Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024

Title 17 - Commodity and Securities Exchanges last revised: Oct 08, 2024
§ 40.1 - Definitions.

As used in this part:

(a) Business day means the intraday period of time starting at the business hour of 8:15 a.m. and ending at the business hour of 4:45 p.m.; business hour means any hour between 8:15 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. Business day and business hour are Eastern Standard Time or Eastern Daylight Savings Time, whichever is currently in effect in Washington, DC, on all days except Saturdays, Sundays, and Federal holidays in Washington, DC.

(b) Dormant contract or dormant product means:

(1) Any agreement, contract, transaction, instrument, swap or any such commodity futures or option contract with respect to all future or option expiries, listed on a designated contract market, a swap execution facility or cleared by a registered derivatives clearing organization, that has no open interest and in which no trading has occurred for a period of twelve complete calendar months following a certification to, or approval by, the Commission; provided, however, that no contract or instrument under this paragraph (b)(1) initially and originally certified to, or approved by, the Commission within the preceding 36 complete calendar months shall be considered to be dormant; or

(2) Any commodity futures or option contract, swap or other agreement, contract, transaction or instrument of a dormant designated contract market, dormant swap execution facility or a dormant derivatives clearing organization; or

(3) Any commodity futures or option contract or other agreement, contract, swap, transaction or instrument not otherwise dormant that a designated contract market, a swap execution facility or a derivatives clearing organization self-declares through certification to be dormant.

(c) Dormant designated contract market means any designated contract market on which no trading has occurred during the period of twelve consecutive calendar months, preceding the first day of the most recent calendar month; provided, however, no designated contract market shall be considered to be dormant if its initial and original Commission order of designation was issued within the preceding 36 consecutive calendar months.

(d) Dormant derivatives clearing organization means any derivatives clearing organization registered pursuant to Section 5b of the Act that has not accepted for clearing any agreement, contract or transaction that is required or permitted to be cleared by a derivatives clearing organization under Sections 5b(a) and 5b(b) of the Act, respectively, for a period of twelve complete calendar months; provided, however, no derivatives clearing organization shall be considered to be dormant if its initial and original Commission order of registration was issued within the preceding 36 complete calendar months.

(e) Dormant swap data repository means any registered swap data repository on which no data has resided for a period of twelve consecutive calendar months, preceding the most recent calendar month.

(f) Dormant swap execution facility means any swap execution facility on which no trading has occurred for a period of twelve consecutive calendar months, preceding the first day of the most recent calendar month; provided, however, no swap execution facility shall be considered to be dormant if its initial and original Commission order of registration was issued within the preceding 36 consecutive calendar months.

(g) Dormant rule means:

(1) Any registered entity rule which remains unimplemented for twelve consecutive calendar months following a certification with, or an approval by, the Commission; or

(2) Any rule or rule amendment of a dormant designated contract market, dormant swap execution facility, dormant swap data repository or dormant derivatives clearing organization.

(h) Emergency means any occurrence or circumstance that, in the opinion of the governing board of a registered entity, or a person or persons duly authorized to issue such an opinion on behalf of the governing board of a registered entity under circumstances and pursuant to procedures that are specified by rule, requires immediate action and threatens or may threaten such things as the fair and orderly trading in, or the liquidation of or delivery pursuant to, any agreements, contracts, swaps or transactions or the timely collection and payment of funds in connection with clearing and settlement by a derivatives clearing organization, including:

(1) Any manipulative or attempted manipulative activity;

(2) Any actual, attempted, or threatened corner, squeeze, congestion, or undue concentration of positions;

(3) Any circumstances which may materially affect the performance of agreements, contracts, swaps or transactions, including failure of the payment system or the bankruptcy or insolvency of any participant;

(4) Any action taken by any governmental body, or any other registered entity, board of trade, market or facility which may have a direct impact on trading or clearing and settlement; and

(5) Any other circumstance which may have a severe, adverse effect upon the functioning of a registered entity.

(i) Rule means any constitutional provision, article of incorporation, bylaw, rule, regulation, resolution, interpretation, stated policy, advisory, terms and conditions, trading protocol, agreement or instrument corresponding thereto, including those that authorize a response or establish standards for responding to a specific emergency, and any amendment or addition thereto or repeal thereof, made or issued by a registered entity or by the governing board thereof or any committee thereof, in whatever form adopted.

(j) Terms and conditions means any definition of the trading unit or the specific commodity underlying a contract for the future delivery of a commodity or commodity option contract, description of the payments to be exchanged under a swap, specification of cash settlement or delivery standards and procedures, and establishment of buyers' and sellers' rights and obligations under the swap or contract. Terms and conditions include provisions relating to the following:

(1) For a contract for the purchase or sale of a commodity for future delivery or an option on such a contract or an option on a commodity (other than a swap):

(i) Quality and other standards that define the commodity or instrument underlying the contract;

(ii) Quantity standards or other provisions related to contract size;

(iii) Any applicable premiums or discounts for delivery of nonpar products;

(iv) Trading hours, trading months and the listing of contracts;

(v) The pricing basis, minimum price fluctuations, and maximum price fluctuations;

(vi) Any price limits, no cancellation ranges, trading halts, or circuit breaker provisions, and procedures for the establishment of daily settlement prices;

(vii) Speculative position limits, position accountability standards, and position reporting requirements, including an indication as to whether the contract meets the definition of a referenced contract as defined in § 150.1 of this chapter, and, if so, the name of either the core referenced futures contract or other referenced contract upon which the new referenced contract submitted under this part 40 is based.

(viii) Delivery points and locational price differentials;

(ix) Delivery standards and procedures, including fees related to delivery or the delivery process; alternatives to delivery and applicable penalties or sanctions for failure to perform;

(x) If cash settled; the definition, composition, calculation and revision of the cash settlement price or index;

(xi) Payment or collection of commodity option premiums or margins;

(xii) Option exercise price, if it is constant, and method for calculating the exercise price, if it is variable;

(xiii) Threshold prices for an option contract, the existence of which is contingent upon those prices; and

(xiv) Any restrictions or requirements for exercising an option; and

(2) For a swap:

(i) Identification of the major group, category, type or class in which the swap falls (such as an interest rate, commodity, credit or equity swap) and of any further sub-group, category, type or class that further describes the swap;

(ii) Notional amounts, quantity standards, or other unit size characteristics;

(iii) Any applicable premiums or discounts for delivery of nonpar products;

(iv) Trading hours and the listing of swaps;

(v) Pricing basis for establishing the payment obligations under, and mark-to-market value of, the swap including, as applicable, the accrual start dates, termination or maturity dates, and, for each leg of the swap, the initial cash flow components, spreads, and points, and the relevant indexes, prices, rates, coupons, or other price reference measures;

(vi) Any price limits, trading halts, or circuit breaker provisions, and procedures for the establishment of daily settlement prices;

(vii) Speculative position limits, position accountability standards, and position reporting requirements, including an indication as to whether the contract meets the definition of economically equivalent swap as defined in § 150.1 of this chapter, and, if so, the name of either the core referenced futures contract or referenced contract, as applicable, to which the swap submitted under this part 40 is economically equivalent.

