Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 17 - Commodity and Securities Exchanges last revised: Oct 08, 2024
§ 10.61 - Time and place of hearing.

(a) Notice. All parties shall be notified of the time and place of hearing, which shall be fixed with due regard for the public interest and the convenience and necessity of the parties and their representatives.

(b) Requests for change. A request for postponement of a hearing or for a change in the place assigned for hearing will be granted by the Administrative Law Judge only for good cause shown.

§ 10.62 - Appearances.

(a) Who may appear. The parties may appear in person, by counsel or by other representatives of their choosing, subject to the provisions of § 10.11 of these rules and part 14 of this chapter, dealing with appearance and practice before the Commission.

(b) Effect of failure to appear. (1) If any party to the proceeding, after filing an answer fails to appear at the hearing or any part thereof, he shall to that extent be deemed to have waived the right to an oral hearing in the proceeding. In the event that a party appears at the hearing and no party appears for the opposing side, the party who is present may present his evidence, in whole or in part, in the form of affidavits or by oral testimony, before the Administrative Law Judge.

(2) A failure to appear at a hearing shall not constitute a waiver of a party's right to propose findings of fact based on the record in the proceeding, to propose conclusions of law or to submit briefs, in the manner provided in § 10.82, if the non-appearing party submits prior to the scheduled hearing or within three days thereafter, a notice of appearance indicating his intent to continue to participate in the proceeding. Otherwise, his failure to appear will constitute a default, and a default order may be sought in accordance with procedures set forth in § 10.93 of these rules.

§ 10.63 - Consolidation; separate hearings.

(a) Consolidation. Two or more proceedings involving a common question of law or fact may be joined for hearing of any or all the matters in issue or may be consolidated by order of the Administrative Law Judge. The Administrative Law Judge may make such rulings concerning the conduct of such proceedings as may tend to avoid unnecessary costs or delay.

(b) Separate Hearings. The Administrative Law Judge, for the convenience of the parties, to avoid prejudice, or to expedite final resolution of the issues, may order a separate hearing of any claim or issue, or grant a separate hearing to any respondent.

§ 10.64 - Public hearings.

All hearings shall be public, except that upon application of a respondent or affected witness the Administrative Law Judge may direct that specific documents or testimony be received and retained non-publicly in order to prevent unwarranted disclosure of trade secrets or sensitive commercial or financial information or an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

§ 10.65 - Record of hearing.

(a) Reporting and transcription. Hearings for the purpose of taking evidence shall be recorded and transcribed in written form under the supervision of the Administrative Law Judge by a reporter employed by the Commission for that purpose. The original transcript shall be a part of the record and shall be the sole official transcript. Copies of transcripts, except those portions granted non-public treatment, shall be available from the reporter at rates not to exceed the maximum rates fixed by the contract between the Commission and the reporter.

(b) Corrections. Any party may submit a timely request to the Administrative Law Judge to correct the transcript. Corrections may be submitted to the Administrative Law Judge by stipulation of the parties, or by motion by any party, and upon notice to all parties to the proceeding, the Administrative Law Judge may specify corrections of the transcript. A copy of such specification shall be furnished to all parties and made a part of the record. Corrections shall be made by the official reporter, who shall furnish substitute pages of the transcript, under the usual certificate of the reporter, for insertion in the official record. The original uncorrected pages shall be retained in the files of the Proceedings Clerk.

[41 FR 2511, Jan. 16, 1976, as amended at 60 FR 54802, Oct. 26, 1995]
§ 10.66 - Conduct of the hearing.

(a) Expedition. Hearings shall proceed expeditiously and insofar as practicable hearings shall be held at one place and shall continue, without suspension, until concluded.

(b) Rights of parties. Every party shall be entitled to due notice of hearings, the right to be represented by counsel, and the right to cross-examine witnesses, present oral and documentary evidence, submit rebuttal evidence, raise objections, make arguments and move for appropriate relief. Nothing in this paragraph limits the authority of the Commission or the Administrative Law Judge to exercise authority under other provisions of the Commission's rules, to enforce the requirement that evidence presented be relevant to the proceeding or to limit cross-examination to the subject matter of the direct examination and matters affecting the credibility of the witness.

