Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 18 - Conservation of Power and Water Resources last revised: Sep 25, 2024
§ 157.201 - Applicability.

(a) Scope. This subpart establishes a procedure whereby an interstate pipeline may obtain a blanket certificate authorizing certain construction and operation of facilities and certain certificate amendments and abandonment under section 7 of the Natural Gas Act.

(b) Who may apply. This procedure is only applicable to interstate pipelines.

(c) Cross-reference. The procedures applicable to transportation by interstate pipelines under blanket certificates are set forth in subpart G of part 284 of this chapter.

(d) Availability of case-specific certificates. Nothing in this subpart shall preclude an interstate pipeline from proceeding under any other provision of the Commission's regulations to obtain Commission approval of abandonments or a temporary or permanent certificate of public convenience and necessity.

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982, as amended by Order 436, 50 FR 42490, Oct. 18, 1985; Order 603, 64 FR 26606, May 14, 1999]
§ 157.202 - Definitions.

(a) General rule. Terms defined in the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 (NGPA) shall have the same meaning for the purposes of this subpart as they have under the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978.

(b) Subpart F definitions. For purposes of this subpart:

(1) Certificate holder means any interstate pipeline with an effective blanket certificate issued pursuant to this subpart.

(2)(i) Eligible facility means, except as provided in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section, any facility subject to the Natural Gas Act jurisdiction of the Commission that is necessary to provide service within existing certificated levels. Eligible facility also includes any gas supply facility or any facility, including receipt points, needed by the certificate holder to receive gas into its system for further transport or storage, and interconnecting facilities between transporters that transport natural gas under part 284 of this chapter. Further, eligible facility includes main line, lateral, and compressor replacements that do not qualify under § 2.55(b) of this chapter because they will result in an incidental increase in the capacity of main line facilities, or because they will not satisfy the location or work space requirements of § 2.55(b). Replacements must be done for sound engineering purposes. Replacements for the primary purpose of creating additional main line capacity are not eligible facilities; however, replacements and the modification of facilities to rearrange gas flows or increase compression for the primary purpose of restoring service in an emergency due to sudden unforeseen damage to main line facilities are eligible facilities. Eligible facility also includes auxiliary installations and observation wells which do not qualify under § 2.55(a) of this chapter because they will not satisfy the location or work space requirements of § 2.55(a). Finally, for purposes of abandonment under § 157.216, eligible facilities include auxiliary installations that do not qualify for pre-granted abandonment authority under § 2.55(a)(3) and replacement facilities constructed under § 2.55(b).

(ii) Exclusions: “Eligible facility” does not include:

(A) A main line of a transmission system, except replacement facilities covered under § 157.202(b)(2)(i).

(B) An extension of a main line, except replacement facilities covered under § 157.202(b)(2)(i).

(C) A facility, including compression and looping, that alters the capacity of a main line, except replacement facilities and facility modifications covered under paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section;

(D) A facility required to test or develop an underground storage field or that alters the certificated capacity, deliverability, or storage boundary, or a facility required to store gas above ground in either a gaseous or liquified state, or a facility used to receive gas from plants manufacturing synthetic gas or from plants gasifying liquefied natural gas, or wells needed to utilize an underground storage field.

(E) Delivery points under § 157.211.

(F) Temporary compression under § 157.209;

(G) A facility that crosses a state line and is constructed for the primary purpose of transporting gas which is also transported by an intrastate pipeline under section 311(a)(2) of the NGPA;

(3) Facility, for purposes of construction under this subpart, does not include an auxiliary facility that qualifies for construction under § 2.55(a) of this chapter or a replacement facility that qualifies for construction under § 2.55(b).

(4) Temporary compression means compressor facilities installed and operated at existing compressor locations for the limited purpose of temporarily replacing existing permanent compressor facilities that are undergoing maintenance or repair or that are pending permanent replacement.

(5) Main line means the principal transmission facilities of a pipeline system extending from supply areas to market areas and does not include small diameter supply or delivery laterals or gathering lines.

(6) Miscellaneous rearrangement of any facility means any rearrangement of a facility, excluding underground storage injection/withdrawal wells, that does not result in any change of service rendered by means of the facilities involved, including changes in existing field operations or relocation of existing facilities:

(i) On the same property;

(ii) When required by highway construction, dam construction, encroachment of residential, commercial, or industrial areas, erosion, or the expansion or change of course of rivers, streams or creeks, or

(iii) To respond to other natural forces beyond the certificate holder's control when necessary to ensure safety or maintain the operational integrity of the certificate holder's facilities.

(7) Project means a unit of improvement or construction that is used and useful upon completion.

(8) Project cost means the total actual cost of constructing the jurisdictional portions of a project. In the case of a project constructed jointly by more than one interstate pipeline, the project cost is the total cost, irrespective of the amount paid by each pipeline.

(9) Right-of-way grantor means (i) a person who grants a right-of-way easement to the certificate holder; or (ii) any successor to an interest which is subject to the easement.

(10) Delivery point means a tap and/or metering and appurtenant facilities, such as heaters, minor gas conditioning, treatment, odorization, and similar equipment, necessary to enable the certificate holder to deliver gas to any party.

(11) Sensitive environmental area means:

(i) The habitats of species which have been identified as endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act (Pub. L. 93-205, as amended) and essential fish habitat as identified under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1801, et seq.);

(ii) National or State Forests or Parks;

(iii) Properties listed on, or eligible for inclusion in, the National Register of Historic Places, or the National Register of Natural Landmarks;

(iv) Floodplains and wetlands;

(v) Designated or proposed wilderness areas, national or state wild and scenic rivers, wildlife refuges and management areas and sanctuaries;

(vi) Prime agricultural lands, designated by the Department of Agriculture; or

(vii) Sites which are subject to use by American Indians and other Native Americans for religious purposes.

(12) Interconnection facilities means the interconnecting point, which includes the tap, metering, and M&R facilities and the related interconnecting pipeline.

(13) Emergency means a sudden unanticipated loss of gas supply or capacity that requires an immediate restoration of interrupted service for protection of life or health or for maintenance of physical property.

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 157.202, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 157.203 - Blanket certification.

(a) Effect. A blanket certificate issued pursuant to this subpart authorizes the certificate holder, in accordance with the provisions of this subpart, to engage in any of the activities specified in § 157.208 through § 157.218 (as may be amended from time to time).

(b) Automatic authorization. A blanket certificate issued pursuant to this subpart authorizes the certificate holder to engage in transactions described in § 157.208(a), § 157.209(a), § 157.211(a)(1), § 157.213(a), § 157.215, § 157.216(a), or § 157.218 without further Commission approval.

(c) Prior notice required. A blanket certificate issued pursuant to this subpart authorizes the certificate holder to engage in activities described in § 157.208(b), § 157.210,§ 157.211(a)(2), § 157.212, § 157.213(b), § 157.214, or § 157.216(b), if the requirements of § 157.205 have been fulfilled.

