Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 18 - Conservation of Power and Water Resources last revised: Sep 25, 2024
§ 284.261 - Purpose.

This subpart exempts a person who engages in an emergency natural gas transaction, as defined for purposes of this subpart, in interstate commerce from the certificate requirements of section 7 of the Natural Gas Act and from the conditions of § 284.10, except as provided in § 284.266, and §§ 284.7-284.9 and §§ 284.11-284.13 of subpart A of this chapter.

§ 284.262 - Definitions.

For purposes of this subpart:

Emergency means:

(1) Any situation in which an actual or expected shortage of gas supply or capacity would require an interstate pipeline company, intrastate pipeline, local distribution company, or Hinshaw pipeline to curtail deliveries of gas or provide less than the projected level of service to any pipeline customer, including any situation in which additional supplies or capacity are necessary to ensure a pipeline's contracted level of service to any customer, but not including any situation in which additional supplies or capacity are needed to increase the contracted level of service to an existing customer or to provide service to a new customer; or

(2) A sudden unanticipated loss of natural gas supply or capacity; or

(3) An anticipated loss of natural gas supply or capacity due to a foreseeable facility outage resulting from a landslide or riverbed erosion or other natural forces beyond the participant's control. Participants may seek a temporary certificate under §§ 157.17 of this chapter if the facilities to remedy the emergency cannot be constructed automatically under § 2.55(b) or § 157.208(a) of this chapter.

(4) A situation in which the participant, in good faith, determines that immediate action is required or is reasonably anticipated to be required for protection of life or health or for maintenance of physical property.

Emergency does not mean any situation resulting from a failure by any person to transport natural gas under subpart B, C, or G of this part.

Projected level of service means the level of gas volumes to be delivered by the company for each customer and additional gas volumes needed by a customer due solely to a weather-induced increase in requirements.

Emergency natural gas means natural gas sold, transported, or exchanged in an emergency natural gas transaction.

Emergency natural gas transaction means the sale, transportation, or exchange of natural gas (including the construction and operation of necessary facilities) conducted pursuant to this subpart, that is:

(1) Necessary to alleviate an emergency; and

(2) Not anticipated to extend for more than 60 days in duration.

Emergency facilities means any facilities necessary to alleviate the emergency within the time frame established in § 284.264(b). Participants can seek permanent authority to operate the emergency facilities either under the temporary certificate provisions of § 157.17 of this chapter or the prior notice provisions of § 157.208(b) of this chapter.

Participant means any first seller, interstate pipeline, intrastate pipeline, local distribution company or Hinshaw pipeline that participates in an emergency natural gas transaction under this subpart.

Recipient means:

(1) In the case of a sale of emergency natural gas, the purchaser of such gas; or

(2) In the case of a transportation or exchange of natural gas when there is no sale of emergency natural gas under this subpart, the participant who receives the gas.

Hinshaw pipeline means a pipeline that is exempt from the Natural Gas Act jurisdiction of the Commission by reason of section 1(c) of the Natural Gas Act.

[Order 603, 64 FR 26610, May 14, 1999]
§ 284.263 - Exemption from section 7 of Natural Gas Act and certain regulatory conditions.

Any participant that engages in an emergency natural gas transaction conducted in accordance with this subpart is exempt from the requirements of section 7 of the Natural Gas Act and the conditions of § 284.10, except as provided in § 284.266, and from the requirements of §§ 284.7-284.9 and §§ 284.11-284.13 of subpart A of this part. Participation in any emergency natural gas transaction will not subject any participant to the jurisdiction of the Commission under section 7 of the Natural Gas Act except to the extent such transaction is provided for in this subpart.

§ 284.264 - Terms and conditions.

(a) General conditions. (1) A participant must make every reasonable attempt to minimize use of emergency natural gas transactions.

(2) Before deliveries of emergency natural gas commence, a responsible official of the recipient must provide any participants in the emergency natural gas transaction sufficient information to enable the participants to form a good faith belief that an emergency exists or is imminent.

(3) No participant may engage in an emergency natural gas transaction if its participation will adversely affect service to its existing customers.