(c) Examination of witnesses. All witnesses at a hearing for the purpose of taking evidence shall testify under oath or affirmation, which shall be administered by the Administrative Law Judge. A witness may be cross-examined by each adverse party and, in the discretion of the Administrative Law Judge, may be cross-examined, without regard to the scope of direct examination, as to any matter which is relevant to the issues in the proceeding.

(d) Expert witnesses. The Administrative Law Judge, at his discretion, may order that direct testimony of expert witnesses be made by verified written statement rather than presented orally at the hearing. Any expert witness whose testimony is presented in this manner shall be available for oral cross-examination, and may be examined orally upon re-direct following cross-examination.

(e) Exhibits. The original of each exhibit introduced in evidence or marked for identification shall be filed and retained in the docket of the proceeding, unless the Administrative Law Judge permits the substitution of copies for the original documents. A copy of each exhibit introduced by a party or marked for identification at his request shall be supplied by him to the Administrative Law Judge and to each other party to the proceeding.

[41 FR 2511, Jan. 16, 1976, as amended at 63 FR 55793, Oct. 19, 1998; 63 FR 68829, Dec. 14, 1998]
§ 10.67 - Evidence.

(a) Admissibility. Relevant, material and reliable evidence shall be admitted. Irrelevant, immaterial, unreliable and unduly repetitious evidence shall be excluded.

(b) Official notice. (1) Official notice may be taken of

(i) Any material fact which might be judicially noticed by a district court of the United States; or

(ii) Any matter in the public official records of the Commission.

(2) If official notice is requested or taken of a material fact, any party, upon timely request, shall be afforded an opportunity to establish the contrary.

(c) Objections. A party shall timely and briefly state the grounds relied upon for any objection made to the introduction of evidence. If a party has had no opportunity to object to a ruling at the time it is made, he shall not thereafter be prejudiced by the absence of an objection.

(d) Exceptions. Formal exception to an adverse ruling is not required. It shall be sufficient that a party, at the time the ruling is sought or entered, makes known to the Administrative Law Judge the action he wishes the Administrative Law Judge to take or his objection to the action being taken and his grounds therefor.

(e) Excluded evidence. When an objection to a question propounded to a witness is sustained, the examining attorney may make a specific offer of what he expects to prove by the answer of the witness, or the Administrative Law Judge may, in his discretion, receive the evidence in full. Rejected exhibits, adequately marked for identification, shall be retained in the record so as to be available for consideration by any reviewing authority.

(f) Affidavits. Affidavits may be admitted by the Administrative Law Judge only if the evidence is otherwise admissible and the parties agree that affidavits may be used.

(g) Official government records. An official government record or any entry therein, when admissible for any purpose, may be evidenced by an official publication thereof or by a copy attested by the officer having legal custody of the record or by his deputy, accompanied by a certificate that such officer has custody. If the office in which the record is kept is within the United States the certificate may be made by a judge of a court of record in the district or political subdivision in which the record is kept, authenticated by the seal of his office. If the office in which the record is kept is in a foreign state or country, the certificate may be made by any officer in the Foreign Service of the United States stationed in the foreign state or country in which the record is kept and authenticated by the seal of his office. A written statement signed by an officer having custody of an official record or by his deputy, that after diligent search, no record or entry dealing with a specific matter is found to exist, accompanied by a certificate as provided above, is admissible as evidence that the records of his office contain no such record or entry.

(h) Entries in the regular course of business. Any writing or record, whether in the form of an entry in a book or otherwise, made as a memorandum or record of any act, transaction, occurrence, or event, will be admissible as evidence thereof if it shall appear that it was made in the regular course of business by a person who had a duty to report or record it.

§ 10.68 - Subpoenas.