(d) Landowner notification. (1) Except as identified in paragraph (d)(3) of this section, no activity described in paragraph (b) of this section is authorized unless the company makes a good faith effort to notify, in writing all affected landowners, as defined in § 157.6(d)(2), at least 45 days prior to commencing construction or at the time it initiates easement negotiations, whichever is earlier. A landowner may waive the 45-day prior notice requirement in writing as long as the notice has been provided. For activity required to restore service in an emergency, the 45-day prior notice period is satisfied in the event a company obtains all necessary easements. The notification shall include at least:

(i) A brief description of the facilities to be constructed or replaced and the effect the construction activity will have on the landowner's property;

(ii) The name and phone number of a company representative who is knowledgeable about the project;

(iii) A description of the company's environmental complaint resolution procedure that must:

(A) Provide landowners with clear and simple directions for identifying and resolving their environmental mitigation problems and concerns during construction of the project and restoration of the right-of way;

(B) Provide a local or toll-free phone number and a name of a specific person to be contacted by landowners and with responsibility for responding to landowner problems and concerns, and who will indicate when a landowner should expect a response;

(C) Instruct landowners that if they are not satisfied with the response, they may call the company's Hotline; and

(D) Instruct landowners that, if they are still not satisfied with the response, they may contact the Commission's Landowner Helpline at the current telephone number and email address, which is to be provided in the notification.

(2) For activities described in paragraph (c) of this section, the company shall make a good faith effort to notify in writing all affected landowners, as defined in § 157.6(d)(2), within at least three business days following the date that a docket number is assigned to the application or at the time it initiates easement negotiations, whichever is earlier. The notice should include at least:

(i) A brief description of the company and the proposed project, including the facilities to be constructed or replaced and the location (including a general location map), the purpose, and the timing of the project and the effect the construction activity will have on the landowner's property;

(ii) A general description of what the company will need from the landowner if the project is approved, and how the landowner may contact the company, including a local or toll-free phone number and a name of a specific person to contact who is knowledgeable about the project;

(iii) The docket number (if assigned) for the company's application;

(iv) A general description of the blanket certificate program and procedures, as posted on the Commission's Web site at the time the landowner notification is prepared, and the link to the information on the Commission's Web site;

(v) A brief summary of the rights the landowner has in Commission proceedings and in proceedings under the relevant eminent domain rules; and

(vi) The following paragraph: This project is being proposed under the prior notice requirements of the blanket certificate program administered by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Under the Commission's regulations, you have the right to protest this project within 60 days of the date the Commission issues a notice of the pipeline's filing. If you file a protest, you should include the docket number listed in this letter and provide the specific reasons for your protest. The protest should be mailed to the Secretary of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First St., NE., Room 1A, Washington, DC 20426. A copy of the protest should be mailed to the pipeline at [pipeline address]. If you have any questions concerning these procedures you can call the Commission's Office of External Affairs at (202) 208-1088; and

(vii) The description of the company's environmental complaint resolution procedure as described in paragraph (d)(1)(iii) of this section.

(3) Exceptions. (i) No landowner notice is required for replacements which would have been done under § 2.55 of this chapter but for the fact that the replacement facilities are not of the same capacity as long as they meet the location requirements of § 2.55(b)(1)(ii) of this chapter and do not cause any ground disturbance; or any replacement done for safety, DOT compliance, environmental, or unplanned maintenance reasons that are not foreseen and that require immediate attention by the certificate holder.

(ii) No landowner notice is required for abandonments which involve only the sale or transfer of the facilities, and the easement will continue to be used for transportation of natural gas.

(iii) No landowner notice is required if there is only one landowner and that landowner has requested the service or facilities.

(iv) No landowner notice is required for activities that do not involve ground disturbance or changes to operational air and noise emissions.

(4) If paragraphs (d)(1) or (d)(2) of this section require an applicant to reveal Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII), as defined by § 388.113(c) of this chapter, to any person, the applicant shall follow the procedures set out in § 157.10(d).

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 157.203, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 157.204 - Application procedure.

(a) Who may apply. Any interstate pipeline which has been issued a certificate other than a limited-jurisdiction certificate, pursuant to section 7 of the Natural Gas Act and had rates accepted by the Commission may apply for a blanket certificate under this subpart in the manner prescribed in §§ 157.6(a), 157.14(a) and 385.2011 of this chapter.

(b) Hearing procedure. Upon receiving an application for a blanket certificate under this subpart, the Commission will conduct a hearing pursuant to section 7(c) of the Natural Gas Act and §§ 1.32 and 157.11 of this chapter.

(c) Issuance. If required by the present or future public convenience and necessity, the Commission will issue a blanket certificate to the applicant.

(d) Application contents. Applications for blanket certificates shall contain:

(1) Information indicating the exact legal name of the applicant; its principal place of business; whether the applicant is an individual, partnership, corporation or otherwise; citation to the certificate proceeding in which the applicant was found to be a natural gas company; the state under the laws of which the applicant is organized or authorized to do business; and the name, title, and mailing address and telephone number of the person or persons to whom communications concerning the application are to be addressed;

(2) A statement that the applicant will comply with the terms, conditions and procedures specified in this subpart.

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982, as amended by Order 319, 48 FR 34888, Aug. 1, 1983; Order 433, 50 FR 40345, Oct. 3, 1985; Order 436, 50 FR 42490, Oct. 18, 1985; Order 493, 53 FR 15030, Apr. 27, 1988; Order 603, 64 FR 26607, May 14, 1999]
§ 157.205 - Notice procedure.

(a) Applicability. No activity described in §§ 157.208(b), § 157.210, § 157.211(a)(2), § 157.212, § 157.213(b), 157.214 or 157.216(b), except for activity required to restore service in an emergency, is authorized by a blanket certificate granted under this subpart, unless, prior to undertaking such activity:

(1) The notice requirements have been fulfilled in accordance with the provisions of this section; and

(2) Either (i) no protest has been filed pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section or, (ii) if a protest has been filed, it has been withdrawn or dismissed pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section.

(b) Contents. For any activity subject to the requirements of this section, the certificate holder must file with the Secretary of the Commission an original and seven copies, as prescribed in §§ 157.6(a) and 385.2011 of this chapter, a request for authorization under the notice procedures of this section that contains:

(1) The exact legal name of the certificate holder and mailing address and telephone number of the person or persons to whom communications concerning the request are to be addressed;

(2) The docket number in which its blanket certificate was issued;

(3) Any information required in §§ 157.208 through 157.218 of this chapter for the particular activity;

(4) A verified statement that the proposed activity complies with the requirements of this subpart;

(5) A form of notice of the application suitable for publication in the Federal Register in accordance with the specifications in § 385.203(d) of this chapter; and

(6) Identities and docket numbers of other applications related to the transaction. All related filings must be made within 10 days of the first filing. Otherwise the applications on file will be rejected under paragraph (c) of this section without prejudice to refiling when all parties are ready to proceed.

(c) Rejection of request. The Director of the Office of Energy Projects shall reject within 10 days of the date of filing a request which patently fails to comply with the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section, without prejudice to the pipeline's refiling a complete application.

(d) Publication of notice of request. (1) Unless the request has been rejected pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section, the Secretary of the Commission shall issue a notice of the request within 10 days of the date of the filing, which will then be published in the Federal Register. The notice shall designate a deadline for filing protests, or interventions to the request. The deadline shall be 60 days after the date of issuance of the notice of the request.

(2) [Reserved]

(e) Protests. (1) Any person or the Commission's staff may file a protest prior to the deadline. Copies of the protest must be served on the Secretary of the Commission and the certificate holder.

(2) Protests shall be filed in the following form:

United States of America Before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Name of pipeline holding the blanket certificate] Docket No. [Include both docket no. of the blanket certificate and the prior notice transaction] Protest to Proposed Blanket Certificate Activity

(Name of Protestor) hereby protests the request filed by (Name of pipeline) to conduct a (construction of facilities, abandonment, etc.) under § 157.____ of the Commission's regulations. Protestor seeks to have this request processed as a separate application.

