Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 18 - Conservation of Power and Water Resources last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 141.1 - FERC Form No. 1, Annual report of Major electric utilities, licensees and others.

(a) Prescription. The Form of Annual Report for Major electric utilities, licensees and others, designated herein as FERC Form No. 1, is prescribed for the reporting year 1981 and each year thereafter.

(b) Filing requirements—(1) Who must file—(i) Generally. Each Major and each Nonoperating (formerly designated as Major) electric utility (as defined in part 101 of Subchapter C of this chapter) and each licensee as defined in section 3 of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 796), including any agency, authority or other legal entity or instrumentality engaged in generation, transmission, distribution, or sale of electric energy, however produced, throughout the United States and its possessions, having sales or transmission service equal to Major as defined above, must prepare and file electronically with the Commission the FERC Form 1 pursuant to the General Instructions as provided in that form.

(ii) Exceptions. This report form is not prescribed for any agency, authority or instrumentality of the United States, nor is it prescribed for municipalities as defined in section 3 of the Federal Power Act; (i.e., a city, county, irrigation district, drainage district, or other political subdivision or agency of a State competent under the laws thereof to carry on the business of developing, transmitting, utilizing, or distributing power).

(2) When to file and what to file. (i) The annual report for the year ending December 31, 2004, must be filed on April 25, 2005.

(ii) The annual report for each year thereafter must be filed on April 18.

(iii) This report must be filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as prescribed in § 385.2011 of this chapter and as indicated in the General Instructions set out in this form, and must be properly completed and verified. Filing on electronic media pursuant to § 385.2011 of this chapter is required.

[Order 200, 47 FR 1280, Jan. 12, 1982, as amended by Order 390, 49 FR 32515, Aug. 14, 1984; Order 574, 60 FR 1718, Jan. 5, 1995; Order 626, 67 FR 36096, May 23, 2002; 69 FR 9043, Feb. 26, 2004; Order 694, 72 FR 20723, Apr. 26, 2007; 73 FR 58736, Oct. 7, 2008]
§ 141.2 - FERC Form No. 1-F, Annual report for Nonmajor public utilities and licensees.

(a) Prescription. The form of Annual Report for Nonmajor Public Utilities and Licensees, designated herein as FERC Form No. 1-F, is prescribed for the year 1980 and each year thereafter.

(b) Filing Requirements—(1) Who Must File—(i) Generally. Each Nonmajor and each Nonoperating (formerly designated as Nonmajor) public utility and licensee as defined in Part 101 of this chapter, shall prepare and file with the Commission FERC Form No. 1-F as prescribed in § 385.2011 of this chapter and as indicated in the General Instructions set out in this form, and must be properly completed and verified. Filing on electronic media pursuant to § 385.2011 of this chapter is required.

(ii) Exceptions. FERC Form No. 1-F is not prescribed for any municipality as defined in Section 3 of the Federal Power Act, i.e., a city, county, irrigation district, drainage district, or other political subdivision or agency of a State competent under the laws thereof to carry on the business of developing, transmitting, utilizing, or distributing power.

(2) When to file. (i) The annual report for the year ending December 31, 2004, must be filed on April 25, 2005.

(ii) The annual report for each year thereafter must be filed on April 18.

[Order 101, 45 FR 60899, Sept. 15, 1980, as amended by Order 390, 49 FR 32515, Aug. 14, 1984; 50 FR 5744, Feb. 12, 1985; 69 FR 9043, Feb. 26, 2004; Order 694, 72 FR 20723, Apr. 26, 2007; Order 859, 84 FR 30628, June 27, 2019]
§ 141.15 - Annual Conveyance Report.

If a licensee of a hydropower project is required by its license to file with the Commission an annual report of conveyances of easements or rights-of-way across, or leases of, project lands, the report must be filed only if such a conveyance or lease of project lands has occurred in the previous year.

[Order 540, 57 FR 21738, May 22, 1992]
§ 141.51 - FERC Form No. 714, Annual Electric Balancing Authority Area and Planning Area Report.