(a) Application for and issuance of subpoenas—(1) Application for and issuance of subpoena ad testificandum. Any party may apply to the Administrative Law Judge for the issuance of a subpoena requiring a person to appear and testify (subpoena ad testificandum) at the hearing. All requests for the issuance of a subpoena ad testificandum shall be submitted in duplicate and in writing and shall be served upon all other parties to the proceeding, unless the request is made on the record at the hearing or the requesting party can demonstrate why, in the interest of fairness or justice, the requirement of a written submission or service on one or more of the other parties is not appropriate. A subpoena ad testificandum shall be issued upon a showing by the requesting party of the general relevance of the testimony being sought and the tender of an original and two copies of the subpoena being requested, except in those situations described in paragraph (b) of this section, where additional requirements are set forth.

(2) Application for subpoena duces tecum. An application for a subpoena requiring a person to produce specified documentary or tangible evidence (subpoena duces tecum) at any designated time or place may be made by any party to the Administrative Law Judge. All requests for the issuance of a subpoena duces tecum shall be submitted in duplicate and in writing and shall be served upon all other parties to the proceeding, unless the request is made on the record at the hearing or the requesting party can demonstrate why, in the interest of fairness or justice, the requirement of a written submission or service on one or more of the other parties is not appropriate. Except in those situations described in paragraph (b) of this section, where additional requirements are set forth, each application for the issuance of a subpoena duces tecum shall contain a statement or showing of general relevance and reasonable scope of the evidence being sought and be accompanied by an original and two copies of the subpoena being requested, which shall describe the documentary or tangible evidence to be subpoenaed with as much particularity as is feasible.

(3) Standards for issuance of subpoena duces tecum. The Administrative Law Judge considering any application for a subpoena duces tecum shall issue the subpoena requested if he is satisfied the application complies with this section and the request is not unreasonable, oppressive, excessive in scope or unduly burdensome. No attempt shall be made to determine the admissibility of evidence in passing upon an application for a subpoena duces tecum and no detailed or burdensome showing shall be required as a condition to the issuance of any subpoena.

(4) Denial of application. In the event the Administrative Law Judge determines that a requested subpoena or any of its terms are unreasonable, oppressive, excessive in scope, or unduly burdensome, he may refuse to issue the subpoena, or may issue it only upon such conditions as he determines fairness requires.

(b) Special requirements relating to application for and issuance of subpoenas for commission records and for the appearance of commission employees or employees of other agencies—(1) Form. An application for the issuance of subpoena shall be made in the form of a written motion served upon all other parties, if the subpoena would require

(i) The production of documents, papers, books, physical exhibits, or other material in the records of the Commission;

(ii) The appearance of a Commissioner or an official or employee of the Commission;

(iii) The appearance of a Commissioner or an official or employee of any other state or federal agency in his official capacity.

(2) Content. The motion shall specifically describe the material to be produced, the information to be disclosed, or the testimony to be elicited from the witness, and shall show

(i) The relevance of the material, information, or testimony to the matters at issue in the proceeding;

(ii) The reasonableness of the scope of the proposed subpoena; and

(iii) That such material, information, or testimony is not available from other sources.

(3) Rulings. The motion shall be decided by the Administrative Law Judge and shall provide such terms or conditions for the production of the material, the disclosure of the information or the appearance of the witness as may appear necessary and appropriate for the protection of the public interest.

(4) Commission review of rulings. Interlocutory review by the Commission of a ruling made under this section may be sought in accordance with the procedures set forth in § 10.101 without certification by the Administrative Law Judge.

(c) Motions to quash subpoenas; protective orders—(1) Application. Within 10 days after a subpoena has been served or at any time prior to the return date thereof, a motion to quash or modify the subpoena or for a protective order limiting the use or disclosure of any information, documents or testimony covered by the subpoena may be filed with the Administrative Law Judge who issued it. At the same time, a copy of the motion shall be served on the party who requested the subpoena and all other parties to the proceeding. The motion shall include a brief statement setting forth the basis for the requested relief. If the Administrative Law Judge to whom the motion has been directed has not acted upon the motion by the return date, the subpoena shall be stayed pending his or her final action.

