Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 17 - Commodity and Securities Exchanges last revised: Oct 08, 2024
§ 17.00 - Information to be furnished by futures commission merchants, clearing members and foreign brokers.

(a) Special accounts—reportable futures and options positions, delivery notices, and exchanges of futures. (1) Each futures commission merchant, clearing member and foreign broker shall submit a report to the Commission for each business day with respect to all special accounts carried by the futures commission merchant, clearing member or foreign broker, except for accounts carried on the books of another futures commission merchant or clearing member on a fully-disclosed basis. Except as otherwise authorized by the Commission or its designee, such report shall be made pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section. The report shall show each futures position, separately for each reporting market and for each future, and each put and call options position separately for each reporting market, expiration and strike price in each special account as of the close of market on the day covered by the report and, in addition, the number of futures and options contracts bought and sold, the quantity of exchanges of futures or options for commodities or for derivatives positions, the number of delivery notices issued for each such account by the clearing organization of a reporting market and the number stopped by the account, the number of long and short options expired and exercised, the number of long and short futures assigned, and the number of long and short transfers sent and received. The report shall also show all positions in all contract months and option expirations of that same commodity on the same reporting market for which the special account is reportable.

(2) A report covering the first day upon which a special account is no longer reportable shall also be filed showing the information specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section.

(b) Interest in or control of several accounts. Except as otherwise instructed by the Commission or its designee and as specifically provided in § 150.4 of this chapter, if any person holds or has a financial interest in or controls more than one account, all such accounts shall be considered by the futures commission merchant, clearing member, or foreign broker as a single account for the purpose of determining special account status and for reporting purposes.

(1) Accounts of eligible entities—Accounts of eligible entities as defined in § 150.1 of this chapter that are traded by an independent account controller shall, together with other accounts traded by the independent account controller or in which the independent controller has a financial interest, be considered a single account.

(2) Accounts controlled by two or more persons—Accounts that are subject to day-to-day trading control by two or more persons shall, together with other accounts subject to control by exactly the same persons, be considered a single account.

(3) Account ownership. Multiple accounts owned by a trader shall be considered a single account as provided under §§ 150.4(b), (c) and (d) of this chapter.

(c) [Reserved]

(d) Net positions. Futures commission merchants, clearing members and foreign brokers shall report positions net long or short in each future of a commodity and each strike price of a put or call option for each expiration month in all special accounts, except as specified in paragraph (e) of this section.

(e) Gross positions. In the following cases, the futures commission merchant, clearing member or foreign broker shall report gross long and short positions in each future of a commodity and each strike price of a put or call option for each expiration month in all special accounts:

(1) Positions which are reported to an exchange or the clearinghouse of an exchange on a gross basis, which the exchange uses for calculating total open interest in a commodity;

(2) Positions in accounts owned or held jointly with another person or persons;

(3) Positions in multiple accounts subject to trading control by the same trader; and

(4) Positions in omnibus accounts.

(f) Omnibus accounts. If the total open long positions or the total open short positions for any future of a commodity carried in an omnibus account is a reportable position, the omnibus account is in Special Account status and shall be reported by the futures commission merchant or foreign broker carrying the account in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section.

(g) Media and file characteristics. Except as otherwise approved by the Commission or its designee, all of the applicable data elements set forth in appendix C to this part shall be included in a report required by paragraph (a) of this section and shall be submitted together in a single file. The report shall be submitted in the form and manner published by the Commission or its designee pursuant to § 17.03.

(h) Correction of errors and omissions. Except as otherwise approved by the Commission or its designee, corrections to errors and omissions in data provided pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section shall be submitted in the form and manner published by the Commission or its designee pursuant to § 17.03.

(i) Exclusively self-cleared contracts. Unless determined otherwise by the Commission, reporting markets that list exclusively self-cleared contracts shall meet the requirements of paragraphs (a) through (h) of this section, as they apply to trading in such contracts by all clearing members, on behalf of all clearing members.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 3038-0009) [41 FR 3207, Jan. 21, 1976] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 17.00, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 17.01 - Identification of special accounts, volume threshold accounts, and omnibus accounts.

(a) Identification of special accounts. When a special account is reported for the first time, the futures commission merchant, clearing member, or foreign broker shall identify the special account to the Commission on Form 102, in accordance with the form instructions and as specified in § 17.02(b).

(b) Identification of volume threshold accounts. Each clearing member shall identify and report its volume threshold accounts to the Commission on Form 102, in accordance with the form instructions and as specified in § 17.02(c).