(viii) Payment and reset frequency, day count conventions, business calendars, and accrual features;

(ix) If physical delivery applies, delivery standards and procedures, including fees related to delivery or the delivery process, alternatives to delivery and applicable penalties or sanctions for failure to perform;

(x) If cash settled, the definition, composition, calculation and revision of the cash settlement price, and the settlement currency;

(xi) Payment or collection of option premiums or margins;

(xii) Option exercise price, if it is constant, and method for calculating the exercise price, if it is variable;

(xiii) Threshold prices for an option, the existence of which is contingent upon those prices;

(xiv) Any restrictions or requirements for exercising an option; and

(xv) Life cycle events.

[76 FR 44790, July 27, 2011, as amended at 86 FR 3463, Jan. 14, 2021]
§ 40.2 - Listing products for trading by certification.

(a) A designated contract market or a swap execution facility must comply with the submission requirements of this section prior to listing a product for trading that has not been approved under § 40.3 of this part or that remains dormant subsequent to being submitted under this section or approved under § 40.3 of this part. A submission shall comply with the following conditions:

(1) The designated contract market or the swap execution facility has filed its submission electronically in a format and manner specified by the Secretary of the Commission with the Secretary of the Commission;

(2) The Commission has received the submission by the open of business on the business day preceding the product's listing; and

(3) The submission includes:

(i) A copy of the submission cover sheet in accordance with the instructions in appendix D to this part;

(ii) A copy of the product's rules, including all rules related to its terms and conditions;

(iii) The intended listing date;

(iv) A certification by the designated contract market or the swap execution facility that the product to be listed complies with the Act and Commission regulations thereunder;

(v) A concise explanation and analysis of the product and its compliance with applicable provisions of the Act, including core principles, and the Commission's regulations thereunder. This explanation and analysis shall either be accompanied by the documentation relied upon to establish the basis for compliance with applicable law, or incorporate information contained in such documentation, with appropriate citations to data sources;

(vi) A certification that the registered entity posted a notice of pending product certification with the Commission and a copy of the submission, concurrent with the filing of a submission with the Commission, on the registered entity's Web site. Information that the registered entity seeks to keep confidential may be redacted from the documents published on the registered entity's Web site but must be republished consistent with any determination made pursuant to § 40.8(c)(4);

(vii) A request for confidential treatment, if appropriate, as permitted under § 40.8.

(b) Additional information. If requested by Commission staff, a registered entity shall provide any additional evidence, information or data that demonstrates that the contract meets, initially or on a continuing basis, the requirements of the Act or the Commission's regulations or policies thereunder.

(c) Stay. The Commission may stay the listing of a contract pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section during the pendency of Commission proceedings for filing a false certification or during the pendency of a petition to alter or amend the contract terms and conditions pursuant to Section 8a(7) of the Act. The decision to stay the listing of a contract in such circumstances shall not be delegable to any employee of the Commission.

(d) Class certification of swaps. (1) A designated contract market or swap execution facility may list or facilitate trading in any swap or number of swaps based upon an “excluded commodity,” as defined in Section 1a(19)(i) of the Act, not including any security, security index, and currency other than the United States Dollar and a “major foreign currency,” as defined in § 15.03(a), or an “excluded commodity,” as defined in Section 1a(19)(ii)-(iv) of the Act, provided the designated contract market or swap execution facility certifies, under § 40.2(a)(1)-(2), § 40.2(a)(3)(i), § 40.2(a)(3)(iv), and § 40.2(a)(3)(vi), each of the following:

(i) That each particular swap within the certified class of swaps is based upon an excluded commodity specified in § 40.2(d)(1); and

(ii) That each particular swap within the certified class of swaps is based upon an excluded commodity with an identical pricing source, formula, procedure, and methodology for calculating reference prices and payment obligations; and

(iii) That the pricing source, formula, procedure, and methodology for calculating reference prices and payment obligations in each particular swap within the certified class of swaps is identical to a pricing source, formula, procedure, and methodology for calculating reference prices and payment obligations in a product previously submitted to the Commission and certified or approved pursuant to § 40.2 or § 40.3;

(iv) That each particular swap within the certified class of swaps is based upon an excluded commodity involving an identical currency or identical currencies.

(2) The Commission may in its discretion require a registered entity to withdraw its certification under § 40.2(d)(1) and to submit each individual swap or certain individual swaps within the submission for Commission review pursuant to § 40.2 or § 40.3

§ 40.3 - Voluntary submission of new products for Commission review and approval.

(a) Request for approval. Pursuant to Section 5c(c) of the Act, a designated contract market, a swap execution facility, or a derivatives clearing organization may request that the Commission approve a new or dormant product prior to listing the product for trading or accepting the product for clearing, or if a product was initially submitted under § 40.2 of this part or § 39.5 of this chapter, subsequent to listing the product for trading or accepting the product for clearing. A submission requesting approval shall:

(1) Be filed electronically in a format and manner specified by the Secretary of the Commission with the Secretary of the Commission;

(2) Include a copy of the submission cover sheet in accordance with the instructions in appendix D to this part;

(3) Include a copy of the rules that set forth the contract's terms and conditions;

(4) Include an explanation and analysis of the product and its compliance with applicable provisions of the Act, including core principles, and the Commission's regulations thereunder. This explanation and analysis shall either be accompanied by the documentation relied upon to establish the basis for compliance with the applicable law, or incorporate information contained in such documentation, with appropriate citations to data sources;

(5) Describe any agreements or contracts entered into with other parties that enable the registered entity to carry out its responsibilities;

(6) Include the certifications required in § 41.22 for product approval of a commodity that is a security future or a security futures product as defined in Sections 1a(44) or 1a(45) of the Act, respectively;

(7) Include, if appropriate, a request for confidential treatment as permitted under § 40.8;

(8) Include the filing fee required under appendix A to this part;

(9) Certify that the registered entity posted a notice of its request for Commission approval of the new product and a copy of the submission, concurrent with the filing of a submission with the Commission, on the registered entity's Web site. Information that the registered entity seeks to keep confidential may be redacted from the documents published on the registered entity's Web site but must be republished consistent with any determination made pursuant to § 40.8(c)(4);

(10) Include, if requested by Commission staff, additional evidence, information or data demonstrating that the contract meets, initially or on a continuing basis, the requirements of the Act, or other requirement for designation or registration under the Act, or the Commission's regulations or policies thereunder. The registered entity shall submit the requested information by the open of business on the date that is two business days from the date of request by Commission staff, or at the conclusion of such extended period agreed to by Commission staff after timely receipt of a written request from the registered entity.

