Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024

Title 17 - Commodity and Securities Exchanges last revised: Oct 08, 2024
§ 15.00 - Definitions of terms used in parts 15 to 19, and 21 of this chapter.

As used in parts 15 to 19, and 21 of this chapter:

(a) Cash or Spot, when used in connection with any commodity, means the actual commodity as distinguished from a futures or options contract in such commodity.

(b) Clearing member means any person who is a member of, or enjoys the privilege of clearing trades in his own name through, the clearing organization of a designated contract market, registered derivatives transaction execution facility, or registered entity under section 1a(29) of the Act.

(c) Clearing organization means the person or organization which acts as a medium for clearing transactions in commodities for future delivery or commodity option transactions, or for effecting settlements of contracts for future delivery or commodity option transactions, for and between members of any designated contract market, registered derivatives transaction execution facility or registered entity under section 1a(29) of the Act.

(d) Compatible data processing media means data processing media approved by the Commission or its designee.

(e) Customer means “customer” (as defined in § 1.3 of this chapter) and “options customer” (as defined in § 1.3 of this chapter).

(f) Customer trading program means any system of trading offered, sponsored, promoted, managed or in any other way supported by, or affiliated with, a futures commission merchant, an introducing broker, a commodity trading advisor, a commodity pool operator, or other trader, or any of its officers, partners or employees, and which by agreement, recommendations, advice or otherwise, directly or indirectly controls trading done and positions held by any other person. The term includes, but is not limited to, arrangements where a program participant enters into an expressed or implied agreement not obtained from other customers and makes a minimum deposit in excess of that required of other customers for the purpose of receiving specific advice or recommendations which are not made available to other customers. The term includes any program which is of the character of, or is commonly known to the trade as, a managed account, guided account, discretionary account, commodity pool or partnership account.

(g) Discretionary account means a commodity futures or commodity option trading account for which buying or selling orders can be placed or originated, or for which transactions can be effected, under a general authorization and without the specific consent of the customer, whether the general authorization for such orders or transactions is pursuant to a written agreement, power of attorney, or otherwise.

(h) Exclusively self-cleared contract means a cleared contract for which no persons, other than a reporting market and its clearing organization, are permitted to accept any money, securities, or property (or extend credit in lieu thereof) to margin, guarantee, or secure any trade.

(i) Foreign clearing member means a “clearing member” (as defined by paragraph (b) of this section) who resides or is domiciled outside of the United States, its territories or possessions.

(j) Foreign trader means any trader (as defined in paragraph (s) of this section) who resides or is domiciled outside of the United States, its territories or possessions.

(k) Futures, futures contract, future delivery or contract for future delivery, means any contract for the purchase or sale of any commodity for future delivery that is executed on or subject to the rules of a reporting market, including all agreements, contracts and transactions that are treated by a clearing organization as fungible with such contracts.

(l) Guided account program means any customer trading program which limits trading to the purchase or sale of a particular contract for future delivery of a commodity or a particular commodity option that is advised or recommended to the participant in the program.

(m) Managed account program means a customer trading program which includes two or more discretionary accounts traded pursuant to a common plan, advice or recommendations.

(n) Open contracts means “open contracts” (as defined in § 1.3 of this chapter) and commodity option positions held by any person on or subject to the rules of a board of trade which have not expired, been exercised, or offset.

(o) Option, options, option contract, or options contract, unless specifically provided otherwise, means any contract for the purchase or sale of a commodity option that is executed on or subject to the rules of a reporting market, including all agreements, contracts and transactions that are treated by a clearing organization as fungible with such contracts.

(p) Reportable position means:

(1) For reports specified in parts 17 and 18 and in § 19.00(a) and (b) of this chapter, any open contract position that at the close of the market on any business day equals or exceeds the quantity specified in § 15.03 in either:

(i) Any one futures of any commodity on any one reporting market, excluding futures contracts against which notices of delivery have been stopped by a trader or issued by the clearing organization of the reporting market; or

(ii) Long or short put or call options that exercise into the same futures contract of any commodity, or other long or short put or call commodity options that have identical expirations and exercise into the same commodity, on any one reporting market.