(2) Disposition. After due notice to the person upon whose request the subpoena was issued, and after opportunity for response by that person, the Administrative Law Judge may (i) quash or modify the subpoena, or (ii) condition denial of the application to quash or modify the subpoena upon just and reasonable terms, including, in the case of a subpoena duces tecum, a requirement that the person in whose behalf the subpoena was issued shall advance the reasonable cost of producing documentary or other tangible evidence. The Administrative Law Judge may issue a protective order sought under paragraph (c)(1) of this section or under any other section of these rules upon a showing of good cause. In considering whether good cause exists to issue a protective order, the Administrative Law Judge shall weigh the harm resulting from disclosure against the benefits of disclosure. Good cause shall only be established upon a showing that the person seeking the protective order will suffer a clearly defined and serious injury if the order is not issued, provided, however, that any such injury shall be balanced against the public's right of access to judicial records. No protective order shall be granted that will prevent the Division of Enforcement or any respondent from adequate presenting its case.

(d) Attendance and mileage fees. Persons summoned to testify either by deposition or at a hearing under requirement of subpoena are entitled to the same fees and mileage as are paid to witnesses in the courts of the United States. Fees and mileage are paid by the party at whose instance the persons are called.

(e) Service of subpoenas—(1) How effected. Service of a subpoena upon a party shall be made in accordance with § 10.12(a) of these rules except that only one copy of a subpoena need be served. Service of a subpoena upon any other person shall be made by delivering a copy of the subpoena to him as provided in paragraphs (e)(2) or (e)(3) of this section, as applicable, and by tendering to him or her the fees for one day's attendance and mileage as specified in paragraph (d) of this section. When the subpoena is issued at the instance of the Commission, fees and mileage need not be tendered at the time of service.

(2) Service upon a natural person. Delivery of a copy of a subpoena and tender of the fees to a natural person may be effected by

(i) Handing them to the person;

(ii) Leaving them at his office with the person in charge thereof or, if there is no one in charge, by leaving them in a conspicuous place therein;

(iii) Leaving them at his dwelling place or usual place of abode with some person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein;

(iv) Mailing them by registered or certified mail to him at his last known address; or

(v) Any other method whereby actual notice is given to him and the fees and mileage are timely made available.

(3) Service upon other persons. When the person to be served is not a natural person, delivery of a copy of the subpoena and tender of the fees and mileage may be effected by

(i) Handing them to a registered agent for service, or to any officer, director, or agent in charge of any office of such person;

(ii) Mailing them by registered or certified mail to any such representative at his last known address; or

(iii) Any other method whereby actual notice is given to any such representative and the fees and mileage are timely made available.

(f) Enforcement of subpoenas. Upon failure of any person to comply with a subpoena issued at the request of a party, that party may petition the Commission in its discretion to institute an action in an appropriate U.S. District Court for enforcement of that subpoena. When instituting an action to enforce a subpoena requested by the Division of Enforcement, the Commission, in its discretion, may delegate to the Director of the Division or any Commission employee designated by the Director and acting under his or her direction, or to any other employee of the Commission, authority to serve as the Commission's counsel in such subpoena enforcement action.

[41 FR 2511, Jan. 16, 1976, as amended at 60 FR 54802, Oct. 26, 1995; 63 FR 55794, Oct. 19, 1998; 63 FR 68829, Dec. 14, 1998; 64 FR 30903, June 9, 1999]
§ 10.69 - Reopening hearings.

Any party may petition the Administrative Law Judge to reopen a hearing to adduce additional evidence at any time prior to issuance of the initial decision. The petition shall show that the evidence sought to be adduced is relevant and material and that there were reasonable grounds for failure to adduce such evidence at the time of the original hearing.

authority: Pub. L. 93-463, sec. 101(a)(11), 88 Stat. 1391; 7 U.S.C. 2(a)(12)
source: 41 FR 2511, Jan. 16, 1976, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 17 CFR 10.65