swaps that are not clearing swaps. To ensure that all swap transaction and pricing data and swap data for an off-facility swap that is not a clearing swap is reported to a single swap data repository:

(1) The reporting counterparty shall report all swap transaction and pricing data and required swap creation data to a single swap data repository. As soon as technologically practicable after execution, the reporting counterparty shall transmit to the other counterparty to the swap, and to the derivatives clearing organization, if any, that will clear the swap, the identity of the swap data repository to which such data is reported.

(2) Thereafter, all swap transaction and pricing data, required swap creation data, and required swap continuation data for the swap shall be reported to the same swap data repository, unless the reporting counterparty changes the swap data repository to which such data is reported pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section.

(c) Clearing swaps. To ensure that all swap transaction and pricing data and swap data for a given clearing swap, including clearing swaps that replace a particular original swap or that are created upon execution of the same transaction and that do not replace an original swap, is reported to a single swap data repository:

(1) The derivatives clearing organization that is a counterparty to such clearing swap shall report all swap transaction and pricing data and required swap creation data for that clearing swap to a single swap data repository. As soon as technologically practicable after acceptance of an original swap for clearing, or execution of a clearing swap that does not replace an original swap, the derivatives clearing organization shall transmit to the counterparty to each clearing swap the identity of the swap data repository to which such data is reported.

(2) Thereafter, all swap transaction and pricing data, required swap creation data and required swap continuation data for that clearing swap shall be reported by the derivatives clearing organization to the same swap data repository to which swap data has been reported pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this section, unless the reporting counterparty changes the swap data repository to which such data is reported pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section.

(3) For clearing swaps that replace a particular original swap, and for equal and opposite clearing swaps that are created upon execution of the same transaction and that do not replace an original swap, the derivatives clearing organization shall report all swap transaction and pricing data, required swap creation data, and required swap continuation data for such clearing swaps to a single swap data repository.

(d) Change of swap data repository for swap transaction and pricing data and swap data reporting. A reporting counterparty may change the swap data repository to which swap transaction and pricing data and swap data is reported as set forth in this paragraph.

(1) Notifications. At least five business days prior to changing the swap data repository to which the reporting counterparty reports swap transaction and pricing data and swap data for a swap, the reporting counterparty shall provide notice of such change to the other counterparty to the swap, the swap data repository to which swap transaction and pricing data and swap data is currently reported, and the swap data repository to which swap transaction and pricing data and swap data will be reported going forward. Such notification shall include the unique transaction identifier of the swap and the date on which the reporting counterparty will begin reporting such swap transaction and pricing data and swap data to a different swap data repository.

(2) Procedure. After providing the notifications required in paragraph (d)(1) of this section, the reporting counterparty shall follow paragraphs (d)(2)(i) through (iii) of this section to complete the change of swap data repository.

(i) The reporting counterparty shall report the change of swap data repository to the swap data repository to which the reporting counterparty is currently reporting swap transaction and pricing data and swap data as a life cycle event for such swap pursuant to § 45.4.

(ii) On the same day that the reporting counterparty reports required swap continuation data as required by paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this section, the reporting counterparty shall also report the change of swap data repository to the swap data repository to which swap transaction and pricing data and swap data will be reported going forward as a life cycle event for such swap pursuant to § 45.4. The required swap continuation data report shall identify the swap using the same unique transaction identifier used to identify the swap at the previous swap data repository.

(iii) Thereafter, all swap transaction and pricing data, required swap creation data, and required swap continuation data for the swap shall be reported to the same swap data repository, unless the reporting counterparty for the swap makes another change to the swap data repository to which such data is reported pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section.

[85 FR 75564, Nov. 25, 2020]
§ 45.11 - Data reporting for swaps in a swap asset class not accepted by any swap data repository.

(a) Should there be a swap asset class for which no swap data repository currently accepts swap data, each swap execution facility, designated contract market, derivatives clearing organization, or reporting counterparty required by this part to report any required swap creation data or required swap continuation data with respect to a swap in that asset class must report that same data to the Commission.

(b) Data subject to this section shall be reported at times announced by the Commission and in an electronic file in a format acceptable to the Commission.