(2) For the purposes of reports specified in § 19.00(a)(1) of this chapter, any combined futures and futures-equivalent option open contract position as defined in part 150 of this chapter in any one month or in all months combined, either net long or net short in any commodity on any one reporting market, excluding futures positions against which notices of delivery have been stopped by a trader or issued by the clearing organization of a reporting market, which at the close of the market on the last business day of the week exceeds the net quantity limit in spot, single or in all-months fixed in § 150.2 of this chapter for the particular commodity and reporting market.

(q) Reporting market means a designated contract market or a registered entity under section 1a(40) of the Act.

(r) Special account means any commodity futures or option account in which there is a reportable position.

(s) Trader means a person who, for his own account or for an account which he controls, makes transactions in commodity futures or options, or has such transactions made.

(t) Control means to actually direct, by power of attorney or otherwise, the trading of a special account or a consolidated account. A special account or a consolidated account may have more than one controller.

(u) Reportable trading volume means contract trading volume that meets or exceeds the level specified in § 15.04.

(v) Omnibus account means any trading account that one futures commission merchant, clearing member or foreign broker carries for another and in which the transactions of multiple individual accounts are combined. The identities of the holders of the individual accounts are not generally known or disclosed to the carrying firm.

(w) Omnibus account originator means any futures commission merchant, clearing member or foreign broker that executes trades for one or more customers via one or more accounts that are part of an omnibus account carried by another futures commission merchant, clearing member or foreign broker.

(x) Volume threshold account means any trading account that carries reportable trading volume on or subject to the rules of a reporting market that is a board of trade designated as a contract market under section 5 of the Act or a swap execution facility registered under section 5h of the Act.

(y) Omnibus volume threshold account means any trading account that, on an omnibus basis, carries reportable trading volume on or subject to the rules of a reporting market that is a board of trade designated as a contract market under section 5 of the Act or a swap execution facility registered under section 5h of the Act.

(z) Omnibus reportable sub-account means any trading sub-account of an omnibus volume threshold account, which sub-account executes reportable trading volume on an omnibus basis. Omnibus reportable sub-account also means any trading account that is itself an omnibus account, executes reportable trading volume, and is a sub-account of another omnibus reportable sub-account.

(aa) Reportable sub-account means any trading sub-account of an omnibus volume threshold account or omnibus reportable sub-account, which sub-account executes reportable trading volume.

(bb) Trading account controller means, for reports specified in § 17.01(a) of this chapter, a natural person who by power of attorney or otherwise actually directs the trading of a trading account. A trading account may have more than one controller.

(cc) Volume threshold account controller means a natural person who by power of attorney or otherwise actually directs the trading of a volume threshold account. A volume threshold account may have more than one controller.

(dd) Reportable sub-account controller means a natural person who by power of attorney or otherwise actually directs the trading of a reportable sub-account. A reportable sub-account may have more than one controller.

[74 FR 12188, Mar. 23, 2009, as amended at 76 FR 43862, July 22, 2011; 77 FR 66332, Nov. 2, 2012; 78 FR 69230, Nov. 18, 2013; 83 FR 7996, Feb. 23, 2018; 86 FR 3454, Jan. 14, 2021]
§ 15.01 -

Pursuant to the provisions of the Act, the following persons shall file reports with the Commission with respect to such commodities, on such forms, at such time, and in accordance with such directions as are hereinafter set forth:

(a) Reporting markets—as specified in parts 16, 17, and 21 of this chapter.

(b) Futures commission merchants, clearing members, foreign brokers, introducing brokers, and traders—as specified in parts 17 and 21 of this chapter.

(c) As specified in part 18 of this chapter:

(1) Traders who own, hold, or control reportable positions;

(2) Volume threshold account controllers;

(3) Persons who own volume threshold accounts;

(4) Reportable sub-account controllers; and

(5) Persons who own reportable sub-accounts.