(c) Identification of omnibus accounts and sub-accounts. Each originator of an omnibus volume threshold account identified in Form 102 or an omnibus reportable sub-account identified in Form 71 shall, after a special call upon such originator by the Commission or its designee, file with the Commission an “Identification of Omnibus Accounts and Sub-Accounts” on Form 71, to be completed in accordance with the instructions thereto, at such time and place as directed in the call.

(d) Exclusively self-cleared contracts. Unless determined otherwise by the Commission, reporting markets that list exclusively self-cleared contracts shall meet the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, as they apply to trading in such contracts by all clearing members, on behalf of all clearing members.

(e) Special call provision. Upon a call by the Commission or its designee, the reports required to be filed by futures commission merchants, clearing members, foreign brokers, and reporting markets under paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section shall be submitted within 24 hours of the Commission or its designee's request in accordance with the instructions accompanying the request.

[78 FR 69231, Nov. 18, 2013]
§ 17.02 - Form, manner and time of filing reports.

Unless otherwise instructed by the Commission or its designee, the reports required to be filed by reporting markets, futures commission merchants, clearing members, and foreign brokers under §§ 17.00 and 17.01 shall be filed as specified in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section.

(a) Section 17.00(a) reports. Reports filed under § 17.00(a) shall be submitted through electronic data transmission procedures approved in writing by the Commission or its designee not later than 9 a.m. on the business day following that to which the information pertains. Unless otherwise specified by the Commission or its designee, the stated time is eastern time for information concerning markets located in that time zone, and central time for information concerning all other markets.

(b) Section 17.01(a) reports. For data submitted pursuant to § 17.01(a) on Form 102:

(1) Form of submission. Form 102 must be submitted to the Commission in the form and manner provided on

(2) Time of submission. For each account that becomes reportable as a special account, the futures commission merchant, clearing member, or foreign broker, as appropriate, shall submit a Form 102 to the Commission, in accordance with the instructions thereto, and in the manner specified by the Commission or its designee. Such form shall be submitted in accordance with the instructions and schedule set forth in paragraphs (b)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section:

(i) The applicable reporting party shall submit a completed Form 102 to the Commission no later than 9 a.m. on the business day following the date on which the special account becomes reportable, or on such other date as directed by special call of the Commission or its designee, and as periodically required thereafter by paragraphs (b)(3) and (4) of this section. Such form shall include all required information, including the names of the owner(s) and controller(s) of each trading account that is not an omnibus account, and that comprises a special account reported on the form, provided that, with respect to such owners(s) and controller(s), information other than the names of such parties may be reported in accordance with the instructions and schedule set forth in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section. Unless otherwise specified by the Commission or its designee, the stated time is Eastern Time for information concerning markets located in that time zone, and Central Time for information concerning all other markets.

(ii) With respect to the owner(s) and controller(s) of each trading account that is not an omnibus account, and that comprises a special account reported on Form 102, information other than the names of such parties must be provided on Form 102 no later than 9 a.m. on the third business day following the date on which the special account becomes reportable, or on such other date as directed by special call of the Commission or its designee, and as periodically required thereafter by paragraphs (b)(3) and (4) of this section. Unless otherwise specified by the Commission or its designee, the stated time is Eastern Time for information concerning markets located in that time zone, and Central Time for information concerning all other markets.

(3) Change updates. If any change causes the information filed by a futures commission merchant, clearing member, or foreign broker on a Form 102 for a special account to no longer be accurate, then such futures commission merchant, clearing member, or foreign broker shall file an updated Form 102 with the Commission in accordance with the instructions and schedule set forth in paragraphs (b)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section, or on such other date as directed by special call of the Commission, provided that, a futures commission merchant, clearing member, or foreign broker may stop providing change updates for a Form 102 that it has submitted to the Commission for any special account upon notifying the Commission or its designee that the account in question is no longer reportable as a special account and has not been reportable as a special account for the past six months.

(4) Refresh updates. For Special Accounts—Starting on a date specified by the Commission or its designee and at the end of each annual increment thereafter (or such other date specified by the Commission or its designee that is equal to or greater than six months), each futures commission merchant, clearing member, or foreign broker shall resubmit every Form 102 that it has submitted to the Commission for each of its special accounts, provided that, a futures commission merchant, clearing member, or foreign broker may stop providing refresh updates for a Form 102 that it has submitted to the Commission for any special account upon notifying the Commission or its designee that the account in question is no longer reportable as a special account and has not been reportable as a special account for the past six months.