[85 FR 75565, Nov. 25, 2020]
§ 45.12 - [Reserved]
§ 45.13 - Required data standards.

(a) Data reported to swap data repositories. (1) In reporting required swap creation data and required swap continuation data to a swap data repository, each reporting counterparty, swap execution facility, designated contract market, and derivatives clearing organization shall report the swap data elements in appendix 1 to this part in the form and manner provided in the technical specifications published by the Commission pursuant to § 45.15.

(2) In reporting required swap creation data and required swap continuation data to a swap data repository, each reporting counterparty, swap execution facility, designated contract market, and derivatives clearing organization making such report shall satisfy the swap data validation procedures of the swap data repository.

(3) In reporting swap data to a swap data repository as required by this part, each reporting counterparty, swap execution facility, designated contract market, and derivatives clearing organization shall use the facilities, methods, or data standards provided or required by the swap data repository to which the entity or counterparty reports the data.

(b) Data validation acceptance message. (1) For each required swap creation data or required swap continuation data report submitted to a swap data repository, a swap data repository shall notify the reporting counterparty, swap execution facility, designated contract market, derivatives clearing organization, or third-party service provider submitting the report whether the report satisfied the swap data validation procedures of the swap data repository. The swap data repository shall provide such notification as soon as technologically practicable after accepting the required swap creation data or required swap continuation data report. A swap data repository may satisfy the requirements of this paragraph by transmitting data validation acceptance messages as required by § 49.10 of this chapter.

(2) If a required swap creation data or required swap continuation data report to a swap data repository does not satisfy the data validation procedures of the swap data repository, the reporting counterparty, swap execution facility, designated contract market, or derivatives clearing organization required to submit the report has not yet satisfied its obligation to report required swap creation or continuation data in the manner provided by paragraph (a) of this section within the timelines set forth in §§ 45.3 and 45.4. The reporting counterparty, swap execution facility, designated contract market, or derivatives clearing organization has not satisfied its obligation until it submits the required swap data report in the manner provided by paragraph (a) of this section, which includes the requirement to satisfy the data validation procedures of the swap data repository, within the applicable time deadline set forth in §§ 45.3 and 45.4.

[85 FR 75565, Nov. 25, 2020]
§ 45.14 - Correcting errors in swap data and verification of swap data accuracy.

(a) Correction of errors—(1) Swap execution facilities, designated contract markets, and reporting counterparties. Any swap execution facility, designated contract market, or reporting counterparty that by any means becomes aware of any error relating to swap data that it was required to report under this part shall correct the error. To correct an error, the swap execution facility, designated contract market, or reporting counterparty shall submit complete and accurate swap data to the swap data repository that maintains the swap data for the relevant swap, or completely and accurately report swap data for a swap that was not previously reported to a swap data repository as required under this part, as applicable. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the requirement to correct any error applies regardless of the state of the swap that is the subject of the swap data, including a swap that has terminated, matured, or otherwise is no longer considered to be an open swap.

(i) Timing requirement for correcting errors. The swap execution facility, designated contract market, or reporting counterparty shall correct any error as soon as technologically practicable after discovery of the error. In all cases, errors shall be corrected within seven business days after discovery. Any error that a reporting counterparty discovers or could have discovered during the verification process required under paragraph (b) of this section is considered discovered for the purposes of this section as of the moment the reporting counterparty began the verification process during which the error was first discovered or discoverable.

(ii) Notification of failure to timely correct. If the swap execution facility, designated contract market, or reporting counterparty will, for any reason, fail to timely correct an error, the swap execution facility, designated contract market, or reporting counterparty shall notify the Director of the Division of Market Oversight, or such other employee or employees of the Commission as the Director may designate from time to time. The notification shall be in the form and manner, and according to the instructions, specified by the Director of the Division of Market Oversight, or such other employee or employees of the Commission as the Director may designate from time to time. Unless otherwise instructed by the Director of the Division of Market Oversight, or such other employee or employees of the Commission as the Director may designate from time to time, the notification shall include an initial assessment of the scope of the error or errors that were discovered, and shall include any initial remediation plan for correcting the error or errors, if an initial remediation plan exists. This notification shall be made within 12 hours of the swap execution facility's, designated contract market's, or reporting counterparty's determination that it will fail to timely correct the error.

