Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 19, 2025

Title 18 - Conservation of Power and Water Resources last revised: Feb 12, 2025
§ 401.101 - Policy on disclosure of Commission records.

The Commission will make the fullest possible disclosure of records to the public, consistent with the rights of individuals to privacy, the property rights of persons in trade secrets and confidential commercial or financial information, and the need for the Commission to promote frank internal policy deliberations and to pursue its regulatory activities without disruption.

§ 401.102 - Partial disclosure of records.

If a record contains both disclosable and nondisclosable information, the nondisclosable information will be deleted and the remaining record will be disclosed unless the two are so inextricably intertwined that it is not feasible to separate them or release of the disclosable information would compromise or impinge upon the nondisclosable portion of the record.

§ 401.103 - Request for existing records.

(a) Any written request to the Commission for existing records not prepared for routine distribution to the public shall be deemed to be a request for records pursuant to the provisions of this part, whether or not the provisions of this part are mentioned in the request, and shall be governed by the provisions of this part.

(b) Records or documents prepared by the Commission for routine public distribution, e.g., pamphlets, speeches, public information and educational materials, shall be furnished free of charge upon request as long as the supply lasts. The provisions of this part shall not be applicable to such requests.

(c) All existing Commission records are subject to routine destruction according to standard record retention schedules.

[40 FR 14056, Mar. 28, 1975; 40 FR 17987, Apr. 24, 1975. Redesignated at 52 FR 37602, Oct. 8, 1987, as amended at 89 FR 51827, June 20, 2024]
§ 401.104 - Preparation of new records.

The provisions of this part apply only to existing records that are reasonably described in a request filed with the Commission pursuant to the procedures herein established. The Commission shall not be required to prepare new records in order to respond to a request for information.

[89 FR 51827, June 20, 2024]
§ 401.105 - Indexes of certain records.

(a) Indexes shall be maintained, and revised at least quarterly, for the following Commission records:

(1) Final opinions and orders made in the adjudication of cases.

(2) Statements of policy and interpretation adopted by the Commission and still in force and not published in the Federal Register or official minutes of Commission meetings.

(3) Administrative staff manuals and instructions to staff that affect members of the public.

(b) A copy of each such index is available at cost of duplication from the Records Access Officer.

[40 FR 14056, Mar. 28, 1975; 40 FR 17987, Apr. 24, 1975. Redesignated at 52 FR 37602, Oct. 8, 1987, as amended at 89 FR 51827, June 20, 2024]
§ 401.106 - Records Access Officer.

The Executive Director shall designate a Commission employee as the Records Access Officer. The Records Access Officer shall be responsible for Commission compliance with the provisions of this part. All requests for agency records shall be sent to the Records Access Officer in a manner consistent with § 401.108(a).

[89 FR 51827, June 20, 2024]
§ 401.107 - Permanent file of requests for Commission records.

The Commission shall maintain a permanent file of all requests for Commission records and all responses thereto, incuding a list of all records furnished in response to a request. This file is available for public review during working hours.

§ 401.108 - Filing a request for records.

(a) All requests for Commission records shall be submitted to the Records Access Officer on such forms as the Executive Director may prescribe, which shall be available on the Commission's website,, or by written request to the Commission, 25 Cosey Road, West Trenton, NJ 08628.

(b) A request for Commission records shall reasonably describe the records being sought, in a way that they can be identified and located. A request should include all pertinent details that will help identify the records sought. A person requesting disclosure of records shall be permitted an opportunity to review them without the necessity for copying them where the records involved contain only disclosable data and information.

(1) If the description is insufficient to locate the records requested, the Records Access Officer will so notify the person making the request and indicate the additional information needed to identify the records requested.

(2) Every reasonable effort shall be made by the staff to assist in the identification and location of the records sought.

(3) In any situation in which it is determined that a request for voluminous records would unduly burden and interfere with the operations of the Commission, the person making the request will be asked to be more specific and to narrow the request, and to agree on an orderly procedure for the production of the requested records.