(b) Standard for review and approval. The Commission shall approve a new product unless the terms and conditions of the product violate the Act or the Commission's regulations.

(c) Forty-five day review. All products submitted for Commission approval under this paragraph shall be deemed approved by the Commission 45 days after receipt by the Commission, or at the conclusion of an extended period as provided under paragraph (d) of this section, unless notified otherwise within the applicable period, if:

(1) The submission complies with the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section; and

(2) The submitting entity does not amend the terms or conditions of the product or supplement the request for approval, except as requested by the Commission or for correction of typographical errors, renumbering or other non-substantive revisions, during that period. Any voluntary, substantive amendment by the submitting entity will be treated as a new submission under this section.

(d) Extension of time. The Commission may extend the 45 day review period in paragraph (c) of this section for:

(1) An additional 45 days, if the product raises novel or complex issues that require additional time to analyze, in which case the Commission shall notify the registered entity within the initial 45 day review period and shall briefly describe the nature of the specific issues for which additional time for review is required; or

(2) Any extended review period to which the registered entity agrees in writing.

(e) Notice of non-approval. The Commission at any time during its review under this section may notify the registered entity that it will not, or is unable to, approve the product. This notification will briefly specify the nature of the issues raised and the specific provision of the Act or the Commission's regulations, including the form or content requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, that the product violates, appears to violate or potentially violates but which cannot be ascertained from the submission.

(f) Effect of non-approval. (1) Notification to a registered entity under paragraph (e) of this section of the Commission's determination not to approve a product does not prejudice the entity from subsequently submitting a revised version of the product for Commission approval or from submitting the product as initially proposed pursuant to a supplemented submission.

(2) Notification to a registered entity under paragraph (e) of this section of the Commission's refusal to approve a product shall be presumptive evidence that the entity may not truthfully certify under § 40.2 that the same, or substantially the same, product does not violate the Act or the Commission's regulations thereunder.

§ 40.4 - Amendments to terms or conditions of enumerated agricultural products.

(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of this part, a designated contract market must submit for Commission approval under the procedures of § 40.5, prior to its implementation, any rule or dormant rule that, for a delivery month having open interest, would materially change a term or condition, as defined in § 40.1(j), of a contract for future delivery in an agricultural commodity enumerated in Section 1a(9) of the Act, or of an option on such a contract or commodity.

(b) The following rules or rule amendments are not material and should not be submitted under this section:

(1) Changes that are enumerated in § 40.6(d)(2) may be implemented without prior approval or certification if implemented pursuant to the notification procedures of § 40.6(d);

(2) Changes that are enumerated in § 40.6(d)(3)(ii) may be implemented without prior approval or certification or notification as permitted pursuant to § 40.6(d)(3);

(3) Changes in no cancellation ranges and trading hours may be implemented without prior approval if implemented pursuant to the procedures of § 40.6(a);

(4) Changes required to comply with a binding order of a court of competent jurisdiction, or a rule, regulation or order of the Commission or of another Federal regulatory authority, may be implemented without prior approval if implemented pursuant to the procedures of § 40.6(a);or

(5) Any other rule:

(i) The text of which has been submitted for review at least ten business days prior to its implementation and that has been labeled “Non-Material Agricultural Rule Change;”

(ii) For which the designated contract market has provided an explanation as to why it considers the rule “non-material,” and any other information that may be beneficial to the Commission in analyzing the merits of the entity's claim of non-materiality; and

(iii) With respect to which the Commission has not notified the contract market during the review period that the rule appears to require or does require prior approval under this section, may be implemented without prior approval if implemented under the procedures of § 40.6(a).

§ 40.5 - Voluntary submission of rules for Commission review and approval.

(a) Request for approval of rules. Pursuant to Section 5c(c) of the Act, a registered entity may request that the Commission approve a new rule, rule amendment or dormant rule prior to implementation of the rule, or if the request was initially submitted under §§ 40.2 or 40.6 of this part, subsequent to implementation of the rule. A request for approval shall:

(1) Be filed electronically in a format and manner specified by the Secretary of the Commission with the Secretary of the Commission;

(2) Include a copy of the submission cover sheet in accordance with the instructions in appendix D to this part;

(3) Set forth the text of the rule or rule amendment (in the case of a rule amendment, deletions and additions must be indicated);

(4) Describe the proposed effective date of the rule or rule amendment and any action taken or anticipated to be taken to adopt the proposed rule by the registered entity or by its governing board or by any committee thereof, and cite the rules of the entity that authorize the adoption of the proposed rule;

(5) Provide an explanation and analysis of the operation, purpose, and effect of the proposed rule or rule amendment and its compliance with applicable provisions of the Act, including core principles, and the Commission's regulations thereunder, including, as applicable, a description of the anticipated benefits to market participants or others, any potential anticompetitive effects on market participants or others, and how the rule fits into the registered entity's framework of self-regulation;

(6) Certify that the registered entity posted a notice of pending rule with the Commission and a copy of the submission, concurrent with the filing of a submission with the Commission, on the registered entity's Web site. Information which the registered entity seeks to keep confidential may be redacted from the documents published on the registered entity's Web site but must be republished consistent with any determination made pursuant to § 40.8(c)(4);

(7) Provide additional information which may be beneficial to the Commission in analyzing the new rule or rule amendment. If a proposed rule affects, directly or indirectly, the application of any other rule of the registered entity, the pertinent text of any such rule must be set forth and the anticipated effect described;

(8) Provide a brief explanation of any substantive opposing views expressed to the registered entity by governing board or committee members, members of the entity or market participants that were not incorporated into the rule, or a statement that no such opposing views were expressed;

(9) Identify any Commission regulation that the Commission may need to amend, or sections of the Act or the Commission's regulations that the Commission may need to interpret, in order to approve the new rule or rule amendment. To the extent that such an amendment or interpretation is necessary to accommodate a new rule or rule amendment, the submission should include a reasoned analysis supporting the amendment to the Commission's regulation or the interpretation;

(10) As appropriate, include a request for confidential treatment as permitted under the procedures of § 40.8.