(d) Persons, as specified in part 19 of this chapter, who:

(1) Are merchants or dealers of cotton holding or controlling positions for future delivery in cotton that equal or exceed the amount set forth in § 15.03; or

(2) Are persons who have received a special call from the Commission or its designee under § 19.00(b) of this chapter.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control numbers 3038-0007 and 3038-0009) [41 FR 3206, Jan. 21, 1976, as amended at 41 FR 48112, Nov. 2, 1976; 43 FR 45827, Oct. 4, 1978; 46 FR 59964, Dec. 8, 1981; 46 FR 63036, Dec. 30, 1981; 47 FR 57013, Dec. 22, 1982; 56 FR 14194, Apr. 8, 1991; 62 FR 6113, Feb. 11, 1997; 62 FR 13301, Mar. 20, 1997; 71 FR 37817, July 3, 2006; 74 FR 12189, Mar. 23, 2009; 78 FR 69230, Nov. 18, 2013; 83 FR 7996, Feb. 23, 2018; 86 FR 3454, Jan. 14, 2021]
§ 15.02 - Reporting forms.

Forms on which to report may be obtained from any office of the Commission or via Listed below are the forms to be used for the filing of reports. To determine who shall file these forms, refer to the Commission rule listed in the column opposite the form number.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control numbers 3038-0007, 3038-0009, and 3038-0103.) [86 FR 3454, Jan. 14, 2021]
§ 15.03 - Reporting levels.

(a) Definitions. For purposes of this section:

Broad-based security index is a group or index of securities that does not constitute a narrow-based security index.

HedgeStreet products are contracts offered by HedgeStreet, Inc., a designated contract market, that pay up to $10.00 if in the money upon expiration.

Major foreign currency is the currency, and the cross-rates between the currencies, of Japan, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, Sweden and the European Monetary Union.

Narrow-based security index has the same meaning as in section 1a(25) of the Commodity Exchange Act.

Security futures product has the same meaning as in section 1a(32) of the Commodity Exchange Act.

(b) The quantities for the purpose of reports filed under parts 17 and 18 of this chapter are as follows:

Commodity Number of contracts
Feeder Cattle50
Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice50
Lean Hogs100
Live Cattle100
Milk, Class III50
Rough Rice50
Soybean Meal200
Soybean Oil200
Sugar No. 11500
Sugar No. 14100
Broad-Based Security Indexes:
Municipal Bond Index300
S&P 500 Stock Price Index1,000
Other Broad-Based Securities Indexes200
30-Day Fed Funds600
3-Month (13-Week) U.S. Treasury Bills150
2-Year U.S. Treasury Notes1,000
3-Year U.S. Treasury Notes750
5-Year U.S. Treasury Notes2,000
10-Year U.S. Treasury Notes2,000
30-Year U.S. Treasury Bonds1,500
1-Month LIBOR Rates600
3-Month Eurodollar Time Deposit Rates3,000
3-Month Euroyen100
2-Year German Federal Government Debt500
5-Year German Federal Government Debt800
10-Year German Federal Government Debt1,000
Goldman Sachs Commodity Index100
Major Foreign Currencies400
Other Foreign Currencies100
U.S. Dollar Index50
Natural Resources:
Crude Oil, Sweet350
Crude Oil, Sweet—No. 2 Heating Oil Crack Spread250
Crude Oil, Sweet—Unleaded Gasoline Crack Spread150
Natural Gas200
No. 2 Heating Oil250
Silver Bullion150
Unleaded Gasoline150
Unleaded Gasoline—No. 2 Heating Oil Spread Swap150
Security Futures Products:
Individual Equity Security1,000
Narrow-Based Security Index200
Hedge Street Products 1 125,000
TRAKRS 1 50,000
All Other Commodities25

1 For purposes of part 17, positions in HedgeStreet Products and TRAKRS should be reported by rounding down to the nearest 1,000 contracts and dividing by 1,000.

[69 FR 76397, Dec. 21, 2004, as amended at 71 FR 37817, July 3, 2006]
§ 15.04 - Reportable trading volume level.