(a) Who must file. (1) Any electric utility, as defined by section 3(4) of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act, 16 U.S.C. 2602,operating,and,which,must. 714 with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

(2) Any electric utility, or group of electric utilities that constitutes a planning area and that has a peak load greater than 200 megawatts (MW) based on net energy for load for the reporting year, must complete applicable schedules in FERC Form No. 714.

(b) When to file. FERC Form No. 714 must be filed on or before each June 1 for the preceding calendar year.

(c) What to file. FERC Form No. 714, Annual Electric Balancing Authority Area and Planning Area Report, must be filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as prescribed in § 385.2011 of this chapter and as indicated in the General Instructions set out in this form.

[58 FR 52436, Oct. 8, 1993, as amended by Order 20723, 72 FR 20725, Apr. 26, 2007]
§ 141.61 - [Reserved]
§ 141.100 - Original cost statement of utility property.

Any public utility or licensee becoming subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission shall file, insofar as applicable, the following statements properly sworn to by the officer in responsible charge of their compilation:

Statement A

Statement A showing in outline the origin and development of the company including particularly a description (giving names of parties and dates) of each consolidation and merger to which the company, or a predecessor, was a party and each acquisition of an electric operating unit or system.

Statement B

Statement B showing for each acquisition by the reporting company or any of its predecessors of an electric operating unit or system, the original cost, estimated, if not known, the cost of such company and the amount entered in the books in respect thereto as of the date of acquisition. If the depreciation, retirement, or amortization reserve was adjusted as of the date of acquisition and in connection therewith, a full disclosure of the pertinent facts should be made. The difference between the original cost and the amount entered in respect thereto of each acquisition of an electric operating unit or system, as of the date of acquisition, should be clearly stated, and a summary of all transactions affecting such difference through the end of the calendar year prior to the year in which the filing is made, and the resultant amount at the latter date, should be set forth. The amount to be included in account 114, Electric Plant Acquisition Adjustments, shall be subdivided so as to show the amounts applicable to (1) electric plant in service, (2) electric plant leased to others, and (3) electric plant held for future use. Whenever practical, such amount shall be classified according to nature, i.e., going value, structural value, etc.

Where estimates are used in arriving at original cost or the amount to be included in account 114, a full disclosure of the method and underlying facts should be given. The method of determining the original cost of the electric plant acquired as operating units or systems should be described in sufficient detail to permit a clear understanding of the nature of the investigations which were made for that purpose.

Statement C

Statement C showing any amounts arrived at by appraisals in the electric plant accounts (and not eliminated) in lieu of cost to the reporting company. This statement should give the full journal entry at the time the appraisal was originally recorded and if the entry had the effect of appreciating or writing up the electric plant account, the amount of the appreciation of writeup should be traced, by proper description and explanation of changes, from the date recorded through the end of the calendar year prior to the year in which the filing is made.

Statement D

Statement D showing electric plant as classified in the books of account immediately prior to reclassification in accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts, including, under a descriptive heading, any unclassified amounts applicable jointly to the electric department and other departments of the utility.

Statement E

Statement E showing summary of adjustments necessary to state accounts 101, 103-107, 114, and 116, as prescribed in the Uniform System of Accounts.

Statement F

Statement F showing electric plant classified according to the accounts prescribed in the Uniform System of Accounts, and showing also the amount includible in account 116, Other Electric Plant Adjustments.

Statement G

Statement G giving a comparative balance sheet showing the accounts and amounts appearing in the books before the adjusting entries have been made and after such entries shall have been made.

Statement H

Statement H giving a suggested plan for depreciating, amortizing, or otherwise disposing in whole or in part of the amounts includible in account 114, Electric Plant Acquisition Adjustments, and account 116, Other Electric Plant Adjustments.

Statement I

Statement I giving the following statistical information relative to electric plant.

Production Plant

Steam production. Separately for each steam plant: Name of plant, date of construction, nameplate generating capacity (kw.) as originally constructed and as at present, also nameplate capacity and date of installation of each addition to generating capacity. The original cost, where available, by accounts 310 and 316, of each steam production plant.