(c) Section 17.01(b) reports. For data submitted pursuant to § 17.01(b) on Form 102:

(1) Form of submission. Form 102 must be submitted to the Commission in the form and manner provided on

(2) Time of submission. For each account that becomes reportable as a volume threshold account, the clearing member shall submit a Form 102 to the Commission, in accordance with the instructions thereto, and in the manner specified by the Commission or its designee. Such form shall be submitted in accordance with the instructions and schedule set forth in paragraphs (c)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section:

(i) The clearing member shall submit a completed Form 102 to the Commission no later than 9 a.m. on the business day following the date on which the volume threshold account becomes reportable, or on such other date as directed by special call of the Commission or its designee, and as periodically required thereafter by paragraphs (c)(3) and (4) of this section. Such form shall include all required information, including the names of the owner(s) and controller(s) of each volume threshold account reported on the form that is not an omnibus account, provided that, with respect to such owners(s) and controller(s), information other than the names of such parties may be reported in accordance with the instructions and schedule set forth in paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section. Unless otherwise specified by the Commission or its designee, the stated time is Eastern Time for information concerning markets located in that time zone, and Central Time for information concerning all other markets.

(ii) With respect to the owner(s) and controller(s) of each volume threshold account reported on Form 102 that is not an omnibus account, information other than the names of such parties must be provided on Form 102 no later than 9 a.m. on the third business day following the date on which the volume threshold account becomes reportable, or on such other date as directed by special call of the Commission or its designee, and as periodically required thereafter by paragraphs (c)(3) and (4) of this section. Unless otherwise specified by the Commission or its designee, the stated time is Eastern Time for information concerning markets located in that time zone, and Central Time for information concerning all other markets.

(3) Change updates. If any change causes the information filed by a clearing member on a Form 102 for a volume threshold account to no longer be accurate, then such clearing member shall file an updated Form 102 with the Commission in accordance with the instructions and schedule set forth in paragraphs (c)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section, or on such other date as directed by special call of the Commission, provided that, a clearing member may stop providing Form 102 change updates for a volume threshold account upon notifying the Commission or its designee that the volume threshold account executed no trades in any product in the past six months on the reporting market at which the volume threshold account reached the reportable trading volume level.

(4) Refresh updates. For Volume Threshold Accounts—Starting on a date specified by the Commission or its designee and at the end of each annual increment thereafter (or such other date specified by the Commission or its designee that is equal to or greater than six months), each clearing member shall resubmit every Form 102 that it has submitted to the Commission for each of its volume threshold accounts, provided that, a clearing member may stop providing refresh updates for a Form 102 that it has submitted to the Commission for any volume threshold account upon notifying the Commission or its designee that the volume threshold account executed no trades in any product in the past six months on the reporting market at which the volume threshold account reached the reportable trading volume level.

[71 FR 37820, July 3, 2006, as amended at 78 FR 69231, Nov. 18, 2013; 82 FR 28767, June 26, 2017]
§ 17.03 - Delegation of authority to the Director of the Division of Data or the Director of the Division of Market Oversight.

The Commission hereby delegates, until the Commission orders otherwise, the authority set forth in the paragraphs below to either the Director of the Division of Data or the Director of the Division of Market Oversight, as indicated below, to be exercised by such Director or by such other employee or employees of such Director as designated by such Director. The Director of the Division of Data or the Director of the Division of Market Oversight may submit to the Commission for its consideration any matter which has been delegated to such Director in this paragraph. Nothing in this paragraph prohibits the Commission, at its election, from exercising the authority delegated in this paragraph.

(a) Pursuant to § 17.00(a) and (h), the authority shall be designated to the Director of the Division of Data to determine whether futures commission merchants, clearing members, and foreign brokers may report the information required under § 17.00(a) and (h) using some format other than that required under § 17.00(g) upon a determination that such person is unable to report the information using the format, coding structure, or electronic data transmission procedures otherwise required.

(b) Pursuant to § 17.02, the authority shall be designated to the Director of the Division of Data to instruct or approve the time at which the information required under §§ 17.00 and 17.01(a) and (b) must be submitted by futures commission merchants, clearing members and foreign brokers provided that such persons are unable to meet the requirements set forth in § 17.02.

(c) Pursuant to § 17.01, the authority shall be designated to the Director of the Division of Data to determine whether to permit an authorized representative of a firm filing the Form 102 or person filing the Form 71 to use a means of authenticating the report other than by signing the Form 102 or Form 71 and, if so, to determine the alternative means of authentication that shall be used.

(d) Pursuant to § 17.00(a), (g), and (h), the authority shall be designated to the Director of the Division of Data to determine the form, manner, coding structure, and electronic data transmission procedures for reporting the data elements in appendix C to this part and to determine whether to permit or require one or more particular data standards.