(b) Standard for review and approval. The Commission shall approve a new rule or rule amendment unless the rule or rule amendment is inconsistent with the Act or the Commission's regulations.

(c) Forty-five day review. (1) All rules submitted for Commission approval under paragraph (a) of this section shall be deemed approved by the Commission under section 5c(c) of the Act 45 days after receipt by the Commission, or at the conclusion of such extended period as provided under paragraph (d) of this section, unless the registered entity is notified otherwise within the applicable period, if:

(i) The submission complies with the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section;

(ii) The registered entity does not amend the proposed rule or supplement the submission, except as requested by the Commission, during the pendency of the review period other than for correction of typographical errors, renumbering or other non-substantive revisions. Any amendment or supplementation not requested by the Commission will be treated as the submission of a new filing under this section.

(2) The Commission shall commence the review period in paragraph (c) of this section for a compliant submission under § 40.4(b)(5) ten business days after its receipt.

(d) Commencement and extension of time for review. The Commission may further extend the review period in paragraph (c) of this section for any approval request for:

(1) An additional 45 days, if the proposed rule raises novel or complex issues that require additional time for review or is of major economic significance, the submission is incomplete or the requestor does not respond completely to Commission questions in a timely manner, in which case the Commission shall notify the submitting registered entity within the initial forty-five day review period and shall briefly describe the nature of the specific issues for which additional time for review shall be required; or

(2) Any period, beyond the additional 45 days provided in § 40.5(d)(1), to which the registered entity agrees in writing.

(e) Notice of non-approval. Any time during its review under this section, the Commission may notify the registered entity that it will not, or is unable to, approve the new rule or rule amendment. This notification will briefly specify the nature of the issues raised and the specific provision of the Act or the Commission's regulations, including the form or content requirements of this section, with which the new rule or rule amendment is inconsistent or appears to be inconsistent with the Act or the Commission's regulations.

(f) Effect of non-approval. (1) Notification to a registered entity under paragraph (e) of this section does not prevent the registered entity from subsequently submitting a revised version of the proposed rule or rule amendment for Commission review and approval or from submitting the new rule or rule amendment as initially proposed in a supplemented submission; the revised submission will be reviewed without prejudice.

(2) Notification to a registered entity under paragraph (e) of this section of the Commission's determination not to approve a proposed rule or rule amendment of a registered entity shall be presumptive evidence that the entity may not truthfully certify that the same, or substantially the same, proposed rule or rule amendment under § 40.6(a) of this section.

(g) Expedited approval. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (c) of this section, changes to a proposed rule or a rule amendment, including changes to terms and conditions of a product that are consistent with the Act and Commission regulations and with standards approved or established by the Commission may be approved by the Commission at such time and under such conditions as the Commission shall specify in the written notification, provided, however, that the Commission may, at any time, alter or revoke the applicability of such a notice to any particular product or rule amendment.

§ 40.6 - Self-certification of rules.

(a) Required certification. A registered entity shall comply with the following conditions prior to implementing any rule, other than a rule delisting or withdrawing the certification of a product with no open interest and submitted in compliance with §§ 40.6(a)(1)-(2) and § 40.6(a)(7), that has not obtained Commission approval under § 40.5 of this part, that remains dormant subsequent to being submitted under this section or approved under § 40.5 of this part, or that is submitted under § 40.10 of this part, except as otherwise provided by § 40.10(a):

(1) The registered entity has filed its submission electronically in a format and manner specified by the Secretary of the Commission with the Secretary of the Commission.

(2) The registered entity has provided a certification that the registered entity posted a notice of pending certification with the Commission and a copy of the submission, concurrent with the filing of a submission with the Commission, on the registered entity's Web site. Information that the registered entity seeks to keep confidential may be redacted from the documents published on the registered entity's Web site but it must be republished consistent with any determination made pursuant to § 40.8(c)(4).

(3) The Commission has received the submission not later than the open of business on the business day that is 10 business days prior to the registered entity's implementation of the rule or rule amendment.

(4) The Commission has not stayed the submission pursuant to § 40.6(c).

(5) The rule or rule amendment is not a rule or rule amendment of a designated contract market that materially changes a term or condition of a contract for future delivery of an agricultural commodity enumerated in section 1a(4) of the Act or an option on such a contract or commodity in a delivery month having open interest.

(6) Emergency rule certifications. (i) New rules or rule amendments that establish standards for responding to an emergency must be submitted pursuant to § 40.6(a);

(ii) Rules or rule amendments implemented under procedures of the governing board to respond to an emergency as defined in § 40.1, shall, if practicable, be filed with the Commission prior to the implementation or, if not practicable, be filed with the Commission at the earliest possible time after implementation, but in no event more than twenty-four hours after implementation. Such rules shall be subject to the certification and stay provisions of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.

(7). The rule submission shall include:

(i) A copy of the submission cover sheet in accordance with the instructions in appendix D to this part (in the case of a rule or rule amendment that responds to an emergency, “Emergency Rule Certification” should be noted in the Description section of the submission coversheet);

(ii) The text of the rule (in the case of a rule amendment, deletions and additions must be indicated);

(iii) The date of intended implementation;

(iv) A certification by the registered entity that the rule complies with the Act and the Commission's regulations thereunder;

(v) A concise explanation and analysis of the operation, purpose, and effect of the proposed rule or rule amendment and its compliance with applicable provisions of the Act, including core principles, and the Commission's regulations thereunder;

(vi) A brief explanation of any substantive opposing views expressed to the registered entity by governing board or committee members, members of the entity or market participants, that were not incorporated into the rule, or a statement that no such opposing views were expressed;

(vii) As appropriate, a request for confidential treatment pursuant to the procedures provided in § 40.8; and

(8) The registered entity shall provide, if requested by Commission staff, additional evidence, information or data that may be beneficial to the Commission in conducting a due diligence assessment of the filing and the registered entity's compliance with any of the requirements of the Act or the Commission's regulations or policies thereunder.