(4) A participant may not sell emergency natural gas if, during the term of the sale, it is also purchasing emergency natural gas under this subpart, except when natural gas is being sold to relieve an emergency on another, separate segment of the participant's system.

(5) An interstate pipeline, acting in an emergency gas transaction as a broker or agent on behalf of another participant or any other person, may not receive compensation for such brokerage or agency service.

(6) A recipient of emergency natural gas that directly benefits from the service must:

(i) Provide line loss and the fuel volumes required to transport the emergency natural gas; and

(ii) Pay for the facilities required to be constructed to conduct the emergency natural gas transaction.

(b) Duration—(1) Emergency sale or transportation. An emergency natural gas transaction is limited to 60 consecutive calendar days, except that such transaction may be continued for an additional 60 consecutive days if:

(i) Fifteen days prior to the end of the initial 60-day period, the recipient of emergency natural gas files a petition that:

(A) Describes fully the continued emergency,

(B) Requests a waiver of the initial 60-day limitation and permission for an extension of the transaction for an additional 60 days; and

(ii) Within the 15-day period, the Commission does not, by order, prohibit continuation of the emergency natural gas transaction for the additional 60-day period.

(2) Redelivery in emergency exchange. The redelivery of emergency natural gas received under an exchange arrangement must occur within 180 consecutive days following the termination of deliveries of the emergency natural gas.

§ 284.265 - Cost recovery by interstate pipeline.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), an interstate pipeline that provides emergency natural gas, whether from its system supply or by special purchase, must directly assign the emergency gas costs to the recipient.

(b) If an interstate pipeline cannot identify individual recipients, the interstate pipeline must roll the emergency gas costs into its general system supply costs.

§ 284.266 - Rates and charges for interstate pipelines.

(a) Transportation rates—(1) Rate on file. If an interstate pipeline has on file with the Commission an effective transportation rate schedule that conforms to § 284.10, it must use volumetric rates based upon fully-allocated costs and adjusted only for time and distance.

(2) Rate not on file. If an interstate pipeline does not have on file with the Commission a transportation rate schedule that conforms to § 284.10, it may:

(i) Base its rates upon the methodology used in designing rates to recover the transmission and related storage costs included in one of its then-effective sales rates schedules; or

(ii) Use the rates contained in one of its transportation rate schedules on file with the Commission which the interstate pipeline determines covers service comparable to transportation service authorized under this subpart.

(b) Interstate pipeline costs excluded from rate base. An interstate pipeline may not include in its jurisdictional rate base any cost associated with facilities installed and operated in connection with an emergency natural gas transaction unless a certificate of public convenience and necessity has been issued authorizing the costs. Absent a certificate, such facilities may only be used to conduct emergency natural gas transactions or transactions authorized under section 311 of the NGPA.

[Order 449, 51 FR 9187, Mar. 18, 1986, as amended by Order 581, 60 FR 53074, Oct. 11, 1995]
§ 284.267 - Intrastate pipeline emergency transportation rates.

General rule. Rates and charges for transportation of emergency gas by intrastate pipelines authorized under this subpart must be determined in accordance with § 284.123 of this chapter.

§ 284.268 - Local distribution company emergency transportation rates.

(a) Rate on file. A local distribution company that has a rate on file with an appropriate state regulatory agency for city-gate transportation services must determine its rates and charges for transportation of emergency natural gas in accordance with § 284.123 of this chapter.

(b) Rate not on file. A local distribution company that does not have a rate on file with an appropriate state regulatory agency for city-gate transportation services must determine its rates and charges for transportation of emergency natural gas (per unit volume of emergency natural gas transported) in accordance with § 284.224(e)(2)(ii) of this chapter.

§ 284.269 - Intrastate pipeline and local distribution company emergency sales rates.

An intrastate pipeline or local distribution company must determine its rates for sales of emergency natural gas under this subpart in accordance with § 284.142.

[Order 449, 51 FR 9187, Mar. 18, 1986, as amended by Order 581, 60 FR 53074, Oct. 11, 1995]
§ 284.270 - Reporting requirements.