(iii) Form and manner for error correction. In order to satisfy the requirements of this section, a swap execution facility, designated contract market, or reporting counterparty shall conform to a swap data repository's policies and procedures created pursuant to § 49.10 of this chapter for correction of errors.

(2) Non-reporting counterparties. Any non-reporting counterparty that by any means becomes aware of any error in the swap data for a swap to which it is the non-reporting counterparty, shall notify the reporting counterparty for the swap of the error as soon as technologically practicable after discovery, but not later than three business days following discovery of the error. If the non-reporting counterparty does not know the identity of the reporting counterparty, the non-reporting counterparty shall notify the swap execution facility or designated contract market where the swap was executed of the error as soon as technologically practicable after discovery, but no later than three business days following the discovery. Such notice from the non-reporting counterparty to the swap execution facility, designated contract market, or reporting counterparty constitutes discovery under this section.

(3) Exception. The requirements to correct errors set forth in paragraph (a) of this section only apply to errors in swap data relating to swaps for which the record retention period under § 45.2 has not expired as of the time the error is discovered. Errors in swap data relating to swaps for which the record retention periods under § 45.2 have expired at the time that the errors are discovered are not subject to the requirements to correct errors set forth in paragraph (a) of this section.

(b) Verification that swap data is complete and accurate. Each reporting counterparty shall verify that there are no errors in the swap data for all open swaps that the reporting counterparty reported, or was required to report, to a swap data repository under the requirements of this part, in accordance with this paragraph (b).

(1) Method of verification. Each reporting counterparty shall utilize the mechanism for verification that each swap data repository to which the reporting counterparty reports swap data adopts under § 49.11 of this chapter. Each reporting counterparty shall utilize the relevant mechanism(s) to compare all swap data for each open swap for which it serves as the reporting counterparty maintained by the relevant swap data repository or repositories with all swap data contained in the reporting counterparty's internal books and records for each swap, to verify that there are no errors in the relevant swap data maintained by the swap data repository. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a reporting counterparty is not required to verify the accuracy and completeness of any swap data to which the reporting counterparty is not permitted access under the Act or Commission regulations, including, but not limited to, § 49.17 of this chapter.

(2) Verification policies and procedures. In performing verification as required by this paragraph, each reporting counterparty shall conform to each relevant swap data repository's verification policies and procedures created pursuant to § 49.11 of this chapter. If a reporting counterparty utilizes a third-party service provider to perform verification, the reporting counterparty shall conform to each relevant swap data repository's third-party service provider verification policies and procedures created pursuant to § 49.11 of this chapter and shall require the third-party service provider to conform to the same policies and procedures while performing verification on behalf of the reporting counterparty.

(3) Correcting errors. Any and all errors discovered during the verification process shall be corrected in accordance with paragraph (a)(1) of this section.

(4) Frequency. Each reporting counterparty shall perform verification at a minimum:

(i) If the reporting counterparty is a swap dealer, major swap participant, or derivatives clearing organization, once every thirty calendar days; or

(ii) If the reporting counterparty is not a swap dealer, major swap participant, or a derivatives clearing organization, once every calendar quarter, provided that there are at least two calendar months between verifications.

(5) Verification log. Each reporting counterparty shall keep a log of each verification that it performs. For each verification, the log shall include all errors discovered during the verification, and the corrections performed under paragraph (a) of this section. This requirement is in addition to any other applicable reporting counterparty recordkeeping requirement.

(c) Error defined—(1) Errors. For the purposes of this part, there is an error when swap data is not completely and accurately reported. This includes, but is not limited to, the following circumstances:

(i) Any of the swap data for a swap reported to a swap data repository is incorrect or any of the swap data that is maintained by a swap data repository differs from any of the relevant swap data contained in the books and records of a party to the swap.

(ii) Any of the swap data for a swap that is required to be reported to a swap data repository or to be maintained by a swap data repository is not reported to a swap data repository or is not maintained by the swap data repository as required by this part.