(b) Review by the Commission. The Commission shall have 10 business days to review the new rule or rule amendment before the new rule or rule amendment is deemed certified and can be made effective, unless the Commission notifies the registered entity during the 10-business day review period that it intends to issue a stay of the certification under paragraph (c) of this section.

(c) Stay—(1) Stay of certification of new rule or rule amendment. The Commission may stay the certification of a new rule or rule amendment submitted pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section by issuing a notification informing the registered entity that the Commission is staying the certification of the rule or rule amendment on the grounds that the rule or rule amendment presents novel or complex issues that require additional time to analyze, the rule or rule amendment is accompanied by an inadequate explanation or the rule or rule amendment is potentially inconsistent with the Act or the Commission's regulations thereunder. The Commission will have an additional 90 days from the date of the notification to conduct the review. The decision to stay the certification of a rule in such circumstances shall be delegable pursuant to § 40.7 of this part.

(2) Public comment. The Commission shall provide a 30-day comment period within the 90-day period in which the stay is in effect as described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section. The Commission shall publish a notice of the 30-day comment period on the Commission Web site. Comments from the public shall be submitted as specified in that notice.

(3) Expiration of a stay of certification of new rule or rule amendment. A new rule or rule amendment subject to a stay pursuant to this paragraph shall become effective, pursuant to the certification, at the expiration of the 90-day review period described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section unless the Commission withdraws the stay prior to that time, or the Commission notifies the registered entity during the 90-day time period that it objects to the proposed certification on the grounds that the proposed rule or rule amendment is inconsistent with the Act or the Commission's regulations.

(4) Stay of effectiveness of rules or rule amendments already implemented. The Commission may stay the effectiveness of an implemented rule during the pendency of Commission proceedings for filing a false certification or during the pendency of a petition to alter or amend the rule pursuant to section 8a(7) of the Act. The decision to stay the effectiveness of a rule in such circumstances shall not be delegable to any employee of the Commission.

(d) Notification of rule amendments. Notwithstanding the rule certification requirement of Section 5c(c)(1) of the Act and paragraph (a) of this section, a registered entity may place the following rules or rule amendments into effect without certification to the Commission if the following conditions are met:

(1) The registered entity provides to the Commission at least weekly a summary notice of all rule amendments made effective pursuant to this paragraph during the preceding week. Such notice must be labeled “Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments” and need not be filed for weeks during which no such actions have been taken. One copy of each such submission shall be furnished electronically in a format and manner specified by the Secretary of the Commission; and

(2) The rule governs:

(i) Non-substantive revisions. Corrections of typographical errors, renumbering, periodic routine updates to identifying information about registered entities and other such non-substantive revisions of a product's terms and conditions that have no effect on the economic characteristics of the product;

(ii) Delivery standards set by third parties. Changes to grades or standards of commodities deliverable on a product that are established by an independent third party and that are incorporated by reference as product terms, provided that the grade or standard is not established, selected or calculated solely for use in connection with futures or option trading and such changes do not affect deliverable supplies or the pricing basis for the product;

(iii) Index products. Routine changes in the composition, computation, or method of selection of component entities of an index (other than routine changes to securities indexes to the extent that such changes are not described in paragraph (d)(3)(ii)(F) of this section) referenced and defined in the product's terms, that do not affect the pricing basis of the index, which are made by an independent third party whose business relates to the collection or dissemination of price information and which was not formed solely for the purpose of compiling an index for use in connection with a futures or option product;

(iv) Option contract terms. Changes to option contract rules, which may qualify for implementation without notice pursuant to paragraph (d)(3)(ii)(G) of this section, relating to the strike price listing procedures, strike price intervals, and the listing of strike prices on a discretionary basis;

(v) Fees. Fees or fee changes, other than fees or fee changes associated with market making or trading incentive programs, that:

(A) Total $1.00 or more per contract, and

(B) Are established by an independent third party or are unrelated to delivery, trading, clearing or dispute resolution.

(vi) Survey lists. Changes to lists of banks, brokers, dealers, or other entities that provide price or cash market information to an independent third party and that are incorporated by reference as product terms;

(vii) Approved brands. Changes in lists of approved brands or markings pursuant to previously certified or Commission approved standards or criteria;

(viii) Delivery facilities and delivery service providers. Changes in lists of approved delivery facilities and delivery service providers (including weigh masters, assayers, and inspectors) at a delivery location, pursuant to previously certified or Commission approved standards or criteria;

(ix) Trading months. The initial listing of trading months, which may qualify for implementation without notice pursuant to (d)(3)(ii)(H) of this section, within the currently established cycle of trading months; or

(x) Minimum tick. Reductions in the minimum price fluctuation (or “tick”).

(3) Notification of rule amendments not required. Notwithstanding the rule certification requirements of section 5c(c)(1) of the Act and paragraph (a) of this section, a registered entity may place the following rules or rule amendments into effect without certification or notice to the Commission if the following conditions are met:

(i) The registered entity maintains documentation regarding all changes to rules; and

(ii) The rule governs:

(A) Transfer of membership or ownership. Procedures and forms for the purchase, sale or transfer of membership or ownership, but not including qualifications for membership or ownership, any right or obligation of membership or ownership or dues or assessments;

(B) Administrative procedures. The organization and administrative procedures of a registered entity governing bodies such as a Board of Directors, Officers and Committees, but not voting requirements, Board of Directors or Committee composition requirements or procedures, decision making procedures, use or disclosure of material non-public information gained through the performance of official duties, or requirements relating to conflicts of interest;

(C) Administration. The routine, daily administration, direction and control of employees, requirements relating to gratuity and similar funds, but not guaranty, reserves, or similar funds; declaration of holidays, and changes to facilities housing the market, trading floor or trading area;

(D) Standards of decorum. Standards of decorum or attire or similar provisions relating to admission to the floor, badges, or visitors, but not the establishment of penalties for violations of such rules; and

(E) Fees. Fees or fee changes, other than fees or fee changes associated with market making or trading incentive programs, that:

(1) Are less than $1.00; or

(2) Relate to matters such as dues, badges, telecommunication services, booth space, real time quotations, historical information, publications, software licenses or other matters that are administrative in nature.

(F) Securities indexes. Routine changes to the composition, computation or method of security selection of an index that is referenced and defined in the product's rules, and which is made by an independent third party.

(G) Option contract terms. For registered entities that are in compliance with the daily reporting requirements of § 16.01 of this chapter, changes to option contract rules relating to the strike price listing procedures, strike price intervals, and the listing of strike prices on a discretionary basis.