(a) Forty-eight hour report for sales transactions. Within 48 hours after deliveries of emergency natural gas commence, the purchasing participant must notify the Commission by email, facsimile or other written report of the sale, stating, in the following sequences:

(1) That the report is submitted pursuant to § 284.270 for an emergency natural gas transaction;

(2) The date deliveries commenced;

(3) The specific nature of the situation, explained in sufficient detail to demonstrate how the situation qualifies as an emergency under § 284.262 and under the conditions of § 284.264, and anticipated duration of the emergency;

(4) The estimated total amount and average daily amount of emergency natural gas to be purchased during the term of the transaction;

(5) The purchase price of the emergency natural gas;

(6) The transportation rate; and

(7) The identity of all participants involved in the transaction, including any customers to whom the emergency natural gas is to be assigned.

(b) Forty-eight hour report for transportation (excluding exchanges). Within 48 hours after deliveries commence in an emergency natural gas transaction which does not involve the sale of emergency natural gas, the recipient of emergency natural gas shall notify the Commission by email, facsimile or other written report of the transportation, stating, in the following sequence:

(1) That the report is submitted pursuant to § 284.270 for an emergency transaction;

(2) The date deliveries commenced;

(3) The specific nature of the situation, explained in sufficient detail to demonstrate how the situation qualifies as an emergency under § 284.262 and under the conditions of § 284.264, and anticipated duration of the emergency;

(4) The estimated total amount and average daily amount of emergency natural gas to be transported during the term of the transaction;

(5) The transportation rate; and

(6) The identity of all the participants involved in the transaction.

(c) Forty-eight hour report for exchanges. Within 48 hours after an exchange transaction for emergency natural gas commences, the initial recipient of the exchange volumes must notify the Commission by email, facsimile or other written report of the exchange, stating, in the following sequence:

(1) That the report is for and submitted pursuant to § 284.270 for an emergency transaction;

(2) The date the exchange commenced;

(3) The specific nature of the situation, explained in sufficient detail to clearly demonstrate how the situation qualifies as an emergency under § 284.262 and under the conditions of § 284.264, and anticipated duration of the emergency;

(4) The estimated total amount and average daily amount of emergency natural gas to be exchanged during the term of the transaction;

(5) The identity of all participants involved in the transaction;

(6) Whether the exchange is simultaneous or deferred, or any imbalances in the volumes;

(7) Whether the exchange is on a thermal or volumetric basis; and

(8) The rates or charges, if any, for the exchange service.

(d) Termination report. Within thirty days after the emergency natural gas transaction ends, the participant that received the emergency natural gas shall file with the Commission a sworn statement and two conformed copies thereof, which must include the following information in the following sequence:

(1) A description of the emergency natural gas transaction, including sufficient information to clearly demonstrate how the situation qualifies as an emergency under § 284.262 and under the conditions of § 284.264; the commencement and termination dates; the date of the 48-hour report, and the method of resolving the emergency;

(2) Any corrections to the 48-hour report information supplied to the Commission under paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section or a statement that the information was correct;

(3) The volumes of the emergency natural gas delivered during the transaction;

(4) The total compensation received by the seller for the emergency sale;

(5) The total compensation paid for the emergency natural gas transportation or exchange service, if any;

(6) The methods by which such compensation was derived;

(7) The total volumes of natural gas whose cost was assigned to specific customers, and the total volumes whose cost was included in system supply;

(8) The information supplied to any other participant pursuant to § 284.264(a)(2); and

(9) A statement that the emergency natural gas transaction was carried out in accordance with this subpart, and that identifies the circumstances demonstrating an emergency existed or was imminent so as to require an emergency natural gas transaction.

[Order 46, 44 FR 52184, Sept. 7, 1979, as amended by Order 756, 77 FR 4894, Feb. 1, 2012]
§ 284.271 - Waiver.

The Commission may, by order, waive the requirements of this subpart in connection with any emergency natural gas transaction to the extent required by the public interest.

source: Order 46, 44 FR 52184, Sept. 7, 1979, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 18 CFR 284.264