(Include a detailed statement of Protestor's interest in the activity and the specific reasons and rationale for the objection and whether the protestor seeks to be an intervener.)

(f) Effect of protest. If a protest is filed in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section, then the certificate holder, the person who filed the protest, any intervenors, and staff shall have 30 days from the deadline determined in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section, to resolve the protest, and to file a withdrawal of the protest pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section. Informal settlement conferences may be convened by the Director of the Office of Energy Projects or his designee. If a protest is not withdrawn or dismissed pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section, the activity shall not be deemed authorized by the blanket certificate. Instead, the request filed by the certificate holder shall be treated as an application for section 7 authorization for the particular activity. The Federal Register notice of the request shall be deemed to be notice of the section 7 application sufficient to fulfill the notice requirement of §§ 157.9 and 157.10.

(g) Withdrawal or dismissal of protests. The protestor may withdraw a protest within the 30 day period following the deadline determined in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section by submitting written notice of withdrawal to the Secretary of the Commission and serving a copy on the certificate holder, any intervenors and any other party requesting service. The withdrawal must state that the certificate holder and the protestor concur in the withdrawal. Within 10 days of the filing of a protest, the Director of the Office of Energy Projects will dismiss that protest if it does not raise a substantive issue and fails to provide any specific detailed reason or rationale for the objection. If a protest is dismissed, the notice requirements of this section will not be fulfilled until the earlier of: (1) a 30 day period following the deadline determined in paragraph (d) of this section has run; or the dismissed protesting party notifying the Secretary of the Commission that its concerns have been resolved.

(h) Final authorization. (1) If no protest is filed within the time allowed by the Secretary, the certificate holder is authorized to conduct the activity under its blanket certificate, effective on the day after time expires for filing protests and interventions unless, during that time, the certificate holder withdraws its application in accordance with § 385.216 of this chapter.

(2) If any protest is filed within the time allowed for protest and interventions and is subsequently withdrawn under paragraph (g) of this section, the certificate holder is authorized to conduct the activity under its blanket certificate, effective upon the day after the withdrawal of all protests, unless the certificate holder withdraws its application in accordance with § 385.216 of this chapter prior to that date.

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 157.205, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 157.206 - Standard conditions.

Any activity authorized under a blanket certificate issued under this subpart is subject to the following conditions:

(a) Revisions. (1) The Commission reserves the right to amend the requirements of this subpart from time to time.

(2) The blanket certificate is not transferable in any manner and shall be effective only so long as the certificate holder continues the activities authorized by the order issuing such certificate and does so in accordance with the provisions of the Natural Gas Act, as well as applicable rules, regulations, and orders of the Commission.

(b) Environmental compliance. This paragraph only applies to activities that involve ground disturbance or changes to operational air and noise emissions.

(1) The certificate holder shall adopt the requirements set forth in § 380.15(a) and (b) of this chapter for all activities authorized by the blanket certificate and shall issue the relevant portions thereof to construction personnel, with instructions to use them.

(2) All activities shall be consistent with all applicable law including the provisions of the following statutes and regulations or compliance plans developed to implement these statutes:

(i) Clean Water Act, as amended (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.) and the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Program, 40 CFR part 122 et seq.;

(ii) Clean Air Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.) and air quality regulations and state implementation plans adopted pursuant to 40 CFR parts 50-99;

(iii) National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. 470 et seq.);

(iv) Archeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 (Pub. L. 93-291);

(v) Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1451 et seq.);

(vi) Endangered Species Act of 1973, Pub. L. 93-205, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.);

(vii) Executive Order 11988, May 24, 1977 requiring Federal agencies to evaluate the potential effects of any actions it may take on a floodplain;

(viii) Executive Order 11990, May 24, 1977 requiring an evaluation of the potential effects of construction on wetland;

(ix) Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (16 U.S.C. 1274 et seq.);

(x) National Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1133 et seq.);

(xi) National Parks and Recreation Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 1 and 230 et seq.).

(xii) Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1801, et seq.)

(3) The certificate holder shall be deemed in compliance with:

(i) Paragraph (b)(2)(vi) of this section only if it adheres to the procedures in appendix I of this subpart in which case the Commission finds that endangered species and their critical habitat are protected in accordance with 16 U.S.C. 1536;

(ii) Paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this section only if it adheres to the procedures in appendix II of this subpart in which case the Commission finds that there is no effect on any property protected by 16 U.S.C. 470f;

(iii) Paragraph (b)(2)(v) of this section only if the appropriate state agency designated to administer the state's coastal zone management plan, prior to construction of the project, waives its right of review or determines that the project complies with the state's coastal zone management plan.

(iv) Paragraphs (b)(2)(i) and (viii) of this section only if it adheres to Commission staff's current “Upland Erosion Control, Revegetation and Maintenance Plan” and “Wetland and Waterbody Construction and Mitigation Procedures” which are available on the Commission Internet home page or from the Commission staff, or gets written approval from the staff or the appropriate Federal or state agency for the use of project-specific alternatives to clearly identified portions of those documents.

(4) Any transaction authorized under a blanket certificate shall not have a significant adverse impact on a sensitive environmental area.

(5)(i) The noise attributable to any new compressor station, compression added to an existing station, or any modification, upgrade or update of an existing station, must not exceed a day-night level (Ldn) of 55 dBA at any pre-existing noise-sensitive area (such as schools, hospitals, or residences).

(ii) A compressor facility installed under this section must be designed to meet the following noise emissions criteria. For each new compressor station facility, and for each addition or modification to an existing compression station, the blanket certificate holder must file a noise survey with the Secretary within 60 days of placing the facility in service.

(A) If noise emitted from a new compressor facility operating at full load exceeds an Ldn of 55 dBA at any noise-sensitive area (NSA), or if an addition or modification to an existing compressor station operating at full load at or below an Ldn of 55 dBA at NSAs causes overall noise attributable to the station to exceed an Ldn of 55 dBA at an NSA, the blanket certificate holder must come into compliance with an Ldn of 55 dBA at NSAs within 1 year of placing the facility in service.

(B) If an addition or modification to an existing compressor station operating at full load above an Ldn of 55 dBA at NSAs causes overall noise attributable to the station to increase at an NSA, the blanket certificate holder must act within 1 year of placing the added or modified facility in service to reduce noise at NSAs to the level that existed prior to the addition or modification.

(C) If the initial noise survey demonstrates a need to take action to mitigate noise, within 60 days of completing such action, the blanket certificate holder must file a subsequent noise survey with the Secretary demonstrating that each new compressor station facility, and each addition or modification to an existing compressor station, complies with the noise level limits.

(iii) Any horizontal directional drilling or drilling of wells which will occur between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. local time must be conducted with the goal of keeping the perceived noise from the drilling at any pre-existing noise-sensitive area (such as schools, hospitals, or residences) at or below a night level (Ln) of 55 dBA.

(6)(i) Any activity otherwise subject to authorization under § 157.208 shall not be authorized if the activity is located within 0.5 mile of a nuclear power plant which is either operating or under construction, or for which a construction permit has been filed with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

(ii) Any activity otherwise subject to authorization under § 157.215 shall not be authorized if the activity is located within 2.0 miles of a nuclear power plant which is either operating or under construction, or for which a construction permit has been filed with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

(7) The certificate holder shall act as the Commission's non-Federal representative upon acceptance of the blanket certificate for purposes of complying with the Endangered Species Act of 1973.