(iii) None of the swap data for a swap that is required to be reported to a swap data repository or to be maintained by a swap data repository is reported to a swap data repository or is maintained by a swap data repository.

(iv) Any of the swap data for a swap that is no longer an open swap is maintained by the swap data repository as if the swap is still an open swap.

(2) Presumption. For the purposes of this section, there is a presumption that an error exists if the swap data that is maintained and disseminated by an SDR for a swap is not complete and accurate. This includes, but is not limited to, the swap data that the SDR makes available to the reporting counterparty for verification under § 49.11 of this chapter.

[85 FR 75654, Nov. 25, 2020] Editorial Note:At 89 FR 71812, Sept. 4, 2024, § 45.14 was amended by revising paragraph (a)(1)(ii). However, the amendment could not be incorporated due to an error in the amendatory instruction that misidentified the section.
§ 45.15 - Delegation of authority.

(a) Delegation of authority to the chief information officer. The Commission hereby delegates to its chief information officer, until the Commission orders otherwise, the authority set forth in paragraph (a) of this section, to be exercised by the chief information officer or by such other employee or employees of the Commission as may be designated from time to time by the chief information officer. The chief information officer may submit to the Commission for its consideration any matter which has been delegated in this paragraph. Nothing in this paragraph prohibits the Commission, at its election, from exercising the authority delegated in this paragraph. The authority delegated to the chief information officer by this paragraph (a) shall include:

(1) The authority to determine the manner, format, coding structure, and electronic data transmission standards and procedures acceptable to the Commission for the purposes of § 45.11;

(2) The authority to determine whether the Commission may permit or require use by swap execution facilities, designated contract markets, derivatives clearing organizations, or reporting counterparties in reporting pursuant to § 45.11 of one or more particular data standards (such as FIX, FpML, ISO 20022, or some other standard), to accommodate the needs of different communities of users;

(3) The dates and times at which required swap creation data or required swap continuation data shall be reported pursuant to § 45.11; and

(4) The chief information officer shall publish from time to time in the Federal Register and on the website of the Commission the format, data schema, electronic data transmission methods and procedures, and dates and times for reporting acceptable to the Commission with respect to swap data reporting pursuant to § 45.11.

(b) Delegation of authority to the Director of the Division of Market Oversight. The Commission hereby delegates to the Director of the Division of Market Oversight, until the Commission orders otherwise, the authority set forth in § 45.13(a)(1), to be exercised by the Director of the Division of Market Oversight or by such other employee or employees of the Commission as may be designated from time to time by the Director of the Division of Market Oversight. The Director of the Division of Market Oversight may submit to the Commission for its consideration any matter which has been delegated pursuant to this paragraph. Nothing in this paragraph prohibits the Commission, at its election, from exercising the authority delegated in this paragraph. The authority delegated to the Director of the Division of Market Oversight by this paragraph (b) shall include:

(1) The authority to publish the technical specifications providing the form and manner for reporting the swap data elements in appendix 1 to this part to swap data repositories as provided in § 45.13(a)(1);

(2) The authority to determine whether the Commission may permit or require use by swap execution facilities, designated contract markets, derivatives clearing organizations, or reporting counterparties in reporting pursuant to § 45.13(a)(1) of one or more particular data standards (such as FIX, FpML, ISO 20022, or some other standard), to accommodate the needs of different communities of users;

(3) The dates and times at which required swap creation data or required swap continuation data shall be reported pursuant to § 45.13(a)(1); and

(4) The Director of the Division of Market Oversight shall publish from time to time in the Federal Register and on the website of the Commission the technical specifications for swap data reporting pursuant to § 45.13(a)(1).

[85 FR 75565, Nov. 25, 2020] Editorial Note:At 89 FR 71812, Sept. 4, 2024, § 45.15 was amended by revising paragraphs (a) introductory text, (a)(4), (b) introductory text, and (b)(4). However, the amendment could not be incorporated due to an error in the amendatory instruction that misidentified the section.
Appendix Appendix 1 - Appendix 1 to Part 45—Swap Data Elements
[85 FR 75566, Nov. 25, 2020]
source: 77 FR 2197, Jan. 13, 2012, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 17 CFR 45.9