Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 18 - Conservation of Power and Water Resources last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 300.10 - Application for confirmation and approval.
(a) General provisions—(1) Contents of filing. Any application under this subpart for confirmation and approval of rate schedules must include, as described in this section a letter of request for rate approval, a form of notice suitable for publication in the Federal Register in accordance with the specifications in § 385.203(d) of this chapter, the rate schedule, a statement of revenue and related costs, the order, if any, placing the rates into effect on an interim basis, the Administrator's Record of Decision or explanation of the rate development process, supporting documents, a certification, and technical supporting information and analysis. The form of notice shall be on electronic media as specified by the Secretary.
(2) Incorporation of information by reference. Any information required under this subpart that has previously been submitted to the Commission in substantially the same form as specified in this section may be incorporated by reference only.
(3) Time of filing. (i) Rate schedules put into effect on an interim basis by the Secretary of the Department of Energy, or a designee, and filed for final Commission approval must be filed not later than five days after interim approval is granted.
(ii) Rate schedules of the Bonneville Power Administration for which interim approval by the Commission is requested must be filed not later than 60 days in advance of the proposed effective date.
(iii) Rate schedules for which interim approval is not requested must be filed not later than 180 days in advance of the proposed effective date.
(4) Electronic filing. All material must be filed electronically in accordance with the requirements of § 35.7 of this chapter.
(b) Letter of request for rate approval. A letter of request for rate approval must contain the following information:
(1) A description of the period for which Commission approval is requested, delineated by an effective date and an expiration date, and, for the Bonneville Power Administration, a request, if any, for interim approval of the rates;
(2) A brief description of the proposed rates and charges under existing and proposed rate schedules and the expected changes, if any, in annual revenues; and
(3) A description of how the filed rate differs in rate level or rate structure from the rate schedule currently effective.
(c) Notice of filing. The notice of filing, suitable for publication in the Federal Register, must contain the following information:
(1) The identification number or description of the rate schedule or contract;
(2) If the rate schedule includes changes in rates, the dollar amount and percent increase or decrease in rates;
(3) If the rate schedule includes changes other than rates, a brief description of the changes;
(4) A brief explanation of the reasons for any proposed change in the rate schedule;
(5) A statement whether interim approval of Bonneville Power Administration rates is requested;
(6) The proposed effective date of the rate schedule; and
(7) The proposed rate approval period.
(d) Rate schedules. A filed rate schedule, as defined in § 300.1(b)(7), must describe the following, as appropriate:
(1) The class of service to which each rate schedule will apply and service areas or zones which will be affected by the filed rate;
(2) The rate to be applied to capacity and energy services or other services;
(3) Special provisions, such as discounts, penalties, power factor adjustments, service interruptions, unauthorized overruns and other similar provisions which may affect the rate and charges; and
(4) The period during which the rates will be effective.
(e) Statement of revenue and related costs. Each filing shall include a statement which includes cost (if available) and revenue data for each class of service as specified in each rate schedule for the proposed period.
(f) Explanation of rate development process and supporting documents. (1) The Administrator must file the entire record on which the final decision establishing a rate scheduled is based.
(2) The Administrator must file a Record of Decision, if one is made, or an explanation of the rate development process, if a Record of Decision is not made. The Record of Decision or the explanation of the rate development process must include:
(i) A discussion of issues raised by customers or the public and how such issues were resolved;
(ii) A discussion of all statutory, regulatory, or other requirements which governed the Administrator's decision;
(iii) A description of any methodology used for determining revenue requirements and for developing appropriate rate structures;
(iv) A list identifying all documents submitted for Commission consideration; and
(g) Certification. The Administrator must file a statement certifying that the rate is consistent with applicable laws and that it is the lowest possible rate consistent with sound business principles.
(h) Additional filing requirements. (1) The Administrator must file with the Commission any other information relevant to the Commission's ratemaking decision.
(2) The Administrator must file any other information requested by the Office of Energy Market Regulation as needed for Commission analysis of the rate filing.
[Order 382, 49 FR 25235, June 20, 1984, as amended by Order 541, 57 FR 21734, May 22, 1992; Order 593, 62 FR 1284, Jan. 9, 1997; Order 647, 69 FR 32439, June 10, 2004; Order 699, 72 FR 45325, Aug. 14, 2007; Order 701, 72 FR 61054, Oct. 29, 2007; Order 714, 73 FR 57536, Oct. 3, 2008]
§ 300.11 - Technical support for the rate schedule.
(a) Filing requirement. The Administrator must submit, in conjunction with any application under § 300.10, the technical support data described under paragraph (b) of this section and the analysis of data described under § 300.12 of this subpart.
(b) Data—(1) Statement A—Sales and Revenues. Statement A must include:
(i) Sales and revenues for each rate schedule for the last five years of the historic period, as defined in section 300.1(b)(3);
(ii) For the rate test period, the estimated annual sales and revenues for the existing and each proposed rate schedule, including a separate aggregation of any revenues from sources not covered by the rate schedule according to general classifications of such revenues; and
(iii) Brief explanations of how sales and revenue estimates are prepared and explanations of any changes in sales or revenues during the last five years of the historic period.
(2) Statement B—Power Resources. Statement B must contain a list of the capacity and energy resources for the last five years of the historic period and for the rate test period, used to support the sales and revenues figures contained in Statement A. The statement should identify resources according to the powerplant and any purchase or exchange agreement.
(3) Statement C—Capitalized investments or costs. (i) Statement C must account for all capitalized investments to be repaid from power revenues.