(H) Trading months. For registered entities that are in compliance with the daily reporting requirements of § 16.01 of this chapter, the initial listing of trading months which are within the currently established cycle of trading months.

[76 FR 44790, July 27, 2011, as amended at 76 FR 45666, Aug. 1, 2011]
§ 40.7 - Delegations.

(a) Procedural matters. (1) The Commission hereby delegates, until it orders otherwise, to the Director of the Division of Clearing and Risk and, separately, to the Director of the Division of Market Oversight, to be exercised by either Director, as appropriate, or by such employees of the Commission that either Director may designate from time to time, the following authorities, with the concurrence of the General Counsel or the General Counsel's delegate:

(i) To request, pursuant to § 40.3(c)(2) or § 40.5(c)(1)(ii) of this part, that the registered entity requesting approval amend the proposed product, rule or rule amendment, or supplement the submission to the Commission;

(ii) To notify the registered entity, pursuant to § 40.3(e) or § 40.5(e) of this part, that the Commission is not approving, or is unable to approve, the proposed product, rule or rule amendment;

(iii) To make all determinations reserved to the Commission in § 40.10.

(2) The Commission hereby delegates, until it orders otherwise, to the Director of the Division of Clearing and Risk and, separately, to the Director of the Division of Market Oversight, to be exercised by either Director, as appropriate, or by such employees of the Commission that either Director may designate from time to time, the following authorities, after consultation with the Office of General Counsel or the General Counsel's delegate to notify a registered entity:

(i) Pursuant to § 40.3(d) of this part, that the time for review of the submission has been extended because the product raises novel or complex issues that require additional time for review;

(ii) Pursuant to § 40.5(d) of this part, that the time for review of the submission has been extended because the proposed rule or rule amendment raises novel or complex issues that require additional time for review or is of major economic significance;

(iii) Pursuant to § 40.6(c) of this part, that the proposed rule or rule amendment has been stayed because there exist novel or complex issues that require additional time to analyze, or there is potential inconsistency with the Act or the Commission's regulations.

(3) The Commission hereby delegates, until it orders otherwise, to the Director of the Division of Clearing and Risk and, separately, to the Director of the Division of Market Oversight, to be exercised by either Director, as appropriate, or by such employees of the Commission that either Director may designate from time to time, the authority to notify a registered entity, pursuant to § 40.3(d) or § 40.5(d) of this part, that the time for review of the submission has been extended, or that a rule certified pursuant to § 40.6(c) has been stayed, because the submission is incomplete or provides an inadequate explanation.

(4) Emergency rules. The Commission hereby delegates to the Director of the Division of Market Oversight and, separately, to the Director of the Division of Clearing and Risk, to be exercised by either Director, as appropriate, or by such other employee or employees of the Commission that either Director may designate from time to time, authority to receive notification of emergency rules under § 40.6(a)(6)(ii) of this part.

(5) The Commission hereby delegates to the Director of the Division of Market Oversight, to be exercised by the Director or by such employees of the Commission that the Director may designate from time to time, with the concurrence of the General Counsel or the General Counsel's delegate, the authority to determine whether a rule change submitted by a designated contract market for a materiality determination under § 40.4(b)(5) of this part is not material (in which case it may be reported pursuant to the provisions of § 40.6(d) of this part), or is material, in which case he or she shall notify the registered entity that the rule change must be submitted for the Commission's prior approval.

(b) Approval authority. The Commission hereby delegates, until it orders otherwise, to the Director of the Division of Clearing and Risk and, separately, to the Director of the Division of Market Oversight, to be exercised by either Director, as appropriate, or by such employees of the Commission that either Director may designate from time to time, with the concurrence of the General Counsel or the General Counsel's delegate, the authority to approve, pursuant to section 5c(c)(3) of the Act and § 40.5 of this part, rules or rule amendments of a registered entity that:

(1) Relate to, but do not substantially change, the quantity, quality, or other delivery specifications, procedures, or obligations for delivery, cash settlement, or exercise under an agreement, contract or transaction approved for trading by the Commission; daily settlement prices; clearing position limits; requirements or procedures for governance of a registered entity; procedures for transfer trades; trading hours; minimum price fluctuations; and maximum price limit and trading suspension provisions;

(2) Reflect routine modifications that are required or anticipated by the terms of the rule of a registered entity;

(3) Establish or amend speculative limits or position accountability provisions that are in compliance with the requirements of the Act and the Commission's regulations;

(4) Are in substance the same as a rule of the same or another registered entity which has been approved previously by the Commission pursuant to section 5c(c)(3) of the Act;

(5) Are consistent with a specific, stated policy or interpretation of the Commission; or

(6) Relate to the listing of additional trading months of approved contracts.

(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the Director of the Division of Clearing and Risk and, separately, the Director of the Division of Market Oversight may submit to the Commission for its consideration any matter that has been delegated pursuant to this section.

(d) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to prohibit the Commission, at its election, from exercising any of the authority delegated pursuant to this section.

[76 FR 44790, July 27, 2011, as amended at 78 FR 22419, Apr. 16, 2013]
§ 40.8 - Availability of public information.

(a) The following sections of all applications to become a designated contract market, swap execution facility, derivatives clearing organization, or swap data repository shall be made publicly available: Transmittal letter and first page of the application cover sheet, proposed rules, narrative summary of the applicant's proposed activities and regulatory compliance chart, documents establishing the applicant's legal status, documents setting forth the applicant's corporate and governance structure and any other part of the application not covered by a request for confidential treatment.

(b) [Reserved]

(c) A registered entity's filing of new products pursuant to the self-certification procedures of § 40.2 of this part, new products for Commission review and approval pursuant to § 40.3 of this part, new rules and rule amendments for Commission review and approval pursuant to § 40.4 or § 40.5 of this part, and new rules and rule amendments pursuant to the self-certification procedures of § 40.6 and § 40.10 of this part shall be treated as public information unless accompanied by a request for confidential treatment. If a registered entity files a request for confidential treatment, the following procedures shall apply:

(1) A detailed written justification of the confidential treatment request must be filed simultaneously with the request for confidential treatment. The form and content of the detailed written justification shall be governed by § 145.9 of this chapter;

(2) All material for which confidential treatment is requested must be segregated in an appendix to the submission;

(3) The submission itself must indicate that material has been segregated and, as appropriate, an additional redacted version provided;

(4) Commission staff may make an initial determination with respect to the request for confidential treatment without regard to whether a request for the information has been sought under the Freedom of Information Act;

(5) All requests for confidential treatment shall be subject to the process provided by § 145.9 of this chapter.