(e) Pursuant to § 17.01(c), the authority shall be designated to the Director of the Division of Data, in consultation with the Director of the Division of Market Oversight, or such other employee or employees as the Directors each may designate, to make special calls on Form 71 for omnibus volume threshold account originators and omnibus reportable sub-account originators information as set forth in § 17.01(c).

(f) Pursuant to § 17.01(e), the authority shall be designated to the Director of the Division of Data, in consultation with the Director of the Division of Market Oversight, or such other employee or employees as the Directors each may designate, to request information required to be filed by futures commission merchants, clearing members, foreign brokers, and reporting markets as set forth in § 17.01.

(g) Pursuant to § 17.02(b)(4), the authority shall be designated to the Director of the Division of Data to determine the date on which each futures commission merchant, clearing member, or foreign broker shall update or otherwise resubmit every Form 102 that it has submitted to the Commission for each of its special accounts.

(h) Pursuant to § 17.02(c)(4), the authority shall be designated to the Director of the Division of Data to determine the date on which each clearing member shall update or otherwise resubmit every Form 102 that it has submitted to the Commission for each of its volume threshold accounts.

(i) Pursuant to § 17.00(b), and as specifically provided in § 150.4 of this chapter, the authority shall be designated to the Director of the Division of Data to instruct a futures commission merchant, clearing member, or foreign broker to consider otherwise than as a single account for the purpose of determining special account status and for reporting purposes all accounts one person holds or controls, or in which the person has a financial interest.

[78 FR 69232, Nov. 18, 2013, as amended at 82 FR 28768, June 26, 2017; 86 FR 3455, Jan. 14, 2021; 89 FR 47457, June 3, 2024; 89 FR 71809, Sept. 4, 2024]
§ 17.04 - Reporting omnibus accounts to reporting firms.

(a) Any futures commission merchant, clearing member or foreign broker who establishes an omnibus account with another futures commission merchant, clearing member or foreign broker shall report to that futures commission merchant, clearing member or foreign broker the total open long positions and the total open short positions in each future of a commodity and, for commodity options transactions, the total open long put options, the total open short put options, the total open long call options, and the total open short call options for each commodity options expiration date and each strike price in such account at the close of trading each day. The information required by this section shall be reported in sufficient time to enable the futures commission merchant, clearing member or foreign broker with whom the omnibus account is established to comply with the regulations of this part and the reporting requirements established by the reporting markets.

(b) In determining open long and open short futures positions, and open purchased long and open granted short option positions, in an omnibus account for purposes of complying with §§ 17.00(f), 1.37(b) and 1.58 of this chapter, a futures commission merchant, clearing member or foreign broker shall total the open long positions of all traders and the open short positions of all traders in each future of a commodity and, for commodity options transactions, shall total the open long put options, the open short put options, the open long call options, and the open short call options of all traders for each commodity option expiration date and each strike price. The futures commission merchant, clearing member or foreign broker shall, if both open long and short positions in the same future or option are carried for the same trader, compute open long or open short positions as instructed in this paragraph.

(1) Include both the total open long and the total open short positions of the trader if:

(i) The positions represent transactions on a reporting market which requires long and short positions in the same future or option held in accounts for the same trader to be recorded and reported on a gross basis; or

(ii) The account is an omnibus account of another futures commission merchant, clearing member or foreign broker; or

(2) Include only the net long or net short positions of the trader if the positions represent transactions on a reporting market which does not require long and short positions in the same future or option held in accounts for the same trader to be recorded and reported on a gross basis.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 3038-0009) [46 FR 63036, Dec. 30, 1981, and 47 FR 21028, May 17, 1982, as amended at 62 FR 24034, May 2, 1997; 69 FR 76400, Dec. 21, 2004; 71 FR 37820, July 3, 2006; 74 FR 12191, Mar. 23, 2009]
Appendix Appendix A - Appendix A to Part 17—Form 102

This Appendix is a representation of the final reporting form, which will be submitted in an electronic format pursuant to the rules in part 17, either via the Commission's web portal or via XML-based, secure FTP transmission.

[78 FR 69232, Nov. 18, 2013]
Appendix Appendix B - Appendix B to Part 17—Form 71

This Appendix is a representation of the final reporting form, which will be submitted in an electronic format pursuant to the rules in part 17, either via the Commission's web portal or via XML-based, secure FTP transmission.