The volume quantity for the purpose of reports filed under parts 17 and 18 of this chapter is trading volume of 50 or more contracts, during a single trading day, on a single reporting market that is a board of trade designated as a contract market under section 5 of the Act or a swap execution facility registered under section 5h of the Act, in all instruments that such reporting market designates with the same product identifier (including purchases and sales, and inclusive of all expiration months).

[78 FR 69230, Nov. 18, 2013]
§ 15.05 - Designation of agent for foreign persons.

(a) For purposes of this section, the term “futures contract” means any contract for the purchase or sale of any commodity for future delivery, traded or executed on or subject to the rules of any designated contract market, or for the purposes of paragraph (i) of this section, a reporting market (including all agreements, contracts and transactions that are treated by a clearing organization as fungible with such contracts); the term “option contract” means any contract for the purchase or sale of a commodity option, or as applicable, any other instrument subject to the Act, traded or executed on or subject to the rules of any designated contract market, or for the purposes of paragraph (i) of this section, a reporting market (including all agreements, contracts and transactions that are treated by a clearing organization as fungible with such contracts); the term “customer” means any person for whose benefit a foreign broker makes or causes to be made any futures contract or option contract; and the term “communication” means any summons, complaint, order, subpoena, special call, request for information, or notice, as well as any other written document or correspondence.

(b) Any futures commission merchant who makes or causes to be made any futures contract or option contract for the account of any foreign broker or foreign trader, and any introducing broker who introduces such an account to a futures commission merchant, shall thereupon be deemed to be the agent of the foreign broker or the foreign trader for purposes of accepting delivery and service of any communication issued by or on behalf of the Commission to the foreign broker or the foreign trader with respect to any futures or option contracts which are or have been maintained in such accounts carried by the futures commission merchant. In the case of a futures commission merchant who makes or causes to be made any futures or option contract for the account of a foreign broker, the futures commission merchant and the introducing broker, if any, shall also be the agent of the customers of the foreign broker (including any customer who is also a foreign broker and its customers) who have positions in the foreign broker's futures or option contract account carried by the futures commission merchant for purposes of accepting delivery and service of any communication issued by or on behalf of the Commission to the customer with respect to any futures or option contracts which are or have been maintained in such accounts carried by the futures commission merchant. Service or delivery of any communication issued by or on behalf of the Commission to a futures commission merchant or to an introducing broker pursuant to such agency shall constitute valid and effective service or delivery upon the foreign broker, a customer of the foreign broker or the foreign trader. A futures commission merchant or an introducing broker who has been served with, or to whom there has been delivered, a communication issued by or on behalf of the Commission to a foreign broker, a customer of the foreign broker or the foreign trader shall transmit the communication promptly and in a manner which is reasonable under the circumstances, or in a manner specified by the Commission in the communication, to the foreign broker, a customer of the foreign broker or the foreign trader.

(c) It shall be unlawful for any futures commission merchant and for any introducing broker to open or cause to be opened a futures or options contract account for, or to effect or cause to be effected transactions in futures contracts or option contracts for an existing account of, a foreign broker or foreign trader unless the futures commission merchant or introducing broker informs the foreign broker or foreign trader prior thereto, in any reasonable manner which the futures commission merchant or introducing broker deems to be appropriate, of the requirements of this section.