(c) Commencement. Any authorized construction, extension, or acquisition shall be completed and made available for service by the certificate holder and any authorized operation, or service, shall be available within one year of the date the activity is authorized pursuant to § 157.205(h). The certificate holder may apply to the Director of the Office of Energy Projects for an extension of this deadline. However, if the request for extension is due to the end-user/shipper not being ready to accept service, the certificate holder must so notify the Commission in writing no later than 10 days after expiration of the one-year period.

(d) Reports. The certificate holder shall file reports as required by this subpart.

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 157.206, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 157.207 - General reporting requirements.

On or before May 1, or each year, or in the case of emergency reconstruction activity, prior to any activity, the certificate holder must file, in the manner prescribed in §§ 157.6(a) and 385.2011 of this chapter, an annual report signed under oath by a senior official of the company, that lists for the previous calendar year:

(a) For each new facility authorized by §§ 157.208, 157.210, 157.212, or 157.213, the information specified in § 157.208(e);

(b) For each delivery point authorized under § 157.211(a)(1), the information required by § 157.211(c);

(c) for each temporary compressor facility under § 157.209, the information required by § 157.209(b);

(d) For each storage project tested or developed under § 157.215, the information specified in § 157.215(b)(1);

(e) For each abandonment authorized under § 157.216(a), the information specified in § 157.216(d);

(f) For each change in rate schedule authorized under § 157.217, the information specified in § 157.217(b);

(g) For each change in customer name authorized under § 157.218, the information specified in § 157.218(b); and

(h) If any activity required to be reported under this section was not undertaken, a statement to that effect.

[Order 436, 50 FR 42490, Oct. 18, 1985, as amended by Order 493, 53 FR 15030, Apr. 27, 1988; Order 603, 64 FR 26607, May 14, 1999; Order 603, 66 FR 15347, Mar. 19, 2001; Order 633, 68 FR 31605, May 28, 2003; Order 686, 71 FR 63693, Oct. 31, 2006; Order 686-A, 72 FR 37436, July 10, 2007]
§ 157.208 - Construction, acquisition, operation, replacement, and miscellaneous rearrangement of facilities.

(a) Automatic authorization. If the project cost does not exceed the cost limitations set forth in column 1 of table 1 to paragraph (d) of this section, or if the project is required to restore service in an emergency, the certificate holder is authorized to make miscellaneous rearrangements of any facility, or acquire, construct, replace, or operate any eligible facility. The certificate holder shall not segment projects in order to meet the cost limitations set forth in column 1 of table 1 to paragraph (d).

(b) Prior notice. If the project cost is greater than the amount specified in column 1 of table 1 to paragraph (d) of this section, but less than the amount specified in column 2 of table 1 to paragraph (d), the certificate holder is authorized to make miscellaneous rearrangements of any facility, or acquire, construct, replace, or operate any eligible facility. The certificate holder shall not segment projects in order to meet the cost limitations set forth in column 2 of table 1 to paragraph (d).

(c) Contents of request. In addition to the requirements of § 157.205(b), requests filed for activities described under paragraph (b) of this section shall contain:

(1) A description of the purpose of the proposed facilities including their relationship to other existing or planned facilities;

(2) A detailed description of the proposed facilities specifying length, diameter, wall thickness and maximum operating pressure for pipeline; and for compressors, the size, type, and number of compressor units, horsepower required, horsepower existing and proposed, volume of fuel gas, suction and discharge pressure and compression ratio;

(3) A USGS 7 1/2 minute series (scale 1:24000) topographic map (or map of equivalent or greater detail, as appropriate) showing the location of the proposed facilities, and indicating the location of any sensitive environmental areas within one-quarter mile of project-related construction activities;

(4) A map showing the relationship of the proposed facilities to the applicant's existing facilities;

(5) A flow diagram or comparative study showing daily design capacity, daily maximum capacity and operating pressures with and without the proposed facilities for that portion of the certificate holder's system affected by the proposal;

(6) The estimated cost and method of financing the proposed facilities;

(7) A statement explaining how the public convenience and necessity requires the approval of the project;

(8) For acquisitions of facilities:

(i) A statement referencing the date of issuance, docket number and title of the proceeding for any certificate issued by the Commission authorizing the facilities proposed to be acquired; and

(ii) The amounts recorded in the accounts of the vendor (seller or lessor) that apply to the facilities proposed to be acquired and the accumulated provisions for depreciation, depletion, and amortization;

(9) A concise analysis discussing the relevant issues outlined in § 380.12 of this chapter. The analysis must identify the existing environmental conditions and the expected significant impacts that the proposed action, including proposed mitigation measures, will cause to the quality of the human environment, including impact expected to occur to sensitive environmental areas. When compressor facilities are proposed, the analysis must also describe how the proposed action will be made to comply with applicable State Implementation Plans developed under the Clean Air Act. The analysis must also include a description of the contacts made, reports produced, and results of consultations which took place to ensure compliance with the Endangered Species Act, National Historic Preservation Act and the Coastal Zone Management Act. Include a copy of the agreements received for compliance with the Endangered Species Act, National Historic Preservation Act, and Coastal Zone Management Act, or if no written concurrence is issued, a description of how the agency relayed its opinion to the company. Describe how drilling for wells or horizontal direction drilling would be designed to meet the goal of limiting the perceived noise at NSAs to an Ldn of 55 dBA or what mitigation would be offered to landowners.

(10) A commitment to having the Environmental Inspector's report filed every week.

(d) Limits and inflation adjustment. The limits specified in table 1 to this paragraph (d) and table 1 to § 157.215(a)(5) shall be adjusted each calendar year to reflect the “GDP implicit price deflator” published by the Department of Commerce for the previous calendar year. The Director of the Office of Energy Projects is authorized to compute and publish limits for future calendar years as a part of table 1 to this paragraph (d) and table 1 to § 157.215(a)(5), pursuant to § 375.308(x)(1) of this chapter.

Table 1 to Paragraph (d)

Year Limit
Auto. proj.
cost limit
(col. 1)
Prior notice proj. cost limit
(col. 2)

(e) Reporting requirements. For each facility completed during the calendar year pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section and § 157.213(a), the certificate holder shall file in the manner prescribed in §§ 157.6(a) and 385.2011 of this chapter as part of the required annual report under § 157.207(a) the information described in paragraphs (e)(1)-(5) of this section. For each facility completed during the calendar year pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section, and §§ 157.210, 157.212, and 157.213(b), the certificate holder shall file in the manner prescribed above only the information described in paragraph (e)(3) of this section.

(1) A description of the facilities installed pursuant to this section, including a description of the length and size of pipelines, compressor horsepower, metering facilities, taps, valves, and any other facilities constructed;

(2) The specific purpose, location, and beginning and completion date of construction of the facilities installed, the date service commenced, and, if applicable, a statement indicating the extent to which the facilities were jointly constructed;

(3) The actual installed cost of each facility item listed pursuant to paragraph (e)(1), separately stating the cost of materials and labor as well as other costs allocable to the facilities;

(4)(i) A description of the contacts made, reports produced, and results of consultations which took place to ensure compliance with the Endangered Species Act, the National Historic Preservation Act and the Coastal Zone Management Act;

(ii) Documentation, including images, that restoration of work areas is progressing appropriately;

(iii) A discussion of problems or unusual construction issues, including those identified by affected landowners, and corrective actions taken or planned; and

(iv) For new or modified compression, a noise survey verifying compliance with § 157.206(b)(5).