[78 FR 69252, Nov. 18, 2013]
Appendix Appendix C - Appendix C to Part 17—Data Elements

Appendix C to Part 17—Data Elements

Data element name Definition for data element
1Total Message CountThe total number of position reports included in the file.
2Message TypeMessage report type.
3Sender IDThe CFTC-issued reporting firm identifier assigned to the firm submitting the position report.
4To IDIndicates the position report was submitted to the CFTC.
5Message, Transmit, DatetimeThe date and time the file was created.
6Report IDA unique identifier assigned to each position report.
7Record Type (Action)Indicates the action that triggered the position report.
8Report DateThe date of the information being reported.
9Reporting Firm IDCFTC-assigned identifier for the reporting firm.
10Special Account Controller LEIThe Legal Entity Identifier (“LEI”) issued to the special account controller.
11Account IDA unique account identifier, assigned by the reporting firm to each special account. Assignment of the account number is subject to the provisions of § 17.00(b) and appendix A of this part (Form 102).
12Exchange IndicatorThe exchange where the contract is traded.
13Commodity Clearing CodeThe clearinghouse-assigned commodity code for the futures or options contract.
14Product TypeType of product.
15Ticker SymbolTicker symbol of the product traded.
16Maturity Month YearMonth and year of the delivery or maturity of the contract, as applicable. Day must be provided when necessary to characterize a contract.
17Maturity TimeThe expiration time of an option or last trading time of a future.
18Listing DateProduct listing date.
19First Exercise DateThe earliest time at which notice of exercise can be given.
20Strike LevelNumeric option moneyness criterion.
21Alpha StrikeNon-numeric option moneyness criterion.
22Cap LevelCeiling value of a capped option or bounded future.
23Floor LevelFloor value of a capped option or bounded future.
24Bound or Barrier TypeBehavior of the product when it hits the bound or barrier.
25Bound or Barrier LevelBound or barrier level of a contingent option.
26Put or Call IndicatorNature of the option exercise.
27Exercise StyleType of exercise of an option.
28Payout AmountCash amount indicating the payout associated with the contract.
29Payout TypeThe type of valuation method or payout trigger.
30Underlying Contract IDThe instrument that forms the basis of an option.
31Underlying Maturity Month YearUnderlying delivery year and month (and day where applicable).
32Long PositionThe total of long open contracts carried at the end of the day.
33Short PositionThe total of short open contracts carried at the end of the day.
34Contracts BoughtThe total quantity of contracts bought (gross) during the day associated with a special account, including all block trades and contracts claimed for clearing as a result of trade allocations such as give-ups. Do not include exchanges of derivatives for related positions EDRPs (EFP, EFS or EFR, EOO) or transfers.
35Contracts SoldThe total quantity of contracts sold (gross) during the day associated with a special account, including all block trades and contracts claimed for clearing as a result of trade allocations such as give-ups. Do not include exchanges of derivatives for related positions EDRPs (EFP, EFS or EFR, EOO) or transfers.
36EDRPs BoughtThe quantity of purchases of futures or options in connection with exchanges of futures or options for related positions (“EDRPs”) done pursuant to a DCM's rules, disaggregated into quantity of purchases of futures or options in connection with EDRPs by type of EDRP, including exchanges of futures for physical, exchanges of futures for risk, exchanges of options for options, and any other EDRP offered pursuant to a DCM's rules.
37EDRPs SoldThe quantity of sales of futures or options in connection with EDRPs done pursuant to a DCM's rules, disaggregated into quantity of sales of futures or options in connection with EDRPs by type of EDRP, including exchanges of futures for physical, exchanges of futures for risk, exchanges of options for options, and any other EDRP offered pursuant to a DCM's rules.
38Delivery Notices StoppedThe number of futures contracts for which delivery notices have been stopped during a day.
39Delivery Notices IssuedThe number of futures contracts for which delivery notices have been issued during a day.
40Long Options ExpiredLong options positions expired without being exercised.
41Short Options ExpiredShort options positions expired without being exercised.
42Long Options ExercisedLong options positions exercised during the day.
43Short Options ExercisedShort options positions exercised during the day.
44Long Futures AssignedLong futures assigned as the result of an option exercise.
45Short Futures AssignedShort futures assigned as the result of an option exercise.
46Long Transfers SentLong positions sent through other transfers during the day. (Do not include give-ups).
47Long Transfers ReceivedLong positions received through other transfers during the day. (Do not include give-ups).
48Short Transfers SentShort positions sent through other transfers during the day. (Do not include give-ups).
49Short Transfers ReceivedShort positions received through other transfers during the day. (Do not include give-ups).
50Product-Specific TermsTerms of the contract that are economically material to the contract, maintained in the ordinary course of business by the reporting market listing the contract, and not otherwise reported under the data elements in this appendix.
[89 FR 47457, June 3, 2024]
authority: 7 U.S.C. 2,6a,6c,6d,6f,6g,6i,6t,7,7a,and
cite as: 17 CFR 17.04