(d) The requirements of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section shall not apply to any account carried by a futures commission merchant or introduced by an introducing broker if the foreign broker, customer of a foreign broker, or foreign trader for whose benefit such account is carried or introduced has duly executed and maintains in effect a written agency agreement in compliance with this paragraph with a person domiciled in the United States and has provided a copy of the agreement to the futures commission merchant and to the introducing broker, if any, prior to the opening of an account, or placing orders for transactions in futures contracts or option contracts of an existing account, with the futures commission merchant or introducing broker. This agreement must authorize the person domiciled in the United States to serve as the agent of the foreign broker and customers of the foreign broker or the foreign trader for purposes of accepting delivery and service of all communications issued by or on behalf of the Commission to the foreign broker, customers of the foreign broker, or foreign trader and must provide an address in the United States where the agent will accept delivery and service of communications from the Commission. This agreement must be filed with the Commission by the futures commission merchant or introducing broker prior to the opening of an account for the foreign broker or foreign trader or the effecting of a transaction in futures or option contracts for an existing account of a foreign broker or foreign trader. Unless otherwise specified by the Commission, the agreements required to be filed with the Commission shall be filed with the Secretary of the Commission at the Commission's Washington, DC headquarters. A foreign broker, customer of a foreign broker, or foreign trader shall notify the Commission immediately if the written agency agreement is terminated, revoked or is otherwise no longer in effect. If a futures commission merchant carrying, or an introducing broker introducing, an account for a foreign broker or foreign trader knows or should know that the agreement has expired, has been terminated or is otherwise no longer in effect, the futures commission merchant or introducing broker shall notify the Secretary of the Commission immediately. If the written agency agreement expires, terminates or is not in effect, the futures commission merchant, introducing broker, and the foreign broker, customers of the foreign broker, or foreign trader are subject to the provisions of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.

(e) Any designated contract market that permits a foreign broker to intermediate contracts, agreements or transactions, or permits a foreign trader to effect contracts, agreements or transactions on the facility or exchange, shall be deemed to be the agent of the foreign broker and any of its customers for whom the transactions were executed, or the foreign trader, for purposes of accepting delivery and service of any communication issued by or on behalf of the Commission to the foreign broker, any of its customers or the foreign trader with respect to any contracts, agreements or transactions executed by the foreign broker or the foreign trader on the designated contract market. Service or delivery of any communication issued by or on behalf of the Commission to a designated contract market shall constitute valid and effective service upon the foreign broker, any of its customers, or the foreign trader. A designated contract market which has been served with, or to which there has been delivered, a communication issued by or on behalf of the Commission to a foreign broker, any of its customers, or a foreign trader shall transmit the communication promptly and in a manner which is reasonable under the circumstances, or in a manner specified by the Commission in the communication, to the foreign broker, any of its customers or the foreign trader.

(f) It shall be unlawful for any designated contract market to permit a foreign broker, any of its customers or a foreign trader to effect contracts, agreements or transactions on the facility unless the designated contract market prior thereto informs the foreign broker, any of its customers or the foreign trader, in any reasonable manner the facility deems to be appropriate, of the requirements of this section.

(g) The requirements of paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section shall not apply to any contracts, transactions or agreements traded on any designated contract market if the foreign broker, any of its customers or the foreign trader has duly executed and maintains in effect a written agency agreement in compliance with this paragraph with a person domiciled in the United States and has provided a copy of the agreement to the designated contract market prior to effecting any contract, agreement or transaction on the facility. This agreement must authorize the person domiciled in the United States to serve as the agent of the foreign broker, any of its customers or the foreign trader for purposes of accepting delivery and service of all communications issued by or on behalf of the Commission to the foreign broker, any of its customers or the foreign trader and must provide an address in the United States where the agent will accept delivery and service of communications from the Commission. This agreement must be filed with the Commission by the designated contract market prior to permitting the foreign broker, any of its customers or the foreign trader to effect any transactions in futures or option contracts. Unless otherwise specified by the Commission, the agreements required to be filed with the Commission shall be filed with the Secretary of the Commission at the Commission's Washington, DC headquarters. A foreign broker, any of its customers or a foreign trader shall notify the Commission immediately if the written agency agreement is terminated, revoked, or is otherwise no longer in effect. If the designated contract market knows or should know that the agreement has expired, been terminated, or is no longer in effect, the designated contract market shall notify the Secretary of the Commission immediately. If the written agency agreement expires, terminates, or is not in effect, the designated contract market and the foreign broker, any of its customers or the foreign trader are subject to the provisions of paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section.

(h) The provisions of paragraphs (e), (f) and (g) of this section shall not apply to a designated contract market on which all transactions of foreign brokers, their customers or foreign traders in futures or option contracts are executed through, or the resulting transactions are maintained in, accounts carried by a registered futures commission merchant or introduced by a registered introducing broker subject to the provisions of paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) of this section.