(c) Upon receipt of a request for records, the Records Access Officer shall enter it in a public log (which entry may consist of a copy of the request). The log shall state the date and time received, the name and address of the person making the request, the nature of the records requested, the action taken on the request, the date of the determination letter sent pursuant to § 401.109(b), the date(s) any records are subsequently furnished, the number of staff-hours and grade levels of persons who spent time responding to the request, and the payment requested and received.

(d) A denial of a request for records, in whole or in part, shall be signed by the Records Access Officer. The name and title or position of each person who participated in the denial of a request for records shall be set forth in the letter denying the request. This requirement may be met by attaching a list of such individuals to the letter.

[40 FR 14056, Mar. 28, 1975; 40 FR 17987, Apr. 24, 1975. Redesignated at 52 FR 37602, Oct. 8, 1987, as amended at 89 FR 51827, June 20, 2024]
§ 401.109 - Time limitations.

(a) All time limitations established pursuant to this section shall begin as of the time at which a request for records is logged in by the Records Access Officer pursuant to § 401.108(c). An oral request for records shall not begin any time requirement. A written request for records sent elsewhere within the Commission shall not begin any time requirement until it is redirected to the Records Access Officer and is logged in accordance with § 401.108(c). A request that is expected to involve fees in excess of $50.00 will not be deemed received until the requester is promptly notified and agrees to bear the cost or has so indicated on the initial request.

(b) Within 10 working days (excepting Saturdays, Sundays, and legal public holidays) after a request for records is logged by the Records Access Officer, the record shall be furnished or a letter shall be sent to the person making the request determining whether, or the extent to which, the Commission will comply with the request, and, if any records are denied, the reasons therefor.

(1) If all of the records requested have been located and a final determination has been made with respect to disclosure of all of the records requested, the letter shall so state.

(2) If all of the records have not been located or a final determination has not yet been made with respect to disclosure of all of the records requested, the letter shall state the extent to which the records involved shall be disclosed pursuant to the rules established in this part.

(3) In the following unusual circumstances, the time for sending this letter may be extended by the Executive Director for up to an additional ten (10) working days by written notice to the person making the request setting forth the reasons for such extension and the time within which a determination is expected to be dispatched:

(i) The need to search for and collect the requested records from field facilities or other establishments that are separate from the Commission's Headquarters.

(ii) The need to search for, collect and appropriately examine a voluminous amount of separate and distinct records which are demanded in a single request.

(iii) The need for consultation, which shall be conducted with all practicable speed, with another agency having a substantial interest in the determination of the request or among two or more components of the Commission having substantial subject-matter interest therein.

(c) If any record is denied, the letter shall state the right of the person requesting such records to appeal any adverse determination to the Executive Director of the Commission. Such an appeal shall be filed within 30 days from receipt of the Records Access Officer's determination denying the requested information (where the entire request has been denied), or from the receipt of any information made available pursuant to the request (where the request has been denied in part). Within 20 working days (excepting Saturdays, Sundays, and legal public holidays) after receipt of any appeal, or any authorized extension, the Executive Director or the Executive Director's designee shall make a determination and notify the appellant of such determination. If the appeal is decided in favor of the appellant the requested information shall be promptly supplied as provided in this part. If on appeal the denial of the request for records is upheld in whole or in part, the appellant shall be entitled to appeal to the Commission at its regular meeting. In the event that the Commission confirms the Executive Director's denial the appellant shall be notified of the provisions for judicial review.

(d) If the request for records will result in a fee of more than $25, determination letter under paragraph (b) of this section shall specify or estimate the fee involved and may require prepayment, as well as payment of any amount not yet received as a result of any previous request, before the records are made available. If the fee is less than $25, prepayment shall not be required unless payment has not yet been received for records disclosed as a result of a previous request.