(ii) The statement shall include a listing, by year, of the following:
(A) All initial investments and additions to plant, including interest during construction, that produced revenue during the historic period or are expected to produce revenue during the rate test period;
(B) Capitalized deferred expenses; and
(C) Replacements made during the historic period and replacements projected to be made during the balance of the repayment period.
(iii) For each such investment, the statement shall specify:
(A) Whether the investment is an initial investment, an addition, a replacement, or a capitalized deferred annual expense;
(B) The date the investment was made;
(C) The year in which repayment is due to be completed;
(D) Whether the investment was financed through the issuance of revenue bonds, the appropriate interest rate, and the terms and conditions for such bonds; and
(E) The authority or administrative procedure used for the adoption of such interest rate.
(iv) If available, the amount repaid on each investment to date must be stated, except that if repayment on individual investments is not recorded, the amount repaid to date on each group of investments having common interest rates should be stated.
(v) For each year, the sum of unpaid individual investments or the unpaid portion of interest groups shown above must equal the unamortized investment shown in the power repayment study for that year.
(vi) The statement must describe the methods used to forecast replacements and the price level used to estimate replacement costs.
(4) Statement D—Interest Expenses; Repayment of Investments and Debt Capital. (i) For each capitalized investment and cost listed in Statement C, Statement D must describe, by interest group:
(A) The total unpaid balance outstanding at the end of the historic period;
(B) Payments made on principal and interest during each of the last five years of the historic period; and
(C) Annual payments expected to be made through the cost evaluation period.
(ii) The statement must describe how the interest expense was determined for each type of investment and include examples of such computations.
(5) Statement E—Operation, Maintenance and Other Annual Expenses. Statement E must contain, for the last five years of the historic period and for the rate test period, as appropriate, a tabulation of actual and projected operation and maintenance, administrative and general, purchased power, wheeling, and any other expenses, other than interest. Statement E must:
(i) List expenses for each individual source, if purchased power and other similar expenses are derived from more than one source;
(ii) Explain any significant deviations from trends in expenses or any extraordinary expenses; and
(iii) Explain the price level used for estimating expenses.
(6) Statement F—Cost Allocations. (i) Statement F must contain, for each multiple-purpose reservoir project, unit, division, or system, a table or other summary showing total investment costs, the total annual operation and maintenance costs, and the allocation of all such costs among the various authorized purposes.
(ii) The statement must show the amount of power costs suballocated to irrigation functions, any changes from previous allocations, and the procedure used in allocating such costs. Currently valid allocations previously submitted to the Commission need not be furnished, if referenced.
§ 300.12 - Analysis of supporting data.
(a) An analysis of the data provided under § 300.11 must be supported by an appropriate methodology developed by the Administrator.
(b) Revenue recovery study. (1) A study must be provided which supports the filed rate and charges, including a narrative statement that explains how the rates and charges meet the objective of recovering the revenue necessary to repay the Federal investment and other costs in a reasonable period of time.
(2) Any Power Repayment Study (PRS) submitted for this purpose must be developed using currently approved rates for estimating future revenues. If the filed rates differ from the current rates, the Administrator must provide a PRS which uses the level of revenues produced by the proposed rates. Unless otherwise required by statute, a PRS must contain only those investments in plant which will be in commercial operation during the proposed rate approval period, except replacements. Forecasts of costs beyond the rate test period must be based on conditions prevailing during the period, unless unusual circumstances warrant otherwise.
(3) A PRS must include, but need not be limited to, those items listed below:
(i) Operating revenues;
(ii) Operating expenses;
(iii) Interest expense;
(iv) Investment placed in service (using totals if the supporting statement annually shows a breakdown into the appropriate subcategories under each major heading), including the initial project, additions, replacements, and the total investment;
(v) Investment amortized;
(vi) Remaining unamortized investment;
(vii) Allowable unamortized investment (using totals if the supporting statement annually shows a breakdown into the appropriate subcategories under each major heading), including initial project, additions, replacements, and total investment;
(viii) Irrigation investment assigned to be repaid from power revenues (using totals if the supporting statement annually shows a breakdown into the appropriate subcategories under each major heading), including irrigation investment assigned to power, investment repaid, remaining unpaid investment, and allowable unpaid investment; and
(ix) Cumulative status of repayment.
(c) Cost of service study. For any project or system which provides more than one class of service for which differing rates are proposed, a cost of service study, if available, must be provided which shows how the costs of providing each service have been determined. If rates and charges have not been formulated on a cost related basis, the basis for each rate or charge should be explained.
§ 300.13 - Waiver of filing requirements.
The Administrator must request waiver of any requirement of this subpart if an application that does not fully comply with that requirement is not to be considered deficient. The request must state the Administrator's reasons for such noncompliance and show good cause for any waiver.
§ 300.14 - Filings under section 7(k).
Any application for Commission review and approval of a rate or rate schedules established by the Administrator of the Bonneville Power Administration pursuant to section 7(k) of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act must be filed in compliance with the provisions of § 35.13(a)(2) of part 35 of this chapter and with the provisions of this part, and must include the classifications, practices, rules and regulations affecting the rate and charges and all contracts which in any manner affect or relate to such rate, charges, classifications, services, rules, regulations, or practices. However, such classifications, practices, rules, regulations or contracts which may affect or relate to rates will not be subject to Commission approval unless they are determined to be rates or rate schedules.
[Order 323-B, 52 FR 20709, June 3, 1987]
source: Order 382, 49 FR 25235, June 20, 1984, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 18 CFR 300.14