Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 18 - Conservation of Power and Water Resources last revised: Sep 25, 2024
§ 157.30 - Purpose.

This subpart establishes the procedures for conducting open seasons for the purpose of making binding commitments for the acquisition of initial or voluntary expansion capacity on Alaska natural gas transportation projects, as defined herein.

§ 157.31 - Definitions.

(a) “Alaska natural gas transportation project” means any natural gas pipeline system that carries Alaska natural gas to the international border between Alaska and Canada (including related facilities subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission) that is authorized under the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976 or section 103 of the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline Act.

(b) “Commission” means the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

(c) “Voluntary expansion” means any expansion in capacity of an Alaska natural gas transportation project above the initial certificated capacity, including any increase in mainline capacity, any extension of mainline pipeline facilities, and any lateral pipeline facilities beyond those certificated in the initial certificate order, voluntarily made by the pipeline. An expansion done pursuant to section 105 of the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline Act is not a voluntary expansion.

§ 157.32 - Applicability.

These regulations shall apply to any application to the Commission for a certificate of public convenience and necessity or other authorization for an Alaska natural gas transportation project, whether filed pursuant to the Natural Gas Act, the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976, or the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline Act, and to applications for expansion of such projects. Absent a Commission order to the contrary, these regulations are not applicable in the case of an expansion ordered by the Commission pursuant to section 105 of the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline Act.

§ 157.33 - Requirement for open season.

(a) Any application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity or other authorization for a proposed Alaska natural gas transportation project must include a demonstration that the applicant has conducted an open season for capacity on its proposed project, in accordance with the requirements of this subpart. Failure to provide the requisite demonstration will result in an application being rejected as incomplete.

(b) Initial capacity on a proposed Alaska natural gas transportation project may be acquired prior to an open season through pre-subscription agreements, provided that in any open season as required in paragraph (a) of this section, capacity is offered to all prospective bidders at the same rates and on the same terms and conditions as contained in the pre-subscription agreements. All pre-subscription agreements shall be made public by posting on Internet websites and press releases within ten days of their execution. In the event there is more than one such agreement, all prospective bidders shall be allowed the option of selecting among the several agreements all of the rates, terms and conditions contained in any one such agreement.

[Order 2005, 70 FR 8286, Feb. 18, 2005, as amended by Order 2005-A, 70 FR 35026, June 16, 2005]
§ 157.34 - Notice of open season.

(a) Notice. A prospective applicant must provide reasonable public notice of an open season through methods including postings on Internet Web sites, press releases, direct mail solicitations, and other advertising. In addition, a prospective applicant must provide actual notice of an open season to the State of Alaska and to the Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects.

(b) In-State Needs Study. A prospective applicant must conduct or adopt a study of gas consumption needs and prospective points of delivery within the State of Alaska and rely upon such study to develop the contents of the notice required in paragraph (a) of this section. Such study shall be identified in the notice and if practicable, shall include or consist of a study conducted, approved, or otherwise sanctioned by an appropriate governmental agency, office or commission of the State of Alaska. In its open season proposal, a prospective applicant shall include an estimate based upon the study, of how much capacity will be used in-state.

(c) Contents of notice. Notice of the open season required in paragraph (a) of this section, shall contain at least the following information; however, to the extent that any item of such information is not known or determined at the time the notice is issued, the prospective applicant shall make a good faith estimate based on the best information available of all such unknown or undetermined items of required information and further, must identify the source of information relied on, explain why such information is not presently known, and update the information when and if it is later determined during the open season period:

(1) The general route of the proposed project, including receipt and delivery points, and any alternative routes under consideration; delivery points must include those within the State of Alaska as determined by the In-State Study in paragraph (b) of this section.

(2) Size and design capacity (including proposed certificate capacity at the delivery points named in paragraph (c)(1) of this section to the extent that it differs from design capacity), a description of possible designs for expanded capacity beyond initial capacity, together with any estimated date when such expansions designs may be considered;

(3) Maximum allowable operating pressure and expected actual operating pressure;

(4) Delivery pressure at all delivery points named in paragraph (c)(1) of this section;

(5) Projected in-service date;

(6) An estimated unbundled transportation rate for each delivery point named in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, stated on a volumetric or thermal basis, for each service offered, including reservation rates for pipeline capacity, interruptible transportation rates, usage rates, fuel retention percentages, and other applicable charges, or surcharges, such as the Annual Charge Adjustment (ACA); (if rates are estimated on a volumetric basis then the notice must inform bidders that final pro forma service agreements and the sponsor's proposed FERC tariff will have to be submitted with rates based on a thermal basis.)