Hydraulic production. Separately for each hydroplant: Name of plant, date of construction, capacity of reservoirs (acre-feet), nameplate generating capacity (kw.) as originally constructed and as at present, also nameplate capacity and date of installation of each addition to generating capacity. The original cost, where available, by accounts 330 and 336, of each hydraulic production plant.

Internal combustion engine production. For each internal combustion engine plant: Name of plant, date of construction, nameplate generating capacity (kw.) as originally constructed and as at present, also nameplate capacity and date of installation of each addition to generating capacity. The original cost, where available, by accounts 340 to 346, of each internal combustion engine production plant.

Transmission Plant

Overhead transmission lines. For each overhead transmission line or for each group of transmission lines of the same voltage, same general type of construction, and same number of circuits per structure; the voltage, length in miles, type of construction, kind and size of conductor. The original cost, where available, by accounts 350, 352, 354, 355, 356, and 359, of each such line or group of lines.

Underground transmission lines. For each underground transmission line or for each group of transmission lines of the same voltage, same general type of construction and same number of circuits per structure: The voltage length in miles and type of construction. The original cost, where available, by accounts 350, 352, 357, 358, and 359, of each such line or group of lines.

Transmission substations. For each substation: Function, capacity (kva), high and low voltages of transformers, description and capacity of special items of equipment.

Distribution Plant

Overhead system. 1 Number of pole and circuit miles, number of active meters or services connected (if available), description and number of each type of pole or tower.

1 If number of active meters or services is not available separately for overhead and underground systems, report totals.

Underground system. 2 Number of circuit miles, number of active meters or services connected (if available), description of type of construction and general statement of any special construction problem.

2 To be shown on the original when tendered for filing with the Commission of every paper as specified in § 1.17(f) of this chapter.

Distribution substation. General description of number, capacity (kva) and high and low voltages of transformers.

Line transformers. Number and capacity.

Street lighting and signal systems. Description and number of each type of street lighting standard, number and wattage of lamps, and description of signal system.

General Plant

Description of principal structures and improvements.

Number and type of transportation vehicles and appurtenant equipment.

Description of store, shop, and laboratory equipment.

Description of communication equipment.

Description of miscellaneous equipment.

[38 FR 7214, Mar. 19, 1973. Redesignated by Order 541, 57 FR 21734, May 22, 1992]
§ 141.300 - FERC Form No. 715, Annual Transmission Planning and Evaluation Report.

(a) Who must file. Any transmitting utility, as defined in § 3(23) of the Federal Power Act, that operates integrated (that is, non-radial) transmission facilities at or above 100 kilovolts must complete FERC Form No. 715.

(b) When to file. FERC Form No. 715 must be filed on or before each April 1.

(c) What to file. FERC Form No. 715 must be filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in accordance with the instructions on that form.

(d) Critical Energy Infrastructure Information. (1) If the instructions in Form No. 715 require a utility to reveal Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII), as defined in § 388.113(c) of this chapter, to any person, the utility shall omit the CEII from the information made available and insert the following in its place:

(i) A statement that CEII is being withheld;

(ii) A brief description of the omitted information that does not reveal any CEII; and

(iii) This statement: “Procedures for obtaining access to Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) may be found at 18 CFR 388.113. Requests for access to CEII should be made to the Commission's CEII Coordinator.”

(2) The utility completing Form No. 715, in determining whether information constitutes CEII, shall treat the information in a manner consistent with any filings that utility has made with the Commission and shall to the extent practicable adhere to any previous determinations by the Commission or the CEII Coordinator involving the same or like information.

(3) The procedures contained in §§ 388.112 and 388.113 of this chapter regarding designation of, and access to, CEII, shall apply in the event of a challenge to a CEII designation or a request for access to CEII. If it is determined that information is not CEII or that a requester should be granted access to CEII, the utility will be directed to make the information available to the requester.

(4) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any persons from voluntarily reaching arrangements or agreements calling for the disclosure of CEII.

[58 FR 52436, Oct. 8, 1993, as amended by Order 643, 68 FR 52095, Sept. 2, 2003]
§ 141.400 - FERC Form No. 3-Q, Quarterly financial report of electric utilities, licensees, and natural gas companies.