(6) A submitter of information under this part may appeal an adverse decision by staff to the Commission's Office of General Counsel. The form and content of such appeal shall be governed by § 145.9(g) of this chapter.

(7) The grant of any part of a request for confidential treatment under this section may be reconsidered if a subsequent request under the Freedom of Information Act is made for the information.

(d) Commission staff will not consider confidential treatment requests for information that is required to be made public under the Act. The terms and conditions of a product submitted to the Commission pursuant to §§ 40.2, 40.3, 40.5 and 40.6 of this part shall be made publicly available at the time of submission.

[76 FR 44790, July 27, 2011, as amended at 80 FR 59578, Oct. 2, 2015]
§ 40.9 -
§ 40.10 - Special certification procedures for submission of rules by systemically important derivatives clearing organizations.

(a) Advance notice. A registered derivatives clearing organization that has been designated by the Financial Stability Oversight Council as a systemically important derivatives clearing organization shall provide notice to the Commission not less than 60 days in advance of any proposed change to its rules, procedures, or operations that could materially affect the nature or level of risks presented by the systemically important derivatives clearing organization. A notice submitted under this section shall be subject to the filing requirements of § 40.6(a)(1) and the Web site publication requirements of § 40.6(a)(2).

(1) The notice of a proposed change shall provide the information required to be submitted under § 40.6(a)(7) and shall specifically describe:

(i) The nature of the change and expected effects on risks to the systemically important derivatives clearing organization, its clearing members, or the market; and

(ii) How the systemically important derivatives clearing organization plans to manage any identified risks.

(2) Concurrent with providing the Commission with the advance notice or any request or other information related to the advance notice, the systemically important derivatives clearing organization shall provide the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System with a copy of such notice, request or other information in the same format and manner as required by the Board of Governors for those designated financial market utilities for which it is the Supervisory Agency pursuant to section 803(8) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

(3) The systemically important derivatives clearing organization may request that the Commission expedite the review on the grounds that the change would materially decrease risk. The Commission, in its discretion, may expedite the review and, pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section, notify the systemically important derivatives clearing organization in less than 60 days from the date the Commission receives the notice of proposed change in writing that it does not object to the proposed change and authorizes implementation of the change on an earlier date.

(b) Materiality. The term “materially affect the nature or level of risks presented,” when used to qualify determinations on a change to rules, procedures, or operations of a systemically important derivatives clearing organization, means matters as to which there is a reasonable possibility that the change could affect the performance of essential clearing and settlement functions or the overall nature or level of risk presented by the systemically important derivatives clearing organization. Such changes may include, but are not limited to, changes that materially affect financial resources, participant and product eligibility, risk management (including matters relating to margin and stress testing), daily or intraday settlement procedures, default procedures, system safeguards (business continuity and disaster recovery), and governance. If a systemically important derivatives clearing organization determines that a proposed change is not material and therefore does not file an advance notice under this § 40.10, but the Commission determines that the change is material, the Commission may require the systemically important derivatives clearing organization to withdraw the proposed change and provide notice pursuant to this section.

(c) Further information. The Commission may require the systemically important derivatives clearing organization to provide any further information necessary to assess the effect the proposed change would have on the nature or level of risks associated with the systemically important derivatives clearing organization's payment, clearing, or settlement activities and the sufficiency of any proposed risk management techniques.

(d) Notice of objection. A systemically important derivatives clearing organization shall not implement a change to which the Commission has an objection on the grounds that the proposed change is not consistent with the Act or the Commission's regulations, or the purposes of the Dodd-Frank Act or any applicable rules, orders, or standards prescribed under Section 805(a) of the Dodd-Frank Act. The Commission will notify the systemically important derivatives clearing organization in writing of any objection regarding the proposed change within 60 days from the later of:

(1) The date that the notice of the proposed change was received; or

(2) The date the Commission received any further information it had requested for consideration of the notice.

(e) Implementation of change absent Commission objection. A systemically important derivatives clearing organization may implement a change if it has not received an objection to the proposed change within 60 days from the later of:

(1) The date that the Commission received the notice of proposed change; or

(2) The date the Commission received any further information it had requested for consideration of the notice.

(f) Extended review. The Commission may, during the 60-day review period, extend the review period if the proposed change raises novel or complex issues. A notification by the Commission pursuant to this paragraph will extend the review for an additional 60 days. Any extension under this paragraph will extend the time periods under paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section for an additional 60 days.

(g) Change allowed earlier if notified of no objection. A systemically important derivatives clearing organization may implement a change in less than 60 days from the date the Commission receives the notice of proposed change or the date the Commission receives any further information it has requested, if the Commission notifies the systemically important derivatives clearing organization in writing that it does not object to the proposed change and authorizes implementation of the change on an earlier date, subject to any conditions imposed by the Commission.

(h) Emergency changes. A systemically important derivatives clearing organization may implement a change that would otherwise require advance notice under this section if it determines that an emergency exists and immediate implementation of the change is necessary for the systemically important derivatives clearing organization to continue to provide its services in a safe and sound manner.

(1) The systemically important derivatives clearing organization shall provide notice of any such emergency change to the Commission as soon as practicable, which shall be no later than 24 hours after implementation of the change.

(2) The notice of an emergency change shall:

(i) Provide the information required for advance notice as set forth in paragraph (a) of this section;

(ii) Describe the nature of the emergency; and

(iii) Describe the reason the change was necessary for the systemically important derivatives clearing organization to continue to provide its services in a safe and sound manner.

(3) The Commission may require modification or rescission of the emergency change if it finds that the change is not consistent with the Act or the Commission's regulations, or the purposes of the Dodd-Frank Act or any applicable rules, orders, or standards prescribed under Section 805(a) of the Dodd-Frank Act.

§ 40.11 - Review of event contracts based upon certain excluded commodities.

(a) Prohibition. A registered entity shall not list for trading or accept for clearing on or through the registered entity any of the following:

(1) An agreement, contract, transaction, or swap based upon an excluded commodity, as defined in Section 1a(19)(iv) of the Act, that involves, relates to, or references terrorism, assassination, war, gaming, or an activity that is unlawful under any State or Federal law; or

(2) An agreement, contract, transaction, or swap based upon an excluded commodity, as defined in Section 1a(19)(iv) of the Act, which involves, relates to, or references an activity that is similar to an activity enumerated in § 40.11(a)(1) of this part, and that the Commission determines, by rule or regulation, to be contrary to the public interest.