(5) For acquisitions of facilities:

(i) A statement referencing the date of issuance, docket number and title of the proceeding for any certificate issued by the Commission authorizing the facilities acquired; and

(ii) The amounts recorded in the accounts of the vendor (seller or lessor) that apply to the facilities acquired and the accumulated provisions for depreciation, depletion, and amortization.

(f) Special conditions. (1) For purposes of comparing the project cost of leased facilities with the per-project cost limitations in table 1 to paragraph (d) of this section, the project cost of leased facilities shall be the annual lease charge multiplied by the number of years of the lease.

(2) In the interest of safety and reliability of service, facilities authorized by the certificate shall not be operated at pressures exceeding the maximum operating pressure set forth in the request. In the event that the certificate holder thereafter wishes to change the maximum operating pressure of supply or delivery lateral facilities constructed under section 7(c) of the Natural Gas Act or facilities constructed under this section, it shall file an appropriate request pursuant to the procedures set forth in § 157.205(b). Such request shall include the reasons for the proposed change. Nothing contained herein authorizes the certificate holder to operate any facility at a pressure above the maximum prescribed by State law, if such law requires a lower pressure than authorized hereby.

(g) If the actual cost of the project exceeds the per-project cost authorized under a blanket certificate in table 1 to paragraph (d) of this section, the certificate holder shall apply to the Director of the Office of Energy Projects for a waiver of those project cost limits.

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 157.208, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 157.209 - Temporary compression facilities.

(a) Automatic authorization. If the cost does not exceed the cost limitations set forth in column 1 of table 1 to § 157.208(d), the certificate holder may install, operate and remove temporary facilities provided that the temporary compressor facilities shall not be used to increase the volume or service above that rendered by the involved existing permanent compressor unit(s).

(b) Reporting requirements. As part of the certificate holder's annual report of projects authorized under paragraph (a) of this section, the certificate holder must report the following in the manner prescribed in §§ 157.6(a) and 385.2011 of this chapter;

(1) A description of the temporary compression facility, including the size, type and number of compressor units;

(2) The location at which temporary compression was installed, operated and removed, including its location relative to existing facilities;

(3) A description of the permanent compression facility which was unavailable, and a statement explaining the reason for the temporary compression;

(4) The dates for which the temporary compression was installed, operated and removed; and

(5) If applicable, the information required in § 157.208(e)(4).

[Order 603, 64 FR 26608, May 14, 1999, as amended by Order 699, 72 FR 45325, Aug. 14, 2007; 89 FR 16684, Mar. 8, 2024]
§ 157.210 - Mainline natural gas facilities.

Subject to the notice requirements of §§ 157.205(b) and 157.208(c), the certificate holder is authorized to acquire, construct, modify, replace, and operate natural gas mainline facilities, including compression and looping, that are not eligible facilities under § 157.202(b)(2)(i). The cost of a project may not exceed the cost limitation provided in column 2 of table 1 to § 157.208(d). The certificate holder must not segment projects in order to meet this cost limitation.

[Order 686, 71 FR 63693, Oct. 31, 2006, as amended at 89 FR 16684, Mar. 8, 2024]
§ 157.211 - Delivery points.

(a) Construction and operation—(1) Automatic authorization. The certificate holder may acquire, construct, replace, modify, or operate any delivery point, excluding the construction of certain delivery points subject to the prior notice provisions in paragraph (a)(2) of this section if:

(i) The natural gas is being delivered to, or for the account of, a shipper for whom the certificate holder is, or will be, authorized to transport gas; and

(ii) The certificate holder's tariff does not prohibit the addition of new delivery points.

(2) Prior notice. Subject to the notice procedure in § 157.205, the certificate holder may acquire, construct, replace, modify, or operate any delivery point if:

(i) The natural gas is being delivered to, or for the account of, an end-user that is currently being served by a local distribution company; and

(ii) The natural gas is being delivered to a shipper for whom the certificate holder is, or will be, authorized to transport gas; and

(iii) The certificate holder's tariff does not prohibit the addition of new delivery points.

(b) Contents of request. In addition to the requirements of § 157.205(b), requests for activities authorized under paragraph (a)(2) must contain:

(1) The name of the end-user, the location of the delivery point, and the distribution company currently serving the end-user;

(2) A description of the facility and any appurtenant facilities;

(3) A USGS 7 1/2-minute series (scale 1:24,000 or 1:25,000) topographic map (or map of equivalent or greater detail, as appropriate) showing the location of the proposed facilities;

(4) The quantity of gas to be delivered through the proposed facility;

(5) A description, with supporting data, of the impact of the service rendered through the proposed delivery tap upon the certificate holder's peak day and annual deliveries.

(c) Reporting requirements. As part of the certificate holder's annual report of projects authorized under paragraph (a) of this section, the certificate holder must report in the manner prescribed in §§ 157.6(a) and 385.2011 of this chapter:

(1) A description of the facilities acquired, constructed, replaced, modified or operated pursuant to this section;

(2) The location and maximum quantities delivered at such delivery point;

(3) The actual cost and the completion date of the delivery point; and

(4) The date of each agreement obtained pursuant to § 157.206(b)(3) and the date construction began.

[Order 436, 50 FR 42491, Oct. 18, 1985, as amended by Order 493, 53 FR 15030, Apr. 27, 1988; Order 603, 64 FR 26608, May 14, 1999; Order 603-B, 65 FR 11464, Mar. 3, 2000]
§ 157.212 - Synthetic and liquefied natural gas facilities.

Subject to the notice requirements of §§ 157.205(b) and 157.208(c), the certificate holder is authorized to acquire, construct, modify, replace, and operate natural gas facilities that are used to transport either a mix of synthetic and natural gas or exclusively revaporized liquefied natural gas and that are not “related jurisdictional natural gas facilities” as defined in § 153.2(e) of this chapter. The cost of a project may not exceed the cost limitation provided in column 2 of table 1 to § 157.208(d). The certificate holder must not segment projects in order to meet this cost limitation.

[Order 686, 71 FR 63693, Oct. 31, 2006, as amended at 89 FR 16684, Mar. 8, 2024]
§ 157.213 - Underground storage field facilities.

(a) Automatic authorization. If the project cost does not exceed the cost limitations provided in column 1 of table 1 to § 157.208(d), the certificate holder may acquire, construct, modify, replace, and operate facilities for the remediation and maintenance of an existing underground storage facility, provided the storage facility's certificated physical parameters—including total inventory, reservoir pressure, reservoir and buffer boundaries, and certificated capacity remain unchanged—and provided compliance with environmental and safety provisions is not affected. The certificate holder must not alter the function of any well that is drilled into or is active in the management of the storage facility. The certificate holder must not segment projects in order to meet this cost limitation.

(b) Prior Notice. Subject to the notice requirements of §§ 157.205(b) and 157.208(c), the certificate holder is authorized to acquire, construct, modify, replace, and operate natural gas underground storage facilities, provided the storage facility's certificated physical parameters—including total inventory, reservoir pressure, reservoir and buffer boundaries, and certificated capacity remain unchanged—and provided compliance with environmental and safety provisions is not affected. The cost of a project may not exceed the cost limitation provided in column 2 of table 1 to § 157.208(d). the certificate holder must not segment projects in order to meet this cost limitation.