(7) The estimated cost of service (i.e., estimated cost of facilities, depreciation, rate of return and capitalization, taxes and operational and maintenance expenses), and estimated cost allocations, rate design volumes and rate design;

(8) Based on the In-State Study and the delivery points within the State of Alaska identified in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, there must be an estimated transportation rate for such deliveries, based on the amount of in-state needs shown in the study. Such estimated transportation rate must be based on the costs to make such in-state deliveries and shall not include costs to make deliveries outside the State of Alaska;

(9) Negotiated rate and other rate options under consideration, including any rates and terms of any precedent agreements with prospective anchor shippers that have been negotiated or agreed to outside of the open season process prescribed in this section;

(10) Quality specifications and any other requirements applicable to gas to be delivered to the project; provided that a prospective applicant shall not require that potential shippers process or treat their gas at any designated plant or facility;

(11) Terms and conditions for each service offered;

(12) Creditworthiness standards to be applied to, and any collateral requirements for, prospective shippers;

(13) The date, if any, by which potential shippers and the prospective applicant must execute precedent agreements;

(14) A detailed methodology for determining the value of bids for deliveries within the State of Alaska and for deliveries outside the State of Alaska;

(15) The methodology by which capacity will be awarded, in the case of over-subscription, clearly stating all terms that will be considered, except that if any capacity is acquired through pre-subscription agreements as provided in § 157.33(b) and the prospective applicant does not redesign the project to accommodate all capacity requests, only that capacity that was acquired through pre-subscription or was bid in the open season on the same rates, terms, and conditions as any one of the pre-subscription agreements shall be allocated on a pro rata basis and no other capacity acquired through the open season shall be allocated.

(16) Required bid information, whether bids are binding or non-binding, receipt and delivery point requirements, the form of a precedent agreement and time of execution of the precedent agreement, definition and treatment of non-conforming bids;

(17) The projected date for filing an application with the Commission;

(18) All information that the prospective applicant has in its possession pertaining to the proposed service to be offered, projected pipeline capacity and design, proposed tariff provisions, and cost projections, or that the prospective applicant has made available to, or obtained from, any potential shipper, including any affiliates of the project sponsor and any shippers with pre-subscribed capacity, prior to the issuance of the public notice of open season;

(19) A list of the names and addresses of the prospective applicant's affiliated sales and marketing units and affiliates involved in the production of natural gas in the State of Alaska. Affiliated unit means “Affiliate” as defined in § 358.3(a) of this chapter. Marketing units and or affiliates are those conducting a “marketing function” as defined in § 358.3(c) of this chapter, except that the exemption in § 358.3(c)(2)(iii) shall not apply;

(20) A comprehensive organizational chart showing:

(i) The organizational structure of the prospective applicant's parent corporation(s) with the relative position in the corporate structure of marketing and sales units and any affiliates involved in the production of natural gas in the State of Alaska.

(ii) The job titles and descriptions, and chain of command for all officers and directors of the prospective applicant's marketing and sales units and any affiliates involved in the production of natural gas in the State of Alaska; and

(21) A statement that any officers and directors of the prospective applicant's affiliated sales and marketing units and affiliates involved in the production of natural gas in the State of Alaska named in paragraph (c)(19) of this section will be prohibited from obtaining information about the conduct of the open season or allocation of capacity that is not posted on the open season Internet Web site or that is otherwise also available to the general public or other participants in the open season.

(d) Timing. (1) A prospective applicant must provide prospective shippers at least 90 days from the date on which notice of the open season is given within which to submit requests for transportation services. No bid shall be rejected because a prospective shipper has submitted another bid in another open season conducted under this subpart.

(2) A prospective applicant must consider any bids tendered after the expiration of the open season by qualifying bidders and may reject them only if they cannot be accommodated due to economic, engineering, design, capacity or operational constraints, or accommodating the request would otherwise adversely impact the timely development of the project, and a detailed explanation must accompany the rejection. Any bids tendered after the expiration of the open season must contain a good faith showing, including a statement of the circumstances which prevented the late bidder from tendering a timely bid and how those circumstances have changed. If a prospective applicant determines at any time that, based on the criteria stated in this paragraph, no further late bids for capacity can be accommodated, it may request Commission approval to summarily reject any further requests.

(3) Within 10 days after precedent agreements have been executed for capacity allocated in the open season, the prospective applicant shall make public on the Internet and through press releases the results of the open season, at least including the name of the prospective shipper, amount of capacity awarded, and term of agreement.