(e) Whenever possible, the determination letter required under paragraph (b) of this section, relating to a request for records that involves a fee of less than $25.00, shall be accompanied by the requested records. Where this is not possible, the records shall be forwarded as soon as possible thereafter. For requests for records involving a fee of more than $25.00, the records shall be forwarded as soon as possible after receipt of payment.

[40 FR 14056, Mar. 28, 1975; 40 FR 17987, Apr. 24, 1975. Redesignated at 52 FR 37602, Oct. 8, 1987, as amended at 89 FR 51827, June 20, 2024]
§ 401.110 - Fees.

(a) Unless waived in accordance with the provisions of § 401.111, the following fees shall be imposed for production of any record pursuant to this part.

(1) Administrative fees. (i) Charges for administrative fees include staff time associated with:

(A) Processing requests for records;

(B) Locating and reviewing files;

(C) Monitoring file reviews;

(D) Generating computer records (electronic print-outs); and

(E) Preparing logs of records deemed non-public.

(ii) Administrative charges will be calculated as follows: Administrative charges will be billed to the requester per quarter hour following the first quarter hour. These charges will be billed at the current, hourly paygrade rate (pro-rated for quarter hour increments) of the personnel performing the service. Administrative charges will be in addition to any copying charges.

(iii) Appointment rescheduling/cancellation. Requesters that do not reschedule or cancel appointments to view files at least one full business day in advance of the appointment may be subject to the administrative charges incurred by the Commission in preparing the requested records. The Commission will prepare an itemized invoice of these charges and mail it to the requester for payment.

(2) Photocopying fees. The following are charges for photocopies of public records made by Commission personnel:

(i) Standard sized, black and white copies. The charge for copying standard sized, black and white public records shall be $0.15 per printed page (i.e., single-sided copies are $0.15 and double-sided copies are $0.30). This charge applies to copies on the following standard paper sizes:

(A) 8.5″ × 11″;

(B) 8.5″ × 14″;

(C) 11″ × 17″.

(ii) Color copies/printouts. The charge for color copies or color printouts shall be as follows:

(A) 8.5″ × 11″—$1.00 per page;

(B) 8.5″ × 14″—$1.50 per page;

(C) 11″ × 17″—$2.00 per page;

(D) The charge for all color copies larger than 11″ × 17″ (including, but not limited to: photographic imagery, GIS print-outs, and maps) shall be calculated at the rate of $2.50 per square foot.

(iii) Electronically generated records. Charges for copying records maintained in electronic format will be calculated by the material costs involved in generating the copies (including, but not limited to: magnetic tape, diskette, or compact disc costs) and administrative costs.

(iv) Other copying fees. The Commission, at its discretion, may arrange to have records copied by an outside contractor if the Commission does not have the resources or equipment to copy such records. In this instance, the requester will be liable for payment of these costs.

(3) Forwarding material to destination. Postage, insurance, and special fees will be charged on an actual cost basis.

(b) No charge shall be made for the time spent in resolving legal or policy issues or in examining records for the purpose of deleting nondisclosable portions thereof.

(c) Payment shall be made by check or money order payable to “Delaware River Basin Commission” and shall be sent to the Records Access Officer.

[40 FR 14056, Mar. 28, 1975; 40 FR 17987, Apr. 24, 1975. Redesignated at 52 FR 37602, Oct. 8, 1987, as amended at 67 FR 56753, Sept. 5, 2002; 89 FR 51828, June 20, 2024]
§ 401.111 - Waiver of fees.

(a) No fee shall be charged for disclosure of records pursuant to this part where:

(1) The records are requested by a congressional committee or subcommittee or the General Accounting Office.

(2) The records are requested by an agency of a signatory party.

(3) The records are requested by a court of competent jurisdiction.

(4) The records are requested by a state or local government having jurisdiction thereof.

(b) No fee shall be charged if a record requested is not found or for any record that is totally exempt from disclosure.

§ 401.112 - Exempt information.