(c) Contents of request. In addition to the requirements of §§ 157.206(b) and 157.208(c), requests for activities authorized under paragraph (b) of this section must contain, to the extent necessary to demonstrate that the proposed project will not alter a storage reservoir's total inventory, reservoir pressure, reservoir or buffer boundaries, or certificated capacity:

(1) A description of the current geological interpretation of the storage reservoir, including both the storage formation and the caprock, including summary analysis of any recent cross-sections, well logs, quantitative porosity and permeability data, and any other relevant data for both the storage reservoir and caprock;

(2) The latest isopach and structural maps of the storage field, showing the storage reservoir boundary, as defined by fluid contacts or natural geological barriers; the protective buffer boundary; the surface and bottomhole locations of the existing and proposed injection/withdrawal wells and observation wells; and the lengths of open-hole sections of existing and proposed injection/withdrawal wells;

(3) Isobaric maps (data from the end of each injection and withdrawal cycle) for the last three injection/withdrawal seasons, which include all wells, both inside and outside the storage reservoir and within the buffer area;

(4) A detailed description of present storage operations and how they may change as a result of the new facilities or modifications. Include a detailed discussion of all existing operational problems for the storage field, including but not limited to gas migration and gas loss;

(5) Current and proposed working gas volume, cushion gas volume, native gas volume, deliverability (at maximum and minimum pressure), maximum and minimum storage pressures, at the present certificated maximum capacity or pressure, with volumes and rates in MMcf and pressures in psia;

(6) The latest field injection/withdrawal capability studies including curves at present and proposed working gas capacity, including average field back pressure curves and all other related data;

(7) The latest inventory verification study for the storage field, including methodology, data, and work papers;

(8) The shut-in reservoir pressures (average) and cumulative gas-in-place (including native gas) at the beginning of each injection and withdrawal season for the last 10 years; and

(9) A detailed analysis, including data and work papers, to support the need for additional facilities (wells, gathering lines, headers, compression, dehydration, or other appurtenant facilities) for the modification of working gas/cushion gas ratio and/or to improve the capability of the storage field.

[Order 686, 71 FR 63693, Oct. 31, 2006, as amended by Order 686-A, 72 FR 37436, July 10, 2007; 89 FR 16684, Mar. 8, 2024]
§ 157.214 - Increase in storage capacity.

(a) Prior notice. Subject to the notice requirements of § 157.205, the certificate holder is authorized to increase the maximum volume of natural gas authorized to be stored in a storage field to the extent that geological data and operating experience have demonstrated that a volume of natural gas greater than that currently certificated may be safely stored without the construction of additional facilities.

(b) Contents of request. In addition to the requirements of § 157.205(b), requests filed for activities described in paragraph (a) shall contain:

(1) Current and requested maximum storage capacity;

(2) Current and requested maximum storage pressure;

(3) Average depth of the storage formation;

(4) Copies of any geological or engineering studies that demonstrate the feasibility of the increase in storage volume; and

(5) A statement setting forth the purpose of the proposed increased capacity.

(c) Reporting requirements. For any storage facility whose capacity is increased pursuant to this section, the certificate holder shall submit, in the manner prescribed in § 385.2011 of this chapter, semi-annual reports (to coincide with the termination of the injection and withdrawal cycles) containing the information listed in subdivisions (1) through (8) of this paragraph. The certificate holder shall continue to file semi-annual reports until the storage inventory volume has reached, or closely approximates, the maximum specified in the request. Thereafter, the reports shall continue on a semi-annual basis for a period of one year. The filing of reports shall be discontinued thereafter unless otherwise ordered by the Commission. (Volumes shall be stated at 14.73 psia and 60 °F, and pressures shall be stated in psia.)

(1) The daily volume of natural gas injected into and withdrawn from the storage reservoir.

(2) The volume of natural gas in the reservoir at the end of the reporting period.

(3) The maximum daily injection or withdrawal rate experienced during the reporting period and the average working pressure on such maximum days taken at a central measuring point where the total volume injected or withdrawn is measured.

(4) Results of any tracer program by which the leakage of injected gas may be determined. If the leakage of gas exists, the report should show the estimated total volume of gas leakage, the volume of recycled gas and the remaining inventory of gas in the reservoir at the end of the reporting period.

(5) Any surveys of pressures in gas wells, water levels in observation wells, pump test results for the aquifer-type reservoirs, and the results of back-pressure tests conducted during the reporting period.

(6) The latest revised structure and isopachous contour maps showing the location of the wells, the location and extent of the gas bubble in the storage reservoir for aquifer-type reservoirs and in any other reservoirs of the project in which gas bubbles are known to exist. This map need not be filed if there is no material change from the map previously filed.

(7) Discussion of current operating problems and conclusions.

(8) Such other data or reports which may aid the Commission in the evaluation of the storage project.

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982, as amended by Order 493, 53 FR 15030, Apr. 27, 1988]
§ 157.215 - Underground storage testing and development.

(a) Automatic authorization. The certificate holder is authorized to acquire, construct and operate natural gas pipeline and compression facilities, including injection, withdrawal, and observation wells for the testing or development of underground reservoirs for the possible storage of gas, if:

(1) The testing and development of a particular storage project will be completed within a three-year-period;

(2) The quantity of natural gas injected into the prospective storage fields pursuant to the blanket certificate does not exceed a total of 10,000,000 Mcf at any time in all fields with no more than 2,000,000 Mcf injected into any single field;

(3) Gas will be injected for testing purposes only during off-peak periods;

(4) The storage field developed pursuant to this section will not be utilized to render service without further authorization from the Commission, except that gas may be withdrawn on occasion for testing purposes; and

(5) The total expenditures per calendar year pursuant to this section do not exceed the amount specified in table 1 to this paragraph (a)(5) as adjusted pursuant to § 157.208(d). These costs shall include expenditures for leases, wells, pipeline, compressors, and related facilities, but shall exclude the cost of the natural gas to be used for testing purposes.

Table 1 to Paragraph (a)(5)

Year Limit

(b) Reporting requirements—(1) Annual reports. For any storage project tested or developed pursuant to this section, the certificate holder shall file, in the manner prescribed in §§ 157.6(a) and 385.2011 of this chapter as part of the annual report required under § 157.207(a), the following information:

(i) A description of the facilities constructed and the type of storage reservoir, i.e., gas expansion or dry gas, water-drive or aquifer;

(ii) The location of the facilities;

(iii) The cost of such facilities, the date construction began, and the date they were placed in service;

(iv) The monthly volumes of gas injected into and withdrawn from each reservoir;

(v) An estimate of the storage capacity and daily deliverability of each project; and

(vi) A description of the contacts made, reports produced, and results of consultations which took place to ensure compliance with the Endangered Species Act, the National Historic Preservation Act and the Coastal Zone Management Act.

(2) Quarterly reports. If the reservoir to be tested and developed is an aquifer-type reservoir, the certificate holder shall file, in the manner prescribed in §§ 157.6(a) and 385.2011 of this chapter unless otherwise ordered by the commission, for each such project quarterly reports, under oath, until the project is either certificated for regular service or abandoned. The quarterly report shall contain the following information in addition to the data required by paragraph (b)(1) of this section:

(i) The daily volumes of natural gas injected into and withdrawn from the aquifer during the quarter and the volume of gas in the aquifer at the end of each month;

(ii) The maximum daily injection or withdrawal rate experienced during the quarter and the average working pressure on such maximum days taken at a central measuring point where the total volume injected or withdrawn is measured;

(iii) Results of any tracer program by which leakage of gas may be determined;

(iv) Any pressure surveys of gas wells and water levels in observation wells conducted during the quarter by individual well, and copies of any core analyses, gamma ray, neutron or other electric log surveys and back-pressure tests taken during the quarter;

(v) A map of the storage project showing the location of the wells, the latest revised structure contours, and the location and extent of the gas bubble. This map need not be filed if there is no material change from the map previously filed; and

(vi) Such other data or reports which may aid the Commission in the evaluation of the project.