(a) Prescription. The quarterly report of electric utilities, licensees, and natural gas companies, designated as FERC Form No. 3-Q, is prescribed for the reporting quarter ending March 31, 2004, and each quarter thereafter.

(b) Filing requirements—(1) Who must file—(i) Generally. Each electric utility and each Nonoperating (formerly designated as Major or Nonmajor) electric utility (as defined in part 101 of subchapter C of this chapter) and other entity, i.e., each corporation, person, or licensee as defined in section 3 of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 792 et seq.), including any agency or instrumentality engaged in generation, transmission, distribution, or sale of electric energy, however produced, throughout the United States and its possessions, having sales or transmission service must prepare and file with the Commission FERC Form No. 3-Q pursuant to the General Instructions set out in that form.

(ii) Exceptions. This report form is not prescribed for any agency, authority or instrumentality of the United States, nor is it prescribed for municipalities as defined in section 3 of the Federal Power Act; (i.e. a city, county, irrigation district, or other political subdivision or agency of a State competent under the laws thereof to carry on the business of developing, transmitting, utilizing, or distributing power).

(2) Each Major and Nonoperating (formerly designated as Major) (as defined in part 101 of subchapter C of this chapter) public utility and licensee must file the quarterly financial report form as follows:

(i) The quarterly financial report for the period January 1 through March 31, 2004, must be filed on or before July 9, 2004.

(ii) The quarterly financial report for the period April 1 through June 30, 2004, must be filed on or before September 8, 2004.

(iii) The quarterly financial report for the period July 1 through September 30, 2004, must be filed on or before December 9, 2004.

(iv) The quarterly financial report for the period January 1 through March 31, 2005, must be filed on or before May 31, 2005.

(v) The quarterly financial report for the period April 1 through June 30, 2005, must be filed on or before August 29, 2005.

(vi) The quarterly financial report for the period July 1 through September 30, 2005 must be filed on or before November 29, 2005.

(vii) Subsequent quarterly financial reports must be filed within 60 days from the end of the reporting quarter.

(3) Nonmajor and Nonoperating (formerly designated as Nonmajor) public utilities and licensees must file the quarterly financial report form as follows:

(i) The quarterly financial report for the period January 1 through March 31, 2004, must be filed on or before July 23, 2004.

(ii) The quarterly financial report for the period April 1 through June 30, 2004, must be filed on or before September 22, 2004.

(iii) The quarterly financial report for the period July 1 through September 30, 2004, must be filed on or before December 23, 2004.

(iv) The quarterly financial report for the period January 1 through March 31, 2005, must be filed on or before June 13, 2005.

(v) The quarterly financial report for the period April 1 through June 30, 2005, must be filed on or before September 12, 2005.

(vi) The quarterly financial report for the period July 1 through September 30, 2005 must be filed on or before December 13, 2005.

(vii) Subsequent quarterly financial reports must be filed within 70 days from the end of the reporting quarter.

(4) This report must be filed as prescribed in § 385.2011 of this chapter and as indicated in the General Instructions set out in the quarterly financial report form, and must be properly completed and verified. Filing on electronic media pursuant to § 385.2011 of this chapter will be required commencing with the quarterly financial report ending March 31, 2004, due on or before July 9, 2004 for major public utilities and licensees, and due on or before July 23, 2004 for nonmajor public utilities and licensees.

[69 FR 9043, Feb. 26, 2004, as amended by Order 646-A, 69 FR 32443, June 10, 2004; Order 646, 69 FR 34568, June 22, 2004; Order 695, 72 FR 20723, Apr. 26, 2007; 73 FR 58736, Oct. 7, 2008]
§ 141.500 - Cash management programs.

Public utilities and licensees subject to the provisions of the Commission's Uniform System of Accounts prescribed in part 101 and § 141.1 or § 141.2 of this title that participate in cash management programs must file these agreements with the Commission. The documentation establishing the cash management program and entry into the program must be filed within 10 days of the effective date of the rule or entry into the program. Subsequent changes to the cash management agreement must be filed with the Commission within 10 days of the change.

[Order 634-A, 68 FR 62003, Oct. 31, 2003, as amended at 69 FR 9044, Feb. 26, 2004]