The following materials and information covered by this part shall be exempt from disclosure; that is, information that is:

(a) Related solely to the internal personnel matters of the Commission;

(b) Specifically exempted from disclosure by statute;

(c) Trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential. (For purposes of this section a trade secret may consist of any formula, pattern, device, or compilation of information which is used in one's business and which gives him an opportunity to obtain an advantage over competitors who do not know or use it. Commercial or financial information that is privileged or confidential means valuable data or information which is used in one's business and is of a type customarily held in strict confidence or regarded as privileged and not disclosed to any member of the public by the person to whom it belongs.)

(d) Inter-agency or intra-agency memorandums or letters other than purely factual compilations, which would not be available by law to a party other than an agency in litigation with the Commission;

(e) Personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy; and

(f) Investigatory records compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of such records would (1) interfere with enforcement proceedings, (2) deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or an impartial adjudication, (3) constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, (4) disclose the identity of a confidential source, (5) disclose investigative techniques and procedures, or (6) endanger the life or physical safety of law enforcement personnel.

[40 FR 14056, Mar. 28, 1975; 40 FR 17987, Apr. 24, 1975. Redesignated at 52 FR 37602, Oct. 8, 1987, as amended at 63 FR 45943, Aug. 28, 1998]
§ 401.113 - Segregable materials.

Any reasonably segregable portion of a record shall be provided to any person requesting such record after deletion of the portions which are exempt under this part, except as provided in § 401.102.

[89 FR 51828, June 20, 2024]
§ 401.114 - Data and information previously disclosed to the public.

Any Commission record that is otherwise exempt from public disclosure pursuant to this part is available for public disclosure to the extent that it contains data or information that have previously been disclosed in a lawful manner to any member of the public, other than an employee or consultant or pursuant to other commercial arrangements with appropriate safeguards for secrecy.

§ 401.115 - Discretionary disclosure by the Executive Director.

(a) The Executive Director may exercise discretion to disclose part or all of any Commission record that is otherwise exempt from disclosure pursuant to this part whenever the Executive Director determines that such disclosure is in the public interest, will promote the objectives of the Commission, and is consistent with the rights of individuals to privacy, the property rights of persons in trade secrets, and the need for the Commission to promote frank internal policy deliberations and to pursue its regulatory activities without disruption.

(b) Discretionary disclosure of a record pursuant to this section shall invoke the requirement that the record shall be disclosed to any person who requests it pursuant to § 401.108, but shall not set a precedent for discretionary disclosure of any similar or related record and shall not obligate the Executive Director to disclose any other record that is exempt from disclosure.

[89 FR 51828, June 20, 2024]
§ 401.116 - Disclosure to consultants, advisory committees, State and local government officials, and other special government employees.

Data and information otherwise exempt from public disclosure may be disclosed to Commission consultants, advisory committees, state and local government officials, and other special government employees for use only in their work in cooperation with the Commission. Such persons are thereafter subject to the same restrictions with respect to the disclosure of such data and information as any other Commission employee.

§ 401.117 - Disclosure to other Federal government departments and agencies.

Any Commission record otherwise exempt from public disclosure may be disclosed to other Federal Government departments and agencies, except that trade secrets may be disclosed only to a department or agency that has concurrent jurisdiction over the matter and separate legal authority to obtain the specific information involved. Any disclosure under this section shall be pursuant to an agreement that the record shall not be further disclosed by the other department or agency except with the written permission of the Commission.

§ 401.118 - Disclosure in administrative or court proceedings.

Data and information otherwise exempt from public disclosure may be revealed in Commission administrative or court proceedings where the data or information are relevant. The Commission will request that the data or information be held in camera and that any other appropriate measures be taken to reduce disclosure to the minimum necessary under the circumstances.

§ 401.119 - Disclosure to Congress.

All records of the Commission shall be disclosed to Congress upon an authorized request.

authority: Delaware River Basin Compact (75 Stat. 688), unless otherwise noted
source: 39 FR 25474, July 11, 1974, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 18 CFR 401.103