(4) Within 20 days after precedent agreements have been executed for capacity allocated in the open season, the prospective applicant must submit copies of all such precedent agreements to the Commission and copies of any relevant correspondence with bidders for capacity who were not allocated capacity that identifies why such bids were not accepted (all documents identified in this paragraph (d)(4) may be filed seeking privileged treatment pursuant to § 388.112 of this chapter.

[Order 2005, 70 FR 8286, Feb. 18, 2005, as amended by Order 2005-A, 70 FR 35026, June 16, 2005; 75 FR 15342, Mar. 29, 2010; Order 769, 77 FR 65475, Oct. 29, 2012]
§ 157.35 - Undue discrimination or preference.

(a) All binding open seasons shall be conducted without undue discrimination or preference in the rates, terms or conditions of service and all capacity allocated as a result of any open season shall be awarded without undue discrimination or preference of any kind.

(b) Any complaint filed pursuant to § 385.206 of this chapter alleging non-compliance with any of the requirements of this subpart shall be processed under the Commission's Fast Track Processing procedures contained in § 385.206(h).

(c) Each prospective applicant conducting an open season under this subpart must function independent of the other divisions of the prospective applicant as well as the prospective applicant's “affiliates” performing a “marketing function” as those terms are defined in § 358.3(a) and (c) of the Commission's regulations, except that the exemption in § 358.3(c)(2)(iii) shall not apply. In instances in which the prospective applicant is not an entity created specifically to conduct an open season under this subpart, the prospective applicant must create or designate a unit or division to conduct the open season that must function independent of the other divisions of the project applicant as well as the project applicant's “affiliates” performing a “marketing function” as those terms are defined in § 358.3(a) of this chapter, except that the exemption in 358.3(c)(2)(iii) shall not apply.

(d) Each project applicant conducting an open season under this subpart that is not otherwise subject to the provisions of part 358 of this chapter must comply with the following sections of that part: §§ 358.4(c) and (d), 358.5, 358.6, 358.7(a), (b), and (c), and 358.8 (b) and (c) of this chapter.

[Order 2005, 70 FR 8286, Feb. 18, 2005, as amended by Order 2005-A, 70 FR 35026, June 16, 2005; 75 FR 15342, Mar. 29, 2010]
§ 157.36 - Open seasons for expansions.

Any open season for capacity exceeding the initial capacity of an Alaska natural gas transportation project must provide the opportunity for the transportation of gas other than Prudhoe Bay or Point Thomson production. In considering a proposed voluntary expansion of an Alaska natural gas pipeline project, the Commission will consider the extent to which the expansion will be utilized by shippers other than those who are the initial shippers on the project and, in order to promote competition and open access to the project, may require design changes to ensure that some portion of the expansion capacity be allocated to new shippers willing to sign long-term firm transportation contracts, including shippers seeking to transport natural gas from areas other than Prudhoe Bay and Point Thomson.

[Order 2005-A, 70 FR 35026, June 16, 2005]
§ 157.37 - Project design.

In reviewing any application for an Alaska natural gas pipeline project, the Commission will consider the extent to which a proposed project has been designed to accommodate the needs of shippers who have made conforming bids during an open season, as well as the extent to which the project can accommodate low-cost expansion, and may require changes in project design necessary to promote competition and offer a reasonable opportunity for access to the project.

[Order 2005, 70 FR 8286, Feb. 18, 2005; Order 756, 77 FR 4894, Feb. 1, 2012]
§ 157.38 - Pre-approval procedures.

No later than 90 days prior to providing the notice of open season required by § 157.34(a), a prospective applicant must file, for Commission approval, a detailed plan for conducting an open season in conformance with this subpart. The prospective applicant's plan shall include the proposed notice of open season. Upon receipt of a request for such a determination, the Secretary of the Commission shall issue a notice of the request, which will then be published in the Federal Register. The notice shall establish a date on which comments from interested persons are due and a date, which shall be within 60 days of receipt of the prospective applicant's request unless otherwise directed by the Commission, by which the Commission will act on the proposed plan.

[Order 2005-A, 70 FR 35026, June 16, 2005]
§ 157.39 - Rate treatment of pipeline expansions.

There shall be a rebuttable presumption that rates for any expansion of an Alaska natural gas transportation project shall be determined on a rolled-in basis.

source: 17 FR 7386, Aug. 14, 1952, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 18 CFR 157.30