(c) Accounting. The cost of any project ultimately determined to be infeasible for storage shall be charged to Account No. 822 of part 201, Underground Storage Exploration and Development Expenses.

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 157.215, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 157.216 - Abandonment.

(a) Automatic authorization. The certificate holder is authorized pursuant to section 7(b) of the Natural Gas Act to abandon gas supply facilities, and:

(1) A receipt or delivery point, or related supply or delivery lateral, provided the facility has not been used to provide:

(i) Interruptible transportation service during the one year period prior to the effective date of the proposed abandonment, or

(ii) Firm transportation service during the one year period prior to the effective date of the proposed abandonment, provided the point is no longer covered under a firm contract; or

(2)(i) An auxiliary facility as described in § 2.55(a) of this chapter when the abandonment:

(A) Will not exceed the cost limit in § 157.208(d) for activities under the automatic provisions;

(B) Will have no adverse impact on customers' certificated services; and

(C) Cannot satisfy the right-of-way, facility site, and work space limitations for the pre-granted abandonment authority in § 2.55(a)(3);

(ii) A replacement facility that was or could have been constructed under § 2.55(b) of this chapter, provided the current cost to construct the facilities would not exceed the cost limit in § 157.208(d) for activities under the automatic provisions and the certificate holder obtains the written consent of each customer served using the facility during the past 12 months;

(iii) Any other facility that did or could now qualify for automatic authorization as described in § 157.203(b), provided the certificate holder obtains the written consent of each customer served using the facility during the past 12 months.

(b) Prior notice. Subject to the notice requirements of § 157.205, the certificate holder is authorized pursuant to section 7(b) of the Natural Gas Act to abandon:

(1) Any receipt or delivery point if all of the existing customers of the pipeline served through the receipt or delivery point consent in writing to the abandonment. When filing a request for authorization of the proposed abandonment under the notice procedures of § 157.205, the certificate holder shall notify, in writing, the State public service commission having regulatory authority over retail service to the customers served through the delivery point.

(2)(i) An auxiliary facility as described in § 2.55(a) of this chapter when the abandonment:

(A) Will not exceed the cost limit in § 157.208(d) for activities under the prior notice provisions;

(B) Will have no adverse impact on customers' certificated services; and

(C) Cannot satisfy the right-of-way, facility site, and work space limitations for the pre-granted abandonment authority in § 2.55(a)(3).

(ii) A replacement facility that was or could have been constructed under § 2.55(b) of this chapter, provided the current cost to construct the facilities would not exceed the cost limit in § 157.208(d) for activities under the prior notice provisions and the certificate holder obtains the written consent of each customer served using the facility during the past 12 months;

(iii) Any other facility that did or could now qualify for prior notice authorization as described in § 157.203(c), provided the certificate holder obtains the written consent of each customer served using the facility during the past 12 months.

(c) Contents of request. In addition to the requirements of § 157.205(b), requests filed for activities described under paragraph (b) shall describe:

(1) The location, type, size, and length of the subject facilities. For facilities not constructed or acquired under blanket certificate authority, an estimate of the current cost to replicate such facilities;

(2) The docket authorizing the construction and operation of the facilities to be abandoned;

(3) For each facility an oath statement that all of the customers served during the past year by the subject facilities have consented to the abandonment, or an explanation of why the customers' consent is not available;

(4) A proposed accounting treatment of any facilities to be abandoned.

(5) For any abandonment resulting in earth disturbance, a USGS 7 1/2-minute-series (scale 1:24,000 or 1:25,000) topographic map (or map of equivalent or greater detail, as appropriate) showing the location of the proposed facilities and a concise analysis discussing the relevant issues outlined in § 380.12 of this chapter.

(d) Reporting requirements. The annual report filed by the certificate holder shall contain, for each abandonment authorized under paragraph (a) of this section:

(1) A description of the facilities abandoned under this section. For facilities not constructed or acquired under blanket certificate authority, an estimate of the current cost to replicate such facilities;

(2) The docket number(s) of the certificate(s) authorizing the construction and operation of the facilities to be abandoned;

(3) The accounting treatment of the facilities abandoned; and

(4) The date earth disturbance, if any, related to the abandonment began and the date the facilities were abandoned; and

(5) The date of the agreements obtained pursuant to § 157.206(b)(3), if earth disturbance was involved.

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982, as amended by Order 234-A, 47 FR 38877, Sept. 3, 1982; Order 603, 64 FR 26609, May 14, 1999; Order 603-A, 64 FR 54536, Oct. 7, 1999; Order 686, 71 FR 63694, Oct. 31, 2006; 72 FR 54820, Sept. 27, 2007; Order 790-B, 80 FR 43949, July 24, 2015; 80 FR 50559, Aug. 20, 2015]
§ 157.217 - Changes in rate schedules.

(a) Automatic authorization. The certificate holder is authorized to permit an existing customer, at the customer's request, to change from part 157 individually certificated transportation or storage service to part 284 transportation or storage service, and to abandon the part 157 service, if:

(1) The combined volumetric limitations on deliveries to the customer under both rate schedules are not increased, for either annual or peak day limitations;

(2) The conversion will reflect all the maximum rates and charges associated with the service;

(3) The changes are consistent with the terms of the effective tariffs on file with the Commission. The certificate holder is granted a limited waiver of its tariff requiring posting of available capacity.

(4) The certificate holder shall make a filing to reflect removal of the part 157 rate schedule from its tariff. This tariff filing must be filed in the electronic format required by § 154.4 of this chapter.

(b) Reporting requirements. In the annual report for any year in which the certificate holder has permitted an existing customer to change from one rate schedule to another pursuant to this section, the certificate holder shall state:

(1) The name of the customer;

(2) The rate schedules and associated rates involved; and

(3) The effective date of the change.

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982, as amended by Order 603, 64 FR 26609, May 14, 1999; Order 603-A, 64 FR 54537, Oct. 7, 1999; Order 714, 73 FR 57535, Oct. 3, 2008]
§ 157.218 - Changes in customer name.

(a) Automatic authorization. The effective certificates of the certificate holder may be amended to the extent necessary to reflect the change in the name of an existing customer, if the certificate holder has filed any necessary conforming changes in its Index of Customers, including the customer's old name.

(b) Reporting requirements. For each customer name change authorized during a calendar year, the certificate holder shall include as a part of its annual report:

(1) The old and new names of the customer; and

(2) A brief explanation of the reason for the name change.

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982, as amended by Order 603, 64 FR 26609, May 14, 1999]
Appendix Appendix I - Appendix I to Subpart F of Part 157—Procedures for Compliance With the Endangered Species Act of 1973 Under § 157.206(b)(3)(i)

The following procedures apply to any certificate holder which undertakes a project to be authorized under a blanket certificate issued pursuant to subparts E or F of part 157 and to any other service subject to § 157.206(b) of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (Commission) regulations.

Pursuant to § 157.206(b)(7) of the Commission's regulations, the certificate holder shall, upon acceptance of its blanket certificate, be designated as the Commission's non-Federal representative to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in order to conduct informal consultations with those agencies. For purposes of this appendix, “listed species” and “critical habitat” shall have the same meanings as set forth in 50 CFR 402.02. The certificate holder shall be deemed in compliance with § 157.206(b)(2)(vi) of the Commission's regulations only if, prior to constructing facilities or abandoning facilities by removal under the blanket certificate, it complies with the following procedures:

1. The certificate holder shall contact the appropriate regional office of either the FWS or the NMFS (or both the FWS and the NMFS, if appropriate) as determined pursuant to 50 CFR 402.01 for the purpose of initiating informal consultations.