(i) Any reporting market that is a registered entity under section 1a(29)(E) of the Act that permits a foreign clearing member or foreign trader to clear or effect contracts, agreements or transactions on the trading facility or its clearing organization, shall be deemed to be the agent of the foreign clearing member or foreign trader with respect to any such contracts, agreements or transactions cleared or executed by the foreign clearing member or the foreign trader. Service or delivery of any communication issued by or on behalf of the Commission to the reporting market shall constitute valid and effective service upon the foreign clearing member or foreign trader. The reporting market which has been served with, or to which there has been delivered, a communication issued by or on behalf of the Commission to a foreign clearing member or foreign trader shall transmit the communication promptly and in a manner which is reasonable under the circumstances, or in a manner specified by the Commission in the communication, to the foreign clearing member or foreign trader.

(1) It shall be unlawful for any such reporting market to permit a foreign clearing member or a foreign trader to clear or effect contracts, agreements or transactions on the facility or its clearing organization unless the reporting market prior thereto informs the foreign clearing member or foreign trader of the requirements of this section.

(2) The requirements of paragraphs (i) and (i)(1) of this section shall not apply to any contracts, transactions or agreements if the foreign clearing member or foreign trader has duly executed and maintains in effect a written agency agreement in compliance with this paragraph with a person domiciled in the United States and has provided a copy of the agreement to the reporting market prior to effecting or clearing any contract, agreement or transaction on the trading facility or its clearing organization. This agreement must authorize the person domiciled in the United States to serve as the agent of the foreign clearing member or foreign trader for the purposes of accepting delivery and service of all communications issued by or on behalf of the Commission to the foreign clearing member or the foreign trader and must provide an address in the United States where the agent will accept delivery and service of communications from the Commission. This agreement must be filed with the Commission by the reporting market prior to permitting the foreign clearing member or the foreign trader to clear or effect any transactions in futures or option contracts. Unless otherwise specified by the Commission, the agreements required to be filed with the Commission shall be filed with the Secretary of the Commission at the Commission's Washington, DC headquarters.

(3) A foreign clearing member or a foreign trader shall notify the Commission immediately if the written agency agreement is terminated, revoked, or is otherwise no longer in effect. If the reporting market knows or should know that the agreement has expired, been terminated, or is no longer in effect, the reporting market shall notify the Secretary of the Commission immediately. If the written agency agreement expires, terminates, or is not in effect, the reporting market, the foreign clearing member and the foreign trader shall be subject to the provisions of paragraphs (i) and (i)(1) of this section.

[46 FR 63036, Dec. 30, 1981, and 47 FR 57013, Dec. 22, 1982, as amended at 48 FR 35300, Aug. 3, 1983; 60 FR 49335, Sept. 25, 1995; 66 FR 42269, Aug. 10, 2001; 71 FR 37818, July 3, 2006; 74 FR 12189, Mar. 23, 2009; 77 FR 66332, Nov. 2, 2012; 80 FR 59577, Oct. 2, 2015; 89 FR 71809, Sept. 4, 2024]
§ 15.06 - Delegations.

(a) The Commission hereby delegates, until the Commission orders otherwise, the authority to approve data processing media, as referenced in § 15.00(d), for data submissions to the Director of the Division of Data, to be exercised by such Director or by such other employee or employees of such Director as designated, and in consultation with the Director of the Division of Market Oversight. The Director may submit to the Commission for its consideration any matter which has been delegated in this paragraph. Nothing in this paragraph prohibits the Commission, at its election, from exercising the authority delegated in this paragraph.

(b) [Reserved]

[74 FR 12190, Mar. 23, 2009, as amended at 89 FR 71809, Sept. 4, 2024]
authority: 7 U.S.C. 2,5,6a,6c,6f,6g,6i,6k,6m,6n,7,7a,9,12a,19,and,as,Pub. L. 111-203, 124 Stat. 1376 (2010)
cite as: 17 CFR 15.03