(b) [Reserved]

(c) 90-day review and approval of certain event contracts. The Commission may determine, based upon a review of the terms or conditions of a submission under § 40.2 or § 40.3, that an agreement, contract, transaction, or swap based on an excluded commodity, as defined in Section 1a(19)(iv) of the Act, which may involve, relate to, or reference an activity enumerated in § 40.11(a)(1) or § 40.11(a)(2), be subject to a 90-day review. The 90-day review shall commence from the date the Commission notifies the registered entity of a potential violation of § 40.11(a).

(1) The Commission shall request that a registered entity suspend the listing or trading of any agreement, contract, transaction, or swap based on an excluded commodity, as defined in Section 1a(19)(iv) of the Act, which may involve, relate to, or reference an activity enumerated in § 40.11(a)(1) or § 40.11(a)(2), during the Commission's 90-day review period. The Commission shall post on the Web site a notification of the intent to carry out a 90-day review.

(2) Final determination. The Commission shall issue an order approving or disapproving an agreement, contract, transaction, or swap that is subject to a 90-day review under § 40.11(c) not later than 90 days subsequent to the date that the Commission commences review, or if applicable, at the conclusion of such extended period agreed to or requested by the registered entity.

§ 40.12 - Staying of certification and tolling of review period pending jurisdictional determination.

(a) Notice of novel derivative products. (1) A registered entity certifying, submitting for approval, or otherwise filing a proposal to list, trade, or clear a novel derivative product (other than a product subject to the provisions of § 1.8 of this chapter) having elements of both a security and a contract for the sale of a commodity for future delivery (or an option on such contract or an option on a commodity) may provide notice of its proposal to the Commission and the Securities and Exchange Commission with a statement that written notice has been provided to both agencies through an appropriate means provided in each Commission's regulations.

(2) If concurrent notice is not provided pursuant to § 40.12(a)(1), the Commission shall notify the Securities and Exchange Commission of the registered entity's submission of a novel derivative product described in § 40.12(a)(1) and accompany such notice with a copy of the submission. The Commission shall determine whether a particular submission is a novel derivative product requiring notice to the Securities and Exchange Commission not later than five business days subsequent to the date that the registered entity submits the product for Commission review.

(b) Tolling of review period. Upon receipt of a request for a jurisdictional determination, pursuant to Section 718(a)(2) of the Dodd-Frank Act, by the Commission or the Securities and Exchange Commission, the product certification shall be stayed or the approval review period shall be tolled until a final determination order is issued.

(1) The Commission will provide the registered entity with a written notice of stay pending issuance of a final determination order by the Commission or the Securities and Exchange Commission.

(2) The stay shall be withdrawn or the approval review period shall resume upon the Commission's or the Securities and Exchange Commission's issuance of a final determination order finding that the Commission has jurisdiction over the submission.

(3) Determination order. A final determination, for purposes of § 40.12(b) of this part, shall be a determination order issued by the Commission or the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to Section 718(a)(3) of the Dodd-Frank Act.

(c) Judicial review of determination order. The filing of a petition by a complaining Commission, pursuant to Section 718(b) of the Dodd-Frank Act, shall operate as a stay of the agency order.

(1) The stay shall remain in effect until the date on which the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issues a final determination pursuant to Section 718(b)(4) of the Dodd-Frank Act, or until such date that there is a final disposition of an appeal of that determination.

(2) The submission review period shall resume upon issuance of a final determination, as described in § 40.12(c)(1), that the Commission has jurisdiction over the submission.

Appendix Appendix A - Appendix A to Part 40—Schedule of Fees

(a) Applications for product approval. Each application for product approval under § 40.3 must be accompanied by a check or money order made payable to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission in an amount to be determined annually by the Commission and published in the Federal Register.

(b) Checks and applications should be sent to the attention of the Office of the Secretariat, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20581. No checks or money orders may be accepted by personnel other than those in the Office of the Secretariat.

(c) Failure to submit the fee with an application for product approval will result in return of the application. Fees will not be returned after receipt.

Appendix - Appendixes B-C to Part 40 [Reserved]
Appendix Appendix D - Appendix D to Part 40—Submission Cover Sheet and Instructions

(a) A properly completed submission cover sheet shall accompany all rule and product submissions submitted electronically by a registered entity in a format and manner specified by the Secretary of the Commission to the Secretary of the Commission. A properly completed submission cover sheet shall include all of the following:

1. Identifier Code (optional)—A registered entity Identifier Code at the top of the cover sheet, if applicable. Such codes are commonly generated by registered entities to provide an identifier that is unique to each filing (e.g., NYMEX Submission 03-116).

2. Date—The date of the filing.

3. Organization—The name of the organization filing the submission (e.g., CBOT).

4. Filing as a—Check in the appropriate box indicating that the rule or product is being submitted by a designated contract market (DCM), derivatives clearing organization (DCO), swap execution facility (SEF), or swap data repository (SDR).

5. Type of Filing—An indication as to whether the filing is a new rule, rule amendment or new product. The registered entity should check the appropriate box to indicate the applicable category under that heading.

6. Rule Numbers—For rule filings, the rule number(s) being adopted or modified in the case of rule amendment filings.

7. Description—For rule or rule amendment filings, a description of the new rule or rule amendment, including a discussion of its expected impact on the registered entity, market participants, and the overall market. The narrative should describe the substance of the submission with enough specificity to characterize all material aspects of the filing.

(b) Other Requirements—A submission shall comply with all applicable filing requirements for proposed rules, rule amendments, or products. The filing of the submission cover sheet does not obviate the registered entity's responsibility to comply with applicable filing requirements (e.g., rules submitted for Commission approval under § 40.5 must be accompanied by an explanation of the purpose and effect of the proposed rule along with a description of any substantive opposing views).

(c) Checking the box marked “confidential treatment requested” on the Submission Cover Sheet does not obviate the submitter's responsibility to comply with all applicable requirements for requesting confidential treatment in § 40.8 and, where appropriate, § 145.9 of this chapter, and will not substitute for notice or full compliance with such requirements.

[80 FR 59578, Oct. 2, 2015]
authority: 7 U.S.C. 1a,2,5,6,7,7a,8,as,Public. L. 111-203, 124 Stat. 1376 (2010)
source: 76 FR 44790, July 27, 2011, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 17 CFR 40.8