2. The certificate holder shall be deemed in compliance with § 157.206(b)(2)(vi) of the Commission's regulations if the consulted agency (either the FWS or NMFS, or both if appropriate) initially determines, pursuant to the informal consultations:

(a) That no listed species or its critical habitat occur in the project area; and

(b) That no species proposed to be listed under 16 U.S.C. 1533 or its critical habitat occur in the project area.

3. If the consulted agency, pursuant to the informal consultations, initially determines that any species proposed to be listed under 16 U.S.C. 1533 or its critical habitat occur in the project area, then the certificate holder shall confer with the consulted agency on how potential impact can be avoided or reduced. Upon completion of the conference and the implementation of any mitigating measures the certificate holder elects to implement, and compliance with paragraph 4 of this Appendix, if applicable, the certificate holder shall be deemed in compliance with § 157.206(b)(2)(vi) of the Commission's regulations.

4. (a) If the consulted agency initially determines, pursuant to the informal consultations, that a listed species or its critical habitat may occur in the project area, then the certificate holder shall continue informal consultation with the consulted agency to determine if the proposed project may affect such species or habitat. Continued informal consultations may include discussions with experts (including experts provided by the consulted agency), field surveys, biological assessments, and formulation of mitigation measures.

(b) The certificate holder shall be deemed in compliance with § 157.206(b)(2)(vi) of the Commission's regulations if the consulted agency agrees with the certificate holder's determination resulting from the continued informal consultations, that the proposed project is not likely to adversely affect a listed species or critical habitat, or that no further consultation is necessary.

(c) If the consulted agency does not agree with such determination by the certificate holder, or if the certificate holder concludes that the proposed project may affect listed species or the critical habitat of such species, then the certificate holder may not proceed with the proposed project under the blanket certificate.

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982, as amended by Order 436, 50 FR 42491, Oct. 18, 1985; Order 603, 64 FR 26609, May 14, 1999; Order 603-A, 64 FR 54537, Oct. 7, 1999]
Appendix Appendix II - Appendix II to Subpart F of Part 157—Procedures for Compliance With the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 Under § 157.206(b)(3)(ii)

The following procedures apply to any certificate holder which undertakes a project under the authority of a blanket certificate issued pursuant to subparts E or F of part 157 and to any other service subject to § 157.206(b) of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (Commission) regulations. For the purposes of this appendix, the following definitions apply:

(a) “Listed property” means any district, site, building, structure or object which is listed (1) on the National Register of Historic Places, or (2) in the Federal Register as a property determined to be eligible for inclusion on the National Register.

(b) “SHPO” means the State Historic Preservation Officer or any alternative person duly designated, in accordance with section (1)(b) of Appendix II to Subpart F, to advise on cultural resource matters.

(c) “Unlisted property” means any district, site, building, structure or object which is not a listed property.

(d) “THPO” means the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, as defined at 36 CFR 800.2(c)(2).

The certificate holder shall be deemed to be in compliance with § 157.206(b)(2)(iii) of the Commission's regulations only if, prior to constructing facilities or abandoning facilities by removal under the blanket certificate, it complies with the following procedures:

(1)(a) If federally administered land would be directly affected by the project, then the procedures used by the appropriate Tribal or Federal land managing agency to comply with section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, 16 U.S.C. 470f,shall. The procedures in this appendix apply to State and private lands, and Federal lands for which there are no other Federal procedures.

(b) If there is no SHPO, or THPO, if appropriate, or if the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, declines to consult with the certificate holder, the certificate holder shall so inform the environmental staff of the Office of Energy Projects and shall not proceed with these procedures or the project until an alternate consultant has been duly designated.

(2) It shall be the certificate holder's responsibility to identify or cause to be identified listed properties and unlisted properties that satisfy the National Register Criteria for Evaluation (36 CFR 1202.6), that are located within the area of the project's potential environmental impact and that may be affected by the undertaking.

(3) The certificate holder shall:

(a) Check the National Register of Historic Places and consult with the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, to identify all listed properties within the area of the project's potential environmental impact;

(b) Consult with the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, and to the extent deemed appropriate by the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, check public records and consult with other individuals and organizations with historical and cultural expertise, to determine whether unlisted properties that satisfy the National Register Criteria for Evaluation are known or likely to occur within the area of the project's potential environmental impact; and

(c) Consult with the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, to determine the need for surveys to identify unknown unlisted properties. The certificate holder shall evaluate the eligibility of any known unlisted properties located within the area of the project's potential environmental impact according to the National Register Criteria for Evaluation.

(4) The certificate holder shall be deemed in compliance with § 157.206(b)(2)(iii) of the Commission's regulations if the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, agrees with the certificate holder that no survey is required, and that no listed properties or unlisted properties that satisfy the National Register Criteria for Evaluation occur in the area of the project's potential environmental impact.

(5) If the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, determines that surveys are required to ensure that no listed properties, or unlisted properties that satisfy the National Register Criteria for Evaluation, occur within the area of the project's potential environmental impact, the certificate holder shall perform surveys deemed by the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, to be of sufficient scope and intensity to identify and evaluate such properties. The certificate holder shall submit the results of the surveys including a statement as to which unlisted properties satisfy the National Register Criteria for Evaluation, to the SHPO and solicit comments on the surveys and the conclusions.

(6) The certificate holder shall be deemed in compliance with § 157.206(b)(2)(iii) of the Commission's regulations if, upon conclusion of the surveys, the certificate holder and the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, agree that no listed properties, and no unlisted properties which satisfy the National Register Criteria for Evaluation, occur in the area of the project's potential environmental impact.

(7) For each listed property, and each unlisted property which satisfies the National Register Criteria for Evaluation, which is located within the area of the project's potential environmental impact, the certificate holder, in consultation with the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, shall apply the Criteria of Effect (36 CFR 800.5) to determine whether the project will have an effect upon the historical, architectural, archeological, or cultural characteristics of the property that qualified it to meet National Register Criteria for Evaluation. The certificate holder shall be deemed in compliance with § 157.206(b)(2)(iii) of the Commission's regulations if the certificate holder and the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, agree that the project will not affect these characteristics.

(8) If either the certificate holder or the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, finds that the project may affect a listed property or an unlisted property which satisfies the National Register Criteria for Evaluation, located within the area of the project's potential environmental impact, then the project shall not be authorized under the blanket certificate unless such properties can be avoided by relocation of the project to an area where the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, agrees that no listed properties or unlisted properties that satisfy the National Register Criteria for Evaluation occur. The certificate holder shall be deemed in compliance with § 157.206(b)(2)(iii) of the Commission's regulations if the project is relocated as described above.

(9) If the certificate holder and the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, are unable to agree upon the need for a survey, the adequacy of a survey, or the results of application of the National Register Criteria for Evaluation to an unlisted property, the project shall not be authorized under the blanket certificate.

[Order 603, 64 FR 26610, May 14, 1999, as amended by Order 603-A, 64 FR 54537, Oct. 7, 1999; Order 699, 72 FR 45325, Aug. 14, 2007]
source: 17 FR 7386, Aug. 14, 1952, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 18 CFR 157.202